Because of You 2013-2014 Year in Review

Page created by Bonnie Edwards
Because of You 2013-2014 Year in Review
Because of You

Year in Review
Because of You 2013-2014 Year in Review
Dear Friends of
                        House of Hope CDC,
                        Twenty five years ago, a small group of caring individuals had a vision: to
                        establish a safe place for local families faced with homelessness. Fast
                        forward 25 years, and House of Hope Community Development Corporation
                        is Rhode Island’s leading not-for-profit organization dedicated to providing
                        long term solutions to ending homelessness. We offer proven solutions to
                        those beset by chronic homelessness through our comprehensive program
                        of housing, social services and advocacy.

                        Twenty five years ago, we flew by the seat of our pants; today we have made great strides in
                        understanding the causes and prevention of homelessness, enabling us to reduce the number of
                        homeless people who’ve languished for years in shelters. Twenty five years ago, we were volunteers,
                        driven by compassion; today, we’re an experienced, educated organization, staffed by highly trained
                        and seasoned professionals, who still are guided by hearts with wings.

                        In 2014, House of Hope CDC is remembering our past and celebrating our future. This annual report is
                        dedicated to the vision of our founders and to the progress we’ve made during the last quarter century.
                        The report also highlights our work over this past year to help our homeless find their way back home.

                           • We increased social services by including an Access to Recovery program, funded by
                             BHDDH, which provided 258 individuals with substance abuse screenings and referral
                             to recovery programs.

Because                    • We authorized 36 rental subsidies through the state’s new Rental Voucher for the
                             Chronically Homeless program.

      Of                   • At Harrington Hall, we expanded services beyond those of just an overnight shelter by
                             creating daytime social services and programs in the building’s lower level.

    You                    • Also at Harrington Hall, we partnered with several organizations to add special healthcare,
                             psychiatric and relapse recovery services.

                           • We expanded our Outreach Program, providing home-based supportive services to 126
                             individuals, helping them remain in their permanent homes.

                           • House of Hope pushed forward with the conversion of Warwick’s historic Fair House,
                             which will provide 10 apartments of permanent supportive housing. We won funding
                             and local approvals for the project, clearing the way for construction early next year.

                        This year, we continued to earn our supporters trust by maximizing the funds that we invest in program
                        and housing development. We remain faithful stewards of the generous financial support we’ve
                        received from our community partners and dedicated donors, which, in 2013, resulted in a 13.6%
                        increase in revenue.

                        For the past 25 years, House of Hope has been guided by one unwavering vision: that every person
                        should have a safe place to call home. With the help of our friends and supporters, we will continue
 House of Hope CDC      pursuing this goal until we end homelessness in Rhode Island.

                        We know how to do this – so let’s just do it!
                        Warm regards,
 Helping our Homeless

                        Jean Johnson
                        Executive Director
Because of You 2013-2014 Year in Review
Access to Hope
Rental Subsidy Program
Al moved into his own apartment after more
than a year of staying in shelter. He is now
working full time, has weekly visits at his home
from his case manager and enjoys cooking.

                                                                                            As of
 Housing Stabilization Program funded by
 United Way of RI                                                                       June 30, 2014

 •   36 Individuals have been housed                                                    We funded 36
 •   20 apartment rentals in 17 properties throughout
     RI including Providence, Warwick, Cranston,                                           rental
     Pawtucket, Woonsocket, East Providence and
     Narragansett                                                                         subsidies

                                                                                        through the

                                                                                         state’s new
                                   Ready-To-Rent Program
                                                                                       Rental Voucher
                                   A Housing Network of RI training program
                                                                                        Program for
                                   •   Collaboration with Access RI, Olneyville
                                       Housing, Smith Hill CDC and private lanlords    the Chronically
                                       throughout the state has allowed HOH to
                                       provide safe, quality and affordable housing.     Homeless.

                                   •   35 Individuals have been served through
                                        the ready to rent program to date.

                    Matt was thrilled to find an affordable rental in the
                    town he had once called home after being home-
                    less for three years. Although disabled and unable
                    to work, he is reintegrating into his community
                    and making new connections. One of his favorite
                    pastimes is taking a bike ride down to the beach.
Because of You 2013-2014 Year in Review
Community Engagement

                                                                                Warwick 13: 13 non-profit, social service
                        RI State House Project Homeless Connect                 organizations collaborating to address the
                        Jean Johnson proudly serves her homemade                 goal of a streamlined consumer-friendly
                            chili at the State House Soup Kitchen                             system of care.

                                                                Urban League Transition
                                                                HOH served as a relocater for the Pawtucket Safe
                                                                Haven residents and provided outreach &
                                   CL                           relocation of Prairie Avenue shelter guests when
                                          OS                    the Urban League closed its doors in April of 2014.
                                                                Men who had been living at the Urban League for
Because                                                         years are now moving into permanent supportive
                                                                housing with HOH.

                        Volunteer Days and Donation Drives
   You                                                               Textron helps to
                                                                        clean up three
                                                                    properties as part
                                                                     of a Service Day
                                                                      for their interns.

                        UPS volunteers through United
                          Way hold a service day at
                            Fran Conway House.

                                                    BankRI volunteers collect
                                                    clothing for the Men at
                                                    Harrington Hall

 House of Hope CDC

                                                                                                 ADP volunteers through
                                                                                                 United Way help to clean
                          Aon Risk volunteers help to                                              the Thomas Wilbur
                        clean and reorganize the HOH                                               Homestead property
 Helping our Homeless
                         Boutique Sewing Classroom
Because of You 2013-2014 Year in Review
Harrington Hall

Over 7000 service transactions took
place at Harrington Hall this year.

These transactions included services through HOH including:
Triage and assessment, case management (ID’s, housing applications, find primary care
physicians, social security claims, resume relp, job readiness), connect to other mainstream services

And collaborations with partner agencies including:
VA homeless outreach, URI Student Nurses, SOAR, Access - Psychiatrist, Expungement
Clinic Roger Williams University, Homeless Legal Clinic, Providence Center, URI SNAP
Outreach, Vets Inc, Discovery House (Tommy Joyce), Salvation Army, Mobile Loaves and                    We expanded
Fishes, Riverwood, Brown University Intern Program and Volunteers, RIHAP, AA and
                                                                                                          the use of
Crossroads RI

                                              PLUS                                                       Harrington

Day Program                                                                                                 Hall,
An additional 759 service transactions were provided to Harrington Hall shelter guests
participating in the day program                                                                          creating

Day Program Groups Included:                                                                            daytime social
Resident Input, AA, Anger Management, Men’s Group/Issues, Drug and Alcohol Education, Rental
Readiness, Art Therapy, Substance Abuse Related Groups, Challenges of Homelessness, Stress              services and
Management, Movies/Discussion, Cooking Group, Writing Group, Book Group
                                                                                                         programs in

                                                                                                         the lower

                               LOOK!                                                                    level of the
            We have new bunks and mattresses thanks to
           RI Department of Corrections and RI Office of                                                  building.
              Housing and Community Development
Because of You 2013-2014 Year in Review
2013/2014 HIGHLIGHTS

                                                 StoryCorps: Rhode Island Public Radio shared stories of
                                                 homeless and formerly homeless people in our state.
                                                 Manny Gomes & Carleton Freese’s stories were recorded
                                                 when StoryCorps visited the Rhode Island Coalition for the

          25th Anniversary
          House of Hope celebrated 25 years of Helping our Homeless
Because   with honorary Chair Governor Noel on May 15, 2014. More
          than 200 friends and supporters both old and new helped to
          celebrate our successes and our future while raising more
          than $65,000 for HOH to continue its mission to end home-
  Of      lessness in RI.


                               Proud Advisory Board Members The Honorable
                                Philip Noel, Oliver Brady and Scott Seaback

                                                                    House of Hope made it big!

                                                                    With the generous support of Cimini &
                                                                    Company along with a donation from Lamar,
                                                                    our first billboards showing our new logo could
                                                                    be seen alongside Routes 10 and
                                                                    Park Avenue
Because of You 2013-2014 Year in Review
Coming Soon!

   Construction to
  begin February 2015



                                                           include BHRI,


                                                           FHLB Boston’s

  10 new units of affordable housing for homeless adults    Affordable

        in a beautifully restored historic landmark.         Housing

                              Historic Property
                                                            State of RI

                                                            Historic Tax

                                                            Credits and

                                                              City of

Because of You 2013-2014 Year in Review

                                               Board Leadership
          Patricia Wegrzyn McGreen, President                         Tim McCarthy, Treasurer
          Barbara Canton, Vice President                              Wanda Michaelson, Secretary

                                                 Advisory Board
                                                     Oliver Brady
                                                      Patti Doyle
                                                    John I. Howell
                                                    Brian C. Jones
                                                   Thomas Kearney
                                                 Father Bob Marciano
                                                   Mark McKenney
                                               The Honorable Philip Noel
                                                   Scott F. Seaback
                                                Senator William Walaska
                                          The Honorable Joseph W. Walsh, Esq.
                                                 Board Members
  Of                                                   Deborah Baker
                                                      Debra Batchelor
 You                                                   Candy Castaldi
                                                       Roberta Bianco
                                                      Carleton Freese
                                                       Manny Gomes
                                                        Kyle LePage
                                                      Zibby E. Marinelli
                                                       Erika Martineau
                                                   Stephen M. Miller, Esq.
                                                      Michelle Jacques
                                                       Pam Boothman
                                                         Todd Costa
                                                         Ellen Paster
                                                      Carol N. Rooney
                                                       Miriam S. Sloan
                                                        David Splaine
                                                       Ryan M. Wright

                                          retired board members
          Thank you to the following individuals who served on our Board of Directors and will be retiring this year:

          Christopher Beaulieu              Chet Mattera
Because of You 2013-2014 Year in Review
Touching Lives -
Making a Difference

                           •   Harrington Hall Shelter served 998 individual men
       •           First Step Transitional Shelter Programs served 47 men and women in
                                    our Warwick and Providence locations
                                                                                         We increased



                                               Healing                                    to include
               •       Access To Recovery (ATR) Program provided life-saving recovery
                       services to 258 men & women struggling with chemical addictions

   •       Personalized case management services were provided to 500 individuals         Access to



                                              Housing                                     providing

  •        142 men left Harrington Hall for permanent and more appropriate housing        substance
                   •    23 men & women left Fist Step Programs for permanent & more
                                             appropriate housing
  •        Access to Hope provided homes to 34 chronically homeless men & women           screenings
           •           House of Hope provided our own permanent supportive housing for
                                         70 men, women and children


                            1166 Individuals were helped this year
                                          (Unduplicated Count)

                           All Figures are for Fiscal 2013-2014
Because of You 2013-2014 Year in Review


                      Increased 14%



                      admin and Fund
                       Dev. Expenses
                      Decreased 15%
House of Hope FINANCIAL’S
      Balance Sheet
      June 30, 2014

                                                                                A 13.6%
                                                     Income Statement
                                              July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014
                                                                              increase in


                                                                              allowed us

                                                                               to serve

                                                                               37% more



                      For Management Purposes Only
          Alan Shawn Feinstein Middle School        Cumulus Providence                      Mrs. Michelle Jacques
          Mr. William Aldrich                       Mr. Rick Cunningham                     Mr. and Mrs. Mark Jennings
          Ms. Linda Allen                           Mr. and Mrs. David Curry                Mr. and Mrs. Choon Jeon
          Ms. Mary Alvarado                         Ms. Linda Cwiek                         Jerold M. Weisman & Co.
          Ameriprise Financial                      Mr. Joseph Dacey                        John Hancock Financial Network
          Ms. Desiree A. Amoriggi                   Mr. Joe Darrattini                      Mr. and Mrs. Galen A. Johnson
          Mr. Armeny Apkarian                       Ms. Martha Davey                        Mr. and Mrs. Brian Jones
          Dr. and Mrs. Lee Arnold                   Ms. Louis Devany                        Saint Joseph School
          Arrest-A-Pest                             Mr. Bryant T Dias                       Kearflex Engineering Co.
          Asbury United Methodist Church            Mr. David Dickerman                     Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kearney
          Ms. Kimberly Ashley                       Ms. Avis Dickerson                      Mr. David S. Kenny
          Astro-Med                                 Ms. Patricia M. Dillon                  Kent YMCA - AOA Knitting Club
          Ms. Jo-Ann Avedisian                      Mr. Brenton Doyle                       Saint Kevin Church
          Bank of America Charitable Foundation     Ms. Marie Doyle                         Ms. Lisa Kilduff
          Bank of America United Way                Ms. Jennifer Dureault                   Knights of Columbus
             Matching Campaign                      Ms. Leah Eden                           KVH Industries, Inc.
          BankNewport                               Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Ellis               Lakewood Baptist Church
          BankRI                                    Embolden Design                         Mr. Paul Lally
          Saint Barnabas Church                     EMC Insurance                           Lamar
          Barnum Financial                          Episcopal Charities Fund of RI          Mr. and Mrs. David A. Langevin
          Ms. Kamila Barzykowski                    Mr. David Falaguerra                    Mr. Peter Latham
          Bath and Body Works                       Ms. Jen Faria                           Ms. Kristina Lavoie
          Beacon Mutual Insurance Company           Ms. Colleen Felides                     Mr. and Mrs. Chong and Helena Lee
          Mr. Christopher Beaulieu                  FEMA Emergency Food & Shelter           Mr. and Mrs. Richard Leopold
          BHDDH                                     Program                                 Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. LePage
          Ms. Roberta A. Bianco                     FGX International                       Mr. Kyle LePage
          Ms. Kristen Bittner                       Rabbi Alan Flam                         Mr. Ryan Lepage
Because   Blue Nights                               Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fontaine           Ms. Ginny Leslie
          Bob’s Discount Furniture Char. Fnd.       Food Recovery Network,                  Ms. Lisa Lima
          Dr. and Mrs. Edwin A. Boger                  Brown University                     Linear Title and Closing
  Of      Ms. Christine Boudreau
          Mr. Gerald Boutin
                                                    Formex Inc.
                                                    Mr. Carleton Freese
                                                                                            Ms. Kristin Littlefield
                                                                                            Local Initiatives Support Corp. -
          Ms. Janet Bowab                           Mr. Lewis Gaffett                          Neighborhood Development Fund
          Mr. and Mrs. James Bradford               Mr. and Mrs. James Gamelin              Reverend Robert L. Marciano
 You      Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Brady                 Ms. Jeanne Gattegno                     Mrs. Zibby Marinelli
          Dr. and Mrs. Patrick Brannon              Gem Plumbing and Heating                Mr. and Mr. Romolo Marsella Jr.
          Ms. Florence Brodeur                      Mr. Stu Giannini                        Ms. Erika Martineau
          Ms. Margaret Brodeur                      Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Giarrusso          Mr. and Mrs. Pete and Kathy
          Ms. Dianne Brousseau                      Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gibson                 Martino
          Mr. Leo Bulgarelli                        Girl Scouts Cadette Troop 653           Ms. Jane Martley
          Ms. Barbara Canton                        Mr. and Mrs. James F. Giudice           Ms. Dawn Mattera
          Carlucci & Dugan Certified Public Acct.   Mr. John A. Glasson, Esq.               Senator McCaffrey Legislative Grant
          Ms. Jennifer Carpenter                    Mr. and Mrs. Michael Goldberg           Mr. and Mrs. William McGillivray
          Carter Family Charitable Trust            Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Goldstein          Mr. and Mrs. Robert McGreen
          Ms. Jane C. Casey                         Mr. Joseph Gonsalves                    Mr. and Mrs. Paul McKenney
          Saint Catherine’s Church                  Grace Family Church                     Mr. Mark McKenney
          Centreville Bank                          Graphic Solutions for Business          Representative Joseph McNamara
          Mr. Henry Champoux                        Ms. Maureen Graziano                    Mr. Joseph McNulty
          Christ the King Church                    Saint Gregory the Great Church          Mr. William Menard and Mrs. Susan
          Cimini & Company                          Greystone School                        Almeida
          Citizens Bank                             Ms. Louise Haas                         Ms. Elaine Mersereau
          Citizens Bank Foundation                  Ms. Elaine Hardman                      Reverend Andrew Messina
          Claflin Co.                               Ms. Carol Harris                        MetLife Auto & Home
          John Clarke Memorial Trust                Mr. Paul Hoffman & Ms. Celia Schnacky   Reverand and Mrs. Peter Michaelson
          Clear Channel                             Horizon Pest Control                    Midland Roofing Co. Inc.
          Ms. Brenda J. Clement                     Ms. Barbara Howes                       Mr. Thomas Miller
          Ms. Megan Clingham                        Hoxie Elementary School                 Mr. Scott Monroe
          Coastway Cares Charitable Foundation      HUD Supportive Housing Program          Ms. Nancy Montalvo
          Coastway Community Bank                   Ms. Nancy Huling                        Ms. Melissa Morin
          Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cohen                 Mr. Jack Hurley                         Ms. Trisha Morris
          Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cole                  Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Hutchinson      Mr. AJ Mulhall
          Ms. Colleen Collins                       Ida Ballou Littlefield Memorial Trust   NAFI-ACE Program
          Mr. Todd Costa                            Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Inman              Ms. Beverly Najarian
Ms. Rulla Nehme                               Shaw’s Market
Ms. Elizabeth Nicolson                        Mr. and Mrs. David Sloan
Governor and Mrs. Philip Noel                 Mrs. Miriam Sloan
North Kingstown Senior Assoc.                 Ms. Gerri Smith
O’Connell Living Trust                        Mr. Philip Soder
Ms. Karen E. O’Donnell                        Mr. and Mrs. Lou Sousa                             our
Father Francis O’Hara                         South County Steel, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul O’Neil                      South County Community Action                   consistent
Ocean State Charities Trust                   Mr. and Mrs. Preston A. Spicer
Ocean State Job Lot Corporation               Mr. David Splaine & Mrs. Deborah Nelson
Mr. Richard Olney                             Mrs. Diane M. Stamp                            and generous
Our Lady of Mercy School                      Ms. Paula Stamp
Mr. Vincent A. Palumbo                        State of RI Office of Housing & Com. Dev.
Ms. Rosalie Panzo                             Mr. Richard Staton & Mrs. Jody Brown
                                                                                             grass roots
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard A. Paster                Subway - Store # 44439
Pawtucket Credit Union                        Mr. and Mrs. Allen Syslo                         support
Pawtuxet Village Association                  Taco/White Family Foundation
The Pentair Foundation                        Mr. John Tassoni
Mr. John Perry                                Target                                          allows us
Ms. Lieve Persoons                            Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tavares
Petrarca and McGair, Inc.                     Ms. Sandy Tavitian                              to provide
Phillips Memorial Baptist Church              TD Bank Foundation
Saint Philomena School                        Textron Charitable Trust
Pilgrim Lutheran Church                       Ms. Beatrice Thomas                             life saving
Saint Pius V School                           Thorpe’s Wines & Spirits
Place Jewelers, Inc.                          TJX Foundation
Ms. Melissa Powers                            Ms. Lillian Tobin                               services to
Presbyterian Women of the Greenwood           Ms. Heather Tompkins
   Community Church                           Ms. Valerie Topp                               the homeless
Ms. Doris Principe                            Toray Plastics (America), Inc
Pro-Change Behavior Systems, Inc              Trinity Church
Quinn Funeral Homes                           Ms. Eunice A. Tuckerman                            in RI.
Randolph Saving Bank                          Tulsa Community Foundation
Re/Max Advantage Group                        Ms. Alice J. Tupaj
Red Oak Remodeling                            Twin River Chiropractic
Ms. Madora Rego                               United Way of RI
Ms. Corinne Reilly                            Urban Core Family Care Community Partnership      we are
Mr. Bob Remick                                Ms. Therese M. Veyera
Restaurant Data Concepts, Inc.                Senator and Mrs. William A. Walaska
Ms. Linda A. Rhault                           Wallum Lake Rod and Gun Club                   grateful to
Rhode Island Alpha Delta Kappa                Walmart Foundation - State Giving Program
Rhode Island Coalition for the Homeless       Honorable Joseph W. Walsh, Esq                  old friends
Rhode Island Family Court                     Mr. Peter Walsh
The Rhode Island Foundation                   Ms. Karen Warfield
Rhode Island Holistic Healers Association     City of Warwick - Community Development          and new
Rhode Island Kids Consignment                    Block Grant
Rhode Island Laborers’ District Council       City of Warwick Dept. of Human Services -
                                                                                              who share
Rhode Island Neighborhood Opportunities          Contributive Support
   Program                                    Warwick Central Baptist Church
Ms. Susan Ricchiuti                           Warwick Rotary                                    in our
Road Home                                     Washington Trust Charitable Foundation
Roger Williams Daycare Center                 The Washington Trust Company
Ms. Carol Rooney & Ms. Deborah Imondi         Watson Mulch and Loam, Inc.                     compassion
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Rooney                   Ms. Kay Webb
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rosati                    Mr. and Mrs. Paul N. Wilkinson                   for the
Saints Rose & Clement Roman Catholic Parish   Mr. and Mrs. Roger B. Willaims
Mrs. Lisa Russo                               Ms. Allyson Wojaszek
Saint Timothy Church                          Ms. Ryan Wright                                 Homeless.
Mr. James Scaramozza & Ms. Michelle Brophy    Ms. Kathleen V. Zabbo
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford A. Schultz              Ms. Vanessa Zampini
Ms. Leah Schwartz                             Mr. Jack Zeramby
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Segal                     Zion Korean United Methodist Church
Ms. Margaret Selmanie

          Administrative Staff:                 Property
                                                Management Staff:
          Jean Johnson
          Executive Director                    Dawn Santos
                                                Property Manager/Housing Locator
          Christine Foisy
          Assoc. Director, External Relations   Jake Openshaw
                                                Property & Maintenance Tech
          Monica Spicer
          Assoc. Director, Operations           Bob Bohler
                                                Property & Maintenance Supervisor
          Bill Stein, LICSW
          Assoc. Director, Clinical Services
                                                        Harrington Hall
          Taylor Ellis                                   Shelter Staff
          Housing Development Manager
                                                Deborah Baker
          Amber Ducharme
          Finance Manager                       Tim Bloomingburgh
                                                Don Boucher
          Lisa Kilduff                          Geroge Brooks
          HR Manager
                                                Mike Correira
          Katheryn Tavares                      Jerome Hines
          Special Project & Res. Dev. Mgr       Robert Marr
          Beatrice Thomas                       Shannon McDonald
Because   Receptionist                          Braulio Ortiz
                                                Regina Perrault
  Of      Social Service Staff:                 Edrick Ramsey
                                                Cornell Reed
          Michael Archambault
          Harrington Hall Program Manager       Vanessa Rojas
 You                                            William Winfield
          George Hanley
          Case Worker Harrington Hall                    Boutique Staff
          Bobbie Klein                          Pam Boothman
          Clinical Case Worker
                                                Casey Grimes
          Susan James                           Alyssa Tapper
          Social Case Worker                    Diandra Zaki
          Deidre Jones
          Social Case Worker                             Volnteer Staff
          Marie Magee
          HH Triage/Social Case Worker          Deborah Baker
                                                Manny Gomes
          Sheryl Marshall
          Housing Stabilization Case Worker     Miriam Sloan
                                                Wanda Michaelson
          Lynne Porreca
          ATR, Social Case Worker

          Janelle Shannon
          Social Case Worker

          Kathy Yorston
          Social Case Worker
In loving Memory

         Richard Silva

          David Tupaj

         Robert Hickey     “Homelessness

                                is the
        Wayne Strobel
                             number one

      Maureen Gensheimer    public health

                            crisis facing

                             our nation.”

                           Dr. Michael Fine

                             RI Dept. O f

Become an ambassador of hope and help
                             us to end homelessness in RI




 House of Hope CDC


 Helping our Homeless

                                House of Hope CDC
                                  3188 Post Road
                                 Warwick, RI 02886

                                 Phone: 401-463-3324
                                  Fax: 401-921-3252
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