BAYGAP TOOL An Innovative Service Program for Export Growers - GlobalG.A.P.

Page created by Tony Hernandez
BAYGAP TOOL An Innovative Service Program for Export Growers - GlobalG.A.P.

An Innovative Service Program for Export Growers

EUREPGAP Leadership Latin America. 20 April 2007

Initial Situation
  Š Fresh Vegetable and Fruit exports to Europe have grown fast since year 2000.
  Š BCS Peru have been the market leader for several decades and export growers
    have well recognized its high quality products and have respected the technical
    support from its representatives.
  Š EurepGAP Certification have became an main issue for growers since 2002, at that
    moment most of the pesticide spray workers had not received training about safe
    use and have not used personal protection wearing.
  Š Since 2002 growers have asked BCS for pesticide safe use training courses
    (AgroVida) and documents for fulfill EurepGAP requirements.
  Š After analyze the EurepGAP Protocol (point 8) the Team realized that BCS Peru was
    able to offer more than a single training course and could offer a complete set of
    training courses about Good Agricultural Practices plus all the documentation
    required and a quality technical support on the field.
  Š The Project Team saw that there was a main opportunity to create a Program that
    could offer a complete service (with a brand) such as several training courses,
    documentation support, personal protection uniforms and specialized advice in
    spray technology , in other words, a whole program that was able to fulfill all the
    grower needs about EurepGAP’s Protocol pesticide issues.

BAYGAP TOOL An Innovative Service Program for Export Growers - GlobalG.A.P.
EurepGAP Control Points – Crop Base


                                   worker health,
                                   safety and welfare                  Bayer CropScience
                               pollution and residue manag.
                               post.-harvest treatments                Bayer CropScience
                                    crop protection                    Bayer CropScience
                               soil & substrate management
                               site management & history
                              seeds, varieties and patrons
                          registry maintenance and internal auditory

Objectives & Strategies
 Š Creation of a Complete Service Program for EurepGAP Certification about Pesticide
   issues. In order to notice all the customers needs and to maximize the BCS
   infrastructure capacity the Project Planning Team was formed by people from
   Technical, Regulatory and Marketing departments.
 Š Positioning of BayGAP Tool brand as the Top Service Program for EurepGAP
   Certification, recognized by growers and Certification companies.
 Š Strength loyalty of Customers (export growers). The close working with grower’s
   technical team in order to get the common achievement “The EurepGAP
   Certification” have improved our customer knowledge.
 Š The 10 people Team of trainers was able to make training courses simultaneously
   in the several export zones otherwise our competitors only have had one trainer
   specialized in GAP issues. That have been the reason competitors have not been
   able to copy BayGAP Tool program yet.

BAYGAP TOOL An Innovative Service Program for Export Growers - GlobalG.A.P.
Training Courses

                                                                                                                      1.   CPP Safe Use.           Covers
                                                                                                                                                   1. CPP Chapter 12.4
                                                                                                                                                            Safe Use.

                                                                                                                      2.   CPP storage and         Covers Chapter 8.8
                                                                                                                           Transportation              requirements


                                                             PARA BUENAS PRACTICAS AGRICOLAS

                                                                                                                      3.   CPP role in IPM         Covers Chapter 8.1
                                                        La empresa Bayer CropScience certifica que:                                                    requirements
                                                                  Martín Paredes Agreda

                                                                     ha asistido a la charla:

                                              “Rol de los Productos para la Protección                                4.   Pest Resistance         Covers Chapter 8.1
                                                       de Cultivos en el MIP”
                                                                                                                           Management                  requirements
                                            Trujillo, 12 de Junio del 2003

                                                                                                                      5.   CPP Residue             Covers Chapter 8.7
                                              Ing. Manuel Cueva
                                               Gerente Técnico
                                              Bayer CropScience
                                                                                                Ing. Calixto Montes
                                                                                                     Jefe Zona
                                                                                                Bayer CropScience
                                                                                                                           Management                  requirements

                                                                                                                      6.   Application             Covers Chapter 8.5
                                                                                                                           Techniques                  requirements

      Services & Documents

                                                                                                                      1.   Label Extension         Covers Chapter 8.2
                                                                                                                      1.   CPP Safe Use.           1. CPP   Safe Use.
                                                                                                                           trials                      requirements

                                                                                                                      2.   Label paper copies      Covers Chapter 8.2
                                                                                                                           and MSDS                    requirements

                                                                                                                      3.   CPP analysis            Covers Chapter 8.2
                                                                                                                           certification papers.       requirements
           Patron Gotas
Pulverizadora Tractor Set 05 03
               Kinetic 0.1 %                                                                                          4.   Updated Tolerance       Covers Chapter 8.2
  Velocidad :6.2 km/h   Presion : 90 LPC
 Boquilla Jacto V10 Gasto Agua : 332 l/ha
                                                                                                                           lists.                      requirements

                                                                                                                      5.   Local Residue           Covers Chapter 8.4
                                                                                                                           studies.                    requirements

                                                                                                                      6.   Application equipment   Covers Chapter 8.5
                                                                                                                           calibration.                requirements

                                                                                                                      7.   Protective suit         Covers Chapter 12.5
                                                                                                                           low priced sale             requirements

BAYGAP TOOL An Innovative Service Program for Export Growers - GlobalG.A.P.
Tactics and Implementation
 Š Creation of the Communication concept of the brand BayGapTool and its Logo. The
   logo was patented (July 2003)
 Š The BayGapTool Program was designed in order to cover all the issues related
   pesticide uses of EureGAP Protocol: 6 training courses (Pesticide Safe use and
   storage, IPM, Resistance Management, Spray techniques, Residue Management),
   Document supply (Labels, MSDS’s), Spray equipment calibration.
 Š The BayGapTool Program was showed to the EurepGAP certification bodies in
   order to improve and validate it (June 2003).
 Š Was selected a group of 10 people from Sales, Technical and Marketing
   departments in order to create the trainer team. The team members were strategic
   placed at the Main Office in Lima and at main export crop growing zones.
 Š The Team of trainers was trained in EurepGAP Protocol by Primus Lab (June 2003)
   and SGS (May 2004), in IPM by the Agrarian University of Lima (Universidad Agraria
   La Molina) (June 2003) and in Tesco Nature Choice by SGS (October 2005).
 Š The promotion of the Program was canalized by two ways: was communicated
   directly to the growers by our sales force and showed in grower meetings and
   technical congresses (since June 2003).

 Š The BayGapTool Program have trained 8,575 people among field workers and
   agronomists since June 2003, 80% of them were trained in pesticide safe use.
 Š BCS have helped more than 80% main export growers to get EurepGAP
 Š BCS have sold more than 4,000 personal protection uniforms at reduced prices.

Colombian implementation of BayGAP Tool
Knowing about the program in Peru, Colombia has adapted to local conditions.
Directed to banana, ornamentals and tropical fruits (cape-gooseberry, tree tomato,
   granadilla, passion fruit (yellow and others).
Additional Training Modules, including first aid, PPE and management of empty containers.
Local law in force related to CPP.
Advise by civil engineer or an architect for hygiene facilities.

New vision of BayGAP - Colombia
To work on local production of vegetables – pilot plan with lettuce. Objective: To
  obtain lettuce for internal consumer produced with GAP.
     Including all the BayGAP program
     Developing IPM for lettuce.

Working with Certification body (SGS)
Working with retailer – Carrefour Colombia and its brand “Calidad Natural”
Working with a producer – Hortifresco – main supplier of lettuce Calidad Natural
 to CarreFour.

C e r t i f i c a q u e:

                                      Sr. Nombre Apellido
                                         C.C. N° 79.658.325

                        Participó y aprobó el Módulo I BayGAP Tool
                                “Uso Seguro de Productos
                     para la Protección de Cultivos - Generalidades”

        Realizada el día jueves 8 de junio de 2007, en Zipaquirá, Cundinamarca,
                            con una intensidad de 2.5 horas.

Luis Fernando Vanegas                                         Beatriz Eugenia Arrieta A.
Director Desarrollo Colombia                                  Responsable de Custodia

  BayGAP Tool Future Plans
   • Local adaptation ready.
   • To be launched in banana &
     flower in 2007.
   • Developing GAP program for
     local Carrefour

    • Local adaptation planned
    • Consolidation of current
      offered services

   • Reshape BayGap Tool.
   • Include practical module.
   • Spread local residue studies.

   • Local adaptation planned
   • Consolidation of current
     offered services in CPP safe
     use and GAP.

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