Best of Bundle PDF Course 2022 - English Questions for Prelims Exams

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Best of Bundle PDF Course 2022 - English Questions for Prelims Exams
Best of Bundle PDF Course 2022 – English Questions for Prelims Exams

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Best of Bundle PDF Course 2022 - English Questions for Prelims Exams
Best of Bundle PDF Course 2022 – English Questions for Prelims Exams

                   Best of Bundle PDF Course English language Prelims table of contents

                           Topics                                   Page number

            1                    Word rearrangement                                      2

            2                  Sentence rearrangement                                    3

            3                             Fillers                                        4

            4                        Error spotting                                      5

            5                          Cloze Test                                        6

            6                         Word usage                                         7

            7                        Misspelt word                                       8

            8                  Sentence rearrangement                                    9

            9                     Match The Column                                      10

            10                 Reading comprehension                                    12

                 Word rearrangement                          flags some positive trends as well as areas of
Directions (1-5): In each of the following                   concern that have the potential to estimates (c)
questions four words have been highlighted in                the growth momentum (d).
bold which may or may not be in their correct                A. dbca
positions. You are required to interchange them              B. acbd
in order to form a meaningful and coherent                   C. cbad
sentence. If all the words are correctly placed              D. cbda
mark “E” as your answer.                                     E. No rearrangement required
1. The National Statistical Office’s first advance
derail (a) for economic output in the current                2. The NSO has projected (a) real GDP for the
financial year is an optimistic (b) forecast that            12 months ending March 2022 at ₹147.54 lakh-

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crore, a 9.2% fury (b) from the provisional                  E. No rearrangement required
estimate of ₹135.13 lakh-crore for the last fiscal
year, when the full expansion (c) of the COVID-              5. In a bid to expedite (a) the farmers on the
19 pandemic had caused output to contract (d)                paddy procurement drive and to sensitize (b) the
by 7.3%.                                                     process, the Assam government will organize a
A. dbca                                                      special GaonSabha (Gram Sabha) across the
B. acbd                                                      state on January 16 and is aiming to procure (c)
C. cbad                                                      10 lakh MT of paddy (d) from the farmers this
D. cbda                                                      year.
E. No rearrangement required                                 A. bcad
                                                             B. cbad
3. It is a matter of considerable (a) relief that the        C. adcb
Supreme Court has allowed the commencement                   D. bacd
(b) of counselling for post-graduate medical                 E. No rearrangement required
admissions under the all-India quota at a time
when the long delay has caused a shortage (c)                             Sentence rearrangement
of junior residents in the midst (d) of an ongoing           Directions (6-10): In the questions given below,
public health crisis.                                        parts of a sentence are given in shuffled
A. dbca                                                      manner. Arrange the parts in a meaningful order
B. acbd                                                      and mark the correct option as the answer.
C. cbad                                                      6. For conducting Phase 3 clinical trials of (A)/
D. cbda                                                      vaccine manufacturer Bharat Biotech approval
E. No rearrangement required                                 (B)/ the Drugs Controller General of India
                                                             (DCGI) has given (C)/ who have received both
4. Delhi Police recovered (a) two fraudsters for             doses of Covaxin (D)/ an intranasal booster
creating fake partner IDs of Shadowfaxcompany                dose for those (E).
and causing (b) a loss to the tune of Rs 4 lakhs.            A. CEABD
Police also nabbed (c) two mobile phones and                 B. CBAED
eight sim cards from their possession (d).                   C. CAEDB
A. dbca                                                      D. ACEDB
B. acbd                                                      E. No rearrangement required
C. cbad
D. cbda

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7. The South Delhi Municipal Corporation                      D. DAECB
(SDMC) on Friday(A)/ of the civic body’s ‘Waste               E. No rearrangement required
to Wonder Park’ (B)/ passed resolutions to
construct the second phase (C)/ of ₹46 crore                  10. Placed a large number of troops and heavy
and ₹51 crore, respectively (D)/ and the ‘Bharat              weapons (A)/ the Ministry of External Affairs
Darshan Park’ at an estimated cost (E).                       (MEA) has said India (B)/ where a tense military
A. ACBED                                                      situation has erupted after Russia (C)/ along
B. ACDBE                                                      Ukraine’s frontiers, triggering worldwide fear of
C. ACBDE                                                      imminent military action (D)/ is monitoring the
D. ADECB                                                      situation in eastern Ukraine (E).
E. No rearrangement required                                  A. BECAD
                                                              B. BDEAC
8. The Railways recruitment exam evoked a                     C. DBEAC
mixed response on Friday, (A)/ the Bihar Bandh                D. CBEDA
called by some student bodies and (B)/ vehicles               E. No rearrangement required
in different parts of the state (C)/ with protesters
disrupting movement of trains and (D)/                                                Fillers
supported by the Opposition parties over                      Directions (11-15): In each of the questions
irregularities in (E).                                        given below, a sentence is given with two
A. ABDEC                                                      blanks. From the given options, choose the one
B. BAEDC                                                      that gives the correct combination of words that
C. BEADC                                                      fits in the blanks.
D. EADBC                                                      11. The government’s failure to _______ to the
E. No rearrangement required                                  court what logic had _______ it to fix an annual
                                                              income ceiling of Rs. 8 lakhs for selection of
9. In the number of micro, small and medium                   EWS had held up counselling for medical
enterprises (MSME) (A)/ as many as 96,805                     courses.
enterprises (B)/ the Scheduled Castes with (C)/               A. explain, prompted
Maharashtra has topped India’s list (D)/ owned                B. untangle, rise
by entrepreneurs from (E).                                    C. play, induced
A. DCBEA                                                      D. guide, dissolved
B. ABECD                                                      E. None of the above

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12. The Supreme Court on Friday _____ down a                 B. granted, diffused
CBSE rule that said the marks _______ by                     C. invaded, poised
students in their improvement exams would be                 D. violated, alleged
final, even if they had secured higher scores in             E. None of the above
the regular exams.
A. plugged, derived                                                              Error spotting
B. smite, grabbed                                            Directions (16-20): In each of the following
C. struck, obtained                                          questions a sentence has been divided into five
D. punched, played                                           parts. You are required to find out which of the
E. None of the above                                         given part/s is/are grammatically incorrect from
                                                             the given options.
13. Ethiopia's government says it will ____                  16. The U.S. declared community transmission
several prominent opposition figures as the                  (a)/ on February 2020 when (b)/ the source of
country _____ Orthodox Christmas.                            infection (c)/ were untraceable in one instance
A. permit, brings                                            (d)/; only 15 cases were detected then (e).
B. free, marks                                               A. both b and c
C. spare, spots                                              B. both b and d
D. loose, flecks                                             C. only b
E. None of the above                                         D. only e
                                                             E. both a and e
14. The Assam government on Friday _______
that unvaccinated people would be ______ from                17. Service and the sacrifices (a)/ of nameless
public spaces and transport.                                 and faceless (b)/ nation-builders have (c)/
A. publicized, bared                                         formed the bedrock of the (d)/ modern India
B. concealed, secured                                        Republic (e).
C. supressed, reported                                       A. both b and c
D. announced, barred                                         B. both a and d
E. None of the above                                         C. only e
                                                             D. only d
15. The Human Rights group ______ a huge                     E. both c and e
blow after the Court ______ to grant bail to a
Rights activist.                                             18. The Karnataka government has setted up
A. suffered, refused                                         (a)/ an expert committee to resolve (b)/ the issue

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involving wearing hijabs (c)/ inside classrooms              alphabets in it. You are required to fill these
as it go against (d)/ school uniform policy in               blanks with the most suitable word from the
Udupi(e).                                                    given options in order to form a meaningful and
A. both b and c                                              coherent paragraph.
B. both a and d                                              The schedule for Assembly elections in five
C. only e                                                    States announced by the Election Commission
D. only d                                                    of India (ECI) on January 8 was along expected
E. both c and e                                              lines. Polling will begin in Uttar Pradesh on
                                                             February 10 and end on March 7, ________ (a)
19. The security forces had launched (a)/ a                  seven phases. The Manipur polls would be held
cordon-and-search operation (b)/ in the Check                in two phases and the Goa, Punjab and
Nowgam area (c)/ of Shopian following                        Uttarakhand polls in one. Given the size of the
information (d)/ about the present of militants              States and ___________ (b) of paramilitary
there (e).                                                   forces, the ECI has _________ (c) the polling into
A. both b and c                                              seven phases this time, as in the 2017
B. both a and d                                              Assembly polls. In the U.P. elections, the ECI
C. only e                                                    has _________ (d) to its earlier pattern of starting
D. only d                                                    with constituencies in the western part of the
E. both c and e                                              State first and then moving towards the east.
                                                             _______________ (e) reports of the Bhartiya
20. Seven people lost (a)/ their live and 30                 Janata Party asking for the phases to be from
others (b)/ have fall ill after (c)/ consuming               east to west, Chief Election Commissioner
spurious liquor in a village (d)/ in Uttar Pradesh's         Sushil Chandra said that the polls would be held
Raebareli district (e).                                      from west to east and that no party had made a
A. both b and c                                              demand during the ECI’s visit to U.P. in
B. both a and d                                              December to change this.
C. only e                                                    21. Which of the following words is the most
D. only d                                                    suitable word for blank (a)?
E. both c and e                                              A. crossing
                                                             B. spanning
                    Cloze Test                               C. estimating
Directions (21-25): Below a paragraph has been               D. lasting
given with some blanks highlighted with                      E. None of the above

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                                                                                   Word usage
22. Which of the following words is the most                  Directions (26-30): In each of the following
suitable word for blank (b)?                                  questions, a word has been given and used in
A. harbor                                                     three statements. You are supposed to identify
B. defilement                                                 which of the statement/s use/s the word
C. deployment                                                 correctly and mark that as your answer.
D. devilment                                                  26. Desert
E. None of the above                                          I. His life had been such a hell that he decided to
                                                              desert his family and friends and start a new life.
23. Which of the following words is the most                  II. The Lut desert in Iran is a harsh place to live
suitable word for blank (c)?                                  in.
A. scattered                                                  III. She turned away from desert and crossed
B. split                                                      her arms.
C. segment                                                    A. only I
D. bifurcate                                                  B. only I and II
E. None of the above                                          C. only II
                                                              D. only I and III
24. Which of the following words is the most                  E. only III
suitable word for blank (d)?
A. stuck                                                      27. Punch
B. jammed                                                     I. He became disoriented when he got punched
C. bound                                                      harder than usual.
D. adhered                                                    II. He is a punch for not accepting his
E. None of the above                                          wrongdoings.
                                                              III. The house party was quite pleasant; we ate
25. Which of the following words is the most                  sandwiches and drank punch to our fill.
suitable word for blank (e)?                                  A. only III
A. Denigrating                                                B. only I
B. Expiring                                                   C. only I and III
C. Dismissing                                                 D. only I and II
D. Trimming                                                   E. only II
E. None of the above
                                                              28. Fan

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I. He is a huge fan of the cricketer and has made             B. only III and II
it his mission to attend all his games.                       C. only I and II
II. After coming inside to escape the sweltering              D. only II
heat, she cooled herself with a fan.                          E. only III
III. She got fanned by the secrets her family was
keeping from her.                                                                  Misspelt word
A. only II                                                    Directions (31-35): In the given sentences, the
B. only III and I                                             words highlighted may or may not be correctly
C. only II and III                                            spelled. You need to identify whether they are
D. only II and I                                              correctly spelt.
E. only III                                                   31. China locked down a city of five million
                                                              people a day after detecting Omicron in the
29. Fine                                                      central Henan province, its second shut down in
I. The police were fined for the illegal activities           as many months, underscoring the nation’s
and have arrested the perpetrators.                           commitment to eliminating Covid as two highly
II. The fine for not wearing a mask outside in                transmisible variants circulate.
public is about 100 dollars.                                  A. detecting
III. The shawl from Kashmir is made of fine                   B. eliminating
materials.                                                    C. underscoring
A. only I and III                                             D. transmisible
B. only II and III                                            E. All are correct
C. only III
D. only I and II                                              32. Responding to a question on whether the
E. only I                                                     Union Budget on February 1 and the president's
                                                              address to the two houses of Parliament before
30. Row                                                       that would disturb the lebel-playing field,
I. The students were instructed to stand in a row             Chandra said the Union Budget is an yearly
for uniform inspection.                                       statement which has to be laid before
II. The couple had a row on how to spend their                Parliament.
money.                                                        A. disturb
III. He requested the chef to row his food with               B. label-playing
more spice.                                                   C. statement
A. only I                                                     D. laid

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E. All are correct                                           B. equiping
                                                             C. fundraising
33. Amid the ongoing unrest in Kazakhstan,                   D. bolster
earlier on 9 January, Pope Francis had                       E. All are correct
appealed for talks and justice in Kazakhstan to
put a stop to the nation's deadly conflict, saying                          Sentence rearrangement
he was pained by reports of deaths there.                    Directions (36-40): Rearrange the following
A. unrest                                                    statements, so that a meaningful paragraph is
B. appealed                                                  formed.
C. conflict                                                  A. Nelson in the same release said Calvin will
D. pained                                                    bring her expertise in integrated human-Earth
E. All are correct                                           system modeling.
                                                             B. Her responsibilities included work on the
34. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is                  institute’s Global change Analysis Model which
slated to face the House of Commons as                       is a system for exploring and analyzing the
pressure and widespread condemnation from                    relationships between human and Earth.
Tory MPs and Tory donors as well as public fury              C. Before her NASA stint, Calvin was an Earth
mounts over his "Bring your own booze" party in              scientist at the Pacific Northwest National
Downing Street that was in breech of UK’s first              Laboratory’s Joint Global Change Research
COVID-19 lockdown.                                           Institute in College Park, Maryland
A. slated                                                    D. NASA Administrator Bill Nelson announced
B. condemnation                                              that Dr. Katherine Calvin will serve the agency in
C. fury                                                      dual roles as chief scientist and senior climate
D. breech                                                    adviser.
E. All are correct                                           E. To help ensure the Biden Administration has
                                                             the data to achieve “the critical goal of protecting
35. The unit often accused the liaisons between              our planet.”
the Al-Qaida network and the Taliban, both of                36. Which of the following is the introductory
whom, it claimed were responsible for equiping               statement?
and fundraising to bolster the terror forces by              A. A
providing them military training and weaponry in             B. B
Ghazni, Logar, and Zabul provinces.                          C. C
A. liaisons                                                  D. D

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E. E                                                                         Match The Column
                                                             Directions (41-43):In the following questions two
37. Which of the following is the last statement?            columns are given containing three Sentences
A. A                                                         each. In the first column, sentences are A, B and
B. B                                                         C and in the second column the sentences are
C. C                                                         D, E and F. A sentence from the first column
D. D                                                         may or may not connect with another sentence
E. E                                                         from the second column to make a
                                                             grammatically and contextually correct
38. What is the position of statement (E), after             sentence. Each question has five options, four of
the rearrangement?                                           which display the sequence(s) in which the
A. First                                                     sentences can be joined to form a grammatically
B. Second                                                    and contextually correct sentence. If none of the
C. Third                                                     options given forms a correct sentence after
D. Fourth                                                    combination, mark (e), i.e. “None of these” as
E. Fifth                                                     your answer.
39. Which of the following is the second                              Column I                    Column II
                                                             A. The term artificial      D. so you will have to
A. A
B. B                                                         intelligence was coined     redesign business

C. C                                                         in 1955 by John Mc          processes and new
D. D                                                         Cathy,                      human tasks around it.
E. E
                                                             B. Let's start by           E. a Math Professor at

40. Which of the following is the fourth                     exploring what AI is        Dartmouth who
statement?                                                                               organized the seminal
A. A                                                                                     conference on the
B. B
                                                                                         topic in the following
C. C
D. D
E. E                                                         C. In most cases AI         F. biggest advances

                                                             supports individual         have been in two
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tasks and not entire       broad areas:                      hydrogen                   sudden interest?

business processes,        perception and
                                                             A. Both (A-F) and (C-D)
                                                             B. Both (B-D) and (C-E)
                                                             C. Only (C-D)
A. Both (A-F) and (B-D)
                                                             D. Both (A-E) and (B-F)
B. Both (B-F) and (C- D)
                                                             E. None of these
C. Both (A-E) and (C-D)
D. Both (A-F) and (B-E)
E. None of these
                                                                        Column I                  Column II

                                                             A. As technology gets        D. app could give way
       Column I                    Column II
                                                             better at recognizing or     to some sort of

A. The periodic tables     D. there is a lot of              guiding people through       autonomous

life test element is a     pressure on innovators,           obstacles and                pedestrian navigation

colourless and             investors and                     Pathways                     tool.
odourless gas-             policymakers to look for
                                                             B. Thanks to                 E. can become even
hydrogen,                  ways to reduce
                                                             improvement in               more challenging for
                                                             mapping technology           people who are blind

B. The Paris climate       E. from natural gas or            and Smartphone               and have low vision.
agreement to Limit         coal, we should be able           cameras,

global warming to          to eliminate millions of
                                                             C. The app provides          F. emerged with
1.50°C by 2050,            gigatons of carbon
                                                             personalized                 features like Indoor
                           dioxide from the earth's
                                                             navigation that allows       navigation, detailed
                                                             pedestrians to access        description of the

C. If we use Green         F. but hydrogen has               information about            surrounding

hydrogen in                been used as a                    potential obstructions       environment and

agriculture and fuel       chemical for agriculture          including sidewalk           warnings about

sector instead of          and fuel refining for             traffic,                     obstacles
                           decades, so why the
                                                             A. Only (B-F)
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B. Both (A-F) and (C-D)                                      There are categories where the shopper would
C. Both (B-F) and (C-D)                                      like to try out products in person before deciding
D. Both (A-E) and (C-F)                                      to purchase them. This is particularly beneficial
E. None of these                                             in the apparel category, which can often be a
                                                             guessing game for customers shopping online
             Reading comprehension                           because of size and fit concerns. These are also
Directions (44-50): Read the following passage               categories where personal advice from an
carefully and answer the questions that follow.              expert on what suits the customer best can add
Last week’s New York Times article, ‘People                  a lot of value. Such products are best shopped
Now Spend More at Amazon than at Walmart’,                   for in a brick-and-mortar store.
announced that the world’s biggest brick-and-                Big data analytics and artificial intelligence are
mortar retailer had been unseated by the e-                  already the backbone of both digital and
commerce giant. The Wall Street Journal                      physical-format shopping. In the future, the role
reported that ‘Amazon Plans to Open Large                    of technology will only get more prominent, more
Retail Locations akin to Department Stores’. The             so in the case of online shopping.
finer details of Amazon’s planned entry to the               44. Which of the following received more
regular retail sector, the very business that it             spendings than Walmart according to the
disrupted, are not yet known. But one thing is for           passage?
sure. How Amazon combines its digital and                    A. Snapdeal
brick-and-mortar retailing strategies will define            B. Flipkart
the future of shopping.                                      C. Amazon
It is unlikely that Amazon will sell the same                D. Myntra
products in the two shopping environments.                   E. None of the above
There could be a demarcation strategy as to
what category of products will be sold through               45. What will define the future of shopping
digital channels and what category mostly                    according to the passage?
through the company’s physical stores. There                 A. Combination of digital and brick-and-mortar
are several products that are bought by                      retailing strategies by Amazon.
consumers routinely without much thinking.                   B. Brick-and-mortar retailing strategies of
There is not much joy in shopping for them. It               Walmart.
won’t be a surprise if most of this sort of                  C. Amazon’s entry to the regular retail sector.
shopping moves fully into the digital space, a               D. Both A and C
format that allows quick shopping.                           E. Both B and C

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                                                             A. Technology and consumers
46. Which of the following formats allow/s quick             B. Customers and artificial intelligence
shopping according to the passage?                           C. Data analytics and artificial intelligence
A. Digital shopping                                          D. Science and technology
B. Retail shopping                                           E. Both A and C
C. Departmental shopping
D. Both A and C                                              49. What are the disadvantages mentioned in
E. Both A and B                                              the above passage of online stores?
                                                             A. Shipping problems, delayed deliveries and
47. What are the advantages mentioned in the                 high delivery charges
above passage of brick-and-mortar stores?                    B. Lack of significant discounts in online shops
A. When consumers choose a brick-and-mortar                  C. No salesperson to help while selecting
store, they don’t need to worry about waiting,               D. No choice of trial
handling fees, or damaged and lost packages.                 E. Both C and D
B. The return policies available at brick-and-
mortar stores offer a more simplistic and                    50. Which of the following is the antonym to the
engaging process than their online counterparts.             given word “akin”?
C. Both A and B                                              A. Diverse
D. The interactive service offered at brick-and-             B. Parallel
mortar stores helps shoppers to get second                   C. Exact
opinions, and more.                                          D. Relevant
E. All A, B and D                                            E. Uniform

48. Which of the following is the backbone of
both digital and physical-format shopping?

                                            Answer With Explanation

1. Answer: C                                                 interchange them in order to form a meaningful
The words “derail” and “estimates” are not in                sentence.
their correct positions and fail to impart any               NSO’s first advance “estimates” is the correct
meaning to the sentence, so we need to                       usage.

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Derail means obstruct (a process) by diverting it            5. Answer: D
from its intended course.                                    The words “expedite” and “sensitize” are not in
So, the rearrangement of words will be- cbad                 their correct positions and fail to impart any
Hence, option C is the correct answer.                       meaning to the sentence, so we need to
                                                             interchange them in order to form a meaningful
2. Answer: B                                                 sentence.
The words “expansion” and “fury” are not in their            Expedite means make (an action or process)
correct positions and fail to impart any meaning             happen sooner or be accomplished more
to the sentence, so we need to interchange                   quickly. To speed up the process of the paddy
them in order to form a meaningful sentence.                 procurement the Assam government will
Fury means fierce and violent, as the fierceness             organize a special GaonSabha (Gram Sabha).
of the COVID-19 pandemic has caused output                   So, the rearrangement of words will be- bacd
contraction by 7.3%.                                         Hence, option C is the correct answer.
So, the rearrangement of words will be- acbd
Hence, option B is the correct answer.                       6. Answer: B
3. Answer: E                                                 The correct rearrangement is - The Drugs
The sentence is already correct; hence no                    Controller General of India (DCGI) has given
rearrangement is required.                                   vaccine manufacturer Bharat Biotech approval
                                                             for conducting Phase 3 clinical trials of an
4. Answer: C                                                 intranasal booster dose for those who have
The words “nabbed” and “recovered” are not in                received both doses of Covaxin.
their correct positions and fail to impart any
meaning to the sentence, so we need to                       7. Answer: A
interchange them in order to form a meaningful                ACBED
sentence.                                                    The correct rearrangement is - The South Delhi
So, the rearrangement of words will be- cbad                 Municipal Corporation (SDMC) on Friday passed
Nabbed means to catch (someone) doing                        resolutions to construct the second phase of the
something wrong. Delhi police nabbed two                     civic body’s ‘Waste to Wonder Park’ and the
fraudsters and Police recovered two mobile                   ‘Bharat Darshan Park’ at an estimated cost of
phones and eight sim cards.                                  ₹46 crore and ₹51 crore, respectively.
Hence, option C is the correct answer.
                                                             8. Answer: C

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BEADC                                                        income ceiling for the EWS category. Among the
The correct rearrangement is - The Bihar Bandh               given words, we can use the pair in A since both
called by some student bodies and supported by               the words are correct according to the given
the Opposition parties over irregularities in the            context of the blanks in the sentence. In other
Railways recruitment exam evoked a mixed                     cases, the words will not fit in the given blanks.
response on Friday, with protesters disrupting               Therefore, option A is correct.
movement of trains and vehicles in different
parts of the state.                                          12. Answer: C
                                                             According to the context of the sentence, the
9. Answer: D                                                 Supreme Court overturned a CBSE rule that
DAECB                                                        said the marks scored by the students in their
The correct rearrangement is - Maharashtra has               improvement exams would be final, even if they
topped India’s list in the number of micro, small            scored lower than their regular exams. Among
and medium enterprises (MSME) owned by                       the words given, we can use the pair in C since
entrepreneurs from the Scheduled Castes with                 both the words are correct in the given context.
as many as 96,805 enterprises.                               Other words do not fit the blanks and can be
10. Answer: A                                                Option C is the correct choice among the given
BECAD                                                        options.
The correct rearrangement is - The Ministry of
External Affairs (MEA) has said India is                     13. Answer: B
monitoring the situation in eastern Ukraine                  According to the context of the sentence,
where a tense military situation has erupted after           Ethiopia’s government will liberate several of its
Russia placed a large number of troops and                   opposition figures as the country celebrates
heavy weapons along Ukraine’s frontiers,                     orthodox Christmas. Among the given words we
triggering worldwide fear of imminent military               can use the pair in B since both the words are
action.                                                      correct according to the given context of the
                                                             sentence. In other cases, the words will not fit in
11. Answer: A                                                the given blanks.
According to the given context of the sentence,              Therefore, option B is correct.
counselling for medical courses was held up
since the government failed to clarify what                  14. Answer: D
exactly had caused them to fix such a high-

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According to the context of the sentence, the                Error in “e”- “India” is incorrect, correct word to
Assam government stated that people who are                  be used is “Indian” as “Republic” is a noun and
still unvaccinated will not be allowed in public             to qualify it we have to use an adjective.
spaces and transport. Among the given words                  Hence option C is the correct answer.
we can use the pair in D since both the words
are correct according to the given context. Other            18. Answer: B
words do not fit in the blanks and can be                    Out of the given five parts both “a” and “d” are
eliminated.                                                  erroneous.
Therefore, option D is correct.                              Error in “a”- has/have/had are always followed
                                                             by V3, “setted” will be replaced by “set”.
15. Answer: A                                                Error in “d”- Both 'go' and 'goes' are in simple
According to the context of the sentence, the                present tense. 'Go' is used in the plural sense
Human Rights group dealt with a huge blow                    and 'Goes' is used in Singular sense. “Go” will
after the Court did not grant bail to a Rights               be replaced by “Goes”.
activist. Among the words given we can use the               Hence option B is the correct answer.
pair in A since both the words are correct in the
given context. Other words do not fit the blanks             19. Answer: C
and can be eliminated.                                       Out of the given five parts only “e” is erroneous.
Option A is the correct choice among the given               Error in “e”- “present” is incorrect, the correct
options.                                                     word to be used is “presence” as “militants” is a
                                                             noun and to qualify it we have to use an
16. Answer: B                                                adjective.
Out of the given five parts both “b” and “d” are             Hence option C is the correct answer.
Error in “b”- “on” February is incorrect, correct            20. Answer: A
preposition to be used is “in” February.                     Out of the given five parts both “b” and “c” are
Error in “d”- the subject “source” is singular, so           erroneous.
the verb to be used should also be in singular               Error in “b”- “live” incorrect, correct word to be
form. “Were” will be replaced by “was”.                      used is “lives”.
Hence option B is the correct answer.                        Error in “c”- has/have/had are always followed
                                                             by V3, “fall” will be replaced by “fallen”.
17. Answer: C                                                Hence option A is the correct answer.
Out of the given five parts only “e” is erroneous.

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21. Answer: B                                                So, the correct answer becomes option B.
The above sentence is about the Assembly
elections in five States. Polling will begin in Uttar        24. Answer: A
Pradesh on February 10 and end on March 7 to                 In the above sentence the ECI was unable to
be covered in seven phases. So, the correct                  change a situation where UP is following its
word to be used is “spanning” which means to                 earlier pattern of starting with constituencies in
extend across (a period of time or a range of                the western part of the State first and then
subjects). Remaining words are inapt.                        moving towards the east. So, the apt word to be
So, the correct answer becomes option B.                     used is “stuck”. Remaining words are inapt.
                                                             So, the correct answer becomes option A.
22. Answer: C
The most appropriate word from the above                     25. Answer: C
options to be used is “deployment” which is used             The above sentence is about the Chief Election
by the military, for sending troops to duty. As              Commissioner Sushil Chandra rejecting reports
according to the size of the states and                      of the Bhartiya Janata Party that asked phases
positioning of paramilitary forces, the ECI has              to be from east to west. So, the apt word to be
decided to divide the polling into seven phases.             used is “dismissing”. Remaining words are
Remaining words are inapt.                                   inapt.
Defilement- an act of great disrespect shown to              So, the correct answer becomes option C.
God or to sacred ideas, people, or things
Devilment- playful, reckless behavior that is not            26. Answer: B
intended to cause serious harm                               ‘Desert’ is a dry barren land where little rain
So, the correct answer becomes option C.                     occurs. ‘Desert’ is also used as a verb to
                                                             describe the action of abandoning a person or a
23. Answer: B                                                cause. Statement III is meaningless as it does
The most appropriate word from the above                     not use the word correctly.
options to be used is “split” which means the act            Therefore, option B is correct.
or process of a whole separating into two or
more parts or pieces... The ECI has decided to               27. Answer: C
divide the polling into seven phases. Remaining              ‘Punch’ means hitting someone with your fist.
words are inapt. Segment and bifurcate are also              ‘Punch’ also means a drink made of fruits, wine,
correct words to be used but they are not given              spices, etc. Statement II does not make any
in V3 form as “has” is always followed by V3.                sense here.

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Therefore, option C is correct.                              The word ‘level-playing’ will be used in place of
                                                             ‘label-playing’, which makes no sense.
28. Answer: D                                                Therefore, the correct answer is option B.
‘Fan’ is a device for creating a current of air by
movement of a surface, this device is used to                33. Answer: E
cool yourself down. ‘Fan’ is also someone who                All the words are correctly spelled here.
is an ardent follower or admirer of something or             Therefore, the correct answer is option E.
someone. Statement III is meaningless and
does not make any sense.                                     34. Answer: D
Therefore, option D is correct.                              The word ‘breach’ has been incorrectly spelled
                                                             here as ‘breech’.
29. Answer: B                                                Therefore, the correct answer is option D.
‘Fine’ can be used to describe something of high
quality, like the shawl from Kashmir. ‘Fine’ is              35. Answer: B
also a payment for violating a rule or law, like             The word ‘equipping’ is incorrectly written as
not wearing a mask when outside despite                      ‘equiping’.
government orders. Statement I is meaningless.               Therefore, the correct answer is option B.
Therefore, option B is correct.
                                                             36. Answer: D
30. Answer: C
‘row’ refers to how something is organized into a            37. Answer: B
line. ‘row’ can also mean a fight or a
disagreement.                                                38. Answer: C
Therefore, option C is correct.
                                                             39. Answer: A
31. Answer: D
The Correct spelling of the word is                          40. Answer: C
‘transmissible’, which is incorrectly written as             The right sequence is – DAECB
‘transmisible’.                                              After reading all the statement, we can say that
Therefore, the correct answer is option D.                   statement (D) is the introductory statement; it
                                                             explains the topic about which we are going to
32. Answer: B                                                talk. In statement (D) Bill Nelson announced
                                                             something and that announcement further

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connects with statement (A), where it is                     gas or coal, we should be able to eliminate
mentioned “in the same release". So, statement               millions of gigatons of carbon dioxide from the
(A) will come after statement (D)                            earth's atmosphere.
After statement (A), statement (E) will come,
because it further explains the role of Calvin.              43. Answer: A
Statement (C) explains what Calvin was doing                 (B-F) - Thanks to improvement in mapping
before her appointment to NASA and statement                 technology and Smartphone cameras, emerged
(B) explains what her responsibilities were when             with features like Indoor navigation, detailed
she was in Maryland. So, we get the pair of                  description of the surrounding environment and
statements (CB). As we already got the                       warnings about obstacles
introductory statement as (D), we cannot put the
pair in starting. The pair will come after                   44. Answer: C
statement (E). In that way, statement (B) is the             Refer to the third paragraph- “Last week’s New
last statement.                                              York Times article, ‘People Now Spend More at
                                                             Amazon than at Walmart’, announced that the
41. Answer: C                                                world’s biggest brick-and-mortar retailer had
(A-E) - The term artificial intelligence was coined          been unseated by the e-commerce giant.”
in 1955 by John Mc Cathy, a Math Professor at                From the above quoted lines we can say that
Dartmouth who organized the seminal                          option C is the correct answer.
conference on the topic in the following years
(C-D) - In most cases AI supports individual                 45. Answer: A
tasks and not entire business processes, so you              Refer to the first paragraph- “The finer details of
will have to redesign business processes and                 Amazon’s planned entry to the regular retail
new human tasks around it.                                   sector, the very business that it disrupted, are
                                                             not yet known. But one thing is for sure. How
42. Answer: B                                                Amazon combines its digital and brick-and-
(B-D) - The Paris climate agreement to limit                 mortar retailing strategies will define the future of
global warming to 1.50°C by 2050, there is a lot             shopping.” From the above quoted lines we can
of pressure on innovators, investors and                     say that option A is the correct answer.
policymakers to look for ways to reduce
emissions.                                                   46. Answer: A
(C-E) - If we use green hydrogen in agriculture              Refer to the second paragraph- “There is not
and fuel sector instead of hydrogen from natural             much joy in shopping for them. It won’t be a

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surprise if most of this sort of shopping moves
fully into the digital space, a format that allows           49. Answer: E
quick shopping.”                                             Refer to the third paragraph- “There are
From the above quoted lines we can say that                  categories where the shopper would like to try
option A is the correct answer.                              out products in person before deciding to
                                                             purchase them.
47. Answer: D                                                This is particularly beneficial in the apparel
Refer to the third paragraph- “These are also                category, which can often be a guessing game
categories where personal advice from an                     for customers shopping online because of size
expert on what suits the customer best can add               and fit concerns. These are also categories
a lot of value. Such products are best shopped               where personal advice from an expert on what
for in a brick-and-mortar store.”                            suits the customer best can add a lot of value.
From the above quoted lines we can say that                  Such products are best shopped for in a brick-
option D is the correct answer.                              and-mortar store.”
                                                             From the above quoted lines we can say that
48. Answer: C                                                option E is the correct answer.
Refer to the fourth paragraph- “Big data
analytics and artificial intelligence are already            50. Answer: A
the backbone of both digital and physical-format             The meaning of “akin” is - having qualities in
shopping.”                                                   common
From the above quoted lines we can say that                  And Diverse is the antonym for the word “akin”
option C is the correct answer.                              Hence     option    A   is   the    correct   answer

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