CAMP INFORMATION PACKAGE - BCWC 2019 Registration is Now Open! British Columbia Witchcamp | Sunday, August 25 - Saturday, August 31, 2019 - BC ...

Page created by Leslie Hart
CAMP INFORMATION PACKAGE - BCWC 2019 Registration is Now Open! British Columbia Witchcamp | Sunday, August 25 - Saturday, August 31, 2019 - BC ...
Spring 2019 Newsletter
BCWC 2019 Registration is Now Open!
British Columbia Witchcamp​ | Sunday, August 25 - Saturday, August 31, 2019

2019 Intention
In the sweet depths of mycelial connection, we remember we
belong. We call ourselves back into relationship with each
other, our ancestors, the land, and all of our relatives.

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CAMP INFORMATION PACKAGE - BCWC 2019 Registration is Now Open! British Columbia Witchcamp | Sunday, August 25 - Saturday, August 31, 2019 - BC ...
Dear BC Witchcampers, past, present and future:

The wheel turns again, and our attention moves to this year’s magical gathering. Whether this is your
first time or your 32​nd​, we look forward to making magic with you on the shores of Evans Lake.

Registration is now open at ​

If you want a paper copy for registration please email ​

We acknowledge that this land we come together on is the unceded territory of the Sḵwx̱wú7mesh
Úxwumixw (Squamish First Nation). We are immeasurably grateful for their millennia-long
stewardship of this piece of earth.

We welcome back Indigenous Elder Aline LaFlamme, pipe carrier, Sun Dancer, drum maker, and
traditional healer, who will offer her wisdom throughout the week.

This brochure is brimming with information about BCWC 2019. You may want to print it out to help
make the material more digestible.

Table of Contents
2019 Story

   Elements of Magic: the Witches’ Roots with Advanced Magical Arts
   Leading from the Edge: Authentic Leadership
   Ritual Priestexing – Walking the Path
   Walking with the Ancestors

Decolonizing Witchcamp
   Indigenous Elder - Aline LaFlamme

Temple Space

All About Camp

Fees & Registration

Thank You + Contact Info

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CAMP INFORMATION PACKAGE - BCWC 2019 Registration is Now Open! British Columbia Witchcamp | Sunday, August 25 - Saturday, August 31, 2019 - BC ...
2019 Story
“Hear the words of the Star Goddess, the dust of Whose feet are the hosts of Heaven, whose body
encircles the universe:

"I Who am the beauty of the green earth and the white moon among the stars and the mysteries of
the waters, I call upon your soul to arise and come unto me. For I am the soul of nature that gives
life to the universe.”

Over four billion years ago, in a black mirror of what was not yet space as we recognize it, primordial
protons and neutrons met. They collided. They created a tone, and this tone is the very first sound. The
collision created a vibration, and out of this vibration, there was a luminous mist that turned into isles of
light. Before stars, before celestial bodies, this first vibration initiated the universe into existence. When
this light and vibration expanded, these were the birth of the first wavelengths. Every vibration since that
moment is an echo of that moment.

All was born out of darkness and spontaneity,

out of this, togetherness was possible,

and out of that, vibrations emerged,

and then there were lights, and colors, and shapes,

a garden of all sounds.

Perhaps this is a creation myth.

“From Me all things proceed and unto Me they must return.”

Across our home, this plentiful, good, green Earth, and across the many cultures and histories we carry,
there is a mysterious constellation that unites us. From Greece, Egypt, Mesopotamia, and the very land
on which this camp takes place, Turtle Island, there are ancient stories of a being of the starry skies.
Some know this being as the Star Goddess, Nyx, Tiamat, Nut, or Skywoman.

We acknowledge, celebrate, and elevate the stories of creation, and the mystery of becoming and
belonging. In reverence, we will gaze into the concave mirror of the inky black sky, and discover the
pinpoints of light. We celebrate Spirit; the invisible being that knits us up in a loving embrace.

“Let My worship be in the heart that rejoices, for behold, all acts of love and pleasure are My rituals.
Let there be beauty and strength, power and compassion, honor and humility, mirth and reverence
within you.”

We come together to dissolve into the mysterious bowl of stars, our oldest known ancestors. We
remember we belong. We call ourselves back into relationship.

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CAMP INFORMATION PACKAGE - BCWC 2019 Registration is Now Open! British Columbia Witchcamp | Sunday, August 25 - Saturday, August 31, 2019 - BC ...
“And you who seek to know Me, know that the seeking and yearning will avail you not, unless you
know the Mystery: for if that which you seek, you find not within yourself, you will never find it
without. For behold, I have been with you from the beginning, and I am That which is attained at
the end of desire.”

The one who is our reflection.

The one who is the primordial Sea.

The one who is a ladder to the Sky.

The one who is a ladder to the Earth.

The one who stands at the edge of Creation.

The one who descended with a hand full of seeds.

The one who surrendered to the radiance of their own chaos, and created all from Love​.

-- all material in quotation marks from “The Charge of the Goddess,” Traditional by Doreen Valiente, as adapted by
Starhawk, from The Spiral Dance (Starhawk, 1979, pp. 90-91)

“Path” is your course of study at Witchcamp. Path takes place every morning between breakfast and
lunch. Under the guidance of two skilled teachers, campers dive deep into explorations of the path
theme, learning through listening, experiencing and doing. Each path session is a magical working
that offers education in magical techniques as well as personal and group healing and transformation.

Campers are asked to have taken Elements of Magic as a pre-requisite for other paths, either at camp
or elsewhere.

You don’t need to choose your path till the first full day of camp, but you will be asked to tell us your
preliminary preference when you register, as this helps us plan.

Path Descriptions

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CAMP INFORMATION PACKAGE - BCWC 2019 Registration is Now Open! British Columbia Witchcamp | Sunday, August 25 - Saturday, August 31, 2019 - BC ...
Elements of Magic: the Witches’ Roots with Advanced Magical Arts

Teacher Bios: ​Willow and Justine

Feel the earth rise up to hold you, words to the divine leaving your mouth like burning coals under a
dark sky. You move with the truth that your body holds water, shapeshifting inside you like blooming
underground mushrooms. You call upon spirit as a constellation to guide you along the path of your
ancestors, between the worlds, to the vein of magic that has always pulsed inside you.

Air. Fire. Water. Earth. Spirit. Join us in an experiential exploration of the Elements as we share and
hone our practices of Reclaiming Witchcraft through creating ecstatic ritual. Together we will trance,
write, move, experiment, raise energy and fall in love again with this good green earth and the
elements that allow us to thrive here. We will practice deep listening to the earth to serve her better
and live more gently. Together, we will lift the veil of mystery from the tools of ritual and the
technologies of raising different types of energy to strengthen our magical practice.

All are welcome here whether you’re new to Reclaiming or a seasoned practitioner. We will create
space for teaching each other what we know, sharing our experiences, and reflecting to each other the
gifts we carry. Join us in this path to receive the healing you need, offer the healing you’re able and
grow your magic in a container of relentless support.

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CAMP INFORMATION PACKAGE - BCWC 2019 Registration is Now Open! British Columbia Witchcamp | Sunday, August 25 - Saturday, August 31, 2019 - BC ...
Leading from the Edge: Authentic Leadership

Teacher Bios: ​Bramble and Jenn Byers

In our colonized world, leadership flows from the top down, where power is hoarded at the top and
rarely shared. In Reclaiming, we often speak of leadership as “stepping into the center,” yet the act of
centering ourselves can be mired with pitfalls like ego and privilege. As witches, we know magic
happens at the edges, places where one thing changes to another; places where there is an active
relationship. Edges hold the most diversity, where inclusive abundance is stronger and healthier than
monocultures living in the middle. On the edge, willing to be open to change and the discomfort of not
knowing, we reimagine leadership.

In this path, we will practice showing up as we truly are, “in all our parts.” We will co-experience the
immense value of vulnerability, and practice being open and approachable with healthy boundaries
and a clear, balanced sense of self. Together, we will envision and model leadership from the edge
anchored in service; that makes space rather than taking it. Breathing into the in-between, we will
dance with co-creation, becoming more present with both the painful challenges and ecstatic
celebrations of what can be accomplished when we expand from a place of interdependence, rooted
in justice and love.

Authentic leadership asks us to develop our capacity to be transparent, honest and brave, speaking up
in the moment with caring and compassion. For this heart-forward journey, we will fill our traveling
bag with the tools of connection, truth-telling, and mindfulness. We will reimagine our notions of
self/leadership through shadow work, mirror work and other magics. We will begin with willingness,
and return forever changed.

Please bring a journal/tools for writing. If you have a mirror and divinatory tools that you like to use or
share, please bring them (we will have extras).

*Elements of Magic is a prerequisite for this path.

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CAMP INFORMATION PACKAGE - BCWC 2019 Registration is Now Open! British Columbia Witchcamp | Sunday, August 25 - Saturday, August 31, 2019 - BC ...
Ritual Priestexing – Walking the Path

Teacher Bios: ​Phoenix and Miria

The path of the Priestex (gender-neutral term for Priestess) is also the spiraled path to the Godd
within. It is a perilous and exciting journey of growth, empowerment, and self-understanding. Written
above the gates to the oracles of Delphi were the words “know thyself” for truly when we know
ourselves well, it is easier for magick and connection to flow through us. From that place of knowing
we can then support the magick of others.

 In this path, we will make strong containers, call on the forces of the world larger than our human
selves, play with the seven sacred voices, raise energy, and unpack that ever mysterious concept of
ritual “tofu”. Using a variety of modalities; like trance, writing, movement, song, art, and aspecting, we
will put on the mantle of Priestex and then pass it along in a practice of shared power.

We will explore the concepts of creating ritual with the EIEIO system: Ecstatic, Improvisational,
Ensemble, Inspired, Organic. With these experiential modalities, we will play with ritual, pick up
power, set power down, learn, grow, expand what it is we know about ourselves, and how we might
best serve community.

With the macro, we will also tap into the micro. How does our personal intuition influence rituals?
How do I step into trust with the other Priestexes and ritualists? How do we as a group connect and
integrate with the energy of the circle, the space, the community, the planet?

Become the person you were born to be. Step fully onto the path of the Priestex and let’s walk

*Elements of Magic is a prerequisite for this path.

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Walking with the Ancestors

Teacher Bios: ​Ravenna Soley and John Brazaitis

"You may forget but Let me tell you this: someone in some future time will think of us"

- Sappho, Fragment 60

There is nothing, in a material sense, in all of us which has not been here from the very beginning, save
that which has fallen from the stars. In our present form, we are the heirs of all those wonderful
creatures, beings and things that have come to make up the marvelous physical body that we each

This path is intended to expand and enrich our relationships with those that have gone before us, both
human and non-human. Using the tools of Magick, movement, storytelling, play, and embodiment, we
will explore and ritualize recent work in fields including genetics, anthropology, archaeology, geology,
paleontology, and economics.

In this work, we hope to create a fresh, personal, and surprising view of the past and our relationship
to the present. We seek to honor, carry forward, and share our stories of our lineage and come further
into a relationship with the land.

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Decolonizing Witchcamp
The BCWC community is keenly aware that we gather and make magic on unceded lands, and that our
privilege in being able to do so is entwined with a history of theft and attempted genocide that has not
yet been made right. We are committed to learning, listening, taking responsibility, and being allies in
service to justice, accountability, healing, and all other facets of decolonization.

BCWC is honoured and humbled to welcome back Indigenous Elder Aline LaFlamme, pipe carrier, Sun
Dancer, and traditional healer, who will offer her wisdom throughout the week.

Indigenous Elder - Aline LaFlamme

I am a Metis grandmother, pipe carrier, Sun Dancer, drum maker, traditional healer, and workshop
facilitator. I was the founder and Executive Director of the Aboriginal Front Door Society, providing
traditional healing and culture to Aboriginal street people. I am also a founding member of Skemcis
Medicine Wheel Society and have taken people on Vision Quests for over 14 years, and created over
1300 Native hand drums. I provide Rites of Passage camps to youth and facilitate teachings, healing
workshops, ceremonies & cross-cultural workshops in BC and the Northwest Territories.

In 2010, I was named Remarkable Woman by the City of Vancouver. I’ve been honoured to light the
flame for Vancouver’s World Peace Forum in 2007, and to lead Vancouver’s Women’s March in January
2017. In 2018 and 2019, I led the Women's March with Daughters of the Drum. I have close ties with the
Skwxwú7mesh Úxwumixw (Squamish Nation).

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Temple Space
BCWC once again includes a sacred, private, reservable space for opening to beauty and delight.

The Temple belongs to everyone at camp and evolves a little each year, flowing with our magic. It is
designed to be a nourishing, beautiful space and can be used for virtually anything! Common activities
include quiet reflection, ritual, storytelling, massage, cuddling, and sex – all forms of consensual
connection, love and pleasure are welcome, and it is a sex-positive space.

Temple Priestess - Syr Reifsteck

I am a femme changeling and a wild trans dreamer. My magic is embodied, playful, giddy, felt and
made of glitch, time, fractures, promises, and ecstasy. I fiercely believe in: relationships and
accountability and change to both places and people, our ability to support one another, the
necessity of practice, transformation and justice woven together, stories.

I am reknitting the whispers and responsibilities sent from my ancestors who are Choctaw, Irish,
German and Polish. I am tending and priestessing the Temple of the Heart’s Hive this year, and invite
you to come chat about Temple support, offerings, ideas.

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All About Camp

Camp is an intensive, immersive experience of community, nature, and transformational magic.
Anywhere from 60 to 100 people, some new to camp (and perhaps to magical practices altogether),
some who trace their participation back to the camp’s founding, spend a week together engaging in
all manner of sacred drama, mystical adventure, earth worship, and wildly powerful personal and
communal growth.

A typical day includes a two-hour “path” session after breakfast. Path is your course of study and
continues consecutively each day. After lunch, campers meet in small affinity groups to share their
camp experiences and/or enjoy other bonding activities. The rest of the afternoon is free time for lake
play, optional offerings, napping, volunteering, etc.

Most evenings there is a powerful ritual for the whole camp community, led by the teaching team with
participation from campers. This ritual reflects and builds on the camp intention and story, and each
follows, thematically, the one before it, creating an arc over the week. Ritual may include deep trance,
sacred theatre, storytelling, spell weaving, movement, emotional intensity, and of course the raising
and release of energy.

Much more than this happens at camp! Below you will read about the Temple, the Marketplace, the
Talent Show, and more. Nothing is compulsory—a central tenet of camp is “you are your own
authority.” We add to that, “…in community.” People considering attending camp should also know
that at camp, magic has a political intention, aimed at dismantling all systems of oppression and
restoring reverence for nature as the beloved centre of all we humans do.


Evans Lake Forestry Camp is brimming with magic. Nestled in the aptly-named Paradise Valley, the
camp’s heart is the tranquil lake which generously provides swimming, canoeing, paddle boarding,
and ritual dips. There is an iconic willow tree, mossy rainforest, trails in the woods, a big field for spiral
dances and hanging out, and a ring of majestic mountains all around.

A large recreation hall provides space for indoor ritual, meetings, and our talent show and dance. The
food hall offers both indoor and outdoor seating. The camp is an hour and a half drive from
Vancouver, 15 kilometres north of Squamish BC.

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Carpooling to camp is highly recommended, because of limited parking, to lessen the impact of cars
on the environment, and because it’s a great way to build community. Once again we will offer an
online ride-sharing system. If you can offer or need a ride, please use the ride-sharing system by using
this link ​​.


The cabins have bunk beds and sleep eight to 12 people. They are electrically heated. Campers must
bring their own sleeping bag or sheets, pillows, and blankets. Toilets, sinks and hot showers are in a
separate building. Our washrooms and cabins have no gender designation.

There is tenting space in the woods for people who want privacy and/or a deeper connection with the
forest. The registration fee is the same as for cabins. Space is assigned on a first-come, first served

Campers are welcome, upon arrival, to negotiate sharing cabin space with other campers to meet
their needs. Please use a top bunk if you can, and offer bottom bunks to people with mobility
limitations. One cabin will be dedicated as 100% scent-free (camp’s goal to be 100% scent free
everywhere, but we may not be there yet).


Three delicious meals are served daily in the dining hall with vegetarian and some meat options. The
Evans Lake kitchen offers non-dairy and wheat-free meals for those who require it; however, please
know that it is not possible for the kitchen staff or within our budget to meet every dietary
requirement. For severely restricted diets, please consider bringing supplements. There is no fridge
space guaranteed for campers. Cooking facilities are not available to campers.

Please complete the “food” section on the registration form. Note that the cost of preparing all the
varieties of special meals is the primary driver for increased costs and resulting in increased camper
fees. When considering special diets, please base your selections on physical need rather than


The BCWC community is committed to working hard, being creative, and continuously learning in
order to make our camp fully accessible to all people. An Accessibility Committee formed after 2018
camp, with a mandate focusing on physical accessibility (including scent free stuff) at this time. We
work within limitations of budget, geography, infrastructure, and the challenge of balancing differing
needs. This is a nature camp with hilly terrain and other barriers. If you are concerned about physically
managing camp, contact for more information, including photos.

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We are a scent-free camp. Scents and perfumes cause life-threatening reactions for some members of
our community. We ask ALL campers to not bring any scented products to camp and to phase out the
use of scented products in the weeks leading up to camp. If you need essential oils for genuine
medical reasons, get in touch with us to discuss options.

The Accessibility Committee has also discussed financial accessibility, realizing that this overlaps with
other committee mandates. We recognize how complex it is to create a truly accessible space. This
topic is essential to our magic and is one we will continue to discuss and reconfigure based on our
various individual and collective needs. Like all community spaces and gatherings, we are in this
together; let’s do this work together too!


A small group of volunteers from 2018 BC Witchcamp have been working on developing a safer spaces
policy, which we are required to have by law. We would like campers to review this policy before
camp. We will offer opportunities at camp for input and discussion. If you won't be at camp this year
we still invite your input. Please contact Prism: for more information or
to provide suggestions or ideas.


We honour diversity and welcome all races, sexual orientations, genders, and differences of life
situation, background, identity, and ability. BC Witchcampers are learning about the ways systemic
oppression manifests not just in the world but in our own community, and we are embracing change
in our practices to serve our goal of dismantling all forms of oppression.

Ongoing work at camp and throughout the year, such as 2017’s workshop led by members of the
BCWC Liberation Working Group, have brought energy and magical intention to the ways camp
supports and doesn’t support diversity, and how it can grow and evolve. This work belongs to the
whole camp community and is ongoing. We invite all campers to consider ways they can contribute.


Our vibrant and colourful market reflects the creativity of our community and provides a lively
meeting place. You must be a registered camper to be a vendor. Vendors contribute 13% of all sales
and services to our Financial Assistance Fund. Also, we have The Witches’ Funk Trunk Boutique, a very
cool and funky place to shop. Donations of used-but-good ritual wear, costumes, and accessories for
the Funk Trunk are welcome.

As well, campers can offer bodywork and healing, divination, and other services, also with 13% tithed
to our Financial Assistance Fund.

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Please indicate when you register if you wish to be a vendor of wares or services. You are welcome to
promote your products and services inside the Marketplace and on designated areas outside the
dining hall. We ask that you refrain from making promotional announcements in other spaces.


Aside from the formal camp offerings of paths, rituals, affinity groups, and a few meetings, all campers
are very welcome to offer activities of any kind—yoga, chanting, crafts, boy band worship, discussions,
workshops, skills-sharing, and much, much more. There will be a sign-up sheet outside the dining hall
where you can enter your optional offering into the schedule and post information.


Yes. However, not in the dining hall or near to where the staff resides.


BCWC includes a sacred space for opening to beauty and delight—the Temple. This space can be
reserved by individuals or groups seeking privacy, and it also hosts facilitated workshops, events, and
optional offerings.

Camp is a sex-positive culture. This means we affirm and celebrate sexuality’s role in our collective
magic and healing, and we honour everyone’s right to define their own relationship to their body and
sex. Sex positivity is a spell working to weave together visions of healing, desire, autonomy, choice,
reciprocity, and presence. What sex-positivity looks like is different for different people, and different
at different times, and it doesn’t mean anyone has to have sex or want sex.

We believe everyone has the right to sexuality without violence or shame, and that sexuality begins
with consent. Only yes means yes, and yes should come from an enthusiastic and engaged partner.
The honouring of others’ boundaries is essential at camp. BCWC is working towards a code of conduct
to provide a framework for dealing with concerns. The team intends to have a finalized version in early
April; reading & agreeing to this policy will become part of the registration process. Watch for updates
on Facebook and in your inbox.


Smoking is permitted only in the smokers’ tent, with these limitations: no smoking 15 minutes prior to
or after any ritual that is on the field; also, smoking is prohibited while path is in session near the
dining hall and/or the willow tree. This is a new policy based on extensive feedback and discussion.

We recognize that this may be difficult for smokers. We highly appreciate everyone’s cooperation to
ensure camp is fully accessible, and that the magnificent forest is protected from the very high risk of
forest fire.

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The use of cell phones is limited to designated areas only (outside the staff cabins; in the parking lot).
Please honour this. For many campers, the retreat from technology deepens the power of camp. There
Is limited cell phone reception and no WiFi at camp.


Please notice that the path descriptions include skill level and prerequisite information. If you are new
to the Reclaiming Tradition or to witchcraft in general, know that you are welcome at BCWC. Know
also that your experience at camp will be greatly enriched by some preparation before camp. Consider
reading The Spiral Dance by Starhawk, or visiting and reading the content at ​​.


Watch our website ​​ for information about swag and when it will be available for
our 2019 camp. We will source products we believe are good quality, and we have artists working on
submissions based on this year’s potent intention. The selected artwork will decorate these items.
Stay tuned for updates.

Fees & Registration
We strongly encourage registration online at our website: ​

A deposit of $75 secures your spot.​ If you want a paper copy for registration please email

*Please note that our website is on an encrypted server secured with an SSL certificate ensuring your
personal information is safe. L​ earn More

We offer various payment plans so you don’t have to pay the whole amount up front; however, we
very much appreciate it when people can pay their fees early--the BCWC Org team has to pay a
number of fees and deposits well ahead of camp and needs some cash flow to support this. To this
end, we offer an early-bird discount (see next page).

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Full registration is $725-$995: CAN or USD.

Early-Bird Savings
Those paying their deposit by Beltane (May 1st) may pay at a discounted
Early-Bird sliding scale: ​$695-$965​.

Total payment is ​due by July 30, 2019​. If you are able, please pay the higher amount to keep camp
financially viable and to support campers with more restricted financial means. You are welcome to
apply for financial aid if the bottom of the sliding scale is beyond your reach.

We recognize that camp may seem expensive, especially given the high cost of living in the Pacific
Northwest. We invite everyone to consider what we receive at camp: all our meals, skilled teachers
who travel (sometimes great distances) to co-create the paths and rituals and share their knowledge
with us; plus our incredible location! If you have the financial means we encourage you to pay camp
fees on the higher end of the sliding scale. Your financial commitment to camp keeps camp financially
viable and helps foster diversity among camp attendees.

Camp has many costs that must be paid in US dollars. Due to the current unfavourable Canadian to US
dollar exchange rate and fees associated with exchanging currencies we encourage all campers living
in the US to pay for camp in US funds.

The fee range this year is a sliding scale of $725 - $995 CAD or USD. Fees are set so we cover costs of
putting on camp, including planning meetings outside of camp.


    1. Pay the total registration fee at the time of registration, or
    2. Make a deposit (minimum of $75.00 CAD or USD; due when registering), and pay the balance
       with 1, 2 or 3 payments.

By mail, include post-dated cheques with your paper registration or after online registration, the final
cheque to be dated no later than​ July 30, 2019​. Cheques must be postdated the 1st or 15th of the

Note: NSF cheques will be charged a $15 fee and may result in being put at end of the waiting list.

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A $75 non-refundable fee will be applied to all cancellations. Cancellations received after July 31 will
forfeit the entire payment if the camp is not filled. After August 12, there are no refunds, other than for
exceptional situations. We encourage anyone needing to cancel to look for another camper to give or
sell your registration to, rather than ask for a refund.


Please register online:

If you need a paper registration form, please email ​

BC WITCHCAMP SCHOLARSHIPS (Need-based financial assistance)

All of the funds raised for BC Witchcamp scholarships come from Witchcamp participants through
generous donations and many unique, wonderful ways we raise money each year, such as the silent
auction, vendor and wellness provider tithing, and the Funk Trunk. We encourage you to organize
fundraising events before camp to raise funds. Please note: we are unable to offer assistance with
transportation costs.

How to apply: There is a box to tick on the registration form; also please indicate the amount you are
requesting (up to $200 for most campers); Woo Crew members have a $100 maximum in order to
spread our financial support as widely as possible.

Scholarships are granted on a first-come, first served basis. You do not need to tell your story or prove
financial need. We work within an honour system and trust people to only apply in cases of real need.
The registrar will contact applicants on receipt of their registration and deposit to inform them
whether there are still scholarship funds available.

You need to register and pay your deposit in order for your application to be considered. Scholarships
need the initial deposit to seed the effort, and we are thankful for the members of the community who
work for, and with, each other to help applicants over that hurdle. We encourage camper fundraising
in our home communities to support individuals in need.

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Two scholarships, one for activists and one for introverts, are generously offered by the organizers of
the annual Vancouver Samhain event. Deadline for applications is ​Thursday, June 21​. The BC
Witchcamp website has more info (under ​Financial Assistance​).


This fund is intended to support radical inclusion and spiritual development within Reclaiming. The
scholarship is for people of colour, differently abled, transgender and gender non-conforming people,
queer, youth and seniors to attend Reclaiming-style camps, training, and classes.

More info at​ ​

WOO CREW (formerly Work exchange)

Application deadline: ​June 1, 2019

A limited number of Woo Crew positions are available. Woo Crewers get a ​50 percent​ discount on
registration fees. Energetic, strong, versatile people are required. Working on the team is a service to
our community… and fun! Get to know the inner workings of camp!

Interested in applying? The registration form includes a space to indicate your interest and to provide
information about your motivation and skills. All information is kept confidential.

Please note the following:

    ●   In order to make a camp experience available to the maximum number of folks, scholarships
        for campers who have a Woo Crew position are limited to $100.
    ●   We can’t consider Woo Crew applications until applicants have also registered and paid their

Blessings from the organizing team: Synnove, Prism, Marie, Jade, and Russell

Please hold onto this brochure. In early June, you will be sent a confirmation packet which should
answer most of your questions not addressed in this brochure. If not, please write to us at Phone calls can be arranged via email. Check out our web site at​ and find us on​ Facebook​.

Email ​​ ​for a paper registration form.

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Thank You + Contact Info

BCWC is operated by the Witch Camp of BC Society. All campers are members.

Contact the Organizing Team (“the Org”) at ​

Visit us online at ​

Also, be sure to check out our ​Facebook Group

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You can also read