Biodiversity and natural areas - Solvay 7 action lines Pierre Coërs HSE - Industrial Management

Page created by Gilbert Warner
Biodiversity and natural areas - Solvay 7 action lines Pierre Coërs HSE - Industrial Management
Biodiversity and natural areas
Solvay 7 action lines
                                   Pierre Coërs
                  HSE – Industrial Management

Biodiversity and natural areas - Solvay 7 action lines Pierre Coërs HSE - Industrial Management
Biodiversity and natural areas
 7 action lines for Solvay

1.   Rehabilitating large quarries
     and settling ponds
2.   Promoting biodiversity in our
3.   Taking part in protection of
     natural environment around
     our sites
4.   Ensuring sustainable
     biosourced raw materials
5.   Assessing the impact of our
     effluents on living organisms
6.   Protéger la ressource en eau
     dans les régions en stress
                                            (Solvay Elclor Brazil: large natural
7.   Supporting science on
     biodiversity                           areas to protect)
Biodiversity and natural areas - Solvay 7 action lines Pierre Coërs HSE - Industrial Management
1. Rehabilitating large quarries and
   settling ponds

                                       2000 ha replanted on Solvay lands,

                                        •   Multi-annual, large-scale rehabilitation
                                            programs of natural areas are on-going
                                            in many Solvay sites. In particular, the
                                            biological rehabilitation of old dikes and
                                            quarries on Solvay’s lands has been
                                            under way since decades.
                                        •   Around 2000 hectares have been
                                            actively replanted, often with trees.
                                            Some of the rehabilitated areas are even
                                            now recognized as nature reserves to be
                                        •   In addition, Solvay owns and maintains
                                            over 8000 hectares of land around its
                                            sites, where biodiversity is de facto
                                            protected from housing or roads and
                                            plays its role as a natural buffer.

        Example of Couillet, Belgium
Biodiversity and natural areas - Solvay 7 action lines Pierre Coërs HSE - Industrial Management
1bis. Rehabilitating natural areas
   2000 ha replanted on Solvay lands,

   example in Dombasle (Jura)
   • Partie importante des surfaces du
     site de l’usine gérée en «zones
     vertes », en zones humides et en
     plans d’eau, soit au total 300 ha.
   • 200.000 arbres et arbustes
Biodiversity and natural areas - Solvay 7 action lines Pierre Coërs HSE - Industrial Management
2. Promoting biodiversity in our sites

  Many action on a case
  by case basis in Solvay
  ex :
  •Neder Over Hembeek
                            Young falcons in Jemeppe, Belgium
  •Nature reserve in
  Santa Luce (Italy)
Biodiversity and natural areas - Solvay 7 action lines Pierre Coërs HSE - Industrial Management
3. Taking part in protection of natural
   environment around our sites
  Example : "Clean Up Day" (septembre 2012) du
  Galgenschor, une réserve naturelle le long l'Escaut
  (en face de Solvic Lillo).
  Journée organisée par Natuurpunt. Solvic Lillo a
  collaboré à nettoyer cette réserve naturelle (déchets
  venant des bâteaux sur l'Escaut).
Biodiversity and natural areas - Solvay 7 action lines Pierre Coërs HSE - Industrial Management
4. Ensuring sustainable biosourced raw

   Solvay’s green chemistry
   cover a range of renewable
   raw materials
   • wood pulp                                         Expected world Biomass Trade Routes (*)

   • bio-ethanol

   • C12-C14 alcohols

   • guar split

   • lauryl alcohol

   • hydrogenated coconut oil

   • glycerin

   • coconut fatty acid

   • + Several industrial projects thoroughly
     investigated in wood-based energy                   (*) based on projected final energy demand in 2020


Biodiversity and natural areas - Solvay 7 action lines Pierre Coërs HSE - Industrial Management
4bis Ensuring sustainable biosourced
  raw materials : The Epicerol® process
        The Epicerol® process is one of the world
      largest “green chemistry” industrial projects.
       It relies on natural glycerin, a by-product of
            biodiesel from rapeseed, oil palm or
       Solvay strives to work with suppliers who share its                          Solvay’s manufacturing units based on its proprietary
                                                                                    Epicerol process probably constitute one of the
          sustainability commitment.
                                                                                    world’s largest “green chemistry” projects (excluding
       • Rapeseed - of European origin, it is covered by the European               the biofuel industry), in terms of volumes of bio-
          Directive on renewable energy which commits suppliers to                  based chemicals produced. The Epicerol process
                                                                                    meets the 12 principles of green chemistry as defined
          various criteria of sustainability, including biodiversity.
                                                                                    by the US Environmental Protection Agency:
       • Oil palm - of Southeast Asia origin, suppliers are members of              • From the extraction of raw materials to the output of our
          the Round Table for Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO). Part of                  factories, the process reduces by 55% the consumption
          the supply by RSPO’s members is certified according to                    of non-renewable energy and by 60% (of which 35% of
                                                                                    biogenic CO2) the overall impact on climate change,
          RSPO’s criteria on protection of biodiversity, soil, water,...            compared to the conventional method based on
          and working conditions (no child labour).                                 propylene.
       • Soybean oil - of Latin America origin: the supplier is                     • In its own industrial perimeter, the Epicerol process
          committed to environmental specifications excluding                       reduces by a factor 8 the volume of chlorinated by-
                                                                                    products, of 10 the water consumption and of 2 the
          deforestation, child labour, or the irresponsible use of                  chlorine consumption. It also significantly reduces the
          pesticides.                                                               volume of liquid effluents.

                                       Chlorinated                            Water                                Chlorine
Pull out from oil                      byproducts                          consumption                           consumption
                                      divided by 8                         divided by 10                          divided by 2
Biodiversity and natural areas - Solvay 7 action lines Pierre Coërs HSE - Industrial Management
5. « Indices biotiques » pour mesurer
   l’impact sur la biodiversité aquatique
                         suivre l’amélioration continue de la
                         qualité de nos rejets aqueux (après
                         traitement physique et/ou biologique)
                         par des mesures in situ dans le
                         milieu naturel

                         la qualité écologique du milieu
                         récepteur aquatique (rivière, baie)
                         s’évalue par la richesse de sa flore
                         et de sa faune (biodiversité) –
                         « decision tree »
Biodiversity and natural areas - Solvay 7 action lines Pierre Coërs HSE - Industrial Management
6. Protecting ecosystems by saving the
   water resource
  35 sites identified as in
   potential water scarcity

  Action plans to reduce water
    withdrawals focus in priority          Example : Solvay now recycles
    on groundwater abstraction             water and has reduced
    and on the 35 sites
                                           consumption from phreatic by 4
    identified as in potential
    water scarcity situations,             million m3/year in its Rosignano
    current or future, due to              plant in Tuscany, protecting the
    climate change.                        phreatic and the natural
  • Currrent freshwhater water             ecosystems
    withdraxwals by Solvay
    amount to 600 Millions m3.
    The impact on water
    availability is lower as a
    large part of water is used                                                                  Rosignano Factory
                                                                   Rosignano factory soft water consumption
                                                                                        Site Water
                                                                                          Soft WaterConsum ption (excl sea water)
                                                                                                    Consumption                                         Total Consumption

    for cooling purposes and                                       10,0          0,6


                                             Consumption (Mm3/y)
                                                                                            2,5        3,3      3,3
                                                                    8,0   5,4                                            2,9           2,9       3,0
    then returned to the same                                       6,0
                                                                                            1,5        0,8      0,7
                                                                                                                         1,0           0,7
                                                                                                                                                          90 %
    environmental compartment

                                                                                 5,9        6,3        6,4      6,4
                                                                          5,4                                            5,6           5,8

                                                                                                                                                        Soft Water 10%
    (surface to surface).                                           0,0
                                                                          1998   2003
                                                                                           2006       2007
                                                                                                                2008    2009       2010
                                                                                                                 Public purif. plant
                                                                                                                                             ARET USA

7. Supporting science on biodiversity
                            Example : Technical and
                            financial support to
                            international scientific
                            Studying the biodiversity of
                            the tropical primary forest :
                            the “SolVin - Bretzel” in
                            Madagascar (2001),
                            Panama (2003),
                            the "Arbodôme" in Vanuatu
                            Islands (2006)
Biodiversité – Edward O Wilson
    Auteur de “The Crisis of Biological Diversity”, publié
    en 1985, (…)
•   « Nous devons la base même de notre existence à ce
    que produisent les plantes vertes, ainsi que des
    légions de micro-organismes et de tout petit
•   … « Le grand défi du XXIème siècle sera de donner à
    chacun sur terre un niveau de vie décent tout en
    préservant autant que possible ce qui reste du monde
    vivant. »

Approche milieu, exemple

                                                          Amélioration continue
                                                          de nos effluents par des
                                                          traitements physico-chimiques
                                                          et/ou biologiques

Suivi de la Qualité écologique
du milieu récepteur
par la mesure d’indices biotiques

Approche amont/aval rejet                                                IBGN
avec note associée                                            (macroinvertébrés benthiques)

                                    (microflore algale)
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