How to Fight Back Against Antibiotic Resistance

Page created by Steve Mullins
How to Fight Back Against Antibiotic Resistance
■ Feature Article

How to Fight Back Against
Antibiotic Resistance
Mapping the exchange of genes between pathogens and nonpathogens offers
new ways to understand and manage the spread of drug-resistant strains.

Gautam Dantas and Morten O. A. Sommer

             ot so long ago, it seemed               fying the chemical scaffolds of already         a record low of one new antibiotic
             like the fight against infec-           approved classes of antibiotics.                in the five-year period from 2008 to
             tious diseases was nearly                  During this innovation gap, bacte-           2012, down from 16 new drugs in the
             won. The discovery of                   rial evolution did not cease. Conse-            years from 1983 to 1987 (see the figure
penicillin in 1929 gave clinicians their             quently, drugs that were previously             on page 44). CDC Director Tom Frieden
first weapon to combat common ail-                   effective in treating a broad spectrum          recently warned, “If we don’t act now,
ments like pneumonia, gonorrhea, and                 of infectious bacteria are now useful           our medicine cabinet will be empty
rheumatic fever. In the decades that fol-            for fewer and fewer infections. Cer-            and we won’t have the antibiotics we
lowed, medical researchers discovered                tain bacteria, including strains of Esch-       need to save lives.” In reality, the de-
more than 150 other types of antibiotics.            erichia coli and Klebsiella pneumonia, are      velopment of new antibiotics is only
These widely hailed “wonder drugs”                   now resistant to all major antibiotics—         part of the solution, as pathogens will
were so successful that U.S. Surgeon                 even carbapenems, which have long               inevitably develop resistance to even
General William Stewart announced in                 been the drug of last resort to treat af-       the most promising new compounds.
1967, “The time has come to close the                flictions such as lung infections. With            To save the era of antibiotics, scien-
book on infectious diseases.”                        dwindling treatment options, the mor-           tists must figure out what it is about
   Stewart and most of his contempo-                 tality rate from those infections in the        bacterial pathogens that makes resis-
raries greatly underestimated the abil-              United States is approaching 50 per-            tance inevitable. By studying the suite
ity of bacterial pathogens to adapt to               cent. In effect, for some diseases we are       of genes—collectively known as the
these life-saving medicines. Almost as               now living in a post-antibiotic age.            resistome—that can turn a susceptible
soon as clinical use of penicillin began                According to a September 2013 re-            pathogen into a superbug, researchers
in 1946, the first drug-resistant patho-             port from the U.S. Centers for Disease          may be able to uncover the Achilles
gens appeared. During the golden age                 Control and Prevention (CDC), treat-            heel of these multiple drug–resistant
of antibiotic development (the 1940s                 ment of antibiotic-resistant infections         strains. Although most studies on drug
to the 1960s), the spread of antibiotic              adds $35 billion in health care costs           resistance have focused on disease-
resistance was balanced by the con-                  and 8 million hospital days per year            causing pathogens, recent efforts by
tinued discovery and deployment of                   in the United States. A recent drug-            the two of us and by a number of our
new classes of antibiotics. But starting             resistant Salmonella outbreak due to            colleagues have shifted attention to the
in the 1970s, a dwindling interest and               contaminated chicken meat was linked            resistomes of nonpathogenic bacteria.
ability of the pharmaceutical indus-                 to nearly 300 illnesses across 18 states,       Importantly, over the past decade ad-
try to develop new antibiotics resulted              sickening infants and nonagenar-                vances in DNA sequencing have en-
in a 40-year period when virtually no                ians alike. At least 23,000 Americans           abled us to explore the genomes of
new broad-spectrum classes of anti-                  die each year from infections, many             both pathogenic and non-pathogenic
biotics were brought to the market.                  caused by the superbug methicillin-             bacteria across a variety of different
Instead, companies focused on modi-                  resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA),         natural habitats.
                                                     because doctors have run out of drugs              This research has led to a growing un-
                                                     with which to treat them.                       derstanding of how antibiotic resistance
Gautam Dantas is an assistant professor of pathol-      Government agencies are belatedly
ogy/immunology and biomedical engineering and        considering incentives to support re-
member of the Center for Genome Sciences and                                                         Clostridium difficile can cause life-threatening
                                                     newed antibiotic drug development,              diarrhea. In 2000, a strain emerged with re-
Systems Biology at Washington University in St.
Louis, MO. Morten O. A. Sommer is a professor
                                                     but these initiatives have not yet had          sistance to multiple antibiotics, including
                                                     a direct impact on the drug develop-
                                                                                                                                                        Science Source

of systems biology and member of the Novo Nord-                                                      ciproflaxin and levofloxacin. The bacterium
isk Foundation Center for Biosustainability at the   ment pipeline. As a result the number           contributed to a 400 percent increase in C.
Technical University of Denmark. E-mail for          of antibiotics approved by the Food             difficile–associated deaths in the United
Dantas:                             and Drug Administration (FDA) hit               States between 2000 and 2007.

42   American Scientist, Volume 102          © 2014 Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society. Reproduction
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How to Fight Back Against Antibiotic Resistance   © 2014 Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society. Reproduction   2014   January–February   43
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advent of medicinal chemistry
                            golden age of discovery
                                                                                            innovation gap
     1930    1935      1940      1945    1950     1955       1960    1965    1970    1975     1980   1985     1990    1995    2000     2005    2010

            antibiotic deployment
            antibiotic resistance

Clinical deployment of new antibiotics (blue bars) has quickly been followed by the evolution          tance: vertically, through the accumu-
of bacteria able to resist their effects (red). During the golden age of discovery, 150 types of       lation of genetic changes during the
antibiotics were developed. Since then, the spread of resistance has greatly outpaced the rate         natural process of copying its genome,
of drug development. The Infectious Disease Society of America estimates that 70 percent of            and horizontally, by swapping resis-
hospital-acquired infections in the United States are now resistant to one or more antibiotics.        tant genes from one microbe to anoth-
                                                                                                       er (see box below).
evolves in specific bacteria, as well as                ing newer drugs. Understanding factors            Vertical transmission is the fun-
how it gets passed between different                    that influence resistome evolution and         damental evolutionary process by
bacteria and between different envi-                    dissemination may both extend the life         which a cell can accumulate errors in
ronments. We are still a long way from                  of current drugs and point toward new          its genome during replication, such
Stewart’s old proclamation of victory,                  disease-fighting strategies.                   that the resulting progeny differ ge-
but the recent advances are helping                                                                    netically from their bacterial ancestors.
frame new strategies to complement                      Origins of Resistance                          The genome replication or copying er-
the 90-year-old paradigm of just trying                 There are two ways that pathogenic             ror rate is rather low, so typically one
to defeat resistant bacteria by discover-               bacteria can develop antibiotic resis-         in a thousand growing bacteria will

         vertical transmission                                      horizontal transmission
                                                                                                                     Antibiotic resistance can be ac-
                                                  bacterial transformation
     resistance                                                                                                      quired in two basic ways. In ver-
                                                                                                                     tical transmission, a bacterium
                                                                                                                     accumulates errors or mutations
                                                                                                                     in its genome during replication;
                                                                                                                     some of those changes (red) give
                                                                                                                     the ability to resist antibiotics
                                                                                    release of DNA                   and are passed on to subse-
                                                                                                                     quent generations. In horizon-
                                                  bacterial transduction                                             tal transmission, resistant genes
                                                                                                                     are swapped from one microbe
                                                                                                                     to another. This can occur via
                                                                                                                     three mechanisms: transforma-
                                                                                                                     tion, when bacteria scavenge
                                                                                                                     resistance genes from dead bac-
                                                                        release of phage                             terial cells and integrate them
                                                                                                                     into their own genomes; trans-
                                                  bacterial conjugation
                                                                                                                     duction, when resistance genes
                                                                                                                     are transferred by bacteriophag-
                                                                                                                     es (viruses that infect bacteria);
                                                                                                                     or conjugation, when genes are
                                                                                                                     transferred between bacterial
                                                                                                                     cells through tubes called pilli.

44   American Scientist, Volume 102          © 2014 Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society. Reproduction
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Four mechanisms of resistance: impermeable
barrier (a) blocks antibiotics (blue spheres)     a                                              b
because the bacterial cell membrane is now
impermeable to the drug. Target modifica-
tion (b) alters the proteins inhibited by the
antibiotic, so the drug cannot bind properly.
Antibiotic modification (c) produces an en-                                      modified
zyme that inactivates the antibiotic. Efflux                                     cell wall
(d) employs genes coding for enzymes that                                        protein
actively pump the antibiotic out of the cell.

introduce an error (called a mutation)
into the genome. Not all of these mu-
tations are advantageous, but about                           plasmid with antibiotic-
                                                              resistant genes
one in a billion will generate mutants
that can grow faster or tolerate higher
concentrations of antibiotics than their
predecessors. When such bacterial mu-
tants are exposed to antibiotics, those
possessing antibiotic resistance genes                                                                                            efflux
will increase in prevalence to the point                                                                                          pump
of taking over the entire population.
Multiple cycles of such mutation and
selection are often necessary to evolve
high-level antibiotic resistance.                   drug-inactivating
   Genes that have evolved to confer
antibiotic resistance to one type of bac-
teria can be transferred to another by
a mechanism known as horizontal gene
transfer. While some pathogens acquire                                                                                      antibiotic
resistance via vertical transmission,             c                                              d
recent studies have suggested that
horizontal transmission may be the              to another is through conjugation, also          that contain tens of resistance genes,
dominant force behind growing antibi-           known as bacterial sex. The discov-              offering the host cells immunity to vir-
otic resistance. During horizontal gene         ery of this process, now thought to              tually all antibiotics.
transfer, antibiotic resistance genes           be the main mechanism of horizontal                 Recent large-scale efforts sequenc-
catch a ride on mobile genetic elements         gene transfer, earned Joshua Leder-              ing the genomes of many bacterial
that carry the genetic material between         berg the 1958 Nobel Prize in Physiol-            pathogens, by such groups as the
different cells. Mobile genetic elements        ogy or Medicine. During conjugation,             Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute in the
can be linear or circular pieces of DNA,
called plasmids, which are replicated by
the cell along with its genome.
   These DNA fragments make their                   Understanding factors that influence
way into a new cell through three mech-
anisms: transformation, transduction,              resistome evolution and dissemination
and conjugation. In transformation,
bacterial cells scavenge DNA remnants                may both extend the life of current
from dead bacterial cells and integrate
them into their own genome. In trans-
duction, genetic material is transferred
                                                    drugs and point toward new disease-
by bacteriophages (viruses that infect
bacteria). Bacteriophages can insert their
                                                             fighting strategies.
DNA into the genome of a host cell,
where they are maintained for many
generations before they pack up their           plasmids hijack the cellular machinery           United Kingdom and the Broad Insti-
DNA and leave to infect another cell.           to create structures called pilli that pro-      tute of MIT and Harvard in the United
Along the way, the bacteriophage may            trude from the donor cell to penetrate           States, have added another complica-
coincidentally integrate a section of the       the membrane of the recipient cells,             tion to this story. These studies have
bacterial host cell genome into the bacte-      enabling the transfer of the conjuga-            shown that the genes conferring resis-
riophage genome, enabling genetic ma-           tive plasmid and all the functions it            tance toward antibiotics in pathogens
terial from one cell to hitchhike a ride to     encodes. Many hospital-associated                can be acquired via horizontal gene
another cell on the bacteriophage.              pathogens, including the carbapenem-             transfer from another gene reservoir
   The final way antibiotic resistance          resistant bacteria mentioned previous-           entirely, such as city soil, waste water,
genes can be passed from one microbe            ly, harbor large conjugative plasmids            or processed meat. Accordingly, there                 © 2014 Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society. Reproduction         2014   January–February   45
                                                with permission only. Contact
is a substantial interest in broadly                      strategies to encode resistance. The            in genes that modify the target of the
characterizing these gene reservoirs                      genes that confer antibiotic resistance         antibiotic, dampening its effectiveness.
to improve our overall understand-                        can be loosely separated into four              Each antibiotic is designed to target a
ing of how swapping genes from one                        groups, each with their own unique              well-defined essential bacterial pro-
reservoir to another contributes to the                   mechanism for combating antibiotic              cess. For example, fluoroquinolones
evolution of antibiotic resistance in                     exposure (see figure on page 45).               are a widely used class of antibiotics
bacterial pathogens.                                         Bacteria in the impermeable-barrier          for the treatment of skin, lung, or uri-
                                                          group are naturally resistant to certain        nary tract infections. These antibiot-
How Pathogens Fight Back                                  antibiotics, either because they lack the       ics target DNA, disrupting the proper
Just as there are a number of different                   target of the antibiotic or because their       functioning of proteins involved in un-
ways for bacteria to acquire an antibi-                   membranes are impermeable to the                winding DNA’s helix during replica-
otic resistance gene, the genes them-                     drug. In the second group, target mod-          tion. Mutations that confer resistance
selves represent a number of different                    ification, bacteria acquire mutations           toward fluoroquinolone antibiotics of-
                                                                                                          ten change the conformation of these
                                                                                                          proteins, reducing the binding of the
                                                                                                          drug to its target and thus increasing
Exploring Resistance Outside the Petri Dish                                                               the concentration necessary to block
                                                                                                          the process.

I  n the first several decades after the
   discovery of antibiotics, research-
ers studied the emerging problem
                                                        already known genes but cannot be
                                                        used to discover new ones.
                                                           Metagenomic sequencing identi-
                                                                                                             In antibiotic modification, a resis-
                                                                                                          tance gene can encode an enzyme that
                                                                                                          helps break down or modify the antibi-
of antibiotic resistance by growing                     fies all of the DNA from a particu-               otic before it can kill the bacteria. This
target microorganisms in the lab. The                   lar environment, irrespective of its              tactic is often used against beta-lactams,
reliance on such methods traces back                    origin. The sequences are then as-                the most widely prescribed and diverse
to the founder of modern bacteriolo-                    sembled and scanned for new genes                 chemical class of antibiotics, which in-
gy, Robert Koch, whose work in cul-                     that are similar to already known re-             cludes the well-known drug penicil-
tured bacteria made “pure culture”                      sistance genes.                                   lin. Penicillin inhibits enzymes that re-
the gold standard in clinical micro-                       Metagenomic functional selec-                  model the bacterial cell wall and are
biology laboratories. We know now                       tions combine the cultivation-based               essential for the cell during growth. Re-
that studying individual organisms                      methods of old with new, culture-                 sistance toward penicillin is frequently
grown in pure culture ignores the in-                   independent techniques. A host or-                conferred by beta-lactamases, enzymes
creasing number of diseases caused                      ganism that is normally susceptible               that cleave the penicillin molecule to
not by one pathogenic bacterium but                     to antibiotics is genetically engineered          render it ineffective in inhibiting the cell
by several acting in concert. In addi-                  to possess various chunks of DNA                  wall modification enzymes.
tion, most environmental microbes                       taken from a microbial community of                  Finally, efflux occurs when a resis-
cannot be readily cultivated in the                     interest. The modified hosts are then             tance gene codes for proteins that ac-
lab. Recent technical breakthroughs                     exposed to antibiotics. The only sur-             tively pump the antibiotic out of the
have led to three established culture-                  vivors will be those that acquired a              cell, keeping its internal concentration
independent strategies for explor-                      resistance gene. The microbes can then            low enough to prevent inhibition. This
ing antibiotic resistance much more                     be characterized to reveal the sequence           resistance mechanism is deployed for
fully, in both pathogenic and non-                      that confers resistance.                          all antibiotics that have targets with-
pathogenic bacteria.                                       In addition, we have developed                 in the cell; in many cases such efflux
   The polymerase chain reaction                        a novel approach called PARFuMS                   pumps are able to push out several
(PCR), selectively amplifies specific                   (for Parallel Annotation and Reas-                different antibiotics, resulting in mul-
antibiotic resistance genes from com-                   sembly of Functional Metagenomic                  tidrug resistance. An example of this
plex microbial communities so they                      Selections) that integrates culture-              has been observed for tetracycline, an
can be easily identified. PCR is well                   independent functional metagenomic                agent used to treat a wide variety of
suited for studying the prevalence of                   selections, next-generation DNA se-               infections. Resistance to the drug can
                                                        quencing, and optimized computa-                  stem from tetracycline efflux genes,
                                                        tional sequence assembly and annota-              which code for proteins that sit in the
                                                        tion algorithms to profile resistomes.            bacterial membrane and export the an-
                                                                                                          tibiotic out of the cell.
                                                                                                             Further complicating matters, resis-
                                                        Scientists once relied heavily on meth-           tance toward any one drug typically
                                                        ods that required culturing bacteria in           results from more than one mecha-
                                                        the laboratory (usually in petri dishes, as       nism. For instance, tetracycline re-
                                                        shown at left) to study antibiotic resistance     sistance has been observed to occur
                                                        in various microbial populations. Today
                                                                                                          through target modification, antibiotic
                                                        these culture-dependent methods are be-
                                                        ing eclipsed by other approaches that en-
                                                                                                          modification, and efflux mechanisms.
                                                        able researchers to characterize the large           Though the term antibiotic resistome
                                                        percentage—as much as 99 percent—of bac-          didn’t emerge until five years ago, the
                                                        teria that cannot be grown in pure culture.       concept encapsulates decades of re-
     Doncaster and Bassetlaw Hospitals/Science Source                                                     search on the transmission and evolu-

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                                     manure                           runoff                       rainfall

agriculture                      food                           river/sea/lake                                                  wastewater
                                animals                                                                                          treatment

                                 direct contact                  drinking water
                                   and meat                      and swimming
                  vegetables                                                                                     industry and
                   and fruit                                                                            fish      households


Interconnections between people, animals, and the environment make it easy for antibiotic-        teria Actinomycetes, a major source
resistant bacteria to jump from one species to another. For instance, a resistant strain living   of antimicrobials for the commercial
in soil could travel through runoff and get passed on to humans via drinking water or recre-      drug industry, must contain elements
ational swimming. Multiple routes of exchange propel the evolution and spread of resistance.      protecting against the antibiotics they
                                                                                                  produced. These elements were by
tion of antibiotic resistance genes be-           resistome evolution and exchange are            definition antibiotic resistance genes.
tween different microbes and different            the soil and the human body, but there          Given that these production capacities
environments. The resistome as it is              are other resistomes as well (see the box       likely evolved hundreds of millions
currently defined is the entire suite of          on page 49).                                    of years ago, the corresponding resis-
genes, from a particular microbe or                                                               tance genes are likely just as old.
microbes, which confers antibiotic re-            The Soil’s Reservoir of Resistance                 The antibiotic resistance genes ob-
sistance. It includes all antibiotic re-          Antibiotic resistance is everywhere,            served in nonproducer organisms
sistance genes in a group of microbes             even in your backyard. Soil microbes            (including pathogens) may have been
at any scale, from a single organism to           likely represent the evolutionary res-          acquired directly from the producers
all of the microbes in an arbitrary en-           ervoir of most resistance, and the re-          or from their soil-dwelling neighbors
vironmental sample. Viewed this way,              sistome of the soil is easily the largest       who evolved them in response to the
the resistome from one environment                and most diverse of any environment.            selection pressure of natural antibiotic
can be evaluated for its capacity to ex-          The majority of antibiotics used in the         production from other microbes in the
change resistance genes with another              clinic were originally discovered as or         soil. In fact, Davies’s group showed
environment.                                      derived from natural products of soil-          the activity of the generally nonpatho-
   Mounting evidence indicates that               dwelling microbes, primarily of the             genic soil bacteria Streptomyces coded
essentially all microbial environments            Streptomyces genus of the Actinomy-             for resistance enzymes that modify
contain antibiotic resistomes; that               cete phylum.                                    specific antibiotics known as amino-
myriad natural and human-driven ac-                  In 1973, Julian Davies, now at the           glycosides identical to those found in
tivities influence their exchange within          University of British Columbia, and             clinical pathogens.
and between environments; and that a              his colleagues first hinted at the idea            In the 40 years since Davies’s pro-
complex web of interactions connects              of a resistome in the Producer Hypoth-          posal, a large body of literature has pro-
various resistomes. Two of the most               esis on the origin of clinical resistance.      vided general support for this hypoth-
important environments for microbial              He argued that the “producer” bac-              esis, as well as some key refinements.              © 2014 Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society. Reproduction           2014   January–February   47
                                             with permission only. Contact

human pathogens


                  enterica sv. Emek

                  Salmonella enterica
                  sv. Typhimurium

                  typhimurium DT104

                  non-pathogenic soil
                  bacteria fragments

                                              resistance gene             resistance related              mobility elements

Antibiotic resistance genes from nine multidrug-resistant soil bacterial cultures (bottom row)                any soil, these natural resistomes are
were genetically identical (shown by gray shading) to genes in several clinical pathogens (top                likely being enriched by human activity.
five rows), providing evidence for recent exchange between the resistomes of nonpathogenic                    David Graham and colleagues at New-
soil bacteria and human pathogens. (Adapted from K. J. Forsberg et al., Science 337:1107.)                    castle University analyzed a panel of
                                                                                                              Dutch soils archived between 1940 and
A landmark paper from Gerry Wright                          rial world, namely, the Proteobacteria,           2008 for both the presence and the abun-
and his colleagues at McMaster Uni-                         Bacteroidetes, and Actinomycetes—                 dance of a series of specific resistance
versity in 2006, which also formally                        that can actually feed and grow on anti-          gene types. They found a dramatic in-
introduced the resistome, showed that                       biotics. These bacteria were on average           crease in levels of key beta-lactam, mac-
about 400 randomly isolated soil Strep-                     resistant to 17 of 18 clinically relevant         rolide, and tetracycline resistance genes
tomyces samples were highly multidrug                       antibiotics profiled, likely displaying           over the 70-year study period, closely
                                                                                                              matching the era of large-scale human
                                                                                                              antibiotic production.
                                                                                                                 The surveys of known resistance
       Just one gram of soil is estimated to                                                                  genes in the soil resistome are just the
                                                                                                              tip of the iceberg. Jo Handelsman, now
    ­contain about one billion bacterial cells,                                                               at Yale University, and her colleagues
                                                                                                              pioneered the application of culture-
        and no current method gets even                                                                       independent functional metagenomics, a
                                                                                                              technique that provides the functional
   remotely close to sampling this diversity.                                                                 gene composition of environmental
                                                                                                              samples, to characterize soil resistomes
                                                                                                              from both human-affected and pristine
                                                                                                              environments. Using this approach,
resistant against a large panel of clini-                   this incredibly high multidrug resis-             they identified a number of novel an-
cally relevant antibiotics. On average,                     tance because they were cultured un-              tibiotic resistance genes, some with
these bacteria were resistant to seven                      der the selective pressure of extremely           never-before-seen mechanisms of re-
to eight drugs, and one superbug was                        high antibiotic concentrations. Other             sistance. Taken together, these studies
resistant to 15 different compounds                         censuses of cultured soil bacteria popu-          indicated that the soil resistome was
of the 21 tested, including drugs that                      lations have since confirmed these high           diverse, ancient, and recently enriched
were entirely synthetic and ones that                       levels of multidrug resistance.                   by human activity. Direct support for
were only recently approved for clini-                         The discovery of ubiquitous multi-             the notion that the soil resistome long
cal use. Wright’s observation was star-                     drug resistance in soil microbes suggests         predated clinical use of antibiotics
tling, because such high levels of mul-                     that the soil resistome is immense. Com-          comes from recent work from Gerry
tidrug resistance exceed those found in                     plementary investigations of the genes            Wright’s group. In 2011, they reported
most pathogens.                                             conferring this multidrug resistance              on DNA sequencing of 30,000-year-old
   In 2008, our own research further                        corroborate this prediction. Numerous             Beringian permafrost that uncovered
expanded the view of a substantial                          PCR-based assays (using the polymerase            evolutionary relatives of resistance
multidrug soil resistome by describing                      chain reaction to amplify DNA samples)            genes against important modern anti-
about 600 soil bacteria—from three of                       have shown that although resistance               biotics, including beta-lactams, tetra-
the 60 phyla, or divisions, of the bacte-                   genes are already present in virtually            cyclines, and vancomycin.

48                American Scientist, Volume 102   © 2014 Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society. Reproduction
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One might expect that this wealth of      and culture-independent experimental              as the human commensal microbiota—
information on the breadth and depth         methods, as well as improved com-                 incorporate the resistome that is most
of the soil resistome would confirm          putational tools for their analysis, en-          accessible to human pathogens. These
the key prediction of the Producer Hy-       able scientists to scan and sequence the          microbes outnumber human cells by
pothesis, that the same resistance genes     DNA of individual microbes without                10-fold, and their collective genes (the
identified in clinical pathogens would       having to culture them first so they can          microbiome) outnumber the genes in
also be identified in soil bacteria, sug-    fill in these holes.                              the human genome by over 100-fold.
gesting recent exchange between the                                                            Specialized and relatively stable eco-
clinical and soil resistomes. Surpris-       The Resistome Inside You                          systems of microbes inhabit various
ingly, such evidence was lacking until       Although the soil resistome is the most           parts of the body, with the densest and
very recently. The overwhelming ma-          important reservoir of resistance from            most diverse community housed in
jority of soil resistome studies revealed    an evolutionary perspective, the mi-              the human intestine. Nearly every as-
only limited similarity to resistance        crobes living in and on us—known                  pect of the human condition, in health
genes found in pathogens.
   To account for this unexpected re-
sult, we hypothesized that a key subset         On the Trail of the Other Resistomes
of soil bacteria—the notoriously mul-
tidrug-resistant soil Proteobacteria—
may represent a conduit for recent ex-
change with pathogens. We reasoned
                                                I  n addition to those in soil and in
                                                   the human gut, microbes from
                                                agriculture and aquaculture are be-
                                                                                                a concomitant increase in antibiotic
                                                                                                resistance of bacteria associated with
                                                                                                farmed fish.
that since the greatest current clinical        lieved to contribute substantially to              Agriculture- and aquaculture-
burden for multidrug resistance comes           the exchange of antibiotic resistance           associated resistomes most likely act
from multidrug resistant proteobacte-           genes. In the United States and Eu-             as intermediates between the human
rial pathogens, their closest cousins in        rope, antibiotics are used four times           microbiota and human pathogens
the soil might show evidence for recent         as often in the food industry as in             living in more pristine environments
resistome exchanges.                            human medicine. Frank Aarestrup                 such as soil, sea, and fresh water. The
   We then set out to test this idea using      from the Technical University of                transfer of antibiotic resistance genes
culture-based selections to selectively         Denmark has shown that this high                probably goes both ways. Antibiotic-
enrich about 100 highly multidrug-              consumption has led to high levels              resistant bacteria from farm animals
resistant soil bacterial cultures, com-         of antibiotic resistance in gut bacte-          are spread through manure onto the
posed primarily of Proteobacteria.              ria from farm animals. Furthermore,             soil, where they can disseminate re-
We profiled their resistomes using a            computational genomics analysis                 sistance to soil bacteria. Conversely,
novel approach that integrates culture-         from Eric Alm’s group at MIT reveals            farm animals are in frequent direct
independent functional metagenomic              frequent transfer of resistance genes           contact with soil, allowing genes to
selections, next-generation DNA se-             between microbes from farm animals              be transferred from the soil micro-
quencing, and optimized computa-                and those in human microbiota. An-              biota back to the animals. Although
tional sequence assembly and anno-              tibiotic usage is also growing at an            pinpointing specific sources of resis-
tation algorithms (see sidebar on page          alarming rate in aquaculture as more            tance is difficult, it is clear that heavy
46). Through this method, named PAR-            seafood is harvested this way. Felipe           use of antibiotics in food production
FuMS (for Parallel Annotation and Re-           Cabello of New York Medical Col-                is fueling the evolution and spread
assembly of Functional Metagenomic              lege and his colleagues have shown              of antibiotic resistance genes.
Selections), we uncovered nine differ-
ent antibiotic resistance genes from
diverse U.S. soils that were geneti-
cally identical to a number of globally
distributed clinical pathogens, finally
providing broad support for recent ex-
change between the resistomes of non-
pathogenic soil bacteria and human
pathogens (see figure on page 48).
   Despite recent key advances in our
knowledge of soil resistomes, we are
still in the infancy of exploring this in-
                                                                                                                                                 Arterra Picture Library/Alamy

credibly diverse ecosystem. Just 1 gram
of soil is estimated to contain about 1
billion bacterial cells, and no current
method gets even remotely close to
sampling this diversity. Approximately
half of the 60 predicted phyla of the
bacterial world cannot be cultured in a
lab, and even the ones that can are still
not completely characterized. Fortu-            More than 70 percent of all antibiotics sold in the United States are used to keep pigs, cows,
nately, advances in both culture-based          chickens, turkeys, and other meat animals from getting sick and to help them grow larger.                                                                                      2014   January–February      49
and disease, involves some interaction         verse resistome to participate in these         resistance genes had steadily increased
with the microbiota and microbiome.            exchanges.                                      over the course of two decades.
  Because one of the microbiota’s                The earliest insights into the hu-               The implication from these studies—
main jobs is to keep pathogens from            man commensal resistome come from               that increased antibiotic use was lead-
invading the gut, and the fact that any        culture-based studies of these bacteria.        ing to higher levels of resistance—
invading pathogen is more likely to            Studies in the 1990s by the Universi-           was supported by numerous other
                                                                                               studies on other commensal microbes.
                                                                                               Martin Blaser and colleagues at New
        The most resounding message that                                                       York University found increases in
                                                                                               macrolide resistance in commensal
          comes through from every new ­                                                       Enterococci, a bug associated with uri-
                                                                                               nary tract infections and meningitis,
                                                                                               as a collateral response to therapy tar-
        resistome study is that the pool of                                                    geting another bacterium, Helicobacter
                                                                                               pylori, found in some ulcers. They
     ­resistance genes, and the mechanisms                                                     also observed that this enriched resis-
                                                                                               tance persisted for years after therapy
       of resisting antibiotics, available to                                                  ceased, challenging the conventional
                                                                                               wisdom that antibiotic resistance en-
         ­bacteria are effectively limitless.                                                  coded a fitness cost to the host bacte-
                                                                                               rium and hence would evolve away
                                                                                               or be outcompeted by antibiotic-
                                                                                               susceptible strains in the absence of
interact with bacterial cells than hu-         ty of Illinois’s Abigail Salyers on the         the antibiotic.
man cells, the commensal resistome is          normally mutualistic gut microbe Bac-              These results are not unique to the
often in a position to exchange resis-         teroides established that tetracycline          gut ecosystem; for example, persis-
tance genes with nearby pathogens.             and macrolide resistance genes were             tently antibiotic resistant Staphylococcus
The increasing levels of antibiotic ex-        being passed back and forth between             epidermis, a major player in hospital-
posure that the microbiota has been            the resistomes of pathogenic and non-           acquired infections, have been isolated
subjected to since the beginning of the        pathogenic forms of the bacteria. Their         from the nostrils of antibiotic-treated
antibiotic era provides ample selection        analy­sis of archived Bacteroides samples       patients. Numerous studies in animal
pressure to maintain a robust and di-          also established that the levels of these       models and in humans show the com-

           complete resistome                           cultured resistome subset


             30                                          2      22           78
                               8        4

              shared                                     shared               10
            resistance                                 resistance
              genes                48                    genes

                                                                                                 An FDA microbiologist holds tomatoes be-
                                        individual 1
                                                                                                 ing tested for salmonella (above). Genetic
                                                                                                 sequences of all bacteria (far left) and all
                                        individual 1 genes                                       cultured bacteria (middle left) from two
                                        similar to NCBI                                          healthy individuals are compared with se-
                                                                                                 quences cataloged by the National Center
                                        individual 2                                             for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). The
                                        genes                                                    cultured resistome overlaps greatly with the
                                        individual 2 genes                                       NCBI sequences and with resistance genes
         individual 1                   similar to NCBI                 individual 2             in common pathogens. (Adapted from M. O.
                                                                                                 A. Sommer et al., Virulence 2010 1:299.)

50   American Scientist, Volume 102     © 2014 Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society. Reproduction
                                              with permission only. Contact
mensal resistome can readily partici-       research groups led by Peer Bork at        every new resistome study is that the
                             pate in exchanges within and between        the European Molecular Biology Labo-       pool of resistance genes, and the mech-
                             ecosystems. Anette Hammerum and             ratory in Heidelberg and Baoli Zhu         anisms of resisting antibiotics, avail-
                             colleagues at Statens Serum Institut in     at the Institute of Microbiology in        able to bacteria are effectively limitless.
                             Denmark recently demonstrated the           Beijing reported on computationally        To stay ahead of the game we must
                             transfer of vancomycin resistance genes     predicted resistomes from sequencing       take a multipronged approach, look-
                             between human and swine hosts.              data of human gut microbiomes from         ing for new ways to keep pathogens
                                                                         207 and 162 individuals, respectively,     in check, while also searching for even
                             Just Scratching the Surface                 representing multiple nationalities        newer antipathogen strategies. Even
                             All of this evidence indicates that anti-   and cultural traditions. Collectively,     when therapies appear to be highly
                             biotic treatment selects for genes con-     these studies predict the existence of     effective during their initial deploy-
                             ferring antibiotic resistance, that these   thousands of resistance genes across       ment, it is only a matter of time before
                             increases in resistance can persist for     the analyzed commensal microbiome.         pathogens tap into the enormous re-
                             many years, and that these resistance       The abundance of resistance genes cor-     sistomes of their many neighbors and
                             genes can be exchanged within the           relates with the available data on the     once again thwart our very best drugs.
                             commensal microbiota as well as with        amount of human and agricultural an-
                             foreign microbes. As with the soil, we      tibiotic use, as well as with how long     References
                             and others in our field have also begun     ago those antibiotics were introduced.     Aarestrup, F. M. 1999. Association between the
                             to appreciate that this portrait of the        Although we are beginning to               consumption of antimicrobial agents in ani-
                                                                                                                       mal husbandry and the occurrence of resis-
                             human commensal resistome is a vast         gain a glimpse into the genetics of
                                                                                                                       tant bacteria among food animals. Internation-
                             underestimate due to an over-reliance       such complex ecosystems, we will              al Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 12: 279–285.
                             on culture-based methods.                   need improved culture-based and            Cabello, F. C. 2006. Heavy use of prophylactic
                                In 2009 we reported on the first ap-     culture-independent techniques to             antibiotics in aquaculture: A growing prob-
                             plication of culture-independent func-      better understand these reservoirs of         lem for human and animal health and for
                             tional metagenomic selections to study      antibiotic resistance. Long-term stud-        the environment. Environmental Microbiol-
                                                                                                                       ogy 8:1137–1144.
                             the commensal gut resistomes of two         ies of various healthy and perturbed
                                                                                                                    Dantas, G., and M. O. A. Sommer. 2012. Con-
                             healthy, unrelated individuals, who         groups of human microbiota will en-           text matters—the complex interplay be-
                             had been antibiotic therapy–free for        able us to transition from snapshots          tween resistome genotypes and resistance
                             at least one year. We characterized the     to movies of commensal resistomes.            phenotypes. Current Opinion in Microbiology
                             resistomes of both a subset of bacte-       Where possible, matched samples               15:577–582.
                             ria cultured from the subjects’ fecal       are being collected from microbial         Dantas, G., M. O. A. Sommer, P. H. Degnan,
                                                                                                                       and A. L. Goodman. 2013. Experimental
                             samples (the cultured resistome) as         habitats touched by human activity
                                                                                                                       approaches for defining functional roles of
                             well as that of the entire uncultured       to map out the ecology and transmis-          microbes in the human gut. Annual Reviews
                             bacteria (the complete resistome) from      sion dynamics of resistome exchange.          of Microbiology 67:459–475.
                             the same samples. We found that the         Community-wide microbiome sur-             Dantas, G., M. O. A. Sommer, R. D. Oluwase-
                             cultured resistome largely consisted        veys, such as the Earth Microbiome            gun, and G. M. Church. 2008. Bacteria sub-
                             of genes found in public sequence da-       Project and the Hospital Microbiome           sisting on antibiotics. Science 320:100–103.
                             tabases, and that most of these genes       Project, are profiling the genetic se-     Forsberg, K. J., A. Reyes, B. Wang, E. M. Selleck,
                                                                                                                       M. O. A. Sommer, and G. Dantas. 2012. The
                             were identical to resistance genes          quences of specialized environmental          shared antibiotic resistome of soil bacteria
                             found in common pathogens.                  microbiomes and providing a frame-            and human pathogens. Science 337:1107–1111.
                                This result confirmed that the re-       work for mapping resistome inter-          Imamovic, L., and M. O. A. Sommer. 2013. Use
                             sistome of cultured bacteria from the       actions. Methods such as PARFuMS              of collateral sensitivity networks to design
                             human gut have been in recent ex-           will enhance the ability of functional        drug cycling protocols that avoid resistance
                                                                                                                       development. Science Translational Medicine
                             change with pathogenic microbes. In         metagenomics to uncover novel resis-
                             stark contrast, the majority of genes we    tance mechanisms.
AP Photo/Kevork Djansezian

                                                                                                                    Moore, A.M., et al. 2013. Pediatric fecal micro-
                             identified in the complete resistomes          The investigation of resistomes in         biota harbor diverse and novel antibiotic
                             from these same fecal samples were          diverse microbial habitats, including         resistance genes. PLoS One 8(11): e78822.
                             novel, meaning they had little similar-     the many not discussed here, serves        Sommer, M. O. A., and G. Dantas. 2011. Antibi-
                             ity to any genes in public sequence         multiple purposes. There is clearly the       otics and the resistant microbiome. Current
                             databases. Note that every one of these     basic science interest in understanding       Opinion in Microbiology 14:556–563.
                             novel genes enabled the model patho-        the principles that govern the ecology,    Sommer, M. O. A., G. Dantas, and G. M.
                                                                                                                       Church. 2009. Functional characterization
                             gen E. coli to resist clinically relevant   evolution, and dynamics of antibiotic         of the antibiotic resistance reservoir in the
                             antibiotics, highlighting that this un-     resistance. Such knowledge will also          human microflora. Science 325:1128–1131.
                             characterized genetic reservoir is fully    assist the critical goal of slowing down
                             functional and must be considered           the spread of multidrug resistance in
                             when evaluating resistome exchanges.        the clinic and extending the therapeu-
                                 A couple of recent microbial cen-       tic lives of antibiotics. But no amount
                                                                                                                          For relevant Web links, consult this
                             suses indicate we have just scratched       of resistome characterization will end          ­issue of American Scientist Online:
                             the surface; deeper interrogation of the    the fight against infectious diseases.
                             resistomes of many more individu-              What is most desperately needed     
                             als is required to begin to approach        are new antibiotics, and as many of                    issues/id.106/past.aspx
                             a comprehensive view of the human           them as possible. The most resound-
                             commensal resistome. Earlier this year,     ing message that comes through from

                                                                                                 2014    January–February       51
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