Behaviour & Attendance Handbook - Aspiration Integrity Resilience Exploration - Compass School ...

Page created by Kelly Brady
Behaviour & Attendance Handbook - Aspiration Integrity Resilience Exploration - Compass School ...
Behaviour &
Attendance Handbook

Aspiration Integrity Resilience Exploration
Behaviour & Attendance Handbook - Aspiration Integrity Resilience Exploration - Compass School ...
                                                                         Behaviour for Learning

Compass School Southwark is committed to providing an                    Arriving to school                         Within lessons
environment where everyone is safe and feels that they are safe,         School gates open from 8:30 and             In addition to meeting the Compass
happy, accepted and integrated. It is important that an orderly          pupils can enjoy a slice of toast or        School values, pupils should arrive
framework should exist within which effective teaching and               cereal free of charge from the breakfast    promptly to each lesson and start the
learning can take place. Staff and pupils at Compass School are          club.                                      ‘do now’ activity immediately.
expected to uphold the school’s vision and values at all times. This
means abstaining from the negative behaviours, as well as                                                           Our FOCUS expectations ensure pupils
                                                                         In and around school                       get the best out of their lessons:
distancing themselves from others who might be engaged in poor
                                                                         Pupils must walk around the school
                                                                         environment in a quiet and sensible        F   Face the front
 The following behaviours are expected from all pupils at Compass        manner and should respect the built
 School:                                                                 environment.                               O   Organised and ready to learn
_ Develop respectful relationships with pupils, all staff, external       All pupils should:                        C   Communicating appropriately
   visitors and the local community                                      _ Only enter classrooms when given         U   Understand the task
_ To be prepared for learning every day by ensuring that they are           permission by staff
   present and on-time for all lessons and extra-curricular activities
                                                                                                                    S   Sit up, listen and engage
                                                                         _ Walk calmly on the left-hand side
_ Arrive to school before 8:40 in full school uniform and have all                                                  Home learning
                                                                         _ Follow the signs and routes around
   the equipment needed to learn. Restricted items such as hoodies                                                  Home learning is an essential part of
   and caps should not be seen in school.                                                                           our provision. Pupils are expected to
                                                                         _ Dispose of rubbish in an appropriate     complete all homework on time and to
_ Communicate appropriately and professionally with everyone in
                                                                           way                                      the best of their ability. Home learning
                                                                         _ Report any building issues to a          is set by class teachers via an online
_ Respect the equipment and the built environment                                                                   platform. This allows parents and pupils
                                                                           member of staff
_ Ensure that only healthy snacks (under 100 calories) and drinks                                                   to see what work has been set,
                                                                         _ Behave sensibly during break and         resources to support them and the
  are brought onto the school site, such as fruit and water, and
                                                                           lunch times                              deadlines for submission. Pupils can
  that these are consumed during break or lunch time. Fizzy
  drinks, sweets, chocolates, crisps or any other snacks containing      _ Be in full school uniform at all times   stay and complete work every evening
  more than 100 calories are not allowed on site.                                                                   in the library.
                                                                         _ Remove outdoor clothing when
_ Ensure that everyone feels welcome and accepted at Compass               entering any building
_ To act with integrity as an individual and within groups
_ Behave in a manner which keeps them and others safe
_ To always promote Compass School’s values
Behaviour & Attendance Handbook - Aspiration Integrity Resilience Exploration - Compass School ...
Outside of school                              Uniform and equipment                         _ Plain navy blue V-necked jumper         Physical education uniform
 Compass School behaviour expectations          All pupils must wear the correct uniform       (optional)                               All students must have the following
 are also applicable when pupils are            at all times and are responsible for         _ White shirt buttoned to the neck         items for physical PE / sport enrichment:
 travelling to and from school, are off-site    making sure that they come to school in                                                _ Compass School PE t-shirt or rugby
                                                                                             _ Embroidered tie in house colour
 on a school trip, wearing school uniform       uniform every day. Pupils must wear PE
 or are otherwise identifiable as a pupil       kit on all required days. Pupils must also   _ Socks – grey, black or blue
 from the school. Pupils should strive to:      ensure that they meet our expectations                                                 _ Compass School tracksuit top
                                                                                             _ Plain black leather shoes with no
_ Disperse immediately on leaving the           of hair, jewellery and make-up outlined                                                _ Compass School shorts and/or
                                                below. Pupils must be ready to learn by                                                  Compass School tracksuit bottoms
   school                                                                                    _ Belts, if worn, must be plain black
                                                ensuring that they bring the correct
_ Be home and out of uniform within             equipment with them every day. Pupils          with a plain buckle                     _ Light blue football socks (These can
   20 minutes where possible                    who come to school without the correct                                                   be purchased from student services)
                                                                                             _ Boys: mid grey (tailored, not tight)
_ Avoid loitering outside shops or public       uniform, inappropriate jewellery, hair or                                              _ A base layer can be worn under the
   spaces while in uniform                      make-up or without the correct                                                           shorts and t-shirt. This can be black or
                                                                                               Girls: mid grey (tailored, not tight)
                                                equipment may be asked to rectify the                                                    dark blue.
_ Represent the school well in public,                                                         trousers or Compass tartan / grey
                                                issue immediately, including being sent
   whether in or out of uniform, by being                                                      knee length skirt                       Full Compass PE kit purchased from:
                                                home, and or sanctioned within school.
   respectful to all they encounter             The school is responsible for                _ Plain navy or black hijab (optional)
                                                determining what is acceptable uniform                                                 compass-school-southwark-london/
Behaviours outside of school may be                                                          _ A plain school bag large enough to
sanctioned if they have repercussions           and what is not. School uniform can be
                                                                                               carry an unfolded A4 folder
for the orderly running of the school,          purchased online from Price & Buckland
                                                            _ A plain coat (Optional – this should
pose a threat to another pupil or
                                               _ Plain mid-blue single-breasted blazer         be fit for the purpose of providing
member of the public and could
                                                                                               protection from the weather and not a
adversely affect the reputation of the            with Compass logo on the pocket –
                                                                                               fashion item)
school.                                           this must be worn at all times
Behaviour & Attendance Handbook - Aspiration Integrity Resilience Exploration - Compass School ...
Jewellery, hair and makeup                   _ Where a pupil is required for religious    Equipment                                   Mobile phones at Compass
_ Pupils should not wear jewellery to          reasons to wear additional items of         All pupils must have full equipment with   Mobile phones (including smart
  school, other than single, small, plain,     jewellery, parents/carers must send a       them every day. Spare equipment can        watches) should not be seen or used
  gold or silver stud earrings and/or          letter to the school to confirm this and    be purchased from Student Services.        anywhere on the school site (this
  a watch. Jewellery and piercings to          reasonable allowances will be made,         The equipment must include:                includes any point after the entrance
  other parts of the face and body must        providing the health and safety of the     _ Black or blue pen                         gate). Phones seen and/or used on site
  not be worn whilst at school.                pupil or their peers is not compromised.                                               will be confiscated.
                                                                                          _ Green pen
_ Hair must be neat with no shaved           _ Pupils should not wear makeup or                                                       Confiscated devices will be taken
                                               nail polish to school, and staff have      _ Pencil                                    directly to the main office/reception
  patterns in hair styles or facial hair.
  Hair must be of a natural colour.            the authority to ask pupils to remove      _ Ruler                                     where they are put in the safe.
                                               makeup with makeup remover wipes.
_ Any hair accessories must be discreet        Acrylic nails will be removed.             _ Eraser                                    Parents will be contacted to collect the
  and navy blue/grey/black. No brightly                                                                                               phone.
                                                                                          _ Reading book (regularly updated)
  coloured hair accessories will be
  permitted. Headscarves are not                                                          _ Casio Scientific Calculator
  permitted unless worn for religious                                                     _ Planner
_ Items of jewellery and accessories that                                                 _ Refillable water bottle
  compromise safety must be removed
  for PE or other practical lessons.
Behaviour & Attendance Handbook - Aspiration Integrity Resilience Exploration - Compass School ...
The chart below illustrates our rewards,    Parents and students can keep track of
                                                                                           as well as the consequences that are        their progress and related
                                                                                           triggered as corrections are                communications through the Class
                                                                                           accumulated.                                Charts Parent app. Download this at
                                                                                                                                       your app store and enter your child’s
                                                                                                                                       unique code.

                                                                                           Positive Behaviour             Meeting Expectations
                                                                                           Good Effort                    Positive attitude to learning
                                                                                           Good Progress                  Demonstrating improvement in learning
                                                                                           Exploration                    Independent learning outside of the classroom
                                                                                           Good Manners                   Showing good manners to any member of the
                                                                                                                          Compass community or visitor
                                                                                           Recall                         Demonstrating retrieval of prior learning
                                                                                           Volunteering                   Volunteering to help out another member of the
                                                                                                                          Compass community
Acceptable use of ICT                        Rewards and Sanctions                         Resilience                     Willingness to challenge yourself and keep
It is appropriate and necessary for pupils   It is important that students are                                            trying, even if you don’t succeed immediately
to use ICT for study and approved            recognised and rewarded when                  Leadership                     Lead by example.
educational activities. However, such        behaving and achieving well. In
access comes with responsibility.            addition, sanctions are only effective if     Outstanding Homework           Homework that is completed to an exceptional
Compass School cannot control what           used appropriately and consistently.                                         standard
people, all over the world, make
                                             Class Charts is our behaviour                 Sanction Thresholds
available on the Internet and a small
                                             management system that allows
proportion of the material which is                                                        Timeframe Corrections Sanction
                                             teachers to log and monitor each
possible to access is not acceptable in
                                             student’s behaviour, and parents can
school, while other material must be                                                                             1        Logged on ClassCharts
                                             follow their child’s progress in real time.
treated with great sensitivity and care.                                                   In a lesson
                                             Students have the opportunity to                                             1-hour detention – Sent to parking for at least the
Our expectations are that the same           accumulate positive points through                                  3        remaining of the lesson/ social time
standards apply to electronic material,      exceptional behaviour and will be able
as to material in any other form. If         to use these to buy rewards from                                    3        1-hour detention
material is considered unacceptable by       Student Services. These rewards will
the school when presented in a book,         change termly, and students will be                                          90-min detention after school. Parked for the
                                                                                           In a day
                                                                                                                          remaining of the day, communication made with
magazine, video, audio tape or spoken        involved in deciding the rewards.                                   6        parent and possible time in the Behaviour Support
form, then it is not acceptable on the       Students can also receive negative
ICT network.                                 points for “corrections” where they are                                      Unit the next day
                                             not meeting the high expectations of the                                     Day(s) in the Behaviour Support Unit and a parental
Compass School uses Impero to
                                             school.                                                            10        meeting
monitor student activty on the school                                                      In a week
network and on any Compass devices.                                                                                       Considered for long term BSU, off-site BSU, fixed
                                                                                                                15        term or permanent exclusion
Behaviour & Attendance Handbook - Aspiration Integrity Resilience Exploration - Compass School ...
Attendance Matters

As part of Compass School Southwark’s         Running late?
commitment to developing life-long             A good morning routine sets pupils up
skills in all its learners, punctuality and    for a successful day ahead. On the rare
attendance is monitored closely. We            occasion where lateness occurs:
recognise that all pupils have the right
to access full time education and that        _ You must call the school to let us know
regular attendance is crucial if pupils       _ If possible, put a note in your child’s
are to achieve their potential at school        planner informing us of why they are
and in life.                                    late
Did you know?                                 Your child will be given a detention for
_ 100% attendance over 5 years gives          being late unless a suitable reason is
  your child half a year more education       given. Two or more late marks in a
  than a child on 90% and 3 months            week and your child will receive a 60
  more than a child on 95%                    minute detention.
                                                                                          If your child will be absent from         If your child is upset about
_ There is a direct correlation between                                                   school                                    something at school and you are
  attendance and academic success                                                                                                   unsure if they should come in
                                                                                           Email or phone the school by 8.15am
_ Missed days means pupils falling                                                         leaving a clear message with the         Send them in with a letter/note
  behind peers and underachieving                                                          following:                               explaining your concerns. A member of
                                                                                          _ Name of child and learning family       the pastoral team will get in touch. The
Your duty as a parent                                                                                                               worst thing you can do is keep them off
 You are legally responsible for                                                          _ Reason for absence                      as it will make the problem worse.
 making sure your child attends                                                           _ Action you will be taking due to this
 school regularly.
                                                                                                                                    If your child needs a medical
_ Be fully supportive of the school with                                                                                            appointment
                                                                                          _ Date when your child will return to
   regards to attendance and punctuality                                                                                            Schedule appointments after school
                                                                                            school                                  where possible, or during the school
_ Ensure your child attends school every
                                                                                          Send a signed note to the school on the   holidays.
   day, on time and is prepared for the day
                                                                                          day the child returns                     Appointments during school hours
_ Ensure that holidays are taken during
                                                                                          Please expect a phone call from           should only result in absence for the
   non-term time and where possible                                                                                                 appointment and reasonable travel time.
                                                                                          member of staff when your child is not
   dental and medical appointments are                                                                                              Pupils should be in school before and
                                                                                          in school.
   not taken during the school day.                                                                                                 after the appointment if possible.
_ Contact the school immediately if they
                                                                                                                                    You must bring in medical evidence
   have concerns or if there are issues                                                                                             for your child’s appointment for the
   that might affect their attendance or      020 3542 6506                                                                         absence to be authorised. Evidence
   wellbeing                                                                                could include an appointment slip or
                                              No answer? Please leave a message                                                     note from the doctor.
Behaviour & Attendance Handbook - Aspiration Integrity Resilience Exploration - Compass School ...
If you need to take your child out
of school for a period of time
You must inform the school as soon as
possible and complete an exceptional
leave of absence form (available from
the school reception). Evidence will
need to be given to why and how long
this will be for.
The time taken without prior permission
from the school, the absence will be
unauthorised. This can lead to parents/
carers being issued with a fixed penalty
fine, or other legal action.

Compass School Southwark
Drummond Road
SE16 2BT
Tel: 020 3542 6506                    020 3542 6506         
   @compassSE16                            No answer? Please leave a message
Behaviour & Attendance Handbook - Aspiration Integrity Resilience Exploration - Compass School ...
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