Deregulation in the Energy Sector and Its Economic Effects on the Power Sector: A Literature Review - MDPI

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Deregulation in the Energy Sector and Its Economic Effects on
the Power Sector: A Literature Review
Pablo David Necoechea-Porras *, Asunción López                        and Juan Carlos Salazar-Elena

                                          Department of Economic Structure and Development Economics, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM),
                                          28049 Madrid, Spain; (A.L.); (J.C.S.-E.)
                                          * Correspondence:

                                          Abstract: Energy reforms play an essential role in technological change as they aim to contribute to
                                          an open market: costs reduction, competitiveness, and technology development. This article seeks
                                          to assess the impact and effect of reforms on the energy sector. The article’s objective is to evaluate
                                          the process of deregulation policies and their micro and macroeconomic effects on the energy sector,
                                          and specifically on electricity, by analyzing literature related to electricity reforms. Further, the
                                          article intends to explore the impacts of deregulation on power pricing, power market, electricity
                                          accessibility, innovation, and competitiveness. Another objective of the article is to analyze the role
                                          played by various stakeholders in the deregulation policies, including the government, national
                                          entities like states, the private sector, and consumers. The article identified ways to improve the
                                          economic impacts of deregulation policies in the energy sector. After a systemic review of specialized
                                          articles regarding their theoretical approach, results showed a positive relationship between reform
                                          and innovation, competitiveness, opening-up of the market, technology, and price changes. Although
                                          deregulation measures aimed to reduce the consumers’ electricity cost, the changes in power prices
                                   were achievable only in the long-term and not in the short-term. Additionally, government regulators
Citation: Necoechea-Porras, P.D.;         and stakeholders participated in implementing various measures to ensure that deregulation achieved
López, A.; Salazar-Elena, J.C.            its primary objective of reducing power prices. Such efforts include developing divestiture policies
Deregulation in the Energy Sector         and implementing rate cuts.
and Its Economic Effects on the
Power Sector: A Literature Review.        Keywords: deregulation; energy; economy; power sector
Sustainability 2021, 13, 3429.

Academic Editor: John K. Kaldellis        1. Introduction
                                               Electricity industries in most countries have been government-controlled and government-
Received: 28 January 2021
Accepted: 8 March 2021
                                          regulated. According to Urpelainen [1], this has created vertically integrated utilities (VIUs),
Published: 19 March 2021
                                          which means that the government handles electricity from generation to transmission
                                          and later to the distribution channels. Historically, numerous regulations have been
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral
                                          implemented in the energy sector to foster competitiveness (availability of customers due
with regard to jurisdictional claims in
                                          to multiple companies operating in the business environment, which has a significant
published maps and institutional affil-   link with the well-being of the economy), ensure compliance with the set standards,
iations.                                  and increased regulation with various stakeholders in the sector. Regulations aim to
                                          positively impact the energy sector, aiming to transform the economy by creating more
                                          opportunities for private-company participation. On the other hand, deregulation refers
                                          to eliminating or substantially changing state-level policies in the industry, reducing
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors.
                                          government supervision and industry players’ control. Over the last three decades, national
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
                                          and regional governments have strived to implement deregulation in the energy sector,
This article is an open access article
                                          reduce prices of commodities like electricity and enhance competitiveness in the industry,
distributed under the terms and           and averting the challenges brought about by regulation [2].
conditions of the Creative Commons             Throughout this time, the impact of deregulation in the energy sector has been a
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://     matter of debate, as some studies have produced different results. Studies that have          supported deregulation have created more opportunities for potential investors, thereby
4.0/).                                    enhancing electricity’s competitiveness and affordability. Researchers who have argued

Sustainability 2021, 13, 3429.                        
Sustainability 2021, 13, 3429                                                                                            2 of 23

                                against deregulation have put forward various facts, including the lack of compensation
                                for utilities and business pursuits, that were undertaken during the regulation periods [3].
                                For instance, some companies invested funds in nuclear power plants and costly long-term
                                contracts in the oil, coal, and electricity sectors to believe that their investments were
                                secured by various regulations that existed at the time. However, after deregulation, the
                                investors feared that their investments would be in jeopardy [4].
                                      In general terms, the electricity industry has three main functions: generation, trans-
                                mission, and distribution of electric power [5]. Historically, a single firm, primarily a
                                government entity, was given the mandate to oversee all three functions: Historically, a
                                single firm, primarily a government entity, was provided to manage all three tasks for resi-
                                dential and business entities. However, industry players observed that the entity created
                                under the monopoly market has adversely affected the price of electric power, and quality
                                service, and competitiveness since consumers have limited options to select suppliers [6].
                                      As Rudnick [7] demonstrated, differing international electricity rates pushed some
                                regions to begin the process of deregulating the electricity industry to compete with
                                competitive prices and attract investment. For instance, regulations have fostered different
                                average electricity rates in the United States prices in the Northeast, which are higher than
                                50% of the national average, while the Midwest and Northwest rates are much below the
                                national average [8]. Deregulating the electricity sector has also been propelled by advances
                                in technology, which have eliminated the benefits traditionally attributed to large monopoly
                                suppliers and created an opportunity for smaller firms to compete. The regulation involves
                                various stakeholders who play an essential role in the economy, including government
                                entities, the private sector, market regulators, and consumers.
                                      Technology is a significant aspect of deregulation measures. It has played a significant
                                role in enhancing deregulation efforts. When the electricity industry drifts from being
                                a monopoly, entities operating in the sector could become more motivated to protect
                                their markets. One of the strategies utilized by entities is to embrace technology, thereby
                                improving customer satisfaction. For example, entities in the electricity industry have
                                adopted flexible, change-oriented computer systems. The adoption of new technologies
                                has impacted the economy, reducing operational and utility costs. The firms have also
                                developed enhanced tailored billing systems and real-time pricing of electric power. Some
                                companies have adopted Utility Translation Systems software to obtain consumption data
                                from massive power customers [9].
                                      Reforms have been pushed through, using different methods. For instance, since 1990,
                                most developed countries began to create reforms that focused on the market-oriented
                                power sector. For instance, according to some studies [10–12], reforms included total
                                privatization transfer of business entities or activities, from the public to private ownership
                                innovation (technology-based changes aimed at either changing or improving the delivery
                                of services to customers), restructuring some market regulations (business environment
                                whereby interested parties, like investors, can easily enter or leave the market), and re-
                                structuring electricity prices. Each of the scenarios had significant impacts on the adopting
                                countries, hence becoming case studies for other nations, adapting them to their context.
                                Market regulations as a method of energy reform are the most common approach globally,
                                as most countries, especially those still developing, create quasi-monitoring of service
                                quality [13].
                                      Privatization led to the widespread adoption of the Independent Power Project
                                (IPP) [14]. For instance, a study by Zhang [10] suggests that IPPs have resulted in over
                                40% of energy production in most countries. However, the study shows that privatiza-
                                tion of power distribution has become more challenging for both established and emerg-
                                ing economies. Rosillo-Calle [15] elucidate that most privatized firms experience high-
                                efficiency levels, and their performance is kept in check by the more efficient public utilities
                                due to the management of private services which have better governance as well as man-
                                agement practices, such as transparent financial reporting, meritocratic self-selection, and
                                modern I.T. systems. The notion of government has been one of the core models of political
Sustainability 2021, 13, 3429                                                                                           3 of 23

                                science, political geography, and public policy over the last two decades. Governance is an
                                ongoing pattern of social relations between actors that involve intentional interaction and
                                attempts to organize these interactions [16].
                                      Restructuring of the energy sector is another method utilized by most countries. Coun-
                                tries that utilize restructuring methods, such as India, tend to operate using vertically
                                integrated power utilities of the state, thus monopolizing the power market [17]. Other
                                countries use vertical and horizontal approaches, where various companies do the gen-
                                eration and supply of power. Completion is also used in other countries by introducing
                                wholesale power markets, enabling energy generators to sell the power to a wide range
                                of customers [18]. Nations that utilize competition as a reform strategy benefit from the
                                efficiency gained from efficient generation resource distribution; however, they need the
                                introduction of better incentives that ensure new capacity investment [14]. Other countries
                                do not find it easy to follow this approach due to the requirements to have structural,
                                financial, and regulatory preconditions for markets in the energy sector.
                                      Power sector reforms have resulted in several benefits to the economy of most nations.
                                According to Nagayama [18], power sector reforms successfully delivered low electricity
                                tariffs and increased private investments. On the other hand, Nair [11] asserts that gov-
                                ernance standards play a crucial part in reformulating the energy sector. Such reforms
                                have significant impacts on the selected parameters of the energy sector. According to
                                Ogunleye [19], national and regional structures vary widely, and the energy transitions
                                indicate complex systems, incumbent officeholders, and political dynamics. Policies have
                                been fundamental in the energy sector. For example, renewable energy has been supported
                                not only to complement energy matrices and manage environmental concerns in the devel-
                                opment and sustainability industry [20]. Sustainable development is becoming increasingly
                                relevant as a condition for human life, a foundation for successful human development. It
                                plays a key role when solving the social, economic, and environmental issues impacting
                                human and natural systems [21].
                                      The case of Nigeria’s energy reform reveals stakeholders’ significant participation
                                in the country’s regulatory, institutional, legislative, and fiscal aspects [19]. Following
                                the most recent reforms in the energy sector, the Mexican energy transition shows that
                                reforms play a crucial role in the success of energy security and climate change mitigation;
                                there is increasing evidence that climate change will strongly affect people worldwide [22].
                                The two contributions generated from the two reforms underscore the political economy
                                trade-offs that exist between short-term low electricity tariffs resulting from political and
                                economic benefits and the desire to attain a strong climate commitment [19].
                                      Other regions have used various forms of regulation and energy control. For instance,
                                in California, the government insisted on refraining from creating more energy production
                                plants and concentrating on creating platforms to increase renewable energy and put in
                                measures to conserve electricity [8]. The implications of such reforms indicate that a country
                                specialized in alternative forms of energy could meet its energy demands. According to
                                Orion [8], such approaches work where the state bodies produce sufficient energy to run
                                homes and industries. Most economies may find this approach difficult as it implies that
                                countries must approach energy production from several perspectives. It requires expertise,
                                sometimes resulting in outsourcing services from other countries.
                                      However, the economic effect of the deregulation of the energy sector on electricity
                                remains largely under-studied. For this reason, the current research involves a systematic
                                review aiming to analyze various research studies that have been developed to evaluate the
                                economic impact of deregulation policies in the energy sector and specifically on electricity.
                                Analysis methods are often chosen based on their appropriateness concerning a research
                                topic and theoretical framework [23]. To achieve the research aim, the objectives of the
                                research are the following:
                                •    To analyze the literature that is allied to the electricity reform;
                                •    To review the process of deregulation policies and their micro and macroeconomic
                                     impact on the energy sector and specifically on electricity;
Sustainability 2021, 13, 3429                                                                                          4 of 23

                                •    To explore the impacts of deregulation on power pricing, power market, electricity
                                     accessibility, innovation, and competitiveness;
                                •    To analyze various stakeholders’ role in the deregulation policies, including the gov-
                                     ernment, national entities like states, private sector, and consumers;
                                •    To identify ways to improve the economic impacts of deregulation policies in the
                                     energy sector.
                                     The study included a systematic review of 35 qualitative and quantitative articles.
                                Thereby, it accumulated sufficient evidence to support or reject the notion that deregulation
                                has transformed electricity’s affordability and accessibility. The main concepts, theories,
                                and results were critically analyzed under standardized effects that relied on evidence.
                                     The article has identified regulation impacts in the energy sector, as reported in the
                                studies, and its effects on electricity. The current review developed a new theory related to
                                the deregulation of electricity in terms of prices, innovation, and competitiveness through
                                systematic assessment and analysis of results obtained from various sources.
                                     This paper is divided into four sections: The Section 1 presents the introduction and
                                focus of invention. The Section 2 shows the methodology: study, search, and selection. As
                                well as the characterization of studies. The Section 3 presents results, including the main
                                findings on deregulation effects. Finally, the Section 4 presents conclusions.

                                Focus of Intervention
                                      A look at the global reforms in the energy sector reveals the use of both hybrid and
                                textbook reforms [1]. These two types of reforms have been in use for years and continue
                                to work in current reforms. Urpelainen [1] asserts that developing countries have mainly
                                considered the use of these reforms that lead to the adoption of the hybrid power sector
                                “while often eschewing privatization and liberalization of competition” [20]. Even though
                                the approaches differ from one country to another, the intended goals are usually similar.
                                They are controlled by the global demand for power, sectoral usage, and international
                                regulations on energy use and their effects on climate change and global warming.
                                      Different governments argue that their public enterprises are constructed to provide
                                the necessary power since electricity production and supply are a national responsibility.
                                They consider competition reforms to be both wasteful and dangerous to the country’s
                                economy. According to Zhang [12], this argument relies heavily on the idea that electricity
                                evolved from being a good that can only be used in mining, manufacturing, and heavy-
                                duty operations, the most crucial catalysts in the current economic growth. Such nations
                                claimed that power is too essential to be left in private suppliers’ hands, whose business
                                lies entirely in profit generation. Even the countries that allow privatization in the energy
                                sector make efforts to control the existing companies. Nations that consider government
                                monopoly as the best approach to improve service in the power arena also believe that
                                such strategies enhance the economy’s scale and scope.
                                      Nations that have implemented energy reforms to open the market to the private
                                sector set regulatory measures to ensure that companies take advantage of competitiveness
                                to transform the industry dynamic. Governments have also set energy regulatory commis-
                                sions that ensure that they maintain a range of product prices that comply with state laws.
                                However, according to Songvilay [24], in most energy reforms, governments have not set
                                essential measures such as constructing state-owned facilities to ensure that the country
                                remains powered even if the private firms fail in meeting energy demands.
                                      Historically hydrocarbon and carbon plants were unique sources in the energy produc-
                                tion sector. Over time, many other sources have emerged to meet the country’s demand and
                                export it to other consumer countries. New processes and operations occurred to manage
                                the energy sector to make it efficient. Technology has had several impacts on this process to
                                support energy sector reforms. The technologies currently used in the production of energy
                                have also resulted in the electricity cost (costs incurred by customers, either household
                                or companies, like connection charges) decreasing because of economies of scale, which
                                implies that “whatever inefficiencies existed in the state-controlled model of power could
Sustainability 2021, 13, 3429                                                                                             5 of 23

                                be obscured by declining total costs” [25]. The result of the reduction in energy prices led
                                to consumers expecting a decline. However, other countries did not immediately increase
                                their power production with improved technology despite technology development. Still,
                                they continued with the older methods, so the production method results vary from one
                                country to another. Most developed countries moved away from fossil fuels, used nuclear
                                energy, and are now adopting renewable energy. Whereas some developing countries
                                are still dependent on fossil fuels, others have moved to hydroelectric power generation
                                plants, but a few cases are fostering renewable energy [26]. Additionally, fossil fuels and
                                macroeconomic shocks that occurred in the 1970s and 1980s led to the formulation of other
                                significant policies, reforms, and investments in the energy sector to avoid national energy
                                operations and economic stability impacts [27].

                                2. Methodology: Study, Search, and Selection Criteria
                                      The following section explains how this research used inclusion and exclusion selec-
                                tion criteria. Throughout the elaboration process, reviewers provided important feedback to
                                enhance the results of the findings. A systematic and comprehensive search was conducted
                                to identify literature studies published between the years 1999 and 2021. Throughout
                                a first search, a total of 981 citations were obtained from seven international databases,
                                including Scopus, Google Scholar, WorldWideScience,, Education Resource
                                Information Centre, ResearchGate, and the Web of Science, WoS (in which Journal STORage
                                (JSTOR),, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), and
                                many other databases intersect). The search criteria were adjusted to eliminate various
                                studies not related to the current research; Various keywords were selected to collect all
                                the required materials. The keywords included, among others, “deregulation”, “reform”,
                                “electricity sector” “electricity sub-sector”, “electricity regulation in X country”, “electric-
                                ity regulation in developed countries”, “electricity regulation in developing countries”,
                                “electricity deregulation in X region”, “electricity regulation in X region”, “effects of dereg-
                                ulation”, “deregulation of energy sector and cost of power”, “deregulation and cost of
                                electricity”, and “energy sector deregulation”, among others. Based on reviewers’ feedback,
                                the systematic review included important search criteria such as coverage of the whole
                                electricity sector or sub-sector, and narrowing the search to developed countries, and
                                developing countries.
                                      After refining the keywords search criteria, 709 studies were removed, which resulted
                                in 272 significant studies. Multiple titles and abstracts were then reviewed from these
                                sources, after which 201 resources were excluded from the research since they were consid-
                                ered unrelated to the current research. A total of 71 studies were found to be significant
                                after analyzing only the titles and abstracts; those studies were then entirely examined,
                                whereby 25 reviews were found to be substantial and related directly to the issue under
                                consideration. Lastly, the research was enriched with ten more studies gathered as fol-
                                lows: One study was obtained from the theory search, another one was obtained from
                                citation tracking, one more study was found from keyword searches to refine theories, and
                                seven studies were obtained from a reviewer recommendation. Therefore, this Literature
                                Review includes a total of 35 studies. Figure 1 shows the study collection model. Based
                                on reviewers’ feedback, the study collection model was updated to better understand the
                                methodology process and offer comprehensive findings.
Sustainability 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW                                                                                   6 of 24

  Sustainability 2021, 13, 3429                                                                                                  6 of 23
                                  collection model. Based on reviewers’ feedback, the study collection model was updated
                                  to better understand the methodology process and offer comprehensive findings.

                                      Citations from electronic database search
                                      strategy (n = 981)

                                                                                                 Citations excluded after
            excluded after
                                                                                                 reviewing titles and
            changing the
                                                                                                 abstracts (n = 201)
            search criteria
            e.g., Using an ‘X’               Citations included after
            on the search                    reviewing titles and
            (n = 709)                        abstracts (n = 71)

                                                                                                 Citations excluded after
                                                                                                 reviewing the entire text
                                                                                                 (n = 46)
                                             Citations developed after
                                             searching the electronic
                                             databases (n = 25)

      Citations added from
      theory search (n = 1)
                                                                                            Citations added from
                                                                                            reviewer recommendation
       Citations added from
                                                                                            (n = 7)
       citation tracking (n = 1)

       Citations added from
       keyword searches to refine
       theories (n = 1)

                                                  Citations that were
                                                included in the review
                                                        (n = 35)

                                                  Figure 1. 1.
                                                    Figure  Study  collection
                                                               Study          model.
                                                                     collection model.

                                  2.1. Analysis
                                    2.1.        Criteria
                                         Analysis  Criteria
                                        This article
                                          This articleconsiders
                                                                  specific indicators       weresearched
                                                                            indicators that were  searchedamongst
                                                                                                            amongstthe the  evidence
                                                                                                                          evidence that
                                  that involved
                                    involved      various
                                               various      types
                                                        types      of study
                                                               of study       designs
                                                                         designs   and and  methods
                                                                                         methods      through
                                                                                                 through        a literature
                                                                                                          a literature        review.
                                                                                                                        review. Table 1
                                  Table  1 summarizes
                                    summarizes           the study
                                                   the study         analysis
                                                              analysis         criteria.
Sustainability 2021, 13, 3429                                                                                                     7 of 23

                                                         Table 1. Analysis criteria.

                   CRITERIA                                                               OPTIONS
                      Context                                                          Country or region
           The phase of the process                                      Generation/Transmission/Distribution
                      Method                                      Quantitative-Inference/Qualitative-Case study/etc.
                                                  Analysis of the effect of deregulation on cost-reduction/Analysis of Deregulation on
   Dependent and independent variables              competitiveness/Analysis of innovation/Analysis of open market/Analysis of
                                                                      electricity prices/Analysis of competition/etc.
             Lobbying intervention                                                         Yes/No
                                                  Expanded regulation-based policies/Incentive-based policies/Policies for new market
              Broad policy groups
             Focus of intervention                                      Government-led/market-led/systemic-led
         Implementation mechanisms                regulation/Redistributive/Distributive/Regulatory/Deregulatory/Liberalization of
                                                  Policy formulation/Legitimation/Implementation/Evaluation/Policy maintenance,
                   Policy stage
                                                                             succession, or termination
                  Main findings                        Positive relation among variables/Negative relation among variables/etc.

                                     2.2. Characterization of Studies
                                          A synthesis of studies conducted three decades ago suggests that some countries with
                                     a different focus of intervention and different implementation mechanisms have made
                                     significant progress in their energy provisions. In contrast, others have not made notable
                                     progress. The analyzed articles are from various regions across the world and were included
                                     in the sample regardless of the location considered for deregulation. For example, some
                                     studies considered countries in Asia while others thought the energy sector in European
                                     countries or the Americas. Some countries were found to have one or two entities that
                                     controlled the generation and distribution of electric power; hence limited studies could be
                                     derived from such countries. Some studies focused on smaller territories; therefore, results
                                     could not be generalized since they did not cover a wider geographical area.
                                          The studies obtained data and information from multiple sources, including secondary
                                     sources and interviews, to examine how deregulation policies have been implemented in
                                     various countries and regions, including policies that have taken place in the past or are
                                     currently underway. Most of the studies were focused on deregulation policies and their
                                     influence on the electricity industry in terms of power pricing, connectivity, liberalism,
                                     innovation, and competitiveness. The studies also included the role played by various
                                     stakeholders in the power industry, including the government, national entities like states,
                                     the private sector, and consumers.
                                          For instance, Chong [28] focused on regions, while Kayo [29] focused on specific
                                     areas. Including several studies eliminated biases and enabled the study to have different
                                     perspectives. Additionally, studies either focused on a single variable of interest or multiple
                                     elements. For example, Zhang [12] focused on the effects of deregulation on various
                                     factors, including competition, privatization, and the cost of electricity. Additionally, other
                                     studies considered targeted innovations and policies implemented by governments, market
                                     regulators, or systems. For example, Nepal [30] focused on industry reforms, while other
                                     studies [11,13,14,20] focused on government policies and reforms.

                                     3. Results
                                         Table 2 provides a summary of the results found in this study. For more information
                                     about the articles, please refer to Appendix A.
Sustainability 2021, 13, 3429                                                                                                                                                                            8 of 23

                                                                                 Table 2. Summary results (in alphabetical order).

                                                                                  Dependent and
                                            The Phase of                                                Lobbying       Broad Policy        Focus of     Implementation
        Article                 Context                          Method            Independent                                                                               Policy Stage    Main Findings
                                             the Process                                               Intervention      Groups          Intervention    Mechanisms
     Alcázar, L.,
                                                               Quantitative         Analysis of                       Policies for new                  Liberalization of       Policy       Positive relation
   Nakasone, E.,                 Peru       Distribution                                                   No                            Market-led
                                                                inference           Innovation                        market creation                        prices          formulation     among variables
  Torero, M. (2007)
    Andres, L.,                                                                    Analysis of the
                          Latin America
    Guasch, J.L.,                                              Quantitative           effect of                       Incentive-based                                           Policy       Positive relation
                             and the        Distribution                                                   Yes                           Systemic-led    Redistribution
   Azumendi, S.L.                                               inference         deregulation on                         policies                                          implementation   among variables
      (2008)                                                                      competitiveness
                                                                                   Analysis of the
  Babatunde, M.A.                                               Qualitative           effect of                       Incentive-based                      Economic             Policy       Positive relation
                                Nigerian    Distribution                                                   Yes                           Systemic-led
      (2011)                                                     inference        deregulation on                         policies                         regulation        formulation     among variables
                                                                                   Analysis of the
   Bhatta-charyya,                                            Qualitative case        effect of                       Policies for new                                          Policy       Positive relation
                            South Asia      Distribution                                                   No                            Systemic-led    Restructuring
     S.C. (2007)                                                  study           deregulation on                     market creation                                         evaluation     among variables
                                                                                  Analysis of the
  Burin, H.P., Siluk,                                                              determining                                                                                               Consumers can
                                                              Qualitative case                                          regulation-                                             Policy
   J.S., Rediske, G.,            Brazil     Distribution                             factors to            Yes                           Systemic-led    Restructuring                          influence
                                                                  study                                                    based                                              evaluation
  Rosa, C.B. (2021)                                                               migrate to a free                                                                                          decision making
  Campos, A.F., da
                                             Generation,                          study developed                                                          Impact of
 Silva, N.F., Pereira,                                        Qualitative case                                        Incentive-based                                         No specific      Structured
                                 Brazil     transmission,                         from a historical-       Yes                           Systemic-led      regulatory
  M.G., Siman, R.R.                                               study                                                   policies                                             policy         hybrid model
                                           and distribution                            critical                                                             reforms
    Chatterjee, E.                                              Qualitative       Analysis of open                    Policies for new   Government-       Economic            Policy        Positive relation
                                 India       Generation                                                    Yes
      (2018)                                                     inference            market                          market creation        led           regulation        maintenance     among variables
                                                                                   Analysis of the
     Chinmoy, L.,                                                                                                                                          Impact of
                                                              Mixed research          effect of                       Policies for new   Government-                            Policy       Positive relation
  Iniyan, S., Goic, R.          Global       Generation                                                    Yes                                             regulatory
                                                                 design           deregulation on                     market creation        led                              evaluation     among variables
        (2019)                                                                                                                                              reforms
     Chong, A.,
                                                               Quantitative       Analysis of open                    Policies for new   Government-                            Policy       Positive relation
  López-De-Silanes,       Latin America      Generation                                                    No                                            Restructuring
                                                                inference             market                          market creation        led                             formulation     among variables
      F. (2004)
Sustainability 2021, 13, 3429                                                                                                                                                                          9 of 23

                                                                                                      Table 2. Cont.

                                                                                Dependent and
                                           The Phase of                                                  Lobbying       Broad Policy        Focus of     Implementation
        Article                 Context                         Method           Independent                                                                               Policy Stage    Main Findings
                                            the Process                                                 Intervention      Groups          Intervention    Mechanisms
                                                                                 Analysis of the
                                                              Quantitative          effect of                          Incentive-based    Government-      Economic           Policy          No direct
  Dornan, M. (2014)               Fiji      Generation                                                      No
                                                               inference        deregulation on                            policies           led          regulation      formulation       implication
                                                                                  Analysis of
                                                                                  regulatory                                                               Impact of
 Du, L., Mao, J., Shi,                                        Quantitative                                               regulation-                                          Policy       Positive relation
                                China       Generation                            reforms on                No                            Systemic-led     regulatory
      J. (2009)                                                inference                                                    based                                          formulation     among variables
                                                                                   electricity                                                              reforms
                                                                                  Power Project
   Eberhard, A.,
                                                                                (IPP) investment                                                            Dynamic,
   Gratwick, K.,           Sub-Saharan                         Review of                                               Incentive-based                                      No specific    Positive relation
                                            Generation                              flows and               No                            Market-led        least-cost
    Morella, E.,              Africa                           literature                                                  policies                                          policy        among variables
                                                                                 ownership and                                                              planning
 Antmann, P. (2017)
                                            Generation,                           A new model                                                                                              It could address
                                                             Qualitative case                                          Policies for new                                       Policy
 Edomah, N. (2017)              Nigeria    transmission,                        for the electricity         Yes                           Market-led      Restructuring                    a secure energy
                                                                 study                                                 market creation                                    implementation
                                          and distribution                           industry                                                                                                   future
                                                                                Regulation and
                                                                                ownership and
  Estache, A., Rossi.                                          Qualitative                                               regulation-                       Economic           Policy          No direct
                          Latin America    Distribution                          efficiency of              No                            Systemic-led
     M.A. (2005)                                                inference                                                   based                          regulation       evaluation       implication
                                                                                  and vertical
    Gao, H., van
                                                              Quantitative       unbundling on                         Incentive-based                                                     Positive relation
    Biesebroeck, J.             China       Generation                                                      Yes                           Systemic-led    Deregulation    Implementation
                                                               inference        the performance                            policies                                                        among variables
                                                                                  of electricity
Sustainability 2021, 13, 3429                                                                                                                                                                       10 of 23

                                                                                                Table 2. Cont.

                                                                             Dependent and
                                           The Phase of                                            Lobbying       Broad Policy        Focus of     Implementation
        Article                 Context                      Method           Independent                                                                              Policy Stage       Main Findings
                                            the Process                                           Intervention      Groups          Intervention    Mechanisms
  Han, W., Jiang, K.,                                       Qualitative      Reform, market,                     Policies for new                    Long-term            Policy          Positive relation
                                Global     Distribution                                               No                            Market-led
   Fan, L. (2005)                                            inference       and competition                     market creation                    development       implementation      among variables
                                                                               Analysis of
                                                                                                                                                    Planning and                          effects of public
    Horowitz, M.                                           Panel dataset      market effects                     Incentive-based    Government-                           Policy
                           United States   Distribution                                               No                                             contracting                             programs
      (2004)                                                 analysis          from public                           policies           led                             evaluation
                                                                                                                                                    arrangements                              reduced
                                                                             program effects
                                                                                                                                                                                          electricity sales
                                                                               Analysis of
      Kapika, J.,
                                                          Qualitative case    power-sector                       Incentive-based                                       Evaluation of      Positive relation
     Eberhard, A.                Africa    Distribution                                               No                            Systemic-led    Restructuring
                                                              study            reform and                            policies                                         existing policies   among variables
                                                                                                                                                    Technical and
                                                            Qualitative       Reforms and                        Incentive-based    Government-                            Policy         Positive relation
   Kayo, D. (2002)          Zimbabwe       Distribution                                               Yes                                             financial
                                                             inference        electrification                        policies           led                             formulation       among variables
                                                                               Public and
                                                                              private firms
                                                           Panel dataset                                         Policies for new                                          Policy         Positive relation
  Khan, A.J. (2014)             Pakistan   Generation                          efficacy in            No                            Systemic-led    Privatization
                                                             analysis                                            market creation                                        formulation       among variables
                                                                              Planning and
                                                                             challenges and                                                           Planning,
      Malgas, I.,
                                                          Mixed research      difficulties in                    Policies for new                   procurement,          Policy          Positive relation
     Eberhard, A.                Africa    Generation                                                 No                            Systemic-led
                                                             design               adding                         market creation                   and contracting      evaluation        among variables
                                                                                sufficient                                                          arrangements
                                                                              Accomplish-                                                          Consideration of
                                                            Qualitative                                          Incentive-based                                          Policy          Positive relation
   Millán, J. (2005)      Latin America    Generation                        ments, failures,         No                            Systemic-led   local needs and
                                                             analysis                                                policies                                           evaluation        among variables
                                                                             and challenges                                                          capabilities
Sustainability 2021, 13, 3429                                                                                                                                                                          11 of 23

                                                                                                     Table 2. Cont.

                                                                                Dependent and
                                           The Phase of                                                 Lobbying       Broad Policy        Focus of     Implementation
        Article                 Context                         Method           Independent                                                                                 Policy Stage    Main Findings
                                            the Process                                                Intervention      Groups          Intervention    Mechanisms
                                                                                   Analysis of
                                                                                 various policy
                                                                                    devices of
    Nagayama, H.                                               Qualitative                                            Policies for new                                          Policy       Positive relation
                                Global     Transmission                          power sector              No                            Market-led      Restructuring
       (2010)                                                    Study                                                market creation                                       implementation   among variables
                                                                                   reforms on
   Nagayama, H.,                            Generation,                           Reforms in
                                                             Qualitative case                                           regulation-      Government-                            Policy       Positive relation
   Kashiwagi, T.            Argentina      transmission,                          electricity              No                                             Regulatory
                                                                 study                                                     based             led                             main-tenance    among variables
      (2007)                              and distribution                         supply
                                                                                   Electricity                          Expanded
                                                             Qualitative case       reforms,                            regulation-      Government-       Economic             Policy       Positive relation
    Nair, S. (2008)              India     transmission,                                                   Yes
                                                                 study             regulatory                              based             led           regulation        main-tenance    among variables
                                          and distribution
                                                                                    reforms                               policies
                                                                                                                                                        separation of the
                                                                                   Issues and
                                                                                   options in
  Nepal, R., Jamasb,                                         Qualitative case                                         Policies for new                   splitting of the       Policy       Positive relation
                                Nepal       Generation                          reforming small            No                            Systemic-led
     T. (2012)                                                   study                                                market creation                      generation         evaluation     among variables
                                                                                electricity sector
                                                                                   Electricity                          Expanded
                                                              Quantitative          reforms,                            regulation-                                             Policy       Positive relation
   Orion, B. (2004)         California     Transmission                                                    Yes                           Systemic-led     Regulatory
                                                               inference           regulatory                              based                                              evaluation     among variables
                                                                                    reforms                               policies
                                                               Qualitative        Analysis of                           regulation-      Government-                            Policy       Positive relation
 Pineau, P.O. (2005)        Cameroon        Generation                                                     Yes                                           Redistributive
                                                                inference         competition                              based             led                             formu-lation    among variables
Sustainability 2021, 13, 3429                                                                                                                                                                            12 of 23

                                                                                                      Table 2. Cont.

                                                                                 Dependent and
                                            The Phase of                                                 Lobbying       Broad Policy        Focus of     Implementation
        Article                 Context                          Method           Independent                                                                              Policy Stage      Main Findings
                                             the Process                                                Intervention      Groups          Intervention    Mechanisms
                                                                                                                                                                                            Market structure
                                                                                                                                                                                           and policy did not
                                                                                                                                                                                           give rise to specific
                                             Generation,                         Analysis of the
                                                               Quantitative                                            Policies for new                                       Policy        problems, private
  Pollitt, M. (2004)             Chile      transmission,                          history of               No                            Market-led      Regulatory
                                                                inference                                              market creation                                    Implementation     ownership, and
                                           and distribution                      Chilean reform
                                                                                                                                                                                             operation of the
                                                                                                                                                                                           electricity industry-
                                                              Qualitative case    Reforms in the                         regulation-      Government-                         Policy        Positive relation
  Pollitt, M. (2008)        Argentina       transmission,                                                   Yes                                           Regulatory
                                                                  study          electricity sector                         based             led                          termina-tion     among variables
                                           and distribution
                                                                                 Regulation and
                                                                                 ownership and
    Trebilcock, M.                                              Qualitative                                              regulation-                      Economic            Policy            No direct
                                Canada      Distribution                          efficiency of             No                            Systemic-led
        (2005)                                                   inference                                                  based                         regulation        evaluation         implication
   Lee, W.-J., Lin,
                           Developing                         Quantitave case     of wholesale                         Incentive-based    Government-                         Policy        Positive relation
   C.H. Swift, K.D.                         Distritibution                                                  No                                            Regulatory
                            Countires                             study            and retail                              policies           led                         implementation    among variables
    Williams, J.H.       Developing and      Generation,
                                                                Qualitative      Market oriented                       Incentive-based                                                      Positive relation
    Ghanadan, R.          transi-tioning    transmission,                                                   No                            Systemic-led    Regulatory      Imple-metation
                                                                 analysis           reforms                                policies                                                         among variables
       (2006)               Countries      and distribution
   Wren-Lewis, L.                                               Qualitative                                              regulation-                                                        Positive relation
                          Latin America      Generation                            productivity,            No                            Systemic-led    Regulatory      Implementation
      (2015)                                                     analysis                                                   based                                                           among variables
  Zhang, Y., Parker,
                           Developing                           Qualitative                                              regulation-      Government-                         Policy        Positive relation
  D., Kirkpatrick, C.                        Generation                              Reforms                No                                            Regulatory
                            Countries                            analysis                                                   based             led                         implementation    among variables
Sustainability 2021, 13, 3429                                                                                            13 of 23

                                3.1. Main Findings on Deregulation Effects
                                      Electric utilities have been regulated in most parts of the world since early times. For
                                example, when the Great Depression occurred, holding companies operated and controlled
                                a large industry proportion. When banks decided to recall the loans granted to these
                                holding companies, the companies were forced into a crisis, thereby leading to a financial
                                collapse in the industry. Companies operating in the sector ran into losses, and the value of
                                their shares decreased drastically. Numerous investors worldwide made enormous losses
                                despite the belief that investment in the energy sector was safe [31]. The losses hurt the
                                economies of major countries, including the United States and the United Kingdom. Due
                                to the disastrous effects of an unregulated market, some countries decided to regulate
                                their energy sectors. A subsequent example of this kind of regulation is the Public Utility
                                Holding Company Act of 1993 in the United States [32]. Regulations played a crucial role
                                in preventing a crisis that could arise in the vital energy sector, thereby safeguarding the
                                economy. Some regulations limited companies operating in the industry to cover only a
                                country, state, or region.
                                      Additionally, the policies limit the amount of debt that a company operating in the
                                industry could take, thereby ensuring that companies have a high liquidity ratio, thus
                                protecting investors’ funds [33]. Before the rules were implemented, power and decision-
                                making were concentrated on a few companies that used the utilities to finance risk
                                investments. However, the laws and policies implemented reduced the concentration
                                of power from those few companies and distributed it to more companies, reducing the
                                overall risk. For example, in the United States, the Federal Power Commission (FPC) was
                                created to develop interstate electricity transmission and stipulate electricity’s wholesale
                                price [32]. State entities acted on the powers newly bestowed on them by developing
                                utility commissions and creating price controls on electricity prices. Entities worldwide are
                                given the power to control electricity’s price to produce electricity and earn a utility profit.
                                Therefore, the electricity price was not based on demand and supply for other commodities
                                but structured by relevant entities.
                                      Since the price of electricity was directly proportional to costs incurred during pro-
                                duction (including oil prices), a spike in generation meant increased electricity rates. In
                                the 1970s, oil prices increased sharply, thereby raising electricity prices to unaffordable
                                levels. The drastic increase in electricity prices harmed the economy as it resulted in a
                                rise in inflation levels. Since the 1990s, various countries have implemented deregulation
                                procedures to reduce electricity prices, thereby making power more affordable for most
                                citizens. For example, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FPC) has developed
                                policies that allowed deregulation to occur in the United States [32].
                                      Most studies acknowledged that deregulation aimed to increase competition in the
                                industry and reduce the price of electricity. The studies considered put forward various
                                explanations to express ideas regarding the effects of deregulation.
                                      The growth of the IPPs revolutionized the industry by creating aggressive competition
                                that goes to the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission (SASAC)
                                to manage state-owned companies, thereby ensuring that they compete favorably with
                                private entities [11]. Deregulation has also created a suitable opportunity for investors to
                                fund companies operating in the power sector [34]. The increased funding has also boosted
                                firms that operate in the industry, thereby stimulating growth and competitiveness. To
                                survive and thrive in the industry, companies are forced to focus not only on profits but
                                also on customer service quality.
                                      Secondly, deregulation policies implemented in the energy sector have expanded the
                                power industry [35]. Previously, an increase in coal prices or oil prices adversely affected
                                the price of electricity. When companies controlled the industry, the electricity price relied
                                on production costs, which included fuel costs. However, it resulted in the introduction of
                                more competitive companies with some production costs to ensure their competitiveness
                                since pushing the consumers’ incremental cost would adversely affect such competitiveness.
                                Over 80% of electricity in the world is obtained from coal, thus an increase in coal prices
Sustainability 2021, 13, 3429                                                                                            14 of 23

                                is likely to lead to an increase in the cost of electricity [36]. Deregulation has created an
                                opportunity for companies operating in the energy sector to access subsidized coal under
                                the old ‘plan’ prices. Additionally, companies have also been encouraged to substitute coal,
                                thereby limiting their over-reliance on it. Diversification from coal has also expanded the
                                sector, thus creating more investment opportunities.
                                      Deregulation has led to the separation of various stages of power generation and
                                distribution, thereby creating avenues where entities operating in the industry can leverage
                                and develop new and advanced strategies to enhance the process’s implementation at
                                various stages. For example, France has liberalized its electricity sector by removing
                                the state company Électricité de France (EDF)’s monopoly rights, thereby meeting the
                                requirements of the E.U. directives [1]. Additionally, the French government’s direct
                                involvement in energy companies has decreased over time, thereby creating an opportunity
                                for private companies to invest in the industry. This has triggered private companies to
                                develop innovative ideas to increase their market share and enhance their sustainability in
                                the industry. Therefore, deregulation has a positive impact on innovativeness as it triggers
                                entities operating in the industry to develop differentiated strategies to thrive.

                                3.2. Stakeholders’ Role in the Deregulation
                                      Most studies acknowledge that deregulation is an effective method of achieving low
                                electricity prices. However, the reduced prices can only be fulfilled if two conditions are met.
                                First, lower power prices can be accomplished in the long run and not in the short term [14].
                                After the changes are implemented, industry players must be transformed to accommodate
                                the adjustments, taking a longer time than expected. Secondly, reduced electricity prices
                                because of deregulation can be achieved if state regulators resolve institutional issues that
                                hinder creating a competitive retail electricity market.
                                      Various studies have pointed out different factors that would hinder the creation of a
                                competitive power market. First, the governments must develop strategies that would com-
                                pensate industry players for the utilities for any profitable business they venture into [18].
                                Previously, firms with monopolistic powers in the electricity sector were financially stable,
                                so the production cost fluctuations were not significant enough to drive the entities out
                                of business. However, the introduction of numerous entities increases competition and
                                creates risks associated with unprofitable business pursuits. Therefore, the government
                                should be willing to stipulate investors’ measures in case of costly business ventures [37].
                                In a state-regulated monopoly system, the entities would charge customers higher fees to
                                recover any amount lost due to unprofitable businesses. However, under the deregulated
                                market, such companies cannot increase fees since it would decrease their competitiveness.
                                      According to Nagayama [14], one possible reason for improvement includes introduc-
                                ing independent power producers (IPPs), the creation of regulatory agencies, the generation
                                and transmission unbundling, and the introduction of a wholesale spot market. The author
                                indicates that these variables form the main factors that increase a country’s capacity to
                                produce electricity and reduce its loss because of transmitting and distributing the nation’s
                                power. Consequently, this implies that various reforms made at the national level regarding
                                the policies and measures on electricity production, transmission, and distribution affect
                                the countries’ economic development in diverse ways. Nagayama [14] also indicates that
                                any country’s economic development impacts how it makes its reforms. Still, when a state
                                coexists with independent regulatory agencies, such relations’ reforms lead to positive
                                results in the power sector performance.
                                      State regulators must also develop a divestiture policy. Divestiture can be viewed as
                                the process of selling subsidiary businesses and their investments. Regulatory bodies at the
                                state level can offer some companies financial incentives to induce them to sell their power
                                plants [38]. However, state-level entities may order the companies just to quit the electricity
                                business. Preferably, state-level entities should consider divestiture since it eliminates
                                the possibility of a conflict of interest arising when companies can either decide to sell
                                power from independent power producers (IPPs) or supply their facilities. State-level
Sustainability 2021, 13, 3429                                                                                           15 of 23

                                entities should consider working with companies that own no power plants since they
                                have been shown to have the cheapest energy available in the market instead of those with
                                power plants.
                                     Additionally, state-level entities should develop strategies that would create mandated
                                rate cuts. The main aim of introducing competition in the industry is to ensure that
                                electricity price is reduced in the long run. Therefore, to ensure that electricity price
                                is kept down, the regulators should introduce price cuts, thereby justifying consumers’
                                restructuring efforts [39]. However, regulators should consider various stakeholders’ views
                                since price cuts can reduce incentives for consumers to move to another service provider,
                                thereby discouraging investors and suppliers from entering the market.
                                     Deregulation can also be successful if regulators can improve and maintain the power
                                grid’s stability. Electricity has emerged as a utility resource and a security concern since
                                the breakdown in electricity supply in the world today can lead to serious adverse effects,
                                including loss of life [1]. However, electricity cannot be stored for future use and; therefore,
                                companies should implement strategies to ensure the continuous provision of electricity.
                                Some regulators at the state level have created Regional Transmission Organizations (RTOs),
                                which are responsible for adjusting electricity supply to ensure an equal change in demand.
                                The development of these organizations is a significant step in providing regulation of the
                                electricity market.

                                3.3. Effects of Deregulation on Prices
                                      Based on reviewers’ feedback, this research expanded the literature evidence and
                                analysis about the effects of deregulation on price, as it is a significant effect, enriching
                                this study’s findings. Due to the process of deregulation, today’s electric power industry
                                is undergoing many radical changes. Traditionally, in many countries, electrical power
                                networks have been organized in a single vertically integrated organization to provide
                                consumers with electrical power based on service costs. In recent years; however, many
                                countries have adopted or are introducing a deregulated free-market sector. According
                                to Wei-Jen Lee [40]: Within the energy industry and manufacturing networks’ operation,
                                deregulation would have profound and substantial consequences for technology. Indus-
                                trial sectors; therefore, need to re-evaluate possible impacts and operating strategies in a
                                deregulated environment.
                                      According to Burin [41], new opportunities for generating electricity have arisen
                                to satisfy rising demand. The liberalization of many electricity markets worldwide has
                                contributed to the global challenges of addressing the need for greater competitiveness in
                                the supply of critical electrical infrastructure [42]. Another study shows that, regarding
                                Brazil’s customers, there are two contracting models: The controlled system, in which
                                contracts are set out through government decree; and the free environment, in which
                                contracts are rendered freely by the parties concerned. When migrating from the controlled
                                environment to the free environment becomes beneficial, customers should know how to
                                do so. The study [43] seeks to understand how capitalist ideas have managed to capture
                                room in the Brazilian economy’s leading thinking. According to the report, electricity
                                sector transformations were driven by the business model’s crisis, which introduced the
                                Brazilian hybrid model between 2003 and 2016.
                                      According to Borenstein [44], the United States electric industry is estimated to be
                                worth over USD 220 billion. For a long time, the industry has been referred to as the last
                                great government-sanctioned monopoly. However, efforts to deregulate the industry have
                                been implemented in various states. Advocates who support deregulation have claimed
                                that it would lower the price of electricity and expand electricity services. The results
                                obtained from multiple states that have enacted deregulation measures are; however,
                                mixed. Deregulation has resulted in increased electricity prices, increased demand, and
                                reduced supply. For example, electricity bills increased by 55% for Ameren customers in
                                2007, compared to 26% for Commonwealth Edison customers [44]. Although the resultant
                                effects of deregulation on electricity prices have not been consistent, many regions that
Sustainability 2021, 13, 3429                                                                                           16 of 23

                                have implemented deregulation measures have experienced an increase in electricity prices
                                in the short-term.
                                      However, most studies showed a relationship between deregulation and the price of
                                electricity. Implementing deregulation policies could be to reduce the price of electricity
                                for households and companies [45]. However, most studies showed that electricity prices
                                only reduced in the short run and reverted to the previous price in the long term. This can
                                be attributed to the fact that numerous factors influence higher power prices, including
                                the cost of production, connectivity issues, and changes in technology, among others.
                                Therefore, changing legal policies and frameworks only reduces the price of power by a
                                limited proportion.
                                      On the other hand, publicly funded energy efficiency programs have grown in number,
                                size, and scope in the past two decades. However, Horowitz [46] shows how combined
                                effects of public programs have reduced commercial sector retail electricity sales. Another
                                study [47] discusses the energy sector reform program in Ontario, Canada. Ontario’s
                                retail and wholesale energy markets were opened to competition in 2002, with retail
                                price levels that consumers had never previously encountered. In December 2002, the
                                provincial government froze retail rates of electricity, covering approximately half of
                                Ontario’s electricity consumption. While the weather played a significant role in driving
                                prices, other factors such as market design problems, market rules, and market structure;
                                also played an important role.

                                3.4. Effects of Deregulation on Opening-Up of the Market
                                      Implementing deregulation policies has both positive and negative effects on the
                                energy market. First, deregulation eliminates various entry barriers, allowing smaller
                                companies to operate in the industry [48]. Removing entry barriers also fosters innovation,
                                as smaller companies implement new technologies to compete effectively with larger
                                companies. The free market created through deregulation sets the prevailing prices, thereby
                                promoting growth.
                                      Additionally, deregulation improves corporate efficiency as companies strive to attract
                                more customers. Additionally, deregulation reduces the operational costs of the compa-
                                nies, thereby boosting their effectiveness. In the United States alone, regulation has cost
                                USD 2 trillion [49]. Therefore, deregulation allows companies to invest their capital in
                                plants and equipment instead of complying with federal rules. However, deregulation was
                                viewed as having adverse effects on the industry due to various factors. First, deregulation
                                exposes more customers to fraud and excessive risks as companies gain more freedom to
                                make decisions, leading to reduced supervision. Deregulation also increases asset bubbles,
                                which results in an increased risk of recessions and crises.
                                      Most studies showed a positive relationship between deregulation and opening-up
                                of the power market. Before deregulation, a limited number of companies operated the
                                industry as countries implemented strict policies to restrict the number of organizations
                                operating in the industry. However, deregulation opened the market by creating opportuni-
                                ties for other firms to operate in the sector to reduce power prices and increase connectivity.
                                More firms have since invested in the industry, thereby reducing the pressure that existed
                                in the industry due to the monopoly market.
                                      Another study [50] presents benefits for integration in deregulated power markets.
                                The wind energy system models depend on wind resources and the returns of the economic
                                market. The paper focuses on identifying sub-problems such as the variability of the local
                                power system and wind resource, which are challenging to model. However, wind energy
                                cost models and market risk mitigation strategies can bring social impact and energy
                                security compliance from large-scale wind integration.
                                      Based on reviewers’ comments, this research focused on deregulation of other market
                                structure types, such as distributed generation, which is becoming particularly crucial in the
                                electricity system due to its high efficiency in processes, its low investment cost, modular
                                capacity, and ability to take advantage of renewable resources. However, after reviewing
Sustainability 2021, 13, 3429                                                                                       17 of 23

                                the literature, the implementation of distributed generation in distribution networks could
                                be complicated by various factors such as regulatory requirements, and lack of financially
                                viable schemes. The complexities and risks in energy markets could further complicate the
                                distributed generation planning, creating uncertainty in conventional planning methods.

                                3.5. Effects of Deregulation on Competitiveness
                                      Deregulation has a significant relationship with competition. Deregulation creates
                                opportunities for more companies to thrive in the industry; hence existing companies must
                                develop unique strategies to ensure their survival [51]. Companies’ productivity increases
                                when firms improve their performance, which only takes place when there is competition.
                                Companies are obliged to renounce high rents and cut costs, thereby increasing their static
                                efficiency. Static efficiency; however, boosts productivity only in the short-term. Long-
                                term gains can only be guaranteed from dynamic efficiency [52]. Competition enhances
                                dynamic ability in two main ways. First, competition increases the incentive to innovate.
                                Firms operating in the electricity sector strive to adopt advanced technology to improve
                                their performance. Secondly, competition accelerates creative destruction. Regulations
                                and policies implemented in the energy sector regulate the entry of new firms into the
                                industry. However, deregulation creates room for other companies, thereby increasing the
                                knowledge pool. Therefore, firms can learn from each other and adopt similar strategies.
                                      First, deregulation introduced stiff competition in the industry. In China, the State
                                Power Corporation (SPC) controlled over 70% of the total energy production before the
                                deregulation process [50]. However, after the deregulation process, SPC accounted for 40%
                                of the total generation capacity, while other computing companies produced a different
                                proportion. Deregulation led to an increase in independent power producers (IPPs), which
                                were formed to boost power generation and enhance affordable connectivity. Some of the
                                firms, formerly subsidiaries of SPC, transformed into listed shareholder companies to take
                                advantage of the increased market for power.
                                      Most studies considering the current research showed a positive relationship between
                                deregulation policies and competition in the power sector. Deregulation is implemented to
                                increase the number of players in the energy industry and transform it from a monopoly
                                to a perfect competition market [53]. Therefore, in most cases, more than one company is
                                engaged in producing and distributing power after implementing deregulation policies.
                                The increase in firms operating in the power industry increases competition as each entity
                                strives to increase its profitability and the number of customers they serve.

                                3.6. Effects of Deregulation on Innovation
                                     Regulation of the electricity industry has revolutionized innovation, as companies
                                operating in the industry strive to adopt new measures to enhance their competitive edge.
                                Companies have adopted innovations through two significant factors [54]. First, companies’
                                innovativeness has increased in terms of input, whereby they have increased expenditure
                                on research and development. Second, innovativeness is evidenced in output as companies
                                have increased expenditure on patents.
                                     Deregulation has also impacted the technologies used to generate and supply power.
                                Due to deregulation measures, companies have resorted to advanced technologies to
                                attract more customers and serve them better, thereby increasing their market share. For
                                example, some companies operating in the power industry have been utilizing social
                                media platforms to respond to customer inquiries and have launched mobile applications
                                to carry out utility transactions. For example, Duke Energy, a significant player in the
                                United States’ electricity industry, implemented Smart Meters [55]. By adopting Smart
                                Meters, the company gave its customers access to more information concerning their
                                household energy usage, thereby encouraging them to implement power-saving strategies.
                                Additionally, Smart Meter technology enabled the company to monitor the grid in real-
                                time and re-route power, reducing the chances of a power outage [56]. Additionally,
                                digital smart-grid enabled the company to be more efficient since Smart Meters could be
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