BASKETBALL Winter Sports Post-Season Update - Holy Names Academy

Page created by Heather Alvarez
BASKETBALL Winter Sports Post-Season Update - Holy Names Academy

Winter Sports Post-Season Update

HNA entered the post season as the #5 seed from the Mountain Division and
the 9th-place team overall. On February 8, HNA defeated Chief Sealth, 77-
34, in the 2nd round of the Metro Tournament. The next day, HNA defeated
division rival Seattle Prep, 52-32, to advance to the District Tournament! On
Thursday, February 10, HNA played its third and final game of the Metro
Tournament, falling to Blanchet but finishing 8th place overall.
HNA entered the Sea-King District 2 Tournament ranked 12th out of 12
teams. On February 12, the Cougars defeated 5th seed Hazen (Kingo #2),
68-59, to stay alive in the District Tournament. HNA went on to play close
games against West Seattle (40-50) and Liberty (37-44).
After a season full of changing COVID regulations and endless COVID tests,
the Cougars wrapped their season with a 13-10 record.

                                                                                Announcing the starting lineup in the District
                                                                                Game versus Liberty at Bellevue College.

                                                                                Celebrating their win against Hazen in the
                                                                                District Tournament.

                               Rylie Shaeffer ’22 (left) and Lucy Nord ’22 (right)
                               represented HNA at the State tournament on February 4
                               at Narrows Plaza Bowl. They were the first bowlers in
                               school history to bowl in the State tournament! Congrats
                               on a great season, Cougars!

                                                                                           Cougar Corner continued on page 2
BASKETBALL Winter Sports Post-Season Update - Holy Names Academy

Winter Season Highlights (Cont’d)

HNA Gymnastics was named WIAA 3A Academic State
Champions with a combined team GPA of 3.926!
At the Metro Championship meet on February 11,
Cougar gymnasts took 2nd place with a team score of
164.150 and secured their team berth to the district
meet. Individual results from the Metro Championship
Meet are:

    • Emily Hawkins ’22 placed 1st in vault (9.150),
      2nd on Beam (9.175), 2nd on Floor (9.500), 8th
      on Bars (7.050), and 3rd in the All-Around
    • Sarah Klute ’22 placed 3rd on Bars (8.675) and
      Beam (9.125), and 5th on Floor (9.300).
    • Ava Pittiglio ’25 placed 5th on Beam (8.900), 6th
      on Vault (8.275), and 8th in the All-Around
    • Hailey Pittiglio ’23 placed 7th on Vault (8.250).
    • Sofia Frazzini ’22 placed 8th on Beam (8.800).
HNA scored a team score of 164.625 at the District
Competition on February 19 and placed 5th overall.
Individual results from the District Championship Meet

    • Emily Hawkins ’22 placed 2nd on vault (9.200),
      2nd on floor (9.550), and 6th in the All-Around
    • Sarah Klute ’22 placed 5th on bars (9.150), 7th
      on floor (9.350), and 7th in the All-Around
    • Sofia Frazzini ’22 placed 9th on vault (8.450).
Emily Hawkins ’22 competed in the All-Around
competition at the State Tournament and placed 6th on
vault with a score of 9.300. Other State participants
    •   Sarah Klute ’22 – All-Around
    •   Sofia Frazzini ’22 – Bars and Vault               Top: Gymnastics team during District Competition.
    •   Hailey Pittiglio ’23 – Floor and Beam             Bottom left: Hailey Pittiglio ’23 sticks her landing on beam.
    •   Ava Pittiglio ’25 – Floor                         Bottom right: Sarah Klute ’22 on bars.

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BASKETBALL Winter Sports Post-Season Update - Holy Names Academy

Coach Jenny Wielbruda
Head Bowling Coach

“When I announced that we would bring a bowling team
to the HNA Athletic Program in 2019, Coach Jenny
Wielbruda immediately approached me and asked me if
she could coach the team. She was all-in with the Holy
Rollers from day one! In her three years of coaching,
she has led HNA to two third place finishes in Metro and
sent two bowlers to the State tournament this year. I will
be forever grateful for her help starting our program and
building it to what it is today!”
         —Lacey London, Athletic Director
“Coach Wielbruda always pushed us to be our best
selves and never doubted our abilities.”
        —Lucy Nord ’22, Senior Captain
“She always motivated us, whether it be during practice
or matches. I really appreciate how she would take the
time to give us specific critiques to help us become
                                                             Coach Wielbruda (center) with Rylie Shaeffer ’22 (left) and Lucy
better bowlers.”                                             Nord ’22 (right).
         —Mimi Gabbert ’22

Cougar Merchandise                                           For New Families
COUGAR GEAR                                                  SPORTS INFORMATION NIGHT: APRIL 4
Cougar Gear, including our HNA face masks, is                All incoming 9th graders (Class of 2026) and their
available for purchase online through FamilyID. First,       parents, as well as incoming transfer students and their
browse the HNA website Cougar Merchandise page for           parents, are invited to an informational evening about
an updated list of sweatshirts, PJ pants, lanyards, and      the HNA athletic program on Monday, April 4, at 7 p.m.
more! Then visit the FamilyID Cougar Gear link to make       in the HNA gym. Families new to the school can learn
your purchase. We will email you when your                   about our program and meet the coaches.
merchandise is available for pick-up at HNA.
The next order for personalized sports bags will be
placed on March 8, 2022. Students or parents who
wish to purchase a sturdy, roomy athletic bag in HNA
school colors may preorder one through the FamilyID
Cougar Gear link for $80. Bags may be personalized
with the student’s name.
Looking for more HNA apparel options? Holy Names
Academy has a 24/7/365 online store, offering custom
merchandise for the athlete or sports fan in your family.
Visit HNA’s Sideline Store site.
                                                                                           Cougar Corner continued on page 4
BASKETBALL Winter Sports Post-Season Update - Holy Names Academy

Spring Sports Underway
The spring sports season has begun, as student-                 CREW
athletes head outdoors for crew, lacrosse, softball,            HNA crew has been
tennis, track/field (a no-cut sport), and Ultimate Frisbee.     going through a grueling
The spring crew program has been at work throughout             selection process to
February, preparing for the first spring events.                determine lineups for the
                                                                first upcoming regattas.
REMINDERS FOR PARENTS                                           On Saturday March 12,
A few helpful reminders to assist your student-athlete          half of the team will
have a successful season:                                       compete against some of
                                                                the top crews from
    • Make sure they dress appropriately for outside
                                                                California in Long Beach,
      practice and games, as the weather can change
                                                                and the following
      day to day.
                                                                weekend (Saturday,
    • Encourage daily communication on when and                 March 19), the home
      where to pick up your student-athlete after               team will be taking on crews from all over the Northwest
      practice and after games.                                 at Greenlake. The athletes keep earning new personal
    • Promote healthy eating and drinking plenty of             records in the weight room and on the rowing machines,
      fluids to refuel the active athlete's body.               and the strength and speed will be unleashed on the
                                                                water this month!
    • Check the HNA website’s online calendar for the
      latest schedule for your daughter’s sport, or call
                                                                NEW ULTIMATE COACH: VICTORIA LISOWSKI
      the Athletic Office at (206) 720-7831 with
      questions about game sites and times. Many                                                 HNA welcomes Victoria
      spring 2022 competitions are already listed on                                             Lisowski as the new
      the online calendar, which will be regularly                                               head coach of HNA’s
      updated as changes or postponements arise.                                                 Ultimate Frisbee
      You can customize the calendar for particular                                              program. Coach
      sports and set it to send you email or text                                                Lisowski, a competitive
      reminders and updates on schedule changes.                                                 Ultimate Frisbee player,
                                                                                                 comes to HNA with more
    • Attend games, matches, and races to support
                                                                                                 than 15 years of
      your Cougars!
                                                                                                 experience, having
                                                                                                 played in Chicago,
                                                                                                 Seattle, and South
A general sports parent meeting covering the HNA
Athletic Department Handbook was held on the first day                                           Korea.
of school for all sports. Parents of lacrosse, softball,        As a student-athlete at University of Illinois at Chicago,
tennis, track and field, and Ultimate Frisbee team              she received her B.A. in Sociology. She also served as a
members will be notified of sport-specific parent               Volunteer Assistant Coach for the University of Illinois at
meetings once teams are determined.                             Chicago’s Women’s Ultimate Frisbee Team.

                                      Looking for Sports Scores?
     Find Metro League results for spring teams competing in the Metro League (softball, tennis, golf, track & field)
                                             on the Metro League website.
                 Lacrosse information for the entire state is at; HNA lacrosse has a team page.
BASKETBALL Winter Sports Post-Season Update - Holy Names Academy BASKETBALL Winter Sports Post-Season Update - Holy Names Academy BASKETBALL Winter Sports Post-Season Update - Holy Names Academy BASKETBALL Winter Sports Post-Season Update - Holy Names Academy BASKETBALL Winter Sports Post-Season Update - Holy Names Academy BASKETBALL Winter Sports Post-Season Update - Holy Names Academy
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