BC Energy Step Code Design Guide Supplement S3 on Overheating and Air Quality - June 2019 - BC Housing

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BC Energy Step Code Design Guide Supplement S3 on Overheating and Air Quality - June 2019 - BC Housing
BC Energy Step Code
Design Guide Supplement S3 on
Overheating and Air Quality
June 2019

Version 1.0
BC Energy Step Code Design Guide Supplement S3 on Overheating and Air Quality - June 2019 - BC Housing
About This Supplement                                        Disclaimer                                                          Acknowledgements
                                                             The greatest care has been taken to confirm the accuracy of the     This guide was funded and commissioned by BC Housing, BC Hydro, the City of Vancouver, the
The Design Guide Supplement on Overheating and Air
                                                             information contained herein. However, the authors, funders,        City of New Westminster, and the Province of BC. Acknowledgement is extended to all those who
Quality was published by BC Housing in collaboration         publisher, and other contributors assume no liability for any       participated in this project as part of the project team or as external reviewers.
with BC Hydro, the City of Vancouver, the City of New        damage, injury, loss, or expense that may be incurred or suffered
                                                             as a result of the use of this publication, including products,
Westminster, and the Province of BC. It provides             building techniques, or practices. The views expressed herein       Produced by:
information on the key strategies and approaches             do not necessarily represent those of any individual contributor,   HCMA Architecture + Design                        Integral Group
necessary to reduce the impacts of a warmer climate          BC Housing, BC Hydro, the City of New Westminster, the City         Johnathon Strebly, Bonnie Retief, Judy Bau        Lisa Westerhoff, Chris Doel, Craig Dedels
                                                             of Vancouver, or the Province of British Columbia. As products
on mid- and high-rise (Part 3) wood-frame and non-           and construction practices change and improve over time, it is
                                                                                                                                 Focal Engineering
combustible residential buildings within British Columbia.   advisable to regularly consult up-to-date technical publications
                                                                                                                                 Susan MacDougall, Riley Beise, Sarah Shepherd
                                                             on building science, products, and practices, rather than relying
Specifically, it is intended to provide building industry
                                                             solely on this publication. It is also advisable to seek specific
actors, including local governments, public sector           information on the use of products, the requirements of good        External Reviewers:
organizations, architects, and developers, with an           design and construction practices, and the requirements of the
                                                             applicable building codes before undertaking a construction         AIBC                                              Fraser Health
accessible source of information on the key means of         project. Retain consultants with appropriate engineering            Maura Gatensby                                    Ghazal Ebrahimi, Angie Woo
addressing issues of overheating and indoor air quality.     or architectural qualifications, as well as the appropriate
                                                             municipal and other authorities, regarding issues of design and
                                                                                                                                 BC Housing                                        ICLEI Canada
                                                             construction practices, and compliance with the British Columbia
This supplement can be used as a stand-alone resource,       Building Code (BCBC) and Vancouver’s Building By-law (VBBL).        Wilma Leung, Bill Mackinnon,                      Craig Brown
                                                                                                                                 Magda Szpala, Remi Charron
but is intended to complement the BC Energy Step Code        The use of this guide does not guarantee compliance with code
                                                             requirements, nor does the use of systems not covered by this                                                         Province of British Columbia
Design Guide and should be consulted alongside the           guide preclude compliance.                                          BC Hydro                                          Zachary May, Emily Sinclair
strategies presented to meet the targets under the BC                                                                            Gary Hamer, Toby Lau
Energy Step Code. Strategies outlined in the guide comply                                                                                                                          University of British Columbia
with the BC Energy Step Code across the province, but are                                                                        City of New Westminster                           Ralph Wells
also compatible with those projects seeking compliance                                                                           Norm Connolly

with the City of Vancouver’s Zero Emissions Building Plan.                                                                                                                         University of Toronto
                                                                                                                                 City of Vancouver                                 Ted Kesik
                                                                                                                                 Patrick Enright
This supplement is also one in a series of design guides
                                                                                                                                                                                   Vancouver Coastal Health
designed to support an industry transition toward a                                                                              Engineers and Geoscientists BC                    Emily Peterson
future in which safe, resilient and adaptive buildings are                                                                       Harshan Radhakrishnan

business-as-usual. For more information and access
to other resources, guidelines, primers on climate
change resilience, and details on the Mobilizing Building
Adaptation and Resilience (MBAR) project, visit the BC
Housing website at www.bchousing.org/research-centre.
BC Energy Step Code Design Guide Supplement S3 on Overheating and Air Quality - June 2019 - BC Housing

Table of Contents

S3-01   SECTION S3-01                                                        S3-04   SECTION S3-04
        Introduction                                                                 Key Design Strategies
  01.1         Introduction                                        Page 05           04.0   Key Design Strategies                           Page 18
		             The Purpose of the Design Guide Supplement          Page 06           04.1   Passively Cool the Building                     Page 19
		             Who Is This For?                                    Page 06           04.2   Use Shading to Block Solar Heat Gains           Page 22
                                                                                     04.3   Cooling via Natural Ventilation                 Page 25
S3-02   SECTION S3-02                                                                04.4   Couple Passive Cooling with Active Approaches   Page 28
        Risk and Resilience in Building Design                                       04.5   Add a Source of Cooling                         Page 30
                                                                                     04.6   Filter the Air                                  Page 34
  02.0         Resilience in Building Design                       Page 08
                                                                                     04.7   Include a Refuge Area into Building Design      Page 35
		             Designing for Comfort and Safety                    Page 08
  02.1         What is Overheating?                                Page 09
  02.2         What is Indoor Air Quality?                         Page 11   A       APPENDIX
  02.3         A Balancing Act                                     Page 12           Resources
                                                                                     A1     Glossary of Terms                               Page 38
S3-03   SECTION S3-03                                                                A2     Image Sources                                   Page 40
        Modelling for a Future Climate
        03.0   Modelling for a Future Climate                      Page 14
        03.1   Understanding Weather Data                          Page 14
        03.2   Performing a Future Climate Analysis                Page 15

                                                                                                                                            TABLE OF CONTENTS   03
BC Energy Step Code Design Guide Supplement S3 on Overheating and Air Quality - June 2019 - BC Housing



01.1    Introduction
        The Purpose of the Design Guide Supplement
        Who Is This For?

                                                                             0 1
BC Energy Step Code Design Guide Supplement S3 on Overheating and Air Quality - June 2019 - BC Housing
BC ENERGY STEP CODE DESIGN GUIDE SUPPLEMENT S3 OVERHEATING AND AIR QUALITY                                                                                                           INTRODUCTION SECTION S3-01.

S3-01 Introduction
Buildings play a key role in preventing the adverse effects
of climate change by employing design strategies to both
reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and adapt to
current and projected impacts.

To help reduce emissions from buildings, the Province of British Columbia
has taken a number of actions. Under the umbrella of the CleanBC
program, one such action is the release of the BC Energy Step Code, which
sets energy performance requirements for new buildings as a means of                  Additional References
reducing their energy use and emissions.

At the same time, the Province is projected to experience significant                       Preparing for Climate Change:                           Climate Projections for the Cowichan Valley Regional District
changes in climate over the next several decades, which will have                           British Columbia’s Adaptation Strategy                  Cowichan Valley Regional District
considerable impacts on building performance. Preparing for Change:                         Province of British Columbia                            2017
British Columbia’s Adaptation Strategy, projects overall temperature
increases of between 1.3 and 2.7°C by the year 2050, as well as heavier                                                                             Moving Towards Climate Resilient Health Facilities
rains, longer dry spells, more heat waves and more severe wildfire events.¹                 Special Report: Global Warming of 1.5°C                 for Vancouver Coastal Health
Such impacts can pose serious risks to British Columbia’s buildings and                     Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change               Lower Mainland Facilities Management
                                                                                            2018                                                    2018
the safety, well-being, and financial investments of their owners and
occupants. Indeed, the average temperature across the province has
already increased by 1.4°C over the last hundred years, with impacts on                     Resilience Planning New Construction                    BC Building Code – Appendix C
the built environment already occurring in different regions.1                              City of Toronto                                         Province of British Columbia
                                                                                            2017                                                    2018

Buildings can be designed to increase their resilience to these changes
and in doing so, increase both their quality and overall value. Buildings                   Climate Projections for Metro Vancouver                 Update on Extreme Heat and Maximum Indoor Temperature
                                                                                            Metro Vancouver                                         Standard for Multi-unit Residential Buildings
constructed today should be designed in such a way that the comfort and
                                                                                            2016                                                    Toronto Public Health
safety of their occupants is ensured for the lifetime of the building. This is
especially important as current building codes and standards are reflective
                                                                                            Climate Projections for the Capital Regional District
of historical experiences – that is, they are based on past climatic
                                                                                            Capital Regional District                               Filtration in Institutional Settings During Wildfire Smoke Events
conditions, and don’t necessarily consider the impacts of a warmer world
                                                                                            2017                                                    BC Centre for Disease Control
on the health, comfort, and safety of building occupants. Looking to future
conditions is an increasingly important part of building design across all
regions of the province.

¹ https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/environment/climate-change/adaptation/impacts

BC Energy Step Code Design Guide Supplement S3 on Overheating and Air Quality - June 2019 - BC Housing
BC ENERGY STEP CODE DESIGN GUIDE SUPPLEMENT S3 OVERHEATING AND AIR QUALITY                                                                                                                           INTRODUCTION SECTION S3-01.

The Purpose of the Design Guide Supplement                                                                     Who Is This For?

While potential climate change impacts on the built environment range by region and                            This guide is a resource for local governments and design teams interested in pursuing the
precise project location, this resource presents a set of design principles, strategies and                    BC Energy Step Code.
practices intended to reduce the risk of two significant climate-related issues:

due to higher average

                                                                          H M
                                                                           IG U
temperature and increases in

                                                                             H RB
extreme temperature events

(such as heat waves)
                                                         M M
                                                          ID UR
                                                            -R B

Indoor air quality issues
due to an increase in wildfire
events (as well as more
localized sources of air

The information is intended primarily for Part 3 High-Rise   For those pursuing the BC Energy Step Code, the   LOCAL GOVERNMENTS                                            DESIGN TEAMS
and Mid-Rise Multi-Unit Residential Buildings (MURB)         supplement is intended to complement the rest
                                                                                                               Planners, urban designers, and other members of              Developers, architects, mechanical and building envelope
in British Columbia, and is most relevant for buildings      of the BC Energy Step Code Design Guide and
                                                                                                               local government staff can play a role in supporting         engineers, and energy modellers all have a role to play in the
constructed in Climate Zones 4 and 5. However, several       should be referenced alongside it. However, the
                                                                                                               resilient buildings by encouraging the submission of         design of safe, comfortable, and resilient buildings. Design teams
of the strategies will also be useful and applicable to      guide will serve as a useful resource for those
                                                                                                               applications that indicate how climate change adaptation     that explore strategies to improve building resilience early on
projects located in higher climate zones and to Part 9       working outside of British Columbia as well.
                                                                                                               strategies have been incorporated into building design.      in the design process can more successfully identify ways to
MURB. While the information contained in this guide is                                                         Local governments can use this guide as a means of           harness efficiencies and reduce overall costs. Teams should use
relevant mainly to new buildings, many strategies can                                                          understanding and promoting resilient building strategies.   this resource in conjunction with the rest of the BC Energy Step
also be applied to renovations of existing buildings.                                                                                                                       Code Design Guide to explore different design strategies for their
                                                                                                                                                                            potential to simultaneously improve energy efficiency, reduce
                                                                                                                                                                            GHG emissions, and improve overall building resilience.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                WHY AND WHO?             06
BC Energy Step Code Design Guide Supplement S3 on Overheating and Air Quality - June 2019 - BC Housing


Risk and Resilience
in Building Design

02.0    Resilience in Building Design
        Designing for Comfort and Safety
02.1    What is Overheating?
02.2    What is Indoor Air Quality?
02.3    A Balancing Act

BC Energy Step Code Design Guide Supplement S3 on Overheating and Air Quality - June 2019 - BC Housing
BC ENERGY STEP CODE DESIGN GUIDE SUPPLEMENT S3 OVERHEATING AND AIR QUALITY                                                                                               RISK AND RESILIENCE IN BUILDING DESIGN SECTION S3-02.

Resilience in Building Design                                       Key Terms                               Designing for Comfort and Safety
                                                                    PASSIVE SURVIVABILITY is the
The idea of resilience refers to the ability of a                   extent of a building’s ability to
                                                                                                            Designing for the most vulnerable occupants of a building can be a way to ensure that all occupants
system (such as a building) to anticipate, absorb,                  maintain healthy, liveable conditions   remain comfortable and healthy. This approach should be used by carefully considering the building’s
                                                                    in the event of extended loss of
accommodate, or recover from the effects of an                      power or water, or in the event of
                                                                                                            expected occupancy, and identifying strategies that benefit all occupants.
event or stress in a timely and efficient manner.                   extraordinary heat waves, storms
                                                                    or other extreme events.                Resilient building design involves the need to maintain overall       For example, a highly resilient building can act as a refuge centre
The way in which a building adapts to an event
                                                                                                            health and well-being of all building occupants. Designed,            for a block or neighbourhood during extreme events by providing
(e.g. air quality advisory) or ongoing stress                       SHOCK is an acute natural or
                                                                                                            constructed, and managed thoughtfully, a resilient building can       access to communal spaces with power, cooling, and good
                                                                    human-made event or phenomenon
(e.g. elevated summer temperatures) depends                         threatening major loss of life,
                                                                                                            actually improve its core functions over the business-as-usual,       ventilation. Such centres can provide important resources during
                                                                                                            and offer a safer, more comfortable alternative for both its          a range of extreme events, from heat waves to extreme storms
on a number of factors, including its location,                     damage to assets and a building or
                                                                                                            occupants and the broader community.                                  and earthquakes.
                                                                    community's ability to function and
design, operations, and maintenance.                                provide basic services (e.g. heat
                                                                    wave, wildfire).

In general, a resilient building is one that is able to:            STRESS is a chronic (i.e. ongoing
                                                                    or cyclical) natural or human-made       1   Occupants with respiratory issues
 1                                                                  event or phenomenon that renders
                                                                    a building or community less able to     2   Pregnant occupants and unborn children
Maintain critical operations and functions in the face of either
                                                                    function and provide basic services
an acute shock or chronic stress, and return to normal operations                                            3   Elderly occupants
                                                                    (e.g. increased temperatures).
in a fast and efficient manner, in order to maintain healthy,                                                                                                        2                                              3
liveable spaces for its occupants.
                                                                                                             4   Infants and young children
                                                                    THERMAL RESILIENCE is the
                                                                    ability of a building to achieve
 2                                                                  thermal comfort in the event of
Improve the overall health and well-being of its occupants          power outages by improving
through its design and operation.                                   weatherization and insulation,
                                                                    increasing air circulation, reducing
                                                                    solar gains through windows,
                                                                    increasing natural ventilation, and
                                                                    minimizing internal heat gains.
                                                                    VULNERABLE POPULATIONS
                                                                    are groups and communities
                                                                    at a higher risk for poor health
                                                                    as a result of the barriers they
                                                                    experience to social, economic,
                                                                    political and environmental
                                                                    resources, as well as limitations
                                                                    due to illness or disability. These
                                                                    include children, pregnant women,
                                                                    elderly people, people with low
                                                                    incomes, and people who are
                                                                    ill or immunocompromised.

                                                                                                                                                                                         A RESOURCE FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENTS                        08
BC Energy Step Code Design Guide Supplement S3 on Overheating and Air Quality - June 2019 - BC Housing
BC ENERGY STEP CODE DESIGN GUIDE SUPPLEMENT S3 OVERHEATING AND AIR QUALITY                                                                                                                                           RISK AND RESILIENCE IN BUILDING DESIGN SECTION S3-02.

02.1 What is Overheating?
Overheating occurs when a space becomes too warm for its occupants.
Prolonged or dangerously high temperatures can cause health risks, such as                                                                                                                                                                            TIA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  T EN RISK
heat stress, heatstroke, increased morbidity or even mortality, particularly in                                                                                                                                                                PO LTH
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    SS        HE
vulnerable populations. Indeed, exposure to indoor temperatures above 26°C                                                                                                                                              W




has been associated with increased premature mortality and emergency



medical services calls 2, 3.


                                                                                                                                                                                                              MA T


                                                                                                                                                                                                            ER OR

                                                                                                                                                                                                         TH MF

Overheating vs.                                                      Designing for                                                                                                                         CO

                                                                                                                                                                                      SS               DIS
Thermal Comfort                                                      Thermal Comfort                                                                                   LO

Related to the concept of overheating is                             While experiences of thermal comfort can vary,
thermal comfort, which is achieved when an                           ASHRAE Standard 55 – Thermal Environmental
occupant is satisfied with the temperature in                        Conditions for Human Occupancy is a                                                         LLY

                                                                                                                                                              MA LE
                                                                                                                                                            ER RTAB

a particular space. Individuals’ experience of                       research-based standard that outlines specific                                       H
                                                                                                                                                         T FO
                                                                                                                                            SS             M
thermal comfort is complex, highly subjective                        methodologies to predict and measure occupant                       LO             CO
and can depend on:                                                   thermal comfort for healthy adults.                     LO

    1 Individual characteristics                                     ASHRAE Standard 55 generally recommends
        (e.g. age, metabolic rate, size,                             occupied spaces to be designed to stay
        overall health, preference)

                                                                     below 24-25°C (dry bulb) in the winter and

    2 Behavioural factors                                            27-28°C (dry bulb) in the summer to prevent
        (e.g. whether a person is at rest,                           overheating. However, this can vary based on
        sitting, walking, or exercising)                             the intended use of the space, as well as other

                                                                     factors. For example, young children may not

    3 Cultural norms
        (e.g. type of attire worn)                                   be able to cope with higher temperatures.

    4 Physical considerations
        (e.g. air and radiant temperatures,
        air speed and relative humidity)
                                                                                                                       Comfort Today Can Be Discomfort Tomorrow
                                                                                                                       In 2009, British Columbia experienced a heat                        As temperatures continue to increase, so too             performance building envelopes can retain
While it may not pose health risks for everyone,                                                                       wave that contributed to an additional 110                          will the likelihood and magnitude of overheating         more heat in the summer.
                                                                                                                       overheating-related deaths per week 4.                              in our buildings. Spaces that are designed to be
the experience of thermal discomfort                                                                                                                                                       comfortable today are likely to become                   Overall, designers will need to provide an
can impact quality of life.                                                                                            Globally, the five hottest years have all occurred                  uncomfortable under future climate conditions            adequate source of cooling using both passive
                                                                                                                       since that year 5, and even warmer temperatures                     if care isn’t taken to consider increasing               and active building strategies to maintain the
For instance, occupants may not be able to use building spaces as they were designed to (e.g. a bedroom                are anticipated in the future.                                      temperatures. Energy efficient buildings can be          comfort and livability of our buildings.
may be too warm to sleep in). Occupants may leave a building altogether if it becomes uncomfortably                                                                                        especially at risk of overheating, as higher
hot, interrupting their ability to live and work normally.

    https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/23328940.2018.1456257                                                                                                                                                                                             WHAT IS OVERHEATING?          09
BC Energy Step Code Design Guide Supplement S3 on Overheating and Air Quality - June 2019 - BC Housing
BC ENERGY STEP CODE DESIGN GUIDE SUPPLEMENT S3 OVERHEATING AND AIR QUALITY                                                                                                                             RISK AND RESILIENCE IN BUILDING DESIGN SECTION S3-02.

Factors Involved in Overheating                                                                                                                                                                              Limiting Overheating

Overheating can be caused by a combination of physical, behavioural and climatic factors.                                                                                                                    Both the BC Energy Step Code (BCESC) and the
                                                                                                                                                                                                             City of Vancouver Zero Emissions Building Plan
                                                                                                                                                                                                             (ZEBP) set limits for overheating.
                                                                                                                                                                                                             For spaces that do not use any mechanical cooling,
                                                                                                                                                                                                             temperatures cannot exceed “80% acceptability limits” for
                                                                                                                                                                                                             more than 200 hours during the summer months. The 80%
                                                                                                                                                                                                             acceptability limit is a specific temperature during the summer
               5                                                                                                                                                                                             months at which overheating can be a concern, which varies
                                                                                                                                                                                                             depending on the building’s location. This limit is calculated
                                                                                                                                                         3                                                   using a methodology defined in ASHRAE Standard 55. A full
                                                                                                                                                                                                             definition can be found in the City of Vancouver Energy Modelling
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Guidelines v2.0. It is important to note that buildings that house
                                                                                                                                                                                                             vulnerable populations have a lower limit of 20 hours, but owners
                                                                                                                                                                                   32ºC                      and project teams may target a lower number to limit the risk of
                                                                                                                                                                               70%                  overheating for project type.
                                                                                                                                                                             % humidity
                                                                                                                                                                                                             For spaces that make use of mechanical cooling, design teams
                                                                                                                                                                                                             must demonstrate that each space will experience less than
                                                                                                                                                                                                             100 “unmet cooling hours” per year. Unmet cooling hours occur
                                7                                                                                                                                                                            when a cooling system is unable to achieve the desired indoor
                                                                                                                                                                                                             temperature. A full definition of unmet cooling hours can be
                                                                                                                                                                                                             found in NECB 2015 – Section Determination
                                                                          7                                                                                                                                  of Compliance.

                                                                                                                                                                                                             International Guidance
                                                                                                                                                                                           1                 The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers
                                                                                                                                                                                                             (CIBSE, similar to ASHRAE in the United Kingdom) provides tools
                                                                                                                                                                                                             to reduce the risk of overheating through Technical Memoranda
                                                                                                                                                                                                             TM52 and TM59. These set a 3% limit on the number of hours
                                                                                                                                                                                                             that a space’s indoor temperature can exceed the threshold
                                                                                                                                                                                                             comfort temperature by 1°C or more during the occupied hours
     1                               2                         3                           4                          5                            6                           7                             of a typical non-heating season. Overheating limits are also set
    Contextual or situational       High external             Internal heat gains         Internal heat gains from   High wall and roof           Absorption of heat by       Lack of adequate               for the severity of overheating on a given day (i.e. the number
    factors that prevent            temperatures and/or       via incoming solar          lighting, equipment,       insulation and/or            the buildings structure     ventilation that could         of hours), as well as an absolute maximum daily temperature
    occupants from opening          extreme humidity levels   radiation through the       occupants and occupant     building airtightness that   that create high surface    assist in cooling              for each room. For example, bedrooms cannot exceed an
    their windows (e.g.                                       building glazing            activities                 retain internal heat gains   temperatures                                               operative temperature of 26°C for >1% annual night-time
    noise, pollution, poor                                                                                                                                                                                   hours, between the hours of 22:00 and 07:00.
    outdoor air quality)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       LIMITING OVERHEATING               10
BC ENERGY STEP CODE DESIGN GUIDE SUPPLEMENT S3 OVERHEATING AND AIR QUALITY                                                                                                              RISK AND RESILIENCE IN BUILDING DESIGN SECTION S3-02.

02.2 What is Indoor Air Quality?                                                                       Factors Involved in Poor Indoor Air Quality

Indoor air quality is an important determinant of the health of building                                1                                                   2                                                  3
                                                                                                       Indoor sources of contaminants include cleaning     Outdoor sources of contaminants that vary          Outdoor sources of contaminants that affect entire
occupants and is affected by both indoor and outdoor factors.
                                                                                                       products, off-gassing from building materials and   depending on local context, and include traffic,   regions, including urban smog due to increased
                                                                                                       furnishings, cooking, and parkade exhaust, among    industry, construction, and hazmat emergencies     ground-level ozone, and wildfire smoke events
                                                                                                       others. High noise levels outside may also force    involving flammable or poisonous substances.       that will increase in frequency and severity with
BC Air Quality Projections                       Air Quality Standards                                 occupants to close their windows, increasing the                                                       climate change.
                                                                                                       risk of poor indoor air quality.
Climate change projections for BC include        The BC Building Code (BCBC) recognizes that
an increase in the number of wildfire smoke      outdoor air may not always be of an acceptable                                                                       TRAFFIC
events. This smoke contains a mixture of         quality for ventilating buildings unless certain                                                                                                                       WILDFIRE
fine particulate matter, carbon monoxide,        particles and gases are first removed or                        COOKING
nitrogen oxides, volatile organic compounds,     reduced. Code requirements for indoor air
and heavy metals. Studies also predict           quality are outlined in the BCBC and
increased levels of ozone in the summer          ASHRAE 62.1, and set minimum ventilation
                                                                                                                 CLEANING PRODUCTS
months. While ozone in the stratosphere          requirements to maintain CO2 concentrations
plays a beneficial role in offering protection   below a certain threshold.                                                                                           CONSTRUCTION
from the sun’s ultraviolet rays, ozone near
the ground contributes to the formation or       Developers interested in pursuing higher air                    MATERIAL OFF-GASSING

urban smog and is harmful to breathe.            quality standards can find examples in the                                                                           HAZMAT EMERGENCIES
                                                 Leadership in Energy and Environmental
Exposure to air contaminants have been           Design (LEED) standard and the WELL Building
linked to several short- and long-term           Standard™, both of which define thresholds for
health effects, including:                       various pollutants. These standards require
 •   Fatigue                                     verification to demonstrate compliance
 •   Headaches                                   with their set thresholds, and assess the
 •   Eye/nose/throat irritation                  effectiveness of ventilation systems to verify
 •   Impaired cognitive function/decline         that a sufficient level of ventilation is provided.
 •   Respiratory diseases
 •   Cardiovascular disease
 •   Diabetes and obesity
 •   Cancer

                                                                                                                                                                                                              WHAT IS INDOOR AIR QUALITY?                   11
BC ENERGY STEP CODE DESIGN GUIDE SUPPLEMENT S3 OVERHEATING AND AIR QUALITY                                                                                                                               RISK AND RESILIENCE IN BUILDING DESIGN SECTION S3-02.

02.3 A Balancing Act

Design strategies that minimize overheating and indoor air quality issues can                               1                                          2                                       3                                  4
impact a building’s chances of achieving the targets of either the BC Energy                               Exterior shading can be an                 Operable windows allow                  Low solar heat gain glazing        Mechanical cooling can eliminate any overheating
Step Code and/or the City of Vancouver’s Zero Emissions Building Plan. It is                               effective strategy for reducing risk       occupants to passively cool             can reduce the risk of             issues, but at the expense of increased energy use,
                                                                                                           of overheating. However, it can            their space. In some situations,        overheating. As with shading,      increasing TEUI. This can also help with indoor
therefore important to understand the relationship between these targets.                                  also block desired passive solar           this unfiltered air may have            however, this may also block       environmental quality since it can allow the occupant
                                                                                                           heating in winter if not carefully         an adverse effect on indoor            desired passive solar heating in   to keep windows closed, keeping both noise and
                                                                                                           designed, increasing TEDI.                 air quality.                            winter, increasing TEDI.           contaminated outdoor air out.
          Total Energy Use                                      Airtightness
          Intensity (TEUI)                                      (AT)
                                                                                                              Lower risk of                             Lower risk of                               Lower risk of                      Lower risk of                 Lower risk of
Passive cooling strategies, such as operable         Improved airtightness leads to better                   OVERHEATING                               OVERHEATING                                 OVERHEATING                        OVERHEATING                     POOR IAQ

windows, help to reduce a building’s TEUI.           TEDI performance and reduces the risk of
However, they can be unsuitable under                indoor air quality issues from outdoor sources.
conditions of poor exterior air quality, as they     A more airtight building envelope is highly                                  Higher                                 Higher risk of                              Higher                               Higher
                                                                                                                                   TEDI                                   POOR IAQ                                    TEDI                                 TEUI
let in unfiltered air. Using mechanical cooling to   effective in reducing winter heat loss. However,
keep a space comfortable in the summer can           a less airtight building will not help to dissipate
help to prevent poor outdoor air quality from        summer heat, making airtightness an important
entering the building, especially when some          consideration for all building designs.                                                                                                                                     THE RIGHT TOOLS FOR THE JOB
degree of filtration is added.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Proper evaluation of strategies such as exterior
                                                                                                           HEAT                                                                                                                  shading and operable windows can be complex
          Thermal Energy                                        City of Vancouver ZEBP                                                                                                                                           and require the use of powerful simulation tools.
          Demand Intensity                                      Greenhouse Gas Intensity                                                                                                                                         Ensure your team has the right tools to provide
          (TEDI)                                                (GHGI)                                                                                                                                                           good quality information for making decisions.

A high-performance building envelope will lead       Depending on the system that is used,                                                                                                         1
to better TEDI performance and can slow the          mechanical cooling can increase both the TEUI
movement of summer heat into the building.           and the GHGI of a building. Using heat pumps                                                                                         2
However, it can also lead to overheating issues      for both heating and cooling can reduce a                                                                                                                                   KEY TAKEAWAY
when internal gains are trapped inside during        building’s GHG emissions when compared to                                                                                  3
the summer months. Passive cooling strategies                                                                                                                                                                                    Consider the impacts of design strategies
                                                     a natural gas-based or lower-efficiency electric
designed to reduce overheating can also result                                                                                                                                                                                   used to achieve energy efficiency or emissions
                                                     heating system.
in an increase in a building’s overall TEDI in the                                                                                                                                                                               reductions on occupants’ thermal comfort and
winter by reducing passive solar gains.                                                                                                                                                                                          indoor air quality.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       A BALANCING ACT           12


Modelling for

a Future Climate

03.0    Modelling for a Future Climate
03.1    Understanding Weather Data
03.2    Performing a Future Climate Analysis

BC ENERGY STEP CODE DESIGN GUIDE SUPPLEMENT S3 OVERHEATING AND AIR QUALITY                                                                                                                                                                               MODELLING FOR A FUTURE CLIMATE SECTION S3-03.

03.0 Modelling for a Future Climate
One of the key ways that design teams can explore a building’s potential
for overheating is by using an energy model.
                                                                                                                                                                                                       A Common Example of Weather File Used in Energy Simulation

Energy models are used to assess the impact         Adopting an approach to energy modelling that
of a building’s design on occupants’ comfort by     takes future climate conditions into account can
simulating building performance using different     help design teams and owners make decisions
assumptions, including assumptions around           today that will last the life of the building. This is
the weather. However, standard approaches to        particularly important given that occupants will                                        600

energy modelling use weather files that are based   be using these buildings for the next 50 years,
on 30 years of historical data – in other words,    if not more.
the climate of the past. Since the climate has                                                                                              500
continued to warm and change, these weather

                                                                                                             Annual Hours at Temperature*
files are unable to accurately represent current
conditions, let alone future conditions.

03.1 Understanding Weather Data                                                                                                             300

To model for a future climate,                      Design Data represent peak conditions for a
                                                    location and are used for sizing mechanical                                             200
energy modellers need future                        heating and cooling equipment. These data
                                                                                                                                                     BCBC 1%                                                                                                                                    BCBC 2.5%
climatic data. These data come in                   are provided in the National Building Code, BC                                                   Heating Design                                                                                                                             Cooling Design

different formats, and often have                   Building Code and Vancouver Building Bylaw.

different intended uses.                            Design data use near-worst case winter and
                                                    summer temperatures, which are based on
                                                    weather observations collected from 1981 to                                              0
Energy Simulation Weather Files are used in
                                                    2006 by the Atmospheric Environment Service
energy models to help simulate the performance                                                                                                    -10 -9   -8   -7   -6   -5   -4   -3   -2   -1   0    1   2   3   4   5   6     7   8   9   10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
                                                    at Environment Canada.
of a building over the course of a year.

                                                     • For summer, mechanical cooling systems                                                                                                                                   Outdoor Air Temperature °C
Canadian Weather Year for Energy Calculation
                                                       are typically designed to the July 2.5%
(CWEC) files are used to represent a “typical”
                                                       temperature – in other words, only 2.5%
year of weather data. These files are generated
                                                       hours per year are expected to increase                                                    * Typical Number of Hours Based on 30 Years of Historical
by Environment Canada for a specific location
                                                       above this temperature.                                                                    Weather Data (1984 -2014) Published in CWEC 2016.
based on 30 years of historical weather data
                                                     • For winter, heating equipment is typically
using the most typical results for each month                                                                                                     An energy simulation weather file will contain temperature
                                                       designed to the January 1% temperature –
of the year. The original CWEC files used data                                                                                                    data for all 8760 hours of the year for a given location, while
                                                       in other words, only 1% hours per year are                                                 design data only represent the hottest and coldest conditions
from 1959 to 1989, but were updated in 2016
                                                       expected to go below this temperature.                                                     for mechanical equipment sizing.
to reflect 1984 through 2014.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Modelling for a Future Climate                     14
BC ENERGY STEP CODE DESIGN GUIDE SUPPLEMENT S3 OVERHEATING AND AIR QUALITY                                                                                                                                                       MODELLING FOR A FUTURE CLIMATE SECTION S3-03.

03.2 Performing a Future Climate Analysis
Design teams can conduct future climate analysis
using available data on future weather projections
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Sources of Future
and climate scenarios. Running multiple time                                                                                                                                                                                                 Weather Files
periods and climate scenarios can help to give
                                                                                                  6                                                                                                                 RCP 8.5                  CLIMATEDATA.CA
owners and design teams a better understanding of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Launched by the Government of Canada in
the potential impact of different design decisions.                                                                                                                                                                                          July 2019, this site allows users to search
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             for climate data by location, view interactive
Weather file projections are most often developed for the 2020s,                                                                                                                                                                             climate data maps with detailed time series

                                                                        Temperature Change (°C)
2050s and 2080s.                                                                                                                                                                                                                             graphs, and download datasets.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    RCP 4.5

Climate scenarios are usually presented using three possible futures,                                                                                                                                                                        WEATHERSHIFT.COM
or “Representative Concentration Pathways” that indicate the                                                                                                                                                        RCP 2.6
                                                                                                  2                                                                                                                                          This site provides simple future weather
degree of climate change severity that we are likely to experience:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             projections for major Canadian cities and
                                                                                                       PCDS                                                                                                                                  allows weather files to be uploaded and
 • The Best-Case Scenario (RCP 2.6) assumes that we will
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             translated into future scenarios for a fee.
   drastically reduce our GHG emissions and begin to remove
   existing GHGs from the atmosphere.                                                             0                                                                                                                                          PACIFIC CLIMATE IMPACTS CONSORTIUM

 • The Stabilization Scenario (RCP 4.5) assumes that all                                                                                                                                                                                     PCIC is a leading organization researching
   countries will undertake measures to mitigate emissions                                                                                                                                                                                   climate change and its impact to Canada’s
   simultaneously and effectively.                                                                                                                                                                                                           western regions. Their website provides access
                                                                                                  -2                                                                                                                                         to a variety of practical tools and sources of
 • The Worst-Case Scenario (RCP 8.5) assumes that we                                                                                                                                                                                         climate information.
   will experience high population growth and relatively slow income                                   1950                                  2000                                  2050                                   2100
   growth with modest rates of technological change and
   energy intensity improvements.
                                                                                                   Adapted from Figure SPM.7a from "Summary for Policymakers” by Climate Change 2013: The Physical Science Basis.
                                                                                                   Lighter colour bands represent the range of potential temperature increases within a single scenario.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             KEY TAKEAWAY

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Even with ongoing efforts to reduce our carbon
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             emissions, changes in climate to 2050 are
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             guaranteed due to the inertia in the climate
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             system. At a minimum, building designers
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             should consider a 2050 climate scenario of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             RCP 8.5. Even if the climate begins to stabilize
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             before 2050, this will improve resilience for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             the lifespan of the building.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Performing a Future Climate Analysis                    15
BC ENERGY STEP CODE DESIGN GUIDE SUPPLEMENT S3 OVERHEATING AND AIR QUALITY                                                                                                                                                                           MODELLING FOR A FUTURE CLIMATE SECTION S3-03.

Case Study: A Future Climate Analysis for a Mixed-Use Residential Building

A climate weather analysis was completed on a mixed-use residential and clinic facility in Vancouver to better understand the design strategies a specific project might need to reduce overheating. The analysis
compared the risk of overheating using CWEC 2016 data to the risk that might occur in 2050.

The study explored operable windows as a way of reducing the total number of                                  To explore additional methods of passively cooling the building, a second analysis                                   The results of these modelling exercises show that adding some form of
overheating hours. Under a CWEC 2016 climate, the model showed that operable                                  explored the effectiveness of shading for the hottest rooms in the building.                                         mechanical cooling will be necessary to avoid overheating in the 2050s.
windows reduce overheating hours from 2271 to 29, making them a good
passive cooling strategy.                                                                                     The study found that for these rooms, peak indoor temperatures can coincide with                                     However, the addition of mechanical cooling in this analysis cause a spike in the
                                                                                                              peak outdoor temperatures, and not the peak intensity of incoming solar gains. As                                    building’s Total Energy Use Intensity (TEUI). This means that the project’s design
However, the warmer temperatures of the 2050s make operable windows far                                       such, adding shading will not be sufficient in preventing overheating. As peak outdoor                               team will have to incorporate additional energy saving features in order to meet
less effective, pushing overheating hours above the BC Energy Step Code’s                                     summer temperatures in the 2050s near 34°C, indoor temperatures in these suites                                      both its TEUI and overheating targets.
allowable limit of 200 hours for the general population, and 20 hours for vulnerable                          will exceed the target indoor temperature of 28°C set by ASHRAE 55.
populations. The results of this study show that additional strategies are
necessary to cool the building.

                                                   Average Suite Summer Overheating Hours                                         Level 6 SW Corner Suite Indoor and Outdoor Temperature                                                                       Energy End Use Intensiy Breakdown
                                                        Operable versus Fixed Windows                                                       and Solar Radiation; July 23, 2050s                                                                               Highlighting Cooling and Heat Rejection

                                         3500                                                                         36                                                                      1000
Average Suite Summer Overheating Hours

                                                                                      3075 hours                      34                                                                      900

                                                                                                                                                                                                      Global Radiation (W/m2)
                                         3000                                                                                                                                                 800
                                                                         2271 hours                                                                                                                                                                             4 kWh/m²                     16 kWh/m²
                                                                                                   Temperature (°C)                                                                           700                                        100
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Project                       CWEC2016                     2050
                                                                                                                      30                                                                      600                                              Blended                       Project                      Project
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Blended                      Blended

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         80    116 kWh/m²
                                         2000                                                                         28                                                                      500                                                                            114 kWh/m²                   122 kWh/m²

                                                                                                                      26                                                                      400                                        60
                                                                                                                                                                                              300                                                             110 kWh/m²                    106 kWh/m²
                                                                                                                      24                                                                                                                         TEUI                           TEUI                            TEUI
                                         1000                                                                                                                                                 200                                        40     TARGET                         PASSES                           FAILS
                                                                                                                      22                                                                      100
                                         500                                                                                                                                                                                             20
                                                           239 hours                                                  20                                                                          0
                                                29 hours
                                          0                                                                                12AM      4AM        8AM         12PM            4PM   8PM      12PM                                           0
                                                 Operable windows           Fixed windows                                                                                                                                                                              CWEC2016                        2050
                                                                                                                                                  Outdoor Temperature (°C)                                                                                         Clinic Cooling Only      Clinic & Residential Cooling

                                                               CWEC16     2050                                                                    Indoor Temperature (°C)
                                                                                                                                                  Global Solar Radiation (W/m2)                                                                          Project Blended TEUI Target       All Other End Uses
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Cooling & Related End Uses        Blended Results

METRIC: BCESC Overheating Hours                                                                               METRIC: Peak Temperature in Southwest Suite                                                                          METRIC: BCESC TEUI
PROJECT TARGET: < 200 hours, per BCESC                                                                        PROJECT TARGET: < 28°C, per ASHRAE 55                                                                                PROJECT TARGET: 116 kWh/m2
CWEC 2016 RESULT: 29 hours                                                                                    2050S RESULT: 34°C                                                                                                   2016 RESULT (NO COOLING): 114 kWh/m2
2050 RESULT: 239 hours                                                                                                                                                                                                             2050 RESULT (WITH COOLING): 122 kWh/m2

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Performing a Future Climate Analysis                              16


Key Design

04.0    Key Design Strategies
04.1    Passively Cool the Building
04.2    Use Shading to Block Solar Heat Gains
04.3    Cooling via Natural Ventilation
04.4    Couple Passive Cooling with Active Approaches
04.5    Add a Source of Cooling
04.6    Filter the Air
04.7    Include a Refuge Area into Building Design


04.0 Key Design Strategies                                                                                                                          +


This section presents details on the key design strategies


necessary to mitigate air quality and overheating issues in

MURB.                                                                                                                                              10

High-Rise MURB                                                                           6

In this guide, High-Rise MURB refers to multi-unit residential buildings of six                                                                     8
storeys or higher, often designed and built using concrete construction techniques.

Such buildings usually consist of one to two storeys of commercial space at grade,                                                                  8


with up to several dozen setback storeys of residential units above. Exclusively

residential high-rise MURBs often include common areas (e.g. lobbies) and shared-                                                                   7
use facilities (e.g. gyms and common rooms), alongside or in addition to ground-
level suites.                                                                                                                                       6

Mid-Rise MURB                                                                                                                                       5

Mid-Rise MURB refers to multi-unit residential buildings of three to six storeys, and    1
designed and built using wood-frame construction techniques. Mid-rise MURBs
can be configured with a concrete first storey and wood construction above. Mid-                                                                    3
rise MURBs can be residential only, or else host small businesses in the first and
second storeys.                                                                                                                                     2

Key Design Strategies
The strategies presented in this section represent some of the most effective
strategies to reduce the risk of indoor air quality and overheating issues that can
be applied in BC's Climate Zones 4 and 5. Lower Mainland (Climate Zone 4).                                                                          1
However, site conditions, the owners’ performance requirements, and many other
factors will affect what strategies are most appropriate for a given project. As such,
designers should consider a variety of strategies to determine the best response
to meet their specific needs.

                                                                                                                                        Key Design Strategies   18
BC ENERGY STEP CODE DESIGN GUIDE SUPPLEMENT S3 OVERHEATING AND AIR QUALITY                                                                                                                                                                    KEY DESIGN STRATEGIES SECTION S3-04.

04.1 Passively Cool the Building
The use of passive cooling strategies is an important way to either reduce or remove heat from a space without increasing the building’s overall energy use.

Some passive strategies can be applied across an entire building’s design and should be considered in early stages of the design process for greatest impact, while others (such as adding vegetation)
can be added later on. Additional details on using passive design to increase energy efficiency can be found in the main body of the BC Energy Step Code Design Guide.

Building Shape and Massing                                                                       Building Orientation
A simple shape and compact massing can help reduce heat losses in the winter. However, complex   While a building’s orientation is often determined by the site’s size, shape and general constraints,
massing may provide better access to passive cooling strategies, such as operable windows and    orientation can be optimized to balance energy performance and overheating.
self-shading from solar gains. Designers should explore means of maximizing building energy
efficiency through shape and massing, while considering the potential benefits of a particular   Building orientation should maximize the south and north facades and minimize the east and west
geometry to mitigate overheating.                                                                facades. Windows and effective shading can then be optimized on south and north facades to
                                                                                                 maximize solar gains for “free heating” in the winter, while blocking gains in the summer.



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                                                                                                                                                            nte nte

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                                                                                                                                                n                                                            n
                                                                                                                                           Su                                                           Su
                                                                                                                                      er                                                           er




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                                                                                                                                                    it y
                                                                                                                                  m                                                            m
                                                                                                                              Sum                                                          Sum                 th



                                                                                                                                         u n Pa                                                        u n Pa

                                                                                                                                      r S un                                                        r SSun

                                                                                                                                  mteer S                                                         e

                                                                                                                                m                                                            mimnte


                                                                                                                              SuWin                                                        SuW
                                                                                                                                             Pa                                                             Pa
                                                                                                                                        S un                                                           S un
                                                                                                                                    ter                                                           ter
                                                                                                                                Win                                                          W in


                                                                                                                                                                                                                             n sit n sit
                                                                                                                                                                n sit n sit
                                                                                                                   N                                                                   N
                                                                                                                              30º                                                30º

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        nte nte
                                                                                                                                                           nte nte


                                                                                                                                                                                                                      +I h+I
                                                                                                                                                         +I h+I
                                                                                                                   N                                                                   N
                                                                                                                              30º                                                30º

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                                                                                                                                                            it y



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                                                                                                                                                  ns ens
                                                                                                                                                n                                                            n
                                                                                                                                           Su                                                           Su
                                                                                                                                      er                                                           er




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                                                                                                                                  m                                                            m
                                                                                                                              Sum                                                          Sum                 th



                                                                                                                                          u n Pa                                                       u n Pa
                                                                                                                                                                                                    r SSun

                                                                                                                                       r S un

                                                                                                                                  mteer S

                                                                                                                                m                                                            mimnte

                                                                                                                              SuWin                h   +                                   SuW
                                                                                                                                                at                                                          Pa
                                                                                                                                           u nP                                                          un
                                                                                                                                         S                                                             S
                                                                                                                                    t er                                                          ter
                                                                                                                                Win                                                          W in

BC ENERGY STEP CODE DESIGN GUIDE SUPPLEMENT S3 OVERHEATING AND AIR QUALITY                                                                                                                                 KEY DESIGN STRATEGIES SECTION S3-04.

Thermal Mass                                                                                                                              Window Design
Thermal mass refers to a material’s ability to absorb and store heat. Buildings with high thermal mass can absorb and store heat during   Lower window-to-wall ratios can reduce solar gains in the summer while also reducing heating energy requirements
the day when temperatures are high, reducing cooling energy requirements. This heat is then released at night when temperatures are       in the winter. To maximize control over heat gains, south and north facades should have higher window-to-wall ratios
cooler, and can be removed using passive strategies such as operable window or vents.                                                     than on the east and west facades.

                                                                                                                                          While higher U-values help reduce winter heat losses, they can also retain heat in the summer, and should be used in
                                                                                                                                          combination with other passive cooling strategies.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                More than
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                50% WWR

                                                                                                                                                                                                                KEY TAKEAWAY

                                                                                                                                                                                                                Consider building-level passive cooling
                                                                                                                                                                                                                strategies early on in the design process
                                                                                                                                                                                                                to minimize overheating in passively-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                cooled buildings, and reduce overall energy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                consumption in mechanically-cooled buildings.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                Passively Cool the Building                20
BC ENERGY STEP CODE DESIGN GUIDE SUPPLEMENT S3 OVERHEATING AND AIR QUALITY                                                                                                                                  KEY DESIGN STRATEGIES SECTION S3-04.

Cool Roofs
Roofs that are designed to reflect solar gains can help reduce the amount of heat let into the space,    CASE STUDIES
partiuclarly in buildings that have a higher roof-to-floor area ratio. Designers should consider using
reflective materials and colours, proper insulation (to reduce downward heat transfer), and green           The Impact of Orientation on Overheating
roofs with planted materials that absorb solar radiation. Cool roofs have the added benefit of
                                                                                                            Credit: BC Housing and Horizon North Manufacturing
reducing local heat island effect and reducing the overheating potential for both the building and
its surrounding neighbourhood.
                                                                                                         To assess the impact of a building’s orientation on overheating,
                                                                                                         Focal Engineering modelled a modular housing building in Burnaby,
                                                                                                         BC. The model assumed a 24% window-to-wall ratio (WWR) and
                                                                                                         operable windows for passive cooling. The project was targeting
                                                                                                         Step 3 of the BC Energy Step Code and so was required to meet
                   SOLAR         OUTDOOR AIR
                   RADIATION     TEMPERATURE                                                             a TEDI target of 30 kWh/m2/year. It also could not exceed 200
                                 37ºC                                                                    overheating hours per year.

                                                                                                         The case study focused on a corner suite located on the top floor
                                                                                                         and explored the impact of two orientations on overheating.
                                                                                                          • Run 1: West-facing suite
                                  RE LAR                                     RE LAR
                                                                               FL                         • Run 2: South-facing suite
                                       EC                                    50   EC
                                     %   TION                                    % ION
   OU AT T
     TS O                                                                                                The results of the exercise showed that the west-facing suite
                    80                                                                         TO
                                                                                             AT E
                                                                                                         (Run 1) experienced excessive overheating and a total of
                       R EM

                        O P


                                                                                          HE TSID
                          O E

    ILD TO
                           F R

                                                                                                         247 overheating hours. In this scenario, additional cooling
                                                                 R EM
                            S A

                                                                  O P
                             U T


                                                                    O E
                              R U

                                                                     F R
                               FA R

                                                                      S A
                                 C E

                                                                                             AT G
                                                                       U T

                                                                        R U

                                                                                          HEILDIN        or design modifications would be required to achieve the
                                                                         FA R
                                                                           C E

                                                                                                         project’s targets.

                                                                                                         In contrast, the south-facing suite (Run 2) achieved a lower
                                                                                                         overall risk of overheating at 156 overheating hours.

                                                                                                                                                                              Run 1: West-facing suite                 Run 2: South-facing suite
                                                                                                         Overall, the study demonstrates the importance of evaluating
                                                                                                         all of BC Energy Step Code targets early on in the design process
                                                                                                         when decisions such as orientation can still be impacted, to
                                                                                                         ensure both occupant comfort and code compliance.

                                                                                                         ADDITIONAL RESOURCES

                                                                                                         Building Shape & Massing, Building Orientation,      Building Massing, Windows Design: BC Energy     Cool Roofs: Mitigating New York City’s Heat
                                                                                                         Thermal Mass & Window Design: Vancouver              Step Code Design Guide                          Island with Urban Forestry, Living Roofs and
                                                                                                         Passive Design Toolkit, July 2009                                                                    Light Surfaces, October 2006

                                                                                                                                                                                                               Passively Cool the Building                   21
BC ENERGY STEP CODE DESIGN GUIDE SUPPLEMENT S3 OVERHEATING AND AIR QUALITY                                                                                                       KEY DESIGN STRATEGIES SECTION S3-04.

04.2 Use Shading to Block Solar Heat Gains
Incoming solar radiation, or solar gains, are a major contributor to overheating. Designs have to manage solar gains carefully to make sure that unwanted solar gains are minimized while ensuring that the
building can still harness useful solar gains in the winter for passive heating. A key way to achieve this balance is to use different shading strategies for each façade and for different spaces within the building.


Exterior Window Shades
Exterior shades are the most effective at passive                                                                           MI HIG
                                                                                                                              D-R H-
cooling, as they prevent solar gains from entering the                                                                           ISE AND
                                                                                                                                    MU                                                                                            %01
space entirely. Designers can consider multiple types of                                                                               RB                                                                                         dettimsnarT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ygrenE raloS

exterior window shading.                                                                                                                                                                                       taeH raloS latoT
                                                                                                                                                                                                               tneiciffeoC niaG

                                                                                  PERFORATED SCREENS                                                                SEMI-TRANSPARENT SHADES
FIXED SHADES can block direct radiation from the sun in                                                                                                                                                                           noissimE

                                                                                  mounted outside of a window or on                                                 can be used to block solar gains
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  debrosbA fo
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ygrenE raloS
the summer while allowing passive heating in the winter.
                                                                                  a balcony can effectively block solar                                             while allowing a view through to
                                                                                  gains, but will also reduce passive                                               the outside.
OPERABLE SHADING can be adjusted as needed,                                       heating potential in the winter and
either manually or automatically.                                                 will obstruct some of the view.

 • Manually-operated shades give occupants more control,
   but rely on occupants to be present in order to be effective.
 • Automatically-controlled shades are more reliable in
   preventing unwanted solar gains, but reduce occupants’
   control over their space and are more expensive to install
   and maintain.

While interior window shades are often used, they are less
effective as they allow solar gains to enter into the space,
causing the shades themselves to absorb heat.                                     VERTICAL SHADES                                                                   HORIZONTAL OVERHANGS
                                                                                  can be effective on any orientation;                                              are best on the south façade as
                                                                                  however, they will reduce passive                                                 they block high angle summer sun
                                                                                  heating in the winter.                                                            while allowing low angle passive
                                                                                                                                                                    solar heating in winter.

                                                                                                                                                                     Use Shading to Block Solar Heat Gains                  22
BC ENERGY STEP CODE DESIGN GUIDE SUPPLEMENT S3 OVERHEATING AND AIR QUALITY                                                                                                KEY DESIGN STRATEGIES SECTION S3-04.

Vegetation                                                                                                                                  Solar Heat Gain Coefficient
Exterior shading can be achieved by strategically selected                                                                                  Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC) is an important element in glazing selection
and designed vegetation. In the summer, deciduous trees and                                                                                 and can be optimized for each façade of a building. Selecting glazing with an
other foliage can provide shade to windows while allowing solar                                                                             appropriate SHGC means finding the right balance between preventing overheating
gains to enter in the winter. Designers should consider the height                                                                          and reducing a building’s thermal energy demand.
of the vegetation (both current and future) and its distance from
the building.                                                                                                                               A SHGC of 0.4 means that 40% of the solar heat gains that land on the outside
                                                                                                                                            window surface enter into the space. A low SHGC reduces the risk of overheating.
While vegetation can effectively shade all building orientations,                                                                           However, a SHGC lower than 0.28 starts to impact Visible Light Transmittance
it will require maintenance and will increase the building’s water                                                                          (VLT), which can make spaces darker and require additional lighting energy —
usage, which will have more of an environmental impact as the                                                                               adding more internal gains (heat) to the space. Conversely, a high SHGC allows
climate warms and more locations experience droughts It is                                                                                  more solar radiation to pass through the glazing, which reduces the building’s
recommended that drought-resistant, indigenous species be                                                                                   need for heating energy but can increase the risk of overheating.
considered wherever possible, with the possible addition of
grey and/or rainwater capture.

                                                                     SUMMER SOUTH/WEST FACING FACADE   SUMMER (South/West Facing Facade)                                                           WINTER (South/West Facing Facade)

                                                                                                                                                           OUTDOOR                  INDOOR


                                                                                                                                            100%                                                      40%
                                                                                                                                            Solar Energy                                          Transmitted
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Solar Energy

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Total Solar
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Heat Gain

                                                                                                                                            Reflected                                             Emission of
                                                                                                                                            Solar Energy                                Absorbed Solar Energy

                          SUMMER (South/West Facing Facade)          WINTER SOUTH/WEST FACING FACADE    WINTER (South/West Facing Facade)

                                                                                                                                                               Use Shading to Block Solar Heat Gains                    23
BC ENERGY STEP CODE DESIGN GUIDE SUPPLEMENT S3 OVERHEATING AND AIR QUALITY                                                                                                                                           KEY DESIGN STRATEGIES SECTION S3-04.

Window Coatings                                    Electrochromic Glazing                                 Shading Strategies Comparison
                                                   Electrochromic glazing technology allows for
Window coatings, such as low-emissivity
                                                   automatic or manual control of a glazing tint
coatings, reduce the amount of radiation
                                                   and solar heat gain properties. These products
transferred through windows while allowing                                                                                        Fixed        Manual      Automatic    Vegetation   SHGC        Window
                                                   have a similar effect to exterior automatically
light to pass through.                                                                                                            External     Shades      Shades                    Selection   Coatings
                                                   controlled operable shades.                                                    Shades



                                                                                                          No additional
                                                                                                          maintenance required

                                                OU                                                        Controllability

                                                                                                          No increase in need                                                             *
                                                                                                          for indoor lighting

                                                                              IND                                                                                                         *
                                                                                 OO                       Glare control                                                                                              CASE STUDIES

                                                                                                          LEGEND          Good       Better   * Some SHGC reductions may impact visible light transmittance             Shading in Vancouver’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Olympic Village
2                                                                                                   3
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Several of the Olympic Village’s buildings
Low-emissivity window                                                         Low-emissivity window                                                                                                                  feature diverse shading strategies. Of note are
coating on second surface                                                    coating on third surface
helps reflect summer heat                                                    helps reflect winter heat                                                                                                               the automatically controlled shades that are
to the outside, reducing                                                         back into the interior                                                                                                              mechanically raised and lowered in response to
solar gains in warmer                                                        space, helping to reduce
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     measured incoming solar gains. This strategy helps
months, helping reduce                                                         heat loss during colder
cooling costs.                                                                   months and thereby                                                                                                                  to block solar heat gains when they are greatest,
                                                                                                              KEY TAKEAWAY
                                                                              reducing heating costs.                                                                                                                and avoids relying on occupants to remember to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     lower them. Shades are also semi-transparent so
                                                                                                               • Install a reflective, cool roof to reflect heat away from the building
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     occupants can still enjoy an unobstructed view to
                                                                                                               • Maximize glazing on the south façade and shade it appropriately to harness
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     False Creek and downtown.
                                                                                                                 solar gains when they’re wanted, while keeping east and west glazing low
                                                                                                               • Select glazing with a low U-value and a SHGC that balances the need to prevent
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Top The Brook at False Creek, Vancouver, BC
                                                                                                                 overheating (i.e. a low SHGC) with the need for free heating (i.e. a higher SHGC)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Bottom Semi-transparent shades from inside suite

                                             Visible light passes
                                             through into indoor

                                                                                                                                                                                                              Use Shading to Block Solar Heat Gains                     24

04.3 Cooling via Natural Ventilation
Once other passive design                      CONTROL                                                POSITION
                                               Automatic controls can be programmed in                The vertical position of openable windows and
strategies have been explored, the
                                               common areas to open windows and/or vents              vents should be considered to mitigate the risk
risk of overheating can be reduced             based on a schedule or sensed input. Manual            of unintended access on the lower floors or fall
even further by removing heat                  window controls should come with instructions          hazards on the upper floors.
                                               for occupants on when to open or close
gains from inside a building using             windows to maximize the potential of natural           SIZE
methods of natural ventilation.                ventilation and cooling.                               The size a window, the depth of its opening,
                                                                                                      and any restrictions on how far they can open
                                               OUTSIDE CONDITIONS                                     should all take Code requirements and safety
Natural ventilation is the process             Occupants will be less likely to open windows          concerns considerations into account. Small
of increasing the flow of outdoor              if exterior conditions are unfavourable, such as       operable windows or vents that are restricted
                                               noise, poor air quality (e.g. noise, smoke, dust       may be ineffective in providing natural
air into a space through openings              or smells) or uncomfortable conditions (high           ventilation and cooling.
in the building envelope, such as              temperatures or humidity).
windows. Using natural ventilation
                                               OPERATION AT NIGHT
help reduce a building’s reliance              Nighttime ventilation allows buildings to be
on mechanical systems to provide               passively pre-cooled in preparation for the next
                                               day. Openings and vents should be designed
cooling and help occupants achieve
                                               to restrict access by people or animals where
thermal comfort for most of the                necessary, and located away from sources of
                                               allergens and pollutants.
                                                                                                      Key issues to keep in
year. Many occupants also like                                                                        mind when designing for
being able to open a window to                 EFFICIENCY
                                                                                                      operable windows:
adjust their indoor environment.               Operable windows often have a higher                    • Indoor and outdoor air temperatures
                                               (worse) U-value than fixed windows and can                will be similar when windows are open,
                                               decrease building airtightness. Designers                 which can cause thermal comfort issues
The most effective way to achieve natural      should look for windows with lower overall                at higher temperatures, particularly as the
ventilation is through the use of operable     U-values, consider the effectiveness of the               climate warms.
windows or vents in the building envelope.     window seal, and look for a multi-point
There are several aspects that need to be      locking mechanism to ensure airtightness.               • Air quality can become a concern when using
considered to ensure that they are as                                                                    operable windows for cooling, since the air
effective as possible.                         LOCATION                                                  isn’t filtered before entering the room.
                                               The location of the residential unit, elevation
                                               and height, will impact the size of opening             • Building occupants may be less likely to
                                               required, especially if only single-sided                 open their windows if they are located in
                                               ventilation. Wind pressure will have a greater            a noisy area, reducing the effectiveness
                                               impact as height increases and external gains             of the strategy.
                                               can vary across a single elevation due to
                                               shading from neighbouring buildings.

                                                                                                  Cooling via Natural Ventilation                 25

                 CASE STUDIES

acility in BC’s Lower Mainland was modelled to explore the impact of
                The Impact of Operable Windows
ating. As its original design resulted in 2,788 Overheating hours (far
                BC Housing and Nanaimo Affordable Housing Society
 ade and modelled to see if they made a difference.
                 A concrete and wood frame affordable senior housing facility was modelled to
southwest facing
           explore thewindows.         This
                        impact of operable      resulted
                                            windows           in a noticeable
                                                      on the building’s                   reduction in
                                                                        potential for overheating.

 s.        As its original design resulted in 2,788 overheating hours (far above the
                 200-hour target), two passive cooling strategies were modelled to see if they
                 made a difference.
dows were included into the analysis. Windows were assumed to be
            First, horizontal and vertical shades were added to several southeast and
o open them),       when room temperatures exceeded 23C, and when the
            southwest facing windows. This resulted in a noticeable reduction in thermal
eratures. This   resulted
            discomfort,  down toin   a significant
                                  1,864                   reduction
                                         overheating hours.To              inoverheating,
                                                              further reduce  overheating, down
                 operable windows were then included. Windows were assumed to be open
                 between 6am-10pm (when occupants are awake to open them), when room
                 temperatures exceeded 23°C, and when the outside air temperature was lower
                 than indoor air temperatures. This resulted in a significant reduction in
                 overheating, down to only 162 overheating hours.

                                                                                                         Above Low Hammond Rowe Architects (LHRA)

                                                                                                                                                    Cooling via Natural Ventilation   26
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