Socorro Independent School District Bill Sybert School 2021-2022 Campus Improvement Plan

Page created by Regina Franklin
Socorro Independent School District Bill Sybert School 2021-2022 Campus Improvement Plan
Socorro Independent School District
                                                Bill Sybert School
                                 2021-2022 Campus Improvement Plan
                                    Accountability Rating: Not Rated: Declared State of Disaster

                                                 Board Approval Date: August 17, 2021
                                                Public Presentation Date: August 17, 2021

Bill Sybert School                                                                                      Campus #071909122
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Mission Statement
                      Bill Sybert School's mission is to provide an atmosphere of teamwork in which students can be responsible, successful, and prepared to learn.

                                                                         Tomorrow's Leaders Learning Today

                                               Board Members and Superintendent
                                                                                  Board of Trustees
                                                                            David Oscar Morales, President
                                                                         Ricardo O. Castellano, Vice President
                                                                               Eduardo Mena, Secretary
                                                                                Pablo Barrera, Trustee
                                                                                 Paul Guerra, Trustee
                                                                             Cynthia Ann Najera, Trustee
                                                                              Michael A. Najera, Trustee

                                                                          Interim Superintendent of Schools
                                                                               Marta C. Carmona, M. Ed.

Bill Sybert School                                                                                                                                                 Campus #071909122
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Table of Contents

Comprehensive Needs Assessment                                                                                                                                                     4
   Demographics                                                                                                                                                                    4
   Student Learning                                                                                                                                                                4
   School Processes & Programs                                                                                                                                                    10
   Perceptions                                                                                                                                                                    12
Priority Problem Statements                                                                                                                                                       13
Comprehensive Needs Assessment Data Documentation                                                                                                                                 14
Goals                                                                                                                                                                             17
   Goal 1: SISD will ensure a safe school environment for students, staff, and community members by implementing both current and new initiatives to address safety
   concerns, keeping safety a top priority.                                                                                                                                       18
   Goal 2: SISD students will receive a quality education with rigorous instructional standards that adequately prepares them for the college and career of their choice.         22
   Goal 3: SISD will recruit and retain 100% Highly Qualified faculty, staff, and support personnel to improve student academic performance and to ensure that students
   graduate college and career ready.                                                                                                                                             36
   Goal 4: SISD will build positive parent, business, and community partnerships to ensure the academic success of students by engaging in collaborative district and campus-
   level activities; by connecting regularly via numerous means of communication; and by providing regular access to current educational information.                             41
   Goal 5: For increased accountability, SISD district leaders, campus leaders, faculty, and staff members will ensure that students receive a quality education by working
   collaboratively towards the fulfillment of educational goals at the federal, state, and district level.                                                                        47
Comprehensive Support Strategies                                                                                                                                                  50
State Compensatory                                                                                                                                                                51
   Budget for Bill Sybert School                                                                                                                                                  52
   Personnel for Bill Sybert School                                                                                                                                               52
Title I Personnel                                                                                                                                                                 53
Campus Funding Summary                                                                                                                                                            54
Addendums                                                                                                                                                                         58

Bill Sybert School                                                                                                                                               Campus #071909122
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Comprehensive Needs Assessment
Demographics Summary
Bill Sybert is one of 50 campuses in the Socorro Independent School District. Bill Sybert opened its doors in 2002 and serves a diverse community. Bill Sybert serves 820 students in grades pre-kinder
to 8th grade. Projected numbers for the 2021-2022 school year are: Pre-K 44, Pre-K3 19, Kinder 40, First 66, Second 63, Third 65, Fourth 73, Fifth 90, Sixth 105, Seventh 135, and Eighth 125. The
student population is 1.36% African-American, 3.47% Anglo, 0.12% Asian, 93.67% Hispanic, 0.12 Pacific Islander, 49.38% male and 50.62% female, with a low socioeconomic status of 80.02%. The
average daily attendance rate for students is 97%. The average daily attendance rate for staff is 96%. Bill Sybert serves 25.31% Limited English Proficient, 22.7% Bilingual, 8.81% English as a
Second Language, 7.32% students in the Gifted and Talented program, 3.35% students identified for 504 services, % of RTI Tier I students, % of Tier II students, % of Tier III students, and 11.54%
students served through special education services. Our School-wide Title I program consists of parent involvement activities, extended day for math and reading, math professional development, and
two paraprofessionals who support students in classrooms as well as two college tutors who support the AVID program. Title I also provides supplemental materials for extended instruction and
technology to engage and remediate students. Our State Compensatory Program (SCE) consists of two academic coaches training teachers in best practices for assisting at-risk students, provides
extended week tutorials for math and reading, pullout programs during and after school, provides technology support to the students, provides staff development, interprets campus data, planning
with teachers and supporting all district initiatives. The site-based decision-making team looked at last year’s program evaluations, survey results, and the following data: I Station, STAAR,
Attendance (students and staff), Benchmarks, and RTI. Committees were formed to look for areas of strengths and areas of concern. Bill Sybert has a strong tutorial program for students, which
addresses the needs of struggling students and has led to greater success for most students. This includes Saturday school, after school and before school tutorials and tutorials during the scheduled
intervention period. The K-3 students have made continuous improvement in reading as reported through the use of the Dibels and Reading I-Station. ELL students have increased their English
Language proficiency. This is reflected in the TELPAS and SELP testing. The counseling department is a strong support for the students by prorviding them with in-class and group sessions. In addition
to the teachers' efforts in the area of instruction, the counselors provide support for the students through implementation of the ASCA Comprehensive Developmental Counseling Program. They also
work with students in reinforcing the need for students to understand the importance of giving their best effort and to be aware of their academic progress. The counseling department in addition to
the anti-bullying program, including PBIS, and the parent liaison work with students and parents to ensure those students' emotional, social, and daily needs are met.

Demographics Strengths
Bill Sybert is committed to ensuring that all students are given the opportunity to meet the rigorous standards set forth by the Texas Education Agency. Bill Sybert will prepare students to meet and
exceed the standards, promote effective staff development so that all teachers are highly qualified and work with parents as partners in the education of their children. Bill Sybert School will continue
to work to improve parental community involvement by enhancing effective home-to-school bilingual communication. We will continue to promote learning opportunities for parents, Parent Nights,
informational meetings for parents, Student Led Conferences, Campus parent workshops, SSI nights, Technology classes for parents, ESL academies for both elementary and middle school and WIN
Academy. In the areas that have been identified by the data as an instructional weakness, we will provide staff development depending on the need and availability. As the data has shown necessary,
we are restructuring grade levels and departments. It is the goal of the entire staff of Bill Sybert to do what is best for our students.

Problem Statements Identifying Demographics Needs

Problem Statement 1 (Prioritized): We will monitor our SPED population across all grade levels on STAAR reading and scores compared to the overall 2021 STAAR reading of
37.46% student achievement. We are getting closer to closing the gap. Root Cause: Our teachers need specialized professional development to better understand instructional
strategies for SPED and CoTeaching and planning time.

Problem Statement 2: We will monitor our Bilingual and ESL students groups in all grade levels in Reading STAAR to have a comparable student achievement to 37.46% for all
students. Root Cause: There is a greater need to provide language support, accomodations, acceleration and interventions for ELL and Bilingual Students.

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Student Learning
Student Learning Summary
Bill Sybert offers a rigorous, standard-driven, education to all students. This is evident in 2020-2021 standard based testing results. Services that have contributed to student success include: guided
reading programs based on phonological awareness, explicit phonics, word study, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehensive strategies. Texas Resource System curriculum is used campus wide and
supplemented with programs such as Measuring Up Live, Brain Pop, STEM Scope, Writing Without Tears, etc. Reading and math programs for students needing interventions include Mentoring Minds,
Read 180, Sirus, etc. Bill Sybert administration, teachers, support staff and counselors go above and beyond expectations to provide positive behavior support, vertical and horizontal alignment of
curriculum in content specific areas based on data analysis, intervention counseling for At-Risk students as well as academic support for special populations including English language learners, special
education, and economically disadvantaged students.

Part 1. 2021 STAAR Assessment Results

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Part 2. Spring 2021 STAAR Spring Benchmark Results

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Part 3. Early Childhood Literacy Board Outcome Goal

The percent of Grade 3 students that score meets grade level or above on STAAR Reading will increase from 50% to 70% by June 2024.

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Yearly Target Goals            2019 (Baseline)       2020     2021     2022        2023       2024
All Students                              50%                N/A     50%      55%         60%        65%
African-American                          N/A                N/A     N/A      N/A         N/A        N/A
Hispanic                                  49%                N/A     49%      53%         57%        61%
White                                     N/A                N/A     N/A      N/A         N/A        N/A
Special Education                         13%                N/A     13%      17%         21%        25%
Econ. Disadvantaged                       51%                N/A     51%      55%         60%        65%
English Learners                          51%                N/A     51%      55%         60%        65%

Part 4. Early Childhood Literacy Board Outcome Goal: Progress Monitoring Measure 1

The percent of kindergarten students that score on grade level or above in Reading will increase from 73% to 85% by June 2024.

       Yearly Target Goals          2019 (Baseline)         2020     2021     2022       2023        2024
All Students                          73%                 N/A      73%      78%        82%         85%
African-American                      N/A                 N/A      N/A      N/A        N/A         N/A
Hispanic                              75%                 N/A      75%      79%        87%         94%
White                                 40%                 N/A      40%      50%        60%         70%
Special Education                     50%                 N/A      50%      54%        58%         66%
Econ. Disadvantaged                   72%                 N/A      72%      78%        85%         92%
English Learners                      60%                 N/A      60%      63%        67%         75%

Part 5. Early Childhood Literacy Board Outcome Goal: Progress Monitoring Measure 2

The percent of Grade 1 students that score on grade level or above in Reading will increase from 59% to 70% by June 2024.

       Yearly Target Goals          2019 (Baseline)         2020     2021     2022       2023        2024
All Students                          59%                 N/A      59%      63%        67%         70%
African-American                      N/A                 N/A      N/A      N/A        N/A         N/A
Hispanic                              57%                 N/A      57%      63%        67%         70%
White                                 71%                 N/A      71%      73%        76%         79%
Special Education                     43%                 N/A      43%      46%        49%         53%
Econ. Disadvantaged                   55%                 N/A      55%      58%        62%         68%
English Learners                      32%                 N/A      32%      35%        38%         42%

Part 6. Early Childhood Literacy Board Outcome Goal: Progress Monitoring Measure 2

The percent of Grade 2 students that score on grade level or above in Reading will increase from 65% to 80% by June 2024.

       Yearly Target Goals          2019 (Baseline)         2020     2021     2022       2023        2024
All Students                          65%                 N/A      65%      70%        75%         80%
Bill Sybert School                                                                                                                    Campus #071909122
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Yearly Target Goals               2019 (Baseline)          2020       2021      2022       2023        2024
African-American                           N/A                  N/A        N/A       N/A        N/A         N/A
Hispanic                                   65%                  N/A        65%       68%        74%         79%
White                                      67%                  N/A        67%       72%        76%         81%
Special Education                          44%                  N/A        44%       47%        50%         53%
Econ. Disadvantaged                        62%                  N/A        62%       68%        74%         79%
English Learners                           56%                  N/A        56%       64%        69%         75%

Part 7. Early Childhood Math Board Outcome Goal

The percent of Grade 3 students that score meets grade level or above on STAAR Math will increase from 54% to 75% by June 2024.

         Yearly Target Goals                  2019 (Baseline)        2020       2021      2022       2023       2024
All Students                                    54%                 N/A       54%       64%        70%        75%
African-American                                N/A                 N/A       N/A       N/A        N/A        N/A
Hispanic                                        53%                 N/A       53%       55%        60%        65%
White                                           N/A                 N/A       N/A       N/A        N/A        N/A
Special Education                               20%                 N/A       20%       25%        30%        35%
Econ. Disadvantaged                             56%                 N/A       56%       61%        66%        71%
English Learners                                60%                 N/A       60%       65%        70%        75%

Student Learning Strengths
Middle school students at Bill Sybert are provided comprehensive advising and counseling to prepare for secondary and post-secondary educational opportunities. Parents and eighth grade students
are adequately informed of the requirements under HB5. Students are strongly encouraged to pursue challenging programs such as Pre-AP courses in middle school, AVID, Gateway to Technology,
Computer Science, Spanish and Algebra and accelerated programs in high school (Mission Early, Early College Campuses, Dual Credit, STEM, IB, Libertas, etc.). As we look at our STAAR Data Closely,
we see strengths in the following:

       Our Algebra I scores were at 31.6% student achievenment for the 2021 STAAR EOC; all of which received high school math credit concluding their 8th Grade Year.
       31.6% student achivement of overall student population for math.
       37.5% student achievement of overall student population for readin.
       19.6% student achievement of overall 4th and 7th grades for writing.

Problem Statements Identifying Student Learning Needs

Problem Statement 1: 2021 STAAR data reveals that Special Education students score significantly below all other student groups in all grade levels in Reading and Math. Root
Cause: There is a greater need to provide, accomodations, acceleration and interventions for Special education students.

Problem Statement 2: 2021 STAAR data reveals that Bilingual and ESL students score significantly below all other student groups in all grade levels in Reading compared to non
ELL. Root Cause: There is a greater need to provide language support, accomodations, acceleration and interventions for ELL and Bilingual Students.

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Problem Statement 3 (Prioritized): We need more student participation for after school interventions and intersession tutorials. Root Cause: There needs to be a uniformed system
in place to notify parents and increase student participation.

Bill Sybert School                                                                                                                                            Campus #071909122
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School Processes & Programs
School Processes & Programs Summary

Bill Sybert staff and teachers are a unified team. Data is disaggregated with the staff, and we collaborate together to find better ways to teach our students. The teachers, support staff,
administration, and curriculum coaches at Sybert all come with very different backgrounds, innovative ideas, and years of experience. Over the last couple of years we have begun to
use each other as a resource and as this culture develops, so do the skills of the teachers and the staff. This culture contributes to the highly qualified status and leads us to be
successful on our campus. Many teachers hold Master’s degrees, and many others are working toward their degrees and additional certifications such as SPED, Bilingual, ESL, and

Data from the school and the district is shared with the staff, and as a team, collaboration is done to find better ways to teach our students. The teachers, administration and curriculum
coaches at Sybert all come with very different backgrounds and years of experience. Over the last couple of years, we have begun to use each other as resources; as this culture
develops, so do the skills of the teachers and the staff. The culture contributes to the “highly qualified” status and this is going to lead us to success.

At Bill Sybert, the site-based decision-making team looked at last year’s program evaluations, survey results, and the following data: IStation, STAAR, Attendance (students and
staff), Benchmarks, and RTI. Committees were formed to look for areas of weaknesses and strengths. Bill Sybert has a strong tutorial program for students which addresses the needs
of struggling students and has led to greater success for most students. This includes Saturday school, after school and before school tutorials and tutorials during the scheduled
intervention period targeting all levels of academic achievement. In addition, students are highly encouraged to participate in study hall. The K-2 students have made continuous
improvement in reading as reported through the use of the Dibels, IStation and Dyslexia Screeners. ELL students have increased their English Language proficiency. This is reflected
in the TELPAS and SELP testing. The counseling department is a strong support for the students. In addition to the teachers' efforts in the area of instruction, the counselors provide
support for the students through implementation of the ASCA Comprehensive Developmental Counseling Program. They also work with students in reinforcing the need for students
to understand the importance of giving their best effort and to be aware of their academic progress. The counseling department in addition to Master Teacher and the parent liaison
work with students and parents to ensure those students' emotional, social, and daily needs are met.

School Processes & Programs Strengths

In terms of staff development, the teachers need sustained, ongoing, hands on and interactive training when introducing new concepts. Training should be ongoing and consistent
throughout the school year. It should be before each nine weeks, modeled and practiced throughout the marking period. The teachers have effective programs and would benefit from
ongoing staff development on how to deliver lessons to meet the needs of all students. Teachers have been trained on the components of Balanced Literacy for K-8, Guided Math and
Reading, and small groups determined by different tiers.

We have two SCE Coaches that provide support to our K-8 teachers and provide interventions to At-Risk populations. Administration and teachers also meet weekly through PLCs to
provide relevant and meaningful staff development in order to meet individual student needs. Data talks take place every 3, 6 and 9 weeks. Planning sessions are also facilitated every
9 weeks and grades 6-8 teachers plan with other K-8 schools and teachers with the assistance of SCE Coaches and Administration. Teachers are also a part of the SISD Content
Advisory Committee. We also use Balanced Literacy camps through our WIN classes, providing blended learning for our students.

1. Numerous committees with grade level representations where all stakeholders make decisions that impact our school 2. Several teachers involved in leadership roles at the campus
level and the district level 3. Organized plan when scheduling meetings 4. Data Talks with teachers after each assessment, 3rd/6th/9th weeks, benchmarks, STAAR Tests 5. Binders
with our SMART Goals based on surveys and data 6. TTESS Accountability System

Problem Statements Identifying School Processes & Programs Needs

Problem Statement 1 (Prioritized): Teachers need staff developement that is interactive and ongoing. Root Cause: Teachers need to be trained on the components of Language to
Bill Sybert School                                                                                                                                                      Campus #071909122
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Literacy, Balanced Literacy, Guided Math and Reading, and learn to pull students to small groups.

Problem Statement 2 (Prioritized): In terms of staff development, the teachers need sustained, ongoing hands on training when introducing new concepts through guided math and
reading. Root Cause: Trainings are not ongoing throughout the school year.

Problem Statement 3: Enrichment opportunities are outside of the instructional time. Root Cause: 100% participation rate is not always possible.

Problem Statement 4: Students are limited to courses they may take. Root Cause: Given that we have Pre-Kinder to Eight Grade, we have many singletons in our master schedule
that limit flexibility in electives.

Bill Sybert School                                                                                                                                          Campus #071909122
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Perceptions Summary

According to a recent survey completed at Bill Sybert, the students and staff feel safe while at school. The school, along with the support of the District Service Center, has done
everything possible to ensure Bill Sybert is a safe place to include one onsite security officer and one SRO. In addition, we have an updated security systemthat includes full view to
any interior hallway, front office and front entrance views as well as perimeter views. We will continue to have posters on each outside/exit door reminding students not to open the
door for anyone. Instead, they need to alert their teachers. Staff understands that they need to ask anyone on campus for their IDs or badges. All visitors need to check in using a
system called Hall Pass at the front desk and are escorted through the hallways to meetings with teachers, etc. All teachers and staff are trained on safety procedures at the beginning
and in the middle of the year. Drills are scheduled throughout the year to ensure that students and staff are prepared for all types of emergencies. Specific drills are fire, reverse
evacuation, shelter-in-place, lockdown and weather emergencies. Students are trained by staff within the first month of school before the practice drills. Parents are also notified via a
letter and through parent presentations regarding the drills that will be upcoming and are encouraged to discuss these situations with their children. Counselor and officer presentations
also support the issues that help keep students safe.

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Perceptions Strengths

Our school participates in the District-wide program to ensure that all students are safe from bullying and know the steps to take to prevent or stop unsafe situations. Lessons are
presented weekly through class meetings to encourage students to discuss specific situations and their solutions. Daily announcements are given to remind students and staff of the
specific Master Teacher expectations and rules including Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS). Parent meetings are conducted throughout the year to help parents recognize
the signs of any bullying situation. Parents are also kept informed via pamphlets and handouts during various parent meetings.

We provide a series of family and community events and programs to involve our learning community: 1. Choir Night/Band Night 2. Science Night 3. GT Showcase 4. Art Show
5. Scorpion Orientation Day, Open House, Student Led Conferences 6. Talent Show Night 7. Fitness Friday 8. Family Latino Literacy Project 9. College Readiness Meetings 10. On
site YWCA Bill Sybert School 11. WIN Excursions, WIN parent days/nights 12. Pre-AP/ AVID Night 13. Dia De Los Ninos 14. Family Movie Night 15. Father/Daughter Dance 16.
Father/Son Cookout 17. Mother/Son Dance 18. Career Day 19. Social Studies Night 20. HMH Family Engagement 21. Father/Son Conference 22.Mother/Son Conference 23.
Regional Parent Conference 24. PBIS family night 25. Safety Night 26. STEAM Night.

Problem Statements Identifying Perceptions Needs

Problem Statement 1: The current mentor program that we have in place, CHAMPS, needs more structure. Root Cause: There is greater need to schedule in monthly meetings to
support our mentees.

Problem Statement 2: We need to increase the number of parent volunteers. Root Cause: We do not have a system set in place to recruit and retain our parent volunteers.

Bill Sybert School                                                                                                                                                   Campus #071909122
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Priority Problem Statements
Problem Statement 1: We will monitor our SPED population across all grade levels on STAAR reading and scores compared to the overall 2021 STAAR reading of 37.46% student
achievement. We are getting closer to closing the gap.
Root Cause 1: Our teachers need specialized professional development to better understand instructional strategies for SPED and CoTeaching and planning time.
Problem Statement 1 Areas: Demographics

Problem Statement 4: Teachers need staff developement that is interactive and ongoing.
Root Cause 4: Teachers need to be trained on the components of Language to Literacy, Balanced Literacy, Guided Math and Reading, and learn to pull students to small groups.
Problem Statement 4 Areas: School Processes & Programs

Problem Statement 3: In terms of staff development, the teachers need sustained, ongoing hands on training when introducing new concepts through guided math and reading.
Root Cause 3: Trainings are not ongoing throughout the school year.
Problem Statement 3 Areas: School Processes & Programs

Problem Statement 2: We need more student participation for after school interventions and intersession tutorials.
Root Cause 2: There needs to be a uniformed system in place to notify parents and increase student participation.
Problem Statement 2 Areas: Student Learning

Bill Sybert School                                                                                                                                           Campus #071909122
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Comprehensive Needs Assessment Data Documentation
The following data were used to verify the comprehensive needs assessment analysis:
Improvement Planning Data
       District goals
       Campus goals
       HB3 Reading and math goals for PreK-3
       HB3 CCMR goals
       Performance Objectives with summative review (prior year)
       Campus/District improvement plans (current and prior years)
       State and federal planning requirements
       Covid-19 Factors and/or waivers
Accountability Data
       Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR) data
       Student Achievement Domain
       Student Progress Domain
       Closing the Gaps Domain
       Effective Schools Framework data
       Comprehensive, Targeted, and/or Additional Targeted Support Identification data
       Accountability Distinction Designations
       Federal Report Card Data
       Local Accountability Systems (LAS) data
Student Data: Assessments
       State and federally required assessment information
       (STAAR) current and longitudinal results, including all versions
       STAAR released test questions
       Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS) and TELPAS Alternate results
       Texas Success Initiative (TSI) data for postsecondary/college-ready graduates data
       SSI: Istation Indicators of Progress (ISIP) accelerated reading assessment data for Grades 3-5 (TEA approved statewide license)
       SSI: Compass Learning accelerated reading assessment data for Grades 6-8 (TEA approved statewide license)
       Student failure and/or retention rates
       Local benchmark or common assessments data
       Running Records results
       Observation Survey results
       Istation Indicators of Progress (ISIP) reading assessment data for Grades PK-2
       Prekindergarten Self-Assessment Tool
       Texas approved PreK - 2nd grade assessment data
Student Data: Student Groups

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Race and ethnicity data, including number of students, academic achievement, discipline, attendance, and progress
       Special programs data, including number of students, academic achievement, discipline, attendance, and progress
       Economically Disadvantaged / Non-economically disadvantaged performance, progress, and participation data
       Male / Female performance, progress, and participation data
       Special education/non-special education population including discipline, progress and participation data
       Migrant/non-migrant population including performance, progress, discipline, attendance and mobility data
       At-risk/non-at-risk population including performance, progress, discipline, attendance, and mobility data
       EL/non-EL or LEP data, including academic achievement, progress, support and accommodation needs, race, ethnicity, gender, etc.
       Section 504 data
       Homeless data
       Gifted and talented data
       Dyslexia Data
       Response to Intervention (RtI) student achievement data
Student Data: Behavior and Other Indicators
       Completion rates and/or graduation rates data
       Attendance data
       Mobility rate, including longitudinal data
       Discipline records
       Violence and/or violence prevention records
       Tobacco, alcohol, and other drug-use data
       Student surveys and/or other feedback
       Class size averages by grade and subject
       School safety data
Employee Data
       Professional learning communities (PLC) data
       Staff surveys and/or other feedback
       Teacher/Student Ratio
       State certified and high quality staff data
       Campus leadership data
       Campus department and/or faculty meeting discussions and data
       Professional development needs assessment data
       Evaluation(s) of professional development implementation and impact
       TTESS data
Parent/Community Data
       Parent surveys and/or other feedback
       Parent engagement rate
       Community surveys and/or other feedback
Support Systems and Other Data
       Organizational structure data
       Processes and procedures for teaching and learning, including program implementation
       Capacity and resources data
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Budgets/entitlements and expenditures data
       Study of best practices
       Action research results
       Other additional data

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                                                                        Revised/Approved: August 17, 2021

Goal 1: SISD will ensure a safe school environment for students, staff, and community members by implementing both current and new initiatives to address
safety concerns, keeping safety a top priority.

Performance Objective 1: For the 2021-2022 school year, Bill Sybert will implement a plan of action to ensure that district stakeholders feel safe at school
and school events.
     Evaluation Data Sources: EOP Plan implementation, Master Teacher, PBIS, Flocabulary and Safety Committee Meetings every marking period.

                                                              Strategy 1 Details                                                                        Formative Reviews
Strategy 1: For the 2021-2022 school year, Bill Sybert will fulfill 100% of the requirements for safety audits and safety drills to be prepared            Formative
for multiple emergencies to include new scenarios.
                                                                                                                                                  Oct          Jan          May
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Observation of students and teachers during drills, safety log book, meeting agendas and
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration, teachers, staff and SRO

      Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.4
      Funding Sources: - 199 - General Basic
                                                              Strategy 2 Details                                                                        Formative Reviews
Strategy 2: Safety committee will meet once every 9 weeks to ensure that all safety audits and drills are conducted                                        Formative
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Observation of students and teachers during drills, safety log book, meeting agendas and                  Oct          Jan          May
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration, teachers, staff and SRO

      Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.4
      Funding Sources: - 199 - General Basic
                                                              Strategy 3 Details                                                                        Formative Reviews
Strategy 3: Bill Sybert will use the Hall Pass safety system required by all visitors entering the building.                                               Formative
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Serves as safety filter system, as we welcome outside visitors and parents.                               Oct          Jan          May
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration, teachers, staff and SRO

      Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.4

Bill Sybert School                                                                                                                                               Campus #071909122
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Strategy 4 Details                                                       Formative Reviews
Strategy 4: Use of the school doorbell                                                                                                Formative
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: To prevent any intruders from entering the school                                    Oct          Jan          May
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Front office staff, and SRO

                                        No Progress               Accomplished               Continue/Modify   Discontinue

Bill Sybert School                                                                                                                          Campus #071909122
Generated by                                                    19 of 59                                             November 17, 2021 5:21 PM
Goal 1: SISD will ensure a safe school environment for students, staff, and community members by implementing both current and new initiatives to address
safety concerns, keeping safety a top priority.

Performance Objective 2: For the 2021-2022 school year, the number of bullying-related incidents reported at Bill Sybert will remain below 10%.
     Evaluation Data Sources: Discipline referrals and bullying-related reports for 2020-2021 and 2021-2022.

                                                            Strategy 1 Details                                                                      Formative Reviews
Strategy 1: Provide training on implementation of the Master Teacher, Rethink, JC Pohl. Teen Truth Leadership Summit, PBIS, and                         Formative
Nearpod/Flocabulary program to all teachers at all grade levels.
                                                                                                                                              Oct          Jan          May
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Reduction in student bullying incidents as reported on monthly discipline reports
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration, teachers, SCE-I coaches and SRO

      Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.4, 2.6
      Funding Sources: - 282-ESSER III - $4,250, - 199 - General Basic
                                                            Strategy 2 Details                                                                      Formative Reviews
Strategy 2: Bill Sybert will continue to implement the CHAMPS Program.                                                                                  Formative
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Improving student self esteem and positive relationships and connections with our staff in            Oct          Jan          May
     and through virtual Team meetings.
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration, teachers, SCE-I Coaches and SRO

      Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.4, 2.6
                                                            Strategy 3 Details                                                                      Formative Reviews
Strategy 3: Provide training on SEL, Master Teacher and PBIS.                                                                                          Formative
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Self awareness and self regulation                                                                    Oct          Jan          May
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration, Counselors, Teachers, Coaches, and SRO

      Funding Sources: - 211 - Title I, Part A - $1,417

                                         No Progress               Accomplished                 Continue/Modify                 Discontinue

Bill Sybert School                                                                                                                                           Campus #071909122
Generated by                                                      20 of 59                                                            November 17, 2021 5:21 PM
Goal 1: SISD will ensure a safe school environment for students, staff, and community members by implementing both current and new initiatives to address
safety concerns, keeping safety a top priority.

Performance Objective 3: For the 2021-2022 school year, the total number of disciplinary incidents at Bill Sybert will decrease by 5% or more.
     Evaluation Data Sources: Discipline referrals for 2020-2021 and 2021-2022

                                                              Strategy 1 Details                                                                         Formative Reviews
Strategy 1: Teachers will continue to implement the Master Teacher and PBIS program through weekly meetings with students. In addition,                     Formative
the campus culture will be positive and a zero-tolerance for bullying will be in place. Counselors will meet with students both individually and
                                                                                                                                                   Oct          Jan          May
with classes to minimize disruptive behavior. Teachers will be provided with professional development on class room management
techniques. Teachers will display their classroom rules to include virtual TEAM meetings expectations.
      Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Students will work together to create an atmosphere that is positive and free of violence-
      which in turn will result in a decrease in the number of discipline referrals.
      Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration and Teachers

      Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.4, 2.6
      Funding Sources: - 199 - General Basic

                                          No Progress                 Accomplished                  Continue/Modify                  Discontinue

Bill Sybert School                                                                                                                                                Campus #071909122
Generated by                                                          21 of 59                                                             November 17, 2021 5:21 PM
Goal 1: SISD will ensure a safe school environment for students, staff, and community members by implementing both current and new initiatives to address
safety concerns, keeping safety a top priority.

Performance Objective 4: For the 2021-2022 school year, COVID-19 Safety Precautions will be made, Social Distance, Master Schedule Changes, Bell
Schedule Changes and Classroom Procedures.
     Evaluation Data Sources: EOP Implementation Plan, Protocol Plan, Daily Schedules.

                                                             Strategy 1 Details                                                                        Formative Reviews
Strategy 1: Teachers and students will wear masks in the building to cover their nose and mouths, social distance adhesives will be placed as             Formative
markers on the floors, desks will be measured to ensure 3ft distance, A/B schedules will be followed for middle school, breakfast will be
                                                                                                                                                 Oct          Jan          May
provided in classroom, temperature and wellness check will take place as students walk into the building.
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Safety and wellness around the school.
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Teachers, Staff, Administration.

                                         No Progress                 Accomplished                  Continue/Modify                 Discontinue

Bill Sybert School                                                                                                                                              Campus #071909122
Generated by                                                        22 of 59                                                             November 17, 2021 5:21 PM
Goal 2: SISD students will receive a quality education with rigorous instructional standards that adequately prepares them for the college and career of their

Performance Objective 1: For the 2021-2022 school year, the percentage on Reading 3-8 will increase from approaches 65.3%/ meets 32.2%/masters 14.9%
on the 2022 STAAR assessment. The campus goal will be to increase scores by 10%
     Evaluation Data Sources: STAAR Reading results

                                                            Strategy 1 Details                                                                       Formative Reviews
Strategy 1: Implement new ELAR TEKS to include a vocabulary program that includes word walls, word studies, and oral rich vocabulary.                   Formative
Advanced word study direct application of vocabulary development through writing, oral discussion and the use of ISNs. Kagan strategies will
                                                                                                                                               Oct          Jan          May
also be used to strengthen vocabulary, book of the month.
      Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Improved district benchmarks, STAAR and Istation scores
      Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administrators, SCE-I coaches and teachers

      Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.4, 2.6
      Funding Sources: - 211 - Title I, Part A - $4,000, - 199 - General Fund: SCE - $2,000
                                                            Strategy 2 Details                                                                       Formative Reviews
Strategy 2: Implement a guided reading program to include the following phonological awareness, explicit phonics, word study, fluency,                  Formative
vocabulary and comprehension strategies. In addition to the Fundamental 5, Wilson, Johnny Can Spell, Scholastic, Lakeshore, STAAR
                                                                                                                                               Oct          Jan          May
Master, Read 180, Learning Farm, Book of the Month, People's Education, Sirius, Mentoring Minds and Reading Renaissance (AR) I-Station,
IXL, Educational Galaxy, Heinemann - Calkins Units of Reading, Texas Journey, Lexia, HMH, Learning A-Z, Lowman, Book Creator,
BrainPop, Scholastic Art, and Classkick. Emphasize the book of the month by creating and implementing a schedule for book of the month.
Provide Kagan professional development refreshers, JCS, Alice 9. Individual packets for students focused on specific TEKS tailored to their
individual needs through small groups, during balanced literacy, before school/afterschool, and pullout.
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Improved district benchmarks, STAAR and I-Station scores
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administrators, SCE-I coaches and teachers

      Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.4, 2.6
      Funding Sources: - 282-ESSER III - $6,300, - 211 - Title I, Part A - $38,000, - 199 - General Fund: SCE - $142,525

Bill Sybert School                                                                                                                                            Campus #071909122
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Strategy 3 Details                                                                       Formative Reviews
Strategy 3: Implement comprehensive reading intervention plans, Flocabulary, Istation, Dibels, Education Galaxy, IXL and an additional set                  Formative
of classroom laptops to rotate in classrooms. Additional ancillary purchases such as adapters and headphones with microphones will be
                                                                                                                                                  Oct          Jan          May
      Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Improved student passing rates on progress reports and report cards. Numbers of students
      needing first week intersession interventions, progress monitoring, I-Station and Dibels.
      Staff Responsible for Monitoring: SCE-I coaches and teachers

      Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.4, 2.6
      Funding Sources: Purchase Flocabulary for use to support students/technology - 211 - Title I, Part A - $20,000, - 263 - Title III,
      Part A - $15,000, - 199 - General Fund: Bilingual - $2,000, - 199 - General Basic - $2,000
                                                               Strategy 4 Details                                                                       Formative Reviews
Strategy 4: For the 2021-2022 school year, Board-adopted HB3 Early Childhood Literacy, Pre-K will be provided to eligible 3 and 4 year-                    Formative
                                                                                                                                                  Oct          Jan          May
      Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Early Childhood literacy, IStation BOY, MOY, EOY Data, and CLI Engage.
      Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration, SCE Coaches, and Teachers

      Funding Sources: Title 1: manipulatives, classroom libraries, IStation, Lexia. - 211 - Title I, Part A - $25,000

                                           No Progress                Accomplished                   Continue/Modify                Discontinue

Bill Sybert School                                                                                                                                               Campus #071909122
Generated by                                                          24 of 59                                                            November 17, 2021 5:21 PM
Goal 2: SISD students will receive a quality education with rigorous instructional standards that adequately prepares them for the college and career of their

Performance Objective 2: For the 2021-2022 school year, the percentage on Writing 4 and 7 will increase from approaches 34.7%/ meets 21.3%/masters
2.7%, the goal is to increase scores by 10%.
     Evaluation Data Sources: STAAR Writing results

                                                            Strategy 1 Details                                                                     Formative Reviews
Strategy 1: Implement writing across curriculum campus wide. Support materials Mentoring Minds, Motivation Writing, AVID WICOR,                        Formative
Building Stamina and Empowering Writers, Sirius Education Solutions, Texas Coach Writing- School Specialty, Wacom Intuos Creative pen,
                                                                                                                                             Oct          Jan          May
MI write, People's Education, and BrainPop.
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Student success on assessments
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Teachers, SCE-I coaches and administration

      Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.4, 2.6
      Funding Sources: - 211 - Title I, Part A - $8,000
                                                            Strategy 2 Details                                                                     Formative Reviews
Strategy 2: For the 2021-2022 school year, Board-adopted HB3 Early Childhood Literacy, Pre-K will be provided to eligible 3 and 4 year-               Formative
olds. Support materials include Lakeshore, School Specialty, Hands to Mind.
                                                                                                                                             Oct          Jan          May
      Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Increased Literacy, BOY/MOY/EOY assessments - IStation Scores, CLI Engage.
      Staff Responsible for Monitoring: SCE Coach, Administration, Teachers

      Funding Sources: - 282-ESSER III - $1,900, - 211 - Title I, Part A - $4,400

                                         No Progress               Accomplished                 Continue/Modify                Discontinue

Bill Sybert School                                                                                                                                          Campus #071909122
Generated by                                                      25 of 59                                                           November 17, 2021 5:21 PM
Goal 2: SISD students will receive a quality education with rigorous instructional standards that adequately prepares them for the college and career of their

Performance Objective 3: For the 2021-2022 school year, the percentage on Mathematics 3-8 will increase from approaches 54.9%/ meets 26.6%/masters
13.3% and the goal is to increase scores by 10%.

For the 2021-2022 school year, the percentage on Algebra 8th will increase from approaches 69.49%/ meets 38.98%/masters 27.12% and the goal is to
increase scores by 10%.
     Evaluation Data Sources: STAAR Mathematics results, Spring District Benchmark scores

                                                              Strategy 1 Details                                                                     Formative Reviews
Strategy 1: Utilize math programs for Tier 3 model of interventions for struggling math students grades K-8 as identified by STAAR failures              Formative
and low assessment scores, IXL Math, Study Island, and Educational Galaxy, Lowman, StemScopes Math
                                                                                                                                               Oct          Jan          May
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Student success on teacher created assessments, District math benchmarks and STAAR
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Teachers and SCE-I

      Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.4, 2.5, 2.6 - Comprehensive Support Strategy
      Funding Sources: - 211 - Title I, Part A - $5,000, - 199 - General Fund: Bilingual - $1,000
                                                              Strategy 2 Details                                                                     Formative Reviews
Strategy 2: Implement TRS curriculum campus wide. Support materials from Measuring Up Live in all subjects, Brain Pop, ETA, STAAR                        Formative
Master, Pearson, Scholastic, Curriculum Associates, People's Education, IXL, School Speciality - Texas Coach, McGraw, Lakeshore, STAAR
                                                                                                                                               Oct          Jan          May
Ready, Sirius, Counting Down to STAAR, The Gauntlets, Graphing Calculators, Mentoring Minds, Lowman, BrainPop, Fast Math, and
Classkick will be used to support the curriculum, Lakeshore, School Specialty, Hands to Mind. .
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Student improvement on math assessment, deeper understanding of math vocabulary.
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Classroom teachers, instructional coaches, administration

      Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.4, 2.6
      Funding Sources: - 211 - Title I, Part A - $15,000, - 199 - General Fund: Bilingual - $1,000
                                                              Strategy 3 Details                                                                     Formative Reviews
Strategy 3: For the 2021-2022 school year, Board-adopted HB3 Early Childhood Literacy, Pre-K will be provided to eligible 3 and 4 year-                 Formative
olds. Support materials include Lakeshore, School Specialty, Hands to Mind.
                                                                                                                                               Oct          Jan          May
      Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Data and Tiers - Math Assessments - BOY, MOY, EOY and CLI Engage.
      Staff Responsible for Monitoring: SCE Coaches, Administration and Teachers.

      Funding Sources: Title 1 - 211 - Title I, Part A - $12,000

                                          No Progress                Accomplished                   Continue/Modify              Discontinue

Bill Sybert School                                                                                                                                            Campus #071909122
Generated by                                                       26 of 59                                                            November 17, 2021 5:21 PM
Goal 2: SISD students will receive a quality education with rigorous instructional standards that adequately prepares them for the college and career of their

Performance Objective 4: For the 2021-2022 school year, the percentage on Science 5th and 8th will increase from approaches 54.2%/ meets 25.4%/masters
11.9% and the goal is to increase scores by 10%.
     Evaluation Data Sources: STAAR Science scores and District Benchmark scores

                                                             Strategy 1 Details                                                                       Formative Reviews
Strategy 1: Implement a vocabulary program that includes word walls, word studies, and oral rich vocabulary. Advanced word study direct                   Formative
application of vocabulary development through writing and oral discussion. Science will utilize Science Flix, Stem Scopes, EduSmart, IXL,
                                                                                                                                                Oct          Jan          May
Classkick, Scopes Science World, BrainPop, and Study Island.
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Improved student vocabulary in Science
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Classroom teachers, SCE-I coaches and administration.

      Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.4, 2.6
      Funding Sources: - 211 - Title I, Part A - $1,600, - 199 - General Fund: Bilingual - $500
                                                             Strategy 2 Details                                                                       Formative Reviews
Strategy 2: Continue implementing a hands-on approach to science, kinder through eighth grade. Teacher will utilize actual materials to                  Formative
engage students in the scientific process. Science lab setting up and conducting of labs. ETA science, Forde Ferrier, Brain Pop, Stem Scopes,
                                                                                                                                                Oct          Jan          May
Gateways to Science, Sirius Education Solutions, Mentoring Minds, STAAR Master, PLTW, Measuring Up, Study Island, Edusmart, IXL,
Scholastic, Lowman, Classkick, Science boards and Motivation Science.
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Student improvement on teacher created assessments
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Classroom teachers, SCE-I coaches, and administration

      Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.4, 2.6 - Comprehensive Support Strategy
      Funding Sources: - 211 - Title I, Part A - $4,500, - 199 - General Fund: Bilingual - $500

                                         No Progress                 Accomplished                 Continue/Modify                 Discontinue

Bill Sybert School                                                                                                                                             Campus #071909122
Generated by                                                        27 of 59                                                            November 17, 2021 5:21 PM
Goal 2: SISD students will receive a quality education with rigorous instructional standards that adequately prepares them for the college and career of their

Performance Objective 5: For the 2021-2022 school year, the percentage on Social Studies will increase from approaches 53.3%/ meets 23.3%/masters 6.7
and the goal is to increase scores by 10%.
     Evaluation Data Sources: STAAR Social Studies results and District Benchmark scores

                                                             Strategy 1 Details                                                                        Formative Reviews
Strategy 1: Provide academic vocabulary support to all stakeholders in Social Studies. Students will use FreedomFlix K-8th, Social Studies                 Formative
Weekly, Lowman, Flocabulary, Classkick, Scholastic Scopes, Brain Pop, and IXL Social Studies.
                                                                                                                                                 Oct          Jan          May
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Student use of vocabulary and student success on assessments.
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Teachers, SCE-I, and administration

      Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.4, 2.6
      Funding Sources: - 211 - Title I, Part A - $4,000
                                                             Strategy 2 Details                                                                        Formative Reviews
Strategy 2: Continue implementing real world relationships to social studies, School Specialty - Texas Coach, Sirius Education Solution,                  Formative
Social Studies Weekly. Create timelines, word walls and vocabulary cards to display in the hallways for students to build vocabulary strength
                                                                                                                                                 Oct          Jan          May
daily. 5E's (Region 4) Jarrett and McGraw.
      Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Increased student success on assessments.
      Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Teaches, SCE-I and administration

      Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.4, 2.6
      Funding Sources: - 211 - Title I, Part A - $500

                                         No Progress                 Accomplished                  Continue/Modify                 Discontinue

Bill Sybert School                                                                                                                                              Campus #071909122
Generated by                                                        28 of 59                                                             November 17, 2021 5:21 PM
Goal 2: SISD students will receive a quality education with rigorous instructional standards that adequately prepares them for the college and career of their

Performance Objective 6: By the beginning of the 2021-2022 school year, the number of students enrolled in Advanced Academics classes will increase by
5% as compared to the 2020-2021 Beginning-Of-Year enrollment.
     Evaluation Data Sources: Advanced Academics course enrollment

                                                             Strategy 1 Details                                                                       Formative Reviews
Strategy 1: Provide a variety of opportunities for students to choose from. Students will be able to select from Pre-AP ELAR, Science, Social            Formative
Studies and Math, GTT I, II, Algebra I, Computer Science, and Digital Design and Media Arts.
                                                                                                                                                Oct          Jan          May
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Teachers, Counselors, Administration

      Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.4, 2.6
      Funding Sources: - 211 - Title I, Part A - $2,300

                                         No Progress                Accomplished                  Continue/Modify                 Discontinue

Bill Sybert School                                                                                                                                             Campus #071909122
Generated by                                                        29 of 59                                                            November 17, 2021 5:21 PM
Goal 2: SISD students will receive a quality education with rigorous instructional standards that adequately prepares them for the college and career of their

Performance Objective 7: For the 2021-2022 school year, 100% of Bill Sybert At-risk students will be placed in the proper learning environment and proper
grade levels to ensure that they reach their fullest potential.
     Evaluation Data Sources: At-Risk student STAAR results and District Benchmark scores

                                                               Strategy 1 Details                                                                          Formative Reviews
Strategy 1: Provide intervention counseling for at-risk students                                                                                               Formative
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Reduced failure rates, report cards and assessment data                                                      Oct          Jan          May
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Teachers, counselors, administration

      Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.6 - Comprehensive Support Strategy
      Funding Sources: - 199 - General Basic
                                                               Strategy 2 Details                                                                          Formative Reviews
Strategy 2: Incorporate SSI/GPC strategies and activities for all at-risk students at all grade levels. Sybert paraprofessionals will work with                Formative
sub-populations and assist teachers with morning interventions and study hall.
                                                                                                                                                     Oct          Jan          May
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Reduced failure rates, improved student grades.
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration, teachers, counselors, at-risk aide, SCE aides.

      Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.6 - Comprehensive Support Strategy
      Funding Sources: - 199 - General Fund: SCE, - 211 - Title I, Part A
                                                               Strategy 3 Details                                                                          Formative Reviews
Strategy 3: Provide tutorials and intervention in the content areas for struggling at-risk students after school, on Saturdays, during                        Formative
intersession, and in the summer. Students will use Mentoring Minds, Measuring Up, STAAR Master, Texas Coach, Flocabulary, Hot Dots,                  Oct          Jan          May
Peoples Publishing magazines, Fundamental 5, Brain Pop, IXL, Scholastic, and Scope magazines will be used for tutorials. Visual reminders
will be posted throughout the campus to support learning. Purchase new computers for elementary computer lab for the programs, touch
screen laptops, projectors, headphones with microphones, mouse (mice), chargers and charging stations, and pedestrian cable protectors/ floor
cord covers, as well as provide basic supplies to help students be prepared and successful.
      Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Reduced failure rates, report cards, progress reports, content area assessments
      Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration, teachers, counselors, at risk aide, general ed teachers, SCE-I coaches.

      Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.5, 2.6 - Comprehensive Support Strategy
      Funding Sources: - 199 - General Fund: SCE - $48,137, - 211 - Title I, Part A - $60,000, - 282-ESSER III - $121

                                           No Progress                 Accomplished                  Continue/Modify                   Discontinue

Bill Sybert School                                                                                                                                                  Campus #071909122
Generated by                                                           30 of 59                                                              November 17, 2021 5:21 PM
Goal 2: SISD students will receive a quality education with rigorous instructional standards that adequately prepares them for the college and career of their

Performance Objective 8: For the 2021-2022 school year, 100% of Bill Sybert Bilingual/ESL students will be placed in the proper learning environment and
proper grade levels to ensure that they reach their fullest potential.
     Evaluation Data Sources: TELPAS, STAAR results (BE/ESL), District Benchmark scores

                                                              Strategy 1 Details                                                                         Formative Reviews
Strategy 1: Provide academic vocabulary support for ESL/Bilingual students in all subject areas including Science and Social Studies.                        Formative
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Read 180 Next Generation, TELPAS, GT, MOY, Istation, Hot Dots, common assessments                          Oct          Jan          May
     and STAAR.
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration, SCE-I coaches, Bilingual teachers, ESL teachers

      Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.4, 2.6 - Comprehensive Support Strategy
      Funding Sources: - 211 - Title I, Part A - $26,000, - 199 - General Fund: SCE - $142,525, - 199 - General Fund: Bilingual -
                                                              Strategy 2 Details                                                                         Formative Reviews
Strategy 2: Incorporate SSI/GPC strategies and activities for all Bilingual/ESL students at all grade levels. Sybert paraprofessionals will work             Formative
with sub-populations and teachers with interventions.
                                                                                                                                                   Oct          Jan          May
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Reduced failure rates, improved student grades
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration, teachers, counselors, Bilingual/ESL teachers, SCE-I coaches

      Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.4, 2.6 - Comprehensive Support Strategy
      Funding Sources: - 199 - General Fund: SCE - $142,525, - 199 - General Fund: Bilingual - $1,000, - 211 - Title I, Part A -
      $3,000, - 199 - General Fund : Special Education - $300
                                                              Strategy 3 Details                                                                         Formative Reviews
Strategy 3: Provide tutorials and intervention in the content areas for struggling ESL/Bilingual students; Mentoring Minds, Measuring Up,                   Formative
STAAR Master, Texas Coach, Flocabulary, Hot Dots, Peoples Publishing materials, Fundamental Five, Brain Pop, IXL, Lexia, SIOP
                                                                                                                                                   Oct          Jan          May
strategies, Johnny Can Spell, Sirius, Scope Magazines, Mindplay, and Rosetta Stone will be posted throughout the campus to support learning.
      Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Reduced failure rates, report cards, progress reports, content area assessments
      Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration, Bilingual/ESL teachers, general ed teachers, counselors, SCE-I coaches

      Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.4, 2.5, 2.6 - Comprehensive Support Strategy
      Funding Sources: - 199 - General Fund: SCE - $142,000, - 199 - General Fund: Bilingual - $6,000, - 211 - Title I, Part A -
      $37,000, - 199 - General Fund : Special Education - $5,000

                                          No Progress                 Accomplished                  Continue/Modify                  Discontinue

Bill Sybert School                                                                                                                                                Campus #071909122
Generated by                                                          31 of 59                                                             November 17, 2021 5:21 PM
Goal 2: SISD students will receive a quality education with rigorous instructional standards that adequately prepares them for the college and career of their

Performance Objective 9: For the 2021-2022 school year, 100% of Bill Sybert Special Education students will be placed in the proper learning environment
and proper grade levels to ensure that they reach their fullest potential.
     Evaluation Data Sources: SPED STAAR results

                                                            Strategy 1 Details                                                                      Formative Reviews
Strategy 1: Provide Power Hour, Super School, Power Saturday, and Intervention in the content areas for struggling SPED students;                      Formative
Mentoring Minds, Measuring Up, STAAR Master, Staar Coach, Flocabulary, Hot Dots, Peoples Publishing materials, Fundamental Five,
                                                                                                                                              Oct          Jan          May
Brain Pop, IXL, Lexia and Scope Magazines will be posted throughout the campus to support learning.
     Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Reduced failure rates, report cards, progress reports, content area assesments
     Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administratin, SPED teachers, general ed teachers, counselors, SCE-I coaches

      Title I Schoolwide Elements: 2.4, 2.5, 2.6
      Funding Sources: - 199 - General Fund: SCE - $142,525, - 199 - General Fund : Special Education - $5,000, - 211 - Title I, Part
      A - $37,000

                                         No Progress               Accomplished                 Continue/Modify                 Discontinue

Bill Sybert School                                                                                                                                           Campus #071909122
Generated by                                                      32 of 59                                                            November 17, 2021 5:21 PM
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