COURSE PROSPECTUS 2020 Drama Aust/NZ Students - The ...
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TABLE OF CONTENTS Section One - Introduction and General Information .................................................................. 3 Section Two - Schools and Course Information .............................................................................. 5 Part 1 - National Theatre Ballet School ............................. Error! Bookmark not defined. Part 3- National Theatre Student Policies ..................................................................................... 12 Section Four - Application Process ................................................................................................... 21 Section Five - RTO information.......................................................................................................... 23 The National Theatre Melbourne RTO: 3600 Page 2 of 23 Cricos 01551E
Section One – Welcome to the National Theatre Hello and a very warm welcome to the National Theatre Drama School. Creativity is a natural human expression. It’s a necessity for human evolution. At the National we seek to nurture and encourage this creativity. Einstein said, “It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with the problems longer.” We commit to you and your training over a three year period. Because creative artists need time. Time to grow, develop and mature. You need to invest the time to discover the artist you want to be. Our creative staff have been producing and nurturing artists since 1936, making us Australia’s original actor training academy. We employ working actors, directors and teachers who train our students with knowledge of the real world and all its demands. The caring and supportive nature of our staff is second to none. The training at the National is up-to-date, comprehensive and fresh. You will draw upon the teachings of Stanislavski, Mike Alfreds and Michael Chekhov. Classes include Shakespearean text, Suzuki, American text, Theatre creation, Film, TV and new media training, Yoga, Clown and voice and body work. Student public performances are held in our black box studio or the National’s 800 seat main stage theatre. It’s also a very exciting place to study. Located in Melbourne, Australia, we are a five minute walk from the famous St Kilda beach, with a large selection of cafes, restaurants and a booming nightlife second to none. Supermarkets, medical centres and other amenities are all within a 5 minute walk from your campus. We pride ourselves on the many successes of our students. Our graduates have made promising careers all over the world. From Hollywood heavyweight Bella Heathcote, to local success’ like Kat Stewart, Richard Cawthorne, Richard Tucker and music theatre The National Theatre Melbourne RTO: 3600 Page 3 of 23 Cricos 01551E
mainstay Esther Hannaford. Also look out for rising star Harvey Zielinski in the soon to be released Quibi series ‘Don’t look Deeper’ directed by Catherine Harwick. If you’re looking to audition for The National, you couldn’t have picked a better time to join our fresh, new direction. Come join and create with us. We look forward to seeing you at the National, Trent Baker Director of Drama The National Theatre Melbourne RTO: 3600 Page 4 of 23 Cricos 01551E
Section Two - Schools and Course Information Part 2 – National Theatre Drama School Introduction and general information The National Theatre Drama School Melbourne is a leading actor training institution in Australia. The school delivers full time acting course and a range of part time acting courses in stage performance and acting for film and television. This includes the three year Advanced Diploma of Acting, an accredited professional training course, the part time Preparatory Course, Adult Short Courses and the Youth Drama Program. The National Theatre Drama School has a long and distinguished history of professional actor training. Graduates include Logie award winner Kat Stewart (Offspring, Mr & Mrs Murder and Underbelly), Hollywood star Bella Heathcote (Neighbours, 50 Shades Darker, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, Dark Shadows) Musical Theatre heavyweight Esther Hannaford (King Kong, Beautiful the musical, Little Shop of Horrors) Richard Cawthorne (Killing Time and Bikie Wars), Heath Ledger scholarship winner Brett Tucker (McLeod’s Daughters), and Singer/cabaret artist Geraldine Quinn. The National Theatre Melbourne RTO: 3600 Page 5 of 23 Cricos 01551E
Advanced Diploma in Acting Course Code: 10073NAT Cricos Code: 095283J Duration: 3 years (22 contact hrs per week) between 9am-6pm Monday to Friday. Fees: Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 Funding: VET Fee Help, Austudy, ABStudy, Scholarships Entry Requirements: Students must be 18yrs or over by the 1st January the year their studies commence. Students must have completed Year 10 of Secondary School or equivalent. Acceptance is by audition only. This course is open to international students. Students must meet all requirements and pass all units of competency in each subsequent year to obtain the qualification. Applications: Accepted until mid November – Late applications sometimes considered. Auditions start in November for the following year’s intake. 2020 Course Dates: Term Start End 1 3-Feb-2020 27-Mar-2020 2 14-Apr-2020 12-Jun-2020 3 13-Jul-2020 4-Sep-2020 4 27-Sep-2020 27-Nov-2020 #Please note that in terms 2 and 4 students will be required for end of semester interviews with staff a few days later than the end of term dates mentioned above. Units Core Compulsory Units ACTPRF601A Demonstrate a range of body awareness techniques in performance related activities ACTPRF602 Demonstrate techniques to physically release the voice in performance related activities ACTPRF603A Explore techniques to enliven and embody text in performance related activities ACTPRF604A Explore the key elements of the theatrical experience ACTPRF605A Create performance pieces ACTPRF606A Produce, promote and present an original public performance ACTPRF607A Prepare, rehearse and perform stage plays for public performance ACTPRF608A Rehearse and perform for the camera CUAIND402 Provide freelance services CUAPRF304 Develop audition techniques CUARES403 Research history and theory to inform own arts practice CUAWHS302 Apply work health and safety practises The National Theatre Melbourne RTO: 3600 Page 6 of 23 Cricos 01551E
Course Information The Advanced Diploma of Acting (10073NAT) is a nationally accredited, full time, professional training course which prepares students for careers as actors and performance-makers in theatre, film and television. Over three years, students work closely with a range of Industry professionals undertaking a rigorous program of actor training. Students are encouraged to work with passion and engagement, demonstrate a strong commitment to develop their own individual approach, and to continuously refine their professional goals. Year One - The First Year of the course focuses primarily on the physical and vocal development of the performer as well as study of the elements of theatre. Regular voice classes, Yoga, improvisation and a variety of movement techniques prepare the actors’ instrument for the next stages of actor training. In Second Semester students begin a concentrated study of text; this work forms the basis of the work in the first half of the Second Year. Year Two - In Second Year the skills and techniques of devising original work are introduced and students are given regular opportunities to experiment with a range of styles in performance making. Acting for screen, rehearsal techniques for stage and the demands of public performance are also introduced in this period with the study of the classics such as Shakespeare. American text work is also worked on. Movement and voice are continued throughout this year. Year Three - The focus in the Third Year is to bring all the elements of actor training together and prepare for entering the Industry. Advanced screen acting and audition techniques, live performance skills and the development of performance-creation are all directed towards building a career following graduation. The presentation of an Acting Showcase (stage performance), a Showreel (screen performances) and a Devised Piece (stage performance) ensures that graduates have three opportunities to be seen locally and nationally by a wide range of agents and key Industry figures. Trainers The Drama School draws its staff exclusively from active industry professionals. Not only does this ensure the currency and relevance of our training but also provides students with valuable contacts in a wide range of performance and technical areas. Our current training staff include: Trent Baker (Director), Lisle Jones, Peter Blackburn, Philippa Devine, Les Cartwright, Vincent Crowley, April Albert, Danielle Carter, Margaret Mills, Katie Cawthorne, Lucy Velik and Joachim Matschoss. Details of all our training staff can be found on the Drama School website The National Theatre Melbourne RTO: 3600 Page 7 of 23 Cricos 01551E
Drama Scholarships The Gwen & Edna Jones Foundation Scholarship Thanks to the generosity of the Trustees of the Warrnambool based G & E Jones Foundation, a scholarship to the value of $6000 will be available to a young adult currently resident in the Western District of Victoria who successfully auditions for the Advanced Diploma of Acting at Melbourne’s prestigious National Theatre Drama School in St Kilda. The Nicolson Award To honour the life and work of Tasmanian-born actor, Gerda Nicolson, the Trustees of the Nicolson Foundation have made available a one-year Scholarship, valued at $5000, which is distributed amongst the students for a limited subsidy on tickets to theatre productions over their three years of study. Gerda Nicolson worked regularly with many of Australia’s leading theatre companies and was a core cast member of the popular TV series, Bellbird. The Cybec Scholarship The Cybec Scholarship, valued at $5,000, is awarded to a Second or Third Year Advanced Diploma student who, in the opinion of the Director and Staff, has demonstrated their professional potential and that they would benefit significantly from financial assistance. The funds are to be used primarily for the payment of tuition fees. The Florence Young Scholarship, awarded by the Tallis Foundation This Scholarship, named in honour of a much-loved, early 20th Century Australian stage star, is valued at $4,000. It is awarded to a Second or Third Year Advanced Diploma student who, in the opinion of the Director and Staff, has demonstrated their professional potential and can show that financial assistance would significantly benefit them. The funds are to be used primarily for the payment of tuition fees. The Lisle Jones Award This Scholarship named in honour of the much respected and loved former student, actor and teacher at the National Theatre, Lisle Jones is valued at $3000.It is awarded to a Second or Third Year Advanced Diploma student who, in the opinion of the Director and Staff, has demonstrated their professional potential and can show The National Theatre Melbourne RTO: 3600 Page 8 of 23 Cricos 01551E
that financial assistance would significantly benefit them. The funds are to be used primarily for the payment of tuition fees. The W.P Carr Award This Scholarship, named in honour of the National Theatre’s creator is valued at $1000. It is awarded to a Second or Third Year Advanced Diploma student who, in the opinion of the Director and Staff, has demonstrated their professional potential and can show that financial assistance would significantly benefit them. The funds are to be used primarily for the payment of tuition fees. Uniform Requirements Individual trainers may have specific clothing and equipment requirements for their classes and students will be informed of these in the first class. Comfortable loose clothing should be worn (no jeans or jewellery) Towels, deodorant and basic hygiene products are essential. Resources The courses fee structure includes the cost of any mandatory texts and video material. The school has an extensive library of secondary sources which are available for loan to all students. There is an allowance made per Semester for theatre visits and excursions and the school provides computer and internet facilities in the school’s computer lab. A diary or notepad is required for journaling of class activities. Career Guidance The school maintains close contact with a range of respected industry professionals many of whom teach in the Advanced Diploma program. In the third year students work closely with these industry reps and produce a Showreel which is circulated nationally to casting agents, and also present a showcase to the industry. The National Theatre Melbourne RTO: 3600 Page 9 of 23 Cricos 01551E
Section Three - Student Information Studying at The National Theatre Melbourne Student ID Cards All students will be issued with a yearly student card and student number. This card must bear a current photo and be signed by both the student and administrator to be valid. Concessions are available to students of the National Theatre Melbourne on presentation of their card. Public Transport concessions are available to students of full time courses. Unique Student Identifier (USI) All students (including International) undertaking vocational education and training must hold a USI and provide it to the National Theatre Melbourne during the enrolment process. If students do not provide their USI, the National Theatre Melbourne will not be able to issue any Certificates or Statements of Attainment for units of competency or qualifications completed. For more information about the USI visit or speak to the School Administrator. Facilities The National Theatre Melbourne has 4 studios, all with tarquet flooring and mirrors, whiteboard, projector, desks and video equipment. A large theatrette is used for rehearsals and performances. There is a small library for students consisting of relevant drama and dance related plays, books, journals, magazines, sheet music, videos, CDs. Students also have access to IT facilities (computers, printer and photocopier) and kitchen facilities. Professional Representation Students who have professional representation should advise their agent at the commencement of their course that they will generally not be available to take work or attend auditions or castings that conflict with class times. All exceptions will be at the discretion of the School Directors. The National Theatre Melbourne RTO: 3600 Page 10 of 23 Cricos 01551E
Orientation Day Students are required to attend an orientation day prior to the start of their course. The aim of the day is to provide students with information about studying at the National Theatre Melbourne, and for interstate or international students, about living in Melbourne. It will include information on the following: • Information on course of study and timetable for the year • Fees, charges and VET Student Loans (where applicable) • Student Handbook, including information on Policies and Procedures (support services, refunds, deferral, suspension and withdrawal, complaints) • Student ID cards • Contact details • Melbourne information, public transport, banking, health services. • Fire safety, evacuation and OHS • Unique Student Identifier information You will be notified by your School with the details once you have accepted your place on the course. Graduation The Ballet and Drama School both hold annual graduation ceremonies for all students who have successfully completed their accredited training courses. The Ballet graduation ceremony is at the end of the year, usually in Mid December. The Drama graduation ceremony is held the following year in March. The National Theatre Melbourne RTO: 3600 Page 11 of 23 Cricos 01551E
Part 3- National Theatre Student Policies Access and Equity The National Theatre Melbourne is committed to ensuring that we offer training opportunities to all people on an equal and fair basis. This includes people with disabilities, people from non-English speaking backgrounds, Indigenous Australians, and rural and remote learners. All Students have equal access to our courses irrespective of their gender, culture, linguistic background, race, socio-economic background, disability, age, marital status, pregnancy, sexual orientation or carer’s responsibilities. All Students who meet our entry requirements will be accepted into any of our courses where a place exists. Where our courses have a limited number of available places, these will be filled in order of completed applications. Access to Student Records Students are allowed access to their records; contact the School Administrator for more information. Change to Personal Details If there are changes to your personal details, particularly changes to your address, email or phone number you must notify the School Administrator immediately. Recognition of Prior Learning and Credit Transfer The National Theatre Melbourne recognises Qualifications and Statements of Attainment issued by other Registered Training Organisations. Where a student has already completed a unit of competency that is part of the course they are enrolling on they can apply for a credit and will not be expected to repeat the unit. This is at the discretion of the Director of Drama. You must advise the School Administrator on enrolment if you wish to claim any credit transfers. Where students have relevant and significant training and life experience there may be an opportunity to apply for recognition of prior learning. This may allow a student to enter a course at a certain point without being expected to complete all the units of competency e.g. entry at second year. Please speak to a School Administrator for further information. The National Theatre Melbourne RTO: 3600 Page 12 of 23 Cricos 01551E
Complaints and Appeals Complaints and appeals will be dealt with through a fair and equitable process. Initially any issues should be raised with the School Administrator, Trainer/Assessor or Director as applicable and we will try to deal with the issue informally. If the issue cannot be resolved the complaint must be detailed in writing to the School Administrator. The formal complaints and appeals process will then commence. For a copy of the Complaints and Appeals policy, contact the School Administrator or download from the website. Support Services All students including international and under 18 years of age, who are studying with the National Theatre Melbourne can be provided with information on support services available. Orientation days for all students are provided as an introduction to the Theatre, the surrounding area and life in Melbourne, Australia. The National Theatre Melbourne RTO: 3600 Page 13 of 23 Cricos 01551E
Part 4- National Theatre Melbourne2019 Fees and Charges Course fees and any additional charges are published in this document and are correct at the time of publication. Fes and charges are subject to change throughout the year, the School Administrator will confirm the fees and charges to be paid upon enrolment. All fees must be paid prior to the start of the course, unless you are paying via the VET Fee Help system, this is automatically organised by the School and you will receive a ‘Commonwealth Assistance Notice’ detailing the amount paid. Drama School Fees and Charges Course Year Duration Tuition Additional Total (weeks) Fee Charges Fee 10073NAT Advanced Diploma in Acting 1 52 10,300 0 10,300 10073NAT Advanced Diploma in Acting 2 52 10,300 0 10,300 10073NAT Advanced Diploma in Acting 3 52 10,300 0 10,300 The National Theatre Melbourne RTO: 3600 Page 14 of 23 Cricos 01551E
VET Student Loan Scheme The National Theatre’s Diploma and Advanced Diploma courses are eligible under the loan scheme. Students who enrol on any of these courses may be eligible to apply for assistance under the loan scheme, to pay for all or part of their Course Fees. The VSL scheme is not available to support any other study or living costs you may incur whilst enrolled with the National Theatre Melbourne. What is the VSL loan scheme? Vet Student Loans (VSL) is a Government Student Loan Scheme for the VET (Vocational Education and Training) sector. It is part of the Commonwealth Governments Higher Education Loan Program (HELP) to help students pay their fees when studying, with eligible organisations, at Diploma level or above. How it works? If you meet the eligibility criteria you can apply for the loan and the Australian Government will pay (all or in part) the course fees on your behalf. The debt is incurred gradually, as you enrol in units of study and progress through your course. The National Theatre Melbourne publish census dates for each year and these are the dates your fees are paid by the Commonwealth Government and the date you incur your debt from for the units you have enrolled in. There are four census dates per year aligned with the four terms of the courses. Census dates for all courses are published on the website. Students who access VSL will have a loan with the Australian Government and students then repay the loan through the Australian Tax system once they reach the minimum income threshold level for repayment. This level is published by the Government each year, this year 2018-19 it is $51,957. This means until you earn over this amount you will not start to repay your loan. You can access further information about repaying the HELP debt here back-my-loan. Eligibility You will be eligible to apply via The National Theatre Melbourne for a VET student loan if you meet the eligibility criteria and the student entry procedure. Citizenship or Residency You must meet one of the following: • Are an Australian citizen; or • Are a New Zealand Special Category Visa holder who meets long term residency requirements; or • Are you a permanent humanitarian visa holder (resident in Australia for the duration of the unit). The National Theatre Melbourne RTO: 3600 Page 15 of 23 Cricos 01551E
Academic Suitability All students must pass an audition to gain a place on our courses and once you are enrolled on an approved course (Diploma or Advanced Diploma) you also need to meet the academic suitability requirements for the VSL. You must be able to provide one of the following: • A copy of your Australian Year 10 Certificate (Australian Senior Secondary Certificate of Education); OR • Display competence at or above Exit Level 3 in the Australian Core Skills Framework in both reading and numeracy through an approved assessment tool and the National Theatre Melbourne reasonably believe that the student displays competence; OR • Provide a copy of a successfully completed Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) Certificate IV or higher qualification that was delivered in English. You must also: • Be enrolled with an approved course provider and studying the course primarily at a campus in Australia; • Have a FEE-HELP balance that is more than $0 • Be 18 years or over or have a parental consent form signed by a responsible parent or guardian; • Meet the academic requirements of the student entry procedure; • Meet the Tax File Number (TFN) requirements; • Have a Unique Student Identifier (USI) or are otherwise exempt. All required documentation must be given to the School Administrator and your loan application form must be submitted by the first census day no less than two business days after enrolling. VET student loans will not be approved for any applicants who do not meet all the eligibility requirements. For more information on eligibility requirements please visit the VET Student Loans website or download the VET Student Loan Information Booklet. Vet Student Loan Limits You can borrow up to a Vet Student Loan Limit to pay your tuition fees. This amount for 2019 is $10,000 for most students. For some higher education courses such as medicine, dentistry etc. the limit is higher. The Vet Student Loan Limit is a lifetime limit and is not reset or ‘topped up’ by any repayments that you make. Loan Fees There is a 20 per cent loan fee, which is applied to VET student loans for fee paying/fee for service students. The loan fee does not count towards your student loan limit. The loan fee is 20 per cent of the tuition fees charged for your units–and it is calculated for each individual unit as you undertake your course. The loan fee is applied to each unit that is paid for with a VET student loan. The National Theatre Melbourne RTO: 3600 Page 16 of 23 Cricos 01551E
For example, if you are undertaking a unit that costs $1,000 the loan fee is 20 per cent of $1,000 = $1,200. As such, your VET FEE-HELP debt for that unit will be the cost of the unit ($1,000) + the loan fee ($200) = $1,200. What are the fees? All course fees are published in The National Theatre Melbourne Prospectus and on the Schools websites. Important Information to remember if you are thinking of applying for a VET Student Loan: • It is a loan and is a personal debt until you have repaid it, the National Theatre Melbourne is not responsible for your debt. • The loan is repaid once your earnings reach a published threshold, this can affect your after tax earnings until the debt is repaid. Depending on the size of the debt it could affect your borrowing capacity. • There is a loan fee of 20% applicable to each loan you are granted. • Loan applications apply to a full course of study, but payments are made on a unit by unit basis. You can take a loan for the full amount per unit or you may choose to pay some of the fees yourself. • A census date is the date the Commonwealth Government pays your fees on your behalf for the unit(s) that you have started. You will incur your debt on this date for each unit of study that you enrolling, and have applied for a loan to pay the fee. • There are four (4) census dates per course. • You may cancel your enrolment by: a) Withdrawing from each VET unit of study on or before the census date; and b) In accordance with the provider’s withdrawal policy. • Withdrawal will result in the student: a) Not incurring a Vet Fee Help debt; and / or b) Receiving a refund for any up-front course fee payments made on or before the census date. Please note withdrawal after the census date incurs the loan debt and can only be refunded in certain cases. Please see the Policies and Procedures in our Applicants Guide to VSL document available on the website. Students may wish to seek independent financial advice prior to applying for a VET Student Loan. Further Information If you would like more information on the loan scheme contact the National Theatre Drama or Ballet School Administrators or you can call the Student enquiry line: 1800 020 108 or the Study Assist website For information about personal tax and VET Fee Help debts contact the Australian Tax Office call 13 28 61 or The National Theatre Melbourne RTO: 3600 Page 17 of 23 Cricos 01551E
Tuition Fee Insurance The National Theatre Melbourne is a member of the Australian Student Tuition Assurance Scheme (ASTAS). This scheme protects the fees of students in the event that an education provider is unable to fulfil their obligation to deliver the agreed course of study. Students will be able to complete their study with another education provider or receive a refund of their unspent tuition fees. Austudy / Abstudy The National Theatre Melbourne courses are registered with Centrelink for financial support under the Austudy and Abstudyfunding programs. This is financial help offered to students in full time education who are over 25 years old. To apply for this funding you must read the criteria on the Dept. of Human Services website and the claim is made online via this site. Website details: Refund Policy In the unlikely event that the National Theatre Melbourne is unable to deliver your course in full, you will be offered a refund of all the course money you have paid to date. Or, where applicable you may be offered enrolment in another National Theatre Melbourne course at no extra cost to you. You have the right to choose whether you would like to transfer courses or accept a full refund. You will be required to sign a document accepting the refund or course transfer prior to any action being taken. Where The National Theatre Melbourne is unable to provide you with a refund or place you in a suitable course, the ACPET Australian Student Tuition Assurance Scheme will attempt to place you in another course or provide you with a full refund. For further information on the National Theatre Melbourne Fees and Refund policy, contact the School Administrator Living and Studying in Melbourne Students at the National Theatre Melbourne often come from overseas and interstate to study. This section provides some basic information about Melbourne and St Kilda where the National Theatre Melbourne is based. Location The National Theatre Melbourne is approximately 7kms from the Melbourne City Centre, 100 metres from the St Kilda foreshore, Luna Park and the Palais Theatre. Accommodation for Students There is a lot of rental accommodation in the surrounding areas close to the National Theatre Melbourne If you need to find accommodation whilst you are studying in Melbourne there are a number of websites that will help: The National Theatre Melbourne RTO: 3600 Page 18 of 23 Cricos 01551E Public Transport Melbourne has a great public transport system consisting of trains, trams and buses, to use public transport you must have a myki card. To get to the National Theatre Melbourne in St Kilda you can access by: Trams: No.96 St Kilda to Brunswick via the city, No.16 from Kew to Melbourne University via the city Buses: No.246 from Clifton Hill to Elsternwick Trains: Balaclava Station is 15 mins walk or direct connection by No.16 tram. Students are also eligible for travel concessions if they are studying full time. Airport Melbourne International Airport is not central to the City and has no direct rail link. From the airport to St Kilda is approximately a 30-40 minute drive, depending on traffic and in peak times can be longer. The main transport options are: Skybus (bus service that runs from Melbourne into the City, they also offer a free drop off at hotels in the city centre). The service runs 24/7 every ten minutes. Taxis are available at the airport at any time day or night. There are other airport transfer bus services that operate and will pick up and drop off in St Kilda and other Melbourne suburbs. They do not usually operate late into the evenings though, remember to check your flight departure/arrival times. Currency and Banking Australia operates a decimal currency with units in dollars and cents. Normal banking hours Monday to Friday 9.30 – 5pm. Some banks open on Saturday mornings. Automatic Teller Machines (ATM) are open 24hrs and there are many around the city and suburbs. Most banks will take cash in foreign currency and travellers cheques. Power Domestic electricity supply throughout Melbourne and Australia is standardised at 230 volts AC 50Hz. Standard 3 pin plugs are fitted to domestic appliances. 115 volt appliances cannot be used without a transformer. Telephone and Mobiles Phone cards for local and international calls can be purchased in most convenience stores. Mobile phones and sim cards can be purchased in Australia; there are a number of providers with pre- paid or post-paid plans to suit everyone. Postal Information Post offices are in most suburbs and are open Monday to Friday 9.00am to 5pm. Time zone Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST) is GMT/UTC plus 10hrs between April-October (usually the first Sunday in April to the first Sunday in October). Daylight Savings Time (AEDT) is observed in Melbourne between October-April and is GMT/UTC plus 11hrs. Daylight savings adds an hour in summertime allowing lighter morning/evenings. The National Theatre Melbourne RTO: 3600 Page 19 of 23 Cricos 01551E
Climate Melbourne has a variable climate, the seasons run from summer (Dec-Feb), autumn (Mar-May) winter (Jun-Aug) and spring (Sep-Oct). Average temperatures: Min Max Summer 14C (57F) 26C (79F) Autumn 11C (52F) 20 (68F) Winter 7C (45F) 14C (57F) Spring 10C (50F) 20C (68F) Websites and Phone Applications For more information on Melbourne, St Kilda, Victoria and Australia try the following websites and phone apps. Phone Apps Public Transport Victoria – PTV Tram Tracker Melbourne Official Visitor Guide Time Out Melbourne 13CABS or Silver Top Taxi The National Theatre Melbourne RTO: 3600 Page 20 of 23 Cricos 01551E
Section Four - Application Process Students who want to apply for a place on any of the National Theatre Melbourne courses must complete an audition for a place. Step 1 Complete the application form for Audition with all relevant information that has to be provided for your course and pay the application fee. If you are successful, you will be advised of the audition requirements and the School Administrator will advise you the Audition times available. Application forms can be found on the School websites or you can contact the School Administrator for a copy. Step 2 You will receive instructions on what to prepare for your audition and advised when to attend The National Theatre Melbourne. Auditioning students who are interstate or overseas may audition by compiling a DVD or you tube link in the first stage of the audition process. You will be advised of the requirements by the School Administrator if this is relevant to you. Interstate auditioning drama students can audition for the first round by sending a video audition. However please note that all students must attend the Drama School in Melbourne for the second round of auditions. The School Administrator will advise you formally if your audition has been successful. The National Theatre Melbourne RTO: 3600 Page 21 of 23 Cricos 01551E
Step 3 Accept your offer of a place on your chosen course and complete the enrolment paperwork. All paperwork will be sent to you by the School Administrator. Step 4 You will receive information on your course term dates, orientation. Step 5 Pay your fees prior to the course start date. The School Administrator will organise an invoice and advise you on the payment methods. The National Theatre Melbourne RTO: 3600 Page 22 of 23 Cricos 01551E
Section Five - RTO information The Australian National Memorial Theatre is a Registered Training Organisation Trading as the National Theatre Melbourne (RTO No: 3600) provides education services for Australian and International students through registration with the Australian Skills Quality Authority and compliance with the Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015 and the Education Services for Overseas Students Framework. CRICOS Registration Statement The Australian National Memorial Theatre is duly authorised to deliver educational programs to overseas students in Victoria. It is listed on the Australian Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS Register). CRICOS Provider Number: 01551E The CRICOS website can be accessed at Disclaimer Every reasonable effort has been made to ensure that the information in this document referring to The Australian National Memorial Theatre was correct at the time of publication. However, the RTO reserves the right to discontinue, change or remove any course, subject, and units of competency, fee, admission requirement, staffing or other arrangement without prior notice. The National Theatre Melbourne RTO: 3600 Page 23 of 23 Cricos 01551E
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