Working for Families changes: The effect on labour supply in New Zealand

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Working for Families changes: The
effect on labour supply in New Zealand

Penny Mok and Joseph Mercante

New Zealand Treasury Working Paper 14/18

November 2014

The views, opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this
Working Paper are strictly those of the author(s). They do not necessarily reflect the views of
the New Zealand Treasury or the New Zealand Government. The New Zealand Treasury
and the New Zealand Government take no responsibility for any errors or omissions in, or for
the correctness of, the information contained in these working papers. The paper is
presented not as policy, but with a view to inform and stimulate wider debate.
Access to the data used in this paper was provided by Statistics New Zealand in accordance
with security and confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act 1975. The results presented
in this study are the work of the authors, not Statistics New Zealand.
NZ TREASURY WORKING   Working for Families changes: The effect on labour supply in
PAPER 14/18           New Zealand

MONTH/YEAR            November 2014

AUTHOR/S              Penny Mok
                      New Zealand Treasury
                      1 The Terrace
                      New Zealand
                      Telephone     +64 4 917 6274
                      Fax           +64 4 473 0982

                      Joseph Mercante
                      Australia Treasury
                      Langton Crescent
                      Parkes Act 2600
                      Telephone       +61 2 6263 3370
                      Fax             +61 2 6263 4322

ISBN (ONLINE)         978-0-478-43600-6

URL                   Treasury website at November 2014:
                      Persistent URL:

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS      We would like to thank John Creedy, Gerald Minnee, Angela Mellish,
                      Chris Ball and referees for their helpful comments and assistance.
                      This paper was undertaken while Joseph Mercante was on
                      secondment to the New Zealand Treasury.

NZ TREASURY           New Zealand Treasury
                      PO Box 3724
                      Wellington 6008
                      NEW ZEALAND
                      Telephone      64-4-472 2733
This paper examines the labour supply responses to the Working for Families (WfF)
package of welfare reforms, which was fully implemented in 2008. The policy changes
were implemented with the aim to encourage benefit recipients to participate in the labour
market and to address income adequacy issues for families with children. The results
presented in this paper are obtained using the behavioural microsimulation model for
New Zealand, TAXMOD-B. We used the Household Economic Survey (HES) in 2008/09
to capture the full effect of the policy. It is estimated that the introduction of the new policy
increases labour supply of sole parents by an average of 0.62 hours per week, but
decreases labour supply of married men and women by 0.10 and 0.50 hours per week,
respectively. The negative effects for married couples with dependents are about 16 and
41 times larger than for married couples without dependents, with the largest difference
observed for married women. A good way of validating the results is by comparing our ex-
ante simulated effects of a policy change with the ex-post estimated effects of the policy
change after it has been introduced. While it is often difficult to find policy changes which
could be used to test TAXMOD-B in a similar way, the Ministry of Social Development
(MSD) and Inland Revenue department (IR) have estimated labour supply effects after the
WfF changes were introduced. The overall labour supply results from the simulation are in
the same direction and of similar magnitudes as the ex-post results from the WfF
evaluation reports. Our analysis shows that after allowing for labour supply changes, the
cost of the policy change increases for couples but decreases for sole parents. These
changes in labour supply are reflected in the tax revenue, family payment and benefit
income changes for both subgroups. Overall, our results show that the WfF reform
reduced the incidence and intensity of poverty as well as income inequality.

JEL CLASSIFICATION                   C25

KEYWORDS                             Working for Families; labour supply; discrete choice model;
                                     microsimulation; New Zealand.

Executive Summary
This paper presents the labour supply responses to the Working for Families (WfF)
package of welfare policy changes which was fully implemented in 2008 using the New
Zealand Treasury’s behavioural microsimulation model, TAXMOD-B. The changes
included shifting financial support for children from the welfare system to the tax system,
increasing the rates of the Family Tax Credit and Accommodation Supplement (AS),
introducing the In-work Tax Credit and changes in the abatement regime of WfF tax
credits. The policy was introduced with the aim to encourage beneficiaries with children to
participate in the labour market. This paper simulates employment responses from the
WfF policy changes using a simulation approach and then compares the results to an ex-
post evaluation study by Inland Revenue (IR) and the Ministry of Social Development
(MSD) in 2010.

In addition, our paper analyses the impact of the reforms on net government expenditures
and on income distribution and poverty. Our analyses focus primarily on responses by
married couples and sole parents. Singles are affected by the change in the AS but this
change is not well captured in TAXMOD-B and is a relatively small change compared to
the family payments in the WfF reform. Thus, there are very small labour supply
responses by singles.

With the relatively low participation rate of sole parents observed in the data (slightly
above 50%) and the increase in Family Assistance which has an accompanying work test
where sole parents must work for at least 20 hours per week, we expect a potentially
significant increase of labour supply for sole parents. The large increase in net incomes at
the 20-hours level may induce the non-participating sole parents into the labour market.

Our results show that the increase in Family Assistance increases the labour supply of
sole parents by an average of 0.62 hours per week and labour force participation by 1.76
percentage points. The “net” increase of 1.72 percentage points of sole parents who are
expected to enter the labour market would be around 3,000 individuals. Although the
results show some sole parents decreasing their working hours, in net terms there is a
0.11 percentage points increase in sole parents working more hours. This dominant
substitution effect is consistent with the findings from the WfF evaluation reports by the
MSD and IR; however, our simulated results are more modest.

Labour supply for married men and women are expected to decrease by 0.1 and 0.5
hours per week respectively. This is mainly due to the work test where couples must work
at least 30 (combined) hours per week in order to be eligible. Married women are more
likely to leave the labour market than enter while both married men and women are more
likely to work less hours. The largest reduction in participation and hours of work are
expected from married women. The “net” reduction in the number of married women in
work of around 1.17 percentage points, equates to around 9,000 married women. These
reductions could be explained by the fact that most of the married men are already in full-
time employment and the family already working over 30 hours. This is different to the
case of sole parents where half of the sole parents are not participating in the labour
market. Another reason for the reduction of labour supply of married women is because of
a dominant income effect.

The negative labour supply effects for married couples with dependents are about 16 and
41 times larger than for married couples without dependents. The largest negative effect
is on married women. The “net” effect on married women with dependents is expected to
decrease their employment rate by 1.94 percentage points. This estimate is close to the
estimated 2.3 percentage points fall in employment rate of secondary earners reported in
the evaluation reports by the MSD and IR. For married men, the results from the
simulation and the MSD and IR evaluation both show that WfF reform decreases working

The different labour supply responses of households to the WfF policy reform have an
impact on estimates of the changes in government expenditure and revenue. Our analysis
shows that after allowing for labour supply changes, the cost of the policy change
increases for couples but decreases for sole parents. These changes in labour supply are
reflected in the tax revenue, family payment and benefit income changes for both
subgroups. For sole parents, the reduction in benefit income is larger than the increase in
family payments after accounting for labour supply responses. However, this results in a
reduction in government expenditure, which is larger than the decrease in tax revenue.

In terms of income distribution, our results also show that the WfF reform reduced the
incidence and intensity of poverty as well as income inequality.

This paper is the third in the suite of papers from the New Zealand Treasury’s behavioural
microsimulation modelling project. The observed and imputed wage rates from the first
paper, Mercante and Mok (2014a) were used to calculate the net incomes at a range of
discrete labour supply levels. The second paper estimates the preference functions for all
demographic groups, Mercante and Mok (2014b). These papers explain the parameter
estimates that underlie the labour supply model used. Together, the papers offer
substantive information about labour supply responses to tax and benefit policy changes
in New Zealand.

Table of Contents
Abstract ............................................................................................................................... i

Executive Summary........................................................................................................... ii

1        Introduction .............................................................................................................. 1

2        The Policy Changes ................................................................................................. 3
         2.1       Working for Families (WfF) .............................................................................................3
         2.2       Expected effects of the changes ....................................................................................5
3        Methodology ............................................................................................................. 7
         3.1       Non-behavioural and behavioural microsimulation ........................................................7
         3.2       Unobserved wages and labour supply ...........................................................................8
         3.3       The behavioural simulation .............................................................................................8
4        Simulation results .................................................................................................. 10
         4.1       TAXWELL .....................................................................................................................10
         4.2       TAXMOD-B ...................................................................................................................11
5        Conclusion .............................................................................................................. 23

6        References .............................................................................................................. 25

Appendices ...................................................................................................................... 27
         Appendix A              .......................................................................................................................27
         Appendix B              .......................................................................................................................34

List of Tables
Table 1 – Simulated responses of labour supply ..............................................................................12
Table 2 – Sole parent’s labour supply transitions (row percentages) ...............................................12
Table 3 – Married men’s labour supply transitions (row percentages) .............................................13
Table 4 – Married women’s labour supply transitions (row percentages) ........................................14
Table 5 – Change in the probability of working for the head of the income unit by selected
individual and household characteristics (row percentages) ............................................................15
Table 6 – Change in weekly working hours for the head of the income unit by selected
individual and household characteristics (row percentages) ............................................................16
Table 7 – Change in the probability of working for married women by individual and household
characteristics (row percentages) .....................................................................................................17
Table 8 – Change in weekly working hours for married women by individual and household
characteristics (row percentages) .....................................................................................................18
Table 9 – The effect of labour supply responses: changes in tax and transfer cost.........................19
Table 10 – Foster, Greer & Thorbecke poverty measures by income unit type ...............................21

Table A.1 – Changes as part of WfF .................................................................................................27
Table A.2 – Accommodation Supplement maximum entitlement (non-beneficiaries)
at 1 April 2004 ...................................................................................................................................28
Table A.3 – Accommodation Supplement maximum entitlement (non-beneficiaries)
at 1 October 2008..............................................................................................................................29
Table A.4 – Accommodation Supplement weekly expenses test as part of WfF reform ..................30
Table A.5 – Simulated responses for married couples with and without dependents ......................31
Table A.6 – Married men’s labour supply transitions (with dependents) ..........................................32
Table A.7 – Married women’s labour supply transitions (with dependents) .....................................33

WP 14 18 | WORKING FOR FAMILIES CHANGES: THE EFFECT ON LABOUR SUPPLY IN NEW ZEALAND                                                                   iv
List of Figures
Figure 1 – Budget constraint pre- and post- WfF reform for a sole parent .......................................10
Figure 2 – Budget constraint pre- and post- WfF reform for a married woman ................................11
Figure 3 – TIP curve pre- and post- policy reform ............................................................................21
Figure 4 – Lorenz curve pre- and post- policy reform .......................................................................22

WP 14 18 | WORKING FOR FAMILIES CHANGES: THE EFFECT ON LABOUR SUPPLY IN NEW ZEALAND                                          v
Working for Families Changes: The
Effect on Labour Supply in New Zealand

1           Introduction
Over the period October 2004 to April 2007, the New Zealand government implemented
substantial changes to in-work incentives and financial assistance for families with
dependent children as part of a new package of welfare reforms referred to as ‘Working
for Families’ (WfF). The policy changes were implemented with the aim to encourage
beneficiaries with children to participate in the labour market and to address income
adequacy issues for families with children.

This paper presents the simulated effects of the WfF changes on labour supply using the
New Zealand Treasury’s behavioural microsimulation model TAXMOD-B. We use the
Household Economic Survey (HES) 2008/09 to capture the full effect of the policy. In
particular, we focus on the labour supply responses for sole parents and couple parents.
To validate the simulated effects of the policy change obtained through TAXMOD-B, we
compare our results to the ex-post evaluation studies by the Ministry of Social
Development (MSD) and Inland Revenue (IR) in 2010 (see MSD and IR (2010)). The
MSD and IR had estimated labour supply effects after the WfF changes were introduced.
In addition, our paper analyses the impact of the reforms on the changes in net
government expenditures and on income distribution and poverty.

TAXMOD-B is based on the New Zealand HES, which contains information about the
characteristics of individuals and households and their labour supply and earnings. The
model is a partial-equilibrium supply-side model where it is assumed that all additional
labour supply is met by a sufficient demand for labour. In reality, individuals may not be
able to work their desired number of hours and outcomes may be driven to some extent
by what jobs are available (Kalb (2010)).

    Throughout this paper the terms married men and women refer to partnered men and women regardless of whether they are
    married legally or de facto.
    It is possible that the WfF policy changes might have an impact on household formation and dissolution, which might affect the
    labour supply in the long run (see Fitzgerald, Maloney and Pacheco, 2008). However, our study assumes household formation to
    be constant at one point in time. The dynamics of household formation is outside the scope of this paper.

WP 14 18 | WORKING FOR FAMILIES CHANGES: THE EFFECT ON LABOUR SUPPLY IN NEW ZEALAND                                              1
The model can be used to simulate the behavioural effects of policy changes, provided
that these policy changes are of a financial nature. These changes could range from a
change in the abatement rate of a benefit payment, a change in the tax rate or a change
in eligibility rules which affect the net household income levels. In simulating a policy, the
model is calibrated to the observed labour supply to ensure that the simulated labour
supply in the pre-reform situation is similar to the observed situation (see Buddelmeyer,
Creedy and Kalb (2007)).

This paper sets out to describe the effect that the WfF changes have on labour supply of
New Zealand households and on government expenditure and revenue with and without
allowing for labour supply responses. TAXMOD-B produces labour supply responses in
the form of estimated average changes in the probability of working and expected hours of
work over the population. The responses can further be analysed according to a selection
of individual and household characteristics. The model also has the capability to analyse
the changes on inequality and poverty in New Zealand through a range of distributional

The remainder of the paper is organised as follows. The next section provides a brief
overview of the policy changes from 2004 to 2008. Section 3 describes the behavioural
microsimulation approach and the data used. Section 4 presents the behavioural
simulation results for the different demographic groups and government revenue and
expenditure. Section 5 concludes.

2           The Policy Changes
This section briefly explains the policy changes which were fully implemented in 2008.

2.1         Working for Families (WfF)
The New Zealand Government’s assistance to families has evolved over time and
between 2004 and 2007 substantial changes were introduced to in-work incentives and
financial support for families with dependent children. The policy changes implemented
between 2004 and 2007 aimed to encourage benefit recipients to participate in the labour
market and to address income adequacy issues for families with children (Dalgety,
Dorsett, Johnston and Spier (2010)).

The main components of the reforms were changes to the WfF tax credits, the
Accommodation Supplement (AS) and Childcare Assistance (CCA). The WfF tax credits
comprise four main tax credits: the family tax credit (FTC); the in-work tax credit (IWTC);
the minimum family tax credit (MFTC); and the parental tax credit (PTC). The WfF
changes were implemented by the MSD and IR. The changes included shifting financial
support for children from the welfare system to the tax system, increasing the rates of the
FTC and AS, introducing the IWTC (which replaced the former Child Tax Credit) and
changing the abatement regime of WfF tax credits. A detailed description on the changes
in WfF which are analysed in this paper is provided in the Appendix.

The reform was implemented using a staged approach where the various components of
the reform were introduced over different time periods. The changes described below and
in the Appendix refer to the full implementation of the reform up to 31 March 2009. In this
paper only the effects of the WfF tax credit changes and part of the AS changes are
simulated whereas the changes to CCA are not simulated.

The FTC which is available to all beneficiaries with children is subject to an income test
and is abated for family income above a certain threshold. The tax credit amount is
increased by $25 per week for the first child and $15 for the second and subsequent
children. A further increase of $10 per child per week was implemented in 2007.

The IWTC experienced the most significant changes; from $15 per week per child which is
conditional on the family receiving no income-tested benefit to $60 per week and $15 per
week for each extra child past the third. Note that this means $60 per week for one, two or
three children, $75 per week for four children, $90 per week for five children and so on. As
a consequence, families with one or two children are likely to gain the most in dollar terms
from this reform. In addition, the IWTC has an accompanying work test where couples
must work at least 30 hours per week (as combined hours) and sole parents for at least
20 hours per week in order to be eligible. As a result, disposable income would increase
significantly for families working those hours, providing an incentive to work at least at that
level of working-hours.

    Nolan (2002) provides a detailed description on the evolution of New Zealand’s family assistance tax credits changes over time up
    to 2000.

WP 14 18 | WORKING FOR FAMILIES CHANGES: THE EFFECT ON LABOUR SUPPLY IN NEW ZEALAND                                                3
Other changes implemented as part of WfF includes the increase of the MFTC rates to
$355 per week. The MFTC is paid on a per family basis subject to the same work and
income tests as the IWTC and is paid in addition to the other tax credits. Also, income
thresholds and abatement rates for the three WfF tax credits were made more generous.
The thresholds were increased and the abatement rates have been standardised to 20%.
The changes to thresholds and abatement rates meant that families at higher incomes
now qualified for WfF tax credits, and families already receiving FTC would continue to
receive payments as their incomes increased.

No changes were made in the PTC, a payment for a newborn baby for the first eight
weeks after the baby is born ; however, the changes made in the FTC, IWTC and
abatement thresholds for FTC ensure that more families will also receive PTC.

The full policy reform package also includes increases in Childcare Assistance and the
removal of the child component in the main benefits. The changes in Childcare Assistance
would mean more financial assistance is available for families who need to use childcare
to enable them to participate in the labour market. This part of the package is not
analysed in the simulation presented in this paper. The reason is because Childcare
Assistance is not modelled in TAXWELL, a non-behavioural microsimulation model
developed by the New Zealand Treasury that is also based on the HES and produces
input data for TAXMOD-B. Further explanation on TAXWELL is provided in Section 3.

The removal of the child component in the main benefits would mean that families with
children are paid the same rate of benefit regardless of the number of children. So
couples with children receive the same amount of benefits as couples without children,
and sole parents with more than one child receive the same amount as sole parents with
two or more children. Since TAXWELL was developed in 2006 in which the new policy
has been adopted, the child component is no longer an option in the current setting for the
main benefits. As a consequence, we hold the changes in child component of the main
benefits constant in our analysis. Buddelmeyer, Creedy and Kalb (2007) argued that the
increase in the Family tax credit rates according to the age and number of children more
than compensates for the reduction in benefit incomes. Nonetheless, this impact of the
policy could potentially be analysed in the future after a new procedure is developed in

Another component as part of WfF reform is the AS. AS is a non-taxable supplement for
renters (depending on rent paid) and home-owners (depending on mortgage repayments)
who face high housing costs. The AS entitlement amount depends on the amount of rent
or mortgage paid, region of residency, income and the number of people in the household.
Recipients do not have to be receiving a government benefit to qualify for an AS. To
qualify for AS, a person’s accommodation costs must be more than a certain amount, and
their income and assets must be under certain limits. The reform involved changes in the
abatements, increasing both the maximum rates of AS payable and the number of AS
regions from three to four. Under the abatement changes, beneficiaries receiving AS and
earning additional income no longer have their AS abated. However, once they enter the
labour market, their AS is abated to reflect their income. In addition, the reform introduced
a new ‘high rent’ region which mainly consists of locations in Auckland and other high rent

    The abatement scheme is sequential; the FTC abates first, then IWTC. The PTC begins to abate only after the FTC and the IWTC
    have both fully abated.
    However, there are some eligibility rules, for example PTC is not available to families receiving income-tested benefits or receiving
    paid parental leave.

WP 14 18 | WORKING FOR FAMILIES CHANGES: THE EFFECT ON LABOUR SUPPLY IN NEW ZEALAND                                                    4
Due to the complexity of this policy change and data availability, this component of the
WfF reform cannot be modelled accurately. In order to consider the effect of the increase
in the maxima of AS which is based on the number of AS regions, we would need to
adjust the number of regions to the situation observed before the reform took place. The
adjustment would require the information of sub-regions in the HES dataset which is not
available. We matched the areas reported in the dataset to the ‘old’ regions as best as we
could and adjusted the maxima accordingly. Details on the new maximum rates are
shown in the Appendix Table A.3.

Currently, AS is ‘modelled’ in TAXWELL based on the households in the HES who report
paying rent or mortgage expenses and either report getting the AS in the HES or receiving
the main benefits. AS is not available for those living in Housing New Zealand Corporation
(HNZC) rental houses. Tenants living in the HNZC rental houses are already receiving
subsidised rent by paying an amount based on a percentage of their own income. The
information of this implicit subsidy is not available in the HES data and thus not modelled
in TAXWELL. In TAXWELL, AS is classified as non-taxable income. In comparison to the
HNZC implicit subsidy which is not considered by the model, the net incomes for those
reported receiving AS would be higher than those who live in HNZC rental houses.

In the current TAXWELL setting, the removal of the AS abatement for beneficiaries and the
increase in the AS abatement threshold for non-beneficiaries are already in place. The
analyses prior to these changes are no longer an option in the current setting. Similar to the
complication faced by the removal of the child component for the main benefits as part of the
WfF reform mentioned above, we hold these changes in the AS abatement constant in our
analysis. In this paper, we only consider changes in the maxima rates of AS and increased
regional areas of AS, hence the net effect of the AS changes would be minimal.

2.2       Expected effects of the changes
The WfF policy changes impact the budgets of sole parents and married couple families.
These are shown in Figures 1 and 2 and are discussed further in Section 4.1.

It is expected that families with children are the ones most affected by the reforms.
Families without dependent children might benefit through the changes in the AS, but
these changes were relatively minor in comparison to the main WfF reforms. In addition,
we only consider the changes in the maximum rates and the geographic areas involved in
the AS.

Families with one child are likely to benefit the most from the in-work tax credit changes.
In the reform, they will receive an increase of $45 per week in IWTC as long as they fulfil
the hours test. Families with two children will receive a $30 increase (from $30 to $60) and
families with three or more children will receive a $15 increase (from $45 to $60) in IWTC
from the previous levels.

The change in abatement rates may also have an impact on work incentives. The
reduction in abatement rates and the increase of the no-abatement threshold both
increase the family incomes and effective wages. The higher effective wage has both
income and substitution effects. Depending on which effect is dominant, the labour supply
could either increase or decrease. Given that the IWTC is available to families that fulfil
the required working hours, the increased net incomes should make entering into
workforce more attractive and encourage increased work hours to meet these thresholds.

With the relatively low participation rate of sole parents observed in the data (slightly
above 50%) and the new hours test, we expect a potentially significant increase of labour
supply for sole parents compared to the couples families. This is because couple families
have higher employment rates and significant proportions already satisfy the (combined)
working-hour test. Comparing the participation rate of sole parents across time, it is
observed to be lower (below 50%) in the HES 2006/07 and 2007/08 datasets. The higher
participation rate of sole parents observed in HES 2008/09 would include the behavioural
impact of the WfF reform. We expect that a large increase in net incomes at the 20-hours
level may induce the non-participating sole parents into the labour market. See Figure 1
for the effects of the WfF reform for a typical sole parent.

As for couple families, the 30 hours requirement is unlikely to have a huge positive impact
on couple families’ labour supply as most of the married men are already working and
they are working for at least 40 hours (see Appendix Table A.5). For some couple
families, the increased income from WfF tax credits may induce them to reduce their
combined hours, while still remaining above the threshold. The income threshold where
IWTC begins to abate is based on the combined earnings of the couple, and may result in
higher effective marginal tax rates (EMTRs) for some partners. Thus, WfF reform could
induce a reduction in labour supply of one or both partners. Figure 2 illustrate the effects
of the WfF reform for a married woman in a couple household.

MSD and IR (2010) found there to be gains of 9 percentage points in employment (from
48% in 2004 to 58% in 2007) for sole parents. They estimated that around two-thirds of
this increase was the effect of WfF. The reports which covered the implementation of the
scheme until 31 March 2007 also found that the increase in the employment of secondary
earners in couple families with dependents between 2004 and 2007 would have been
larger if WfF had not been implemented. In addition, the largest impact of WfF on
secondary earners’ employment was the reduction in the number of secondary earners
working part-time (defined as less than 30 hours a week).

    In the HES 2008/09 sample, around 90% of married men in couple families with dependent children are in the labour force.
    The WfF evaluation reports found that primary earners in couples are predominantly male, tend to have higher qualifications and
    are slightly older than secondary earners (MSD and IR (2010)).

WP 14 18 | WORKING FOR FAMILIES CHANGES: THE EFFECT ON LABOUR SUPPLY IN NEW ZEALAND                                                   6
3            Methodology
This section describes the components of TAXWELL, TAXMOD-B and how the
behavioural simulation is conducted.

3.1          Non-behavioural and behavioural microsimulation
TAXWELL is a non-behavioural microsimulation model developed by the New Zealand
Treasury. It utilises large cross-sectional datasets from the HES. The HES is produced by
Statistics New Zealand (SNZ) and is conducted every year. Every 3 years HES collects
detailed information on household expenditures and incomes and a range of demographic
variables. Every other year, HES only collects income and demographic information.
Households are interviewed throughout the year and the quarter of interview is recorded.

TAXWELL contains the information on the social security and tax system and produces
analyses at individual, family and household level on the effects of tax and benefit
changes on individuals’ consumption without accounting for labour supply changes. The
model uses most of the income data from HES which includes income from current jobs
and other income sources such as interest and dividends. It calculates benefit expenditure
using the reported benefit receipts in HES and re-assigns the amounts into 24 fortnightly

The behavioural labour supply model, TAXMOD-B utilises the output from TAXWELL. The
data contains the net incomes at a range of discrete labour supply levels before and after
a policy reform, and individual and household characteristics. TAXMOD-B contains the
labour supply parameters on which the behavioural responses are based and a variety of
tabulation and graphic facilities. The model assumes that there is 100% take-up of welfare
benefits. This assumption is required to enable the calculation of labour supply responses.
However, this assumption may not necessarily hold as for example, stigma associated
with benefit receipt may dissuade some people from claiming benefits. Incomplete take-up
is more likely for types of benefits which have low benefit values – people may simply not
claim because the amounts are too small and the effort required is too great. One
example is the AS. For people who are currently receiving government benefits, the
assignment of AS would be calculated by the MSD. For people who are not beneficiaries
but are within the AS income bands, they may not take-up the benefit if the amount is
small or they may be unaware that they are eligible for AS. In contrast, welfare program
participation has been modelled jointly with labour supply by Keane and Moffitt (1998) for
the US and by Kalb (2000) for Australia.

In this paper we have assumed that all persons (except sole parents) for whom labour
supply is modelled, are eligible for Unemployment Benefits (UB). Sole parents are eligible
for Domestic Purpose Benefit (DPB). The income-test rules are then applied to calculate
actual benefit levels.

    Note that a fortnight contains 15.225 days in TAXWELL.
    Note that this paper presents the policy prior to welfare reform in July 2013.

3.2          Unobserved wages and labour supply
Estimating labour supply responses requires knowledge of the budget constraint for each
individual (or couple) which relates net income to hours worked. Constructing the budget
constraint requires knowledge of the hourly wage rates of individuals. For workers these
are observed, however they are unobserved for non-workers. For non-workers we require
the offered wage if they were to enter employment. Therefore wages are imputed using
wage equations that correct for potential sample selection bias. We use wage equations
that are separately estimated for partnered men, partnered women, single men, single
women and sole parents using the pooled HES data from 2006/07 to 2010/11. Further
details of the wage imputation method are in Mercante and Mok (2014a).

To analyse household labour supply, we adopt a neo-classical utility maximisation
approach which assumes that individual chooses a combination of leisure and income that
gives them the greatest utility. In estimating changes in labour supply with TAXMOD-B,
we use a discrete choice labour supply model. Discrete choice models have several
advantages over continuous hours models (see Van Soest (1995) and Blundell, Duncan,
McCrae and Meghir (2000)). We estimate separate labour supply equations for single
men, single women and sole parents. For couples we estimate a joint labour supply
equation. The estimation of the parameters of the labour supply equations used data from
the HES from 2006/07 to 2010/11 and is described in detail in Mercante and Mok (2014b).

The labour supply equations represent the utility derived by individuals and couples at a
given working-hour choice and disposable income at the chosen level of working-hours.
There are 11 possible working-hour choices for singles and sole parents and 66 combined
working-hour choices for couples. The observed heterogeneity of the population is
accounted for by variables that represent differences in characteristics between
individuals, including age, the number and ages of children and educational qualifications.
The model equations calculate the utilities at all the discrete working-hour choices and
enable the model to determine the optimum working-hours for the individual or couple.

3.3          The behavioural simulation
In this section, we provide a brief overview of the behavioural simulations in TAXMOD-B.
Further detail of the way the simulation works is in Buddelmeyer, Creedy and Kalb (2007).

The behavioural simulations for each individual or couple begin by converting the
observed working hours to the closest discrete working-hours level. Then, given the
parameter estimates of the labour supply equation utilities at all the discrete working-
hours are calculated. This is the deterministic utility.

Then a set of random draws is taken from the conditional distribution of the error term for
each discrete hours level. The utility-maximising hours level is determined by adding this
random amount to the deterministic utility for each discrete working-hours level. From this
we determine the optimal working-hours, which is the working-hours that gives the highest
utility. We produce 100 sets of draws and only accept draws if the optimal hours level
matches the observed working-hours before the reform. This process is called
‘calibration’. The accepted draws are then used to determine the optimal hours level after
the reform. For each sets of draw, the optimal working-hours level is calculated resulting

     Single men and women, sole parents and married women have choices of 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45 and 50 hours of
     work. Married men have choices of 0, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 hours of work which when combined with married women, couples
     have a total of 66 working-hour choices.

WP 14 18 | WORKING FOR FAMILIES CHANGES: THE EFFECT ON LABOUR SUPPLY IN NEW ZEALAND                                              8
in a probability distribution over the set of discrete hours for each individual under the
policy reform. In some cases, the required number of successful random draws producing
observed hours as the optimal hours cannot be generated from the model within the
designated number of drawings. Under such circumstances, the individual’s labour supply
will be held fixed at their observed hours. Note that the calibration approach ensures that
the results before the reform are comparable from TAXWELL and TAXMOD-B.

In this paper, we use the HES 2008/09 dataset to capture the WfF changes up to 31
March 2009. We use this data set to make a “base” simulation run of TAXMOD-B. We
then simulate the pre-reform system in 2004 as the counterfactual (in the absence of the
policy reform), as if it were to apply in 2009. We compare the results to the “base”
simulation run and the differences between the two simulations represent the impacts of
the WfF changes. For certain groups we keep labour supply constant. These are the
retirees (838 cases), self-employed (483 cases), full-time students, disabled and others
(together 624 cases). After excluding these groups, we have around 2385 (from the total
of 4330) families in the HES sample for whom the effects of the policy reform on labour
supply are simulated. This represents about 68% of the working age population which are
allowed to change labour supply in the simulation.

4         Simulation results
This section presents the results from the policy changes described in Section 2. We start
our analysis with an illustration of the impact of the reform on disposable incomes without
accounting for behavioural changes. These are merely illustrative examples and are
aimed to provide an intuitive explanation for the results generated by the labour supply
model described in Section 4.2. We also analyse the effect these responses have on
government expenditure and revenue and compare the behavioural and non-behavioural

4.1       TAXWELL
Figures 1 and 2 illustrate the effects of the WfF reform for a typical sole parent and a
married woman in a couple household, each with one dependent child aged one and
earning a wage of $15 per hour.

The sole parent is working at 20 hours per week, earning around $16,000 a year, living in
the South Island, paying annual rent of $11,000. The married woman in a couple
household is currently working at 30 hours per week with an annual income of $23,000,
living in Wellington, paying annual rent of $15,000. The household head (the husband) is
assumed not to be working. As shown in the figures, the disposable incomes have
increased in the low-income bracket for both households after the reform.

Figure 1 – Budget constraint pre- and post- WfF reform for a sole parent

Figure 2 – Budget constraint pre- and post- WfF reform for a married woman

4.2          TAXMOD-B

4.2.1        Labour supply responses

In this section we focus on the effect of the policies on the labour supply of different
demographic groups, in terms of changes in participation rates, average working hours,
working hour distributions and transitions between labour market states and working
hours. Table 1 presents the summary labour supply responses for all groups. Singles are
only affected by the change in the AS but the change is not well captured in TAXMOD-B
and is a relatively small change compared to the family payments in the WfF reform.
Thus, there are very small responses in singles’ labour supply. In the next sub-sections,
we focus our discussion on the responses for sole parents and married couples.

Sole parents

Sole parents show the largest responses from the WfF reform with large increases in the
intensive (sole parents working-hours increase by 2.29 percentage points) and extensive
(entering the labour force increase by 1.76 percentage points) margins. In order to
validate the results, it is useful to compare with results from other studies. The simulated
estimates are consistent with the findings from the WfF evaluation reports by the MSD
and IR though our simulated labour supply responses are more modest. Interestingly, a
similar conclusion was found when comparing the effect of the Australian New Tax
System in 2000 estimated by behavioural microsimulation with the effect calculated using
a difference-in-difference evaluation approach (see Cai, Kalb, Tseng and Vu (2005)).

     Table 1 shows that the employment rate of salaried workers for sole parents was estimated to increase by 1.72 percentage points
     (from 48.85% to 50.57%). This estimate is much smaller than the estimate of 6 percentage points increase in employment from the
     evaluation report by MSD and IR. The estimates of additional sole parents in employment due to WfF using both methods are
     quite similar (around 3,000 new workers estimated from our simulation while around 8,000 new workers estimated through an
     evaluation approach).

WP 14 18 | WORKING FOR FAMILIES CHANGES: THE EFFECT ON LABOUR SUPPLY IN NEW ZEALAND                                             11
They found that the simulation results are lower than the effect of the policy change
estimated through an evaluation approach.

Table 1 – Simulated responses of labour supply
    Behavioural Response                       Married          Married         Single          Single          Sole
                                               Men              Women           Men             Women           Parents
    all workers (% pre reform)                 79.96            63.51           65.26           49.93           53.35
    salaried workers (% pre reform)            61.41            53.73           59.05           47.25           48.85
    salaried workers (% post reform)           61.43            52.56           59.03           47.20           50.57
    non-work to work (ppt)                     0.32             0.17            0.00            0.00            1.76
    Work to non-work (ppt)                     0.31             1.34            0.03            0.05            0.04
    workers working more (ppt)                 0.22             0.11            0.00            0.00            2.29
    workers working less (ppt)                 0.98             0.57            0.00            0.10            2.18
    average hours change (hrs)                 -0.10            -0.50           -0.01           -0.03           0.62
    Average base hours                         25.4             17.3            22.1            15.6            16.2
    Average conditional hrs change             -0.17            -0.23           0.00            -0.04           0.10
    Average base conditional hours             41.4             32.2            37.4            33.1            33.2

Table 2 – Sole parent’s labour supply transitions (row percentages)
Labour supply in hours per week
Pre-reform             0         5     10       15       20      25       30    35       40     45       50     population

0                     96.6    0.2     0.4      0.4       0.3    0.4       0.3   0.3      0.2    0.3      0.7    51.1
5                        -    99.8         -      -        -       -        -     -        -      -      0.2    0.4
10                       -       -    95          -      0.2    0.5       0.5   1.1      1.0    1.1      0.8    3.3
15                       -       -       -     84.5        -       -      0.4   0.1      2.4    4.2      8.4    1.7
20                       -       -       -     0.2       91.6   0.5       1.7   2.1      1.7    1.4      0.8    4.5
25                       -    0.1          -      -      0.2    74.3      0.8   2.3      7.9    8.4      5.9    3.7
30                       -    0.1          -      -      0.1    0.2       94    1.9      1.6    1.4      0.6    7.7
35                       -       -       -        -      0.5    1.5       0.6   95.4     0.7    0.7      0.6    4.1
40                    0.2        -    0.0      0.2       1.1    1.5       1.3   1.1      94.1   0.2      0.2    15.5
45                    0.0        -         -      -      0.3    1.5       1.7   4.4      3.6    88.3       -    3.7
50                    0.2        -    0.1      0.1       0.6    1.4       3.4   4.2      5.0    3.0      82.1   4.4
% of population       49.4    0.5     3.3      1.7       4.5    3.4       7.9   4.9      15.6   4.2      4.5    100

The policy change leads to very few sole parents wanting to leave the labour force. The
net increase of 1.72 percentage points of sole parents who are simulated to enter the
labour market would gross up to around 3,000 individuals. With more sole parents wanting
to increase than decrease their weekly working hours, this leads to an increase of 0.62
hours in the average weekly working hours. On average, sole parents work around 16
hours a week, while sole parents who are currently working work on average 33 hours.
The increase in work incentives for sole parents is largely due to the changes in
abatement rates and IWTC which require sole parents to work for at least 20 hours per
      We’ve calculated separately the confidence intervals (CI) for sole parents and married couple with dependents and the CI for sole
      parents is slightly wider than the married couples with dependents. The average hours change for sole parents range from 0.35 at
      5th percentile to 1.25 hours at 95th percentile. Married men and women with dependents range from -0.22 to -0.10 and -0.91 to -
      0.75 hours, respectively at 5th and 95th percentiles.

WP 14 18 | WORKING FOR FAMILIES CHANGES: THE EFFECT ON LABOUR SUPPLY IN NEW ZEALAND                                                 12
week and not be receiving income-tested benefits to qualify for the IWTC. This incentive is
reflected in the transition matrix of labour supply before and after the reform as shown in
Table 2. The diagonal of each hour represents the people whose labour supply remained
unchanged. Relatively few sole parents have reduced their labour supply below 20 hours
while the majority of the increases in labour supply are up to 20 hours or more.

Married couples

The labour supply response for married couples is shown in Table 1. The average working
hours for married couples fell since the WfF policy changes were introduced, with the
largest reduction of 0.5 hours observed for married women. Married women are more
likely to leave the labour market than enter while both married men and women are more
likely to work less hours. The net reduction in the number of married women in work is
around 1.17 percentage points, equating to around 9,000 married women. These
reductions are due to many reasons.

First, the impact of labour supply for married couples is mainly due to the changes in
family payments, which are work-tested. Comparing the participation rate between
married men with dependents and sole parents, most of the married men are already in
full-time employment while half of the sole parents are not participating in the labour
market. Thus, the requirement for a couple household to work for at least 30 hours per
week would not have major positive impact in terms of labour supply as most families
have combined working hours above 30 hours per week. This is shown in the last row of
Table 1 where the average hours for working married men and women both had
exceeded 30 hours. Similar results are found for married men and women with
dependents (see Table A.5 in the Appendix). Instead, the overall reduction in labour
supply for married men reflects the dominance of the income effect of the policy change.
With higher overall income at 30 hours, married men would tend to reduce their labour
supply. Table 3 shows a large proportion of married men have reduced their labour supply
to 30 or 40 hours. Secondly, the reduction in labour supply for married women could also
be explained by an often dominant income effect (see Blundell et al. (2000)). Table 4
shows a larger proportion of women exiting the labour market and decreased hours of

Table 3 – Married men’s labour supply transitions (row percentages)
 Labour supply in hours per week
 Pre-reform         0        10    20       30     40     50     % of population
 0                 99.2       -    0.0      0.1    0.5    0.3    38.6
 10                  -      100         -     -      -      -    1.6
 20                  -        -    99       0.1    0.9    0.1    1.9
 30                0.2        -         -   98.8   0.6    0.4    2.5
 40                0.4        -    0.0      0.7    98.3   0.5    36.1
 50                0.7        -    0.1      1.1    2.5    95.6   19.4
 % of population   38.6     1.6    1.9      3.0    36.2   18.8   100

Table 4 – Married women’s labour supply transitions (row percentages)
Labour supply in hours per week
Pre-reform               0      5       10      15       20      25       30      35       40       45      50      population

0                    99.6     0.0      0.0     0.1      0.0     0.1      0.0     0.0      0.0     0.0      0.0      46.3
5                    1        98.7     0.0        -     0.0     0.0         -       -     0.0        -     0.1      1.6
10                   2.1      0.1      97.5    0.0      0.0     0.2      0.1     0.1      0.1        -        -     3.2
15                   1.3      0.0      0.0     98.3     0.1     0.1      0.0     0.1      0.0     0.1         -     2.7
20                   2.4      0.1      0.1     0.2      96.7    0.1      0.1     0.1      0.1     0.1      0.0      5.4
25                   2.5      0.1      0.0     0.2      0.1     97.0     0.1     0.0      0.0     0.0      0.0      4.2
30                   2.3      0.2      0.2     0.5      0.3     0.3      95.7    0.3      0.1     0.1      0.0      5.8
35                   3.5      0.1      0.2     0.4      0.2     0.3      0.2     95.0     0.0     0.1      0.0      6.7
40                   2.3      0.1      0.1     0.2      0.2     0.2      0.2     0.2      96.2    0.1      0.0      16.2
45                   3.2      0.1      0.1     0.3      0.1     0.2      0.2     0.1      0.1     95.5     0.0      3.8
50                   2.8      0.2      0.2     0.3      0.3     0.3      0.3     0.2      0.1     0.2      95.2     4.1
% of population      47.4     1.6      3.2     2.8      5.4     4.3      5.6     6.5      15.7    3.7      3.9      100

The labour supply for married women could be viewed as labour supply of secondary
earners. We further analyse the labour supply for married couples with dependents and
the results are comparably consistent with the findings from the WfF evaluation reports by
the MSD and IR (see MSD and IR, 2010). The simulated output tables are in the
Appendix. The negative effects for married couples with dependents are about 16 and 41
times larger than for married couples without dependents, with the largest difference
observed for married women (shown in Table A.5 in the Appendix). The average weekly
working hours for married couples with dependents fell, with the reduction of 0.82 and
0.16 hours for married women and men respectively. Table A.5 also shows that the net
effect on married women with dependents was estimated to be a decrease of 1.94
percentage points in the employment rate (from 54.17% to 52.23%). This estimate is close
to the estimates of 2.3 percentage points fall in employment rate of secondary earners
reported in the MSD and IR evaluation report. As shown in Table A.5, married women with
dependents are more likely to leave the labour market and work less hours. On the other
hand, married men with dependents have large decreases in the intensive margin
(decreased working-hours) by 1.63 percentage points.

Disaggregated results

Tables 5 to 8 present the expected changes in the probability of working at selected
individual and household characteristics, for the household head and spouse (the latter
being married woman). The household heads in Tables 5 and 6 include the single-adult
households and sole parents. In TAXMOD-B, we assigned the male as the household
head for all married couples and female headed households reflect single households and
sole parents. Table 5 shows that no change is expected for a large proportion of the
population by income unit type, gender of the household head, number of children and
age of the youngest child. As expected, families without dependents and single-adult
households are not affected much by the policy changes. This is also true for married

     This definition is used in the evaluation report by the MSD and IR. See footnote 7 for further information on the definition.

WP 14 18 | WORKING FOR FAMILIES CHANGES: THE EFFECT ON LABOUR SUPPLY IN NEW ZEALAND                                                  14
women (see Table 7). Consistent with the results above, Table 5 shows that sole parents
experience the highest average increase in the probability of working.

Table 5 – Change in the probability of working for the head of the income unit by
selected individual and household characteristics (row percentages)
                           Decrease in ppt                             Increase in ppt
                           >50    10-50       2-10             none    2-10        10-50   >50       Average
 Income unit type
 couple                    -      -           1                99      0           -       -     -0.03
 couple & dependents       -      0           11               84      2           2       -     0.04
 single                    -       0          1                99      -           -       -     -0.04
 single & dependents       -       -          1                72      22          5       -     1.71
 Gender of head
 female                    -      0           1                88      9           2       -     0.65
 male                      -      0           6                91      1           1       -     0.05
 Number of children
 None                      ‐      0           1                99      0           -       -     -0.03
 One dependents            ‐      0           10               83      6           1       -     0.05
 Two dependents            ‐      -           9                83      5           2       -     0.2
 Three dependents          ‐      -           11               79      5           5       -     0.42
 Four dependents           ‐      -           -                85      11          3       -     0.98
 Five dependents           ‐      -           6                68      10          16      -     2.02
 Six dependents            ‐      -           -                -       -           100     -     26.15
 Age of youngest child
 No dependents             -      0           1                99      0           -       -     -0.03
Table 6 – Change in weekly working hours for the head of the income unit by
selected individual and household characteristics (row percentages)
                                   Decrease in hours                     Increase in hours
                                   >10         5-10       1-5    none    1-5       5-10          >10       Average
 Income unit type
 couple                            -           -          1      99      -         -         -         -0.01
 couple & dependents               -           0          12     83      3         2         0         -0.16
 single                            -           0          1      99      -         -         -         -0.02
 single & dependents               0           1          6      68      20        4         1         0.62
 Gender of head
 female                            0           1          3      86      9         1         0         0.21
 male                              -           0          6      91      2         1         0         -0.07
 Number of children
 None                              -           0          1      99      -         -         -         -0.02
 One dependents                    0           0          11     80      6         2         0         -0.02
 Two dependents                    -           1          12     81      5         2         0         -0.09
 Three dependents                  -           1          13     77      6         3         -         -0.17
 Four dependents                   -           -          1      87      10        -         2         0.39
 Five dependents                   -           6          -      59      35        -         -         0.37
 Six dependents                    ‐           ‐          ‐      ‐       ‐         41        59        11.01
 Age of youngest child
 No deps                           -           0          1      99      -         -         -         -0.02
Table 6 shows the expected changes in average working hours by the same
characteristics shown in Table 5. Consistent with results shown above and from Table A.5
in the Appendix, married men with dependents have the highest average decrease in the
working hours while sole parents experience the highest average increase in the working

Table 7 – Change in the probability of working for married women by individual and
household characteristics (row percentages)
                                 Decrease in ppt                       Increase in ppt
                                 >50      10-50        2-10    none    2-10     10-50    >50         Average
 Income unit type
 couple                          -        -            1       99      -        -        -       -0.04
 couple & dependents             -        8            19      69      4        1        -       -1.93
 Number of children
 None                            -        -            1       99      -        -        -       -0.04
 One dependents                  -        5            21      70      4        0        -       -1.65
 Two dependents                  -        8            19      70      3        0        -       -2.23
 Three dependents                -        14           16      64      5        1        -       -2.75
 Four dependents                 -        1            15      73      9        1        -       -0.34
 Five dependents                 -        15           14      71      -        -        -       -4.08
 Six dependents                  -        -            -       -       -        100      -       17.55
 Age of youngest child
 No dependents                   -        -            1       99      -        -        -       -0.04
Table 8 – Change in weekly working hours for married women by individual and
household characteristics (row percentages)
                                   Decrease in hours                    Increase in hours
                                   >10        5-10       1-5    none    1-5       5-10          >10   Average
 Income unit type
 couple                            -          -          1      99      -         -         -         -0.02
 couple & dependents               1          4          15     77      2         0         -         -0.82
 Number of children
 None                              -          -          1      99      -         -         -         -0.02
 One dependents                    1          3          18     77      2         -         -         -0.73
 Two dependents                    2          4          15     77      1         -         -         -0.91
 Three dependents                  1          9          15     74      1         -         -         -1.19
 Four dependents                   -          -          5      91      3         -         -         -0.06
 Five dependents                   9          14         -      78      -         -         -         -1.71
 Six dependents                    -          -          -      -       41        59        -         4.38
 Age of youngest child
 No dependents                     -          -          1      99      -         -         -         -0.02
Table 9 – The effect of labour supply responses: changes in tax and transfer cost
                                               Change after reform
                                            With labour supply       Without labour supply
                                            change                   change
                                                 Relative change          Relative change
                                                 (%)                      (%)
 Market/private income                           -0.7                     0
 Government Expenditure
 Benefit income                                  3.8                      2.8
 Rebate                                          0                        0
 Family payment                                  361.1                    339.9
 NZ Superannuation                               0                        0
 Total Expenditure                               25.2                     23.5
 Government Revenue
 Income Tax paid                                 -0.7                     0
 Total Revenue                                   -0.7                     0
 Net Expenditure                                 -11.7                    -10.0
 Sole parents
 Market/private income                           1                        0
 Government Expenditure
 Benefit income                                  -0.4                     1.8
 Rebate                                          0                        0
 Family payment                                  138.4                    133.4
 NZ Superannuation                               0                        0
 Total Expenditure                               27.8                     28.5
 Government Revenue
 Income Tax paid                                 -0.9                     0
 Total Revenue                                   -0.9                     0
 Net Expenditure                                 47.9                     48.5

Table 9 shows the estimated government revenue and expenditure in percentage
changes with and without labour supply responses for couples and sole parents. The net
expenditure in pre-reform was negative for couples but positive for sole parents. This
means that government revenue (in terms of tax collected) is higher than its expenditure
(in terms of transfers) for couples. The opposite is true for sole parents. After allowing for
labour supply changes, the net government expenditure of the policy change increases for
couples but decreases for sole parents. This is due to the decrease in labour supply for
couples but an increase for sole parents. These changes in labour supply are reflected in
the tax revenue, family payments and benefit income changes for both subgroups.

For sole parents, the decrease in the cost after allowing for labour supply changes is
modest (about 0.6 percentage points). This is caused by the increase in family payments
and reduction in both tax revenues and benefit incomes. The fall in tax revenues could be
due to the reason that sole parents who increased their labour supply or entered the

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