Überschrift Media-Data 2022 - Elite Magazin

Page created by Josephine Lane
Überschrift Media-Data 2022 - Elite Magazin
Media-Data 2022

Advertisement price list | No. 19 | Prices effective from issue 1/2022

                                                                         Elite in a nutshell			         02
                                                                         Time table 			                 03
                                                                         Ad formats and prices		        04
                                                                         Technical Data			05
                                                                         Special forms of advertising		 06
                                                                         agriMA 2019 results		          07
                                                                         Reach extension               09
                                                                         Elite website		                10
                                                                         Elite newsletter		             11
                                                                         Contacts 			12

Überschrift Media-Data 2022 - Elite Magazin
02 | Elite in a nutshell

Elite is the trade magazine for successful milk producers. Providing an independent and critical coverage of topics across cattle breeds, the
magazine is packed with experience reports, exciting reviews of successful dairy farms around the world and in-depth reports on the latest
scientific findings as well as consultation. Contributing authors of international renown – farmers, consultants and researchers – and a team
of highly proficient editors ensure the information is at the forefront of knowledge.
Elite offers its readers a range of news breaking media channels and various educational platforms.

Publication:                                        Publisher:
6 times per year                                    Ludger Burholt
Year:                                               Tel.: +49 25 01/8 01 18 30
20th Year, 2022                                     E-Mail: ludger.burholt@lv.de
Copies sold:                                        Head of LV Media Sales:
14.656 (to IVW, 2 quarter 2021)                     Dr. Peter Wiggers
                                                    (classified ads)
                                                                                                    Also available as an online magazine
Landwirtschaftsverlag GmbH | Hülsebrockstr. 2–8,    Tel.: +49 25 01/8 01 18 00
48165 Münster | Postanschrift: 48084 Münster        E-Mail: peter.wiggers@lv.de
Tel.: +49 25 01/80 10 | Fax: +49 25 01/8 01 53 17
E-Mail: service@elite-magazin.de
Management board:                                   Digital events
Werner Gehring,                                     Landwirtschaftsverlag has extensive com-
Dr. Ludger Schulze Pals,                            petences in conception, relization and target
Malte Schwerdtfeger                                 group communication for digital events.
Gregor Veauthier (Chefredakteur)                    Consulting and contact
Tel.: +49 25 01/8 01 88 03                          Wiebke Hannig
E-Mail: redaktion@elite-magazin.de                  Tel.: +49 25 01/8 01 18 01
                                                    E-Mail: events@lv.de
Überschrift Media-Data 2022 - Elite Magazin
03 | Time table

                                                   Publication date                    Advertisement copy                  Advertisement copy
      Month                  Issue
                                                 (Postal delivery date)                     deadline                           deadline*

      January                1/2022                 03. January 2022                    06. December 2021                  13. December 2021

       March                 2/2022                  01. March 2022                       04. February 2022                 14. February 2022

        May                  3/2022                    02. May 2022                         04. April 2022                    12.April 2022

        July                 4/2022                    04. July 2022                        09. June 2022                     20. June 2022

   September                 5/2022               02. September 2022                       11. August 2022                   19. August 2022

    November                 6/2022                02. November 2022                      06. October 2022                  14. October 2022

*Advertisement copies required in digital format Placement and quality of the ad are subject to the timely submission of
copy material. No responsibility is assumed for claims resulting from late submission of the material.

                                                                                                                                                                           Examples from
                                                                                                                                                                            the past years
   Better informed!
   Register now: www.lv.de/Themenplaner
   We offer you the environment for your
   media planning.                                                                                                               Elite publishes annual supplements on current topics.
                                                                                                                                        Elite Best Practice is planned again for 2022.
Überschrift Media-Data 2022 - Elite Magazin
04 | Ad formats and prices

                                                                              BLEED SIZE
                                                      TYPE AREA
                                                                        (Please allow an extra 3mm         Basic price
                         Size           Layout       Width x height                                                              2c/3c            4c
                                                                       bleed in addition to trim size)        b/w
                                                        in mm
                                                                        Width x height in mm

                       1/1 page                        190 x 270                210 x 297                    € 3.894            € 4.755        € 6.179

                       2/3 page       landscape        190 x 178                210 x 193                    € 3.105            € 3.786        € 4.919

                                      landscape        190 x 133                210 x 148
                       1/2 page                                                                              € 2.561            € 3.135        4.078 €
                                        portrait        94 x 270                104 x 297

                                      landscape        190 x 88                 210 x 103
                       1/3 page                                                                              € 1.823            € 2.228        € 2.895
                                        portrait        61 x 270                 71 x 297

                                      4 columns        190 x 133      Price per mm for ads on built pages
                       1/2 page
                                      2 columns         94 x 270      b/w per mm, single-col.:    € 3,99
                                                                      2c/3c per mm, single col.:  € 4,81                                                 2nd quarter 2021:
                                                                      4c per mm, single-col.:     € 6,23
                       1/3 page       4 columns        190 x 88                                                                                          Distribution: 16.100 copies
                                                                                                                                                         Copies sold: 14.656
                                      4 columns        190 x 66                                                                                          Subscriptions: 14.225

                                                                      Height in mm by no. of col. (dep. on colour)
                       1/4 page       2 columns         94 x 133
                                                                      e.g. 1/8 page, 4 col., 4c                                                          Discounts
                                      1 columns         46 x 270
                                                                      (32 mm x 4 columns) x € 6,23 = € 797,44                                            Discounts for adverti-
                                      4 columns        190 x 43                                                                                          sing within 12 months:
                       1/6 page
                                      2 columns         94 x 88       Column widths:                                                                     By space
                                                                                                                                                         1/2 page            3%
                                                                      1-column:                      46 mm width
                                      4 columns        190 x 32                                                                                          1/1 page            5%
                                                                      2-column:                      94 mm width
                       1/8 page       2 columns         94 x 66       4-column:                     190 mm witdh                                            3 page        10 %
                                      1 columns         46 x 133                                                                                            6 page        15 %
                                                                      Further formats are available in the classified ads section.
                                      2 columns         94 x 32                                                                                          By insertion
                      1/16 page                                       *Classified ads are published together with other ads in the classified section.
                                      1 columns         46 x 66                                                                                            3 bookings             5%
                                                                      A stand-alone position of your advertisement is available on the editorial pages
                                                                      beneath or next to the editorial text.                                               6 bookings            10 %
                      1/32 page       1 columns         46 x 32                                                                                            9 bookings            15 %
                    (All prices in Euro excl. VAT)
Überschrift Media-Data 2022 - Elite Magazin
05 | Technical Data

Exclusive placement ads below/next to editorial text                        Size of page:                            accuracy, the colours and quality of
3mm bleed for trimmed formats on all pages                                  210 x 297 mm (w x h),                    print of your motif. Extra expenses on
                                                                            Type area: 190 x 270 mm,                 layouting and processing final artwork
                                                                            4 columns                                will be charged extra.

                                                                            Printing method:                         Colour ads:
          Full page horizontal:                 2/3 page horizontal:        70 web-offset                             All colours are generated from
          visible print area:                   visible print area:                                                  Euroscale standards. Special colours
          210 mm (w) and 297 mm (h)             210 mm (w) and 193 mm (h)   Binding: Saddle stitched
                                                                                                                     are available on request. Colours
          plus 3 mm bleed                       plus 3 mm bleed             Data transfer:                           that do not simulate CMYK mode
          216 mm (w) and 303 mm (h)             216 mm (w) and 196 mm (h)   E-Mail: barbara.haeder@lv.de             are automatically converted to ISO
                                                                            (≤ 3 MB), also via FTP on request.       Coa­ted_v2.eci in CMYK. This may
                                                                            Shipment must bear the following         result in minor colour variations. No
                                                                            information: customer name/Elite/        responsibility is accepted for such
                                                                            Issue. We assume no responsibility       variations.
                                                                            and liability for the quality of the
          1/2 page vertical:                    1/2 page horizontal:        transmitted data.
          visible print area:                   visible print area:         Data formats:
          104 mm (w) and 297 mm (h)             210 mm (w) and 148 mm (h)   PDF to PDF/X-4:2010_CMYK
          plus 3 mm bleed                       plus 3 mm bleed
                                                                            optimized for printing. Please convert
          110 mm (w) and 303 mm (h)             216 mm (w) and 151 mm (h)
                                                                            all fonts in EPS files into paths.
                                                                            Open files can be accepted only on
                                                                            enquiry. Accepted software formats
                                                                            are InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop.
                                                                            4-colour images in 300 dpi resolution
                                                                            and Composite mode (CMYK).
          1/3 page vertical:                    1/3 page horizontal:
          visible print area:                   visible print area:
          71 mm (w) and 297 mm (h)              210 mm (w) and 103 mm (h)    The provision of proofs to Fogra ISO
          plus 3 mm bleed                       plus 3 mm bleed             Coated_v2.eci is absolutely neces-
          77 mm (w) and 303 mm (h)              216 mm (w) and 106 mm (h)   sary. Unless proofs are provided,
                                                                            we accept no responsibility for the
Überschrift Media-Data 2022 - Elite Magazin
06 | Special forms of advertising

Inserts1)                                                                    Bound-in inserts1)
A sample of the insert has to be supplied before                             are accepted only in specific positions within      Please make sure you request the techni-
                                                                                                                                 caldata on loose, bound-in and gluedin-
final acceptance of the order. Maximum200 x 290                              theissue.A sample of the insert has to be sup-
                                                                                                                                 serts or formats across the gutter:
mm format. Inserts of up to 25 g arecharged at                               plied beforefinal acceptance of the order. Please
                                                                                                                                 Barbara Häder
25 g per ‰ € 259 (incl. shipping and processing).                            enquireabout technical specifications.Submit
                                                                                                                                 Tel.: +49 25 01/8 01 33 60, Fax: +49 25 01/8 01 53 17
Please contact us on prices for higher weights.                              magazine circulation number plus 2%spoilage.

                                                                                                                                 E-Mail: barbara.haeder@lv.de
                                                                                                                                 Please enquire about the shipping address for
Inserted items of more than 2.5 mm thicknessare                              Prices for bound-in inserts                         all inserts.Please ensure arriving of material
subject to surcharges. Cash discountson loose                                Paper weight up to 115 g/m2                         two weeks prior topublication date.
inserts are granted only onthe price for the loose                           4-pages                                € 8.058
insert itself.                                                                                                                   Terms of payment:
                                                                             6-pages                              € 12.086       Payment in advance and by direct debit receives
                                                                             8-pages                              € 16.115       3% discount.Payment within 14 days from date of invoice receives
Tip-on inserts1)                                                                                                                 2% discount. Payment within 30 days from date of invoice: full
Glued inserts – including CD ROMs – areaccepted                              Paper weight from 115 g/m2
                                                                                                                                 payment.Cash discounts on loose inserts are granted only on the
                                                                                                                                 price forthe loose insert itself.VAT ID no. DE 126 042 224
in combination with an advert.Tip-on postcards
are charged € 161; per ‰.Filled envelopes and                                Prices on request                                   Bank details:
flyers of up to 25 g per ‰are charged at € 234.                                                                                  Volksbank Münsterland Nord eG
                                                                             All prices excl. VAT.                               IBAN DE78 4036 1906 1004 0313 00
                                                                                                                                 BIC GENODEM1IBB

                                                                                                                                                Terms and
1) Not eligible for discounts; only tip-on carrier ads are subject to discount.                                                             Our terms and conditions are found
                                                                                                                                                    at www.lv.de/kontakt/agb/
Überschrift Media-Data 2022 - Elite Magazin
07 | agriMA 2019

Average herd size see fig. I                                                       Ⅰ. Average herd size                                        Ⅱ. Mid-term development
                                                                                                                                                   of cattle farmers
Elite readers are large-scale cattle farmers. Elite readers farm herds
                                                                            number of animals                                              in %
with 253 animals on average. By comparison, the average herd size           300                                                          100
of the wider cattle farming industry is 113 heads, which is less than                                                    total                       19 %
                                                                                            253                                                                     30 %
half the number of animals in an average herd of Elite readers. Also,       250
                                                                                                                         readership Elite 80                                          expand
Elite readers farm significantly larger dairy herds. On average, the
dairy herds of Elite readers count 126 cows. This number compares           200
                                                                                                                                                                                      hold the level
with an average head count of 82 in the wider dairy community -
translating into a 54% larger herd size.                                    150                                                                      65 %                             give up
                                                                                     113                                                  40                        64 %
Mid-term development of cattle farming see fig. II                          100                           82
Elite readers are future-minded milk producers. Unlike average
                                                                                                                                          20                               80
farmers, these dairy farmers plan to expand their production syste-          50
matically in the future. 30% of all Elite readers said that they were                                                                                16 %
                                                                                                                                           0                        6%
planning for growth in the future. This compares with less than 20%           0
                                                                                     cattle total         dairy cows                                 total     readership Elite
of farmers in the wider milk producing industry who are planning to
grow.                                                                                                     Average investment figures for the next 1-2 years
Investments in the next 1-2 years see fig. III &IV                        Ⅲ. machinery and livestock equipment                                    Ⅳ. buildings/stables
                                                                               in €                                                         in €
Elite readers make significantly higher investments than their col-      100.000                                                      500.000
leagues. They also plan to invest in buildings, setting aside signi-                                                                                             448.009 €
                                                                                                          86.820 €
ficantly higher amounts than average cattle farmers. These readers        80.000                                                     400.000
plan to make higher investments in machinery and live­stock equip-
ment than their colleagues.
                                                                          60.000      54.179 €                                       300.000
                                                                                                                                                  261.986 €
How often do readers take the magazine and read?
Elite readers take up the magazine very often, because Elite offers       40.000                                                     200.000
relevant content. On average, the issue is taken up and read 4.4
times. Your advertisement is viewed equally often.
                                                                          20.000                                                     100.000

                                                                              0                                                            0
                                                                                        total       readership Elite                                 total     readership Elite
                                                                                                                                                                                  Quelle: agriMA 2019
08 | Offprints

Without a doubt, a good advertisement for your product is also the positive expert opinion. That is why Elite re-
prints are so popular. Because reports in Elite enjoy a high reputation among readers. They are the ideal opinion
leaders in your mailing, in the display on the trade fair stand, at events and the specialist trade.
From printing to on-time delivery, we ensure a smooth process. Do you need a special print in another langua-
ge? Please contact us! Offprints are available both in print as well as digitally.
Make more of it
Distribute the digital offprint not only through your own channels, but also use the digital reach of the LV agricul-
tural media. We offer you precisely tailored target groups for this purpose.

                                                                                                      Digital reach
                                                                              Digital offprint
                                 Offprint                                                                of the LV
                                                                                                    agricultural media
                       2 Pages   4 Pages    6 Pages   8 Pages   12 Pages   1 Page         € 359

          500          € 1.065   € 1.358    € 1.936   € 2.360   € 3.692    2 Pages        € 718

         1.000         € 1.266   € 1.559    € 2.138   € 2.622   € 4.103    3 Pages       € 1.077
                                                                                                        CPM € 145
         2.000         € 1.526   € 1.846    € 2.459   € 3.064   € 4.900    4 Pages       € 1.436

         3.000         € 1.722   € 2.092    € 2.778   € 3.471   € 5.550    5 Pages       € 1.795

         4.000         € 1.901   € 2.329    € 3.093   € 3.869   € 6.181    6 Pages       € 2.154     Only in conjunction

         5.000         € 2.065   € 2.561    € 3.407   € 4.266   € 6.806    8 Pages       € 2.872
                                                                                                    with a digital offprint   Contact
                                                                                                                              Birgit Hüsing
        10.000         € 2.844   € 3.645    € 4.918   € 6.234   € 9.822    12 Pages      € 4.308                              Tel.: +49 25 01/8 01 69 61
All prices excl. VAT                                                                                                          E-Mail: birgit.huesing@lv.de
09 | Reach extension

Use the digital reach of the LV agricultural media and especially Elite for contact with your target group. Various tools
and formats are available to you here.

Environmental placement
With environmental placement, you can display your advertising in a thematically appropriate way.
You select the desired editorial article from Elite and your advertising will appear for four weeks in this
online article*. In addition, you will receive 10,000 ad impressions on www.elite-magazin.de and a
placement in the Elite newsletter.
*Rotation possible

Price: € 1.450
With simultaneous advertising in the print edition in which the article appears. Price: € 1.150

                Social media reach
                We offer you to extend your online campaign into social media and reach your target groups with precision. This allows you to target website
                visitors from www.elite-magazin.de or users who are highly likely to interact with your brand on Facebook or Instagram.

                CPM € 40 (AdImpressions)
                € 500 Set-up fee.
                Further campaign targets on request.

All prices excl. VAT
10 | Elite website

On the website www.elite-magazin.de we offer you numerous attractive advertising opportunities.

  Display advertisement on elite-magazin.de                                                      CPM
        1        Mobile Leaderboard                                320 x 50 px                   € 40
                                                                                                             3              2
        2        Leaderboard                                        728 x 90 px                  € 36                                  4    5

     2+ 3        Billboard                                          970 x 250 px                 € 83
        4        Skyscraper                                        160 x 600 px                  € 49                                                              8
     4+ 5        HalfPage-AD                                        300 x 600 px                 € 59
        6        Hockey-Stick                                      728 x 90 px, 160 x 600 px     € 62
    6+ 7         Wallpaper                                          970 x 90 px, 300 x 600 px    € 97
        8        Medium Rectangle                                  300 x 250 px                  € 62
    8+ 9                                                                                                      6
                 Maxi Rectangle                                     620 x 465 px                 € 66
                                                                   640 x 360
     8+ 9        Video 16:9                                                                      € 66                                   7
                                                                   max. 5 Min./ 20 MB
    10 , 11      Native Ad                                         Online Advertorial            € 145                 10

    1   bis 9    Homepage-Takeover                                  see above                    € 170
  Responsive Displaybundles
  1, 2, 3       Mobile Leaderboard,                                320 x 50 px,                  € 50
                Leaderboard, Billboard                             728 x 90 px, 970 x 250 px
  8, 8+9                                                                                         € 64
                Medium Rectangle, Maxi Rectangle                   300 x 250 px, 620 x 465 px                        By space    Discount                By insertion     Dicsount
                AdBundle                                                                                   40.000 AdImpr.            3%              3 placements            3%
  2, 4, 8       Leaderboard,                                       728 x 90 px,                  € 46
                Sky­scraper, Medium Rectangle                      160 x 600 px, 300 x 250 px              80.000 AdImpr.            7%              6 placements            7%

 2 + 3 ,4 + 5 ,
                XXL-Bundle                                                                                120.000 AdImpr.           10 %             9 placements           10 %
                Billboard, HalfpageAd,                             970 x 250 px, 300 x 600 px,   € 66
     8 ,8 + 9
                Medium Rectangle, Maxi-Rectangle                   300 x 250 px, 620 x 465 px             200.000 AdImpr.           15 %           12 placements            15 %
Please enquire for further special formats and targeting options. All prices excl. VAT.                  * (valid for the year of insertion)
                                                                                                         We grant a 15% agency commission. Minimum order volume: € 200.
11 | Elite newsletter

                                                                                 The Elite Newsletter contains the most important news and is sent
                                                                                 to dairy farmers every Friday. The letter is sent to about 12.500 per-
                                                                                 sonal email addresses. The average opening rate is 29%. A banner
                                                                                 or advert places your business at centre stage!

                                                                                                                                               Fixed price
                                                                                  Type of advertising          Format (Pixel)
                                                                                                                                               per mailing
              A                                                                                                354 x 265*,
                                                                                  A Text ad+image                                              € 675
                                                                                                               300 characters
                                                                                  B Medium Rectangle           300 x 250*                      € 550
                                                                                  C Large Image                615 x 250*                      € 550
                                                                                  Pole Position
                                                                                  (only available as a
                                                                                                               No. 1 ad in the newsletter      € +165
                                                                                  combination with
             C       B                                                            A, B, C)
                                                                                                             This newsletter is titled with
                                                                                                             the Elite logo and covers
                                                                                  D Standalone
                                                                                                             exclusively custo­mer content.    € 4.850
                                                                                                             All customer content is identi-
                                                                                                             fied as adverti­sement.
                                        Closing date for orders and              *Pictures will be scaled.
                                        advertisement copy deadline:
                                        Please send the finished files 3 days
                                        prior to publication to:                 Consulting                            Campaign management
                                        onlinevermarktung@lv.de                  Stefan Ettmann                        Laurina Barkmann
Cancellation conditions:                                                         Tel.: +49 25 01/8 01 17 70            Tel.: +49 25 01/8 01 26 60
Cancellation of the order is possible   Please note the technical specifica-     E-Mail: stefan.ettmann@lv.de          E-Mail: laurina.barkmann@lv.de
up to 4 weeks before the start date/    tions as well as our terms of business
publication date. In case of a later    for online advertising:                  Sibylle Sander                        Anna-Lena Südhoff
cancellation we charge 50 % of the      www.lv.de/technische-spezifikationen     Tel.: +49 25 01/8 01 20 60            Tel.: +49 25 01/8 01 17 10
order volume.                           www.lv.de/agb                            E-Mail: sibylle.sander@lv.de          E-Mail: anna-lena.suedhoff@lv.de
12 | Contacts

         Agricultural office                 Media specialist
         Matthias Woort                      Henri Schwabe                      Carsten Moß
         At Landwirtschaftsverlag GmbH       Windscheidstraße 26a               Altendorfer Str. 7
         Hülsebrockstraße 2– 8               D 04277 Leipzig                    D 48529 Nordhorn

         D 48165 Münster                     Tel.: +49 3 41/3 38 33 16          Tel.: +49 59 21/17 97 501
         Tel.: +49 25 01/8 01 37 09          Fax: +49 3 41/3 38 16 11           carsten.moss@lv.de
         Fax: +49  25 01/8 01 37 19          henri.schwabe@lv.de                Weser-Ems district                                               Publisher
         matthias.woort@lv.de                                                                                       Telesales                    Ludger Burholt
                                                                                                                                                 Tel.: +49 25 01/8 01 18 30
         Tobias Völk                         Yvonne Stein                                                           Bettina Benstein-Thesing
         Jupiterstr. 55                      At Landwirtschaftsverlag GmbH                                                                       E-Mail: ludger.burholt@lv.de
                                                                                                                    Tel.: +49 25 01/8 01 17 20

         D 55545 Bad Kreuznach               Hülsebrockstraße 2– 8                                                  bbt@lv.de                    Product manager
         Tel.: +49  6 71/7 96 75 94          D 48165 Münster                                                                                     Luisa Drees-Pieper
         Fax: +49 6 71/7 96 75 95            Tel.: +49 25 01/8 01 37 12                                             Irene Laschke
                                                                                                                                                 Tel.: +49 25 01/8 01 18 31
         Mobil: +49 1 51/72 43 30 40         Fax: +49 25 01/8 01 37 19                                              Tel.: +49 25 01/8 01 80 41
         tobias.voelk@lv.de                  yvonne.stein@lv.de                                                                                  E-Mail: luisa.drees-pieper@lv.de
                                                                                                                                                 Dr. Anne Gensch
         Erwin Bücherl                       Thorsten Meyer                     Ing. Elisabeth Reiterer (Bavaria)
         Erich-Stegmann-Weg 7                (BW, RLP, Saarland)                Tel.: +43 (0) 22 36/2 87 00-21                                   Tel.: +49 25 01/8 01 18 33
         D 82041 Oberhaching                 Oberboihinger Str. 17 / 2          Mobil: +43 (0) 6 64/88 53 84 79                                  E-Mail: anne.gensch@lv.de
         Tel.: +49 89/32 42 27 58            D 73230 Kirchheim (unter Teck)     elisabeth.reiterer@topagrar.at

                                                                                                                                                 Advertisement marketing
         Fax: +49 89/32 42 27 59             Tel.: +49 70 21/9 56 87 38         At Landwirtschaftsverlag GmbH                                    Anna Schulze Zuralst
         erwin.buecherl@gmx.de               Fax: +49 70 21/9 56 87 39          Office Austria
                                             Mobil: +49 1 60/94 80 88 12                                                                         Tel.: +49 25 01/8 01 12 33
                                                                                Südstadtzentrum 4/1OG/10
                                             thorsten.meyer@lv.de               2344 Maria Enzersdorf                                            E-Mail: anna.schulze-zuralst@lv.de
                                                                                Austria                                                          Head of Media Sales
                                                                                                                                                 Gabriele Wittkowski
                                                                                                                                                 Tel.: +49 25 01/8 01 17 00
 Austria                                 The Netherlands                      France                           Other Countries                   E-Mail: gabriele.wittkowski@lv.de

Ing. René Nöhrer                         Carsten Moß                          TOP AGRI                         Scandinavia                       Advertising manager
Sales manager, Austria                   Altendorfer Str. 7                   Nadia Grand                      Matthias Woort                    Barbara Häder
Tel.: +43 (0) 22 36/2 87 00 12           D 48529 Nordhorn                     8, cité Paradis                  Yvonne Stein                      Tel.: +49 25 01/8 01 33 60
Mobil: +43 (0) 6 64/4 30 26 69           Tel.: +49  59 21/17 97 501           75493 Paris Cedex 10             Switzerland, Italy                E- Mail: barbara.haeder@lv.de
rene.noehrer@topagrar.at                 carsten.moss@lv.de                   France                           Erwin Bücherl
Ing. Elisabeth Reiterer                                                       Tel.: +33 (0)1 40 22 79 35       Ing. René Nöhrer                  Online marketing
Tel.: +43 (0) 22 36/2 87 00-21                                                Fax: +33 (0)1 40 22 70 39        Thorsten Meyer                    Stefan Ettmann
Mobil: +43 (0) 6 64/88 53 84 79                                               Mobil: +33 (0) 6 99 21 52 08                                       Tel.: +49 25 01/8 01 17 70
elisabeth.reiterer@topagrar.at                                                n.grand@gfa.fr                   Belgium, Luxembourg
                                                                                                               Tobias Völk                       E-Mail: stefan.ettmann@lv.de
At Landwirtschaftsverlag GmbH
Office Austria                                                                                                                                   Digital Events
Südstadtzentrum 4/1OG/10                                                                                                                         Wiebke Hannig
2344 Maria Enzersdorf                                                                                                                            Tel.: +49 25 01/8 01 18 01
Austria                                                                                                                                          E-Mail: events@lv.de
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