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Highlights Dr. Dirk Prust, Reiner Hammerl and Harald Klaiber I NDEX Group executive management (from left to right) Productive manufacturing solutions Time to set a new course The up-and-coming trend: complete machining — high-performance turning and milling of medium-size Dear customers and friends of the company, components with the new INDEX G300/G320 04 We finally have good cause to hope that the class, with three tools that can be used simul- Tool holders — Link between machine worst economic impacts of the coronavirus crisis taneously and with great flexibility. Its ease and cutting edge 14 may now be behind us. Many industries are be- of setup improves its range of potential appli- ginning to show signs of renewed growth. And cations, even with increasingly smaller batch A successful model that shows impressive continuity — today— quite rightly— a focus on sustainability sizes. The INDEX ABC CNC automatic lathe 22 and the responsible use of resources is opening Now featuring integrated Y axis functions, we the door to new prospects, with technologies are expanding the possible uses of the INDEX that offer a wide range of opportunities for ABC in a further evolutionary step. This opens Innovative technologies manufacturing expertise “Made in Germany”. up an extended range of workpieces for this In the coming years, industry will be driven by automatic production lathe that has already Intelligent workpiece handling — the demand for sustainability across the board. sold over 3,000 units and is known worldwide Automation solutions made by INDEX 24 This is particularly true of the transformation in for its reliability and speed. the automotive industry— regardless of the speed The versatile world of gearing technology — In the field of automation solutions, the iXcenter with which it happens—, but also applies to The special challenges presented XL, a robot cell that can be adapted to customer booming business with e-bikes and pedelecs, by drives for e-mobility 30 requirements, is now available for our largest the resurgent medical technology industry, the expected recovery in the aviation industry, and, turn-mill centers, the INDEX G420 and INDEX of course, to technologies for energy generation, G520. In addition to workpiece handling, it can Successful together also perform post-machining or setup tasks on storage, and transport. the machine. The Swiss machining service provider KNOEPFEL AG This need presents both manufacturers and has upgraded its rotary production processes users of machine tools with challenges and The new TRAUB TNL12 sliding headstock auto- to the latest standards 08 opportunities. After all, higher productivity, more matic lathe, which is already in volume produc- cutting edges in operation, better process inte- tion, will also be shown to the public for the first Sophisticated components in very small batches — gration and finishing in a single setup all mean time at EMO. RENNSTEIG offers flexible manufacturing of tools 26 a lower CO 2 footprint. Greater sustainability is Our range of new products is completed by therefore also more economical and will prove extended apps and functions for our iXworld Engine of growth: E-mobility — to be a key factor of future success. digitalization platform. These applications are E-bike drive components by hGears 32 Our new and updated products, which we will dedicated to increasing our customers’ OEE. be showing at EMO 2021 in Milan, take full Savings achieved: 50 percent — There’s plenty to read about over the following account of these requirements. A visit to KONESKO, the leading Estonian pages, and we do hope you will come and see manufacturer of electric motors 34 The new INDEX G320 turn-mill center offers our new products at EMO 2021 in Milan. We unique cost-effectiveness for its performance look forward to your visit.
04 05 The up-and-coming trend: complete machining The INDEX G300/G320 turn-mill centers are a new addition to our product range. With a turning length of 1,400 mm, this size now completes our range for high-performance turning and milling of medium-size components. TURNINGpoint 08.2021
06 07 INDEX G300/G320 turn-mill centers Complete machining is rapidly gaining popularity, dynamic values, thus guaranteeing outstanding especially on turn-mill centers that handle both machining results combined with high levels of technologies equally well. For our development productivity. department, this was one of the key reasons for launching the INDEX G420, a turn-mill cen- Powerful motorized milling spindle ter with a completely new design that was in a As with the INDEX G420 and G520 models, class of its own. That was in 2018, and it was the motorized milling spindle arranged above not long before its success became evident. the axis of rotation with the hydrodynamically We expanded the series the following year mounted Y/B axis is a key element. Its power- with the larger, more powerful INDEX G520 ful drives facilitate a wide range of drilling and variant and, as the logical next step, have now milling operations, all the way to simultaneous added the smaller G320 version. five-axis machining. During machining, the motorized milling spindle operates with a tool Successful machine design magazine that provides space for up to 111 The successful machine design remains un- tools. changed. Based on a rigid, vibration-damping machine bed in mineral cast block design and On the INDEX G320, the two tool turrets ar- generously dimensioned linear guides in the X ranged at the bottom also help to ensure effi- and Z axes, the new INDEX G320 offers ideal cient machining. Each of their twelve stations stability and damping properties, as well as can be continuously equipped with live tools. Thanks to the large working The turrets are not only able to move in the X area and the distance between and Z directions, but also in the Y direction. INDEX G300 / G320 the main and counter spindles, machine highlights simultaneous machining is The maximum turning length on the INDEX possible with the motorized G320 is 1,400 mm. The two identical work f Smart working area solution milling spindle and the tool spindles (main and counter spindles) are fluid- for turning lengths of up to 1,400 mm turrets at the main and counter cooled and provide a spindle clearance of 102 mm f Identical main and counter spindles spindles with no risk of collision. at 4,000 rpm. They are powerful and highly with a spindle clearance of Ø 102 mm The G320 is controlled via the dynamic. user-friendly iXpanel platform. f Max. chuck Ø 315 mm Generous working area f Powerful motorized milling spindle Thanks to the large working area and the dis- with proven Y/B quill kinematics tance between the main and counter spindles, for complex 5-axis milling operations simultaneous machining is possible with the motorized milling spindle and the tool turrets at f Tool magazine for 56 or 111 tools, the main and counter spindles with no risk of HSK-T63 or Capto-C6 collision. The option to lower the tool turrets f Two lower tool carriers, also makes it possible to defuse situations each with 12 stations (VDI40) without risk of collision. or 15 stations (VDI30) The turn-mill center can also be automated: f High thermal and mechanical stability with an integrated handling unit and/or the iXcenter robot cell. The control system is a modified Siemens 840D sl, which is operated in the usual user-friendly manner via the INDEX iXpanel cockpit solution. More online: TURNINGpoint 08.2021
08 09 The basis for Swiss precision and quality The Swiss machining service provider KNOEPFEL AG has upgraded its rotary production processes to the very latest standards — with the new INDEX G420 turn-mill center. Complete machining, consisting of turning, milling, drilling, grinding, and gear cutting, allows the manufacturing specialists to increase their already high quality and precision and maximize their machining efficiency potential. The Swiss canton of Appenzell in the Walzen- family-owned company is therefore committed hausen municipality is home to KNOEPFEL AG, to investing in high-quality, efficient produc- a familiar name among many leading compa- tion, which not least offers employees an ideal nies in the machinery engineering, process en- working environment. As far as equipment is gineering, aerospace, and energy technology concerned, KNOEPFEL prioritizes quality over sectors. The machining service provider is a anything else. primary port of call when it comes to manufac- turing exceptionally demanding components. INDEX—because quality and precision These range from relatively small parts for PET are indispensable The highlight in rotary injection molds to large, high-precision bearing KNOEPFEL performs most of its rotary produc- production at KNOEPFEL: housings for marine diesel engines. For many tion processes on eight INDEX GU CNC turning the new INDEX G420 years, KNOEPFEL has also been manufactur- centers. Anton Rechsteiner, the member of turn-mill center. The people ing swivel bridges for 5-axis machining centers management responsible for technology, says: who are now responsible and numerous key components for the aero- “These machines are no longer of the latest de- for programming, setting up, space industry, made of steel, titanium and sign, but their ingenious engineering, rigidity, and operating the center were difficult-to-machine aluminum alloys. and achievable precision are hard to beat, even also involved in its selection: by new machines. On our two INDEX GU2000 on the right, team leader Cutting-edge infrastructure machines, for example, we can achieve a round- Esedin Rahmanovic; Since it was founded by Hugo Knoepfel in 1962, ness of under 2 µm with a turning diameter of on the left, CNC mechanic the company has aspired to achieve the highest 600 mm.” However, being at the technological Besar Selimi. level of expertise in metalworking. Today’s forefront of machining also means keeping an TURNINGpoint 08.2021
10 11 coaxiality, and lateral runout tolerances of options: “They open up interesting prospects. 0.02 mm during a workpiece transfer from the Just a short time after commissioning, first in- main to the counter spindle.” quiries were received from customers regard- ing integrated grinding and gear cutting. This The complexity arising from the interaction of opens up further market potential that we the three machining units can be mastered would otherwise not be able to exploit with with state-of-the-art control technology and such efficiency.” both programming and simulation support. For Esedin Rahmanovic, one thing is certain: “To The KNOEPFEL team’s confidence in its latest ensure efficient, safe machining, we need the investment is also reflected in the fact that INDEX programming station. Other external space for a second INDEX turn-mill center has programming systems are unable to meet our already been planned. The CEO explains: “We requirements. Without the “Virtual Machine” have almost all of our machine tools in duplicate. simulation software from INDEX, I would not This allows for easy multiple-machine operation be able to control this machine and the machin- and provides us with important redundancy.” ing processes so well. Simulation with the VM There are also already plans to automate the is a tremendous aid, especially for collision-free then-two turn-mill centers in future. The pre- execution of new programs.” ferred candidate is the robot-assisted INDEX iXcenter solution, whose modular design is Besar Selimi is also enthusiastic about the entirely to the Swiss contract manufacturer’s Extremely satisfied with eye on important new developments and inte- The engineers from Esslingen even provided I NDEX iXpanel operating system: “I have never liking. It makes it possible not only to automate their latest investment: grating new solutions into production processes. their Swiss customers with a 320 mm turret experienced such easy setup and operation. Its loading and unloading, but also to integrate (from left to right) CEO “Turn-mill centers are undoubtedly part of this,” steady rest. “This is really important to us,” says performance— simply amazing.” various upstream and downstream units for Anton Bischofberger, says Rechsteiner. Anton Bischofberger, CEO of KNOEPFEL AG. measuring, cleaning, etc. director Urs Knoepfel, “Because unlike many of our rival companies, KNOEPFEL also manu- Prepared for the future and operations manager Long-standing partnership we possess a great of expertise in machining factures key components for Since KNOEPFEL AG, as a subcontractor, never Anton Rechsteiner “We first invested in an INDEX machine in 1983,” large, complex, tubular components that need to helicopters. KNOEPFEL has knows exactly what orders will be coming in recalls Urs Knoepfel. “Since then, we have stayed be supported. The additional steady rest also particular expertise when it the future, the management chose to acquire In total, KNOEPFEL AG’s in close contact with Esslingen. With the new opens up completely new manufacturing possi- comes to demanding large, the I NDEX G420 fully equipped. CEO Bischof- manufacturing covers G420, INDEX have succeeded in convincing us bilities.” tubular components. berger also has warm words for the integrated an area of 4,000 m2. that this turn-mill center is absolutely top-notch I NDEX machines dominate in terms of its design and engineering.” Large fan community at KNOEPFEL: the field in rotary production. from operator to CEO After spending years searching for a suitable The turning team, which is now responsible for turn-mill center, the new INDEX G420 now meets programming, setting up, and operating the the KNOEPFEL machining specialists’ require- I NDEX G420, was also involved in the selection ments perfectly. “The motorized milling spindle of the turn-mill center. Esedin Rahmanovic, is so powerful that it is basically a milling ma- team leader for rotary production, has become KNOEPFEL AG chine in its own right,” says Rechsteiner. “With the biggest fan of “his” machine: “At the begin- its Y stroke of +/-170 mm, a B axis swivel range ning, we were not sure what to expect from the KNOEPFEL AG is a machining service provider that of +/- 115 degrees, and a large X travel of new technology, as it’s a huge leap from the specializes in both rotary and cubic manufacturing and 750 mm, we can carry out even complex five- INDEX GU series to the G420 turn-mill center. the production of free-form geometries to the highest axis machining processes easily and produc- But we now know the machine so well that the degree of perfection. tively.” work is really fun.” The company has been ISO 9001 certified for more than Rechsteiner also highlights the generous work- CNC mechanic Besar Selimi is also part of the 25 years and has complied with the “aviation standard” ing space as well as the arrangement of the G420 team at KNOEPFEL. He has words of EN 9100 since 2016. Around 50 employees generate two lower turrets: “It’s an ingenious solution. praise for the on-site training: “The INDEX in- annual revenue between 12 and 15 million CHF. With the new concept, the motorized milling structor not only knew a great deal about the spindle and tool turret can work simultaneously technology; he was also great at explaining it. on the main and counter spindles without risk Together, we got to grips with the machine of collision. On the other hand, by lowering the such that we were able to achieve maximum More customer success tool turrets under the turning spindles, each precision, i.e., roundness and position values of KNOEPFEL AG stories online: tool carrier can be used sequentially on both under 2 µm and diameter tolerances in the Gaismoos, 9428 Walzenhausen AR, Switzerland turning spindles.” 2 µm range (!), and maintain concentricity, TURNINGpoint 08.2021
12 13 digital change In our private lives, online shopping has We made use of the opportunity to further Unfortunately, we were unable to invite cus- gained new significance. We are also noticing digitize customer training. Right from tomers to our factory during the pandemic. this trend in the B2B environment. Today, nearly the start, our goal was to create online training that In order for us to still be able to hold our sales pre- Over the last year, a lot of things were turned upside down. a quarter of spare parts orders are placed on our is of the same high standard as our in-person sentations, we created the means for presenting iXshop. Our customers benefit from the easy quote courses. Thanks to professional software solutions our machines virtually, through live streams from After the great challenges that many companies faced over recent process and fast order processing, and are con- and our qualified personnel, we are now able to our showroom in Noblesville, USA. For example, a months, it is time to look ahead once more and take advantage of stantly kept up to date, for example about the deliv- convey the content with the same efficiency as we customer in far-away California and the purchasing ery status. The focus is on providing our customers do at the INDEX Training Center. The flexibility that manager located in another state were able to virtu- the opportunities. This is also a good occasion to take a look at the with the best service—both online and offline. this provides benefits not only our national custom- ally join the meeting in real time, leading to the suc- small and large changes to the different business areas at INDEX. Katharina Piesche // Product Manager iXworld ers, but also and in particular our international ones. cessful result that the machine was actually ordered. Dieter Dohr // Organization and Delivery of Online Ed Weinberg // Regional Sales Manager West Coast, Training INDEX Corp., USA Our corporate strategy is the keystone of the The digitalization of INDEX’s vocational train- Job interviews in virtual space— Travel and contact restrictions made us face In the component assembly facility for Video conferences are no longer excep- digital transformation at INDEX. Above ing was advanced at top speed in various Recently we also started to conduct job inter- the major challenge of rethinking machine single-spindle machines in Reichenbach, tions to the rule, they have become common- all other things, it demands the right mindset and ways and in the future the trainees will continue to views online. This is very useful, as both INDEX and acceptance testing, since personal visits on cus- each and every workstation has been connected to place in our interactions with each other. Technical globally integrated processes and systems. The use benefit from the resulting individualized, flexible the applicant can mutually evaluate each other’s tomer premises were generally impossible. Digital the corporate network since last year. Fast online and business meetings with colleagues, suppliers of new technologies to improve efficiency, our cloud- and varied methods of teaching the curriculum. Not expectations in advance and assess whether they machine acceptance testing using video tech- access to instruction manuals, drawings and logs and customers, clarification of offers, project dis- based iXworld customer platform, new employee only the manifold possibilities within the digital are a match. Both parties most definitely get to save nology opened up the possibility of letting our cus- results in more structured work. The data is always cussions, etc.—the possibilities are almost end- skills, and last but not least, new business models learning platform MLS we've introduced, but some time. And it is head and shoulders above tomers participate live in the acceptance process, up to date and can be quickly accessed at any time. less. We are particularly proud of the fact that we are examples of key elements in what to date has also the first virtual Girls’ Day, held via video confer- voice-only telephone interviews. However, a personal presenting the machine and meeting our delivery The workflows and progress statuses have be- can now also perform machine pre-acceptance digi- been a successful transformation. Many things to encing, with live streams from the training areas, meeting is still indispensable for the final decision. dates. Considering the very positive feedback, we will come clearer and more transparent. Mountains of tally. In the future, we will also offer online training to which we’ve become accustomed are being called will serve as models for future projects. Mathias Peters // Human Resources Manager retain this digital method as an option in the future. paperwork and folders are a thing of the past. our French customers. Sophie Penigot // Marketing into question, and so we are working hard in all areas Simone Kuhn // Head of Vocational Training Sebastian Günther // Application Technician Tim Burkhardt // Industrial Mechanic, Component Manager, INDEX France to ensure we continuously improve — to the benefit Assembly of our customers. Harald Klaiber // Commercial Managing Director Field sales is another area where we’ve Measures introduced during the past year, The situation in 2020 presented us with great For the first time, we held our annual sales Last year, we held our first digital product Several hundred machines have already greatly advanced digitalization. Our custom- such as the digital report book or the internal challenges during the introduction of a new meeting with our Asian sales partners com- presentation as part of our iXperience been ”connected“ with the iXworld. The data ers are increasingly using our digital information online time management system, have be- CRM process. On-site training with the users was pletely digitally. We were also able to very effec- Days. All in all, a successful event. But after all the and the various iX 4.0 apps provide our customers channels and therefore are well-informed. During out of the question. We therefore decided to find tively conduct dealer training in this way. During this online trade fairs, exhibitions and online workshops with excellent analysis tools to make more efficient come part of our daily activities. The learning platform the pandemic, our contact to our customers was digital solutions, and, in looking back, are very event, our digital tutorials and course material resulting from the digital transformation in the field use of their machines. We have a lot more data at introduced right at the start of the pandemic enabled almost entirely limited to e-mails, video confer- pleased with how well it worked. In particular the contributed to making communication clearer and of event management, we are also looking forward our disposal for preventive and retroactive fault ences and phone calls. Internally, we regularly con- us to compensate the lost practical training time flexibility and the speed with which we were able to easier. In the mean time, the quality of our digital to in-person events again. In the future, we will en- analysis. The iXworld, iX4.0, iXshop, and iXservices sult each other on new developments per video with meaningful learning assignments, doubled up plan training online with colleagues from around communication has also greatly improved. Practice hance these with digital content—direct contact all help INDEX to provide its customers with the stream. In the future, I expect that we’ll use a with WebEx meetings with the training instructors. the world was a great advantage. This enabled us to makes perfect. with customers can scarcely be replaced. best possible support. healthy mix of in-person and digital events. In hindsight, it was a very challenging, but inter- significantly speed up internal processes. Dennis Gilg // Regional Sales Manager China Rainer Gondek // Head of Global Marketing iXworld Service Team Frank Jankowski // Area Sales Manager esting year. Marie Rößler // 2nd year industrial Alexander Fobke // Digital Marketing Manager mechanic trainee
14 15 Tool holders — Link between machine and cutting edge Tool holders, as the connecting element between the machine and the cutting edge, are very important. We are convinced that such a system of tool and holder is an essential component for a high-quality machine. This is why we have been developing, producing and continuously improving our own INDEX tool holders for many years, to provide our customers with the optimum performance which they can expect. TURNINGpoint 08.2021
16 17 “Important component of the process chain, from the machine to the clamping” INDEX tool holders Additionally, we manufacture the core elements Let’s glance back to 2007. INDEX of course ble unit with around 50 employees who take of our holders in-house: housing, shank pieces, supplied its own tool holders with its lathes on care of all necessary consulting, sales, engi- spindles and gearings. This enables us to be request. Even back then, these were character- neering, manufacturing and assembly work,” highly flexible and provide short response times. ized by high quality and frequently were equipped explains Alexander Hoffmann, who was prod- With our patented Our assembly also meets the highest quality with the patented W-serration. An easy yet effec- uct manager for the tool holder segment since W-serration, we offer a standards — our flow assembly line is equipped tive solution for reliable and fast alignment of 2007 and became head of the Tooling & Refit with state-of-the-art assembly stations where simple yet effective the tool holder on the turret. division in 2017 (see interview). drawings, work plans and job sequences can be solution for reliable and accessed digitally. Run-in stations and testing In 2007, we didn’t yet have an appropriate What has happened in the past 14 years? INDEX fast alignment of the tool devices along with extensive documentation, marketing form for our INDEX tool holders. We designed its tool holder range as a modular guarantee that only tool holders that are in per- holder on the tool turret, also lacked the organizational structure needed system that currently allows for around 3,000 fect working order leave our premises. for selling tool holders as separate products, different variants. The basis is a comprehen- with µ-precision. not to mention a fast, well-organized repair ser- sive standard tool holder portfolio for different What benefits do the customers have vice. But 2007 was a year of change: After all, machine interfaces (VDI, compact shank, HSK, from using INDEX tool holders? we had confidence in the strengths of our tool Capto) with different mounts (Capto, HSK, col- What are the innovations behind them? holders. We developed a separate business lets, Weldon, hydraulic expansion, WFB, etc.) Alexander Hoffmann is Head of segment with a tailor-made structure that signifi- for all INDEX and TRAUB single-spindle ma- Tooling & Refit at INDEX Our tool holders feature a multitude of details cantly differs from the machine tool business. chines. The selection of tool holders for INDEX’s that have a beneficial effect. These include the It needed to account for the high dynamics in multi-spindle machines is also extensive and coated sealing surfaces of spindles and the poly- the sales and repair of tool holders and make includes alignment and quick-change systems, gon connections in the drive train. We make use use of the known strengths of INDEX to gain a grooving tool holders, milling units and other of sealed spindle bearings and oil-air lubrication. competitive edge. accessories. All of this results in a long service life for our tool Mr. Hoffmann, what drives a tool machine holders, which in turn means less machine The success shows: The highlights include tool holders for special manufacturer such as I NDEX to develop downtime and higher productivity. We did everything right! applications such as power skiving and high- and manufacture the tool holders itself? Today, the tool holders are considered an im- speed whirling — technologies in which INDEX The latter can also be further improved with an portant part of the product range at INDEX and has developed specialized expertise. Addition- In principle, there are three factors. Firstly, tool optional inner cooling lubricant supply with up to save the users time and money. For this, we ally, our tool holder engineers are able to de- holders are an important component of the pro- 160 bar — which can also be retrofitted. Addition- have a dedicated team to thank. “In the tool velop special solutions for specific customer cess chain, from the machine to the clamping. ally, our products can be repaired repeatedly, holder business segment, we are a small, flexi- projects. They are like the fingers on a hand that are re- which saves costs in the long term and increas- sponsible for the optimal machining result. es sustainability. Secondly: No-one knows the requirements of You advertise your products’ high the tool holders better than we do ourselves, be- process reliability and short setup times. cause they are produced for our machines and How do these come about? result from our machining processes. Here the interfaces play a decisive role. One ex- And thirdly, we — the entire INDEX Group — not ample: Our patented W-serration, which we’ve only see ourselves as machine suppliers, but been offering for many years, is a simple yet ef- also as solution providers for the machining pro- fective solution for reliable and fast alignment of INDEX offers a variety cess. This includes the tool holders, as well as the tool holder on the tool turret, with µ-preci- of different tool holders the automation, software, our digital develop- sion. The accurate form fit of the W-serration for single and multi- ments and all the services we provide. enables high repeatability and makes the entire spindle lathes. system extremely rigid. This makes it possible to What is so special about the preset the tool holder outside the machine with I NDEX tool holders? high precision. We now also apply the W-serra- tion principle to our multi-spindle machines. The know-how that we have gained from our many years as a leading machine tool manufac- The second interface between the tool and tool turer sets us apart from other providers. We holder is another point where we pay a lot of at- combine this with our high level of expertise in tention to simplifying and accelerating the setup tool holders, which we have acquired over sever- processes. With modular quick-change systems, al decades. This enables us to develop INDEX like the INDEX TRAUB Capto interface, we can tool holders that are exactly matched to the replace a worn tool without removing the entire workspaces, performance data, control data, etc. tool holder. TURNINGpoint 08.2021
18 19 Top: Well-structured — Easy shopping —in the iXshop procurement portal. Here our customers can find Top: The repair service for Sustainable thanks to first-class The new tool holder assembly Back to the standard components and the com- all accessories, tools, spare parts and materials tool holders helps to save repair service INDEX tool holders and repair department at the prehensive tool holder modular system. How for their lathes. costs and can be ordered The repair service has developed into a model f Large variety of tool holders Esslingen site do the customers know which is the ideal tool in the iXshop — at attractive for success. In more ways than one: Thanks to holder for their use and how can they order it? After the user has registered and logged in, the fixed rates. the close cooperation between the repair team f Solutions for special applications and Qualified customer consultants assist the cus- system provides intuitive help for configuring and engineering, the damage analyses are used customer projects tomers in selecting the tool holders, provide the tool holder. Targeted questions quickly and for a continuous improvement process that f Alignment system with patented Bottom: Our experts repair all machine- and application-specific recommen- easily lead to selection of the optimal product. takes the INDEX tool holders to a higher perfor- W-serration tool holders that are compatible dations and compile cost-effective tool holder Additionally, the iXshop also provides data sheets, mance level. Furthermore, the users save costs f Different quick-clamping systems with INDEX and TRAUB packages on request. user manuals and 3D models. Prices and avail- and increase sustainability. machines, without exception. ability are available at the click of a button, as f Easy shopping in the iXshop The repaired holders go through Customers that don't need a personal consulta- are quotes and orders. Thanks to shipment track- Ordering repairs is as easy as ordering a new f Fast repair service the same quality assurance tion can conveniently choose and order the tool ing, our customers always know where their product. This process is also triggered in the f Perfectly matched to all process as each new one. holders in the iXshop, the online equipment and product is. iXshop. After the customer has selected the INDEX and TRAUB machines appropriate tool holder, the system displays the new price, as well as a fixed price for a stan- dard repair, which is sufficient in 90 percent of all cases. The repaired holders go through the same quality assurance process as each new one — including extensive documentation. Further expansion in planning – f Over 130,000 quality items also in the USA and China f Find what you need quickly with INDEX repairs all tool holders that are compati- intelligent search functions ble with INDEX and TRAUB machines, without exception — even those of other manufacturers. f All information at a glance To offer our customers in the USA and China a f Procurement processes fast, efficient repair service as well, we are cur- to match your needs rently working on setting up a comparable system f Straightforward returns processing at our local subsidiaries. Register for free now: TURNINGpoint 08.2021
20 21 We’re here for you—with machine check and maintenance! As part of our iXservices, we offer a range of services that help customers make the most of their machines throughout their useful life for a highly dependable, reliable and economic production. Two INDEX service technicians talk about their experiences and explain what you as the customer can expect. Preventing downtimes the customer's maintenance personnel and pro- with the machine check duction supervisors is of great importance: “The Kemal Gümüssoy is a service technician for supervisors know how their machines are used I NDEX multi-spindle automatic lathes and knows and which parts are particularly exposed. With how unplanned downtimes can be prevented: the insights gained from the machine check and “With our machine check, which can be adapted regular maintenance we can keep the machine to individual needs, we offer a very effective in perfect working condition for a long time. tool for preventive maintenance aimed at ensur- we then attempt to schedule a suitable repair used for a new order, it was no longer possible Important points during ing machine availability.” Maintenance— date.“ to achieve the required tolerances and surface the machine check: Individually configurable quality. Having us check the machine before it The machine check puts INDEX’s extensive Maintenance is the be-all and end-all when it Ideal for new, existing and is set up for the new project saves money." Bearing condition check know-how and service expertise at the cus- comes to the availability of your machine. Dimitris used machines An acceleration sensor tomer’s disposal. Various packages ensure that Ntinoudis, a service technician specialized in The machine check has many areas of appli- We also offer the machine check for used ma- records the vibrations at each customer can choose the offer that matches INDEX turn-mill centers, explains: “For us, coop- cation. It is even useful for new machines, as chines. Customers who wish to sell their INDEX defined speeds. The results their needs best. “The basic package includes eration with on-site maintenance engineers is Gümüssoy explains: “When customers invest or TRAUB machine and want an expert condi- provide indications about an extensive visual inspection and function of utmost importance. Therefore I like to include in a multi-spindle machine for the first time, for tion assessment to present to the buyer (includ- the bearing condition. check. Optionally, we also check the geometry, the responsible supervisor in the planning, discuss example, they frequently have little experience ing an estimate of the required repairs) are wel- electronics, application or the alignment of the the work to be done and explain what matters with this technology. When we visit after one come to contact our service personnel. We Clamping force check loading machine.“ The machine check should to us during maintenance.“ year to perform the machine check, we explain provide objective condition reports that can be An external sensor measures be performed at intervals of approximately one to the responsible persons on-site what tests useful during sales. the clamping force. year. “The recorded data documented in reports We start by checking the condition of the ma- and inspections are important, what conclu- This allows for any loss in can then be used to track how the machine has chine, make important adjustments and change sions can be drawn from it and what one should efficiency to be detected. changed due to wear and other factors,” explains filters. The customer then receives a mainte- pay attention to throughout the year. When we Gümüssoy. “This information helps to deter- nance log. “We discuss all recorded data and, on do this together for several years, the customer Geometry check mine what action should be taken and to identify this basis, recommend an individual maintenance gets to know every detail of their machine." INDEX machine check— your benefits The measuring method components that should be checked in the near plan aimed at maximizing process reliability and f Comprehensive inspection for ensuring technical availability determines straightness, future to prevent unplanned downtime.” He availability,” explains Ntinoudis. Various mainte- There is no doubt that a machine check is well angles, alignment, and further points out that constant contact with nance packages are offered at attractive fixed worth it for machines that have been in use for f For all machines — with packages tailored to the customer's needs backlash of the machine prices according to the machine type. The con- several years, frequently running 24/7. Wear can- f Expertise and competence directly from the manufacturer kinematics and checks wear tent of the packages can also be individually not be avoided, and even small operating errors f Attractive fixed prices with full cost control due to production use. adapted and supplemented. can have lasting effects. Kemal Gümüssoy ex- plains: “Of course, in this case, we also recom- Loading magazine check Maintenance by INDEX specialists means a lot mend regular checks, whereas the customers INDEX maintenance — your benefits The alignment of the loading more than just getting worn components re- can determine the interval and the scope them- magazine is recorded and placed. Given their manufacturer expertise, they selves. At the very least, we should perform the f Avoid unscheduled downtimes corrected where necessary, are able to detect errors even before these be- check when the machine is converted for a new f Increase the service life of your machines as it can affect the smooth come noticeable. Dimitris Ntinoudis gives an order after it has been in use for an extended f Custom maintenance agreements and intervals running, the service life of example: “With a trace recording, we identify period of time. We’ve seen cases where de- the spindle bearings and the stiff bearings, guides or ball screws that have to fects in components did not have any negative f Attractive fixed prices with full cost control quality of the entire process. be replaced soon. Together with the customer, effects, but once these components were then TURNINGpoint 08.2021
22 23 A major challenge in the development of the new INDEX ABC was to maintain the enormously high level of the predecessor model Keeping the good The potential to use double tool holders offers and, on this basis, provide There was a second requirement: In terms of a further benefit: With the same turret size and machining capabilities, cycle times, and dimen- number of stations, it increases the number of extended functions for sional accuracy, the new version must under tools from the previous seven to up to 14 fixed even more efficient, no circumstances lag behind the previous one or live tools. This advantage can be used for versatile machining. — not even if it features other, new functional- sister tools or a larger machining spectrum. An- ities. The developers provided proof of this by other station is permanently preassigned by Ulrich Baumann is Head directly comparing the current-generation ABC the synchronous spindle for rear-end machin- of Development and Design and the modified machine, both of which were ing. of Single-spindle Automatic set up identically. The result: The new version Machines at INDEX performs slightly better in the comparison of Equipped for future tasks cycle times and in dimensional accuracy over With the continuously indexable turret, its Y the machine duty cycle (thermal cycle). In the functionality, height adjustment, and multiple area of limit cutting (depth of cut during groov- holders, we are convinced that the INDEX ABC ing), it achieved the usual high level. will continue its success story. After all, this small, extremely fast CNC production lathe This means that existing ABC users can per- now also accords with the current market trend form any machining operation that has been of smaller batches and more complex geome- extensively optimized in terms of tool and pro- tries. Its excellent value is also set to benefit gram technology at least as well on a newly parts that would previously have required a acquired INDEX ABC — and will also see other more expensive machine. gains elsewhere: For new machining tasks, ex- tended functions are available that promise even greater efficiency and a wider range of components. Continuity— with Focus of optimization: the upper tool turret fresh prospects The improvements are mainly concentrated on the upper turret, where a high-ratio, stepless gearbox replaces the stepped positioning previ- There’s a new INDEX ABC CNC automatic lathe? Yes — but don’t worry, dear ABC fans; ously realized via a Hirth serration. This allows the turret to assume any position, and opens despite major improvements in the upper turret such as an electronic indexing axis, up a wide range of possibilities, such as an in- Y functionality, height adjustment, and double tool holders, we have of course retained terpolated Y axis that enables the upper ABC the valued features of the current model: the machine design, the working area, and the turret to perform off-center drilling and surface milling. machine footprint are all still exactly the same. All existing part programs run as before, INDEX ABC guaranteed without any loss in cycle times and machining quality. It is now also easier to adjust the center height machine highlights of the cutting edges, which both enables even f Footprint and working area unchanged greater precision during internal machining of from predecessor models The INDEX ABC CNC automatic lathe is a suc- tain the enormously high level of the predeces- small bores and improves the surface or chip cessful model that shows impressive continuity: sor model and, on this basis, provide extended pattern. f Top values for cycle time, dimensional Over a good 25 years, we have sold over 3,000 functions for even more efficient, versatile ma- accuracy, and cutting limits of the machines. chining.” f Continuously indexable tool turret Evolving them into the new ABC version was But the result is a resounding success: Be- f Tool turret equipped with Y axis, height therefore a task carried out with great care. neath the updated, attractive INDEX design, adjustment, and double tool holders “The INDEX ABC has greatly matured over the users will find a machine that has remained f Automation through bar loading magazines years,” says Ulrich Baumann, head of develop- unchanged in size and installation space. This and removal handling ment for singe-spindle automatic lathes. “Again was an important part of the new develop- and again, we have increased its efficiency ment work, which needed to take account through improvements in the control and drive of the numerous programs and workpiece- technology, as well as in the mechanical com- specific devices that are still running on ma- More online: ponents. It was a major challenge, then, to main- chines out in the field today. TURNINGpoint 08.2021
24 25 What could optimal automation of turned part manufacturing look like? What is behind the modular concept Efficient manufacturing of the iXcenter robot solutions? with intelligent automation From the viewpoint of the customer, the situa- tion is as follows: Depending on the workpiece and machining time, there are relatively long downtimes for workpiece handling — regardless Automation solutions “Made by INDEX” ensure intelligent handling of whether a gantry or robot solution is used. Using modular robot cells makes it possible to of your workpieces. We offer a wide range of options for our complete integrate downstream processes like cleaning, machine range, from bar loading magazines and machine-integrated measuring or labeling. These times can thus be or automated robot solutions to customized, application-specific Benjamin Baron, Head of Automation at INDEX, put to good use, which significantly increases is convinced that the modular iXcenters are the the added value offered by the automation and solutions — everything from a single source. answer to this question. In a conversation with the entire system. For INDEX, the iXcenter is an the editorial team of TURNINGpoint Baron re- important component of the portfolio. The mod- veals the strengths that characterize the robot ular design enables us to create competitive Bar loading magazines cells and how they can be integrated into the solutions within the framework of a complete INDEX bar loading magazines are ideally matched manufacturing. package, for a wide range of customer-specific to our machines for single-spindle and multi- requirements. spindle turning. They feature short setup times, What other downstream processes optimal speed utilization, fast bar changes and can be integrated into the cell? a low-vibration bar guide for first-rate surface Mr. Baron, to which customers would you qualities. recommend an iXcenter solution? With the iXcenter, we distinguish between machine-integratable and modular solutions. There isn't a specific customer profile for the Machine-integrated solutions For the machine-integratable solutions, the fo- iXcenter. The requirements and areas of applica- Our machines offer you a range of options for cus is on the compact design and on loading and tion are very diverse. This includes, for example, quick, safe and gentle workpiece feed and dis- unloading the machine. Smaller special solu- running shifts in the evening or over weekends. charge, e.g.: tions such as blow-off stations or measuring The iXcenter in particular has a very attractive Flexible feed and discharge by gantry-type devices are also possible. In the case of the price-performance ratio and when the system is loaders with single or double grippers modular iXcenter, we focus on flexibility and can used for night shifts and weekend shifts, it Gantry systems with conveyor belt integrate a multitude of upstream and down- quickly pays off. This makes it suitable for a wide for workpiece discharge stream processes, such as various cleaning, range of customers. Small batch sizes with fre- Flushing through the counter spindle measuring and testing procedures, deburring quent tool setups is another area where a mod- stations or marking systems. ular iXcenter provides excellent service, with Automated robot solutions advantages such as the automated gripper What feedback have you received With the iXcenter robot cell, blanks and/or fin- change. Other features are the integration of up- from the customers so far? ished parts can be supplied and discharged stream or downstream processes, position-oriented quickly, safely and flexibly. Depending on the All feedback from the field has been positive. feed and discharge, flexible setup options for machine type, the robot cell is ergonomically We have hit the right spot with the iXcenter. In new workpieces or complex feed processes, integrated and/or can be flexibly expanded on a addition to the product being good from a tech- e.g. rotationally asymmetric workpieces in a modular basis to meet your needs. nical viewpoint and featuring perfectly matched special clamping device. interfaces, it is also worth mentioning that Customized solutions Do you consider the jointed-arm robot to INDEX acts as complete provider. This means The right solution for your specific require- be the universally best automation option, that the customer gets the machine and robot ments — with years of experience in a wide or do you also recommend gantry solutions cell from a single source. Whether the customer range of sectors: for some applications? has a project inquiry or wants training, help with Conveyor systems/circulating conveyors At INDEX, we always find the best possible commissioning or service — they always have a Gripper on turret solution for the customers and their applica- central point of contact for all their needs. And Unloading systems tions. For each project inquiry, we review which the complete system is a visual highlight as Magazine rails automation solution would be best. Of course well, as everything is harmonized. Gantry loading systems the jointed-arm robot is unmatched when it comes How can the iXcenter automation solutions Pallet stations to flexibility and integration of downstream pro- be integrated into digital, networked Robot cells, and much more. cesses, but in some cases other requirements manufacturing? such as installation space, price or speed take priority and can be better fulfilled with other auto- Via the machines’ connections to our iXworld, our Do you want to find out more? mation solutions, depending on the workpiece automation solutions are of course also connect- and machining process. ed to a digitally interlinked manufacturing line. TURNINGpoint 08.2021
26 27 All-rounder for manufacturing.” An essential characteristic of CNC lathe retooled up to five times per day tool manufacturing the components that need to be produced with The tool manufacturing requirements at RENN- high precision in every regard: They are only STEIG are high. The diameters of the parts pro- needed in very low production quantities. duced range from 2 mm to 250 mm. “I’d love to have a machine that can handle a workpiece Two years ago, we introduced our new CNC universal lathes, INDEX B400 The tool manufacturing and prototyping depart- length up to 1,000 mm,” reveals Gerhard König. ment has 22 employees. Steffen König is the “But we couldn’t find one that was suitable for and TRAUB TNA400. In the meantime, they have proven themselves at many son of the tool manufacturing head and will be- us. However, we are very satisfied with the customers. For example, at Rennsteig Werkzeuge GmbH: Here the TRAUB come his successor in the fall. He explains: 750 mm turning length of the TNA400, since it TNA400 demonstrates its flexibility day after day in tool manufacturing. “We need modern, versatile machinery that covers more than 90 percent of our needs.” covers all important machining methods. Two Steffen König adds: “The lathe has to have a It is used to produce small, large and very complex parts, with mostly years ago, our existing CNC lathe no longer high stability, to ensure that even large parts small batches. met our requirements, and we set out to find a can be manufactured with extreme precision new one. In the end, we chose the TRAUB in the range of one to two hundredths of a TNA400.” millimeter.” RENNSTEIG hand-held tools are world famous Tool manufacturing produces sophisticated for their high quality, as well as the ergonomic components in very small batches and practical functionality. The pliers and strik- The special features of the RENNSTEIG hand- ing tools are frequently use for cabling work, held tools include innovative production pro- but also in sanitary installation, metal process- cesses, high-quality material, high precision ing, construction and assembly, as well as for manufacturing and a design that is focused on What I value about my TRAUB TNA400 CNC lathe special applications, on construction sites, in durability. Additionally, RENNSTEIG conducts is its power, stability, user-friendly handling, and workshops or for repairs to vehicles and aircraft. intensive research and development and has its easy setup. The TRAUB WinFlex software, which own tool manufacturing and prototyping depart- runs on a separate PC, is of great help. It supports The spectrum ranges from standard products ment, headed by Gerhard König. He explains: to customized special tools. One example: “Our department has an extremely varied spec- fast and secure programming of the TNA400, RENNSTEIG developed a special crimp tool for trum of tasks. It ranges from prototype parts including simulations. repairing cabling in aircraft. It handles crimping of for new developments through to fixtures, forg- insulation and conductor in a single work step — ing dies, cutting and injection molding tools as Christian Annemüller is the responsible machine operator with a precision of two hundredths of a millimeter! well as components for our in-house machine at RENNSTEIG TURNINGpoint 08.2021
28 29 In RENNSTEIG’s tool manufacturing, the CNC lathe has to be extremely flexible. After all, it is retooled several times per day. From right to left: Steffen and Gerhard König, the heads of tool manufac- turing, Christian Annemüller, the machine operator, and Robin Gehrt, INDEX area sales manager Other key aspects were good accessibility and For the turret, the tool manufacturer chose What sets the easy setup, because in RENNSTEIG’s tool TRAUB’s renowned disk-type turret with twelve TRAUB TNA400 apart: manufacturing, the machine is retooled several VDI40 mounts. Compared to the radial turret, times per day. “We have to keep the non-pro- which was also considered, it has advantages f Rigid, low-vibration mineral ductive times short,” says Steffen König. “To when using large solid drills/boring bars, as the cast bed in 45° block design us, that is much more important than a pro- forces are conducted directly into the turret. f A8 working spindle with gram that has been optimized to the last milli- “For live tools, we use a supplementary quick- belt drive for high torques second.” clamping system that further accelerates set- f Spindle clearance Ø 82 mm, up,” mentions Gerhard König. The orthogonal, chuck up to Ø 315 mm Universal, powerful, and flexible linear Y-axis provides an additional degree of f Generously designed bed guides “With the TRAUB TNA400, we have found a freedom. It gives the tool manufacturer the re- f Radial or disk-type turret machine that meets the high demands of our quired flexibility, which benefits the complexity for 12 tools tool manufacturing,” agree Gerhard and Steffen of the parts that can be machined. f Orthogonal, linear Y-axis König. “Our first impression of the machine, at f Option of NC tailstock or EMO 2019, was confirmed during an on-site Steffen König points out the compact design counter spindle visit to INDEX’s demonstration center, where and good accessibility of the TRAUB TNA400. we were able to examine the universal lathe in This is convenient for the machine operator, action.” Since September 2020, the TRAUB who can perform all setup tasks in close prox- TNA400 has been in use in RENNSTEIG’s tool imity to the machine. The programming is done manufacturing department in Steinbach-Hallen- from a bit further away, at a PC workstation. To berg — and it meets the high expectations of this end, the machine operator uses the TRAUB Rennsteig Werkzeuge GmbH the decision-makers. WinFlex software, with which 3D part data can be loaded and used for the NC programming. Since 1959, RENNSTEIG has been producing professional hand-held The mineral-cast machine bed with generously Steffen König explains: “WinFlex eliminates the tools for various sectors. The company became an independent subsidiary dimensioned guides ensures high rigidity and a need for a separate CAM system, because the of the well-known tool maker KNIPEX-WERK C. Gustav Putsch KG low level of vibration. “This makes a decisive con- software offers powerful functions for program- in Wuppertal, Germany, in 1991. Today it is considered to be one of tribution to achieving the required precision,” ming, optimization, and simulation. We can the world’s leading tool manufacturers, with a global network of sales confirms Steffen König. The belt-driven main quickly and securely perform the programming partners and an export share of more than 50 percent. spindle with an A8 short taper and 24 kW of while machining is in progress on the machine, RENNSTEIG has more than 350 employees at its headquarters in output ensures powerful machining. The oppo- and then transfer the completed, tested pro- Steinbach-Hallenberg in Germany and its US subsidiary. site side features a tailstock that is mounted on grams to the controller.” generously dimensioned roller guides and can be freely positioned from within the NC program. More customer Rennsteig Werkzeuge GmbH success stories online: An der Koppel 1, D-98587 Steinbach-Hallenberg, Germany TURNINGpoint 08.2021
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