Page created by Sandra Robbins
SCHOOL OF BIOLOGICAL                                                                                              POULTON RESEARCH PROJECT                          CHESTER ZOO

                                                                                                                  We have longstanding links with the Poulton       We have excellent links with the award-winning
                                                                                                                  Research Project, a community archaeology         Chester Zoo, one of the world’s top zoos, with
                                                                                                                  project in Cheshire. Finds from this site span    20,000 animals and active conservation projects
                                                                                                                  an incredible 9,000 years and include carefully   both within the UK and abroad. Many staff

SCIENCES                                                                                                          worked pre-historic flints and 17th century
                                                                                                                  artefacts from the English Civil War. Over 800
                                                                                                                  human skeletons from the site are stored in
                                                                                                                  LJMU’s world-class osteology laboratories, and
                                                                                                                                                                    have completed research projects with the
                                                                                                                                                                    zoo. Students on our Animal Behaviour, Wildlife
                                                                                                                                                                    Conservation and Zoology programmes also
                                                                                                                                                                    complete regular field trips to the zoo.
                                                                                                                  the medieval chapel’s burial ground also acts
                                                                                                                  as a training excavation site for our forensic
The School of Biological and Environmental                The School’s Research Centre in Evolutionary
                                                                                                                  anthropology students.
Sciences is involved in extensive research and            Anthropology and Palaeoecology fosters cross-
collaborates with academics in every continent            disciplinary research and teaching into human and
across the world. Our expertise lies in the disciplines   animal ‘life on Earth’.
of anthropology, animal behaviour, neurobiology,
evolutionary and environmental genetics,
epigenetics, ecology, geography, climate change and
environmental sustainability.

   WE HAVE EXCELLENT                       WE CONDUCT WORLD-                    BYROM STREET IS                  19TH FOR
   EMPLOYMENT RATES                        LEADING RESEARCH                     HOME TO WORLD-CLASS              ANTHROPOLOGY
   SCHOOL SECURE EMPLOYMENT                FOR THE SCHOOL. WE ARE               WE ARE LUCKY TO HOUSE A          2021
                                           WITH ACADEMICS IN EVERY              IN NEW, STATE-OF-THE-ART
                                           CONTINENT ACROSS THE                 SCIENCE LABORATORIES AND
                                           WORLD. YOU WILL BE TAUGHT BY         EXCELLENT TEACHING SPACES.
                                           RESEARCH ACTIVE STAFF, THE
                                           VAST MAJORITY OF WHOM ARE
                                           LEADERS IN THEIR FIELD.

                                                                                                              * LJMU Graduate Destinations Report 2017
                                                                                                              **Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2014
If you don’t have the qualifications to enter directly onto the programme of your
choosing, then one of our foundation year degrees might be the ideal option for you.                                 I did a foundation year at LJMU
                                                                                                                     before going on to the degree.
                                                                                                                     The course offers the chance to
                                                                                                                     go on many field trips. We spent
Once you pass the foundation          BSc (Hons) Animal Behaviour with
                                                                                                                     five days in the Lake District
year you progress directly onto       Foundation Year
the first year of the honours         UCAS code: C302                                                                conducting different types
degree. This means that you will                                                   MODULES                           of fieldwork including taking
                                      BSc (Hons) Biological Anthropology with                                        cores in a peat bog, learning
be studying for a minimum of
                                      Foundation Year                              n Skills and Perspectives in
four years, which may increase to                                                    Science 1
                                                                                                                     how to measure discharge
                                      UCAS code: SBA2
five if your course of choice has                                                                                    in a river channel and also
a sandwich year as part of the        BSc (Hons) Biology with Foundation Year      n Skills and Perspectives in     geomorphological mapping
degree.                               UCAS code: 7A24                                 Science 2
                                                                                                                     in a mountain valley. We also
                                                                                   n Wildlife Studies               went to Almeria in South East
The majority of degrees within        BSc (Hons) Climate Change with
the School of Biological and          Foundation Year                              n Anatomy and Physiology         Spain where we learned about
Environmental Sciences are            UCAS code: SCCF                                                                the formation of Badlands
                                                                                   n Understanding the
available as a foundation year.                                                       Environment                    landscapes and looked at other
                                      BSc (Hons) Forensic Anthropology with
                                      Foundation Year
                                                                                                                     features such as ephemeral
                                                                                   n Building Blocks of Life
                                      UCAS code: 3D49                                                                rivers and gypsum plateaus.
                                                                                                                     I also went to Iceland for two
                                      BSc (Hons) Geography with Foundation                                           weeks which was brilliant.
                                      UCAS code: F801                                                                Dean Bromilow, student, BSc (Hons)
                                      BSc (Hons) Wildlife Conservation with
                                      Foundation Year
                                      UCAS code: 6Z79
                                      BSc (Hons) Zoology with Foundation
                                      UCAS code: C303

  Entry Requirements
  UCAS Tariff points required: 88 | A levels subject specific requirement: Preferably one A2 Level in a
  relevant science subject | General Studies acceptable? Yes | BTEC Diploma grades/subjects required:
  DD if studied on its own or to the total of 88 UCAS points when combined with other qualifications | BTEC
  Extended Diploma grades/subjects required: MMM if studied on its own or to the total of 88 UCAS points
  when combined with other qualifications | GCSE/standard grade: Grade C/Grade 4 or above in English
  Language and Mathematics. Equivalent qualifications may be accepted | Interview required? No interview
  required (UCAS application form only) | DBS check required? No

 UNDERGRADUATE COURSES 2021                                                                                                           UNDERGRADUATE COURSES 2021
The course is extremely interesting. There are
lots of hands-on practical sessions which help
you understand all of the material you need
to be successful on the course. The teaching
support at LJMU is great. The lecturers are
understanding and easy to talk to and whenever
you have a question there’s always someone
there to help you.
Jordan Burns, student, BSc (Hons) Animal Behaviour
I enjoy how in-depth the course is. I have always
loved Biology and getting to study it at such
molecular and cellular levels is very interesting.
I’m an animal lover so I really enjoyed the field
trip to Chester Zoo and found it very educational.
The teaching support is phenomenal. My friends
at other universities have even commented on
how they wish theirs was as good as LJMU!
Chloe Magee, student, BSc (Hons) Biology
ANIMAL                                                                                                                  I find learning about the way animals’ brains
    BEHAVIOUR                                                                                                               work and the animal behavioural side of course
                                                                                                                            particularly interesting.
    BSc (HONS)                                                                                                              Becky Duckworth Current student

Learn from experts in animal behaviour and complete work-related learning with a
variety of animal-related organisations, such as overseas research projects, zoos,
wildlife parks and rescue centres. The course explains animal behaviour in relation to
animal evolution, ecology, physiology, neurobiology and genetics.

COURSE OVERVIEW                            MODULES                                  and Genebanks; Current Topics in        Genus, Newquay Zoo, RSPCA                 SCHOLARSHIPS
                                                                                    Primatology                             and North Clwyd Animal Rescue.
                                                                                                                                                                      LJMU recognises hard working and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   SEE ALSO:
❚     Regular visits to local zoos and     Level 4                                                                          Other graduates have opted for
                                                                                                                            postgraduate study (teacher training,     inspirational applications through our       Biochemistry*
      wildlife parks to observe the        Fundamentals of Scientific Research;
                                                                                    WORK-RELATED LEARNING                   MSc, MPhil or PhD), pursuing a            generous scholarship fund. Awarded in
      behaviour of captive animals         Practical Skills for Animal Behaviour;                                                                                     recognition of personal achievement,         Biology*
                                           Animal Behaviour; Evolution and                                                  career in science and academia or
      Study the behaviour of wild and                                               The course provides plenty of                                                     you could receive either £1,000 or           Biomedical Science*
❚                                          Inheritance; Ecology; Animal                                                     have set up their own businesses.
                                                                                    opportunities for first-hand work                                                 £10,000 for every year of your course*.      Biotechnology*
      captive companion animals,           Physiology                               experience via an optional year-                                                  So whether you’re an academic high
      with opportunities for overseas                                               long sandwich placement or a            ADDITIONAL COSTS                                                                       Forensic Anthropology*
                                           Level 5                                                                                                                    flyer or a dedicated volunteer, we want
      fieldwork                                                                     4-6 week learning placement. A                                                                                                 Wildlife Conservation*
                                                                                                                            Practical and field activities underpin   to reward your success.
                                           Brain, Hormones and Behaviour;
❚     Optional overseas fieldwork (self-                                            placement tutor will help you find                                                                                             Zoology*
                                           Animals in Motion; Animal                                                        all programmes in the School. PPE         *Provided you meet certain criteria, see
                                                                                    the right placement, either in the UK
      funded) – previous destinations      Communication; Behavioural Ecology;                                              is provided for all necessary practical   terms and conditions online:
                                                                                    or overseas. And once you start,                                                                                               *Foundation routes available.
      have included Tenerife, Costa        Research Skills and Employability                                                work. There are no costs for day field
                                                                                    you will have regular support from a
      Rica and Malaysia                                                                                                     trips for core and optional modules.
                                           Options:                                 supervisor.
                                                                                                                            Residential field trips associated
❚     Opportunities for work-related       Animal Field Skills; Companion                                                   with core modules are subsidised
      learning, study abroad and/or a      Animal Behaviour                         CAREER PROSPECTS                        and include travel and half-board
      year-long sandwich placement         Sandwich degree                                                                  accommodation costs. Any residential
                                           Year-long placement                      You will enjoy varied career
                                                                                                                            field trips for optional modules will
❚     Prepares you for a career                                                     opportunities both in the UK and
                                                                                                                            have costs involved. Locations
      in science, animal welfare,          Level 6                                  overseas.
                                                                                                                            may be subject to change and also
      husbandry or conservation            Independent Research Project;            Recent graduates have secured full-     subject to national and international
                                           Advances in Animal Behaviour             time employment in roles such as        travel restrictions.
❚     Taught by animal behaviour
                                                                                    Research Officers, Animal Colony
      experts at the forefront of modern   Options:                                 Managers and Animal Welfare             EXPLORE THE WORLD
      research                             Animal Learning and Cognition;           Coordinators in organisations
                                           Animal Social Systems; Animal            such as: Combe Martin Wildlife          Did you know that LJMU students
❚     Specialist lectures from visiting    Welfare; International Expedition;
      animal behaviour experts                                                      Park, Chester Zoo, Dolphin Quest,       have the opportunity to discover more
                                           Neurobiology; Zoo Conservation           Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust,    about the world by studying, working
                                                                                                                            or volunteering abroad? Whether you
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 LIVERPOOL VOTED
                                                                                                                            are looking to enhance your degree,                                                  SECOND IN THE
    UCAS code: C301                                                                 FOUNDATION ROUTE AVAILABLE              improve your employability or have a                                                 TOP 10 STUDENT
                                                                                                                            life-changing experience, you could
    UCAS Tariff points required: 112 | A levels minimum requirement: 2 | A levels subject specific requirement:             gain funding to help you realise your                                                CITIES IN THE UK
    A Level grade C or above preferably in Biology or other relevant science | General Studies acceptable? No | BTEC        goals. Where and when you can go
    Diploma grades/subjects required: D*D* if studied on its own or to the total of 112 UCAS points if combined             will depend on your programme of
    with other qualifications | BTEC Extended Diploma grades/subjects required: DMM in a relevant scientific area |         study.
    GCSE/standard grade: Grade C/Grade 4 or above in English Language and Mathematics. Equivalent qualifications     
    may be accepted | Interview required? No | DBS check required? No
    Course duration (Yrs): 3/4 FT Start month: September Campus location: City Campus

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 STUDENT HUT 2018

    UNDERGRADUATE COURSES 2021                                                                                                                                      UNDERGRADUATE COURSES 2021
BIOLOGICAL ANTHROPOLOGY                                                                                                The study of Biological Anthropology has added
    BSc (HONS)
                                                                                                                           significance currently given the many critical
                                                                                                                           themes in the world today, such as over-population,
BSc (Hons) Biological Anthropology offers important insights and perspectives
on key topics fundamental to human existence, such as our evolutionary origins,
                                                                                                                           a global decline in biodiversity, human-induced
the appreciation of human diversity, health and disease, life history patterns, past                                       climate change, human diversity and pandemics.
responses to environmental change, and the nature of our evolutionary relationship
                                                                                                                           Richard Jennings Programme Leader
with our primate relatives.

COURSE OVERVIEW                             MODULES                                 WORK-RELATED LEARNING                  veterinary science, museum curation,         SCHOLARSHIPS
❚     Access to a large, in-house           Level 4                                 Work experience is a vital part
                                                                                                                           humanitarian organisations, social
                                                                                                                                                                        LJMU recognises hard working and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   SEE ALSO:
                                                                                                                           sciences and academic research.
      collection of human skeletal          Genes and Evolution; Primate            of your studies and we strongly                                                     inspirational applications through our     Forensic Anthropology
                                                                                                                           Beyond the directly applied career           generous scholarship fund. Awarded in
      remains                               Social Systems; Introduction to         recommend that you undertake a
                                                                                                                           potential, graduates can gain                recognition of personal achievement,
                                            Biological Anthropology; Introduction   12-month sandwich placement after
❚     Training in the excavation of                                                                                        employment in the teaching profession,       you could receive either £1,000 or
                                            to Archaeology; Human Variation,        your second year, either in the UK
      human remains on the Poulton                                                                                         the civil service and a range of field and   £10,000 for every year of your course*.
                                            Adaptation and Ecology; Climate and     or abroad. You will also have the
      Archaeological Project                                                                                               laboratory science-related roles across      So whether you’re an academic high
                                            Human Evolution                         chance to do a short 4-6 week long
                                                                                                                           a range of employment sectors.               flyer or a dedicated volunteer, we want
❚     Exclusive placement                                                           work-based learning placement
                                            Level 5                                                                                                                     to reward your success.
      opportunities on flagship                                                     before your final year. Placements
      Neanderthal excavation                Primate Adaptation and Behaviour;       not only give you a chance to put      ADDITIONAL COSTS                             *Provided you meet certain criteria, see
      sites in Gibraltar (Gorham’s          GIS and Employability; Human            what you have learnt into practice,                                                 terms and conditions online:
                                            Osteology; Excavation and Analytical                                           Practical and field activities underpin
      Cave Complex) and Belgium                                                     but they also develop your personal                                       
                                            Techniques; Palaeoanthropology                                                 all programmes in the School. PPE is
      (Scladina Cave) and in primate                                                and subject-related skills and help
                                                                                                                           provided for all necessary practical work.
      conservation areas in Africa          Options:                                you acquire new skills to enhance
                                                                                                                           There are no costs for day field trips for
      (Tanzania)                            World Archaeology; Human Anatomy        your CV.
                                                                                                                           core and optional modules. Residential
❚     State-of-the-art scientific           and Genetics                                                                   field trips associated with core modules
      laboratories for undertaking
                                                                                    CAREER PROSPECTS                       are subsidised and include travel and
                                            Level 6
      a range of scientific studies                                                 A Biological Anthropology science      half-board accommodation costs.
                                            Research Project; Primate                                                      Any residential field trips for optional
      pertinent to biological                                                       degree opens doors to a range
                                            Conservation; Current Topics in                                                modules will have costs involved.
      anthropology                                                                  of careers in stimulating fields.
                                            Biological Anthropology                                                        Locations may be subject to change
                                                                                    Future careers include many
❚     Research-active teaching staff                                                                                       and also subject to national and
                                            Options:                                areas of healthcare, epidemiology,
      who regularly publish and attend                                                                                     international travel restrictions.
                                            Work Based Learning; Environmental      nutrition, primate conservation,
      academic conferences
                                            Modelling and GIS; Environmental        genetics, forensic anthropology,
❚     Field trips to zoos, archaeological   Change; Palaeopathology; Advanced       field archaeology and archaeological
      sites and museums across the UK       Forensic Anthropology                   science, zoology, environmental        EXPLORE THE WORLD
                                                                                    science, animal husbandry,
                                                                                                                           Did you know that LJMU students
                                                                                                                           have the opportunity to discover more
                                                                                                                           about the world by studying, working
     UCAS code: SBA1                                                                  FOUNDATION ROUTE AVAILABLE           or volunteering abroad? Whether you
                                                                                                                           are looking to enhance your degree,
     UCAS Tariff points required: 112 | A levels minimum requirement: 2 | A levels subject specific requirement:           improve your employability or have a
     Science or social science subjects (including Anthropology) | General Studies acceptable? No | BTEC Diploma           life-changing experience, you could
     grades/subjects required: D*D* if studied on its own or to the total of 112 UCAS points if combined with other        gain funding to help you realise your
     qualifications | BTEC Extended Diploma grades/subjects required: DMM required if no other level 3 qualification       goals. Where and when you can go will
     taken | GCSE/standard grade: Grade C/Grade 4 or above in English Language and Mathematics. Equivalent                 depend on your programme of study.
     qualifications may be accepted | Interview required? No | DBS check required? No                                
     Course duration (Yrs): 3/4 FT Start month: September Campus location: City Campus                                         @LJMUGlobalOpps

    UNDERGRADUATE COURSES 2021                                                                                                                                        UNDERGRADUATE COURSES 2021
BIOLOGY                                                                                                                  The laboratory sessions are my favourite part of
    BSc (HONS)
                                                                                                                             the course as you have the chance to get stuck
                                                                                                                             in and learn new things.
                                                                                                                             Katie Bush Graduate
The professionally-accredited BSc (Hons) Biology opens up the fascinating subject
of biology, providing a core understanding of biological theory and practical skills,
whilst giving you the opportunity to study a variety of specialisms, including genetics,
microbiology, neurobiology, development and ecology.

COURSE OVERVIEW                            Level 5                                   you a chance to put into practice       or PhD) in topics as wide ranging         SCHOLARSHIPS
       Opportunity for self-funded
                                           Diversity and Evolution of Life;          what you have learnt in the first two   as human nutrition, oncology,
                                                                                                                                                                       LJMU recognises hard working and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  SEE ALSO:
                                           Physiology of Life; Research Skills       years, it will also help you develop    molecular medicine, tropical medicine
       overseas field expedition –                                                                                           and embryology, or others go into         inspirational applications through our     Animal Behaviour*
                                           and Employability                         your personal skills and add real
       previous destinations have                                                                                            teaching and lecturing.                   generous scholarship fund. Awarded in
                                                                                     value to your CV. Many students who                                                                                          Biochemistry*
                                           Options:                                                                                                                    recognition of personal achievement,
       included Tenerife, Costa Rica and                                             undertake placements have gone on
                                           Developmental Biology; Genes and          to work for the same organisation
                                                                                                                                                                       you could receive either £1,000 or         Biomedical Science*
       Malaysia                                                                                                              ADDITIONAL COSTS                          £10,000 for every year of your course*.
                                           Genomes; Ecology Field Skills;            after they graduate.                                                                                                         Biotechnology*
❚      Stepping stone to careers in        Immunology and Infection; Marine                                                  Practical and field activities underpin   So whether you’re an academic high
                                                                                                                                                                       flyer or a dedicated volunteer, we want
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Forensic Anthropology*
       diverse fields such as genetics,    and Freshwater Biology                    CAREER PROSPECTS                        all programmes in the School. PPE
                                                                                                                                                                       to reward your success.                    Forensic Science*
       microbiology, embryology,                                                                                             is provided for all necessary practical
                                           Level 6                                   You will enjoy varied career                                                                                                 Science and Football*
       clinical science, radiography and                                                                                     work. There are no costs for day field    *Provided you meet certain criteria, see
                                           Health and Disease; Research              opportunities in biological areas,      trips for core and optional modules.      terms and conditions online:               Sport and Exercise Science*
       environmental sciences
                                           Project                                   such as embryology, clinical            Residential field trips associated
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Wildlife Conservation*
❚      Option to choose between a                                                    science, research and development       with core modules are subsidised
                                           Options:                                                                                                                                                               Zoology*
       year’s work placement or a                                                    laboratories and microbiological food   and include travel and half-board         ACCREDITATION
                                           Advanced Immunology and Infection;
       135 hour work-based learning                                                  and water safety. Our graduates         accommodation costs. Any residential
                                           Applications of Genetics in Health                                                                                                                                     *Foundation routes available.
       placement                                                                     work at a number of organisations       field trips for optional modules will
                                           and Disease; Applied Marine Biology;
                                                                                     including: Unilever, Axion Veterinary   have costs involved. Locations
                                           Forensic Bioscience; Frontiers of
❚      £6 million invested in state-of-                                              Laboratories, Astra Zeneca/             may be subject to change and also
                                           Ecology; International Expedition;
       the-art teaching facilities                                                   MedImmune, Bioquell, Elucigene          subject to national and international
                                           Neurobiology; Parasitology; Work-
                                                                                     Diagnostics, The Christie Hospital;     travel restrictions.
                                           Based Learning
                                                                                     conservation organisations including
MODULES                                                                              Chester Zoo, Brecknock Wildlife
                                                                                     Trust and Operation Wallace; and        EXPLORE THE WORLD
Level 4                                    WORK-RELATED LEARNING
                                                                                     environmental agencies, such as         Did you know that LJMU students
Genetics and Evolution; Microbiology;      You have the opportunity to               Kingfisher Environmental Services.      have the opportunity to discover more
Physiology; Ecology; Practical             undertake a 135 hour work-based
                                                                                     Some prefer to continue their           about the world by studying, working
Skills for Biology; Fundamentals of        placement or a 12-month placement
                                                                                     studies with postgraduate study         or volunteering abroad? Whether you
Scientific Research                        with a relevant organisation in the
                                                                                     (PGCE/PGDE, MSc, MPhil, MRes,           are looking to enhance your degree,
                                           UK or abroad. This will not only give
                                                                                                                             improve your employability or have a
                                                                                                                             life-changing experience, you could
     UCAS code: C100                                                                   FOUNDATION ROUTE AVAILABLE            gain funding to help you realise your
                                                                                                                             goals. Where and when you can go

     UCAS Tariff points required: 112 | A levels minimum requirement: 2 | A levels subject specific requirement:             will depend on your programme of
     Biology or a related science at grade C or above | General Studies acceptable? No | BTEC Diploma grades/subjects                                                                                              OF STUDENTS ARE
     required: D*D* if studied on its own or to the total of 112 UCAS points if combined with other qualifications | BTEC
     Extended Diploma grades/subjects required: DMM. Must include a significant number of science-based modules,                                                                                                   SATISFIED WITH
     usually a minimum of six | GCSE/standard grade: Grade C/Grade 4 or above in English Language and Mathematics.                                                                                                 THE QUALITY OF
     Equivalent qualifications may be accepted | Interview required? No | DBS check required? No                                                                                                                   THIS COURSE
     Course duration (Yrs): 3/4 FT Start month: September Campus location: City Campus                                                                                                                             National Student Survey (NSS) 2019

    UNDERGRADUATE COURSES 2021                                                                                                                                       UNDERGRADUATE COURSES 2021
CLIMATE CHANGE                                                                                                            The programme is truly interdisciplinary, providing
    BSc (HONS)                                                                                                                an understanding of physical processes,combined
                                                                                                                              with socio-economic and cultural factors to provide
                                                                                                                              a holistic approach to climate change.
Climate Change is a pressing and challenging issue facing society. The introduction                                           Timothy Lane Programme Leader
of this new BSc in Climate Change will allow students to investigate the issue using
interdisciplinary skills.

COURSE OVERVIEW                                  surveying; civil service; and        The Cryosphere in a Changing            placement between Levels 5 and 6.        Roles in science communication and         Whether you are looking to
                                                 Geographical Information Systems     Climate; Scientific Research and                                                 science policy through governmental        enhance your degree, improve your
                                                                                                                              With the support of a placement
❚      Investigate climate change using                                               Project Management; Responding to                                                and non-governmental organisations         employability or have a life-changing
                                                                                                                              tutor, you will be given the
       interdisciplinary skills to tackle   ❚    Options to undertake work            Climate Change; Impact of Climate                                                also offer employability opportunities,    experience, you could gain funding
                                                                                                                              opportunity to work for a geography
       pressing issues affecting the             placements of 4-6 weeks and/or       Change on Biological Processes                                                   as well teaching, the civil service        to help you realise your goals. Where
                                                                                                                              or environment-related organisation
       issue                                     12 months                                                                                                             and a range of GIS (Geographical           and when you can go will depend on
                                                                                      Sandwich degree                         and put into practice skills and
                                                                                                                                                                       Information Systems) related roles         your programme of study.
                                                 Options to study abroad for part     Year-long placement                     knowledge gained in your first two
❚      Taught by highly experienced,        ❚                                                                                                                          across various (non-environment)
                                                 of the degree with support from                                              years of study. As well as giving you                                         
       research-active staff                                                                                                                                           employment sectors.
                                                                                      Level 6                                 a chance to develop personal skills
                                                 schemes such as the Go Global                                                                                                                                        @LJMUGlobalOpps
❚      Field trips included in the fees,                                              Dissertation; Cold Environments:        and take a break from formal study,      Further study, including Masters
                                                 Fund and Erasmus+                                                            this experience will add real value to   programmes, will enable you to develop
       currently to Iceland, the Lake                                                 Processes and Change (currently
       District, Snowdonia, the Peak                                                  includes a residential field class      your CV and significantly boost your     your research skills in more specific      SCHOLARSHIPS
                                            MODULES                                   to Iceland – included in fees);         employability prospects. In fact, many   areas of the wider climate, life and
       District and the North West                                                                                                                                                                                LJMU recognises hard working and
                                            Level 4                                   Specialised Topics in Climate Change    of our students have subsequently        environmental sciences or you may
       coast                                                                                                                  been offered work with the same          wish to transfer to an environmental       inspirational applications through
                                            Methods, Skills and Careers in            The following options are typically     organisation or through contacts         engineering related Masters to develop     our generous scholarship fund.
❚      Focus on skill acquisition via
                                            Environmental Sciences; Earth             offered:                                made.                                    a more vocational career.                  Awarded in recognition of personal
       practical workshops and field        Systems (currently includes                                                                                                                                           achievement, you could receive either
       learning                             residential field class to North Wales,   Reconstructing Environmental Change;    There is also an option to do a short                                               £1,000 or £10,000 for every year of
                                            included in fees); Environment,           Work based learning for credit;         (4-6 week) placement in Level 6 and      ADDITIONAL COSTS                           your course*. So whether you’re an
❚      Access to brand new, state-of-                                                 Environmental Modelling and GIS;
                                            Society and Sustainability; Climate                                               put together a portfolio about your                                                 academic high flyer or a dedicated
       the-art computing facilities and                                               Renewables and Low Carbon Futures;                                               Practical and field activities underpin
                                            and Human Evolution; Introduction                                                 experience.                                                                         volunteer, we want to reward your
       analytical equipment                                                           Economics of Climate Change                                                      all programmes in the School. PPE
                                            to Climatology and Meteorology;                                                                                            is provided for all necessary practical    success.
       Excellent employment                 Research Skills in Climate Change                                                 CAREER PROSPECTS
❚                                                                                                                                                                      work. There are no costs for day           *Provided you meet certain criteria, see
       opportunities in areas such          Science                                   WORK-RELATED LEARNING                   Climate Change is a global               field trips for core and optional          terms and conditions online:
       as: climate environmental            Level 5                                   Work-related learning is a crucial      issue affecting a large number           modules. Residential field trips 
       management; consultancy;                                                       element of your studies, and the best   of environmental processes and           associated with core modules are
                                            Geographical Information Systems
       operational government                                                         way to experience the world of work     socioeconomic aspects of life,           subsidised and include travel and
                                            (GIS) and Employability; Climate
                                                                                      is by opting to undertake a 12-month    therefore graduates will have a broad    half-board accommodation costs.
       authorities; engineering and         Change: Catchments and Oceans;
                                                                                                                              range of career prospects.               Any residential field trips for optional     SEE ALSO:
                                                                                                                                                                       modules will have costs involved.
                                                                                                                              Graduates could work for                                                              Geography*
     UCAS code: SCCD                                                                     FOUNDATION ROUTE AVAILABLE                                                    Locations may be subject to change
                                                                                                                              environmental management
                                                                                                                                                                       and also subject to national and
                                                                                                                              companies and consultancies such                                                      *Foundation routes available.
     UCAS Tariff points required: 112 | A levels minimum requirement: 2 | A levels subject specific requirement: C                                                     international travel restrictions.
                                                                                                                              as Mouchel, Amec Foster Wheeler
     or above in Geography or another science at A Level | General Studies acceptable? No | BTEC Diploma grades/              and Applied iGeology; operational
     subjects required: D*D* if studied on its own or to the total of 112 UCAS points if combined with other qualifications   government authorities such as           EXPLORE THE WORLD
     | BTEC Extended Diploma grades/subjects required: DMM in a relevant subject area is required if no other level 3         the Environment Agency and
                                                                                                                                                                       Did you know that LJMU students
     qualifications are taken | GCSE/standard grade: Grade C/Grade 4 or above in English Language and Mathematics.            Natural England; in engineering and
                                                                                                                                                                       have the opportunity to discover
     Equivalent qualifications may be accepted | Interview required? No | DBS check required? No                              surveying roles and in the business
                                                                                                                                                                       more about the world by studying,
                                                                                                                              and insurance sector.
                                                                                                                                                                       working or volunteering abroad?
     Course duration (Yrs): 3 FT Start month: September Campus location: City Campus

    UNDERGRADUATE COURSES 2021                                                                                                                                       UNDERGRADUATE COURSES 2021
FORENSIC                                                                                                                   I really enjoy the practical lessons. It’s very
    ANTHROPOLOGY                                                                                                               engaging to be able to handle human skeletal
                                                                                                                               remains and learn so much from them.
    BSc (HONS)
                                                                                                                               Malin Olsen Current student
The professionally accredited BSc (Hons) Forensic Anthropology offers extensive
hands-on laboratory work and fieldwork, including being actively involved in
excavating medieval human burial sites in Cheshire.

COURSE OVERVIEW                            MODULES                                  WORK-RELATED LEARNING                      used in archaeological excavations        SCHOLARSHIPS
❚     Accredited by the Chartered          Level 4                                  You will have the opportunity to
                                                                                                                               to recover human remains in the UK
                                                                                                                                                                         LJMU recognises hard working and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    SEE ALSO:
                                                                                                                               and abroad and offer another potential
      Society of Forensic Sciences         Introduction to Biological               undertake a 12-month sandwich              field of employment. Your transferable    inspirational applications through our     Biological Anthropology
                                           Anthropology; Crime Scene                placement and/or a 4-6 week                skills will also enable you to compete    generous scholarship fund. Awarded in
❚     Extensive hands-on fieldwork and                                              placement with a relevant                                                            recognition of personal achievement,       Forensic Science*
                                           Investigation; Genetics and Evolution;                                              in the wider job market, for instance
      laboratory work                      Introduction to Archaeology; Forensic    organisation in the UK or abroad.          in secondary school teaching and the      you could receive either £1,000 or         Policing Studies and Forensics*
                                           Field Skills; Forensic Science           This will give you a chance to put         allied health sciences.                   £10,000 for every year of your course*.
❚     Opportunity to study abroad for a                                             what you have learnt into practice,                                                  So whether you’re an academic high         *Foundation routes available.
      semester or year or to undertake     Level 5                                  develop your personal and subject-                                                   flyer or a dedicated volunteer, we want
      a year-long work placement                                                    related skills and acquire new skills to
                                                                                                                               ADDITIONAL COSTS                          to reward your success.
                                           Human Osteology; Human Anatomy
                                           and Genetics; Trace Evidence             enhance your CV.                           Practical and field activities underpin   *Provided you meet certain criteria, see
❚     Access to extensive collections of
                                           Analysis; World Archaeology;                                                        all programmes in the School. PPE         terms and conditions online:
      human skeletal remains
                                           Excavation and Analytical                                                           is provided for all necessary practical
                                           Techniques; Forensic Methods;
                                                                                    CAREER PROSPECTS                           work. There are no costs for day field
❚     Taught by experts in forensic
      anthropology, human osteology,       Forensic Human Identification            In the wake of natural disasters or        trips for core and optional modules.
                                                                                                                               Residential field trips associated
      genetics, crime scene analysis,                                               conflicts, international aid and human
                                           Level 6
                                                                                    rights organisations recruit forensic      with core modules are subsidised
      excavation and mass grave            Forensic Anthropology Research           anthropologists to assist in the           and include travel and half-board
      investigation                        Project; Palaeopathology; Forensic       recovery and identification of human       accommodation costs. Any residential
❚     Specialist facilities including      Anthropological Genetics; Advanced       remains for repatriation and legal         field trips for optional modules will
                                           Forensic Methods; Work Based             purposes.                                  have costs involved. Locations may
      geophysics equipment for
                                           Learning; Advanced Forensic                                                         be subject to change and also subject
      exploring burial contexts, plus                                               Forensic companies, police
                                           Anthropology; Forensic Bioscience;                                                  to national and international travel
      forensic analysis and scene-of-      Geoforensics; Expert Witness             departments, universities, museums,        restrictions.
      crime labs and an osteology lab                                               industry and government laboratories
      with digital X-ray and 3D laser                                               all recruit graduates. Some graduates
      scanning equipment                                                            have taken their studies further with      EXPLORE THE WORLD
                                                                                    a Masters Degree or PhD. Forensic
                                                                                    Anthropology techniques are also           Did you know that LJMU students
                                                                                                                               have the opportunity to discover more
                                                                                                                               about the world by studying, working
                                                                                                                               or volunteering abroad? Whether you
     UCAS code: FL4P                                                                  FOUNDATION ROUTE AVAILABLE               are looking to enhance your degree,

                                                                                                                               improve your employability or have a
     UCAS Tariff points required: 112 | A levels minimum requirement: 2 | A levels subject specific requirement:               life-changing experience, you could
     Science or social science subjects (including Anthropology) | General Studies acceptable? No | BTEC Diploma               gain funding to help you realise your                                                OF STUDENTS SAID
     grades/subjects required: D*D* if studied on its own or to the total of 112 UCAS points if combined with other            goals. Where and when you can go                                                     THE COURSE IS
     qualifications | BTEC Extended Diploma grades/subjects required: DMM required if no other level 3 qualification           will depend on your programme of
     taken | GCSE/standard grade: Grade C/Grade 4 or above in English Language and Mathematics. Equivalent                     study.                                                                               INTELLECTUALLY
     qualifications may be accepted | Interview required? No | DBS check required? No                                    
     Course duration (Yrs): 3/4 FT Start month: September Campus location: City Campus                                                                                                                              National Student Survey (NSS) 2019

    UNDERGRADUATE COURSES 2021                                                                                                                                         UNDERGRADUATE COURSES 2021
GEOGRAPHY                                                                                                                        The subject matter was taught in an applied way
    BSc (HONS)
                                                                                                                                     so when you graduated you had some idea what
                                                                                                                                     employers in the environmental sector wanted.
                                                                                                                                     Claire Graduate
Exploring the way in which our physical environment develops and how humans
affect natural processes and interact within the world form the basis of the BSc
(Hons) Geography. This vocational programme offers plenty of opportunities to apply
your knowledge in practical contexts.

COURSE OVERVIEW                              MODULES                                     Heritage; Environmental Modelling           highly employable because of their          SCHOLARSHIPS
                                             Level 4
                                                                                         and GIS; Coastal and Marine                 transferrable skills, particularly using
                                                                                                                                                                                 LJMU recognises hard working and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            SEE ALSO:
❚     Accredited by the Royal                                                            Management; River Monitoring and            GIS in geographical applications.
      Geographical Society (with IBG)                                                                                                Careers in other fields such as financial   inspirational applications through our     Climate Change*
                                             Methods, Skills and Careers 1;              Management
                                                                                                                                     consultancy, marketing and sales,           generous scholarship fund. Awarded in
❚     Field trips to Greece, the Lake        Methods Skills and Careers 2; Earth
                                                                                                                                     insurance risk and loss assessment,         recognition of personal achievement,       *Foundation routes available.
      District, North Wales and the          Systems; Landforms and Landscapes;
                                                                                         WORK-RELATED LEARNING                       further education, research and             you could receive either £1,000 or
                                             Natural Resources and Hazards;
      North West coast included in fees                                                                                              teaching are also an option.                £10,000 for every year of your course*.
                                             Environment, Society and Sustainability     You have the opportunity to undertake
❚     Additional opportunities for                                                                                                                                               So whether you’re an academic high
                                             Level 5                                     a 12-month sandwich placement and/                                                      flyer or a dedicated volunteer, we want
      overseas field trips to places                                                     or a 4-6 week placement. With the           ADDITIONAL COSTS
                                             GIS and Employability; Project Design                                                                                               to reward your success.
      such as Iceland                                                                    support of a placement tutor, you
                                             and Management; International                                                                                                       *Provided you meet certain criteria, see
                                                                                         will have the opportunity to work for       Practical and field activities underpin
❚     Focus on practical and field           Geography                                                                                                                           terms and conditions online:
                                                                                         a geography or environment-related          all programmes in the School. PPE
      based learning activities so                                                                                                                                     
                                                                                         organisation and put into practice skills   is provided for all necessary practical
      students develop applied skills        Options:
                                                                                         and knowledge gained in your first          work. There are no costs for day field
      and graduate work ready                Urban Geography; The Cryosphere
                                                                                         two years of study. Many students are       trips for core and optional modules.        ACCREDITATION
                                             in a Changing Climate; World
❚     Access to brand new, state-of-                                                     offered work with the same organisation     Residential field trips associated
                                             Archaeology; Responding to Climate
      the-art Geographical Information                                                   or through contacts made.                   with core modules are subsidised
                                             Change; Environmental Pollution;
                                                                                                                                     and include travel and half-board
      Systems suite and analytical           Volcanoes, Earthquakes and Society
                                                                                                                                     accommodation costs. Any residential
                                             Sandwich degree
                                                                                         CAREER PROSPECTS                            field trips for optional modules will
❚     Regular extra curricular               Year-long placement                         Recent Geography graduates                  have costs involved. Locations may
      employability events, giving                                                       have found employment with the              be subject to change and also subject
                                             Level 6                                                                                 to national and international travel
      students the opportunity to network                                                Environment Agency, local authorities
      with high profile companies            Dissertation                                and the water industry as flood risk        restrictions.
                                             Options:                                    consultants and water supply and
❚     Options to undertake work
                                             Work Based Learning; Environmental          distribution advisers. Others have
      placements of 4-6 weeks and/or                                                                                                 EXPLORE THE WORLD
                                             Change; Cold Environments: Processes        entered the geoscience industry
      12 months in the UK or abroad          and Change, Renewables and Low              working as engineering geologists           Did you know that LJMU students

                                             Carbon Futures; Sustainable Natural         and soil scientists. Graduates are          have the opportunity to discover more
                                                                                                                                     about the world by studying, working
                                                                                                                                     or volunteering abroad? Whether you
                                                                                                                                     are looking to enhance your degree,
     UCAS code: F800                                                                        FOUNDATION ROUTE AVAILABLE               improve your employability or have a
                                                                                                                                     life-changing experience, you could
     UCAS Tariff points required: 112 | A levels minimum requirement: 2 | A levels subject specific requirement: C
                                                                                                                                     gain funding to help you realise your
     or above in Geography or another science at A Level | General Studies acceptable? No | BTEC Diploma grades/
                                                                                                                                     goals. Where and when you can go will                                                  OF STUDENTS ARE
     subjects required: D*D* if studied on its own or to the total of 112 UCAS points if combined with other qualifications          depend on your programme of study.                                                     IN WORK OR STUDY
     | BTEC Extended Diploma grades/subjects required: DMM in a relevant subject area is required if no other level 3
     qualifications are taken | GCSE/standard grade: Grade C/Grade 4 or above in English Language and Mathematics.                                                                             SIX MONTHS AFTER
     Equivalent qualifications may be accepted | Interview required? No | DBS check required? No
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            COMPLETING THIS COURSE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            LJMU Graduate Destinations Report 2017
     Course duration (Yrs): 3 FT Start month: September Campus location: City Campus

    UNDERGRADUATE COURSES 2021                                                                                                                                                 UNDERGRADUATE COURSES 2021
WILDLIFE                                                                                                                    I have loved being at LJMU. The amazing people
    CONSERVATION                                                                                                                I have met throughout my university experience
                                                                                                                                have been a catalyst for achievement.
    BSc (HONS)
                                                                                                                                Reece Thornley Recent graduate
The BSc (Hons) Wildlife Conservation is taught by conservation experts and will allow you
to develop the skills and knowledge to work in a professional conservation organisation.
Develop your knowledge in ecology, genetics, evolution and animal behaviour and
environmental sustainability and how to apply these to conservation practice.

COURSE OVERVIEW                             ❚     £6 million invested in state-of-     Forensics; Conservation Technology;      CV. Such experiences are not only         EXPLORE THE WORLD                          ACCREDITATION
                                                  the-art teaching facilities          Terrestrial and Marine Systems           extremely rewarding, they can lead
❚      Lots of exciting fieldwork to                                                                                            to permanent employment through           Did you know that LJMU students                               Accredited by the Committee of
       sites of conservation importance     ❚     Excellent career prospects in a      Sandwich degree                                                                    have the opportunity to discover more
                                                                                                                                contacts made.                                                                                          Heads of Environmental Sciences

       and interest. Day trips and core           variety of areas                     Year-long placement                                                                about the world by studying, working                          (CHES), the education committee
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        of the Institution of Environmental
                                                                                       Level 6                                                                            or volunteering abroad? Whether you
       residential trips included in the                                                                                                                                                                                                Sciences (IES).
                                            ❚     Opportunities to take your           Research Project; Contemporary           CAREER PROSPECTS                          are looking to enhance your degree,
                                                  studies international, through       Issues in Conservation                                                             improve your employability or have a
                                                  study aboard, placements and                                                  You will enjoy a variety of career        life-changing experience, you could
❚      Option to undertake a 4 to 6
                                                                                       Options:                                 opportunities in the UK and overseas.     gain funding to help you realise your
       week placement and/or a 12                 residential fieldtrips
       month sandwich placement in
                                                                                       Frontiers of Ecology; Current Topics
                                                                                       in Primatology; Zoo Conservation
                                                                                                                                Graduates work in nature reserve
                                                                                                                                management, company sustainability
                                                                                                                                                                          goals. Where and when you can go              SEE ALSO:
                                                                                                                                                                          will depend on your programme of
       the UK or overseas                   MODULES                                    and Gene Banks; Sustainable              teams, conservation NGOs,                 study.                                        Animal Behaviour*
                                                                                       Natural Heritage; River Monitoring       zoos, aquaria and wildlife parks,
❚      Teaching from conservation           Level 4                                                                                                                                                                     Biochemistry*
                                                                                       and Management; International            conservation charities, countryside 
       experts involved in collaborative                                                                                                                                                                                Biology*
                                            Ecology; Evolution and Inheritance;        Expedition; Work Based Learning          ranger departments, ecological
       research projects and                                                                                                                                                  @LJMUGlobalOpps
                                            Animal Behaviour; Environment,                                                      consultancies, agri-environment                                                         Biomedical Science*
       consultancy.                         Society and Sustainability; Skills for                                              advisory services, environmental
                                                                                       WORK-RELATED LEARNING                                                                                                            Biotechnology*
❚      Learn practical skills in field      Wildlife Conservation; Fundamentals                                                 education, ecological research and        SCHOLARSHIPS
                                            for Scientific Research                                                             overseas conservation projects.                                                         Forensic Anthropology*
       surveying, animal and plant                                                     You will have the opportunity to
                                                                                                                                                                          LJMU recognises hard working and              Zoology*
       identification, Geographical         Level 5                                    undertake a short (4-6 week)
                                                                                                                                                                          inspirational applications through our
       Information Systems (GIS) and                                                   work-based placement or a                ADDITIONAL COSTS
                                            Wildlife and Ecosystem Management;                                                                                            generous scholarship fund. Awarded in         *Foundation routes available.
                                                                                       12-month placement with a relevant
       recording animal behaviour and       Conservation Practice and                                                                                                     recognition of personal achievement,
                                                                                       organisation in the UK or abroad.        Practical and field activities underpin
       conservation practice skills, such   Management Skills; Ecology                                                                                                    you could receive either £1,000 or
                                                                                       This work experience will give you a     all programmes in the School. PPE
       as Habitat Management Plans,         Field Skills; Research Skills and                                                                                             £10,000 for every year of your course*.
                                                                                       chance to put into practice what you     is provided for all necessary practical
       protected area designation, zoo      Employability                                                                                                                 So whether you’re an academic high
                                                                                       have learnt in the first two years and   work. There are no costs for day field
       conservation and conservation        Options:                                                                                                                      flyer or a dedicated volunteer, we want
                                                                                       will help you develop your personal      trips for core and optional modules.
                                            Behavioural Ecology; Marine                                                                                                   to reward your success.
       technology                                                                      skills and add real value to your        Residential field trips associated
                                            and Freshwater Biology; Wildlife                                                                                              *Provided you meet certain criteria, see
                                                                                                                                with core modules are subsidised
                                                                                                                                                                          terms and conditions online:
                                                                                                                                and include travel and half-board
                                                                                                                                accommodation costs. Any residential
    UCAS code: C930                                                                       FOUNDATION ROUTE AVAILABLE            field trips for optional modules will
                                                                                                                                have costs involved. Locations
    UCAS Tariff points required: 112 | A levels minimum requirement: 2 | A levels subject specific requirement: At
                                                                                                                                may be subject to change and also
    least one A Level at C or above in Biology, Geography, Environmental Science or other related science | General Studies

                                                                                                                                subject to national and international
    acceptable? No | BTEC Diploma grades/subjects required: D*D* in a related area if studied on its own or to the total        travel restrictions.
    of 112 UCAS points if combined with other qualifications | BTEC Extended Diploma grades/subjects required: DMM                                                                                                   OF STUDENTS SAID THAT
    in a related area required if no other level 3 qualifications are taken | GCSE/standard grade: Grade C/Grade 4 or above                                                                                          STAFF HAVE MADE THE
    in English Language and Mathematics. Equivalent qualifications may be accepted | Interview required? No | DBS check
    required? No
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     SUBJECT INTERESTING
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     National Student Survey (NSS) 2019
    Course duration (Yrs): 3/4 FT Start month: September Campus location: City Campus

    UNDERGRADUATE COURSES 2021                                                                                                                                          UNDERGRADUATE COURSES 2021
The course offers a diverse range of
modules so it can open up a wide
range of career paths. I’m hoping to
become a Zoologist, specialising in the
conservation of endangered species and
habitats. The teaching support at LJMU
is fantastic! The lecturers are always easy
to approach and are happy to answer any
queries and questions.
Roxy Whitaker, student, BSc (Hons) Zoology
ZOOLOGY                                                                                                                   We’ve had the chance to go on lots of different
    BSc (HONS)
                                                                                                                              field trips, including Chester Zoo and Blackpool
                                                                                                                              Zoo to analyse animal behaviour.
                                                                                                                              James Fisher Current student
The professionally-accredited BSc (Hons) Zoology offers you exciting opportunities to
complete work placements and field trips both in the UK and overseas.

COURSE OVERVIEW                            MODULES                                   and Cognition; Parasitology;             CAREER PROSPECTS                            gain funding to help you realise your

❚     Accredited by the Royal Society      Level 4
                                                                                     Neurobiology; Applications of
                                                                                                                              Recent graduates have secured
                                                                                                                                                                          goals. Where and when you can go                SEE ALSO:
                                                                                     Genetics in Health and Disease;                                                      will depend on your programme of
      of Biology                           Animal Behaviour; Genetics                International Expedition; Applied        full-time employment in a variety           study.                                          Animal Behaviour*
                                           and Evolution; Ecology; Animal            Marine Biology; Work-based Learning      of roles, such as: Planning and
❚     Optional overseas fieldwork (self-                                                                                      Biodiversity Advisor, Natural England;                         Biochemistry*
                                           Physiology; Fundamentals of               (includes a placement)
      funded) – previous destinations      Scientific Research; Practical Skills                                              Conservation Officer, North Pennines                                                        Biology*
      have included Tenerife, Costa Rica   for Zoology                                                                        AONB; Research and Conservation                                                             Biomedical Science*
      and Malaysia                                                                   WORK-RELATED LEARNING                    Officer, Knowsley Safari Park; Wildlife
                                           Level 5                                                                            Consultant, SafeSkys; Animal Keeper,
❚     Option to undertake a 4-6 week                                                 As part of your work-related                                                         SCHOLARSHIPS                                    Forensic Anthropology*
                                           Comparative Animal Physiology;                                                     Longleat Safari Park; Scientific Officer,
      placement and/or a 12-month                                                    learning, you have the opportunity
                                           Animal Evolution and Diversity;                                                    RSPCA; Events Team Member,                  LJMU recognises hard working and                Wildlife Conservation*
                                                                                     to undertake a short (4-6 week)
      sandwich placement in the UK or      Research Skills and Employability                                                  Blackpool Zoo; Behaviour and                inspirational applications through our
                                                                                     work-based placement or a                                                                                                            *Foundation routes available.
      overseas                                                                                                                Welfare Scientist, Chester Zoo and          generous scholarship fund. Awarded in
                                           Options:                                  12-month placement with a relevant
                                                                                                                              Community Outreach Coordinator              recognition of personal achievement,
❚     Easy access to local zoos            Behavioural Ecology; Wildlife             organisation in the UK or abroad.
                                                                                                                              (conservation), Auckland.                   you could receive either £1,000 or
      and diverse habitat sites and        Forensics; Genes and Genomes;             This work experience will not only
                                                                                     give you a chance to put into                                                        £10,000 for every year of your course*.
      ecosystems in North Wales,           Marine and Freshwater Biology;
                                                                                     practice what you have learnt in the     ADDITIONAL COSTS                            So whether you’re an academic high
      Lancashire, Snowdonia and the        Animal Field Skills; Developmental
                                                                                     first two years, it will also help you                                               flyer or a dedicated volunteer, we want
                                           Biology                                                                            Practical and field activities underpin
      Lake District                                                                  develop your personal skills, give                                                   to reward your success.
                                           Sandwich degree                                                                    all programmes in the School. PPE
❚     Excellent prospects in a diverse                                               you a year’s break from formal study                                                 *Provided you meet certain criteria, see
                                           Year-long placement                                                                is provided for all necessary practical
      range of animal-related careers,                                               and add real value to your CV. Many                                                  terms and conditions online:
                                                                                                                              work. There are no costs for day field
                                           Level 6                                   students who undertake placements                                          
      including clinical and veterinary-                                                                                      trips for core and optional modules.
                                                                                     have gone on to work for the
      related science, animal training,    Research Project; Current Topics in                                                Residential field trips associated
                                                                                     same organisation once they have                                                     ACCREDITATION
      ecological consultancy, animal       Zoology                                                                            with core modules are subsidised
      welfare and conservation, wildlife                                                                                      and include travel and half-board
      education, teaching and lecturing    Options:                                                                           accommodation costs. Any residential
                                           Animal Welfare; Animal Learning                                                    field trips for optional modules will
                                                                                                                              have costs involved. Locations may
                                                                                                                              be subject to change and also subject
                                                                                                                              to national and international travel
     UCAS code: C300                                                                 FOUNDATION ROUTE AVAILABLE               restrictions.
     UCAS Tariff points required: 112 | A levels minimum requirement: 2 | A levels subject specific requirement:
     A Level grade C or above in Biology and preferably one further science | General Studies acceptable? No | BTEC           EXPLORE THE WORLD

     Diploma grades/subjects required: D*D* if studied on its own or to the total of 112 UCAS points if combined with         Did you know that LJMU students
     other qualifications | BTEC Extended Diploma grades/subjects required: DMM; must include a significant number            have the opportunity to discover more                                                  OF STUDENTS ARE
     of science-based modules, usually a minimum of six | GCSE/standard grade: Grade C/Grade 4 or above in English            about the world by studying, working
     Language and Mathematics. Equivalent qualifications may be accepted | Interview required? No | DBS check                 or volunteering abroad? Whether you
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     SATISFIED WITH THE
     required? No                                                                                                             are looking to enhance your degree,                                                    QUALITY OF THIS COURSE
                                                                                                                              improve your employability or have a
     Course duration (Yrs): 3/4 FT Start month: September Campus location: City Campus                                        life-changing experience, you could                                                    National Student Survey (NSS) 2019

    UNDERGRADUATE COURSES 2021                                                                                                                                          UNDERGRADUATE COURSES 2021
The teaching staff at LJMU
LJMU is the best place
                                      are amazing. They are
in the country to study
                                      always there to reassure
Forensic Anthropology. It
                                      you and help to solve
has the largest collections
                                      any questions you may
of human remains available
                                      have. I have particularly
for undergraduate use.
                                      enjoyed going on field
The professors are all
                                      trips because it gives an
experts in their field and
                                      insight into the type of jobs
are still active in industry.
                                      available and the skills
If you want to be an
                                      needed for them. The field
anthropologist, or even an
                                      trip to Tenerife involved
archaeologist, this is the
                                      looking at various plant
perfect course for you.
                                      and invertebrate species
Rosie Crowther, student, BSc (Hons)   – it was really interesting
Forensic Anthropology
                                      to see how they survive
                                      and a great opportunity to
                                      get to know people on the
                                      Olivia Parkes, student, BSc (Hons)
                                      Wildlife Conservation
Please contact the Faculty of Science on:
Tel: 0151 231 2888
If you have any queries relating to LJMU or
university life in general please contact:
Tel: +44(0)151 231 5090

The information in this publication is correct at the time of going to press (October 2020).
However, along with organisations up and down the country, we are adapting to
significant challenges presented by the coronavirus crisis. As a result, we are planning
to take an active blended approach to our academic delivery, with a mixture of online
and face-to-face teaching to adapt to the restrictions of social distancing whilst these
are in place. These restrictions or changes to them may result in parts of an academic
programme such as field trips, projects, placements, teaching and assessments that
are referenced in this brochure being delivered in a different way (such as teaching and
assessments) or not being provided (for example field trips, placements).

In addition, some changes will inevitably occur in the interval between publication and
the academic year to which the publication relates and the university reserves the right to
withdraw or make alterations to the course, modules and facilities if necessary. Applicants
should therefore not rely solely on this publication and should use it in conjunction with
information provided on our website:

The university offers the information contained in this publication as a general guide.
It does not constitute or form part of any contract and it is not binding on prospective
students, students or the university. For further information on the LJMU admissions
policy please visit:

This brochure is available in different formats, please contact us for more information.

You can also read