Back to School Guide - Superintendent Cindy Marten April 12, 2021
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SAN DIEGO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Back to School Guide What to Expect When Returning to School April 12, 2021 Superintendent Cindy Marten April 12, 2021
OUR MISSION STATEMENT Table of Contents Message from Superintendent Cindy Marten. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5 Board of Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-7 Commitment to Families. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Our Core Beliefs.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Parents as Partners.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Learning Opportunities for Parents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 MISSION STATEMENT Support for Families and Students: First Week of School. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Stay Connected.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 All San Diego students will graduate with the skills, Maintaining Our Focus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Instructional Model Options for Families. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 motivation, curiosity and resilience to succeed in their Essential Elements in Both Learning Options. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Supporting Our Students: Integrated Model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 choice of college and career in order to lead and Supporting Our Students: Social-Emotional Well-being . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 participate in the society of tomorrow. Supporting Our Students: Standards-Based Grading, Assessment, and Feedback . . . . . . . 19 Technology Supports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Robust and Engaging Learning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Instructional Minutes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-24 Attendance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Health and Safety Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26-28 Maintenance and Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Transportation.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Food and Nutrition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 COVID-19 Decision Tree and Notification Protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Wellness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Instruction, Broad & Challenging Curriculum, Continuity of Learning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Supporting Our Educators.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Sports and Extracurricular. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36-37 SAN DIEGO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT BACK TO SCHOOL GUIDE 2020-21 // WWW.SANDI.NET | 3
A message from the Superintendent... Welcome to our 2020-21 Back- the last decade. San Diego tions like the University of Cali- To-School Guide. San Diego Unified is the fastest improving fornia at San Diego. Unified students have earned district in the country, accord- Thank you for taking the time their reputation for academ- ing to the executive director of to review our back-to-school ic excellence in recent years. the Council of the Great City plan. More than any of the de- This guide represents our Schools. tails, I hope you will take away plan to continue that progress, We have set the bar equally the understanding that your while protecting the health and high when it comes to protect- neighborhood schools are safety of every student, staff ing the health and safety of here to support you and your member and parent. our school community. We’ve family at this challenging time. Our students’ success is based collaborated with top scien- So, let’s continue to be kind on high standards. We raised tists to develop our strict health to one another, practice good our graduation requirements, standards. They work right here, hygiene, maintain social dis- and our students stepped up in San Diego, and are proud to tancing, wear your mask and to meet them. African Ameri- help their hometown schools always, always let your school can college readiness alone stay safe. We are lucky to live know if we can do more to sup- increased by 50 percent over in a city with world-class institu- port you and your family. Thank you! Cynthia “Cindy” Marten Superintendent, San Diego Unified School District ( There is no power for change greater than a community discovering what it cares about. —MARGARET WHEATLEY ) 4 | SAN DIEGO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT BACK TO SCHOOL GUIDE 2020-21 // WWW.SANDI.NET SAN DIEGO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT BACK TO SCHOOL GUIDE 2020-21 // WWW.SANDI.NET | 5
Leadership Board of Education Richard Barrera Dr. Sharon Whitehurst-Payne Board President, District D Cindy Marten Board Vice President, District E Dr. Lamont Jackson w Kevin Beiser District B Sabrina Bazzo District A w Superintendent Interim Superintendent-Delegate AREA SUPERINTENDENTS Bruce Bivins Dr. Christina Casillas Mitzi Merino Area 1 Superintendent Area 3 Superintendent Area 5 Superintendent Search In Progress Monika Hazel Erin Richison Area 2 Superintendent Area 4 Superintendent Area Superintendent for Dr. Michael McQuary Zachary Patterson District C Student Board Member High Schools 6 | SAN DIEGO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT BACK TO SCHOOL GUIDE 2020-21 // WWW.SANDI.NET SAN DIEGO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT BACK TO SCHOOL GUIDE 2020-21 // WWW.SANDI.NET | 7
Our Continued Commitment to Families Our Core Beliefs As we observe our social and educational changes, we to develop school commu- nities with a sense of safety, teraction, then we will improve outcomes for inclusivity, our We believe embrace the opportunity to belonging, and supportive capacity to address barriers, in an equity-based framework strengthen and deepen our environments. and the resolve to participate where all students have access relationships with families We believe that it is only in meaningful conversations to high quality teaching and through our Parents as Part- through our partnership with that value different lived ex- learning experiences. ners home/school alliances. families that we can have a periences. Only then can we Our district is resolved to in- change institutional practices novate and enhance the ways true impact on student suc- cess. If the success of each that do not serve all students, We believe in which we collaborate and child is at the heart of every which will lead to quantitative in a customized approach geared communicate with our families decision, conversation, and in- improvements for all learners. toward the unique circumstances of students, families and schools. We believe in wellness for all as we navigate unprecedented and uncertain times. We believe in ensuring we honor the whole child and all children as we relentlessly strive toward the academic and social-emotional well-being of our learners. We believe all students should have access to rigorous standards based instruction in our quest to ensure all students experience success. We believe in the power of parents as partners as we continue to leverage our collaboration on behalf of our students and families. 8 | SAN DIEGO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT BACK TO SCHOOL GUIDE 2020-21 // WWW.SANDI.NET SAN DIEGO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT BACK TO SCHOOL GUIDE 2020-21 // WWW.SANDI.NET | 9
Parents as Partners Learning Opportunities for Parents Parents as Partners was developed as a collaborative effort this year to support families with Online Learning. As we reopen our schools, we will work relentlessly to support our parents every step of the way through our Parents as Partners task force, parent coaching sessions and our Parents as Partners website as we collectively leverage our collaboration on behalf of the students we serve. Maintaining Ongoing Communication With Our Families We firmly believe in the power of parents as partners and the indelible impact this relationship has on the success of our learners. Parents as Partners Coaching Session— Zoom and in-person classes in addition Parent Coaching Sessions to a website with video tutorials • Navigating learning platforms • Supporting time on task Our parent sessions bring us right • Supporting well-being into the homes of our families. We have the opportunity to connect Support for Continuous Cycle of Collaboration—Understanding with them, listen to their voices, and standards-based grading. answer questions. We will continue to provide monthly coaching sessions as we partner with our San Diego Technology support for Learning Unified School District families to Management System—In-person support our students. support and website with tutorials. Keep an eye out for opportunities for coaching sessions at your school site as well. 10 | SAN DIEGO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT BACK TO SCHOOL GUIDE 2020-21 // WWW.SANDI.NET SAN DIEGO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT BACK TO SCHOOL GUIDE 2020-21 // WWW.SANDI.NET | 11
Welcome Week for Students and Families Ways For Families to Stay Connected April 5–9th Like the first week of the school year, we have set aside one week to provide students and families time to transition. twitter instagram @sdschools @sandiegounified p p The student week will consist of core content subjects, technolo- These pre-recorded modules daily teacher interactions, face-to- gy modules, as well as Visual and can be viewed at any time in face, through synchronous learn- Performing Arts lessons. They are order to accommodate family ing. A learning menu of activities designed to be independently schedules. Our goal is to help p p will be provided for students that experienced by the user with families navigate and learn about will consist of general Health and opportunities to engage, explore, communication tools, strategies, Safety Guidelines for wellness and reflect on topics. Families will and supports as we complete the facebook internet that support social-emotional and also have training modules that 2020-21 school year. @SanDiegoUnified academic learning for each day. promote language and literacy These learning activities include development for children. 12 | SAN DIEGO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT BACK TO SCHOOL GUIDE 2020-21 // WWW.SANDI.NET SAN DIEGO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT BACK TO SCHOOL GUIDE 2020-21 // WWW.SANDI.NET | 13
Maintaining Our Focus Instructional Model Options for Families We are committed to providing a personalized learning experience for each Families have the option to select one of two options: an Online Learning or an and every learner which ensures continuity of learning with a focus on quality Onsite/ Online Hybrid Model. Families who wish to change their selection during the standards-based instruction and social-emotional well-being. final weeks of the school year may be accommodated based on the availability of physical space, adhering to health and safety guidelines. Robust & Engaging Instruction Although our context has changed and we are in unprecedented times, our priority areas remain the same. We continue to be focused on: Online Learning On-Site Learning Live/Virtual Time for In-Person Maintain Instruction Students to Instruction Connection Solidify Their with Teachers Learning & Peers EQUITY WHOLE CHILD QUALITY SCHOOLS IN EVERY NEIGHBORHOOD Customized Maintain Access to Incorporate quity—educating all E Educating the Whole Child e have been and will W Learning Connection Supports Technology in students with an emphasis with focus on Social-Emo- continue to be focused on on black students, English tional Learning, developing Quality Schools in Every & Instruction with Teach- & Enrichment New Ways Learners, and students with student leadership and Neighborhood for our disabilities. empowerment. families and students we ers & Peers Opportunities are proud to serve. 14 | SAN DIEGO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT BACK TO SCHOOL GUIDE 2020-21 // WWW.SANDI.NET SAN DIEGO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT BACK TO SCHOOL GUIDE 2020-21 // WWW.SANDI.NET | 15
Essential Elements in Both Learning Options Supporting Our Students Our team has worked diligently to ensure that we are crystal clear about the An Integrated Model essential components of our learning options as we reopen our schools and design learning experiences for our students. Support and services Educators will work as Integrated Team within the classroom teams to design lessons focuses on providing form an integrated ap- to accommodate and interventions and All Learning Options Will Include proach with collaboration facilitate independence supports for students. between General in every instructional day. Education Teachers, Educational Specialists, Paraeducators and Connection and Standards-Based Related Service Belonging Grading Providers. Supports for Integrated Model- Entry Points to Support Students with Disabilities Social-Emotional Students with Learning Disabilities All educators, general education teachers, educational specialists, related service providers, and paraeducators are committed to working as an integrated team to support all students. Culturally Responsive Designated & Curriculum & Integrated ELD Instruction Culture of Shared Collaboration Co-Teaching Responsibility & Planning Approaches Engagement & Restorative Collaboration Communities Strategic Learning Scheduling Conditions Student Grouping Meaningful Assessment & Parents as Feedback Partners Sites have multiple access points that educators can utilize to achieve the ideal state of integrated learning, as we move our students with disabilities into the sphere of success. Direct IEP Services Will Be Provided Live via Video Conferencing 16 | SAN DIEGO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT BACK TO SCHOOL GUIDE 2020-21 // WWW.SANDI.NET SAN DIEGO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT BACK TO SCHOOL GUIDE 2020-21 // WWW.SANDI.NET | 17
Supporting Our Students Supporting Our Students Students’ Physical, Social & Emotional Well-being Standards-Based Grading, Assessment, & Feedback Fostering Connecting Referral & Educators use Students will be asked to demonstrate Positive Embedding Families Providing Intervention mastery-based competency in a variety of ways that Ensuring School SEL & Wellness with Needed Services Services for assessments in require less recall/response and Interventions Environments Lessons into Social Services at Earliest Students order to ensure utilize more authentic assessments are Trauma Everyday Level of Need and Resilience equity and assess that allow them to apply their Instruction Informed for all students. knowledge to real-world scenarios. San Diego Unified School District is committed to providing students with meaningful assessments and feedback. Educators will engage students in fair, valid and reliable formative and summative assessments to inform instruction and to provide regular and timely feedback. Students have many opportunities and multiple ways to demonstrate Social-Emotional Learning- School Entry Points their understanding. Additionally self-evaluations and peer feedback are valuable strategies to advancing student learning. In preparation for offering both online and on-site learning during the 2020-2021 school year, schools will refine their comprehensive assessment plans to include both virtual tools and in-person interviews. Daily strate- gies will include exit slips, student discussions, self-appraisals, peer reviews and conferring with students. Weekly assessments may also include critiquing student writing or student-developed presentations or videos. Monthly or As we continue to support the social, emotional and physical well-being of our students during unit assessments may include performance tasks, real-world projects, the development of web pages and other these unprecedented times, our focus will continue to be fostering positive school environments presentations. It is critical that summative assessments be used to gauge mastery toward grade level standards that embed social-emotional competencies into every day instruction. We recognize the needs of our and in determining student grades. students and will prioritize services for communities with the highest level of need, as well as cultivating wellness for our educators and families. Standards-Based Grading- School Entry Points Social- Adult Emotional & Foundational Alliances Restorative Skill Community Development Academic Competencies Integration Standards Assessments Feedback Grading Scales Reporting There are multiple entry points that school teams can use to determine where they are in their We are refocusing our efforts on using standards-based grading practices to ensure mastery of standards implementation journey of social, emotional and academic integration. for ALL students no matter the learning option they choose. Our teams created multiple entry points for teams to determine where they are in the journey toward standards-based grading. 18 | SAN DIEGO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT BACK TO SCHOOL GUIDE 2020-21 // WWW.SANDI.NET SAN DIEGO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT BACK TO SCHOOL GUIDE 2020-21 // WWW.SANDI.NET | 19
Attendance Robust & Engaging Learning Students receive five days of synchronous and asynchronous instruction and have IN ACCORDANCE WITH SENATE BILL 98, SAN DIEGO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT: time to solidify understanding and complete unfinished assignments. Instruction is led by teachers with support from families. We are committed to providing a robust and engaging learning experience for our students and families that includes: Educators shall document daily Daily participation may include, participation for each student on but is not limited to, evidence each school day, in whole or in part, of participation in online ac- for which online or on-site learning tivities, completion of regular is provided. A pupil who assignments, completion The use of Active Learning Strategies does not participate in of assessments, and such as discussions, hands-on online learning on a contacts between activities, and projects school day shall be school staff and documented as students or absent for that parents/ Daily opportunities for New tools and strategies school day. guardians. for student collaboration community building and peer connection San Diego Unified School A student who District shall does not partici- ensure that a weekly pate daily in either engagement record is onsite instruction or More engaging Daily small completed for each online learning shall be curricular options group instruction student documenting deemed absent for purposes synchronous or asynchronous in- of reporting absenteeism Better ways of providing on- Increased opportunities struction for each whole or rates in the district LCAP. for enrichment going feedback to students partial day of online learning, verifying daily participation, Social-emotional learning, and tracking assignments. movement, and wellness 20 | SAN DIEGO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT BACK TO SCHOOL GUIDE 2020-21 // WWW.SANDI.NET SAN DIEGO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT BACK TO SCHOOL GUIDE 2020-21 // WWW.SANDI.NET | 21
Instructional Minutes Instructional Minutes Our learning experiences for students will include 360 minutes of synchronous and asynchronous learning for students using a combination of the following activities: TK—5 • Whole group instruction which includes live online whole group and small group instruction daily. • Small group instruction, conferring with students, and/or teacher-initiated office hours, while the remainder of students complete independent work. • Asynchronous instruction, independent work, or enrichment. All students will participate in asynchronous instruction Total Minutes Whole Group/Small from home on Fridays. Group Live Instruction EARLY LEARNING 180 Minutes Whole Group/ Flex/Asynchronous Small Group & Community Building Total Minutes Small Group Live Conferring with 360 Minutes Reading, Writing Learning 180 Minutes Per Session Instruction 105 Minutes Per Session Students & Families Mathematics, Science 180 minutes of teaching which includes 30 Minutes Per Session Asynchronous Learning for Students 45 Minutes Per Session Social Studies live online whole group and small Community Building Teacher Flex Time Foundational Skills: Language and Literacy, group instruction daily Literacy & Language Writing, Math, Music and VAPA | PE | ELD Movement Synchronous Practice/ Activities Online learners participate in these activities at-home from their devices. STUDENTS WILL BE ENGAGED IN A VARIETY OF LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES WITHIN THE 360 INSTRUCTIONAL MINUTES INCLUDING: Small Group and Flex/Asynchronous Conferring/Office Hours Learning Independent Working in Enrichment Practice Small Groups Opportunities 120 Minutes 60 Minutes Reading Groups Asynchronous Math Groups Learning for Students Digital Feedback Teacher Flex Time Video Conferencing Schedules will take into consideration the developmental needs of our primary learners, knowing Office Hours that students will gradually increase their stamina over time. Online learners participate in these Asynchronous Learning for both onsite activities at-home from their devices. and online students. Each school site will communicate a daily schedule with their families based on the needs of their students and school community. 22 | SAN DIEGO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT BACK TO SCHOOL GUIDE 2020-21 // WWW.SANDI.NET SAN DIEGO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT BACK TO SCHOOL GUIDE 2020-21 // WWW.SANDI.NET | 23
Instructional Minutes Technology Supports 6—12 When technical support is needed, for delivering standards-based instruction both at students and families can call the Online home and in the classroom (when it is safe to do Learning Technical Support Line at so based on health and safety guidelines). San (619) 732-1400. Hours Mon.-Fri. Diego Unified School District looks forward to each Total Minutes 8am-5pm and Sat. 9am-1pm student thriving in this new learning environment by providing 24/7 access to learning via technolo- Parents and students can also visit the Technology gy based solutions and the support necessary for 360 Minutes Support for Families website where they can learn more about troubleshooting tips, wifi options, a quality learning experience. signing in to applications and more. Class Period Rotation Students will be responsible for tak- ing care of their laptop. Parents can review this overview slide 180 Minutes presentation as well as the Students are in the classroom expectations for elementa- ry or secondary students. primarily learning through their devices. Small Group & Conferring/Office Hours Online learners participate in these activities at-home Both online and in- from their devices. school learning will 60 Minutes be supported by an Both onsite and online students participate online online platform. San through their devices in the following activities: Diego Unified School Small Group Targeted Instruction District uses Seesaw, Digital Feedback Google Classroom Video Conferencing Flex/Asynchronous Learning and Canvas. Stu- Office Hours dents will use Clever to sign in to all Online 120 Minutes Learning Platforms. Asynchronous Learning for Students For steps to signing in to these platforms Flex and Preparation Time for Teachers watch this video. Click Both onsite and online learners participate in these here for how to sign in to the activities asynchronously from their devices. Chromebook and click here for troubleshooting tips. SYNCHRONOUS LEARNING Synchronous learning refers to a learning event in which a group of participants As we start the 2020-21 school year, (students and educators) is engaged in learning at the same time. During synchronous learning, an educator is educating our students by having access teaching live in real time and may incorporate other media in their daily lessons connected to the standards being to and using technology is a key component taught. Educators provide guidance, support, and check for understanding throughout the lesson and may provide opportunities for students to practice their learning independently. ASYNCHRONOUS LEARNING Asynchronous learning refers to when the students learn material and complete tasks at different times and locations. 24 | SAN DIEGO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT BACK TO SCHOOL GUIDE 2020-21 // WWW.SANDI.NET SAN DIEGO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT BACK TO SCHOOL GUIDE 2020-21 // WWW.SANDI.NET | 25
Health & Safety ESTABLISHED PROTOCOLS IF A TEMPERATURE OF 100°F+ IS DETECTED: If a student develops a fever while School will look different when we return. As we reopen... at school, they will be isolated The health and safety of our students, staff, and families is of the utmost importance. Due to rapidly Students with a from other students, and a parent/ changing health and safety guidelines set forth by the County of San Diego and the California temperature of 100 or guardian will be contacted to pick Department of Public Health, new and different systems will be in place at school. higher will be sent home. them up. Please notify a health School will notify health Sick staff and stu- Screening at Home: Arriving at School: care provider if COVID-19 is suspected. officials, staff and families of any positive cases. dents will be advised to isolate and when to safely return to school Students and staff are asked to self- Arrival/departure times and Please notify the according to current screen for symptoms such as cough, campus entry points will be school administration CDC guidelines. shortness of breath, runny nose and managed to allow for appro- of any positive fever at home before coming to school priate physical distancing. COVID-19 test results. or getting on a bus. Anyone with a fever of 100°F or more Physical barriers will be installed should not go to a school site. Those in areas where face-to-face experiencing symptoms including interaction with the public occurs. persistent cough, shortness of breath, or runny nose should not attend school. School sites will have signage throughout campus to encourage safe physical distancing and Staff members are required to proper sanitation. self-screen and complete a daily temperature check prior to coming to a school site. Staff will be tested on a regular basis in compliance with CDPH guidelines. Students also have access to testing. 26 | SAN DIEGO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT BACK TO SCHOOL GUIDE 2020-21 // WWW.SANDI.NET SAN DIEGO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT BACK TO SCHOOL GUIDE 2020-21 // WWW.SANDI.NET | 27
PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT AND PROTOCOLS MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS WHAT TO EXPECT WHEN RETURNING TO SCHOOL SAFETY EQUIPMENT • S taff and students will be trained on • E xtra handwashing stations and hand San Diego Unified School District is committed to securing additional safety equipment proper hand hygiene, including hand sanitizer will be available. washing and use of hand sanitizer (CDC: • S chools will limit sharing of supplies: to maintain the cleanliness and safety of campuses including but not limited to: Handwashing: Clean Hands Save Lives). Individual belongings will be limited • S tudents will be instructed to wash or sani- and wherever possible separated in HAND SANITIZING PERSONAL PROTECTIVE tize their hands upon arrival to campus. individually labeled storage containers, CLEANING TOUCHLESS DISPENSERS & EQUIPMENT FOR STUDENTS • H andwashing and hand sanitizing for cubbies or areas. THERMOMETERS staff and students will be reinforced • V isual reminders will be provided and PORTABLE SINKS AND STAFF daily with time allotted to wash hands posted for staff and students. Face Masks regularly. • S tudent requirements for wearing face • S tudents and families will be educated masks will be guided by the current on proper face mask protocol. Parents A combination of hand The district will provide reus- Detailed attention will be given to The district has provided public health guidelines and district are asked to familiarize their children with sanitizer dispensers and able face masks for students high-touch areas such as door han- each school and district policy: Currently, face masks are required the use of cloth face masks. Students portable sinks will be and staff. A disposable mask dles, chairs, desktops, sink handles, site with touchless ther- located throughout the will be provided to anyone who handrails and restrooms throughout mometers so staff may (unless exempt) for students. without masks will be provided one. campus to provide ready is not in possession of a mask. the day. screen those authorized • S tudents with certain medical/sensory/ • A ll staff will be provided with face masks access to hand washing All staff and students are In addition, cleansing wipes to enter campus. cognitive/behavioral needs will not be and are required to wear fabric face and to promote hand required to wear fabric face (otherwise known as baby wipes) required to wear a mask and it will be masks. Face masks with clear plastic hygiene. masks unless prevented due to can be used by both teachers and determined on an individual basis the inserts will be available for instructional health conditions or instruc- students to wipe down desks and/ tional/communication needs. best accommodation needed. Accom- or communication needs. In those instances, staff will or shared equipment after use. modations will be a school team decision • V isual reminders regarding the proper be provided with a clear face Classrooms should develop routines that allow for the cleansing wipes to and not based solely on a doctors note. use of masks will be provided and Hand Hygiene shield with drape, a face mask be distributed at the end of the use posted for staff and students. with plastic insert, or other of the desk or shared equipment so equipment appropriate for the that the user prepares the space for situation. Additional disposable the next user. • D epending on the number of families choosing on campus masks and gloves are also available, as needed. learning, sites may need to implement contingency plans to ensure adequate physical distancing. • S ites will design spaces with physical distancing in mind, which may include instruction outdoors or in larger areas and one-way OTHER SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS PHYSICAL DISTANCING traffic flow in hallways. • S tudent work spaces will be arranged with consideration for Campuses will follow guidelines developed by the CDPH and panel staggered as feasible to allow maxi- mum physical distancing. Disinfecting wipes and /or disinfec- tion sprays will be provided in every MERV 8 to a MERV 13 or HEPA filter, exceeding current requirements. maximum physical distancing, following public health of experts from UCSD for cleaning, classroom. Portable handwashing stations will Portable air purifiers will be utilized recommendations. Partitions may be used on desktops. disinfection and ventilation of school • T eacher and other staff desks will be distanced at least six feet sites as practicable. be set up in high traffic areas on each HVAC systems have been serviced in areas not served by a MERV or campus. Just a reminder, every ele- and inspected across the District to HEPA filter. away from student desks whenever possible. Drinking fountains will be disabled. mentary classroom is already equipped ensure proper operation. Systems Each site will receive a particulate • G roup activities will be significantly limited, and off-site field Students should bring their own water bottles and may refill their bottles at with a sink for handwashing. have been adjusted to maximize the circulation of outside air. sensor and CO2 monitor for use in Physical Distancing trips will be suspended. • V isual reminders will be provided and posted for staff and students. designated sinks on campus. Breaks, recesses and lunch will be Bathrooms will be cleaned and stocked with soap and paper towels throughout the day. Where equipment permits, the district is upgrading HVAC filtration from a classroom by the end of April. 28 | SAN DIEGO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT BACK TO SCHOOL GUIDE 2020-21 // WWW.SANDI.NET SAN DIEGO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT BACK TO SCHOOL GUIDE 2020-21 // WWW.SANDI.NET | 29
TRANSPORTATION FOOD & NUTRITION WHAT TO EXPECT WHEN RETURNING TO SCHOOL SAFETY EQUIPMENT Student meals for on-campus & online learning. As we reopen... Students should practice physical Boarding & Disembarking Should a student San Diego Unified Food and Nutrition Services is committed to providing healthy school meals in order to support student academic success and promote healthful eating habits that lead to lifelong become ill during positive nutrition practices. The department has developed, and will adhere to, the following meas- distancing while waiting transit, they will be ures to ensure the overall health and safety of students who rely on San Diego Unified meal service. at school bus stops and isolated in a dedicated Food and Nutrition staff will follow safety guidelines set forth by the California Department of Public student loading zones seat behind the Health for handwashing, proper sanitation of work stations, physical distancing, and face coverings. on campuses. driver. Students will load from back of bus to front of bus and disembark from Only one Grab & Go Meals On-Campus Meals the front of bus student per seat to the back. Students will be required to alternating between • D istribute curbside Grab • P rovide contact-free meal window and aisle n’ Go meals at designated service to protect students and wear face mask for each row. school locations. employees. while at bus stop and on bus. • O ffer nutritious breakfast and • O ffer nutritious breakfast and lunch to all students partici- lunch daily to all students partici- pating in online learning. pating in on-site learning. •F ollow health and safety • S tagger meal times as feasible to allow for cleaning between protocols, including hand meal services to ensure physical Disinfecting & Cleaning hygiene, physical distancing, wearing face coverings and distancing. gloves. 1 2 3 Transportation has Bus Drivers will be At least 4 passenger purchased electrostatic trained in proper windows on the school bus disinfecting sprayers. disinfection practices. will be open while students are Each bus will be Wipe down of high touch aboard to ensure maximum disinfected nightly with point areas between ventilation, unless doing so the electrostatic routes & after AM poses a safety or health OTHER SAFETY PROTOCOLS FOR MEAL DISTRIBUTION ON CAMPUS: sprayer. assignments. risk for occupants. Schools will predetermine Hand sanitizing dispensers Additional meals for the next day All meals are available at additional spaces for lunch will be located in lunch areas. will be available to students de- no charge for all students as needed to ensure physical Students will need to either parting for the day and will also distancing in outdoor lunch wash their hands with soap be available at food distribution areas. and water or use hand sanitizer sites. Some sites may offer Due to the likely inability to provide Drivers may remove face Face physical distancing on buses, students masks to ensure safe opera- prior to picking up their food. Grab & Stay breakfast within the Health and Safety protocols. and drivers will be required to wear tion of the bus, unless within 6 Masks face masks while on a school bus. 30 | SAN DIEGO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT BACK TO SCHOOL GUIDE 2020-21 // WWW.SANDI.NET feet of the nearest passenger. SAN DIEGO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT BACK TO SCHOOL GUIDE 2020-21 // WWW.SANDI.NET | 31
COVID-19 Decision Tree and Notification Protocol Wellness The following steps have been provided by the California Department of Public Health for measures to be taken when a student, teacher, or staff member has symptoms, is in contact with someone infected, or is diagnosed with COVID-19. The District follows the San Diego County Office of Education and San Diego County Public Health’s co-developed Decision Tree which is designed to The San Diego Unified School District Wellness staff is housed in the Department of assist school personnel in making decisions on how to handle students or staff members who become ill or present symptoms Nursing & Wellness, under the Division of Integrated Youth Services (IYS). We are responsible while at school. The decision tree will be updated based on the latest public health guidance. Please check back frequently for the implementation of the District Wellness Initiative, first launched in Fall 2016, to support for the most current version. health & well-being of more than 10,000 staff, 100,000 students and their families. COVID-19 EXPOSURE ACTION & COMMUNICATION STEPS* STUDENT OR STAFF WITH: ACTION COMMUNICATION To ensure implementation of the District Well- COVID-19 Symptoms (e.g., • Send home. • No action required ness Policy at the individual site level, each of fever, cough, loss of taste or • Recommend testing (if positive see #3, if negative see #4) smell, difficulty breathing) • School/classroom remain open Wellness our 175+ schools has an identified School Site Wellness Coordinator (school staff member who Symptom Screening: Per at School volunteers in this role) who helps to assess, CA School Sector Specific Level: plan and implement wellness projects for their Guidelines school community. Close contact (†) with a • Send home • Consider school confirmed COVID-19 case • Quarantine for 14 days from last exposure community • Recommend testing (but will not shorten 14 day quarantine) notification of a • School/classroom remain open known contact Confirmed COVID-19 • Notify the local public health department • School High School Wellness Centers: To support the case infection • Isolate case & exclude from school for 10 days from symptom onset or test date community well-being of students at our high priority high • Identify contacts (†), quarantine & exclude exposed contacts notification of a Wellness schools we have five (5) high school Wellness Centers at Hoover, Lincoln, Morse, San Diego (likely entire cohort (††) for 14 days after the last date the case was known case present at school while infectious at Individual High and Serra. Each Wellness Center is run by • Recommend testing of contacts, prioritize symtomatic contacts (but will not shorten 14 day quarantine) Student a Wellness Center Coordinator. The Wellness Center Coordinators meet 1-on-1 with high • Disinfection and cleaning of classroom & primary spaces where Level: school students to provide resources, commu- case spent significant time nity partner referrals/supports, and coordinate • School remains open monthly Life Skills Education workshops. Tests negative after • May return to school 3 days after symptoms resolve • Consider school Healthy Start Collaborative Sites: In addition symptoms • School/classroom remain open community to our Wellness Centers, which are run by San notification if prior Diego Unified School District employees, we awareness of testing also have 12 Healthy Start Sites, run by CBOs (SAY San Diego, YMCA and Bayside Community (†) A contact is defined as a person who is 15 minutes. In some school situations, it may be difficult to determine whether For more information, Center). These agencies house part-time staff individuals have met this criterion and an entire cohort, classroom, or other group may need to be considered exposed, particularly if people have please see District on 12 of our elementary, middle and high school spent time together indoors. Wellness page. campuses to support students/families with (††) A cohort is a stable group with fixed membership that stays together for all courses and activities (e.g., lunch, recess, etc.) and avoids contact with their physical/emotional health needs. other persons or cohorts. *NOTE: Please ensure to provide your school site with the most up-to-date contact information. 32 | SAN DIEGO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT BACK TO SCHOOL GUIDE 2020-21 // WWW.SANDI.NET SAN DIEGO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT BACK TO SCHOOL GUIDE 2020-21 // WWW.SANDI.NET | 33
Instruction Supporting Our Educators We will have a tiered approach to on-site learning, when it is safe to do so Professional development and collaboration time for teachers—before the school year based on health and safety guidelines. Learning will take place at school for all begins, and ongoing—will be more important than ever. We are committed to supporting our educators every step of the way by providing relevant and innovative professional students. Instruction is led by teachers and is designed to ensure both development to ensure all learners are well prepared for online and on-site learning. academic success and social-emotional well-being. Our professional development model will provide opportunities to engage with content and peers in a variety of ways to promote active engagement such as frequent discus- sion/question breaks, polling, break out rooms, back channel chats, and engagement with open content, including digital white boards. Our educators will be engaging in ongoing support to refine their practice and deepen their content expertise through the following online differentiated supports for the 2020-21 school year: Coaching Cycles Book Mini- Clubs Workshops Broad & Challenging Curriculum Students will have access to a broad and challeng- ing curriculum that includes visual and performing arts (VAPA). The district is committed to a balanced curriculum where students can develop their crea- tivity and enhance their academic learning through District-Provided Learning Access to Videos of Best challenging, standards-based VAPA instruction. Ele- Opportunities-Virtual and Practices Through Our mentary students will experience dance, music, the- Pre-Recorded Sessions San Diego Unified atre and visual art lessons that are often integrated School District with other content areas. Secondary students may take a course in the art discipline that most inter- Video Library ests them. Dance, music and theatre courses will be designed so that social-distancing requirements will be adhered to. 34 | SAN DIEGO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT BACK TO SCHOOL GUIDE 2020-21 // WWW.SANDI.NET SAN DIEGO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT BACK TO SCHOOL GUIDE 2020-21 // WWW.SANDI.NET | 35
Sports & Extracurricular EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Interscholastic Athletics & Extracurricular Activities: INTERSCHOLASTIC ATHLETICS: Students are encouraged to continue exploring their inter- Student clubs and ests using various methods: organizations require a 1) Create new student clubs staff member to serve as The Associated Student Body and organizations the advisor and to supervise (ASB) remains the governing - Connect with your school’s activities. CIF San Diego Section body of all student clubs and ASB to find out the process If students have ideas for Updated Information organizations on campus to start a new student club extracurricular activities or Modified Seasons for and Calendars. and will continue to set the or organization. personal projects/initiatives All Student Athletes. expectations, climate and 2) Explore already existing clubs and need help getting started, culture for their school. and organizations please contact Stacey Seiders at - Check out your school’s website or contact them directly for a list of already Observers will be allowed for existing clubs and other outdoor competitions: Each player extracurricular activities. Gets 4 observers or less from the immediate household. School sites will identify a process for the 4 observers Health and Safety per player. Stands will need to be cleared Protocols have been after each contest. No concessions allowed, no food trucks permitted, etc. during established for all contests to prevent gathering. All fans are invited to watch their students play by athletic events. streaming the contest(s) via the NFHS. Streaming will be free of charge Updated information regular home season and calendars will be SDUSD games. available on the San Diego Unified School District Athletics website at and on the San Diego City Conference website at http:// 36 | SAN DIEGO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT BACK TO SCHOOL GUIDE 2020-21 // WWW.SANDI.NET SAN DIEGO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT BACK TO SCHOOL GUIDE 2020-21 // WWW.SANDI.NET | 37
( Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, concerned citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. —MARGARET MEAD ) SAN DIEGO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT 4100 Normal Street, San Diego, California 92103-2682 619.725.8000
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