Benefits Guide 2023 ANNUAL ENROLLMENT - FMRbenefits

Page created by Lori Marquez

Benefits Guide
How to make the most of your annual benefits enrollment and explore many
of the other benefits you can access all year long.

  While Fidelity offers a broad portfolio of benefits to support your needs through-
  out the year, there are some that you can only add, drop, and/or change during an
  enrollment window (Annual Enrollment or a Qualifying Life Event):

                             Medical          Dental & Vision           Life
                            Coverage            Coverage             Insurance

    See what’s new
       in 2023 for
     some of these      Tax-Advantaged          Disability          Group Legal
        benefits.          Accounts             Coverage               Plan

        Don’t forget to also check out other benefits you have access to anytime
        as you prepare for the year ahead.

Annual Enrollment—
What’s New in 2023
JUST THE HEADLINES                                                                                   FOR MORE INFO
 Domestic              Fidelity recognizes that associates choose to build families                  Refer to the FAQ for details on
                       in diverse ways, so Domestic Partnership eligibility will                     RDP coverage for your benefits,
 Partnership           expand, offering more opportunities to cover eligible loved                   including programs available,
 Coverage              ones. Associates can enroll their Registered Domestic Partner                 potential financial impact, and
                       (RDP) of the same or different sex, or children of their RDP, for             more.
                       2023 coverage in most programs. Note, there may be additional
                       financial impact and tax implications for some benefits when
                       covering an RDP and/or child of an RDP.

 All Medical Plans:    Market health care costs continue to rise due to increased                    See the Medical Coverage
                       medical and pharmacy costs. Because of this, Medical Plan                     Information section below.
 Rates & Changes       premiums will increase slightly.
                                                                                                     On NetBenefits®, talk to ALEX to
                                                                                                     evaluate cost differences.

 All Medical Plans:    The prescription drug list of covered medications is updated                  Visit to view
                       quarterly. CVS regularly updates its list of preferred medications            the current formulary.
 Prescription Drug     (called the “formulary”). You can lower your prescription costs
 Coverage              when you switch to lower-cost brand or generic medications. Ask
                       your doctor whether a lower-cost option is available.

 Fidelity Health       If you are enrolled in the Fidelity Health Plan (FHP), your annual            See the Tax-Advantaged
                       HSA contribution limit will increase to:                                      Accounts section below.
 Savings Account
                         $3,850 if you have Individual coverage.                                     To see how much Fidelity
 (HSA): Contribution                                                                                 contributes to your HSA, go to
                         $7,750 if you cover family members.
                       If you are contributing the maximum amount in 2022, your
                       contribution will automatically be increased to the new maximum               Visit NetBenefits to enroll.
                       for 2023.*
                       *Participants who will be age 55 or older in 2023 and are contributing the
                         HSA maximum in 2022 will automatically be increased to the 2023 maximum
                         amount, including an additional $1,000 for catch-up contributions.

 Flexible Spending     Set aside additional money, tax free, to pay for 2023 health                  See the Tax-Advantaged
                       care expenses with a Dental and Vision FSA (FHP) or a Health                  Accounts section below.
 Accounts (FSA):       Care FSA (HealthFlex PPO or HMO). The special COVID-19-                       Visit
 Contribution          related tax rules that allowed for unlimited carryover for calendar
 Limits                years 2020 and 2021 will expire at the end of 2022, and the carry-
                       over limit will revert back to $570 for 2023. This means that if you
                       have a balance greater than $570 and do not use it before Dec.
                       31, 2022, these funds will be forfeited.
                       The Health FSA contribution limit will increase to $2,850 (for
                       Health Care FSA and Dental & Vision FSA).
                       Set aside additional money, tax free, to pay for 2023 depen-
                       dent care expenses with a Dependent Care FSA. The special
                       COVID-19-related tax rules that allowed for carryover for calendar
                       years 2020 and 2021 will expire at the end of 2022. This means
                       that if you have a 2020 and/or 2021 balance and do not use it
                       before Dec. 31, 2022, these funds will be forfeited.
                       The Dependent Care FSA contribution limit will remain at $5,000
                       ($2,500 if your spouse is also enrolled in a Dependent Care FSA).

What’s New in 2023

JUST THE HEADLINES (Continued)                                                                 FOR MORE INFO
  Life Insurance          Fidelity provides Core and Basic life insurance coverage for         Visit to
                          associates and the opportunity to purchase supplemental              help you compare company-
                          coverage for you as well as coverage for your spouse/RDP and         provided rates against the
                          child(ren).                                                          individual market rates at the
                          During Annual Enrollment, you can increase your employee             online marketplace.
                          life insurance coverage by 1 times your salary or benefits base      Visit NetBenefits to enroll.
                          — up to a maximum of $1,000,000 in Basic and Supplemental
                          Employee coverage combined — without being subject to Proof
                          of Good Health (Evidence of Insurability).
                          Remember that some life insurance benefits are considered taxable
                          income and some life insurance elections may require Proof of Good
                          Health. See more details within the Life Insurance section below.

        Get details of all Fidelity benefits on If you have any questions, call the Benefits
        Center at 800-835-5099, Prompt 1, and say “health and insurance.”

  Eligibility rules outlined on apply to all benefits.

Annual Enrollment—
Benefits Information
Medical Coverage Information
Whatever life has in store for you, it’s important to know you’re protected. Fidelity offers a choice of medical plans,
so you can choose the coverage that best suits the needs of you and those who depend on you.

Medical Coverage Comparison

         KEY PROVISIONS                    FIDELITY HEALTH PLAN                       HEALTHFLEX PPO                    HEALTH MAINTENANCE
                                              (IN-NETWORK)1                            (IN-NETWORK)1                   ORGANIZATIONS (HMOs)2
                                                                                                                           VARY BY STATE3, 4
 HIGHLIGHTS                             Offers the lowest total annual          With the HealthFlex PPO, you          HMOs are available in several
                                        out-of-pocket costs compared            can go to any doctor without a        Fidelity regions and offer cover-
                                        with the other medical plans for        referral. You’ll pay more out of      age only if you receive medical
                                        most associates. Plus, when you         your paycheck than with the FHP,      treatment from a doctor or other
                                        enroll in the FHP, you can open a       but copays will generally be lower    provider who is a member of the
                                        Fidelity HSA® to save for current       when you visit an in-network          HMO’s network.
                                        and future health care expenses.        doctor.
                                        What’s more, Fidelity contributes
                                                                                You and your covered family
                                        to the HSA.5
                                                                                member(s) also have access to
                                        You and your covered family             a dedicated Health Assistant
                                        member(s) also have access to           provided through Accolade. This
                                        a dedicated Health Assistant            single point of contact can answer
                                        provided through Accolade. This         your health and benefits questions
                                        single point of contact can answer      and empower you to make the
                                        your health and benefits questions      best health care decisions.
                                        and empower you to make the
                                        best health care decisions.
 ANNUAL DEDUCTIBLE                      $1,500 for Individual coverage.         $3007 per person, up to the family6   None.
                                        $3,000 if you cover yourself and        maximum of $600.7
                                        one or more family members.6
 ANNUAL OUT-OF-POCKET                   $2,000 for Individual coverage.         $1,500 per person, up to the          $2,000 per person, up to the
 MAXIMUM (INCLUDES                      $4,000 if you cover yourself and        family6 maximum of $3,000.            family6 maximum of $4,000.
 DEDUCTIBLE)                            one or more family members.6
 REFERRALS                              Not required.                           Not required.                         Varies by plan. Contact your HMO
                                                                                                                      for details as to whether referrals
                                                                                                                      are required.
 • Routine Well Office Visits          Covered at 100%, no copay.              Covered at 100%, no copay.            Covered at 100%, no copay.
    and Screenings
 • Well Baby/Well Child Visits         Covered at 100%, no copay.              Covered at 100%, no copay.            Covered at 100%, no copay.
 • Diagnostic Visits                   Covered at 90%, after deductible.       Covered at 100%, after $20 copay.     Covered at 100%, after $20 copay.
 • Specialty Visits                    Covered at 90%, after deductible.       Covered at 100%, after $40 copay.     Covered at 100%, after $40 copay.
 TELEMEDICINE VISITS                    Covered at 100%, after                  Covered at 100%, after copay          Covered at 100%, after $10 copay.
 • Vendor Telemedicine Visits          deductible.                             per visit.
    (Teladoc, Doctor On Demand, or                                              • $10 General Medicine
    Intermountain Connect Care)                                                 • $10 Behavioral Health
                                                                                • $20 Dermatology
 • Other Telemedicine Visits           Covered at 90%, after deductible.       Covered at 100%, after copay          Covered at 100%, after $10 copay.
    (claims billed by a provider with                                           per visit.
    a telemedicine modifier)                                                    • $20 Diagnostic
                                                                                • $40 Specialty

Annual Enrollment—Benefits Information

Medical Coverage Comparison (Continued)
          KEY PROVISIONS                      FIDELITY HEALTH PLAN                        HEALTHFLEX PPO                       HEALTH MAINTENANCE
                                                 (IN-NETWORK)1                             (IN-NETWORK)1                      ORGANIZATIONS (HMOs)2
                                                                                                                                  VARY BY STATE3, 4
  • Routine Care                         Covered at 100%, no copay.               Covered at 100%, no copay.               Covered at 100%, no copay.
  • Hospital & Delivery Services         Covered at 90%, after deductible.        Covered at 90%, after deductible.        Covered at 100%, after $300 copay.
  • Non-Routine Care                     Covered at 90%, after deductible.        Covered based on where services          Covered at 100%, no copay.
                                                                                   are provided (office, hospital, etc.).
  • Inpatient Care                       Covered at 90%, after deductible.        Covered at 90%, after deductible.        Covered at 100%, after $300 copay.
  • Emergency Room                       Covered at 90%, after deductible.        Covered at 100%, after $150              Covered at 100%, after $150 copay
                                                                                   copay (waived if admitted).              (waived if admitted).
  • Outpatient Surgery                   Covered at 90%, after deductible.        In facility: Covered at 90%, after       In facility: Covered at 100%, after
                                                                                   deductible. In physician’s office:       $150 copay. In physician’s office:
                                                                                   Covered at 100%, after $40 copay.        Covered at 100%, after $40 copay.
  OUTPATIENT                              Covered at 90%, after deductible.        Covered at 100%, after $40 copay         Covered at 100%, after $40 copay
  (PHYSICAL, OCCUPATIONAL,                Physical and occupational therapy        per visit. Physical and occupa-          per visit. Physical and occupa-
  AND SPEECH THERAPY)                     limited to 60 visits combined per        tional therapy limited to 60 visits      tional therapy limited to 60 visits
                                          year, except when additional visits      combined per year, except when           combined per year, except when
                                          are medically necessary and in           additional visits are medically          additional visits are medically
                                          the case of therapy sessions for         necessary and in the case of             necessary and in the case of
                                          a behavioral health condition.           therapy sessions for a behavioral        therapy sessions for a behavioral
                                          Speech therapy limited to 52 visits      health condition. Speech therapy         health condition. Speech therapy
                                          per year.                                limited to 52 visits per year.           limited to 52 visits per year.
  • Inpatient                            Covered at 90%, after deductible;        Covered at 90%, after deductible;        Covered at 100%, after $300 copay;
                                          unlimited days per calendar year.        unlimited days per calendar year.        unlimited days per calendar year.
  • Outpatient                           Covered at 90%, after deductible;        Covered at 100%, after $20 copay         Covered at 100%, after $20 copay
                                          unlimited visits per calendar year.      per visit; unlimited visits per          per visit; unlimited visits per
                                                                                   calendar year.                           calendar year.
  CHIROPRACTIC &                          Covered at 90%, after deductible;        Covered at 90%, after deductible;        Covered at 100%, after $40 copay
  ACUPUNCTURE SERVICES                    limited to 20 visits per year for        limited to 20 visits per year for        per visit; limited to 20 visits per year
                                          each service.                            each service.                            for each service.
  VISION AND HEARING EXAMS                Covered at 100%, no copay (one           Covered at 100%, no copay (one           Covered at 100%, no copay (one
                                          vision exam and one hearing              vision exam and one hearing              vision exam and one hearing
                                          exam per year).                          exam per year).                          exam per year).
  PRESCRIPTION COVERAGE                   Preventive (Generic and Preferred):      Covered at 100%, after applicable        Covered at 100%, after applicable
  Administered by CVS Caremark            covered at 100%, without copay.          copay ($10/$20/$40).                     copay ($10/$20/$40).
                                          Preventive (Non-Preferred):
  • Retail (30-Day Supply) Generic/      Covered at 100%, after $40 copay.8
     Preferred/Non-Preferred              Non-preventive: Covered at 90%,
                                          after deductible.
  • Mail Order or Maintenance            Preventive (Generic and Preferred):      Covered at 100%, after applicable        Covered at 100%, after applicable
     Choice Program (90-Day Supply)       covered at 100%, without copay.          copay ($20/$40/$80).                     copay ($20/$40/$80).
     Generic/Preferred/Non-Preferred      Preventive (Non-Preferred):
                                          Covered at 100%, after $80 copay.8
                                          Non-preventive: Covered at 90%,
                                          after deductible.
  COVID-19 SERVICES                       Coverage for COVID-19 diagnos-           Coverage for COVID-19 diagnos-           Coverage for COVID-19 diagnos-
                                          tic testing, vaccines, and ancillary     tic testing, vaccines, and ancillary     tic testing, vaccines, and ancillary
                                          services directly related to such        services directly related to such        services directly related to such
                                          covered services will be provided        covered services will be provided        covered services will be provided
                                          in accordance with applicable            in accordance with applicable            in accordance with applicable
                                          legal requirements.                      legal requirements.                      legal requirements.

 Prior authorization for services may be required. Please contact the claims administrator for more information.
  Coverage information pertains only to in-network providers; coverage for out-of-network providers is reduced.
   For purposes of this chart, HMO means an HMO-like self-funded plan.
   Associate enrollments to the HMO were frozen as of 12.31.2021. You must reside in the appropriate service area in the states offered to maintain the HMO
  There may be slight variations by state. Please check your Summary Plan Description or contact the plan claims administrator for detailed coverage information.

  Eligibility rules apply; see for more details.
   If you want to cover family members, you’ll need to choose one of the following tiers: Individual + Child(ren), Individual + Spouse/RDP, or Individual + Family.
  Copay amounts do not apply to the annual deductible.
   Preventive prescription drug copay will not apply toward the deductible but will apply toward the out-of-pocket maximum. Changes have been made to the
    preventive drug list, so be sure to check the preventive drug list to see whether your current drug is still included.
Annual Enrollment—Benefits Information

Biweekly Medical Contributions1
                                                                                   INDIVIDUAL +             INDIVIDUAL +
                                                           INDIVIDUAL               CHILD(REN)              SPOUSE/RDP           INDIVIDUAL + FAMILY

                                                         FT           PT          FT           PT          FT          PT           FT           PT

     FIDELITY HEALTH PLAN                             $45.00      $143.83       $80.00     $257.44      $106.00     $331.43      $150.00     $476.31
     HEALTHFLEX PPO                                   $70.00      $174.66      $123.00     $312.12      $156.00     $386.53      $221.00     $554.99
     HARVARD PILGRIM HMO (ME, MA, NH, RI)             $94.00      $189.10      $167.00     $344.10      $205.00     $418.51      $294.00     $608.64
     HUMANA HMO (IN, KY, OH)                          $86.00      $184.25      $153.00     $331.22      $194.00     $408.86      $278.00     $591.03
     SELECTHEALTH HMO (UT)                            $86.00      $184.28      $158.00     $332.32      $188.00     $395.47      $276.00     $588.03
     FIDELITY HEALTH PLAN                             $50.00      $143.83      $88.00      $257.44      $117.00     $331.43      $166.00     $476.31
     HEALTHFLEX PPO                                   $78.00      $174.66      $135.00     $312.12      $170.00     $386.53      $243.00     $554.99
     HARVARD PILGRIM HMO (ME, MA, NH, RI)            $101.00      $189.10      $180.00     $344.10      $223.00     $418.51      $316.00     $608.64
     HUMANA HMO (IN, KY, OH)                          $93.00      $184.25      $164.00     $331.22      $211.00     $408.86     $300.00      $591.03
     SELECTHEALTH HMO (UT)                            $94.00      $184.28      $170.00     $332.32      $204.00     $395.47     $298.00      $588.03
     FIDELITY HEALTH PLAN                              $57.00     $143.83      $100.00     $257.44      $133.00     $331.43      $189.00     $476.31
     HEALTHFLEX PPO                                   $100.00     $174.66      $180.00     $312.12      $223.00     $386.53     $322.00      $554.99
     HARVARD PILGRIM HMO (ME, MA, NH, RI)             $130.00     $189.10      $233.00     $344.10      $287.00     $418.51      $412.00     $608.64
     HUMANA HMO (IN, KY, OH)                          $121.00     $184.25      $216.00     $331.22      $275.00     $408.86      $394.00     $591.03
     SELECTHEALTH HMO (UT)                            $123.00     $184.28      $223.00     $332.32      $268.00     $395.47      $391.00     $588.03
     FIDELITY HEALTH PLAN                              $69.00     $143.83      $121.00     $257.44      $163.00     $331.43     $230.00      $476.31
     HEALTHFLEX PPO                                   $125.00     $174.66      $226.00     $312.12      $285.00     $386.53     $406.00      $554.99
     HARVARD PILGRIM HMO (ME, MA, NH, RI)             $158.00     $189.10      $288.00     $344.10     $354.00      $418.51      $512.00     $608.64
     HUMANA HMO (IN, KY, OH)                          $149.00     $184.25      $268.00     $331.22      $341.00     $408.86      $491.00     $591.03
     SELECTHEALTH HMO (UT)                            $153.00     $184.28      $279.00     $332.32      $333.00     $395.47     $488.00      $588.03
     FIDELITY HEALTH PLAN                              $80.00     $143.83      $142.00     $257.44      $188.00     $331.43     $268.00      $476.31
     HEALTHFLEX PPO                                   $135.00     $174.66      $240.00     $312.12     $303.00      $386.53     $433.00      $554.99
     HARVARD PILGRIM HMO (ME, MA, NH, RI)             $167.00     $189.10      $310.00     $344.10      $381.00     $418.51     $546.00      $608.64
     HUMANA HMO (IN, KY, OH)                          $160.00     $184.25      $287.00     $331.22      $365.00     $408.86      $523.00     $591.03
     SELECTHEALTH HMO (UT)                            $162.00     $184.28      $296.00     $332.32      $352.00     $395.47      $522.00     $588.03
  ates shown are biweekly. Rates for former associates who elected the VBO will be billed on a monthly basis (convert the rates above by multiplying

 the biweekly rate by 26, and then divide by 12).
 Costs for each medical plan option are based on your salary and your work status — full time (regular employees regularly scheduled to work 30 or
 more hours per week) or part time (regular employees regularly scheduled to work at least 20 but less than 30 hours per week).
 Remember: Medical, dental, and vision contributions are deducted from each of your biweekly paychecks. To determine your full cost for the year,
 multiply the rates by 26.

Annual Enrollment—Benefits Information

Dental Coverage Information
   Fidelity’s dental plan is designed to promote good oral health for you and your family. Taking care of your pearly
   whites has never been easier, with network access to preventive and routine treatments and major procedures.

      KEY PROVISIONS1                                      COVERAGE                                       SERVICES INCLUDED IN TREATMENT
                                  $50 per covered person, $150-per-family3 maximum (each
  ANNUAL DEDUCTIBLE 2             family member can apply only $50 toward the family
                                  Dental services: $2,000 per covered person per calendar year.
                                  Orthodontic services: $2,500 per covered person per lifetime.
                                                                                                       Oral exams, routine cleanings, X-rays, sealants,
  PREVENTIVE TREATMENT            Covered at 100%.4
                                                                                                       fluoride treatments, and space maintainers.
                                                                                                       Fillings, oral surgery, periodontal treatment,
  BASIC TREATMENT                 Covered at 80%,4 after deductible.
                                                                                                       endodontics, extractions, and diagnostic lab tests.
  MAJOR RESTORATIVE                                                                                    Crowns and bridgework, dentures, implants,
  AND ORTHODONTIC                 Covered at 60%,4 after deductible.                                   inlays, and onlays. Orthodontic treatment subject
  TREATMENT                                                                                            to lifetime maximum.

                                                                                      INDIVIDUAL +              INDIVIDUAL +
    BIWEEKLY DENTAL CONTRIBUTIONS5                           INDIVIDUAL                CHILD(REN)               SPOUSE/RDP           INDIVIDUAL + FAMILY

                                                           FT           PT           FT           PT           FT          PT           FT           PT

                                                         $9.00       $19.00       $18.00       $35.00       $22.00       $42.00      $32.00       $62.00

 Costs for the dental plan are based on your work status.
  This is a sample list of services covered under each treatment; see the Summary Plan Description for a list of all services covered.
   Deductible applies to basic and major restorative treatment only (excludes orthodontic treatment).
   If you want to cover family members, you’ll need to choose one of the following tiers: Individual + Child(ren), Individual + Spouse/RDP, or Individual +
   Coverage is either the cost provided by a preferred dental provider or the Reasonable and Customary (R&C) amount.
 5Rates shown are biweekly. Rates for former associates who elected the VBO will be billed on a monthly basis (convert the rates above by multiplying
   the biweekly rate by 26, and then divide by 12).

Annual Enrollment—Benefits Information

Vision Coverage Information1
   Get vision care when you need it with Fidelity’s vision plan. EyeMed’s Insight Network has over 115,300 private
   practice providers, as well as premier retailers, LensCrafters®, Target Optical, and most Pearle Vision locations.

     KEY PROVISIONS2                                      IN-NETWORK                                                OUT-OF-NETWORK

  EXAM                            Covered at 100%, no copay.                                          Up to $50 reimbursement.
   Frames                         Covered at 100%, up to $150 allowance.                              Up to $75 reimbursement.
                                  Covered at 100%, after $20 copay.                                   Up to $50 reimbursement.
   (single, bifocal, trifocal)
                                  Covered at 100%, up to $150 allowance.                              Up to $75 reimbursement.
  (in lieu of eyeglasses)
  ADDITIONAL DISCOUNTS            • 20% discount on frame balance above $150.
                                  • 40% discount on additional pairs of eyeglasses.
                                                                                                      Not available out of network.
                                  • 20% discount on nonprescription sunglasses.
                                  • Discounts on LASIK and PRK.
   Exam                                                                          Once every calendar year.
   Frames and lenses OR
                                                                                 Once every calendar year.
   contact lenses

                                                                                      INDIVIDUAL +             INDIVIDUAL +
     BIWEEKLY VISION CONTRIBUTIONS3                         INDIVIDUAL                 CHILD(REN)              SPOUSE/RDP             INDIVIDUAL + FAMILY

                                                           FT          PT           FT           PT           FT           PT           FT          PT

                                                         $1.50       $3.00        $3.00        $6.00        $3.00        $6.00        $4.50       $9.00

 Costs for the vision plan are based on your work status.
 1If you want to cover family members, you’ll need to choose one of the following tiers: Individual + Child(ren), Individual + Spouse/RDP, or Individual
   + Family.
 2This is a sample list of services covered under each treatment; see the Summary Plan Description for a list of all services covered.
 3Rates shown are biweekly. Rates for former associates who elected the VBO will be billed on a monthly basis (convert the rates above by multiplying
   the biweekly rate by 26, and then divide by 12).

Annual Enrollment—Benefits Information

Life Insurance
  Life insurance allows your beneficiaries to pay their bills and manage their finances in the event of your death. If no one is
  financially dependent on you, then you may not need life insurance.
  If you do, consider how much your dependents may need to pay off outstanding debt (mortgage, credit cards, other loans),
  pay for current and future expenses for children, replace your income for whatever time is necessary, and pay taxes.

                                                          COVERAGE                                                         COST TO YOU

  Core                     $50,000                                                                          None.
                           4 times your annualized base salary or benefits base, up to a $250,000
                           maximum benefit.                                                                 Fidelity covers the cost of coverage; however,
                                                                                                            this cost of coverage is a taxable benefit.
                           Services for basic will preparation are included at no extra cost to you.
                           You can choose: 1 to 15 times your annualized base salary or benefits base.
                                                                                                            Varies based on your coverage amount,
                           Maximum amount: The lesser of $3 million or 19 times your annualized             age, and tobacco-use status. Note: This is a
  Supplemental             base salary for basic + supplemental coverage combined.                          taxable benefit to you.
                           Note: Proof of Good Health is required for amounts greater than                  Visit for more details.
                           $1 million (combined limit with Basic).
 Dependents (Must be enrolled in Basic Employee Life)
                                                                                                            Varies based on your coverage amount,
                           You can elect coverage for your spouse/RDP in specific increments up
                                                                                                            age, and tobacco-use status. Note: This is a
  Spouse/RDP               to $500,000 ($20,000, $50,000, $100,000, $300,000, or $500,000).
                                                                                                            taxable benefit to you.
                           Note: Proof of Good Health is required for amounts more than $50,000.
                                                                                                            Visit for more details.
  Child(ren)               You can elect $10,000 of coverage for each dependent child.                      Single flat rate: $0.55 biweekly.
                           Note: Proof of Good Health is not required.                                      Visit for more details.

Disability Coverage
  If you’re unable to work due to extended illness or injury, Fidelity’s disability coverage can provide the financial
  security you need while you recover. Eligible associates are automatically enrolled in short-term disability and Fidelity
  pays the full cost.

                                                          COVERAGE                                                         COST TO YOU

                           100% of your base salary or benefits base up to 10 weeks, and 80% of base
  Short-Term Disability    pay or benefits base for the remaining possible weeks for an approved,           None.
                           non-work-related disability.
                           LTD 60% Pay
                           60% of your base salary or benefits base (up to a maximum benefit of             LTD 60% Pay: None.
                           $20,000 per month). Note that certain rules apply for a preexisting condition.
  Long-Term Disability     LTD 70% Pay
  (LTD)                    You can elect to increase your total LTD protection for approved claims          LTD 70% Pay: $0.16 per $100 of
                           to 70% of your base salary or benefits base and 70% of your eligible             coverage per month.
                           bonus, up to a maximum of $32,000 per month. Note that certain rules             Visit for more details.
                           apply for a preexisting condition.

Group Legal Plan
  Navigate life’s important moments with the Fidelity Group Legal Plan. Participants have access to expert legal advice
  and representation on a wide range of matters. From legal document review to traffic ticket defense, you can easily
  find the support you need through a network of more than 18,000 attorneys nationwide.

                      COVERAGE                                                                      COST TO YOU

  MetLife Group Legal Plan gives you access to expert legal   There’s a low monthly cost for unlimited use. Visit for more details.
  advice and representation on a wide range of matters.

Note: If you are enrolled in Basic Life Insurance through MetLife, you are able to work with an attorney at no cost to prepare a will, health care power
of attorney, and financial power of attorney without enrolling in the Group Legal Plan. These documents are available using the same MetLife Legal
network of attorneys available to you in the employee-paid Group Legal Plan.
Annual Enrollment—Benefits Information

Tax-Advantaged Accounts
  Consider if these tax-advantaged accounts are right for you to help cover out-of-pocket expenses now and in
  the future.

                                                                     FIDELITY               2023 CONTRIBUTION
        ACCOUNT                          DETAILS                   CONTRIBUTION                   LIMITS                            CARRYOVER

  For associates enrolled in or considering the Fidelity Health Plan
  Health Savings Account         Your contributions and          Yes. To see how much      Individual Plan: $3,850            There’s no “use it or lose it”
  (HSA)                          Fidelity’s contributions        Fidelity contributes to                                      rule. The money is yours to
                                                                                           Family Plan: $7,750
                                 can be used to pay for          your HSA, go to                                              keep, even if you retire or
                                 medical bills for qualified          Your contribution limit is         leave Fidelity.
                                 expenses during the year                                  reduced by the amount
                                 or in future years.                                       Fidelity contributes to
                                                                                           your HSA.
                                 Access your funds via:
                                                                                           If you are contributing
                                 – HSA debit card
                                                                                           the maximum amount in
                                 – HSA checkbook                                          2022, your contribution will
                                                                                           automatically be increased
                                 – Fidelity bill pay
                                                                                           to the new maximum for
                                 – Pay online through                                     2023.*
                                    Fidelity                                               *Participants who will be
                                 – Reimburse yourself                                       age 55 or older in 2023
                                                                                             and are contributing the
                                    for expenses you paid                                    HSA maximum in 2022 will
                                    for qualified medical                                    automatically be increased to
                                    expenses                                                 the 2023 maximum amount,
                                                                                             including an additional $1,000
                                                                                             for catch-up contributions.

  Dental and Vision              Use your contributions to       No                         $2,850                             You have until Dec. 31,
  Flexible Spending              pay for qualified dental                                                                      2022, to use 2020 and
  Account (FSA)                  or vision expenses during                                                                     2021 unused funds.
                                 the year.                                                                                     For 2022, up to $570 of
                                                                                                                               unused funds can be
                                 Access your funds via:
                                                                                                                               carried over into 2023.
                                 – FSA debit card
                                 – WageWorks
                                    Reimbursement Form
                                 – Pay online through
  For associates enrolled in HealthFlex or an HMO or considering HealthFlex
  Health Care Flexible           Use your contributions to       No                        $2,850                              You have until Dec. 31,
  Spending Account (FSA)         pay for medical, dental,                                                                      2022, to use 2020 and
                                 or vision bills for qualified                                                                 2021 unused funds.
                                 expenses during the year.                                                                     For 2022, up to $570 of
                                                                                                                               unused funds can be
                                 Access your funds via:
                                                                                                                               carried over into 2023.
                                 – FSA debit card
                                 – WageWorks
                                    Reimbursement Form
                                 – Pay online through
  Dependent Care Account
  Dependent Care                 Use your contributions to       No                        $5,000 ($2,500 if your              No. Left-over dollars from
  Flexible Spending              pay for certain expenses                                  spouse is also enrolled in a        2020 and 2021 will be
  Account                        for the care of your                                      Dependent Care FSA).                forfeited unless you use
                                 dependent child(ren)                                                                          them for dates of service
                                 younger than 13 years                                                                         prior to January 1, 2023.
                                 old or eligible adult                                                                         For 2022, funds can be
                                 dependents.                                                                                   used through March 15,
                                 Access your funds via:
                                 – WageWorks
                                    Reimbursement Form

Your Other Benefits
While enrollment in the previously mentioned programs typically occurs during Annual Enrollment, the following
programs are available to eligible associates year-round, even if you don’t take action during Annual Enrollment.
For additional details on all of these programs, including how to enroll in and access them, visit their FMRbenefits
page at the links below.

                 PROGRAM                                                               DETAILS

Health & Well-being
                                          Get support through life’s challenges, including stress, relationship issues, anxiety, and depression.
Emotional Well-Being Support Program
                                          You and your eligible dependents each have access to up to 12 confidential short-term counseling
through Lyra (EAP)
                                          or coaching sessions per calendar year, at no cost to you. Self-care resources are also available.

                                          Connects you with the world’s top doctors to review and discuss diagnoses and create personal-
Expert Medical Services
                                          ized treatment plans for specific health conditions.

                                          Reimburses you up to $300 (50% on up to $600 of eligible fitness expenses) per year to help you
Fitness Reimbursement Program
                                          meet your fitness goals.
                                          Staffed with health care professionals who can provide you with flu and allergy shots, health
On-Site Health & Wellness Centers         screenings and other types of routine care. Available in Boston, Covington, Merrimack, Durham,
                                          Smithfield, and Westlake.
                                          Provides flexibility to take time away from work, with a “pool” of Paid Time Off (PTO) to use in
Paid Time Off                             whatever way works best for you, whether you’re taking a vacation, are under the weather, need
                                          to care for a sick family member, or just want a day off — in addition to company holidays.
                                          Offered through Optum, this program helps you and family members stop using tobacco prod-
Tobacco Cessation
                                          ucts, including e-cigarettes.
                                          Work with a wellness coach virtually or at an on-site health & wellness center to support lasting
Wellness Coaching                         lifestyle changes in the areas of weight, exercise, smoking cessation, work/life balance, and
                                          overall life satisfaction.
Family Care
                                          Reimburses for eligible expenses incurred during the adoption process after the child is legally
Adoption Assistance
                                          Provides confidential access for Fidelity associates and their families to a team that specializes in
Autism and Behavioral Needs Navigator     family behavioral needs assistance, from conducting comprehensive personalized assessments,
                                          to developing comprehensive care plans.
                                          Helps you arrange for back-up child or adult/elder care at a subsidized rate when your regular
Back-Up Dependent Care
                                          care arrangements are unavailable so you can get to work.
Care Support and Coordination             Gives you access to dedicated care coordinators who can help you navigate the medical, finan-
through Wellthy                           cial, legal, housing, in-home and social/emotional aspects of caring for your loved ones.
                                          Offers access to certified behavior analysts who provide coaching/virtual training and resources
Developmental and Behavioral Caregiving
                                          to caregivers of children and adults with learning, social, or behavioral challenges and develop-
Support through Rethink
                                          mental disabilities and special needs—even without a formal diagnosis.
                                          Whether you are welcoming a child through birth, adoption, or fostering, spend those early
Parental Leave                            moments together as a family using up to 12 weeks of bonding time within a year of the birth or
                                          placement. Those who give birth get an additional 4 weeks of childbirth leave.

Your Other Benefits
                  PROGRAM                                                                   DETAILS

  Savings & Insurance
  Group Auto & Home Insurance Program         Discounted insurance rates for your home, car, boat, and recreational vehicle.
  Group Personal Excess Liability Insurance   Higher-limit liability coverage to supplement your various personal insurance policies.
                                              Group pet insurance from Nationwide provides protection at preferred pricing to help manage
  Pet Insurance
                                              pet care costs associated with illnesses and injuries.
  Retiree Health Reimbursement Plan           Gives eligible associates credits that can help pay for eligible health care costs in retirement.
                                              Helps you contribute and invest for retirement on a tax-advantaged basis. Eligible associates
  Retirement Savings Plan                     can make pretax 401(k) and/or Roth after-tax 401(k) contributions, and Fidelity will match your
                                              contributions dollar for dollar up to 7% of your eligible compensation.
                                              If you have student loans and meet certain eligibility requirements, Fidelity will help you pay
  Student Loan Assistance                     them off. You can receive up to $15,000 from Fidelity toward your loan balance, based on the
                                              number of hours you’re scheduled to work.
                                              Fidelity’s Educational Assistance program provides payment for work-related educational
                                              programs. The program has three components:
                                              (1) A
                                                   Fully Funded Undergraduate Degree Program for eligible entry level PI & WI customer
                                                  service associates
                                              (2) Select Fully Funded Certifications like Certified Financial Planner (CFP) for all eligible
  Educational Assistance Program                   associates, and
                                              (3) A $5,250 annual limit for a variety of other educational programs at any accredited school
                                                   for all eligible associates.
                                              Visit FMRbenefits for details such as which certifications are covered, which majors are covered
                                              for degrees, eligibility criteria, and where to find which schools and programs are within the
                                              Guild Catalog.
                                              Wouldn’t it be great to have a personal assistant? Fidelity’s Concierge program through Circles
  Concierge Services                          can help you with a variety of items on your to-do list, including travel and event planning, home
                                              improvement research, and much more. This benefit even extends to two family members!
                                              Access to exclusive deals and discounts at over 100 different partner companies on everything
  Employee Discounts                          from food and clothing to entertainment and travel. Invite your friends and family members to
                                              enroll, too!
                                              Fidelity Charitable® helps donors maximize generosity to a variety of charitable organizations
                                              through a donor-advised fund, called the Giving Account®. Eligible associate Giving Account®
  Fidelity Charitable® Employee Match         contributions are matched by Fidelity,* helping charitable donations go even further.
                                              *Whether Fidelity will continue the Fidelity Charitable Employee Match Program in future years
                                              is within the sole discretion of Fidelity and is subject to annual review.
                                              The Fidelity Foundation matches associates’ donations to eligible organizations in support of
  The Fidelity Foundation Matching Gifts
                                              education in our communities, with a 2:1 match and a maximum match of $7,000 per associate
  to Education
                                              per calendar year.

Contact Information
  For more information about your benefit plans, visit For general questions or enrollment and
  eligibility information, call the Benefits Center at 800-835-5099, Prompt 1, Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to
  8:00 p.m. ET. For detailed coverage information, please contact the plan carrier directly.
  Contact information for 2023 is also available on NetBenefits® > Health & Insurance > I Want To... > Full Directory.

                                                                                For more information, visit
 Have a question? Give us a call at 800-835-5099, Prompt 1.
 The third parties mentioned herein and Fidelity Investments are independent entities and are not legally affiliated.
 The trademarks and service marks appearing herein are the property of their respective owners.
 Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC, Member NYSE, SIPC, 900 Salem Street, Smithfield, RI 02917
 © 2021–2023 FMR LLC. All rights reserved.
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