BAS-ST-LAURENT - Authentik Canada

Page created by Fred Hampton
BAS-ST-LAURENT - Authentik Canada

                    The lovely Bas-St-Laurent region boasts a rich architectural and historical he-
                   ritage and is home to some of the most beautiful villages in Quebec, including
                  Cacouna, Kamouraska, Notre-Dame-du-Portage and Saint-Pacôme, all of which
                  are recognized by the Most Beautiful Villages of Québec Association. According
                  to National Geographic, Kamouraska also has the second most beautiful sunsets
                           in the world after Hawaii. A perfect destination for a family trip.

                                                                                           SU N S E T O N K A M O U R A S K A
© Marc Loiselle
BAS-ST-LAURENT - Authentik Canada
WATCH THE                            KAMOURASKA ★                           sample some smoked eel!              Les Écoliers is the longest trail
SUNSET ★★★                           Kamouraska is one of the               Open from early June to              on Amphithéâtre Mountain.
Taking in a sunset on the            most typical villages in Bas           mid-October, Monday-Sunday           The trail climbs quite steeply
banks of the St. Lawrence            St-Laurent and a member of             from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.                through a mixed forest to a
River should be at the top of        the Most Beautiful Villages            SITE D’INTERPRÉTATION DE             lookout offering a first view of
your list of things to do in the     of Québec network. In days             L’ANGUILLE :                         the river, farmland and tidal
Bas-Saint-Laurent region. It is      gone by, Kamouraska was one            205, AVENUE MOREL, KAMOURASKA        flats. There is a second lookout
said that the best sunsets can       of Quebec’s most popular               418-492-3935                         at the top. The sweeping views
be seen between Cacouna and          holiday destinations because                                                of the mountains and the river
Kamouraska. If you are staying       of its superb scenery, its rich        SENTIER                              are well worth the effort! There
in the area, just kick off your      architectural heritage and its         LES ÉCOLIERS                         is a small entry fee to the site.
shoes, sink your feet in the         proximity to the river. Visit                                               Open from mid-May to mid-
sand and savour this magical         the eel interpretation centre,         Distance (round-trip): 3-km loop     October.
moment, brought to you by            the Site d’Interprétation de           Time (round-trip): 1.5 to 2 hrs.     273, ROUTE 132 OUEST,
Mother Nature herself.               l’Anguille, to learn all about         Level: Difficult                     SAINT-ANDRÉ-DE-KAMOURASKA
                                     Kamouraska’s traditional eel           Elevation gain: 180 m                WWW.SEBKA.CA
ROUTE DES                            fishing trade. You can even
Since the days of Jacques Cartier,
sailors from the world over have
travelled the St. Lawrence River
and its estuary. The Route des
Navigateurs bears witness to the
history of this great waterway
and the settlement of its shores.

                                                                                                                                                     © Québec maritime, Maurice Pitre - Enviro Foto
You will go through a string of
quiet villages whose Victorian
riverfront homes recall the turn-
of the-century resort era. The
section of Route 132 between
La Pocatière and Kamouraska is
especially scenic and showcases
the beauty of the St. Lawrence
                                          K A M O U R A S K A V IL L AG E

                                                                                                                                                     © Authentik Canada, Simon Lemay

    A WA L K AT SU N S E T

    Hiking                                                                            ★ Noteworthy      ★★     Worth the detour   ★★★    Must see
BAS-ST-LAURENT - Authentik Canada
                  Carrefour mondial de               place in our collective musical        region. Bird watching, sampling
                  l’accordéon                        heritage. Each edition                                                and interpretation, theme-based
                  Dates : early September 2022       celebrates a diversity of musical   Festival de l’Oie Blanche         days (folklore, family), meals
                  The Carrefour is a charming        styles, with activities for         Dates : early October 2022        with goose recipes and various
                  musical rendez-vous in             everyone: outdoor concerts,         Montmagny, the snow goose         competitions make this a fun
                  Montmagny that explores the        conferences, exhibits, children’s   capital, invites visitors to      festival for the whole family.
                  versatility of the accordion       activities, a museum and            celebrate the arrival of
                  while highlighting its important   evening dances.                     600,000 snow geese in the
© Marc Loiselle

                                                                                                                               RO U T E D E S N AV IG AT E U R S

                  WHERE TO EAT
                   1 TÊTE                            265, ROUTE 132 OUEST,               from Thursday to Saturday.         3 AUBERGE SUR MER ($$$)
                  D’ALLUMETTE ($)                    ST-ANDRÉ-DE-KAMOURASKA              Dinner starts at 5 p.m. Hours     The restaurant at Auberge sur
                  Ideally located in a magnificent   418-493-2222                        may vary in low season.           Mer, on the shores of the majestic
                  period house overlooking the       WWW.TETEDALLUMETTE.COM              Cantina, with its magnificent     St. Lawrence River, offers fine
                  river, this microbrewery is                                            patio overlooking the             regional cuisine created using
                  worth a detour for its artisanal    2 BISTRO CÔTÉ EST ($$)             river and the Kamouraska          the best regional ingredients and
                  beer, brewed over a wood fire.     Buvette is a warm place,            islands, is a perfect place       specialties. It will be a meal you
                  The menu features snacks such      indoor, where you can have          to eat outside. Open during       won’t forget! Reservations are
                  as pepper-smoked mackerel,         comfort food prepared with          summer, Thursday - Sunday,        highly recommended.
                  homemade pogos, sausages,          fresh quality ingredients. The      from 12 p.m. to 7 p.m.            363, ROUTE DU FLEUVE,
                  cheese curds, accompanied by       menu includes lamb, guinea          76, AVENUE MOREL,                 NOTRE-DAME-DU-PORTAGE
                  plenty of nuts and olives. Open    fowl, eel, charcuteries,            KAMOURASKA / 418-308-0739         418-862-0642
                  Thursday -Monday from 12           sturgeon, local artisanal           WWW.COTE-EST.CA                   WWW.AUBERGESURMER.CA
                  p.m. to 11 p.m. The shop is open   cheeses and other Québec
                  daily from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.       specialties. Open year round,                                         *** Hours may vary***

                      Microbrewery                                                          $ Inexppensive   $$ Moderate   $$$ Upscale        $$$$ Fine dining
BAS-ST-LAURENT - Authentik Canada
170            138                                                       132

                                                                                                                                                                                                   t ion
                              BAS ST-LAURENT                                                                                                                                               20                        N


                                                                                                                                       to Tadoussac

                                                                                                                     WATC H T H E S U N S E T ★★★
                                                                                                                                                                        Notre-dame-du-Portage                        7 km



                                                                                                                               i ve
                                                                   La Malbaie

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                              Qu                                                                                                                                       R O U T E D E S N AV I G AT E U R S ★

                         to             138                                                                                                                     20

                                                               S I T E D ’ I N T E R P R É TAT I O N                               2
                                                                       D E L’A N G U I L L E

                                                                                                                                                            KAMOURASKA ★

★ Noteworthy
                              Les Éboulements

                    Île-aux-                    QUEBEC
                    Coudres                                              Percé                            La Pocatière
                                                                                                                                                                                       1        = Restaurants

 Worth the detour
                                    Quebec                                                                                                                                                      = Parks
                                     City                          N-B                                                                                           287
                                                     USA                                                                                                                                        = Route des Navigateurs

                                                                                            o   nt
                                                                     132           to                                                                                                                                       USA

Must see
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