Bacterial microbiomes from mucus and breath of southern resident killer whales (Orcinus orca)

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Bacterial microbiomes from mucus and breath of southern resident killer whales (Orcinus orca)
Volume 10 • 2022                  10.1093/conphys/coac014

                                                                                                                              Research article

Bacterial microbiomes from mucus and breath of
southern resident killer whales (Orcinus orca)

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Linda D. Rhodes1, *, Candice K. Emmons1 , Gabriel S. Wisswaesser2 , Abigail H. Wells2 and M. Bradley Hanson1

1 Northwest Fisheries Science Center, National Marine Fisheries Service, 2725 Montlake Boulevard East, Seattle, WA 98112, USA
2 Lynker Technologies, under contract to Northwest Fisheries Science Center, National Marine Fisheries Service, 2725 Montlake Boulevard East,

Seattle, WA 98112, USA
*Corresponding author: Northwest Fisheries Science Center, National Marine Fisheries Service, 2725 Montlake Boulevard East, Seattle, WA 98112,
USA. Email:


Opportunities to assess odontocete health are restricted due to their limited time at the surface, relatively quick movements
and large geographic ranges. For endangered populations such as the southern resident killer whales (SKRWs) of the northeast
Pacific Ocean, taking advantage of non-invasive samples such as expelled mucus and exhaled breath is appealing. Over
the past 12 years, such samples were collected, providing a chance to analyse and assess their bacterial microbiomes using
amplicon sequencing. Based on operational taxonomic units, microbiome communities from SRKW and transient killer whales
showed little overlap between mucus, breath and seawater from SRKW habitats and six bacterial phyla were prominent in
expelled mucus but not in seawater. Mollicutes and Fusobacteria were common and abundant in mucus, but not in breath
or seawater, suggesting these bacterial classes may be normal constituents of the SRKW microbiome. Out of 134 bacterial
families detected, 24 were unique to breath and mucus, including higher abundances of Burkholderiaceae, Moraxellaceae and
Chitinophagaceae. Although there were multiple bacterial genera in breath or mucus that include pathogenic species (e.g.
Campylobacter, Hemophilus, Treponema), the presence of these bacteria is not necessarily evidence of disease or infection.
Future emphasis on genotyping mucus samples to the individual animal will allow further assessment in the context of that
animal’s history, including body condition index and prior contaminants burden. This study is the first to examine expelled
mucus from cetaceans for microbiomes and demonstrates the value of analysing these types of non-invasive samples.

Editor: Steven Cooke
Received 13 September 2021; Revised 7 February 2022; Editorial Decision 5 March 2022; Accepted 7 March 2022
Cite as: Rhodes LD, Emmons CK, Wisswaesser GS, Wells AH, Hanson MB (2022) Bacterial microbiomes from mucus and breath of southern resident
killer whales (Orcinus orca). Conserv Physiol 10(1): coac014; doi:10.1093/conphys/coac014.


Introduction                                                                  resident killer whales that eat exclusively fish and transient
                                                                              killer whales that eat primarily marine mammals (Ford
Although killer whales (Orcinus orca) have a worldwide                        et al., 1998). In spite of differences in dietary preference,
distribution, their total numbers are unknown. Although                       resident and transient killer whales have significant overlap
killer whales are taxonomically a single species, distinct                    in habitat occupancy. A specific population of resident killer
populations are differentiated on appearance, behaviour, prey                 whales known as southern resident killer whales (SRKWs)
preferences and habitat use patterns. In the eastern North                    has declined from 96–98 individuals in the mid-1990s to a
Pacific Ocean along the continental USA and Canada, two                       current number of 73 individuals (Center for Whale Research;
sympatric ecotypes of killer whales have been described:             SRKWs were

© The Author(s) 2022. Published by Oxford University Press and the Society for Experimental Biology.
This work is written by US Government employees and is in the public domain in the US.                                                                  1
Bacterial microbiomes from mucus and breath of southern resident killer whales (Orcinus orca)
Research article                                                                                          Conservation Physiology • Volume 10 2022

listed as endangered under the US Endangered Species                           whale faecal samples have been useful for assessing stress
Act (ESA; National Marine Fisheries Service, 2005) and                         and pregnancy status through hormone analyses and for
Canadian Species at Risk Act. Earlier and recent US status                     anthropogenic contaminants (Ayres et al., 2012; Lundin et al.,
reviews identified three factors posing a significant risk to                  2016; Wasser et al., 2017), while exhaled breath, or ‘blow’,
their future viability: reduced quantity and quality of prey,                  has been analysed for pathogens (Raverty et al., 2017).
persistent anthropogenic contaminants that cause immune or                     Respiratory infections and diseases are a common cause of
reproductive dysfunction, and disturbance due to vessel traffic                mortality in marine mammals (Venn-Watson et al., 2012)
and associated noise (Krahn et al., 2004; National Marine                      and a life-threatening risk for diving marine mammals.
Fisheries Service, 2008; National Marine Fisheries Service,                    The hyperbaric conditions of diving impose demands on
2016). Reduced prey quantity and quality can not only                          respiratory physiology, causing compression and collapse
create metabolic deficiencies but also force shifts in habitat                 of the lower tract to potentially interrupt gas exchange and
occupancy (Hanson et al., 2021) and, potentially, more energy                  avoid decompression sickness (Denk et al., 2020; Moore et al.,

                                                                                                                                                             Downloaded from by guest on 07 June 2022
expended for hunting. The risks from persistent contaminants                   2011). Collection and analysis of exhaled breath from large
are acute toxicity and sublethal effects, including increased                  cetaceans is relatively well developed (Apprill et al., 2017;
susceptibility to infections or diseases through immuno-                       Burgess et al., 2018; Hunt et al., 2013), but continues to
suppression (Mongillo et al., 2016). Because killer whales                     pose challenges for smaller, free-ranging cetaceans (Raudino
employ sounds while foraging (Holt et al., 2019; Tennessen                     et al., 2019; Robinson and Nuuttila, 2020). Over an 11-
et al., 2019), underwater noise from marine vessel traffic can                 year period, non-invasive samples of mucus and exhaled
interfere with the acoustics of prey detection and pursuit                     breath from SRKWs were collected, primarily from living
(Houghton et al., 2015). These threats, alone or in combina-                   animals. This collection provides a unique opportunity to
tion, and their cumulative effects can reduce individual animal                evaluate the utility of mucus and breath for microbiome
ability to respond to infection or pathogens through multiple                  analysis. This analysis can be the basis for characterization of
immunological and physiological mechanisms (e.g. Mongillo                      commensal bacterial communities, identification of potential
et al., 2016), resulting in infectious disease as an immediate or              opportunistic and pathogenic microorganisms and future
proximate cause of death (Raverty et al., 2020). The coastal                   discovery of biomarkers useful for health assessments.
and inland waters occupied by SRKWs receive significant
terrestrial and anthropogenic inputs from watersheds with
high potential for biological pollution with pathogenic agents.                Materials and methods
For example, in March 2021 more than 85 marine water
bodies in Washington State were listed as impaired (also called                Field collection and sample handling
‘303d listed’) due to bacterial contamination by the State’s
Department of Ecology (                Samples were collected from both SRKWs and transient killer
Water-quality/Water-improvement/Assessment-of-state-waters-303                 whales from 2009 to 2019 throughout much of the known
d; accessed 19 March 2021). As SRKWs transit and reside in                     range for SRKWs (i.e. outer US Pacific Northwest coast and
these waters, they are exposed to these water-borne agents. In                 into the Salish Sea). Expelled mucus was identified by follow-
the most recent action plan for SRKWs developed by National                    ing a focal group (Hanson et al., 2010). Samples were scooped
Marine Fisheries Service, the priority actions for 2021–2025                   from the water surface with a long-handled (4 m), fine-mesh
include improved knowledge of SRKW health to provide                           net and either placed directly into a sterile 50-ml polypropy-
better capabilities to assess and inform for recovery and                      lene tube or wiped from the net with sterile gauze and placed
emergency response (                   in a sterile plastic bag or tube. The bag or tube was kept cool
document/species-spotlight-priority-actions-2021-2025-southern-                and dark until transfer to long-term storage at −20◦ C. Dates
resident-killer-whale).                                                        of collection, pods in the focal group and general sampling
                                                                               locations are displayed in Supplementary Table 1.
   Opportunities to investigate cause of death or even                            Breath collection employed pole-mounted sterile Petri
conduct physiological assessments of SRKWs rely primarily                      dishes covered with sterile 100-μm mesh nitex and required
on opinions of expert field observers, necropsy findings                       the pole operator to pass the dish through the exhaled plume.
and remote techniques such as photogrammetry (Fearnbach                        After sampling, dishes were enclosed in sterile Whirl-Pak
et al., 2018; Raverty et al., 2020). SRKWs and nearly all                      bags and held on chiller packs in the dark until returning
cetaceans spend limited time at the surface, move quickly                      to shore. Within 12 hours of collection, the nitex mesh was
and have large geographic ranges, making them elusive                          aseptically separated from the dish and placed into a sterile
for studies of their behaviour, ecology and physiology                         50-ml polypropylene tube. The petri dish was rinsed with
(Mann and Karniski, 2017). Because invasive research                           3–4 ml of RNALater™, transferred to the tube holding the
techniques may pose hazards for SRKWs (e.g. L95 Expert                         nitex mesh, which was vigorously shaken and stored at 4◦ C
Panel Report, September 2016; https://archive.fisheries.noaa.                  or −20◦ C until long-term storage at −20◦ C.
whales/l95_expert_panel.pdf), exploiting non-invasive samples                    All animal samples were collected under NOAA permits
for these purposes becomes increasingly important. Killer                      #781-1824, #16163 and #21348, and collection protocols

Bacterial microbiomes from mucus and breath of southern resident killer whales (Orcinus orca)
Conservation Physiology • Volume 10 2022                                                                                                Research article

were reviewed and approved under IACUC protocols NWAK-                         TCGTCGGCAGCGTCAGATGTGTATAAGAGACAGCCTA
18-01 and A/NW 2014-02 (NWFSC ESA/MMPA 5-year                                  CGGGNGGCWGCAG; reverse primer: 5 —GTCTCGTGGG
Marine Mammal Research Permit).                                                CTCGGAGATGTGTATAAGAGACAGGACTACHVGGGTA
                                                                               TCTAATCC) according to the manufacturer’s protocol with
   Seawater samples were collected within the known range
                                                                               the following modifications. Working primer concentrations
of SRKWs in coastal waters of the USA from northern
                                                                               were 37.5 μM and contained 3.12 mg of purified bovine
California to Washington and around the San Juan Islands
                                                                               serum albumin μl−1 . The more concentrated working primers
during spring and summer months of 2016 and 2017
                                                                               were used at 0.133 μl per reaction for the same final primer
(Supplementary Table 2). Water samples (up to 1 l) were
                                                                               concentration prescribed in the manufacturer’s protocol.
collected either from Niskin bottles or by submerging a clean
                                                                               The remaining reaction volume (12.23 μl) was template
bottle at the surface. Water was kept cool and in the dark
                                                                               DNA. Both magnetic bead cleanups used twice the prescribed
until filtered through a 0.2-μm polyethersulfone filter. Filters
                                                                               amount of bead to increase recovery. Samples were analysed
were flash-frozen in liquid nitrogen until long-term storage at

                                                                                                                                                             Downloaded from by guest on 07 June 2022
                                                                               using the Illumina MiSeq reagent kit v3 (600 cycles) on a
−80◦ C.
                                                                               MiSeq sequencer (Illumina, San Diego, CA, USA). Sequence
Sample processing                                                              reads were trimmed for quality using Trimmomatic (Bolger et
                                                                               al., 2014) and paired ends were assembled using PANDAseq
Mucus                                                                          (Masella et al., 2012). Additional sequence filtering removed
Subsampling was performed in a sterile biological safety                       sequences with lengths less than 400 base pairs (bp) and with
cabinet, and aseptic benchtop techniques were used to prevent                  homopolymers and ambiguous bases greater than 7 bp. Based
environmental and cross contamination. DNA from mucus                          on a mock community of equimolar amounts of genomic
was extracted using TRI Reagent® (Molecular Research                           DNA from 14 known bacterial species, reads with a frequency
Center Inc, Cincinnati, OH, USA) following manufacturer’s                      of
Research article                                                                                          Conservation Physiology • Volume 10 2022

                                                                               Table 1: Numbers of bacterial families unique to sample types and
                                                                               sample type combinations

                                                                                 Sample type or sample type combination             Number of Families
                                                                                 Mucus only                                         0
                                                                                 Breath only                                        6
                                                                                 Water only                                         9
                                                                                 Mucus and breath                                   24
                                                                                 Mucus and water                                    9
                                                                                 Breath and water                                   4

                                                                                                                                                             Downloaded from by guest on 07 June 2022
                                                                                 Mucus and breath and water                         82

Figure 1: Non-metric multidimensional scaling plot of bacterial                were highly abundant in water but not the biological sam-
communities (based on OTUs) by sample type. Samples that are                   ples (Fig. 2). Furthermore, Euryarchaeota (kingdom Archaea)
closer together are more similar in community structure. Calculated
                                                                               occurred in water samples, but were absent or very low
stress for the two dimensions is 0.12.
                                                                               abundance in killer whale samples (data not shown).

of 292 OTUs (range, 52–502; N = 13). In contrast, seawa-                          At the class level, Gammaproteobacteria (Proteobacteria)
ter samples averaged 393 OTUs (range, 317–510; N = 27).                        and Bacteroidia (Bacteroidetes) were common and highly
Although storage times varied widely, there was no evidence                    abundant in mucus and breath (Fig. 3). Betaproteobacteria
of a temporal trend in univariate diversity metrics among the                  (Proteobacteria), Clostridia (Firmicutes) and Campylobacte-
mucus samples, which was the most abundant sample type                         ria (Epsilonbacteraeota) were common and highly abundant
(Supplementary Figure 1). Analysis of variance by sampling                     in mucus, but less common and less abundant in breath.
year for Shannon diversity index (H ), Margalef’s index (d),                  Mollicutes (Tenericutes) and Fusobacteriia (Fusobacteria)
and Pielou’s evenness index (J) was not significant (F ≥ 1.15;                 were distinctive for mucus, as these classes were absent or in
P > 0.181).                                                                    very low abundance in breath and seawater. In comparison,
                                                                               Alphaproteobacteria (Proteobacteria), Actinobacteria (Acti-
   Bacterial communities were different among the sample                       nobacteria), Oxyphotobacteria (Cyanobacteria) and Bacilli
sources, with most of the mucus samples exhibiting close                       (Firmicutes) were more common and more abundant in
similarity (Fig. 1). Analysis of similarity of mucus samples                   breath than in mucus (Fig. 3).
did not detect a significant difference between ecotypes (sig-
nificance, >0.12) or locations (significance, >0.70). Breath                     Among the 134 families identified, 61% were present in all
sample communities were more varied, but still distinct from                   sample types, 28% were present in two sample types and 11%
mucus, and both types of samples were strongly different from                  were present in only one sample type (Table 1). Although
seawater communities (Fig. 1). Communities from each sam-                      mucus contained no unique families, the greatest overlap in
ple type strongly differentiated and exhibited very low simi-                  families was between mucus and breath.
larity among sample types (
Conservation Physiology • Volume 10 2022                                                                                                Research article

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Figure 2: Non-metric multidimensional bubble plots of bacterial phyla for all samples with colour key by sample type. Bubble diameter shows
relative abundance of each phylum by sample with respective key adjacent to each plot. Calculated stress for the two dimensions is 0.11.

Research article                                                                                          Conservation Physiology • Volume 10 2022

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Figure 3: Shade plot of relative abundance of bacterial classes for mucus and breath samples. Raw abundances were standardized by sample
before plotting, so that the shade key is the percentage of abundance. Samples are arranged by year of collection within each biological sample
type. Bacterial classes are ordered by the cluster dendrogram on the left, where classes connected by red dashed branches are statistically
indistinguishable by similarity profile permutational analysis (P ≤ 0.05; cophenetic correlation, 0.82313).

Table 2: Common and abundant bacterial families by sample type

    Breath                                                     Mucus                                          Water
    Burkholderiaceae                                           Burkholderiaceae                               Flavobacteriaceae
    Moraxellaceae                                              Moraxellaceae                                  Rhodobacteraceae
    Chitinophagaceae                                           Chitinophagaceae                               Chloroplast (Oxyphotobacteria)
    Cyclobacteriaceae                                          Arcobacteriaceae
    Beijerinckiaceae                                           Cardiobacteriaceae
    Pseudoaltermonadaceae                                      Leptotrichiaceae
    Caulobacteraceae                                           Saccharospirillaceae
    Sphingomonadaceae                                          Mycoplasmataceae
Listed families represented ≥5% of the average relative abundance for each sample type.

subsets for mucus and water samples. In mucus samples,                             terium, Prevotella and Arcobacter ranking among the top
Saccharospirillaceae and Arcobacteraceae occurred together,                        five (Supplementary Table 2). In mucus samples, nine bac-
while Mycoplasmataceae and Leptotrichiaceae each co-                               terial genera represented a similar percentage of average
occurred with Campylobacteraceae, Porphyromonadaceae,                              total relative abundance, with Arcobacter, Cetobacterium,
Lachnospiraceae and Spirochaetaceae. In water samples,                             Mycoplasma, Oceanivirga and Gangjinia ranking among the
Flavobacteriaceae, Cryomorphaceae, Porticoccaceae and                              top five.
Rhodobacteraceae occurred together. In contrast, none of
the common and high-abundance families in breath samples                              Multiple genera that include known pathogenic species
co-occurred with other families (Supplementary Table 1).                           were detected in breath and mucus samples, and there
                                                                                   was considerable overlap in genera for both sample types
   At the genus level, there were many differences between                         (Table 3). In breath samples, the most abundant of poten-
breath and mucus samples. In breath samples, 20 bacte-                             tially pathogenic genera was Aeromonas (average relative
rial genera represented ∼75% of the average total rela-                            abundance, 2100), while the remaining genera had relatively
tive abundance, with Reichenbachiella, Ekhidna, Methylobac-                        low abundance (
Conservation Physiology • Volume 10 2022                                                                                                Research article

Table 3: Genera encompassing pathogenic species detected in                    confidence that the samples are representative of different
breath and mucus samples that had an average relative abundance of             anatomic regions of the animal and that bacterial contami-
≥100; none of these genera occurred at an average relative
abundance of ≥100 in seawater samples
                                                                               nation from seawater is not a major concern for the sampling
                                                                               methods we used.
  Breath samples                      Mucus samples                                Five phyla (Tenericutes, Fusobacteria, Spirochaetes,
  Mycoplasma                          Mycoplasma                               Epsilonbacteraeota, Patescibacteria) occurred exclusively or
                                                                               nearly exclusively in mucus samples compared to breath and
  Campylobacter                       Campylobacter                            seawater samples (Fig. 2). Tenericutes are comprised of a
  Staphylococcus                      Staphylococcus                           single class, Mollicutes, which have small genomes consistent
                                                                               with a parasitic lifestyle and includes known pathogens of
  Porphyromonas                       Porphyromonas
                                                                               respiratory tracts of mammals (Razin, 2006). Mollicutes
  Helcococcus                         Helcococcus                              have been detected in low abundance in humpback whale

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  Streptococcus                       Serratia                                 breath (Apprill et al., 2017) and bottlenose dolphin upper
                                                                               respiratory tract (Johnson et al., 2009). In our samples, the
  Hemophilus                          Clostridium
                                                                               relative abundance of Mollicutes averaged 6.3% (median,
  Aeromonas                           Fusobacter                               3.3%) and in one sample represented up to 46.3% of detected
                                      Treponema 2                              taxa, showing that it is a common community member in
                                                                               SRKW mucus. Our findings contrast with those of Bik et
                                                                               al. (2016) where Mollicutes were more abundant in dolphin
                                      Escherichia-Shigella                     gastrointestinal samples than in expelled blowhole samples.
                                                                               This contrast may be due to a difference in volitional release
                                                                               of mucus by SRKWs in a natural setting and the ‘on-demand’
                                                                               release in the dolphin collection. Physiologically, there is
was a high-abundance genus (average relative abundance,
                                                                               potential interconnection between the upper respiratory and
68 000), while Porphyromonas, Helcococcus, Campylobacter,
                                                                               gastric tracts in cetaceans, so mucus samples are likely to
Fusobacterium, Treponema and Clostridium exhibited
                                                                               contain microbiomes from both systems.
moderate abundance (2700–8600; Supplementary Table 2).
The remaining potentially pathogenic genera in mucus                               Fusobacteria, which includes only two families (Fusobate-
samples occurred at relatively low abundance (90% of the mucus samples indicates a common presence
tory tract. The results showed that these types of samples                     of these bacteria. Treponema species are known to be the
have good potential for microbiome analysis. The observa-                      cause of syphilis, yaws and pinta in humans (Radolf, 1996),
tion that long-term storage at ≤−20◦ C did not have strong                     but not yet reported as a disease agent in marine mammals.
effects on the bacterial communities contained in the samples                  Treponema has been reported in baleen whale gut micro-
supports the importance of opportunistic sample collection.                    biomes (Sanders et al., 2015) and in blowhole and genital
We also found that mucus and breath microbiomes are dis-                       swabs from bottlenose dolphins (Robles-Malagamba et al.,
tinctive from each other and that microbiomes from both                        2020). The presence of this genus deserves higher resolution
biological samples are different from seawater microbiomes                     assessment for abundance and taxonomic identification to
(Fig. 1, Supplementary Figure 2). These observations provide                   understand its potential as a pathogen.

Research article                                                                                          Conservation Physiology • Volume 10 2022

   The Epsilonbacteraeota detected in mucus were comprised                     of Rhodobacteraceae and Oxyphotobacteria chloroplast
of two genera, Arcobacter and Campylobacter, and these                         sequences in seawater sample and low abundance in mucus
genera together exhibited high relative abundance (mean,                       and breath samples suggest that these families can be valuable
14.0%). These bacteria are the leading cause of enteric dis-                   indicators of seawater in a sample.
eases in humans and are actually isolated more frequently
in illness cases than Salmonella or Escherichia coli (Facciola                    This study represents an initial examination of mucus
et al., 2017). Campylobacter can be indicators for sewage                      and breath microbiomes from North Pacific killer whales.
contamination, and Arcobacter is abundant in wastewater                        Although a number of potentially pathogenic taxa were
treatment effluent, even in spite of contemporary standards                    detected (Table 3), it is premature to assign health impli-
of treatment (Kristensen et al., 2020).                                        cations to their presence. The ability of pathogenic bacteria
                                                                               to cause disease can be modulated by the presence of other
   The majority of Patescibacteria detected belonged to the                    bacteria and microorganisms as well as the overall health

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class Gracilibacteria, which has not been reported as a com-                   status of the host. A current objective is determination of
mon component of marine mammal microbiomes. The rela-                          genetic identification of the samples, allowing assignment
tive abundance in mucus was low (mean, 1.6%) and absent                        to specific individuals. This will permit a higher resolution
in 6% of the samples. Gracilibacteria likely play a significant                assessment of the microbiomes with additional information
metabolic role in oral biofilms in humans, including potential                 that may be available, such as age, gender, reproductive
as a parasite of other bacteria, but their abundance in both                   history, burdens of persistent organic pollutants in blubber
healthy and diseased conditions suggest a commensal role                       and documented body condition.
(Espinoza et al., 2018), and perhaps fulfil a similar function
in marine mammals.                                                                An earlier effort to examine SRKW breath microbiomes
                                                                               used culture-dependent methods to isolate and identify
   In addition to these mucus-associated taxa, individual                      bacteria and fungi (Raverty et al., 2017). The methods of
bacterial families Cardiobacteriaceae and Saccharospiril-                      the previous and current studies differ in detection bias,
laceae (phylum Proteobacteria) were differentially prominent                   with culture-based methods favouring known pathogenic
(Table 2), with mean relative abundances of 12.7% and 6.6%,                    species, while the current 16S microbial metabarcoding
respectively. Both families were prominent in the upper res-                   approach can detect many as-yet uncultured taxa. In
piratory tract and exhaled breath of dolphins (Johnson et al.,                 spite of these differences, there was concordance in detec-
2009; Lima et al., 2012), and Cardiobacteriaceae was part                      tion for Mycoplasma (class Mollicutes), Staphylococcus
of the core microbiome of humpback whale exhaled breath                        (class Bacilli), Pseudomonas (class Gammaproteobacteria),
(Apprill et al., 2017).                                                        Pychrobacter (class Gammaproteobacteria), Microbacterium
                                                                               (class Actinobacteria), Bacillus (class Bacilli), Kocuria (class
    Only one phylum, WPS-2 (Eremiobacterota), was present                      Actinobacteria) and Arthrobacter (class Actinobacteria). All
in breath samples, but not in mucus or water samples (Fig. 2).                 but one of these overlapping genera exhibited moderate
Metagenomic analyses of this uncultivated phylum revealed                      to high relative abundances with the 16S metabarcoding
it is capable of anoxygenic phototrophy and chemosynthetic                     approach (Supplementary Table 4), suggesting that the
fixation of atmospheric CO2 (Ji et al., 2017). Anoxygenic                      culture-dependent approach may have greater sensitivity for
phototrophs tend to be found in specific environments (i.e.                    certain very low abundance bacteria in breath samples. This
not cosmopolitan), and WPS-2 has been identified in cold,                      comparison highlights the respective value of culture-based
acidic, aerobic conditions such as Arctic and Antarctic deserts                and genetic methods in characterizing microbiomes.
and boreal mosses (Ward et al., 2019). The blowhole cavity of
killer whale (and possibly other cetaceans) may be consistent                     Opportunities to examine and assess the health of SRKW
with these conditions, providing an animal niche for WPS-2                     have become increasingly limited due to their low population
habitation.                                                                    numbers and shifts in their geographic occupancy. Further-
                                                                               more, conservation scientists wishing to reduce stress or
   In seawater samples, the phyla Cyanobacteria and Ver-                       disturbance are investigating methods that minimize contact
rucomicrobia were highly abundant (Fig. 2), and there were                     or close interaction. Utilizing samples that are expelled,
eight families found exclusively in seawater (Table 1). The                    shed or excreted has potential that needs to be explored.
most abundant bacterial families included Oxyphotobacteria                     In diving cetaceans, the regular stress of alveolar collapse due
chloroplasts, Rhodobacteraceae and Flavobacteriaceae.                          to high barometric pressure and the hypoxia and hyperoxia
The Oxyphotobacteria chloroplast sequences are derived                         associated rapid and large tidal volume exchange places heavy
from highly abundant photosynthetic cyanobacteria (e.g.                        demands on the respiratory system (Fahlman et al., 2017).
Synechococcus and Prochlorococcus), from organelles of                         SRKWs display wide variation in diving depths, and the
photosyntheic eukaryotes such as algae, or more likely,                        majority of dives have a maximum depth of
Conservation Physiology • Volume 10 2022                                                                                                Research article

prey has been and continues to be a major risk to their                           C.K.E.: field collection operations, data management and
population (National Marine Fisheries Service, 2008), and                      curation and manuscript writing (review, editing).
these animals may be compelled to shift dietary choices,
geographic ranges or possibly both strategies to obtain                          G.S.W.: laboratory methodology and analyses and
sufficient nutrients (Hanson et al., 2021). A fully functional                 manuscript writing (review, editing).
respiratory system is essential to SRKWs’ ability to respond to                  A.H.W.: laboratory methodology and analyses and
this risk, and microbiomes may provide a further evaluation                    manuscript writing (review, editing).
for that system.
                                                                                 M.B.H.: conceptualization, field collection operations,
   Microbiomes are increasingly applied in human health                        manuscript (review, editing) and funding acquisition.
to identify indicators of susceptibility to illnesses such as
acute respiratory infections and potentially for diagnostics

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(e.g. Henares et al., 2021; Herivaux et al., 2022). Further-
more, microbiomes are evolving for application in prognosis                    Data availability
or prediction (Herivaux et al., 2022). Human health uses                       The data underlying this article are publicly available in
of microbiomes can be guidance for similar application to                      the Sequence Read Archive repository of the National
marine mammal conservation—especially in the data-poor                         Center for Biotechnology Information, under BioProject ID
environment of relatively inaccessible species such as SRKWs.                  PRJNA752106.
Maximizing information from any biological sample is crucial
in building our understanding of their physiological condition
and health status. However, translating microbiome infor-                      Acknowledgements
mation into diagnostic or predictive tools requires sufficient
sample numbers and adequate contextual metadata.                               We are indebted to Jeffrey Foster (International Marine
                                                                               Mammal Rescue;
    In the near term, there is good potential for microbiome                   html), Mark Sears and Cascadia Research Collective (https://
analysis to become part of a diagnostic evaluation for spe-           for collecting and providing killer
cific animals of concern, complementing conventional clin-                     whale samples. Kim Parsons (NOAA Fisheries) provided
ical techniques. Samples can be processed and analysed in                      accession to sample repositories. Dawn Noren (NOAA
time scales similar to clinical microbiology testing, an impor-                Fisheries) and the journal reviewers provided constructive
tant feature for veterinary decisions. In the case of J50, a                   comments and suggestions to the manuscript. The authors
young SRKW that had failed to thrive from birth and had                        report no conflict of interest.
visibly poor condition, preliminary molecular analysis of
breath samples did not detect a known respiratory bacterial
pathogen (Gaydos et al., 2019). That conclusion relied upon
the assumption that a respiratory infection would be dom-
                                                                               Supplementary material
inated by a single bacterium, but a polymicrobial infection                    Supplementary material is available at Conservation Physiol-
could not be ruled out. A concurrent microbiome assessment                     ogy online.
could have provided better assurance that J50 was not subject
to a more complex respiratory bacterial infection, which was
supported by in this report. By utilizing previously underval-                 References
ued samples such as mucus and breath samples for micro-
biome analysis, we add capacity for understanding SRKW                         Apprill A, Miller CA, Moore MJ, Durban JW, Fearnbach H, Barrett-
physiological status and provide information for adaptive                        Lennard LG (2017) Extensive core microbiome in drone-captured
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Fish and Wildlife Foundation (grant number 58350).                                e36842.

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