Barn Preservation Contractors and Consultants

Page created by Morris Peters
Barn Preservation
    Contractors and Consultants

This document includes building contractors, consultants, architects, and others involved
in the efforts to honor the agricultural heritage of the state through the preservation of
Wisconsin barns. Many of the contractors and consultants on this list have identified a
willingness to travel, which may be subject to change or travel expenses for inquiries. UW-
Extension assumes no responsibility for the quality of work or the integrity of those individuals
listed. Be sure to check whether the contractor or consultant has general liability insurance
before hiring them to commence a project.

If you are aware of others who should be included in this document, please contact the author.
This information is updated periodically.

Charles S. Law, Ph.D.
Community Planning and Design Specialist
229 Lowell Hall, 610 Langdon Street
Madison, WI 53703
(608) 265-2501

                                           Revised Spring 2013
Wisconsin Barn                       Bender Builders, Inc.                    The Builders                           Carpenter & Smith
Contractors &                        Dennis and Kyle Bender                   Gene Droessler, Jr                     Restorations
                                     P.O. Box 781                             4420 West Lane                         Pete Nicolazzi
Consultants                          Beaver Dam, WI 53916                     Cuba City, WI 53807                    33301 Geneva Road
                                     920.887.3556                             608.568.7901                           Burlington, WI 53105
Richard Arfsten Enterprises             262.537.2641
3031 Sheard Road                                                                 
Burlington, WI 53105                 We provide all services dealing                                       
262.534.2680                         with barn restoration including:         Foundation repair or replacement,
262.716.6311                         complete restoration, straightening,     plate replacement, joist and           Restoration carpenter, structural        storm damage repair, masonry wall        flooring replacement, wall             and ornamental work is our
                                     repair and replacement, siding,          straightening, roof                    specialty. Epoxy consultant
Specializes in farm/industrial       roofing, etc. Willing to travel to all   straightening, new or repair siding,   specialists. Also
painting. Willing to travel within   of WI and portions of surrounding        painting, roofing. We are also a       capable of reconstructing
100 miles of Burlington, WI          states.                                  Berg equipment dealer. Willing to      dismantled buildings/elements.
                                                                              travel                                 Willing to travel to Southeastern
Barn Celebrations                    Bill Braatz Painting                     within a 100 mile radius of Cuba       WI, Northern IL.
Kate Pearce                          Bill Braatz                              City, WI.
W6580 County Road V                  N4085 Edgewood Lane                                                             Centreville Settlement, Inc.
Cascade, WI 53011                    Eden, WI 53019                           Burnham Lumber Company                 Christopher Kuehnel
920.946.1036                         920.477.4722                             839 Cty. Hwy. G                        1030 Beech Street                                                           Rewey, WI 53580                        Cleveland, WI 53015
                                     Painting and steel siding. Willing       608.943.6323                           920.693.3141
Review of farm buildings and what    to travel within a 50 to 100 mile        800.707.7106                 
would be needed to stage a           radius of Fond du Lac, WI;                                                      nsult.htm
milestone or completion              depends on the project.                  Re-siding, re-roofing, re-   
celebration at your site. Special                                             modeling,& concrete work. Willing
Events Coordinator for farm events   Braun Electric, Inc.                     to travel within a 100 mile radius     Musuem quality timber
including planning, hands-on         Rick Braun                               of Rewey, WI.                          replacement, stone masonry, clay
preparation and staging of           209 N. 4th Avenue                                                               infill. Timber frame barn and
historical farm celebrations, barn   St. Nazianz, WI 54232                                                           historic building consulting.
dances, harvest balls, old time      920.773.2143                                                                    Additionally, provides consulting
music and farm style dinners.        800.876.2234                                                                    on creative structure reuse
Willing to travel throughout                                                        planning. Written and pictorial
Wisconsin/Northern IL. Also                                                       structural and restoration reviews.
available for speaking &                                                                                             Willing to train, equip, or supervise
presentations on celebrations or     Available for any type of barn                                                  your crew of friends. Primarily
Lutze Housebarn Preservation         restoration services or demolition.                                             northeast Wisconsin, will travel up
Project by Centreville Settlement.   Willing to travel throughout all of                                             to 100 miles.
                                     the state.
Chamberlain Building                   DBA Quality Exterior                 Facility Engineering Inc      
Al Chamberlain                         Improvements                         Daniel Maki                             m/
205 Fremont St                         Henry W. Bunts, Jr                   101 Dempsey Road
Boscobel, WI 53805                     2850 S. Tollefson Road               Madison, WI 53714                       Plumbing, heating, air
608.375.6058                           Orfordville, WI 53576                608.240.9110                            conditioning, septic systems.
                                       608.879.2351                         http://www.facilityengineeringinc.c     Willing to travel within a 45 mile
Building, straightening, structural                                         om                                      radius of Richland Center, WI.
repair, raising, shoring, sill and     Barn and roof painting, plus
beam replacement. Willing to           aluminum coating.                    m                                       Ganser Company, Inc.
travel within a 100 mile radius of                                                                                  Travis Ganser
Boscobel, WI.                          DoneRite Home Maintenance            Repair and design consultation,         2616 Industrial Drive
                                       Chuck Nolden                         structural assessment, historic         Madison, WI 53713
Childs Contract Movers                 E5117 Old Lavalle Road               preservation and rehabilitation, will   608.222.1243
Bob Childs                             Reedsburg, WI 53959                  travel.                                 Barn roofing including the
23664 Byers Rd                         608-415-2498                                                                 application of cedar shake, tile, and
Boscobel, WI 53805                       Farm & Town Roofing of                  asphalt/fiberglass shingles. Also do
608.872.2214                                                                Brodhead, LLP                           siding and window work. Willing
608.988.6511                           Roofing contractor                   Sherm Schidegger                        to work in the greater Madison                                                      N475 Mt Hope Road                       area.
                                       Jim Dworschack                       P.O. Box 52
Building straightening, shoring and    47544 Norwegian Hollow Rd            Brodhead, WI 53520                      Glenville Timberwrights
beveling, raising, new beams, sills,   Soldiers Grove, WI 54655             608.897.2664                            Tom Holmes
and posts, bracing and buttressing.    608.624.3656                            1301 Lake Street
We are willing to go wherever the                                                                                   Baraboo, WI 53913
job takes us!                          Barn restoration services ranging    Steel roofing or asphalt shingles.      608.356.9095
                                       from general consultation to         Straighten barn walls and roofs.        608.355.9950
David Lumber, Inc.                     developing a bill of work for        Flat concrete work. Repair stone
Marvin David                           contractors to follow and bid on.    walls and siding, foundations. Silo
130 East Street                        Willing to travel across all of WI   repair - pipes and chutes, tripods
Potosi, WI 53820                       and northern IL.                     and pulleys, re-aligning. Willing to    Dismantling of barns, labeling of
608.763.2197                                                                travel                                  materials, re-erection of barn
                                       Eagle Restorations, Inc.             throughout southern Wisconsin.          frames and enclosure of barn
Barn additions and remodeling          Damian Slaske & Rich Miller                                                  frames with structural insulated
                                       N9394 Adams Church Road              Fry & Wertz Plumbing &                  panels. Post and beam construction
                                       East Troy, WI 53120                                                          for new homes and additions.
                                                                            Heating Inc
                                       262.495-2832                                                                 Materials for barn restoration.
                                                                            David and Gary Fry
                                                                                                                    Willing to travel throughout
                                                                            22197 Hwy 80 N
                                       Log, stonewood and timber frame                                              Wisconsin and Illinois.
                                                                            Richland Center, WI 53581
                                       specialists.                         608.647.6345
Gary Goyette                          Hameister Architects                  J. Robinson Masonry                    Keller White Washing
410 South River Park Drive            DuWayne R. Hameister, AIA             “Preserving our Heritage One Barn      David Keller
P.O. Box 594                          823 South Taylor Drive                at a Time”                             P.O. Box 68
Guttenberg, IA 52052                  Sheboygan, WI 53081                   Pepin, WI                              Kieler, WI 53812
563.252.3326                          920.457.5500                          651.808.3208                           608.568.3329
262.565.3699                                duwayne@hameister-                    m                                      White washing.
Restoration Preservation                                                    We repair and rebuild stone barn       LaVerne & Shirley La Dow
Professional with 25 + years of       Pre-design, design, and consulting    and home foundations. Will travel      Mineral Point, WI
experience. Building trades skills    architectural and engineering         120 mile radius from Pepin, WI         608.987.3118 (after 8:00pm)
in: 1) masonry                        services. Recently completed a
and brick repairs & repointing, 2)    barn adaptive re-use project in the   Alice Jackson                          Barn restoration, foundation, sills,
surface preparation and application   Sheboygan area. Willing to travel     Restoration/Preservation               frames, beams, and roof. Will
of interior and exterior              within a 60 mile radius of            Consultant                             travel a 60 mile radius.
architectural                         Sheboygan, WI.                        SW372 S9727 Hwy 67
surface coatings, including period                                          Eagle, 53119                           Tim Leahy
wall coverings, 3) exterior finish    Hartlaub Equipment                    262.594.6322                           Preservation Carpenter
carpentry including duplication,      Gene and Theresa Hartlaub                                                    9208 Menchalville Road
installation, and repair, epoxy       9712 Cty Hwy C                        Condition assessment, restoration      Cato, WI 54230
reconsolidants and fillers, 4)        Newton, WI 53063                      planning, historic research on         920.973.4476
exterior finish carpentry of wood,    920.758.2132                          structures of all types. Specializes
architectural trim and siding                  in log and timber framed               Repairs and Salvage. Willing to
materials, including all types of                                           structures. Will travel throughout     travel within northeast WI.
horizontal, vertical siding, and      Foundational repairs. Remodeling,     Wisconsin.
decorative wood shingles, 5)          sale, & installation of barn                                                 Mitchell Construction, LLC
installation of wood shingle          equipment. Willing to travel within   Jim’s Building Center, Inc.            Mark Mitchell
roofing systems, including down       a 40 mile radius of Newton, WI.       James Kohlenberg                       W6700 Red Cedar Road
spouts and gutters, 6) wood                                                 4427 Highway 18E                       Burnett, WI 53922
window restoration, and 7) log        Mark Ihm Builders                     Fennimore, WI 53809                    920.689.0381
structure repair and restoration,     75 Maple Court                        608.822.3741                           920.948.4393
including removal and replacement     Platteville, WI 53818         
of deteriorated logs. Willing to      608.348.7283.3              
travel throughout southwestern                                              General contractor, metal siding       Complete barn restoration,
Wisconsin.                            General contractor carpentry,         and roofing, general                   additions, foundation repair. Barn
                                      historic restoration. Willing to      supplier. Willing to travel within a   straightening. dismantling and
                                      travel a 75 mile radius of            50 mile radius of                      reconstructing barns and other
                                      Platteville, WI.                      Fennimore, WI.                         historic buildings. Barn materials
                                                                                                                   also available. Install metal
                                                                                                                   roofing. Will travel statewide.
Nies Custom Services                    Orvil Krueger                         and processed antique lumber.          Scaboro River Barn & Lumber
Joel and Marilyn Nies                   The Doctor Building                   Barn salvage & dismantling.            Scott Pagenkopf
8122 Morrison Road                      W11722 Swamp Road                     We’ve been working with barns for      3546 State Highway 57
Greenleaf, WI 54126                     Marion, WI 54950                      40 years! Willing to travel            De Pere, WI 54115
920-265-1934                            715.754.5495                          throughout the entire state.           920.660.6307                        Building straightening and repair,    Ridgeway Masonry                       Barn restoration and demolition.
                                        wind damage, sagging roofs,           Mike Reynolds                          Specialist in antique lumber and
Structural, straightening, walls, and   broken beams, off foundation, barn    221 Church Street                      hardware. Willing to travel within
roof restoration and maintaince         door and new barntrack, jacking,      Dodgeville, WI 53566                   a 100 mile radius of Green Bay -
services. Willing to travel about 45    sills replaced. Willing to travel                                            further for unique projects
miles.                                  across all of WI and beyond           Stone wall restoration, foundation
                                                                              work, masonry                          Scandinavia Timber Frames
Nodolf Lumber, Inc                      Preservation Trades, Inc              cleaning. Willing to travel within a   LLC
Pat Keyes                               Robert Przewlocki                     50 mile radius of                      Mervin Peterson
102 E. Commerce                         P.O. Box 1102                         Dodgeville, WI.                        E453 Cty B
Belmont, WI 53510                       Wayne, IL 60184                                                              Scandinavia, WI 54977
608.762.5161                            608.443.0411                          Roberts Painting                       715.281.1212, 715.467.2372
                                      Michael Roberts
Construction of farm structures.        s                                     1000 S. Spring Street                  Complete Timber Frame Repair -
Willing to travel within a 50 mile                                            Beaver Dam, WI 53916                   Sill to Rafters. Specializes in
radius of Belmont, WI.                  Barns repaired, dismantled,           920.885.4100                           custom-built timber frames. Build
                                        reconstructed and retrofitted.        920.210.4578                           new or renovate old; residential,
Nordin Carpentry                        Consultation and construction            farm, or commercial. Please
Gary Nordin                             services available statewide.                     contact early in the planning phase.
N9638 Whippoorwill Lane                                                                                              Willing to travel a 60 mile radius
Merrillan, WI 54754                     R & B Enterprises Design &            Painting of barns and other rural      from Scandinavia, WI.
715.333.2183                            Construction, LTD                     buildings. Works statewide.
715.896.1247                            Rick Bott                                                                    Jerry Schlagenhaft                   S7635 Pine Hollow Drive               Rossing Construction Co, Inc           607 N. Cedar Street
                                        North Freedom, WI 53951               Garald V. Rossing                      Marshfield, WI 54449
Specialists in farm buildings.          608.544.3100                          450 Washington Street                  715.389.2051
Building straightening and repair.                      Fennimore, WI 53809
Twenty-five plus years of                      608.822.6792                           Mason contractor
experience. Send video of your
barn/structure for consultation         Structural analysis, repairs and      Barn framing, siding, roofing,         Rodney Schleis
and/or estimate of repair. Willing      relocation. Design services for       excavation, concrete work. Willing     E2821 Highway 29
to travel all of WI.                    conversion to other uses. Suppliers   to travel within southwestern WI,      Kewaunee, WI 54216
                                        of timber frames, barn materials,     more specifically within a 25 mile     920.388.0660
                                                                              radius of Fennimore, WI.
South Central Tree Service              Third Cut Restoration Services         Van Valin Restoration LLC              Frederick Yenter & Sons
Terry Pichler                           James Hayward                          Tad Van Valin                          Frederick Yenter
W2774 Palmer Road                       814 B Pine Street Apt 9                N3146 Rome-Oak Hill Road               7378 Cty Rd C
Rio, WI 53960                           Green Bay, WI 54301                    Helenville, WI 53137                   Wittenberg, WI 54499
920.992.3669                            920.360.8228                           920-988-6067
                                                   Zweifel Construction
Removal of old barns. Marketing                                                Mr. Lauren Meinert
of material. Restoration material       Historic preservation specializing                                            N2408 Bethal Road
available. Willing to travel within a   in log buildings, but also looks at    Relocation and restoration of 19th     Monroe, WI 53566
40 mile radius of Rio, WI.              barns. Willing to travel within a 60   century log and                        608.325.4298
                                        mile radius of Green Bay, WI, or       timber frame structures      
Stichert Roofing, Inc                   further for unique projects.
Stichert Brothers                       Available for speaking.                Welsh’s Concrete Foundations           Consulting, building and repair,
W1101 Chili Road                                                               Larry Welsh                            foundations, restoration,
Chili, WI 54420                         Traditional Carpentry, Inc             4714 State Rd 133                      straightening, floor repair and
715.683.2490                            Tim Marr                               Boscobel, WI 53805                     replacement, siding, and roofing.
                                        216 W Commerce St                      608.988.6354                           Converting to residences or other
Installs standing seam roofs.           Mineral Point, WI 53565                      uses. Willing to travel within a 40
Willing to travel throughout all of     608.987.3726                                                                  to 50 mile radius of Monroe, WI.
Wisconsin.                              608.574.7404                           Consulting on excavation and
                                                       foundation work
Stitt Barn Preservation       
Mark Stitt                                                                     Woodford Bros, Inc
9215 8th St                             All types of traditional carpentry     Mike and Tom Woodford
Hesperia, MI 49421                      and restoration. Willing to travel     P.O. Box 108
231.924.2541                            within a 50 mile radius of Mineral     Apulia Station, NY 13020
231.854.1930                            Point.                                 800.653.2276                                                      Two Hands                    
                                        Ron Raasch                             2nd generation family company,
Beam repair, patching floors, roof      2928 N. Prospect                       providing complete barn
repair, concrete or stone masonry,      Milwaukee, WI 53211                    restoration services for 40 years
relocation, residing. Involved in all   414.961.1360                           including jacking, cabling,
phases of barn restoration, original                                           leveling, and straightening of barn
or rebuilt. They haven’t found one      Restoration and rehabilitation,        roofs, siding, and foundation repair
yet they can’t fix. Willing to travel   design and carpentry, historic         or replacement. Willing to travel
to anywhere within the Great Lakes      research and creative adaptations      all of WI.
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