Wind Energy Potential - in Mexico's Northern Border States May 2012
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RE-Energizing the Border: Renewable Energy, Green Jobs and Border Infrastructure Project Wind Energy Potential in Mexico’s Northern Border States May 2012 Duncan Wood Department of International Affairs, Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México Senior Advisor, Mexico Institute Renewable Energy Initiative Samantha Lozano Medecigo Department of International Affairs, Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México Omar Romero-Hernandez Center for Responsible Business, Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley Sergio Romero-Hernandez Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations, Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México Contact details: Mexico Institute
Mexico Institute This report is part of a series of four papers that explore the potential of renewable energy projects in the U.S.-Mexico border region. The project was made possible by generous support from the Council of State Governments-WEST and USAID. The writing of this report also owes much to the support given to a number of the authors by the Asociación Mexicana de Cultura A.C. and the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México. The Mexico Institute and the authors are grateful for the support of these organizations, but neither they nor the Woodrow Wilson Center are responsible for the content, views, or data contained in the reports, which exclusively represent the views of their authors. The authors would like to thank Chris Wilson, Miguel Salgado and Estefania Ortiz for their support and assistance during this project. We acknowledge the faith put in us by Andrew Selee. Thanks are also due to Diana Murray Watts for her assistance in editing the reports. May 2012 Mexico Institute Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars one Woodrow Wilson Plaza 1300 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20004-3027
Wind Energy Potential in Mexico’s Northern Border States Wind energy on the border — a model for maximum benefit Duncan Wood, Samantha Lozano, Omar Romero & Sergio Romero Introduction (the Programa de Obras e Inversiones del Since the early 1990s, Mexico’s wind Sector Eléctrico or POISE), which posits energy sector has gone through a dramatic the construction of as much as 1,500 transformation. From a few experimental megawatts of wind power for public service. wind energy projects designed to either All of these developments place Mexico show the potential for electricity generation firmly in the forefront of wind generation or to provide very small-scale production in Latin America (although at the moment for off-grid communities, by 2012 large- it is second to Brazil in terms of installed scale generation projects were either in capacity), and wind power has been seen by development or operation in a number of both the government and the private sector states in the country, with over 1,000 MW as a lucrative economic sector. installed capacity throughout the country Most electricity experts are familiar and a further 2,000 MW in construction. with wind energy projects that have been The change in the wind energy sector developed in the southern state of Oaxaca. since 2006 has been remarkable, with a more There, the wind currents that cross the than 600% rise in installed capacity during the Isthmus of Tehuantepec were mapped presidential mandate of Felipe Calderón. 2012 in the 1990s and 2000s (with financial witnessed Mexican installed wind capacity and technical assistance from USAID), exceeding 1,000 MW for the first time, and encouraging the private sector to invest in it is predicted that in 2012 alone, according the construction of wind farms that generate to Secretary of Energy Jordy Herrera, around electricity for sale to private clients or to the 650 MW of capacity are due to come online, CFE. The development of the wind industry with four Oaxacan projects (La Venta III and in Oaxaca began in the 1990s but is only Oaxaca I, II, III & IV) leading the way. now approaching its real potential. By the In addition to the development of wind end of 2012, wind-based installed capacity parks in Oaxaca, the Comisión Reguladora in the state will reach around 1,500 MW. de Energía (CRE) has issued permits for This is only a small percentage, however, wind plants in Baja California, Tamaulipas, of the nation’s potential in wind energy. A Nuevo León, San Luis Potosí, Veracruz, recent Mexican government study estimated and Chiapas, bringing the total number of that around 71 thousand megawatts of wind wind power generation permits issued to 30 energy could be produced nation-wide, across the country. exceeding current national demand by 40%.1 The Mexican Federal Electricity Although the Oaxacan experience has Commission (Comisión Federal de been highly successful in terms of rapidly Electricidad or CFE) has published its developing the resource, it has become strategic infrastructure investment plan a source of significant criticism on the 1
RE-Energizing the Border: Renewable Energy, Green Jobs and Border Infrastructure Project grounds of unfair and unequal treatment wind to maximize benefits for government, of local landholders, a failure to share business and society. benefits with the local communities, and Our analysis focuses on three main for causing social conflict. For example, axes. First, we examine the potential for wind companies typically share only 1% creating economic benefits in border states of their profits with local communities from wind energy development, with in Oaxaca, compared with around 5% in particular attention paid to employment developed countries. Increasingly, Oaxaca and infrastructure. Second, we examine the is seen as a textbook case for how not to potential for the creation of clusters and the develop wind power in politically and development of human capital. Last, we look socially fragile areas. at the implications for social participation This paper evaluates the potential and the distribution of benefits. for developing wind power on Mexico’s northern border, and in so doing examines ways to avoid such mistakes as have plagued How wind the Oaxacan wind sector. The paper looks at generates jobs the prospects for wind energy development The wind energy sector has led the recent across the border region, with a particular worldwide revolution in renewable energies. emphasis on the states of Baja California With massive investment in the sector and Tamaulipas, and argues that a model is in China, the United States and Europe, emerging whereby wind power generation global installed capacity in wind energy involves both public and private sector has grown from just over 24,000 MW in partners who are harnessing the potential of 2001 to 239,000 MW by the end of 2011, an Figure 1: Distribution of job creation from wind energy 1% .3% .7% 3% 9% ■ Wind turbines manufacturing (37%) 11% 37% ■ Component manufacturing (22%) ■ Wind farm development (16%) ■ Installation, operation and maintenance (11%) ■ IPP/Utilities (9%) ■ Consultants (3%) ■ R&D Universities (1%) 16% ■ Financial (.3%) ■ Others (.7%) 22% Source: EWEA, “Wind and Work: Wind Energy and Job Creation in the EU,” Euopean Wind Energy Association, 2009, 2
Wind Energy Potential in Mexico’s Northern Border States almost ten-fold increase in a decade. In part, employment point to the creation of 6 jobs this has been driven by fears over climate per year per MW of installed capacity in change, but the most significant factors the manufacturing of turbines. This would have been declining costs and the prospect suggest that well over a million job years have of subsidies from governments anxious to been created worldwide by the wind boom, promote the use of renewable energies. just in manufacturing. Another estimate This prodigious rise in installed capacity of the importance of wind energy, from the in wind has created benefits beyond just European Wind Energy Association, also reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. highlights the importance of the turbine Wind power has been hailed as a major manufacturing industry in wind energy job source of so-called “green jobs,” and has been creation, but goes further and shows the full credited with creating more jobs per unit of distribution of employment in the sector. energy than traditional hydrocarbon-based Component manufacturing is the second electricity generation industries. Employment highest factor in job creation, suggesting that is created not only in the construction, societies can derive long-term employment operation and management of wind facilities, benefits from wind, far beyond the initial but, more importantly, in the manufacturing phase of construction. of wind turbines. All of the world’s major wind markets have been attracted by the prospect of this kind of employment Wind energy in Mexico creation, as manufacturing jobs are seen During the administration of President as being high quality, well-paid positions. Felipe Calderón, the installed capacity of Estimates of the importance of wind sector wind power in Mexico has expanded by Figure 2: Installed wind capacity in Mexico 1000 800 Capacity (MW) 600 400 200 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Source: The Wind Power: wind turbines and wind farms database, en_36_mexico.php. 3
RE-Energizing the Border: Renewable Energy, Green Jobs and Border Infrastructure Project over 600%. As noted above, the growth Servicio Público de Energía Eléctrica (LSPEE) of the wind sector during the Calderón is generally seen as being the most important administration reflects the high quality of factor in driving private participation in the resource as well as the interest of the Mexico’s electricity system, and in facilitating private sector to invest in renewable energy a greater role for wind energy in the nation’s sources. But it has also been made possible energy matrix. Under the LSPEE, the CFE’s thanks to the existence of a legal framework Constitutional monopoly on electricity that has encouraged the private sector to generation for public service is interpreted to become involved in electricity generation, exclude five areas: traditionally an area reserved for the state in Mexico. ■■ Electricity generation for self-supply Under the Mexican Constitution, the State purposes, cogeneration or small has exclusivity over generation, transmission, scale production (
Wind Energy Potential in Mexico’s Northern Border States Table 1). Between 1992 and 1997, installed established the dominance of the state electricity generation capacity in the hands in the electricity sector, the LAERFTE of private enterprise more than doubled promoted the use of renewable energies in from 3,380 MW to 6,902 MW. Mexico through two main initiatives: The LSPEE authorizes co-generation for private companies with authorization for ■■ A National Strategy for the Energy connection to the national grid coming from Transition and Sustainable Use the Comisión Reguladora de Energía (CRE). of Energy (Estrategia Nacional The regulation considers various modalities para la Transición Energética y el in this regard: Aprovechamiento Sustentable de la Energía), which aims at improving ■■ Interconnection contracts energy efficiency and diversifying for intermittent renewable the energy matrix; and, energy sources (CIEI) ■■ The Special Program for the Use ■■ Interconnection contracts for of Renewable Energy (El Programa small-scale solar projects Especial para el Aprovechamiento ■■ Interconnection contracts for de las Energias Renovables), which self-supply arrangements for aims to produce new public policies governmental entities in the areas and to provide means to ■■ Purchasing contracts for small promote renewables. producers (CCPP) ■■ Purchasing agreements for Within this package of policies was electricity surpluses the creation of a new fund for the energy transition, the Fondo para la Transición Transmission service Energética y el Aprovechamiento agreements Sustentable de la Energía. Comprised of Self-supply contracts involving local an annual total of 3 billion pesos, this fund and state governments are given a lower attracted enormous interest when it was transmission charge for energy from first announced. However, the Federal renewable, rather than traditional, sources. Government has used the fund for energy This helps to greatly improve the economics savings and energy efficiency programs of self-supply for municipalities and state- rather than promoting renewable energy level governments in particular. use, and has failed to meet its annual Of more direct relevance to renewable contribution since 2010. energies, Mexico implemented the In terms of economic incentives or Proyecto de Energías Renovables a Gran subsidies for renewable energy development, Escala (PERGE) in 2007, which provided Mexico lags far behind European countries limited economic incentives for renewable or the United States. However, thanks to a energy projects over 100 MW. Mexico modification of the tax laws made in 2004, further improved the legal environment companies that invest in renewable energies for renewable energy with the 2008 Ley can deduct up to 100% of the money spent para el Aprovechamiento de las Energías on machinery and equipment during the Renovables y el Financiamiento de la first year of operation. The law stipulates Transición Energética (LAERFTE). Despite that the project remains in operation for at the fact that this new law once again least five years. 5
RE-Energizing the Border: Renewable Energy, Green Jobs and Border Infrastructure Project These legislative developments, ■■ Baja California Sur however, were not solely responsible for ■■ Quintana Roo and Yucatán the rise in wind energy capacity. Instead, it was the conjunction of several factors that As should be obvious from this list, brought about Mexico’s wind boom in the there was a clear focus on the potential 2000s: improved technologies, falling costs, of northern Mexican border states in the increased interest in renewable energies new mapping exercise. This reflected the due to rising awareness of climate change growing awareness in the United States as well as financing opportunities through (and, to a lesser extent, in Mexico) that international carbon credit schemes, there was an emerging market for exporting and most importantly the mapping of wind power to the Californian electricity Mexico’s wind patterns in key areas of market as that state moved toward a the country, such as Oaxaca. The 1995 renewable portfolio standard (RPS), Mexico Wind Resource Mapping Project, requiring a minimum level of renewables in undertaken by the United States’ National the state’s electricity mix. The importance Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), led of this development has been discussed at to a deeper and more detailed evaluation length elsewhere, most recently in another of the resource in 2002, in which USAID, Wilson Center publication.2 NREL and a collection of U.S. and Mexican What is also clear, however, from a partners participated. Mexican government map showing areas The resulting 135-page Wind Energy with wind energy potential in the country, Resource Atlas of Oaxaca proved to be is that the areas that have thus far been the trigger for major interest in Oaxacan examined and evaluated constitute a tiny wind. As large private consumers, such percentage of the total. Mexico has a as WalMart, Bimbo, Cemex and Grupo truly world-class wind resource and holds Bal began to recognize both the cost the prospect of significant expansion of advantages and environmental benefits of capacity throughout the country if the right taking out self-supply contracts for wind conditions are met. power, investment flooded into the sector, Before moving on to focus on the led by foreign firms such as Gamesa and question of transmission, it is worth Acciona. In 2007, the Mexican government emphasizing the problems that have come set a target of 2,500 MW of installed wind out of the development of wind projects capacity by the end of 2012, a target that is in Oaxaca. In 2009 USAID published a now likely to be met by the end of 2013. report titled “Elementos para la Promoción Interest in Mexican wind did not de la Energía Eólica en México,” which just stay in the southwest of the country. focused heavily on Oaxaca but also covered Working again with its partner NREL, northern Baja California and the southeast USAID has funded mapping of the wind of the country.3 The report recognized the resource in a number of states: continuing obstacles to the development of the wind industry in Mexico, emphasizing ■■ Baja California Norte Border Region transmission, the lack of incentives or ■■ Western Chihuahua Border Region subsidies and social and environmental ■■ Northwestern Mexico Border Areas factors. The social dimension is of particular ■■ Eastern Sonora Border Region importance here. Between 2007 and 2010, ■■ Western Sonora Border Region more than 180 lawsuits have been filed in 6
Wind Energy Potential in Mexico’s Northern Border States Map 1: Areas with potential for wind energy generation in Mexico Red areas are actual plants. Blue areas have potential for development. Source: Secretaria de Energía website, Oaxaca against wind energy companies, Transmission: seeking to nullify contracts that are seen as the crucial element unfair.4 In one high profile case involving Around the world, the development of the EURUS consortium, the construction the wind energy sector has depended on of the wind farm was held up when 170 the availability and close proximity of campesinos blocked the entrance to the transmission lines. Unlike conventional site, demanding a three hundred percent sources of generating electricity, which can increase in the payments made by the be located close to population centers and wind company. The 2009 USAID report existing transmission lines, wind (as well recommended broadening the policy as solar and geothermal) plants must have process to incorporate civil society and transmission lines built to allow them to get universities in a more comprehensive their electrons to market. fashion. Furthermore, it insisted on the need Surveys of wind producers around to address the concerns of local landowners the world have shown that development is relating to land use and compensation. hindered more by transmission challenges 7
RE-Energizing the Border: Renewable Energy, Green Jobs and Border Infrastructure Project than any other single factor. In Mexico this across the border. Furthermore, only 5 of problem is made more severe by the fact these connections are bi-directional. In that the CFE has a constitutional monopoly Baja California, the Miguel-Tijuana and the over transmission and therefore there are Imperial Valley-Rosarita interconnections no other outlets for wind Independent (both 230kV AC) have a combined capacity Power Producers (IPPs) if CFE refuses of 800 MW, in Coahuila the Eagle Pass- to provide capacity. Moreover, CFE is Piedras Negras interconnection (138kV prohibited from using public funds to build HVDC) has a capacity of only 38 MW, and in new transmission capacity if the energy Tamaulipas the Laredo-Nuevo Laredo (138kV generators cannot prove that they are VFT) and McAllen-Reynosa (138kV HVDC) willing and ready to pay for the electrictity interconnections have a combined capacity of transmission service. On the other hand, 250 MW. These interconnections are maxed many electricity generators who want out and therefore cannot be considered to build plants cannot get the financing for future cross-border electricity trade. In they need unless they can prove that addition to these lines operated by CFE, there transmission capacity will exist by the time are two privately owned transmission lines of they come online. 310 MW (owned by Intergen) and 1200 MW In the case of Oaxaca, this problem has (owned by Sempra). been resolved through close cooperation The problem of cross-border between IPPs, the CFE and the CRE, which transmission has been identified in a number have developed an effective method of of previous reports on wind and renewable estimating future transmission demand energy in Mexico,5 and in 2010 the two through the use of open seasons. In an countries set up a task-force to address open season system, a period of time is the issue.6 Although this group has met a determined (often one year) during which number of times, there appears to be little electricity companies can indicate their momentum behind the initiative, with each intention to build new plants and their need side blaming the other for lack of progress. for transmission capacity. At the end of this time, the transmission authority (in this Wind at the border case the CFE) uses the results to justify its Since the mid-2000s, the governments of investment in constructing new lines. northern Mexican border states have begun For the state of Baja California, this to develop an awareness of the potential problem is made even more acute because for wind energy development in the region. there is no interconnection between This has been driven by a number of factors. the state and the national grid, making First, the high level of investment in wind export of electricity to private consumers energy projects in Oaxaca has demonstrated in other states impossible at the present to governments that the sector is a source of time. Mexico’s national grid is in fact three considerable wealth and economic benefits. grids, with Baja California Norte and Second, the growing awareness and detailed Baja California Sur each having their own knowledge of the potential for wind energy independent system. in the northern states has shown them A further level of difficulty is found that they have a resource that has thus far with cross-border transmission. A quick remained untapped. Third, developments survey of the above map shows that there are at the national level in terms of energy only a limited number of interconnections planning and the emphasis by the Calderón 8
Wind Energy Potential in Mexico’s Northern Border States Figure 3: Barriers to renewable energy development Source: USAID, “Estudio del Potencial de Exportación de Energía Eólica de México a los Estados Unidos,” 2009. Map 2: Mexico’s national grids Blue: 400 kV, Orange: 230 kV, Red: 116 kV, Green: 161 kV, 138 kV, and 34.6 kV Source: CFE, 9
RE-Energizing the Border: Renewable Energy, Green Jobs and Border Infrastructure Project administration on climate change and country. The north of the country offers an the question of mitigation have raised an intriguing prospect for two reasons: first, awareness of the environmental benefits of the geographic proximity to the United renewable energy. States, and second, its proximity to areas The northern states, as other studies that have traditionally been seen as the in this project have shown, are particularly industrial heartland of Mexico. Both well-endowed when it comes to renewable of these factors offer the potential energy, and wind is no exception. Of the for customers for electricity produced six border states, there are exploitable wind from wind. resources in Baja California, Chihuahua, One last point that merits mention here Nuevo León and Tamaulipas. The first is that the border states show not only some and the last of these stand out, with huge of the highest economic growth rates in the potential in the mountainous regions of the country, but also the highest rates of growth Sierra Juárez in Baja California, and in the of carbon gas emissions. A recent study by coastal and inland plains of Tamaulipas. the BECC/COCEF (Border Environment Graphic 1 shows this clearly. Although Cooperation Commission/Comisión de Oaxaca has been the first beneficiary of Cooperación Ecológica Fronteriza) showed the wind boom in Mexico, the future that the border states show a steady rise in development of the sector will likely be emissions and are responsible for 25% of in the northwest and northeast of the national emissions. Figure 4: Carbon gas emissions in Mexican border states (BECC/COCEF study) 250 Total by 2025=225.7 MTMCO2e ■ TM ■ NL ■ CO 200 ■ CH ■ SO ■ BC MMtCO2e 150 100 50 0 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 Source: BECC/COCEF, “Emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero en los seis estados fronterizos y proyecciones de casos de referencia 1990–2025,” 10
Wind Energy Potential in Mexico’s Northern Border States Chihuahua: of the wind boom in the United States NREL produced its first wind map of the by attracting investment into the wind state in 2004, which highlighted a number turbine manufacturing sector. Vientek, of areas showing potential for wind energy a joint venture between TPI Composites development. However, it is only since Inc. and Mitsubishi Power Systems (MPS), 2008 that the private sector has begun to manufactures blades for wind power units show interest in the resource. The area at its assembly plant in Ciudad Juárez. surrounding the city of Cuauhtémoc, From there it ships blades for the North 110km to the west of Ciudad Chihuahua, American and Japanese markets. The has been identified as a potential site for plant opened in 2002 and has been highly wind farm development by the state and has successful. In 2007, a second plant was attracted interest from Spanish, American opened in the city. The firm now employs and Korean firms. The potential at the site is 900 people in the two plants and continues considerable, and the Chihuahua Ministry to experience high levels of demand of Communications and Public Works as MPS has increased its wind turbine announced that the state was recently in manufacturing to 1200 MW/year. talks with a firm to install 10 MW of wind turbine capacity to generate electricity Coahuila: for public lighting. The rate at which the Although the state of Coahuila has electricity would be sold to the municipality no working wind energy projects, like would be lower than that charged by the Chihuahua it has benefited from the wind CFE, and excess electricity would be sold to energy boom in the form of manufacturing the public utility.7 jobs. In November 2009, Speco Wind At the same time, the Spanish Power, a Korean producer of towers for company Preneal Energías Alternativas wind turbines, opened a plant in the city has been exploring the possibilities of of Monclova, employing 450 people, with developing the wind resource in the plans to double that number in following desert of Samalayuca, where it has signed years. The investment totaled US$30 agreements with local landowners to rent million. 8 Since 2009, however, the plant 6,000 hectares of land with an eye to has diversified its manufacturing away installing wind turbines. The long-term from just wind towers to other heavy goal is to install over 850 turbines that will machinery, as demand has been slack for ultimately have a total installed capacity its product. of over 2,000 MW. As part of the land rental agreements, Preneal has committed to sharing 1.5% of the profits from wind Nuevo León: generation with the ejidatarios. It is worth The eastern area of Nuevo León shares the noting that this is significantly less than same wind resource as Tamaulipas, and the the norm in the United States and similar state government has begun to recognize to the rate paid to Oaxacan land owners. the potential therein. As early as 2002, the To date neither of these projects has private sector showed interest in the wind been brought to fruition, and Chihuahua patterns in Santa Catarina and Guadalupe lags behind states such as Baja California municipalities with the creation of Eólica and Tamaulipas. However, the state has Santa Catarina. The venture includes the been successful in taking advantage municipal authorities of Santa Catarina 11
RE-Energizing the Border: Renewable Energy, Green Jobs and Border Infrastructure Project and Guadalupe and the Mexican-U.S. firm announced that the government would Energy and Water Service Multinational begin a program to drive the development (ESM), which agreed to provide financing. of the wind sector in Nuevo León, hoping to To date, this project has not been realized, install as many as 250 turbines in the next but interest was revived in June 2011 with few years. Fernández Moreno predicted that the announcement that the firm Next investments totaling over US$2 billion Energy Mexico was preparing a $48 million would be required to bring this potential investment to install eight 2.6 MW turbines to market.11 (for a total of 22MW capacity) in the Santa Nuevo León is particularly intriguing Catarina area. The goal of this project because of the potential for cooperation is to provide electricity to the municipal in wind energy between the government authorities in Monterrey, Apodaca, and the industrial elites that dominate the Santa Catarina, Escobedo, García and economy in the region. Major Mexican firms Los Ramones.9 from Monterrey, such as Cemex, are already In January 2011, the state government heavily invested in wind energy self-supply announced the launch of a wind energy contracts from Oaxaca, and would be strong atlas, El Atlas de Potencial Eólico de Nuevo promoters of the resource in the center of León, which identified the areas with biggest Nuevo León. potential for development and put the overall potential of the state at around 11,000 MW. Tamaulipas: The two areas with biggest potential in the As can be seen from the Mexican state were identified as the municipalities government’s wind map, Tamaulipas of Hidalgo and Linares.10 Based on this has enormous potential for wind power study, the state’s director of sustainable development. However, it is only in recent development, Fernando Gutiérrez Moreno, years that the state government has Table 2: Wind energy projects in Tamaulipas Los Vergeles, San Fernando El Porvenir wind park, Wind turnbine (2012) Reynosa, (2013) manufacturing (Matamoros) ■■ 161 MW ■■ 54 MW, 156.4 GWh/yr. (72 ■■ CS Wind Corporation, ■■ Financing: US$ 328 million MW in 2nd stage) investing US $60 million in ■■ Eployment: 500 jobs in ■■ Financing: US $51 million production plant construction phase (2 yrs) ■■ 15 yr self-supply contracts ■■ For export to the U.S. market plus 60 permanent jobs ■■ According to the COCEF, El ■■ 700 new jobs in the next 4 ■■ 25% reduction in GG Porvenir will reduce carbon yrs: skilled labor — engineers ■■ Low cost electricty for emissions by 0,976 metric and technicians municipal authorities (5–10% tons of CO2 in first year savings) — used for hospitals, ■■ 20 km of new roads will be schools, public lighting, built to service the wind park public buildings. ■■ Construction will begin in March 2012, come into operation in March 2013. Source: Duncan Wood, “”Re-Energizing the Border,” presentation made to the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington, DC, December 14, 2011. 12
Wind Energy Potential in Mexico’s Northern Border States recognized this potential and has begun through 15 self-supply contracts to Soriana, to encourage investment in wind capacity. a major Mexican supermarket chain.13 At present, the center of the state’s wind The third major wind-related sector is to be found at Los Vergeles, a site development in the state involves the in the municipality of San Fernando (a opening of a $60 million manufacturing region notorious in recent years for high plant for towers and components for wind levels of drug violence), but there is cause for turbines, run by the CS Wind Corporation. optimism in other areas. Once again, as in both Chihuahua and Three projects stand out in the state. Coahuila, these turbines are for export to the The first, at Los Vergeles, involves the United States market, showing that Mexico construction of a 70 turbine, 161 MW is benefitting from the wind energy boom in wind facility that will provide electricity its northern neighbor while also highlighting to 43 municipalities. The electricity will be the fact that Mexico has the capacity to used to power public lighting, schools and produce turbines for its own national hospitals.12 The savings for public authorities market. The plant in Matamoros will employ will be substantial, and the sale of carbon up to 700 people as production increases.14 bonds will further lower the cost of the Beyond these existing projects, the electricity. It is estimated that the wind farm government of the state has announced that will employ 500 people for 2 years during there are now 40 projects and businesses the construction phase and will provide 60 interested in investing in wind power in the permanent jobs in the management and state. This claim is backed up by the recent operation of the facility. Though the project success of the CRE’s Temporada abierta, has been talked about for a number of years, or open season, for firms interested in groundbreaking took place in November reserving transmission capacity from the 2010 and the first turbines are expected to CFE in Tamaulipas. The season, launched in come online by the end of 2013. August of 2011, closed in March 2012 with The second project of importance a total interest amounting to 1900 MW. in Tamaulipas that is already in the Even if only a percentage of this interest construction phase is a smaller wind park comes to fruition, the state’s electricity in the north of the state, on the border with sector will be transformed. the United States. Construction began at the El Porvenir wind park in March 2012 Baja California: on communal farmland known as Ejido wind working for El Porvenir, just southeast of Reynosa, the community Tamaulipas. 54 MW of turbine capacity Because Baja California has yet to be will be installed. The facility is being run connected to the national electricity grid by Mexican company Compañía Eólica (the CFE claims that the interconnection, de Tamaulipas, S.A. de C.V. (CETSA), with a capacity of 300MW, will be completed which received a peso loan equivalent to in 2014), the state has an intriguing history US$51 million from the North American in terms of power generation. Geothermal Development Bank (NADBank) and power has been used to produce electricity the Border Environment Cooperation at the CFE’s Cerro Prieto plant for decades, Commission (BECC). This is the first wind in sufficient quantities to make the state facility financed by the NADBank in Mexico. independent in power generation and to The electricity from the plant will be sold allow for exports to California.15 The long- 13
RE-Energizing the Border: Renewable Energy, Green Jobs and Border Infrastructure Project Table 3: Potential areas for electricity generation from wind in Baja California Standard Station Mean (knots) Mean m/s Energy (W * M2) Deviation La Puerta 11.5 6.2 2.5 238.2 La Rumorosa 14.9 8 4.0 516.4 El Centinela 17.2 9.3 4.9 793.7 El Hongo 12 6.5 2.6 274 El Pinal 11.7 6.3 2.9 254.7 Jacume 15.5 8.3 3.7 518.6 Pino Suárez 20.2 10.9 4.5 1299.6 Source: Centro de Investigación Científica y de Educación Superior de Ensenada. (2003), “Zonas Potencialmente Productoras de Energía Eólica, en Baja California.” term importance of this renewable and clean a showcase of what could be possible for the source of energy is that it has helped to shape rest of the state. At the time, wind power was a way of thinking about energy policy (with still a novelty in the Mexican energy sector, an emphasis on innovation and renewables) in and the Baja California government’s decision the state that is unique in the country. was seen as a brave new departure. The The history of wind energy in the state state’s energy commissioner, David Muñoz of Baja California can be traced back to a Andrade, is now recognized throughout study carried out in 2003 by the Centro Mexico as being a champion of wind energy, de Investigación Científica y de Educación and his efforts were crucial in pushing Superior de Ensenada (CICESE), titled forward the development. In order to attract “Zonas potencialmente productoras de private investors into the region to build energía eléctrica eólica en Baja California.” wind farms, the state energy commission This study, based on information from took the initiative to build a small, 10 MW meteorological stations across the state, wind project at La Rumorosa. The plant was identified a number of locations as being designed to provide electricity for the city of particularly well-suited for wind energy Mexicali’s public lighting needs. development. Combined with the studies La Rumorosa is a small town in the carried out by USAID and NREL, the municipality of Tecate, bordering the United CICESE report provided a boost for wind States to the north, the municipalities of promoters in Baja, and helped to alert the Mexicali and Ensenada to the east, Tijuana state government to the potential. and Ensenada to the south, and Tijuana In 2008, the BC government of Governor to the west. It has a semi-desert climate, José Guadalupe Osuna Millán (2007–2013) mountainous and dry, wholly unfit for decided to use the development of the farming. The town lies on the Sierra Juárez, wind resource at La Rumorosa, only a few and the winds that gave the town its name kilometers from the U.S.-Mexico border, as are very strong, to the point of making 14
Wind Energy Potential in Mexico’s Northern Border States it difficult to walk for long distances. La that the training received by the local Rumorosa has a reputation as a place for the population will provide long-term benefits middle classes of Mexicali to escape to in for the community. Of greater importance the heat of the summer, but has few other is the fact that the employment of large economic opportunities. numbers of local people, as well as the The building of the La Rumorosa I wind creation of diverse business opportunities, plant was undertaken in 2009, and involved helped to convert the local community into a total investment of U.S. $26,191,715. The an important stakeholder in the project. project had a strong local component, with This aspect of the project, of ensuring the principal contractor and a number of that the local population accepted and subcontractors from the areas of Mexicali, welcomed the building of the wind farm, Tecate and Tijuana. The administration of was also assisted by a clear and open the entire project was awarded to Turbo communication strategy on the part of the Power Services, S.A. de C.V., a Mexicali- state government. By sharing data about based firm. A total of 90% of the human the project, establishing a transparent resources employed in the planning and procurement policy, and by involving the construction phases of the project came from local community at every stage of the the local area. The project employed 270 process, the project met with minimal people directly over a six-month period in the resistance and is a source of local pride. construction phase, including 7 engineers. One opportunity to create local Furthermore, the local community benefitted economic benefits was missed, however. The in other ways, with rising demand for services wind turbines that generate the electricity (food, lodging, etc.) during the construction had to be imported from the United States phase, as well as employment opportunities as Mexico did not have a viable option. Five in local mechanical and welding workshops 2 MW Gamesa G87/2000 wind turbines thanks to the maintenance needs of on-site (power 850 kW, diameter 52 m) were used equipment. In total, we can estimate that in the project to produce a total installed the project led to the creation of around capacity of 10 MW. As we have already 500 temporary jobs in the area. Three full- explained, the major employment benefits time permanent jobs were created in the from wind power (in terms of permanent management and running of the plant. In a jobs) are to be found in the manufacturing of town the size of La Rumorosa (its population the turbines, and Mexico has thus far failed is under 2,000 people), the temporary and to attract significant investment into this permanent employment footprint has had a sector, thereby missing out on high-quality, discernible impact on local welfare. permanent employment opportunities. The use of local contractors and Nonetheless, the long term benefits of La employees was a conscious decision of the Rumorosa I have been significant since the state government and Turbo Power Services. construction was completed and the plant A representative of the firm has stated that began generating electricity. The electricity “the economic impact is much stronger, produced is transmitted to the city of localized, and permanent in the locality, in Mexicali, where it is bought by the municipal comparison with the use of subcontractors authority and used to power 80% of the public and businesses located, or whose lighting in the city. Because of the low cost of headquarters are located, in other regions of the electricity (thanks in part to the excellent the country or abroad.”16 It is also claimed resource at La Rumorosa, and in part because 15
RE-Energizing the Border: Renewable Energy, Green Jobs and Border Infrastructure Project of the effective management of the project), Given the extreme temperatures in the the Mexicali government is able to save summer months, local families face the between 5–10% on what it would have had dilemma every year of whether to use their to pay to CFE for the same electricity. These air conditioning system or to save the money savings mean that the local authority, and for other necessities. The “Tu Energía” therefore the tax payer, saves money, which program is a “smart subsidy” that helps can then be used for other public services. 35,000 families to cover their costs without The fees paid to the state government for sacrificing comfort in their homes. What’s the provision of the service suffice to cover more, its focus on disadvantaged families is the costs of generation and the financing of a highly progressive aspect that has attracted the project, and still result in a surplus. This positive publicity for the program. surplus is taken by the state government and invested in a program called “Tu Energía.” Knowledge spillovers In this program, local families in Mexicali In addition to the development of human receive a subsidy on their electricity bills capital on-site at La Rumorosa, the through deposits to a discount card which government of the state has a vision of can be used to pay the CFE. 35,000 families building networks of expertise in wind in the city were selected based upon income power at the local and state levels. The levels and financial need. Approximately government plans to work alongside one third of the beneficiaries are households universities and other institutes of higher with a single mother, one third senior education to take advantage of the citizens, and third persons with disabilities. wind farm at La Rumorosa to develop Recipients are subject to a means test and undergraduate, graduate and diploma level the subsidies are transferred to the discount courses on renewable energies. In 2010, card in installments: in May of each year the the Universidad Tecnológica de Tijuana amount deposited to the card is 100 pesos; (UTT) and the Universidad Politécnica in June, 150 pesos; in July and August, de Baja California (UPBC) signed a 250 pesos; in September, 150 pesos; and collaboration agreement with the state in October, 100 pesos. These subsidies can energy commission, aimed at exchanging be accumulated and can be used to pay off knowledge and experience, promoting earlier debts with the CFE. academic course offerings and conferences, The logic behind the scheduling of the publishing of text books and other these payments is that, during the summer didactic materials, and the financing of months, electricity use in Mexicali rises research and training activities. Through this dramatically due to the need for air agreement courses on renewable energy will conditioning in homes. Because of the be jointly designed and taught, involving the CFE’s pricing system, whereby low level exchange of teaching staff and researchers. consumption is subsidized but higher levels A key component of these courses will be of electricity use result in much higher costs practical experience for the students. per unit of energy consumed, this higher In addition, in 2009 the Universidad consumption in the summer months has Autónoma de Baja California (UABC) traditionally resulted in a major financial announced the creation of a Center for burden for low-income Mexicali families. Renewable Energy Research (CIER). This There is a long history of social project seeks to bring together businesses, discontent in Mexicali over electricity bills. government and universities to produce 16
Wind Energy Potential in Mexico’s Northern Border States applied research, technological development Energía Sierra Juárez, at La Rumorosa, and innovation aimed at improving the to generate electricity for export to the international competitiveness of Mexican United States. This plant will involve the renewable energy firms. A central goal of the installation of 52 turbines, bringing further CIER is to produce highly qualified human employment and income in the form of resources and technology transfer for small rents for land use. Sempra has a 20-year and medium-sized enterprises involved in agreement to provide Southern California the renewable energy sector.17 Edison with up to 250 MW of wind power In 2012, the government of Baja from La Rumorosa18 that is expected to California also announced the creation of a generate enough energy to power 65,000 small training and public information center homes in California. The firm has long-term at the site of La Rumorosa I. This facility plans to expand the capacity of its plant and will allow university students to spend a has acquired access to almost half a million day on-site and observe first-hand how a acres in the region (mainly through leasing wind plant is managed. Technical data from arrangements), that will allow it to reach the plant will be available for analysis, and a maximum capacity of 1,200 MW if the students will be able to interact with staff at firm decides to fully develop the resource.19 the facility. Sempra will get the electricity to market via It is hoped that the combination of a cross-border transmission line built by these three initiatives, along with more the company that will connect with the San that will come in the future, will lead to Diego grid. the development of knowledge clusters The other major development that has in renewable energies in the state. By been announced at La Rumorosa involves encouraging collaboration between Mexico Wind Power, a subsidiary of Cannon universities and the private sector, and Wind Power, a United States firm. Cannon by offering the prospect of well-trained has announced that it will begin with a graduates to satisfy the demand for skilled first phase of the project installing 72 MW labor in the sector, the state hopes to build a capacity on 7.5sq km. However, the company reputation as a renewable energy hub. has declared that it has the potential to generate up to 1000 MW in the area. Thus Further developments far, the firm has signed a series of 60-year at La Rumorosa contracts with the local ejidos, guaranteeing The other long term benefits of the La access to prime land.20 Interestingly, the Rumorosa I project are to be found in its company has commented on the fact that status as an example of what can be achieved it is much easier to deal with the ejidos in through wind power. The Baja California Baja California than their counterparts in government has consistently argued that Oaxaca, suggesting that the attention has the success of the project will inspire been paid to the lessons of the Oaxacan private investors to take the leap and build experience. It also suggests that the local wind farms in the region that will result community has been convinced of the in the generation of clean electricity, green benefits from wind energy through the jobs, infrastructure and positive economic experience of the La Rumorosa I. spillovers for the local community. Other companies that have registered By 2011, Sempra had announced that it interest in the region include Fuerza Eólica would build a 156 MW wind plant, named and Unión Fenosa, both of which have 17
RE-Energizing the Border: Renewable Energy, Green Jobs and Border Infrastructure Project received approval from the CRE to develop insufficient, as there is still the question wind projects in La Rumorosa. It is estimated of how to move electrons generated at that there is potential for up to 5,000 La Rumorosa to the existing grid in the MW of installed capacity in the vicinity state. Sempra’s Energía Sierra Juárez has of La Rumorosa alone, with even greater circumvented this issue by proposing to possibilities for development throughout the build its own cross-border transmission Sierra Juárez mountain range. line to connect with the California grid. However, Cannon is currently struggling to The transmission find off-takers for its electricity because the obstacle transmission question within the state has A major difference between the Cannon not been resolved. and Sempra projects is that Cannon’s goal When the La Rumorosa I project was is to produce wind power for domestic completed, the plant hooked into a small, consumption within Mexico. The focus low-capacity local transmission line that on self-supply contracts suggests that the runs beside the project. The line looks prospect of Baja California’s interconnection alarmingly unstable and does not have the with the rest of the Mexican grid will prove capacity to take anymore electrons. Also a boon for wind power in the area. However, running near the project is a 230kv line that the existence of a connection between the connects Mexicali and Tijuana, but CFE did state and the rest of the country may prove not give permission to Turbo Power Services Map 3: Transmission options for Sempra Energía Sierra Juárez project Source: California Public Utilities Commission, “Overview of La Rumorosa Wind Options,” http://www.cpuc. 18
Wind Energy Potential in Mexico’s Northern Border States to link into that line, as it is already running of such an industry would provide at capacity. thousands of skilled jobs on a permanent This lack of transmission options basis for workers in the border states, and is a major obstacle for both domestic would enable equipment and component and export-oriented projects, but the manufacturers to develop economies of CRE has recently announced that it will scale and greater levels of efficiency that attempt to overcome the problem through would enable them to export to the rest of the launching of an “open season” for North America and beyond. transmission requests that will spur the State governments must take the lead in CFE into the construction of new lines. efforts to build the wind energy generation This approach has worked well in the business in the north. The governments United States and has already been used of Nuevo León and Tamaulipas highlight in Oaxaca (and is also being applied in this, but it is Baja California that must be Tamaulipas). It will, however, only solve considered to be a model for effective policy the problem of transmission of electricity implementation. There the construction and for domestic consumption. The problem operation of the La Rumorosa I plant has of large-scale cross-border transmission shown how wind energy can be exploited in remains a highly tricky and political such a way as to provide employment and one, as the bilateral working group on opportunities for local interests, improve the issue has thus far failed to make any the lives of inhabitants of the community, significant progress.21 incorporate the local population into the planning process, and share benefits on Conclusions and policy an ongoing basis with socially vulnerable recommendations groups. The potential for knowledge There can be little doubt that, as with spillovers and the creation of government- multiple areas of renewable energy, there business-university clusters should also be is enormous potential for wind energy in examined more closely, as the government Mexico’s northern border states. Both Baja of Baja California is attempting with the California and Tamaulipas have begun creation of university-level programs for to exploit the resource on a large scale, renewable energy. and Nuevo León has taken the first step However, state governments will not in this direction by mapping the state’s be able to move the process forward on wind patterns. The construction, operation their own. Due to the need to build new and management of wind farms hold transmission capacity to move the newly- the prospect of significant employment generated electrons to market, the CFE opportunities for the local population, and and the federal government (through the land owners (individually or collectively) Secretaría de Energía) will need to engage will benefit from rents and profit sharing with state governments and the private schemes. However, the examples of sector. The current move towards open Chihuahua, Coahuila and Tamaulipas seasons for transmission is a welcome show that there is also the potential for development, and has worked well in the building a Mexican wind turbine industry United States and in Oaxaca. Another to provide equipment and components important lesson to learn from the United for the coming wind boom in the border States would be for state governments to region. The building and consolidation work together through the concept of inter- 19
RE-Energizing the Border: Renewable Energy, Green Jobs and Border Infrastructure Project state compacts to push CFE to address transmission. Second, governments must their needs.22 work with local communities to guarantee Cross-border transmission continues the creation of stakeholders at at the local to be a major challenge. Although the two level who at the very least will not block countries have the institutional mechanism projects and at a maximum will lobby in place to address the problem, there has to make sure that they come to fruition. been little progress to date in the bilateral Governments must also take full advantage task force. State governments in Mexico of wind energy in the long-term by both and the United States should seek ways to building knowledge-based networks and pressure their federal governments to inject clusters and by attracting wind turbine new impetus into the process. The elections manufacturers into their territories. of 2012 provide an intriguing opportunity Mexico’s wind potential is huge. The for this to happen. northern border states are home to much of The maximization of benefit from this potential and must develop a strategic wind energy development in Mexico’s vision of how to best exploit the resource. northern states can only be achieved if a What is at stake is a long-term payoff in holistic approach is adopted. First, state terms of employment, investment and social governments must collaborate with each welfare that is probably more important other and with the federal government to than the potential impact in terms of develop a strategy for both generation and climate change mitigation. 20
Wind Energy Potential in Mexico’s Northern Border States About the Authors Omar Romero-Hernandez Professor Romero-Hernandez spends Duncan Wood most of his professional time lecturing, Duncan Wood is professor and director of researching and doing consultancy at both the International Relations Program Haas School of Business, University of and the Canadian Studies Program at California, Berkeley. He is a Chemical the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo Engineer with graduate studies in de México (ITAM) in Mexico City. He Economic Policy and Government leads the Renewable Energy Initiative at and a PhD in Process Economics and the Wilson Center’s Mexico Institute, Environmental Impact from Imperial is a member of the Mexican National College, London, UK. Omar has worked Research System (level 2), a member of for a diverse range of public and private the editorial board of Foreign Affairs organizations such as Procter & Gamble, Latinoamérica and has been an editorial PEMEX (Oil & Gas), Accenture, and the advisor to Reforma newspaper. In 2007, Ministry for the Environment and Natural he was a non‐resident Fulbright Fellow. Resources. In 2001, he was appointed as Between 2007 and 2009, he was technical Professor at ITAM, UC Berkeley Fulbright secretary of the Red Mexicana de Energía, Scholar (2009) and Energy Biosciences a group of experts in the area of energy Institute Researcher in 2010. He is a policy in Mexico. He is a Senior Associate National Researcher and author of three with the Simon Chair at the Center for books: Renewable Energy Technologies and Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) Policies, Industry and the Environment, in Washington D.C. His research focuses and Introduction to Engineering — on Mexican and Latin American energy An Industry perspective and several policy (including renewable energy), North international publications on engineering, American relations, banking supervision business and sustainable development. In and the political economy of international 2010 he was appointed leader of Mexico’s finance. He studied in the UK and Canada, Business Summit task force on Economic receiving his PhD in Political Studies from Growth and Low Carbon Emissions, which Queen’s University, Canada in 1996. delivers recommendations to the President. Samantha Lozano Medecigo Sergio Romero-Hernandez Samantha Lozano Medecigo holds a Professor Romero-Hernandez is a full time Licenciatura in International Relations lecturer and researcher in the Instituto from the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo Tecnológico Autónomo de México de México, in Mexico City. She has also (ITAM). He previously worked for The studied at the Institut d’Etudes Politiques Turbo Genset Company Ltd as a research in Aix en Provence, France. She has been and development engineer in charge of an editorial board member of the ITAM designing efficient cooling systems for high student International Relations Journal, Urbi speed electrical generators, using CFD et Orbi. At present she is studying a Master’s techniques. Romero-Hernandez contributed Degree in the United Kindgdom. chapters to two different textbooks in the 21
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