Page created by Ted Sharp


                  Your one stop

                  towards life-long


           E D U T E L
1.   Names of Directors, Chief Executive and Senior Management                         3
2.   Names and Qualifications of Academic Staff                                        4
3.   General Information                                                               5
4.   Recognition of Prior Learning: The key to your future learning                    8
5.   Foundational Learning Programme                                                   10
6.   Project Management Skills Programme NQF 04 – Become a project manager             14
7.   Start Your Own Business                                                           15
8.   Further Education and Training Certificate:
     New Venture Creation (ID 66249) NQF 04                                            16
9.   Further Education and Training Certificate:
     Generic Management (ID 57712) NQF 04                                              20
10. Further Education and Training Certificate:
     Marketing (ID 67464) NQF 04                                                       24
11. Further Education and Training Certificate:
     Business Administration Services (ID 61595) NQF 04                                28
12. Further Education and Training Certificate:
     Human Resources Management and Practices Support (ID 49691) NQF 04                32
13. National Diploma:
     Human Resources Management and Practices (ID 61592) NQF 05                        35
14. National Certificate:
     National Certificate: Generic Management: General Management (ID 59201 (60269))
     NQF 05                                                                            40
15. Code of Conduct                                                                    43

1.       Names of Directors, Chief Executive
         and Senior Management

Directors:         Andries Pelser
                   Oscar Stephen Bashing
                   Jolene Pillay

Chief Executive Officer:   Andries Bernardus Pelser

Senior Management:         Oscar Bashing – Operations Manager
                           Tricia van Gass - Quality Manager

2. Names and Qualifications of Academic Staff
Adams, CKM - B.ING, ND Electrical Engineering, Facilitator, Assessor
Bhana, A – BA, BA (Hons), HED, HRD
Botha, GS - BA, HOD
Davies, L - BA Degree
Ferreira, DP - THD, FDE: Youth Preparedness, FDE: Giftedness, NHD - Educational Management,
  NC: Creativity Management and Coaching, NC: HR, NC: OD-ETDP NQF 5, ND: ETDP NQF 5,
  NC: OD-ETDP NQF 6, Facilitator, Assessor, Moderator
Janse van Rensburg, A - HOD, BA, BA (Hons), Conduct Outcomes-based assessment
Kok, A - BA, BA (Hons), HED: Outcomes-based assessment (OD-ETDP) Moderator
Kotze, P - HOD, D. Tech., HED, M. Tech., ACE.
Lubbe, D – ETDP
Luus, F - HOD, B. Tech., National Diploma in Electrical Engineering, Assessor, Moderator,
  Facilitate a learning programme, Plan a learning programme
Pelser, C - B.Com degree. B.Com. (Hons), MCom Marketing Management
Prinsloo, C - BA (Hons), HED, ACE, Advance Project Manager, PHD
Sithole, B.E. - B.Ed. Management, Further Diploma in Education
Schoultz, KB - ND: Management, SDF, Assessor, Moderator
Seaman, PM - HOD, FDE, Assessor
Steyn, I - BA, Assessor, Moderator, Member of SACE
Swart, P - BA (Hons), MBA, BA (Prom).
Van der Schyf. A - Assessor and Moderator
Van der Schyf, M - Industry Electronics, NQF 4 Ladies/Gents Hairdressing, Diploma NQF 3 -
  Advanced Make-up, National Diploma: OD-ETDP NQF 5, National Certificate: OD-ETDP
   NQF 6.
Wepener, M - HED
Williams, J - ABET, OD-ETDP L.5, National Diploma: OD-ETDP

3. General Information
Our Mission                                       Assessment and Moderation
Our mission is to add value to our customers'     All Edutel's Assessors and Moderators are
business by being their most preferred            accredited with the ETDP SETA and registered
training provider, offering them quality-         with the Services SETA or SABPP ETQA.
assured training interventions that lead to       Edutel also renders a service as far as
achieving national qualifications or credits,     instructional learning assessment and
effectively address skills gaps and are value-    workplace assessment are concerned.
adding, and achieving all this through
exceptional customer satisfaction and long-       Where do we operate?
term relationships.                               Edutel offers its qualifications and skills
                                                  programmes in all major centres throughout
Meet EDUTEL                                       South Africa, namely Pretoria, Johannesburg,
Ÿ Edutel is a group of companies                  Cape Town, Durban or wherever the need
  specialising in the fields of education,        arises. We also render services internationally.
  training, skills development and services.      Please enquire with us for the venue nearest
  The first Edutel company started off in         to you. Courses can also be done via distance
  1999 and in 2021 Edutel celebrates 22           learning.
  years of excellence in the field of
  education and training.                         What if I can do certain activities already?
Ÿ Edutel Services (Pty) Ltd is fully accredited   You will be able to apply for RPL assessment
   with the Services SETA – Decision 1290.        against certain unit standards. This means
Ÿ All our programmes are approved by the          that evidence of your experience and
   Services SETA ETQA.                            previous studies could be used for an
Ÿ We are also a member of APPETD.                 assessment process in order to declare you
                                                  competent. This process is called Recognition
What we offer                                     of Prior Learning.
Edutel offers 6 different SETA Qualifications
on NQF levels 04 and 05, and various skills       How to apply for RPL
programmes.                                       Pre-entry phase
                                                  Ÿ The learner applies for assessment for
Course material                                       recognition of learning.
Edutel makes use of its own developers and        Ÿ The learner is given the necessary
approved course material, assessment guides           information.
and instruments and sets a new standard           Ÿ A preliminary screening process takes
when it comes to courseware development.              place where the viability of an RPL
We will continuously improve on our services.         assessment is determined.

Mode of delivery
Contact and/or distance or mixed mode.

      SETTING THE PACE IN SKILLS DEVELOPMENT                                       5
Advice phase                                          NLRD.
Ÿ The evidence facilitator assists the
   candidate with the gathering of evidence       Learnerships
   and presentation of the Portfolio of           Duration: Learnership at NQF 04 – 12 months
Ÿ The function of the evidence facilitator is     Fees: See Insert
   clearly defined as one of support and
   advice through the accumulation of             When can I register?
   evidence.                                      As soon as you are ready.
Ÿ The evidence facilitator only facilitates the
   process of evidence gathering: the             Do I have to buy extra books?
   candidate has the responsibility of            No, all material will be provided.
   undertaking this task.
                                                  Do I have to be working before I register?
Assessment phase                                  You must preferably be working in the
Ÿ The candidate compiles and submits a            relevant industry in order to gain the
   portfolio.                                     practical experience. Should you not be
Ÿ The registered assessor assesses the            working in the industry and you only want to
   portfolio.                                     gain the knowledge component, you may
Ÿ The assessor and the evidence facilitator       register, but you will only receive a certificate
   will not be the same person.                   to indicate that you have completed the
   a. Competent – Assessor records results        knowledge component of the skills
       and submits candidate's evidence for       programme or qualification. You will only
       moderation.                                earn the credits linked to a unit
   b. Not yet competent – Assessor requests       standard/qualification once you have also
       more evidence or sets further              been declared competent on the workplace
       assessment activities.                     assessment (Portfolio of Evidence).

Moderation phase                                  Competency-based Education
Ÿ The moderator moderates the assessment          The courses listed are all competence-based.
  process.                                        This means that learners must not only be
Ÿ The moderator makes recommendations             declared competent on the knowledge
  where necessary.                                component, but also the practical component
Ÿ The declaration of competence is                of each unit standard.
                                                  Learners first do the knowledge component
                                                  and add the practical later.
Certification phase
Ÿ The candidate is issued with a certificate      Language Policy
    of competence.                                Our language of tuition is English.
Ÿ The necessary data is uploaded to the

Cancellation Policy                               All broadcasts will be put on Edutel's website
Cancellations of course fees will not be          for later viewing by learners who missed the
accepted once you are accepted and                broadcast.
registered as a learner. Consideration will
only be given to exceptional cases. You may
cancel your studies, but you will remain liable
to pay your course fees.

Learners' Financial Aid
Learners can arrange to pay their course fees
by bank debit order, cash monthly, cash in
advance, credit card or, in some cases, by
salary stop order (Fundi). Learners can apply
for study loans at various financial
institutions. Services SETA may also make
grants available from time to time. Contact
Services SETA at 0861 101 148 for more

Student Support Services
Learners will be supported by our call centre
at (011) 760-4251 should they need any
assistance. Learners can also make an
appointment with their facilitator/assessor
should they so choose.

Employment opportunities
Should you be presently unemployed you
may apply to Edutel to have your details
placed on our employment database for
employers to consider.

Online learning
In some cases online learning sessions will be
arranged to support limited contact learners
and learners living in remote areas. In order
to take part in the online learning you will
need access to a computer, internet
connection, speakers, etc. If online learning
support will be part of your course, you will
be notified with registration.

      SETTING THE PACE IN SKILLS DEVELOPMENT                                       7
4. Recognition of Prior Learning: The key to your
   future learning
WHAT IT IS                                      assessment.
Commonly called RPL, Recognition of Prior
Learning is a mechanism which provides for      We've already stated, RPL is an assessment
acknowledgement of a person's knowledge         process, and as such, the persons applying for
and skills which might not have been            RPL must understand that they will have to
acquired through formal training.               undergo some form of assessment to ensure
                                                that the required knowledge and skills are still
SAQA's definition of RPL states "Recognition    current. Edutel's RPL assessment mainly
of Prior Learning means the comparison of       consists of Questioning and Workplace
the previous learning and experience of a       Observation as methods of gathering the
learner howsoever obtained against the          evidence to prove the candidate's
learning outcomes required for a specified      competence. This means that the candidate
qualification, and the acceptance for           will most probably be observed while he/she
purposes of qualification of that which meets   is working and his/her line manager will
the requirements." This means that regardless   complete a form indicating what the person
of where, when or how a person achieved the     can do. The person will also have to complete
learning, if such learning meets the            either a knowledge questionnaire, case study
requirements of a unit standard or a            questions or an assignment (or a combination
qualification, it could be recognised for       of these) in order for the assessor to check
credits.                                        that the knowledge or theory needed to use
                                                the skills properly is up to date.
RPL is therefore a form of assessment for
persons who have not attended training but      With Edutel there is a specific procedure
still wish to be acknowledged for their         which needs to be followed in order for the
current knowledge and skills in a particular    RPL assessment process to take place. It looks
area.                                           like this:
                                                 1. A prospective candidate, who knows
HOW IT WORKS                                          that he/she most probably qualifies for
The SAQA RPL policy states: "there is no              RPL applies to Edutel by completing the
fundamental difference in the assessment of           relevant Application.
previously acquired skills and knowledge and     2. Once the file has been reviewed and
the assessment of skills and knowledge                approved, the potential candidate meets
acquired through a current learning                   with an RPL Advisor, who explains the
programme. The candidate seeking credits for          skills and knowledge requirements and
previously acquired skills and knowledge must         checks whether the person does, in fact,
still comply with all the requirements as             have these at present. This is called the
stated in unit standards and qualifications.          Screening process.
The difference lies in the route to the          3. If the person has some major gaps in

knowledge and skills, he/she is advised to   successfully complete an RPL process. But
      attend training to fill these gaps and       the results are wonderful!
      come back later for RPL.
4.    If the person meets requirements, then       WHAT IT COSTS
       the process is put in motion.               Just as the process is not a speedy one, so the
5.    The successful candidate will be given       costs are not excessively cheap. However, it is
       thorough preparation for the                definitely less expensive than attending a
       assessment which lies ahead and all         formal workshop and then undergoing the
       concerns which the person might have        assessment. It's not only the actual costing
       are ironed out.                             which needs to be taken in consideration. The
6.    Then the evidence collection phase           hidden costs of being out of the workplace
       starts. At this point the Evidence          for formal training and therefore not being
       Facilitator in the workplace (who might     productive also have to be kept in mind.
       be the line manager) is trained on how
       to assist the candidate to collect the      IS IT WORTH IT?
       required evidence.                          Definitely! Imagine: perhaps a full
7.    The evidence is collected over a period      qualification which acknowledges your
       of time (which was agreed upon during       knowledge and skills without you having
       assessment preparation) and this is all     been in a classroom or undergoing
       submitted to Edutel for formal              coaching.......
8.    The assessment is done by a registered
       assessor, who makes a judgement as to
       whether the evidence submitted by the
       candidate covers all the requirements of
       the unit standard or qualification.
9.    If it does, the candidate is declared
       Competent and, in due course, can
       celebrate his/her achievement.
10.   If the evidence does not meet
       requirements, the candidate is given
       advice and support on what extra
       evidence is required and how to go
       about collecting this. Steps 7 to 9 then

Do not think that the RPL process is easy or
quick. The candidate must focus on what
evidence is needed and cannot merely
produce a few pieces of paper and think that
he/she is Competent. It takes time and
thought on the part of all concerned to

       SETTING THE PACE IN SKILLS DEVELOPMENT                                     9
5. Foundational Learning Programme

What is Foundational Learning Competence            What is the rationale for requiring learners to
(FLC)?                                              complete Foundational Learning
Foundational Learning Competence is a part          Competence?
qualification consisting of two learning areas:     The skills developed in the two learning areas,
Communications and Mathematical Literacy.           Communications and Mathematical Literacy,
It describes the minimum competence needed          have been identified as foundational for
in these two key areas, required by people to       learners wanting to progress in their
function optimally in the world of work. The        occupation and skills development.
FLC describes the minimum competence
required of learners to deal successfully with      There is ample research that shows that
occupational learning at NQF Levels 2-4.            language proficiency is closely aligned to
                                                    success in learning in other areas. Historical
The school-leaving qualification, the National      educational backlogs which resulted from an
Senior Certificate, is registered at NQF Level 4.   unfair education dispensation have resulted
Hence the Foundational Learning                     in many adult learners having a gap in their
Competence addresses the needs of learners          understanding of and ability to apply
in the occupational qualifications that are         language and mathematical literacy concepts
registered on the NQF at Levels 2, 3 and 4, i.e.    in the workplace. While learners may be
below Grade 12.                                     ready for training at the required level in the
                                                    technical or practical aspects of a
The Foundational Learning Competence is a           qualification, i.e. they are able to 'do', very
compulsory part of all new qualifications           often their language skills in English
developed under the auspices of the Quality         (normally the language of teaching and
Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO) at        learning) are at a much lower level. This
NQF levels 3 and 4. This does not mean that         causes many problems in relation to dealing
developers of qualifications at NQF Level 2         with the theoretical concepts in the learning
cannot include Foundational Learning as a           material and the acquisition of new skills and
requirement. It has replaced the                    knowledge in occupational training. Similarly
'fundamentals' in Mathematics and                   occupational training does require an
Communications, required previously in all          understanding of numbers and knowledge
qualifications at NQF Levels 1 to 4.                and how to work with numbers especially in
                                                    key areas of measurement and quantity.
This is a part qualification registered at NQF
Level 2. It has a credit value of 40, 20 for        In 2007 the process for the development of
Foundational Learning Competence in                 the Foundational Learning Competence (FLC)
Communications and 20 for Foundational              was implemented by the Department of
Learning Competence in Mathematical                 Labour. The FLC has replaced the
Literacy.                                           fundamental unit standards in Mathematics

and Communications that were required in all     What is Foundational Learning Competence
SAQA qualifications at NQF Levels 1-4. This      in Communications?
decision was taken essentially because the       The Foundational Learning Competence in
fundamental unit standards were not done         Communications describes the knowledge of
for a variety of reasons and had become a        language and the thinking processes required
blockage in the system. A key reason for this    to communicate effectively in the workplace.
was because learners were required to study
mathematics or language skills that were         FLC Communications provides the basis in the
unnecessary for their specific occupational      language of instruction to enable a learner to
needs. Hence there are many South Africans       deal effectively with occupational training,
who have been denied qualifications in           and communication in the workplace. The
occupations and trades at NQF levels 2, 3 and    purpose of this component is to enable
4 because they are unable to achieve the         individuals to deal confidently and
compulsory fundamental requirements at all       successfully with the language of learning
four levels of the FET band for mathematical     and teaching (LOLT) of formal occupational
literacy and language.                           training, in relation to oral skills, reading and
                                                 writing. It is the language of most external
The FLC is more focussed and directed to the     assessments such as trade tests. People who
minimum competence required in each area         attend a FLC learning programme are given
in order to function optimally in the world of   practice in speaking, listening, reading and
work. It hence supports the objectives of the    writing meaningfully and effectively in the
NQF that the fundamental unit standards          language of instruction. Once they have
were intended to achieve in terms of redress,    achieved their part qualification in
access to meaningful learning, the               Communications they will be able, more
achievement of qualifications and providing a    easily, to progress further in their chosen
basis for lifelong learning.                     occupational pathways and workplace
Once a learner has completed the FLC, s/he
does not have to do it again, even if the        The FLC is not ABET. Communications in ABET
learner moves onto a qualification registered    and NQF Level 1 focus on using reading for
at a higher level, up to and including NQF       learning rather than learning how to read. So
Level 4.                                         while the function of reading programmes up
                                                 to and including NQF Level 1 focused on
The Foundational Learning Competence is          being able to identify the vocabulary and the
designed to address occupational needs and       language structures in context, so as to be
hence has no direct equivalent in the            able to understand and comprehend what
traditional schooling sector.                    was being said, the focus in Foundational
                                                 Learning Competence is to read for

      SETTING THE PACE IN SKILLS DEVELOPMENT                                       11
information. Gathering information is not        Literacy are able to solve problems in real
only about extracting relevant information       contexts by responding to information about
from a text but also to infer meaning, to use    mathematical ideas that are presented in a
the information gathered to make                 variety of ways. Individuals will solve
deductions, to develop the logic of an           problems by defining the problem, analysing
argument, to organise thinking and to extract    and making sense of the information
the key messages from an extended piece of       provided, planning on how to solve the
writing.                                         problem, executing their plan, interpreting
                                                 and evaluating the results, and justifying the
The content of the FLC Communications            method and solution. Using their
learning programme covers the following:         mathematical literacy and understanding of
Ÿ Writing                                        numbers, they will make sense of the
Ÿ Speaking and listening                         workplace and the world in which they live.
Ÿ Visual literacy
Ÿ Language structure and usage                   The content of the FLC: Mathematical Literacy
Ÿ Study skills                                   curriculum covers the following:
Ÿ Workplace terminology.                         Ÿ Number and quantity
                                                 Ÿ Finance
What is Foundational Learning Competence         Ÿ Data and chance
in Mathematical Literacy?                        Ÿ Measurement
The Foundational Learning Competence in          Ÿ Space and shape
Mathematical Literacy is the minimum,            Ÿ Patterns and relationships.
generic mathematical literacy that will
provide learners with an adequate foundation     In solving problems, individuals will apply
to cope with the mathematical demands of         skills such as identifying or locating relevant
occupational training and to engage              information, ordering, sorting, comparing,
meaningfully in real-life situations involving   counting, estimating, computing, measuring,
mathematics.                                     modelling, interpreting and communicating.

Foundational Mathematical Literacy will also     What level of competence should be in place
serve as the foundation for further              before a learner enters a Foundational
development of an individual in                  Learning Competence learning programme?
mathematical literacy contexts and               A learner who is competent at ABET Level 3 in
mathematical concepts that may be specific       the learning area should be able to manage
to an occupation or trade.                       the FLC learning programme.

Individuals who have met all the                 The Foundational Learning Competence
requirements of Foundational Mathematical        assumes that learners entering a foundational

learning programme have a minimum                 Ÿ   are relatively inexpensive and easy to
competence level in the relevant learning             administer.
area at ABET Level 3 or its equivalent. This is
not a formal certification requirement, as        To meet these requirements the assessments
there are no certification requirements for       are in a multiple-choice, machine-scored
entry to the external assessment process.         format.

What is the external assessment for               The key feature of such a model is the on-
Foundational Learning Competence?                 going building of a bank of trailed assessment
Each learning area has an external                items that can be used in various
assessment. The final assessment in each          permutations.
learning area consists of 60 questions in a
multiple-choice format. Each external             The questions are based on the curricula of
assessment is 2,5 hours in length.                the Foundational Learning Competence in the
                                                  relevant learning area. They are proficiency
The two subject areas of Foundational             assessments, aiming to test the state of
Learning Competence in Communications             readiness to embark on learning rather than
and Foundational Learning Competence in           assessment of completed learning.
Mathematical Literacy are assessed separately.
Each subject has an external assessment           The items have different levels of complexity.
conducted at IEB recognised assessment            The test specifications indicate how many
centres nationally. Edutel is registered as an    questions at each level of complexity must be
assessment centre for IEB.                        included in the test. The following area the
                                                  ratings of achievement:
The purpose of these assessments is to check      80%-100% Competent Outstanding (CO)
whether learners are proficient enough in the     70%-79%         Competent Commendable (CC)
foundational skills and knowledge of each         50%-69%         Competent Adequate (CA)
learning area in order to engage effectively in   40%-49%         Not Competent Threshold
formal occupational training.                                     (NCT)
The assessment model that has been adopted        Less than 40% Not Yet Competent (NYC)
is intended to support occupational skills
development, and is therefore based on            Exemplar papers are available from the IEB
practical needs which require that the tests:
Ÿ are available regularly and in the long
                                                  website (
     term, electronically, on demand;
Ÿ have a quick turn-around time for
     delivery of results;

      SETTING THE PACE IN SKILLS DEVELOPMENT                                       13
6. Become a Project Manager
This learning intervention consists of several     facilitate effective project execution,
unit standards, all of which will provide the      NQF 04 (8 credits)
learner with a fundamental set of basic          Ÿ 120379 Work as a project team member,
project management skills. You will learn          NQF 04 (8 credits)
how to lead a team of people in the context
of a small project involving few resources.      Accreditation status
Furthermore, you will be able to apply quality   The programme is approved by the Services
assurance mechanisms throughout the              SETA ETQA.
                                                 Rules relating to assessment, academic credit,
Duration of skills programmes: The workshop      progression and qualification
is approximately 3 days, depending on the        Learners will be assessed by completing a
number of unit standards and notional hours.     knowledge questionnaire and compiling
                                                 Portfolios of Evidence. Once you have been
During the three days we will cover:             declared competent and your assessment
Option 1                                         outcome has been verified by the Services
Ÿ 120375 Participate in the estimation and       SETA you will earn the credits linked to unit
   preparation of cost budget or a project or    standards making up your skills
   sub project and monitor and control           programme/qualification. These credits will
   actual cost against budget, NQF 04            be registered on the National Learners'
   (6 credits)                                   Records Database and will always remain to
Ÿ 120376 Conduct project documentation           your credit. Should you want to continue
   management to support project processes,      with your studies, you will be able to apply
   NQF 04 (6 credits)                            for RPL/credits for what you have already
Ÿ 120381 Implement project administration        achieved if it forms part of that
   processes according to requirements, NQF      qualification's curriculum. This skills
   04 (5 credits)                                programme/qualification will serve as an
Ÿ 120382 Plan, organise and support              entry requirement for follow-up skills
   project meetings and workshops, NQF 04        programmes/qualifications specialising in the
   (4 credits)                                   same field at a higher level.
Ÿ 120387 Monitor, evaluate and
   communicate simple project schedules,
   NQF 04 (4 credits).

Option 2
Ÿ 120373 Contribute to project initiation,
   scope definition and scope change
   control, NQF 04 (9 credits)
Ÿ 120384 Develop a simple schedule to

7. Start your own business
Do you want to start your own business and       outcome has been verified by the Services
ensure that it is successful from the outset?    SETA you will earn the credits linked to unit
Knowing how to evaluate a new business           standards making up your skills
idea, structure an effective business plan and   programme/qualification. These credits will
making it work, requires knowledge, skills and   be registered on the National Learners'
perseverance. Edutel's learning programmes       Records Database and will always remain to
are designed to give you assistance with         your credit. Should you want to continue
starting a new venture so that these issues do   with your studies, you will be able to apply
not become problems. The various skills          for RPL/credits for what you have already
programmes are outcomes-based and aligned        achieved if it forms part of that
to SAQA-registered unit standards.               qualification's curriculum. This skills
                                                 programme/qualification will serve as an
Accreditation status                             entry requirement for follow-up skills
The programme is approved by the Services        programmes/qualifications specialising in the
SETA ETQA.                                       same field at a higher level.

Rules relating to assessment, academic credit,
progression and qualification
Learners will be assessed by completing a
knowledge questionnaire and compiling
Portfolios of Evidence. Once you have been
declared competent and your assessment

      SETTING THE PACE IN SKILLS DEVELOPMENT                                     15
8. Further Education and Training Certificate:
NEW VENTURE CREATION (ID 66249) NQF 04 Min 149 credits

Purpose of this qualification:                      Learning assumed to be in place:
The purpose of the Qualification is to develop      Communication and Mathematical Literacy at
the appropriate skills and knowledge required       NQF Level 03.
by a person for the establishment and
development of a small to medium business           Exit-level Outcomes:
venture, and address the economic,                  Ÿ Demonstrate an ability to identify and
administrative and behavioural (psycho-                 create a new venture.
social) barriers that contribute to success in      Ÿ Demonstrate knowledge of interpersonal
starting and sustaining the venture.                    skills required in a business environment.
                                                    Ÿ Demonstrate an understanding of basic
This qualification is intended for persons who          economics within a market economy.
wish to start, operate, manage and grow a           Ÿ Manage a new venture by applying
new small to medium business venture.                   business principles and techniques.
Learners attempting this qualification will be      Ÿ Demonstrate an understanding of the role
equipped with a variety of technical, business          of leadership and management.
managerial and personal skills and strategies
to help them succeed in the creation and            Duration of qualification:
sustenance of a business. The successful            1 year
learner will develop a sound foundation for
the application of these skills and knowledge       Accreditation status
to explore a diverse range of entrepreneurial       The programme is approved by the Services
opportunities.                                      SETA ETQA.

Recipients of this qualification will be able to:   Rules relating to assessment, academic credit,
Ÿ Demonstrate an ability to identify and            progression and qualification
   create a new venture.                            Learners will be assessed by completing a
Ÿ Demonstrate knowledge of interpersonal            knowledge questionnaire and compiling
   skills required in a business environment.       Portfolios of Evidence. Once you have been
Ÿ Demonstrate an understanding of basic             declared competent and your assessment
   economics within an market economy.              outcome has been verified by the Services
Ÿ Manage a new venture by applying                  SETA you will earn the credits linked to unit
   business principles and techniques.              standards making up your skills
Ÿ Demonstrate an understanding of the role          programme/qualification. These credits will
   of leadership and management.                    be registered on the National Learners'
                                                    Records Database and will always remain to

your credit. Should you want to continue         entry requirement for follow-up skills
with your studies, you will be able to apply     programmes/qualifications specialising in the
for RPL/credits for what you have already        same field at a higher level.
achieved if it forms part of that
qualification's curriculum. This skills
programme/qualification will serve as an


        FUNDAMENTAL                          CORE                       ELECTIVE
          56 Credits                       82 Credits                Choose 11 Credits
Ÿ   119472 Accommodate        114600 Apply innovative Ÿ 13952 Demonstrate basic
    audience and context      thinking to the                understanding of the
    needs in oral/signed      development of a small         Primary labour legislation
    communication, NQF 03     business, NQF 04 (4 credits)   that impacts on a
    (5 credits)                                              business unit, NQF 04
                            Ÿ 263455 Apply the               (8 credits)
Ÿ 119457 Interpret and use    principles of costing and
  information from texts,     pricing to a business        Ÿ 13945 Describe and apply
  NQF 03 (5 credits)          venture, NQF 04 (6 credits)    the management of stock
                                                             and fixed assets in a
Ÿ 119467 Use language and Ÿ 263356 Demonstrate an            business unit, NQF 04
  communication in            understanding of an            (2 credits)
  occupational learning       entrepreneurial profile,
  programmes, NQF 03          NQF 04 (5 credits)           Ÿ 242655 Demonstrate
  (5 credits)                                                knowledge and
                            Ÿ 263514 Demonstrate an          application of ethical
Ÿ 119465 Write/present/sign   understanding of the           conduct in a business
  texts for a range of        function of the market         environment, NQF 04
  communicative contexts,     mechanisms in a new            (4 credits)
  NQF 03 (5 credits)          venture, NQF 04 (5 credits)
Ÿ 9015 Apply knowledge of Ÿ 120389 Explain and apply
  statistics and probability to   the concept, principles and
  critically interrogate and      theories of motivation in a
  effectively communicate         leadership context, NQF 04
  findings on life related        (6 credits)
  problems, NQF 04
  (6 credits)                   Ÿ 114584 Finance a new
                                  venture, NQF 04 (5 credits)
Ÿ 119462 Engage in
  sustained oral/signed
  communication and

      SETTING THE PACE IN SKILLS DEVELOPMENT                                     17
FUNDAMENTAL                         CORE                     ELECTIVE
          56 Credits                      82 Credits              Choose 11 Credits
    evaluate spoken/signed      Ÿ   263534 Implement an
    texts, NQF 04 (5 credits)       action plan for a new
                                    venture, NQF 04 (4 credits)
Ÿ 119469 Read/view, analyse
  and respond to a variety of Ÿ 263474 Manage finances
  texts, NQF 04 (5 credits)      of a new venture, NQF 04
                                 (6 credits)
Ÿ 9016 Represent, analyse
  and calculate shape and      Ÿ 114805 Manage general
  motion in 2- and 3-            administration, NQF 04
  dimensional space in           (4 credits)
  different contexts, NQF 04
  (4 credits)                  Ÿ 13948 Negotiate an
                                 agreement or deal in an
Ÿ 119471 Use language and        authentic work situation,
  communication in               NQF 04 (5 credits)
  occupational learning
  programmes, NQF 04           Ÿ 263434 Plan and manage
  (5 credits)                    production/operations in a
                                 new venture, NQF 04
Ÿ 7468 Use mathematics to        (6 credits)
  investigate and monitor
  the financial aspects of     Ÿ 263456 Plan strategically
  personal, business, national   to improve new venture
  and international issues,      performance, NQF 04
  NQF 04 (6 credits)             (4 credits)

Ÿ   119459 Write/present/ sign Ÿ 114592 Produce business
    for a wide range of          plans for a new venture,
    contexts, NQF 04 (5 credits) NQF 04 (8 credits)
                                Ÿ   114596 Research the
                                    viability of new venture
                                    NQF 04 (5 credits)

FUNDAMENTAL                         CORE                      ELECTIVE
         56 Credits                      82 Credits               Choose 11 Credits
                               Ÿ   116394 Implement and
                                   manage human resource
                                   and labour relations
                                   policies and acts, NQF 05
                                   (9 credits)

NOTE: All fundamental and core unit standards are compulsory. Learners must choose unit
standards totalling a minimum of 11 credits for the elective component.

     SETTING THE PACE IN SKILLS DEVELOPMENT                                  19
9. Further Education and Training Certificate: Generic
MANAGEMENT (ID 57712) NQF 04, Min. 150 Credits
This qualification is intended for junior         The learners who achieve this qualification
managers of small organisations, junior           will be able to demonstrate competencies in
managers of business units in medium and          management relating to Planning, Organising,
large organisations, or those aspiring to these   Leading, Controlling and Ethics. Overall, this
positions. Junior managers include team           qualification will ensure that learners are
leaders, supervisors, foremen and section         capable of:
heads.                                            Ÿ   Developing plans to achieve defined
The focus of this qualification has been
designed to enable learners to be competent       Ÿ   Organising resources in accordance with a
in a range of knowledge, skills, attitudes and        developed plan.
values including:                                 Ÿ    Leading a team to work co-operatively to
Ÿ   Gathering and analysing information.              achieve objectives.
Ÿ   Analysing events that impact on a             Ÿ   Monitoring performance to ensure
    business and its competitive environment.         compliance to a plan.
Ÿ   Complying with organisational standards.      Ÿ   Making decisions based on a code of
Ÿ   Motivating an individual or team.
Ÿ   Negotiating in a work situation.              Learning assumed to be in place:
                                                  Communication, Mathematical Literacy and
Ÿ   Understanding the role of business
                                                  Computer Literacy at NQF Level 03.
    strategy as it applies to junior
                                                  Mode of delivery:
Ÿ   Managing the budget within a specific         Contact, distance or mixed mode.
    area of responsibility.
Ÿ   Applying management principles and            Duration of qualification:
    practices within a specific area of           1 year
                                                  Accreditation status:
Ÿ   Managing work unit performance to             The programme is approved by the Services
    achieve goals.                                SETA ETQA.
Ÿ   Behaving ethically and promoting ethical
    behaviour in a work situation.                Rules relating to assessment, academic credit,
Ÿ   Demonstrating understanding of the            progression and qualification
    consequences in a work unit of HIV/AIDS.      Learners will be assessed by completing a
                                                  knowledge questionnaire and compiling

Portfolios of Evidence. Once you have been       for RPL/credits for what you have already
declared competent and your assessment           achieved if it forms part of that
outcome has been verified by the Services        qualification's curriculum. This skills
SETA you will earn the credits linked to unit    programme/qualification will serve as an
standards making up your skills                  entry requirement for follow-up skills
programme/qualification. These credits will      programmes/qualifications specialising in the
be registered on the National Learners'          same field at a higher level.
Records Database and will always remain to
your credit. Should you want to continue
with your studies, you will be able to apply


       FUNDAMENTAL                           CORE                       ELECTIVE
         56 Credits                        72 Credits                Choose 22 Credits
Ÿ 119472 Accommodate            Ÿ 242824 Apply leadership     Ÿ 242812 Induct a member
  audience and context needs      concepts in a work context,   into a team, NQF 03
  in oral/signed                  NQF 04 (12 credits)           (4 credits)
  communication, NQF 03
  (5 credits)                   Ÿ 242815 Apply the            Ÿ 242820 Maintain records
                                  organisation’s code of        for a team, NQF 03
Ÿ 119457 Interpret and use        conduct in a work             (4 credits)
  information from texts,         environment, NQF 04
  NQF 03 (5 credits)              (5 credits)                 Ÿ 242813 Explain the
                                                                contribution made by own
Ÿ 119467 Use language and Ÿ 242816 Conduct a                    area of responsibility to
  communication in                structured meeting,           the overall organisational
  occupational learning           NQF 04 (5 credits)            strategy, NQF 04
  programes, NQF 03                                             (5 credits)
  (5 credits)                   Ÿ 242822 Employ a
                                  systematic approach to      Ÿ 242818 Describe the
Ÿ 119465 Write/present/sign       achieving objectives,         relationship of junior
  texts for a range of            NQF 04 (10 credits)           management to other
  communicative contexts,                                       roles, NQF 04 (5 credits)
  NQF 03 (5 credits)            Ÿ 242821 Identify
                                  responsibilities of a team Ÿ 11473 Manage individual
Ÿ 9015 Apply knowledge of         leader in ensuring that       and team performance,
  statistics and probability to   organisational standards      NQF 04 (8 credits)
  critically interrogate and      are met, NQF 04
  effectively communicate         (6 credits)

      SETTING THE PACE IN SKILLS DEVELOPMENT                                     21
FUNDAMENTAL                           CORE                     ELECTIVE
           56 Credits                        72 Credits              Choose 22 Credits
     findings on life related       Ÿ   242810 Manage
     problems, NQF 04                   Expenditure against a
     (6 credits)                        budget, NQF 04 (6 credits)
 Ÿ   119462 Engage in               Ÿ   242829 Monitor the level
     sustained oral/signed              of service to a range of
     communication and                  customers, NQF 04
     evaluate spoken/signed             (5 credits)
     texts, NQF 04 (5 credits)
                                    Ÿ   242819 Motivate and
 Ÿ   119469 Read/view, analyse          Build a Team, NQF 04
     and respond to a variety of        (10 credits)
     texts, NQF 04 (5 credits)
                                    Ÿ   242811 Prioritise time and
 Ÿ   9016 Represent analyse             work for self and team,
     and calculate shape and            NQF 04 (5 credits)
     motion in 2- and 3-
     dimensional space in           Ÿ   242817 Solve problems,
     different contexts, NQF 04         make decisions and
     (4 credits)                        implement solutions,
                                        NQF 04 (8 credits)
 Ÿ   7468 Use mathematics to
     investigate and monitor the
     financial aspects of
     personal, business, national
     and international issues,
     NQF 04 (6 credits)

 Ÿ   12153 Use the writing
     process to compose texts
     required in the business
     environment, NQF 04
     (5 credits)

 Ÿ   119459 Write/present/ sign
     for a wide range of
     contexts, NQF 04 (5 credits)

NOTE: All fundamental and core unit standards are compulsory. Learners must choose unit
standards totalling a minimum of 22 credits for the elective component.

The FET Certificate in Marketing, Level 04 is
designed to meet the needs of those learners
who enter the field of Marketing. The whole
marketing field per se is a key business
function necessary for the success of any
organisation, both strategically and

Accreditation status:
The programme is approved by the Services

Rules relating to assessment, academic credit,
progression and qualification:
Learners will be assessed by completing a
knowledge questionnaire and compiling
Portfolios of Evidence. Once you have been
declared competent and your assessment
outcome has been verified by the Services
SETA you will earn the credits linked to unit
standards making up your skills
programme/qualification. These credits will
be registered on the National Learners'
Records Database and will always remain to
your credit. Should you want to continue
with your studies, you will be able to apply
for RPL/credits for what you have already
achieved if it forms part of that
qualification's curriculum. This skills
programme/qualification will serve as an
entry requirement for follow-up skills
programmes/qualifications specialising in the
same field at a higher level.

10. Further Education and Training Certificate:
MARKETING (ID 67464), NQF 04 Min. 139 credits
Purpose of Qualification:                           Mode of delivery:
The FETC: Marketing is designed for people          Contact, distance or mixed mode.
already in marketing or aspire to a similar
career. The Qualification allows the learner to     Duration of qualification:
work towards a nationally recognized                1 year
professional Qualification. It aims to develop
individuals who wish to be qualified in one of      Accreditation status:
the five sub-disciplines of Marketing: Direct       The programme is approved by the Services
Marketing, Marketing Communication,                 SETA ETQA.
Customer Management, Marketing
Management, Marketing Research. The                 Rules relating to assessment, academic credit,
Qualification has building blocks from which        progression and qualification:
a deeper and fuller appreciation of marketing       Learners will be assessed by completing a
can be developed and will help learners to          knowledge questionnaire and compiling
achieving personal, learning and career goals.      Portfolios of Evidence. Once you have been
                                                    declared competent and your assessment
People involved or wishing to work in               outcome has been verified by the Services
Marketing will access this Qualification. It will   SETA you will earn the credits linked to unit
also serve as an entry Qualification into the       standards making up your skills
higher levels of Marketing Qualifications.          programme/qualification. These credits will
                                                    be registered on the National Learners'
Learning assumed to be in place:                    Records Database and will always remain to
It is assumed that the learners are competent       your credit. Should you want to continue
in Communication, Mathematical Literacy             with your studies, you will be able to apply for
and Computer Literacy at NQF Level 03.              RPL/credits for what you have already
                                                    achieved if it forms part of that qualification's
Exit-level Outcomes:                                curriculum. This skills
Ÿ Work and comply with organisational               programme/qualification will serve as an
    ethics, concepts and cultures.                  entry requirement for follow-up skills
Ÿ Meet marketing objectives with available          programmes/qualifications specialising in the
    resources.                                      same field at a higher level.
Ÿ Position and promote products to meet
    customer needs.
Ÿ Maintain internal and external customer
    satisfaction levels.
Ÿ Apply aspects of marketing.


        FUNDAMENTAL                        CORE                        ELECTIVE
          56 Credits                     65 Credits                    18 Credits
 Ÿ   119472 Accommodate         Ÿ   252201 Apply marketing    Ÿ   252214 Conduct follow-
     audience and context           team work strategies,          up with customers to
     needs in oral/signed           NQF 04 (4 credits)             evaluate satisfaction
     communication, NQF 03                                         levels, NQF 04 (6 credits)
     (5 credits)                Ÿ 252216 Comply with legal
                                                              Ÿ 252196 Describe features,
                                  requirements and
 Ÿ   119457 Interpret and use     organisational and             advantages and benefits
     information from texts,      professional codes of          of products and services,
     NQF 03 (5 credits)           conduct, NQF 04 (4 credits)    NQF 04 (4 credits)
 Ÿ 119467 Use language and      Ÿ 252217 Comply with
                                                              Ÿ 242819 Motivate and
   communication in               organisational ethics,         Build a Team, NQF 04
   occupational learning          NQF 04 (4 credits)             (10 credits)
   programmes, NQF 03                                       Ÿ 118028 Supervise
   (5 credits)                   Ÿ 252202 Deal with brand,
                                   product and service         customer service
 Ÿ 119465 Write/present/sign                                   standards, NQF 04
                                   promotions, NQF 04
   texts for a range of            (4 credits)                 (8 credits)
   communicative contexts,                                  Ÿ 12153 Use the writing
   NQF 03 (5 credits)            Ÿ 252206 Demonstrate an
                                   understanding of product    process to compose texts
 Ÿ 9015 Apply knowledge of                                     required in the business
                                   positioning, NQF 04
   statistics and probability to   (4 credits)                 environment, NQF 04
   critically interrogate and                                  (5 credits)
   effectively communicate       Ÿ 252211 Demonstrate an
   findings on life related        understanding of the
   problems, NQF 04                competitive environment
   (6 credits)                     and product positioning,
                                   NQF 04 (6 credits)
 Ÿ 119462 Engage in
   sustained oral/signed         Ÿ 252203 Demonstrate an
   communication and               understanding of the
   evaluate spoken/signed          target market, NQF 04
   texts, NQF 04 (5 credits)       (4 credits)
 Ÿ 119469 Read/view, analyse Ÿ 252210 Handle a range of
   and respond to a variety of     customer complaints,
   texts, NQF 04 (5 credits)       NQF 04 (4 credits)

       SETTING THE PACE IN SKILLS DEVELOPMENT                                  25
FUNDAMENTAL                         CORE                 ELECTIVE
          56 Credits                      65 Credits             18 Credits
Ÿ   9016 Represent analyse       Ÿ   252197 Identify and use
    and calculate shape and          marketing resources to
    motion in 2- and 3-              meet objectives, NQF 04
    dimensional space in             (4 credits)
    different contexts, NQF 04   Ÿ   252195 Identify expertise
    (4 credits)                      and resources, NQF 04
Ÿ   119471 Use language and          (3 credits)
    communication in             Ÿ 252191 Identify internal
    occupational learning          and external stakeholders,
    programmes, NQF 04             NQF 04 (4 credits)
    (5 credits)
                                 Ÿ 252193 Identify potential
Ÿ 7468 Use mathematics to          and existing customers of
  investigate and monitor          the business, NQF 04
  the financial aspects of         (4 credits)
  personal, business, national
                               Ÿ 252209 Instil in oneself a
  and international issues,
  NQF 04 (6 credits)             personal marketing culture,
                                 NQF 04 (4 credits)
Ÿ 119459 Write/present/sign
                               Ÿ 252218 Liaise with a range
  for a wide range of
  contexts, NQF 04 (5 credits)   of customers of a business,
                                 NQF 04 (4 credits)
                                 Ÿ   252194 Meet marketing
                                     performance standards,
                                     NQF 04 (4 credits)
                                 Ÿ   252204 Monitor marketing
                                     information flow and
                                     collect and process
                                     marketing data, NQF 04
                                     (4 credits)

Refine your Business Administration activities
The administration function of any business      with your studies, you will be able to apply
unit is the core of the business. The            for RPL/credits for what you have already
management of records and projects is the        achieved if it forms part of that
lifeblood of the organisation and the            qualification's curriculum. This skills
specialised administrative measures, such as     programme/qualification will serve as an
financial literacy, contractual marketing and    entry requirement for follow-up skills
business communication, are equally              programmes/qualifications specialising in the
important. This qualification will give you      same field at a higher level.
what you need to run a business effectively.

We offer the following skills programmes:
Ÿ Effective Business Administration
Ÿ Communication in the Business Sector
Ÿ Administration Procedures
Ÿ Financial Administration
Ÿ Working with Service Providers
Ÿ Project Management
Note: any unit standard that forms part of
the qualification can also be done on its own
as a skills programme.

Accreditation status:
The programme is approved by the Services

Rules relating to assessment, academic credit,
progression and qualification:
Learners will be assessed by completing a
knowledge questionnaire and compiling
Portfolios of Evidence. Once you have been
declared competent and your assessment
outcome has been verified by the Services
SETA you will earn the credits linked to unit
standards making up your skills
programme/qualification. These credits will
be registered on the National Learners'
Records Database and will always remain to
your credit. Should you want to continue

      SETTING THE PACE IN SKILLS DEVELOPMENT                                     27
11. Further Education and Training Certificate:
Purpose of Qualification:                           operational competencies. It will provide the
This qualification is for any individual who is     broad knowledge, skills and values needed in
or wishes to be involved in the administration      the administration field for all business and
function within any industry, or non-               non-commercial sectors and will facilitate
commercial venture/organisation. It is also         access to and mobility and progression within
the building block to advance learners into         education and training.
the National Certificate in Business
Administration Services, NQF Level 05.              Qualifying learners could follow a career in:
                                                    Ÿ Secretarial services
The core component of the qualification             Ÿ Reception services
offers the learner knowledge and skills in the      Ÿ Switchboard operations
Management of Records, Comprehension of             Ÿ Financial administration
Written and Verbal Texts, Business Writing,         Ÿ Banking administration
Problem-solving, Ethics, Cultural Awareness,        Ÿ Personal/executive assistant services
Self- management and Self-development,              Ÿ Technical assistance
Project Teamwork and Business Policies and          Ÿ Typing
Procedures. The qualification, through its          Ÿ Data capturing
elective component, enables the learner to          Ÿ Systems administration
specialise in areas of administration, such as      Ÿ Human Resources administration
Reception, Executive Administration, Financial      Ÿ Basic contracts administration
Literacy, Relationship Management, Legal            Ÿ Legal secretarial services
Knowledge, Communication, Project                   Ÿ Reception supervision
Administration and Support, Call Centre             Ÿ Change administration and management
Administration and Human Resources.                 Ÿ Relationship management
                                                    Ÿ Project co-ordination
Learners working towards this qualification
will find that the acquisition of competence        Exit-level Outcomes:
in the unit standards which make up the             Ÿ Have knowledge of the procedures for
qualification, will add value to their jobs. This       stock and fixed asset control.
qualification is intended to enhance the            Ÿ Develop administrative systems, together
provision of service within the field of                with other employees, to improve
administration within all business and non-             organisational effectiveness.
commercial sectors. The qualification ensures       Ÿ Present information that is routinely and
progression of learning, enabling the learner           regularly required, as well as specific
to meet standards of service excellence                 information that is requested from time-
required within the administration field of             to-time.
learning, through building day-to-day               Ÿ Manage service providers.
administration skills, as well as general           Ÿ Be an effective employee in the

administrative section of an organisation.   Learning assumed to be in place:
Ÿ   Be aware of how fraud can be present in      Learners accessing this qualification should
    an office environment and assist in the      be competent in communication,
    control thereof.                             mathematical literacy and computer literacy
Ÿ   Display cultural awareness in dealing with   at NQF Level 03.
    customers and colleagues and utilise the
    differences in a positive way to enhance     Mode of delivery:
    the effectiveness and image of the           Contact, distance or mixed mode.
Ÿ   Identify and solve work-related problems     Duration of qualification:
    together with others in the section.         1 year
Ÿ   Apply efficient time management
    processes, procedures and techniques.
Ÿ   Be an effective member of a team.
Ÿ   Become a knowledge worker.

Accreditation status:
The programme is approved by the Services

Rules relating to assessment, academic credit,
progression and qualification:
Learners will be assessed by completing a
knowledge questionnaire and compiling
Portfolios of Evidence. Once you have been
declared competent and your assessment
outcome has been verified by the Services
SETA you will earn the credits linked to unit
standards making up your skills
programme/qualification. These credits will
be registered on the National Learners'
Records Database and will always remain to
your credit. Should you want to continue
with your studies, you will be able to apply
for RPL/credits for what you have already
achieved if it forms part of that
qualification's curriculum. This skills
programme/qualification will serve as an
entry requirement for follow-up skills
programmes/qualifications specialising in the
same field at a higher level.

      SETTING THE PACE IN SKILLS DEVELOPMENT                                     29

        FUNDAMENTAL                           CORE                         ELECTIVE
          56 Credits                        73 Credits                  Choose 11 Credits
Ÿ   8968 Accommodate              Ÿ   110021 Achieve personal      Ÿ   13929 Co-ordinate
    audience and context              effectiveness in business         meetings, minor events
    needs in oral                     environment, NQF 04               and travel arrangements,
    communication, NQF 03             (6 credits)                       NQF 03 (3 credits)
    (5 credits)                   Ÿ 13943 Analyse new              Ÿ   13928 Monitor and
Ÿ   8972 Interpret a variety of       developments reported in          control reception area,
    literary texts, NQF 03            the media that could              NQF 03 (4 credits)
    (5 credits)                       impact on a business         Ÿ   7790 Process incoming
Ÿ   8969 Interpret and use            sector or industry, NQF 04        and outgoing telephone
    information from texts,           (10 credits)                      calls, NQF 03 (3 credits)
    NQF 03 (5 credits)          Ÿ 13941 Apply the budget           Ÿ   12155 Apply
Ÿ 8970 Write texts for a           function in a business unit,         comprehension skills to
  range of communicative           NQF 04 (5 credits)                   engage written texts in a
  contexts, NQF 03 (5 credits) Ÿ 10022 Comply with                      business environment,
Ÿ 9015 Apply knowledge of          organisational ethics,               NQF 04 (5 credits)
  statistics and probability to    NQF 04 (4 credits)              Ÿ   10026 Identify expertise
  critically interrogate and    Ÿ 14552 Contract service                and resources, NQF 04
  effectively communicate          providers, NQF 04                    (3 credits)
  findings on life related         (3 credits)                     Ÿ   10023 Identify internal
  problems, NQF 04              Ÿ 13945 Describe and apply              and external
  (6 credits)                      the management of stock              stakeholders, NQF 04
Ÿ 8974 Engage in sustained         and fixed assets in a                (4 credits)
  oral communication and           business unit, NQF 04           Ÿ 10139 Implement project
  evaluate spoken texts,           (2 credits)                        administration processes
  NQF 04 (5 credits)            Ÿ 110026 Describe and assist          according to
Ÿ 12417 Measure, estimate          in the control of fraud in         requirements, NQF 04
  and calculate physical           an office environment,             (5 credits)
  quantitites and explore,         NQF 04 (4 credits)              Ÿ 10388 Interpret basic
  critique and prove            Ÿ 110003 Develop                      financial statements,
  geometrical relationships in     administrative procedures          NQF 04 (3 credits)
  2- and 3-dimensional             in a selected organisation,
  space in the life and                                            Ÿ   10983 Participate in the
                                   NQF 04 (8 credits)                   implementation and
  workplace of an adult with
  increasing responsibilities, Ÿ 7791 Display cultural                  utilisation of equity
  NQF 04 (4 credits)               awareness in dealing with            related processes, NQF 04
                                   customers and colleagues,            (5 credits)
                                   NQF 04 (4 credits)

FUNDAMENTAL                        CORE                      ELECTIVE
          56 Credits                     73 Credits               Choose 11 Credits
Ÿ   8975 Read, analyse and      Ÿ110009 Manage              Ÿ 9244 Plan and conduct
    respond to a variety of      adminstration records,        meetings, NQF 04
    texts, NQF 04 (5 credits)    NQF 04 (4 credits)            (4 credits)
Ÿ 7468 Use mathematics to Ÿ 109999 Manage service           Ÿ 10171 Manage the
  investigate and monitor        providers  in a selected      capture, storage and
  the financial aspects of       organisation,   NQF 04        retrieval of human
  personal, business, national   (5 credits)                   resources information
  and international issues,    Ÿ 110023 Present                using an information
  NQF 04 (6 credits)             information in report         system, NQF 05
                                 format, NQF 04 (6 credits)    (3 credits)
Ÿ 12153 Use the writing
  process to compose texts     Ÿ 10135 Work as a project
  required in the business       team member, NQF 04
  environment, NQF 04            (8 credits)
  (5 credits)                  Ÿ 15234 Apply efficient time
Ÿ   8976 Write for a wide           management to the work
    range of contexts, NQF 04       of a department/
    (5 credits)                     division/section, NQF 05
                                    (4 credits)

NOTE: All fundamental and core unit standards are compulsory. Learners must choose unit
standards totalling a minimum of 11 credits for the elective component.

      SETTING THE PACE IN SKILLS DEVELOPMENT                                 31
12. Further Education and Training Certificate:
(ID 67463), NQF 04, 140 credits
On completion of the Certificate you will be           o Compensation and administration
able to apply for registration with SABPP.               related to human resources
                                                         management and practices.
Purpose of Qualification:
This qualification will be useful to people who   Learning assumed to be in place:
support and participate in human resources        Communication, Mathematical Literacy and
management and practices.                         Computer Literacy at NQF Level 03

People credited with this qualification are       Exit-level Outcomes:
able to                                           Ÿ Perform administrative duties related to
Ÿ Collect, collate and distribute information         human resources management and
    related to people management in line              practices.
    with a given plan;                            Ÿ Support the implementation of
Ÿ Provide advice on or refer to the                   procedures and systems related to human
    appropriate person in response to queries         resources management and practices in
    on organisational procedures related to           all of the following role clusters:
    people management;                                o strategic planning for human
Ÿ Demonstrate basic understanding of                       resources management and practices;
    people dynamics and impact in the                 o acquisition, development and
    workplace;                                             utilisation of people;
Ÿ Demonstrate basic understanding of the              o establishment and improvement of
    functioning of business and the role and               labour and employee relations;
    contribution of individuals within                o compensation and administration
    organisations;                                         related to human resources
Ÿ Support the implementation of processes                  management and practices.
    and systems related to human resources        Ÿ Collect, collate and distribute information
    management and practices in all of the            related to human resources management
    following role clusters:                          and practices in the context of a
    o Strategic planning for human                    predetermined plan.
          resources management and                Ÿ Provide advice on or refer to the
          practices, people and work;                 appropriate person in response to queries
    o Acquisition, development and                    on organisational procedures related to
          utilisation of people;                      human resources management and
    o Establishment and improvement of                practices.
          labour and employee relations;

You can also read