Bachelor of Computer Applications 2018 2021 - PSGR ...

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Bachelor of Computer
    2018 - 2021
                                  College of Excellence
                 (An Autonomous Institution, Affiliated to Bharathiar University)
         (Reaccredited with “A” Grade by NAAC an ISO 9001: 2015 Certified Institution)
                                Peelamedu, Coimbatore – 641 004.

                             DEPARTMENT OF BCA


   Graduates will have successful careers in computer fields or will be able to successfully
    pursue higher studies.

   Graduates will apply their technical knowledge and skills to develop and implement
    solutions for the problems that accomplish goals to the industry, academic, government
    or research area.

   Contribute effectively to the Computing Profession by fostering effective interaction,
    ethical practices and communication skills, while pursuing education through lifelong

                       BCA – PROGRAMME OBJECTIVE

   To provide a sound academic knowledge, programming skills in the field of Computer
   To cater the needs of the students aspiration to excel in the field of IT industry or in
    higher studies.
   To enclave the essential skill as demanded by the industry.
   To develop the students to create small / Medium Real-time enterprise application.
                              Programme & Branch: BCA Bachelor of Computer Applications
                                                   Scheme of Examination
            (Applicable to Students admitted during the academic year 2018 – 2019 Batch: 2018 – 2021 (Semester: I
                                                            to VI))
                  Subject            Title of paper                                        Examination Marks

                                                                          Contact Hours

                                                           hours / week

                                                                                          Duration of



    I       I     TAM1701/
                  FRE1701/     Language I                       6         86              4       3      40       60   100           3
    I      II     ENG1701/     English Paper I /
                  ENG17F1      Functional English Paper         6         86              4       3      40       60   100           3
    I      III    PP18C01      Core – 1:
                                                                6         86              4       3      40       60   100           4
                               Programming in C
    I      III    AP18CP1      Programming Lab – 1:
                                                                4         60              -       3      40       60   50*           3
                               C Programming Lab
    I      III                 Allied A1:
                  TH17A03B/    Paper I: Mathematics and
                  TH17A03A     Statistics Level I               6         86              4       3      40       60   100           5
                               Paper II: Mathematics and
                               Statistics Level II
    I      IV     NME18ES      Introduction to                  2         28              2       2      50       50   100           2
                  NME16A1/     Entrepreneurship
                  NME16B1      /Advance Tamil /
                               Basic Tamil
   II       I     TAM1702/
                  FRE1702/     Language II                      6         86              4       3      40       60   100           3
   II      II     ENG1702/     English Paper II/
                  ENG17F2      Functional English Paper         6         86              4       3      40       60   100           3
   II      III    PB18C02      Core – 2 : Bioinformatics        3         41              4       3      40       60   100           4
   II      III    PO18C03      Core – 3 : Object
                               Oriented Programming             4         56              4       3      40       60   100           4
                               with C++
   II      III    AP18CP2      Programming Lab – 2:
                               C++ & Bio Perl                   3         45              -       3      40       60   50*           2
                               Programming Lab
   II      III                 Allied A2:
                  TH17A06B/    Paper I: Discrete
                  TH17A06A     Mathematics I                    6         86              4       3      40       60   100           5
                               Paper II: Discrete
                               Mathematics II
   II      IV         -        Open Course:
                               (Self study- Online               -          -             -       -          -     -      -    Grade
   II      IV     NME16A2/     **Advance Tamil/Basic                                                                           Grade
                                                                 -          -             -       -          -     -      -
                  NME16B2      Tamil
                               Effective English
   II      VI     REG16EE                                       2           -             -       2      50       50   100           2

                                                            Self                               Online
   II      VI     NM12GAW      General Awareness                            -             -             100        -      -    Grade
                                                           Study                                Test
Core – 4: Operating Systems
III   III   AP17C04                                           5       71   4       3       40       60   100    4
                       and Fundamentals – UNIX
III   III   AP17C05    Core – 5: Data Structures              5       71   4       3       40       60   100    4
                       Core – 6: Relational Database
III   III   PRD1703                                           5       71   4       3       40       60   100    4
                       Management System
                       Programming Lab-3:
III   III   AP16CP3                                           4       60   -       3       40       60   50*    2
                       RDBMS Lab
                       Allied A3: Paper I:
            TH16A13B   Optimization Techniques I
III   III                                                     6       86   4       3       40       60   100    5
            TH16A13A   Paper II: Optimization
                       Techniques II
                       Skill Based Subject:
                       1. Data Analytics - Level 1: R-
III                    Programming                            3   43       2       2   25           75   100    4
&                      2. OOSE - Level 1: Software
IV    IV               Design Tools
                       Job Oriented Course PHP / MY
&                                                             -       -    -       3       -        -     -    Grade
      VI    JOB1625    SQL
                       Value Education and Human
III   IV    NM14VHR                                           2       26   4       -   100          -    100    2
                       Core – 7 : Digital Electronics
IV    III   PMP1705                                           5       71   4       3       40       60   100    4
                       and Microprocessor
IV    III   AP17C08    Core – 8: Computer Networks            5       71   4       3       40       60   100    4
IV    III   AP17C09    Core – 9: Java Programming             5       71   4       3       40       60   100    4
                       Programming lab – 4:
IV    III   AP16CP4    Java & Bioperl Programming             4       60   -       3       40       60   50*    3
                       Allied A4:
                       Paper I: Business Accounting
                       Paper II: Principles of
IV    III   BP17A06                                           6       86   4       3       40       60   100
                       Marketing                                                                                5
                       Paper III: Management
                       Information System
                       Skill Based Subject:
III                    1. Data Analytics – Practical I:
&     IV               R- Programming                         3       45   -       2       40       60   100    2
IV                     2. OOSE – Practical I : Software
                       Design Tools
                       Foundational Course:
IV    IV    NM10EVS                                           2       26   4       -   100          -    100    2
                       Environmental Studies
                       NSS / NCC / YRC / Sports &
IV    V                                                   -       -        -   -       -        -        100    1
IV          COM15SER   Community Oriented Service         -       -        -   -       -        -         -    Grade
V     III   AP17C10    Core – 10:.Net Programming             5       71   4       3       40       60   100    4
V     III   AP17C11    Core – 11: Computer Graphics           5       71   4       3       40       60   100    4
                       Core - 12: Software Project
V     III   AP17C12    Management                             5       71   4       3       40       60   100    4
                       Elective 1:
            AP17E01    ECommerce

                       Elective 2:
            AP17E02    Perl Programming                       5       71   4       3       40       60   100    5

V     III              Elective 3:
            AP17E03    Client Server Technology
Programming Lab – 5:
V    III     AP16CP5        . Net and Bioperl Programming       5      75      -    3       40        60   50*     3
V            NM13IS2        Information Security – Level II     2      26      4     -     100        -     -     Grade
V                           Skill Based Subject:
             SB17DA02       1.Data Analytics - Level II: Data
&                           Visualization Tools
             SB17SE02       2. OOSE – Level II: Software        3      43      2    2       25        75   100     4
VI                          Testing Tools
                            Advanced Level Course 1
             AP14AC1        Paper1: Enterprise Resource
V    III     AP11AC2        Paper 2: Mobile Computing           -      -       -     3      25        75   100*    5*
V            INST1          Internship Training                 -          -   -     -       -         -   100     2
V                           Personality Development             -       -      -    -        -         -    -     Grade
V            CE             Comprehensive Exam                  -       -      -    1        -         -    -     Grade
VI   III     AP17C13        Core -13 : Cloud Computing          5      71      4    3       40        60   100      4
                            Core - 14: Data Mining
VI   III     AP17C14                                            5      71      4    3       40        60   100     4
VI   III     PWT1715        Core - 15: Web Technology           5      71      4    3       40        60   100     4
                            Programming Lab – 6: Web
VI   III                    Technology and Bioperl              5      75      -    3       40        60   50*     2
                            Programming Lab
VI   III     PROJ           Project Viva – Voce                 7          -   -    3       20        80   100     5
                            Advanced Level
                            Course 2
             PA16AC3        Paper 1: Artificial Intelligence
                            Paper 2: Internet of Things         -      -       -     3      25    75       100*    5*
             AP16AC4        (IOT)
V                           Skill Based Subject:
                            1.Data Analytics – Practical II:
&                           Data Visualization Tools            3      45      -    2       40        60   100     2
                            2. OOSE – Practical II: Software
VI                          Testing Tools
             Total                                                                                         3800   140

           *100 Marks converted into 50                     ** Outside regular class hours.
               The credits is applicable to candidates who takes up the advanced level course exam
      PP18C01         PROGRAMMING IN C
                                                             III         86 4      -      4

     To articulate the learning of C Language for beginners with all major features of C.
     This subject will also create foundation to learn other complex programming languages
      like C++, Java, etc.,

Course Outcomes
On the successful completion of the course, students will be able to

   CO                                  CO Statement                                    Knowledge
 Number                                                                                  Level
   CO1      Acquire programming logic, use of program instructions, syntax,
            program structure.
   CO2      Understand the concept of arrays and functions.                               K2
   CO3      Identify the role of structure, union, pointers and files in the
   CO4      Solve various problems using C features.                                      K3

Mapping with Programme Outcomes
       Cos           PO1               PO2                 PO3               PO4
        CO1           S                 M                   M                 M
        CO2            S                 S                  M                 M
        CO3            S                 S                  M                  S
        CO4           M                  S                   S                 S

       S- Strong; M-Medium; L-Low

 UNIT I:                                                                               (17 Hrs)
       Overview of C – Introduction - character set - C tokens - keyword & identifiers – constants
– variables - data types – declarations of variables – arithmetic, relational, logical, assignment,
conditional, bit wise, special, increment and decrement operators - arithmetic expressions -
evaluation of expression - operator precedence & associativity - mathematical functions - reading
& writing a character - formatted input and output.

UNIT II:                                                                          (17 Hrs)
        DECISION STATEMENTS: If, if else, switch, break, continue - the ?: operator - the
GOTO statement. – Loop Control Statements: introduction – for, nested for loops – while, do-
while statements – Arrays: one-dimensional - two dimensional - multidimensional arrays.

UNIT III:                                                                                 (17 Hrs)
        Character string handling - declaring and initialising string variables - reading strings from
terminal - writing strings to screen - string handling functions - User-defined functions: need for
user defined functions – types of functions - calling a function category of functions - no arguments
and no return values - arguments but no return values - arguments with return values – recursion -
functions with arrays - functions with arrays - the scope and lifetime of variables in functions.
UNIT IV:                                                                                    (17 Hrs)
        Structure definition: structure initialisation - comparison of structure variables - arrays of
structures - arrays within structures - structures within structures – unions. Pointers: understanding
pointers - accessing the address of a variable - declaring and initialising pointers - accessing a
variable through its pointers - pointer expressions - pointers and arrays - pointers and character
strings - pointers and functions - pointers and structures.

UNIT V:                                                                                  (18 Hrs)
        File management in C: defining and opening a file - closing file - I/O operations on files -
error handling during I/O operations - random access to files - command line arguments. Dynamic
memory allocation: Introduction- dynamic memory allocation – MALLOC – CALLOC –
REALLOC - The pre-processor.

Text Book

                                TITLE OF THE             PUBLISHERS \              YEAR OF
 S.NO        AUTHOR
                                   BOOK                    EDITION               PUBLICATION

                                 Programming In         Tata Mc Graw Hill,
   1      E. Balagurusamy                                                               2017
                                     ANSI C                 7th Edition.

Reference Books

                                TITLE OF THE             PUBLISHERS \              YEAR OF
 S.NO        AUTHOR
                                   BOOK                    EDITION               PUBLICATION

                               Programming with        Tata McGraw Hill, 3rd
   1      Byron Gottfried                                                               2013
                                      C                      Edition.

                                   Computer            Prentice Hall of India
   2        V. Rajaraman                                                                2004
                               Programming in C         Pvt Ltd, 1st Edition.

                                                       Prentice Hall of India
   3       Smarajit Ghosh      Programming in C                                         2004
                                                        Pvt Ltd, 1st Edition.

             Yashwvant                                 BPB Publications, 13th
   4                                 Let us C                                           2014
              Kanetkar                                       Edition.

                                                           Create Space
                            An Easy Guide to               Independent
   5      Martin J. Gentile Programming in C                                            2012
                                                        Publishing Platform,
                                                            2nd Edition

    Chalk and talk, PPT, Discussion, Assignment, Demo, Quiz, Seminar.

Course Designer:
   1. Mrs. G. Sangeetha
CATEGORY L T                  P   CREDIT
     AP18CP1         C PROGRAMMING LAB
                                                             III         -   -   60        3

    To provide the hands on experience on C Programming and improve the practical skill set.
    The learner will be able to develop the logic for the given problem, recognize and
     understand the syntax and construction of C code.
    To know the steps involved in compiling, linking and debugging C code, feel more confident
     about writing the C functions, write some complex programs.

Course Outcomes
On the successful completion of the course, students will be able to
    CO                                                                                    Knowledg
                                        CO Statement
 Number                                                                                    e Level
               Identify the basic terminologies of c programming by using
    CO1                                                                                        K1
               different data types, decision structures, loops and functions.
               Understand the dynamics of memory allocation by the use of
    CO2                                                                                        K2
               pointers and files.
    CO3        Understand the concepts of Structures and Unions                                K2
    CO4        Design and develop the simple business application.                             K3
Mapping with Programme Outcomes
                  Cos            PO1            PO2            PO3           PO4
                  CO1              S             M                 M             M
                  CO2              S             M                 M             M
                  CO3              S             M                 M             S
                  CO4              S             M                 M             M

S- Strong; M-Medium; L-Low

              Using Data types.
              Using different operators.
              Control Structures.
              Using arrays.
              String handling functions.
              User defined functions.
              Structures & Unions.
              Pointers.
              Working with files.
      System, White board
Course Designers:
      1. Mrs. K.Geethalakshmi
      2. Mrs. T.S.Anushya Devi
      3. Mrs. A.Kavitha
CATEGORY              L   T P CREDIT
     PB18C02             BIOINFORMATICS
                                                           III         41 4      -     4

    To explore the areas of Bioinformatics like Sequencing, DNA, RNA and Protein
    To get familiarize with Biological Databases.

Course Outcomes
On the successful completion of the course, students will be able to

   CO                                   CO Statement                                 Knowledge
 Number                                                                                Level
   CO1      Understand the basic concepts of Bioinformatics and its applications.          K1
   CO2      Work on various Biological Databases.                                          K2
   CO3      Learn the working nature of sequence alignment.                                K2
   CO4      Discuss the structure of Protein, RNA and DNA.                                 K3
Mapping with Programme Outcomes
   Cos              PO1                   PO2                      PO3                 PO4
   CO1               M                      S                          M                   M
   CO2               S                      M                          M                   M
   CO3               M                      S                          M                   S
   CO4             S                        M                          S                   S
S- Strong; M-Medium; L-Low

UNIT I                                                                               (8 Hrs)
       Bioinformatics: What is Bioinformatics? – Goal – Scope – Applications – Limitations –
What is Database? – Types of Database – Biological Database – Pitfalls of Biological Database –
Information retrieval from Biological databases.
UNIT II                                                                              (8 Hrs)
       Biological Databases: Requirements of database searching – Heuristic database searching
– Basic local alignment search tool (BLAST) – FASTA – Comparison of FASTA & BLAST –
Database searching with smith – waterman method.
UNIT III                                                                             (8 Hrs)
       Pairwise Sequence Alignment: Evolutionary basis – Sequence Homology versus
Sequence Similarity- Sequence Similarity versus Sequence Identity – Methods.
UNIT IV                                                                           (9 Hrs)
        Protein Structure: Protein Structure Visualisation – Protein Structure Classification –
RNA Structure Prediction – Types of RNA structures – RNA Secondary Structure Prediction
UNIT V                                                                            (8 Hrs)
        DNA Sequence Analysis: Why analyse DNA? – Gene Structure & DNA Sequence –
Features of DNA Sequence Analysis – Two approaches to gene hunting.
Text Books

                                                             PUBLISHERS \         YEAR OF
 S.NO        AUTHOR              TITLE OF THE BOOK
                                                               EDITION          PUBLICATION

   1.        Jin Xiong           Essential Bioinformatics                             2016
                                                             University Press
           T K Attwood &                                         Pearson
   2                       Introduction to Bioinformatics                             2007
           D J Parry Smith                                      Education

Reference Books

                                                             PUBLISHERS \         YEAR OF
 S.NO          AUTHOR             TITLE OF THE BOOK
                                                               EDITION          PUBLICATION

                                       Fundamentals of        I K Publishing
   1            Harisha.S                                                             2010
                                        Bioinformatics            House

              Selzer, Paul M.,
   2        Marhöfer, Richard      Applied Bioinformatics:       Springer             2018
           J., Rohwer, Andreas        An Introduction


       Chalk and talk, Lecture, Discussion, Quiz, Demonstrate, PPT.

Course Designer:
   1. Mrs.M.Selvanayaki
OBJECT ORIENTED                 CATEGORY             L   T P CREDIT
       PO18C03       PROGRAMMING WITH
                                                           III         56 4      -       4

    This subject is designed to provide the graduates with why and how of Object-oriented
        programming in C++.
       It also presents the concept of Object-oriented programming with a brief discussion on the
        important elements of Object-oriented programming analysis and design of systems with
        its Object-oriented programming capabilities, C++ offers significant software engineering
        benefits over C.

Course Outcomes
On the successful completion of the course, students will be able to

    CO                               CO Statement                                    Knowledge
  Number                                                                               Level
              Identify the role of inheritance, polymorphism, dynamic
       CO1                                                                              K1
              binding and generic structures in building reusable codes.

              Describe classes and objects written by other programmers
       CO2                                                                              K2
              when constructing their system.

       CO3    Classify C++ features to program design and implementation                K2
       CO4    Illustrate the object oriented design for small/medium scale

Mapping with Programme Outcomes
    COs                    PO1                  PO2                PO3                   PO4
    CO1                     S                    S                     S                     M
    CO2                    M                    M                      S                     M
    CO3                    M                     S                     S                     S
    CO4                     S                    S                     S                     M

               S- Strong; M-Medium; L-Low

UNIT I                                                                          (11 Hrs)
       Principles of object oriented programming: Basic concepts of object oriented
    programming – Benefits of OOPs – Applications of OOPs – Beginning with C++: What is
C++ – Applications of C++ – C++ statements – Structure of C++ program. Tokens,
        Expressions and Control structures: Tokens – Keywords – Identifiers – Constants –
        Expressions and their types – Basic and user defined data types – operators in C++ –
        Operator overloading – Operator precedence – Control structures.

    UNIT II                                                                           (12 Hrs)
          Functions in C++: The main functions – Function prototyping – Call by reference –
       Return by reference – Inline functions– Function overloading – Friend & Virtual
       Functions. Classes and Objects: Specifying a class– Defining member function– Nesting
       of member functions– Private member functions– Arrays within a class – Static data
       members – Static member functions – Array of objects – Objects as function arguments –
       Friendly functions – Pointers to members.
    UNIT III                                                                         (11 Hrs)
          Constructors and Destructors: Constructors – Parameterized constructors – Multiple
       constructors in a class – Constructors with default arguments – Copy constructors –
       Dynamic constructors – Destructors– Operator overloading– Type conversions.

    UNIT IV                                                                                 (11 Hrs)
          Inheritance: Defining derived classes – Single Inheritance – Multilevel Inheritance –
       Multiple Inheritance – Hierarchical Inheritance – Hybrid Inheritance – Virtual Base
       Classes – Abstract classes – Constructors in Derived Classes. Pointers, Virtual functions
       and Polymorphism: Pointers – Pointers to Objects, this Pointer, Pointers to Derived classes.

    UNIT V                                                                                   (11 Hrs)
          Managing console I/O operations: C++ streams – C++ stream classes – Unformatted I/O
       operations – Formatted console I/O operations – Managing output with manipulators.
       Working with files: classes for file stream operations – opening and closing a file – Detecting
       End – of - File – sequential I/O operations – Error handling during file operations.
    Text Book:

                                                                  PUBLISHERS \           YEAR OF
S.NO        AUTHOR               TITLE OF THE BOOK
                                                                    EDITION            PUBLICATION

                                                                   Tata Mc Graw
                               Object Oriented Programming
1        E.Balagurusamy                                           Hill Publications,         2013
                                         with C++
                                                                     6th Edition.
    Reference Books:
                                                                 PUBLISHERS \            YEAR OF
S.NO         AUTHOR             TITLE OF THE BOOK
                                                                   EDITION             PUBLICATION

                                 The C++ Programming          Pearson Education, 4th
1         BjarneStroustrup                                                                    2014
                                      Language                      Edition.

                                    Object Oriented            Wilsey India Pvt.Ltd,
2         Rajesh K.Shukla                                                                     2008
                                  Programming in C++               1st, Edition.

                                    Object Oriented           Galgotia Publications,
3          Robert Lafore                                                                      2001
                                  Programming in C++          Pvt Ltd, 4th Edition.
          Tony Gaddis,                                           Addison-Wesley
4         Judy Walfers,       Starting Out with C++: Early       publication, 8th             2013
         GodferyMuganda                 Objects                     Edition.
       Chalk and Talk, PPT, Discussion, Interactive Teaching, Self-questioning by students,
          Group discussion, Quiz.
Course Designer:
   1. Ms. K. Sathiya
C++ & BIO-PERL               CATEGORY L T               P    CREDIT
                       PROGRAMMING LAB                      III          -   -   45     2
    Hands on experience to the learners in C++ programming based on concept learned with
     program course.
    Implementation of OOP feature such as class, objects, inheritance, and polymorphism can
     be done.

Course Outcomes
On the successful completion of the course, students will be able to

   CO                                    CO Statement                                 Knowledge
 Number                                                                                 Level
             Identify object oriented programming paradigm and the importance of
   CO1                                                                                   K1
             it in software development.
   CO2       Understand algorithmic thinking and apply it to programming.                K2
   CO3       Implement Oops concept in developing simple applications using C++          K3
   CO4       Implementing the techniques for Bio sequence and gene expression

Mapping with Programme Outcomes
   Cos            PO1                    PO2                           PO3               PO4
  CO1              S                     M                             M                    M
  CO2              S                     M                             M                    M
  CO3              S                     M                             M                    S
  CO4              S                     M                             M                    M

       S- Strong; M-Medium; L-Low

    Implementing Various Control Structures.
        Implementing Inheritance.
        Using Pointers.
        Implementing Function Overloading.
        Constructors and Destructors.
        File Manipulation.
        DNA Sequence Generation.
        Protein Sequence Generation.
        Write a script to search for genes from Genscan.
               System, White board
Course Designers:
         1. Mrs. K.Geethalakshmi
         2. Mrs. T.S. Anushya Devi
         3. Mrs. A. Kavitha
                   FUNDAMENTALS - UNIX                     III         71 4   -         4

       This subject is designed to provide the students with a thorough discussion of the
fundamentals of operating system and to explore the various memory management scheme and to
perform administrative task on UNIX servers.

Course Outcomes
On the successful completion of the course, students will be able to

    CO                               CO Statement                             Knowledge
  Number                                                                        Level
    CO1       Identify the systematic approach of the system                       K1
              Know the real time meaning of deadlock prevention and
    CO2                                                                            K2
    CO3       Determine the efficiency of scheduling algorithms                    K2
    CO4       Perform administrative tasks on UNIX servers.                        K3

Mapping with Programme Outcomes
     COs              PO1                 PO2                    PO3              PO4
    CO1                 S                   S                     S               M
    CO2                 S                   S                    M                M
    CO3                 S                   S                     S                S
    CO4                 S                   S                     S               M
S- Strong; M-Medium; L-Low

UNIT I:                                                                              (14 Hrs)
        Introduction: What is an operating system?-Early history –Process concepts: Introduction-
Definition of process-process states –process state transitions – The Process Control Block –
Operations on processes – Suspend and Resume - Interrupt processing – Semaphore – Deadlock
& Indefinite postponement.

UNIT II:                                                                        (14 Hrs)
       Real Storage –virtual storage organization: Introduction – Evolution of storage
Organization – Virtual Storage – Virtual Storage Management: Introduction - Virtual storage
management strategies-Page replacement strategies - Working sets-Demand paging –Page size.

UNIT III:                                                                           (14 Hrs)
       Job & processor scheduling: Introduction – Scheduling Levels - Pre-emptive vs. non pre-
emptive scheduling-priorities-deadline scheduling-FIFO-RR-Quantum Size-SJF-SRT-HRN.
Distributed computing: Classification of sequential & parallel Architecture –Pipelining – Vector
Processing - Array processor –Dataflow computers-Multiprocessing-Fault tolerance.
UNIT IV:                                                                       (14 Hrs)
       UNIX - Getting started - Gaining Confidence: The Unix File System – Creating File-
Indulging File Play. Listing Files & Directories – Directory Related Commands.

UNIT V:                                                                           (15 Hrs)
        Shell Programming- The First step: When to Use Shell Scripts – The First Shell Script-
Interactive Shell Scripts - Shell Variables - Shell Keywords - Another Way of Assigning Values
to Variables - Tips & Traps - Unchanging Variables-Wiping Out Variables - Positional parameters
– Passing Command Line Arguments – Setting Values of Position Parameters – Displaying Date
in Desired Format – Using Shift on Positional Parameters – Arithmetic in Shell Script – The
Carriage Return – The Tab & The Backspace – Positioning The Cursor – Beep – Bold & Beautiful
– The tput Command – Control Instructions in Shell.

Text Books

                                                               PUBLISHERS \           YEAR OF
 S.NO        AUTHOR             TITLE OF THE BOOK
                                                                 EDITION            PUBLICATION
                            An introduction to operating         Welsey pub
   1       Dietal.H.M                                                                   2005
                                      system                  company,2nd edition
          Yashavant P.                                         BPB Publication,
   2                            UNIX Shell Programming                                  2012
           Kanetkar                                              1ST edition

Reference Books

                                                                PUBLISHERS \          YEAR OF
 S.NO          AUTHOR              TITLE OF THE BOOK
                                                                  EDITION           PUBLICATION

                                       Operating system         Wiley Publishers,
   1      Silberschatz, Peter                                                          2008
                                          Principles               7th edition
          Baer Galvin Gagne
                                                                 Tata Mc Graw
   2         Archer J harries          Operating System                                2011
                                                                 Hill 2nd Edition
                                                                 Pearchpit press,
             Dborah S.Ray,
   3                                    Unix and Linux             4th edition         2009
                                                                   Wiley India,
                                     Mastering Unix shell
   4      Randal K. Michael                                        2nd Edition         2009
   5           Ron Peters            Expert Shell Scripting          Apress            2009

      Lecture, Discussion, Quiz, PPT
Course Designers
      1. Mrs. S.Mohanapriya
      2. Mrs. T.S. Anushya Devi
     AP17C05             DATA STRUCTURES
                                                               III         71 4     -        4

 To get familiarize knowledge with designing an algorithm using data structures.
 To articulate the essential components of data structures like Stack, Queue, List, Searching,
   Sorting, Merging and Trees.

Course Outcomes
On the successful completion of the course, students will be able to

   CO                                     CO Statement                                  Knowledge
 Number                                                                                   Level
   CO1         Describe data structure operations and complexity of algorithms               K1
   CO2         Distinguish between the various types of algorithms.                          K2
               Identify the problems to represent the list for inserting and deleting
   CO3                                                                                       K2
               nodes in memory with creative aspect.
   CO4         Demonstrate how to Search ,Sort , Traversing Binary Trees etc.,               K3

Mapping with Programme Outcomes
         Cos                  PO1                PO2                 PO3                PO4
    CO1                        M                   S                  M                  M
    CO2                         S                  M                  M                  M
    CO3                        M                   S                  M                  S
    CO4                         S                  S                  S                  S
S- Strong; M-Medium; L-Low

                                                                                       (14 Hrs)
UNIT 1: Introduction – Basic Terminology, Elementary Data Organization- Data Structures- Data
Structures Operations – Algorithms: Complexity, Time Space Trade off.
Preliminaries: Introduction – Mathematical Notations and Functions – Control Structures –
Complexity of Algorithms
                                                                                      (14 Hrs)
UNIT 2: Arrays, Records and Pointers: Introduction – Linear Arrays – Representation of Linear
Arrays in Memory – Traversing Linear Arrays – Inserting and Deleting – Multidimensional
Arrays- Pointers – Records .
                                                                                     (14 Hrs)
UNIT 3: Linked Lists: Introduction – Linked Lists – Representation of Linked List in Memory –
Traversing a Linked List – Searching a Linked List – Memory Allocation – Garbage Collection –
Insertion into a Linked List – Deletion from a Linked List .
UNIT 4: Stacks: Stacks – Array Representation of Stacks – Linked Representation of Stacks –
Arithmetic Expression Polish Notation. Queues: Queues – Linked Representation of Queues.
Trees: Introduction – Binary Trees – Representing Binary Trees in Memory- Traversing Binary
                                                                                    (14 Hrs)
 UNIT 5: Sorting & Searching: Introduction – Sorting - Bubble Sort – Insertion Sort – Selection
 Sort – Merging – Merge Sort - Linear Search – Binary Search – Hashing.
 Text Book

                                                            PUBLISHERS\           YEAR OF
                                                              EDITION           PUBLICATION
                                                             Mc Graw Hill
 1                              Data structures               Publishing,              2014
                                                              5th Edition

 Reference Books
 S.NO       AUTHOR               TITLE OF THE BOOK               PUBLISHERS \            YEAR OF
                                                                   EDITION             PUBLICATION
          Alfred V.Aho, John
                                    Data Structures and         Pearson Education,
     1    E, Hopcroft, Jeffry                                                                 2009
                                       Algorithms                   4th Edition
          Ellis Horowitz &        Fundamentals of Data            Galghotia Book
     2                                                                                        2003
          Sartaj Sahani                  Structure               Source, 1st Edition
          Jim Keogh, Ken        Data Structures – Principles     Dreamtech Press,
     3                                                                                        2004
          Davidson                  and Fundamentals                 1st Edition
                                                                  Prentice Hall, 1st
     4    D.Samanta               Classic Data Structures                                     2006

         Lecture, Discussion, Quiz, Demonstrate, PPT

 Course Designers
       1. Mrs. T. Saranya
       2. Mrs. L.Sheeba
RELATIONAL DATABASE                       CATEGOR         L    T P CREDI
 PRD1703          MANAGEMENT SYSTEM                            Y                       T
               (COMMON TO B.SC (CS)/IT & BCA)                  III          71   4 -   4

              To study the basic concepts of database systems, relational database and queries,
               object modelling and database design.
              To understand the main solutions related to the strategies for storing objects,
               transaction management, and security.
              To inculcate knowledge on RDBMS concepts.

Course Outcomes
On the successful completion of the course, students will be able to

   CO                                  CO Statement                                  Knowledge
 Number                                                                                   Level
    CO1     Define the fundamental elements of database management system.                 K1
    CO2     An understanding of normalization theory and extends such                      K2
            knowledge to the normalization of a database.
    CO3     Explain the basic concepts of relational data model, entity-                   K2
            relationship model, relational database design, and relational algebra
            and query a database using SQL DML/DDL commands.
    CO4     Declare and enforce integrity constraints on a database using a state-         K3
            of-the-art RDBMS
    CO5     Demonstrate programming PL/SQL including procedures, stored                    K3
            functions, cursors, packages.

Mapping with Programme Outcomes
      CO’s               PO1               PO2                PO3                    PO4
    CO1                    S                S                   S                    M
    CO2                   M                 M                   S                    M
    CO3                   M                 S                   S                     S
    CO4                    S                S                   S                    M
    CO5                    S                M                   S                    M

S- Strong; M-Medium; L-Low


UNIT I:                                                                     (14 Hrs.)
Database Concepts: A Relational approach: Database – Relationships – DBMS – Relational
Data Model – Integrity Rules – Theoretical Relational Languages.Database Design: Data
Modeling and Normalization: Data Modeling – Dependency – Database Design – Normal forms
– Dependency Diagrams - Denormalization.
UNIT II:                                                                         (15 Hrs.)
Oracle9i: Overview: Personal Databases – Client/Server Databases – Oracle9i an introduction–
SQL *Plus Environment – SQL – Logging into SQL *Plus - SQL *Plus Commands – Errors &
Help –Alternate Text Editors - SQL *Plus Worksheet - iSQL *Plus. Oracle Tables: DDL: Naming
Rules and conventions – Data Types – Constraints – Creating Oracle Table – Displaying Table
Information –Altering an Existing Table – Dropping, Renaming, Truncating Table – Table Types
– Spooling – Error codes.

UNIT III:                                                                        (14 Hrs.)
Working with Table: Data Management and Retrieval: DML – adding a new Row/Record –
Customized Prompts – Updating and Deleting an Existing Rows/Records – retrieving Data from
Table –Arithmetic Operations – restricting Data with WHERE clause – Sorting – Revisiting
Substitution Variables – DEFINE command – CASE structure.Functions and Grouping: Built-
in functions –Grouping Data.Multiple Tables: Joins and Set operations: Join – Set operations.

UNIT IV:                                                                       (14 Hrs.)
PL/SQL: A Programming Language: History – Fundamentals – Block Structure – Comments –
Data Types – Other Data Types – Declaration – Assignment operation – Bind variables –
Substitution Variables – Printing – Arithmetic Operators.Control Structures and Embedded
SQL: Control Structures – Nested Blocks – SQ L in PL/SQL – Data Manipulation – Transaction
Control statements.PL/SQL Cursors and Exceptions: Cursors – Implicit & Explicit Cursors and
Attributes – Cursor FOR loops – SELECT…FOR UPDATE – WHERE CURRENT OF clause –
Cursor with Parameters – Cursor Variables – Exceptions – Types of Exceptions.

UNIT V:                                                                   (14 Hrs)
PL/SQL Composite Data Types: Records – Tables – Varrays. Named Blocks: Procedures –
Functions – Packages –Triggers – Data Dictionary Views.
Text Book

                                                                                YEAR OF
 S.NO       AUTHORS                  TITLE                PUBLISHERS
   1.       Nilesh Shah      Database Systems Using       2nd edition, PHI        2012
Reference Books
   S.NO        AUTHOR               TITLE OF THE         PUBLISHERS            YEAR OF
                                       BOOK                \ EDITION         PUBLICATION
                                       Database          Prentice Hall of
        1    Rajesh Narang            Management             India, 2nd
                                       Systems                Edition
        2      Rakesh Saini,
              M.M.S.Rauthan,          Database
                                                           of India, 1st          2010
              AbhaySaxena,        Management System
               Bindu Sharma
    3          SatishAsnani      Oracle Database 11g           PHI                 2010
    Chalk and talk, PPT, Discussion, Interactive Teaching, Self-questioning by students, Group
      discussion, Quiz.
Course Designers
      1. Mrs. M.Selvanayaki
      2. Mrs. G.Sangeetha
CATEGORY L T                P    CREDIT
       AP16CP3                 RDBMS LAB
                                                           III          -    -   60     2

    Experience to the learners in SQL, PL/SQL programming based on concept learned with
     program course.
    Implementation of RDBMS commands such as DDL, DML, and DCL.

Course Outcomes
On the successful completion of the course, students will be able to

   CO                                   CO Statement                                   Knowledge
 Number                                                                                  Level
    CO1      Identify the operators, basic commands, built-in functions in SQL              K1
             Understand the block structure and to create the report in document
    CO2                                                                                     K2
             Implement RDBMS concept in developing simple applications using
    CO3                                                                                     K3
    CO4      Implementing the techniques of Exception Handling using PL/SQL.                K3

Mapping with Programme Outcomes
   Cos             PO1                  PO2                            PO3                  PO4
       CO1          S                      S                           M                    M
       CO2          S                      M                            S                   M
       CO3          S                      M                           M                     S
     CO4         S                         M                            S                    S
S- Strong; M-Medium; L-Low

     Implementing different operators.
       Implementing column format.
       Implementing built-in functions.
       Update and Alter table.
       Implementing PL/SQL Block.
       PL/SQL block to find the E-Bill.
       Splitting the table.
       Joining the tables.
       Implementing Recursive functions (Factorial and Fibonacci series).
       Recursive function using sequence.
   Database triggers.
      Trigger for Master detailed Relationship.
              System, White board.
Course Designers

   1. Mrs. M.Selvanayaki
   2. Mrs. G.Sangeetha
SEMESTER                  : III & IV
SUBJECT CODE              : SB17DA01
CREDITS                   :4
                                                              LECTURE HOURS: 43
   To provide a conceptual understanding of the basics of R programming and depth of
     exploratory data analysis.

UNIT I:                                                                              (9 Hrs)
Overview of the R language: Defining the R project, Obtaining R, Generating R codes, Scripts,
Comments, Text editors for R, Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) for R, Packages.

UNIT II:                                                                             (9Hrs)
R Objects and data structures: Variable classes, Vectors and matrices, Data frames and lists, Array
and Factors.

UNIT III:                                                                          (9 Hrs)
Manipulating objects in R: Mathematical operations, Decision making, loops, functions and

UNIT IV:                                                                           (8 Hrs)
Exploratory Data Analysis: Reading, creating and storing R -CSV file, Excel File, Binary file,
XML File - R -Mean, Median, Mode - Regression.

UNIT V:                                                                              (8 Hrs)
Graphical Representation: R-PIE chart – Bar chart – Box plots - Histograms – line graphs - Scatter

TEXT BOOK: Course materials will be provided.


                                       TITLE OF THE         PUBLISHERS          YEAR OF
   S.NO          AUTHOR
                                          BOOK               \ EDITION        PUBLICATION
     1         Jared P. Lander         R for everyone       Education, 2nd           2015
                                        The Art of R
     2         Norman Matloff                              No Starch Press           2011
NOTE: *During Semester III, Unit - I and Unit - II Till Vectors and Matrices.

         **During Semester IV in Unit – II from Data Frames, Unit – III, IV and V.
SEMESTER          : III & IV
CREDITS           : 4                                               LECTURE HOURS: 43
       To explore the basic building blocks of UML and to design various modelling diagrams
using UML.

UNIT I                                                                   (9 Hrs)
      Introduction to UML: Overview of the UML- Importance of modeling- principles of
modeling- object oriented modeling- conceptual model of the UML- Architecture- Software
Development Life Cycle.

UNIT II                                                                    (9 Hrs)
        Structural Modelling Basic Structural Modelling: Classes- Relationships- common
Mechanisms- and diagrams. Advanced Structural Modelling: Advanced classes- advanced
relationships- Interfaces- Types and Roles- Packages.

UNIT III                                                                         (9 Hrs)
       Class & Object Diagrams: Terms and concepts- Construction of a class diagram- Common
modelling techniques for Class & Object Diagrams-Interactions- Interaction diagrams.

UNIT IV                                                                    (8 Hrs)
       Behavioural Modelling: Use cases- Use case Diagrams- Activity Diagrams. Advanced
Behavioural Modelling- state machines- processes and Threads- Time and space- state chart

UNIT V                                                                   (8 Hrs)
       Architectural Modelling: Components- Modelling Techniques – Modelling a physical
database- Model an adaptable system- Deployment - Component diagrams and Deployment
Text Book: Course Materials will be provided
Reference Books:

 S.NO        AUTHOR               TITLE OF BOOK             PUBLISHER          YEAR OF
   1      Martina Seidl,        UML @ Classroom: An            Springer          2015
          Marion Scholz,        Introduction to Object-
         Christian Huemer,        Oriented Modeling
           Gerti Kappel
   2      Martina Seidl,       An Introduction to Object-    Easy Reader           2011
          Marion Scholz,          Oriented Modeling
         Christian Huemer,
           Gerti Kappel
   3     Gandharba Swain        Object-Oriented Analysis       Laxmi               2010
                               and Design through Unified    Publications
                                  Modeling Language

* During Semester III UNIT I, UNIT II till Advanced Classes.
** During Semester IV in UNIT II from Advanced Relationships, Unit III, Unit IV and Unit V.
TITLE           : PHP / MY SQL
SUB.CODE        : JOB1625

      After completion of this course, students will able to write and understand PHP programs,
and use it to build dynamic web pages; and they can install and configure third-party PHP
Introduction to web application, History of HTML, Tags, Documents, Browsers, Structural
Elements, Input Elements, Introduction to PHP, What is PHP, Advantages of PHP, PHP with
HTML, Wamp server Installation and configuration, Basic syntax, Data types, Variables,
constants, expressions, Operators, Control structures, Arrays & Functions, String manipulation.
Embedding PHP in HTML, operators, conditional statements, looping structures, PHP arrays,
processing array elements, Session management, register session variables, destroy session, store
and retrieve cookies.
PHP functions, PHP         data and time, File Systems Security, Error Handling, Interfaces,
Namespaces, file include & require, file uploading, sending E-mails.
Understanding an RDBMS, DDL, DML and DCL, Introduction to MySQL database,
understanding tables, records & fields, primary & foreign keys, database constraints,
normalization, Creating Mysql database/tables, working with database and tables, dropping and
backup database, alter field properties,
Insert records, edit & delete records, update records, filtering records, using operators, sort records,
limiting results. Display specific record, display group of records and applying condition.
Introduction to Jscript, loops, objects, events and common Jscript functions, validations.

                                             TITLE OF         PUBLISHERS \           YEAR OF
 S.NO                AUTHOR
                                             THE BOOK           EDITION            PUBLICATION
                 Rasmus Lerdorf,
                                             Programming      O'Reilly Media
    1           Kevin Tatroe, Peter                                                     2013
                                                 PHP            3rd Edition
                                             Learning PHP
                                                              O'Reilly Media
    2              Robin Nixon                MYSQL and                                 2014
                                                                4th Edition
                                               Java Script
    3               Paul Gibbs                 with PHP /             -                 2015
                Timothy Boronczyk,
                                             PHP6, Apache,
    4        Elizabeth Naramore, Jason                             Wrox                 2013
                                              MySQL Web

                                       PHP / MYSQL LAB Questions
1) Print the squares of the numbers 1 - 10. Each number should be on a separate line, next to it the
number 2 superscripted, an equal sign and the result. (Example: 102 = 100)
2) Print two lists with any information you want. One list should be an ordered list, the other list
should be an unordered list. Min 5 items
3) Display an image that when clicked will link to itself and will display the image in the browser
by itself.
1) Write a JavaScript function that accepts a number as a parameter and check the number is prime
or not.
2) Write a JavaScript function to compute the value of bn where n is the exponent and b is the
bases. Accept b and n from the user and display the result.
3) Write a JavaScript program to compute the sum and product of an array of integers.
4) We have the following arrays:
          Color = ["Blue ", "Green", "Red", "Orange", "Violet", "Indigo", "Yellow "];
          o = ["th","st","nd","rd"];
          Write a JavaScript program to display the colors in the following way:
          "1st choice is Blue.” "2nd choice is Green." "3rd choice is Red."
    1. How to Install WAMP server and MySQL server.

    2. How to create a function to perform addition of two numbers in PHP.
3. How to create a function to perform addition of two numbers in PHP.

  4. Write a program to redirect a browser request to another web page

  5. Write a program to display different image each time out of four images

  6. Write a SQL statement to create a table PURCHASE_ORDER including columns
  FIELD NAME                 DATA TYPE                   SIZE              DESCRIPTION
Pur_ord_id               Integer                  5                     Purchase order id
Pur_date                 Date/Time                                      Purchase Date
Prod_name                Varchar                  20                    Product Name
Qty                      Integer                  3                     Quantity
Price                    Float                                          Price
Total                    Float                                          Total amount
       Make sure that the column purchase order id will be unique and store an auto
        incremented value.
       Insert few records of your own from SQL Query.
       Display values in purchase_order table.

     PMP1705         MICRO PROCESSOR
                                                          III        71 4    -        4
                   ( COMMON TO BCA / IT)

              To provide introduction to the principles and practices of digital electronics and
computer system, programming aspects of microprocessor covering both hardware and software
based on the 8085 microprocessor family.
Course Outcomes
On the successful completion of the course, students will be able to
   CO                             CO Statement                            Knowledge Level
             Understand the basic principles of digital electronics and
    CO1                                                                          K1
    CO2      Discussion on the design of Multiplexers and Flip-Flops             K2
             Outline the Microprocessor instruction set and
    CO3                                                                          K2
    CO4      Identify and explain the need for advance micro processors          K3

    CO5      Develop to take up the challenges in building useful
             microprocessor based applications.                                  K3

Mapping with Programme Outcomes
   Cos                    PO1                PO2                PO3                PO4
    CO1                    S                   S                 S                  M
    CO2                    M                  M                  S                  M
    CO3                    M                   S                 S                    S
    CO4                    S                   S                 S                  M
     CO5                  M                    M                S              S
S- Strong; M-Medium; L-Low
UNIT I:                                                                       (15 Hrs)
       Logic Circuits: Gates –AND ,OR,NOT,NAND ,NOR Gates & Truth tables-Boolean
Algebra-Karnaugh maps, Product of Sums method, Sum of product method, Don’t Care condition
–Multiplexers, Demultiplexers-Flip flops: RS ,JK ,D,T-Decoders.

UNIT II:                                                                  (14 Hrs)
      Shift Register, Half adder, Full adder, BCD Adder, Semiconductor memories: ROM,
 RAM, Digital Recording Techniques.

UNIT III:                                                                            (14 Hrs)
       Microprocessor: Microprocessor Instruction set and Computer languages –from large
computer to single-chip micro controllers-microprocessor architecture & its operations –memory-
Input output (I/O) devices.
UNIT IV:                                                                           (14 Hrs)
        The 8085 Programming model: Instruction classification-instruction format-how to write,
assemble and execute a simple program-overview of the 8085 instruction set-programming
techniques: Looping, counting and indexing-additional data transfer and 16 bit arithmetic

UNIT V:                                                                        (14 Hrs)
      The 8259A programmable interrupt controller – Direct memory Access (DMA) and the
8237 DMA controller. Microprocessor Applications-Designing scanned displays-Memory Design.

Text Books

                                  TITLE OF THE            PUBLISHERS \         YEAR OF
  S.NO          AUTHOR
                                        BOOK                EDITION          PUBLICATION
                                    Digital logic &        Prentice hall
     1         Morris Mano         computer design            India,              2008
                                     (UNIT I&II)            1st edition
                                     Architecture             Penram
                                  Programming and          International
     2        RameshGaonkar                                                       2011
                                 applications with the      publishing,
                                         8085               5th edition
                                   (UNIT III,IV,V)

Reference Books
                                        TITLE OF          PUBLISHERS \   YEAR OF
 S.NO             AUTHOR
                                       THE BOOK             EDITION    PUBLICATION
                                                          UBS Publishers
                                                          distributors Pvt
    1       Mohamed Rafiquzzaman      Microcomputer-                              2003
                                       based system           st
                                                             1 edition
                                                          Vikas Publishing
                S.Salivahanan,         Digital Circuits
    2                                                      house Pvt Ltd.,        2009
                S.Arivazhagan           and Design
                                                             3rd Edition

         Chalk and Talk, PPT, Demo, Discussion, Quiz, and Assignment.

Course Designers
      1. Mrs. T.Saranya
      2. Mrs. A.Kavitha
                                                           III          71 4   -         4

        This subject is designed to provide a strong background of computer network concepts, a
good foundation covering the layers of OSI model, introduces issues relating to the designing of
layers, network functionalities into layers.

Course Outcomes
On the successful completion of the course, students will be able to

   CO                               CO Statement                                Knowledge
 Number                                                                           Level
             Understand the data communication system, components and
    CO1                                                                                 K1
             the purpose of layered architecture.
             Be familiar with the functionality of each layer of OSI and
    CO2                                                                                 K2
             TCP/IP reference model.
    CO3      Build up a clear concern on the networking technologies.                   K2
    CO4      Work with internet concepts                                                K3

Mapping with Programme Outcomes
       Cos                PO1               PO2                  PO3               PO4
    CO1                     S                 S                   S                M
    CO2                    M                 M                    S                M
    CO3                    M                  S                   S                 S
    CO4                 S                     S                   S                M
S- Strong; M-Medium; L-Low


UNIT I:                                                                     (15 Hrs)

Introduction - Fundamental concepts - Data communications – Protocols – Standards -Standards
organization-Signal propagation-Analog and Digital signals. ANALOG AND DIGITAL
TRANSMISSION METHODS: Analog signal, analog transmission – digital signal, digital
transmission-digital signal, analog transmission. MODES OF DATA TRANSMISSION AND
MULTIPLEXING: Parallel and serial communication.

UNIT II:                                                      (14 Hrs)
       TRANSMISSION MEDIA: Guided media - Unguided media. Network topologies,
switching and routing algorithms – NETWORK PROTOCOLS AND OSI MODELS: OSI
models - OSI layer functions-queuing theory and M/M/1 queues.

UNIT III:                                                               (14 Hrs)
      LAN, MAN, WAN: LAN-Ethernet-Token ring-Fibre distributed data interface-MAN-
WAN-WAN architecture. Medium access sub layer and ISDN: static and dynamic channel
allocation,-medium access control(MAC) sub layer ,classification and study of MAC sub layer
protocols,collisions-ISDN and its back ground-ISDN architecture-ISDN interface. FRAME
RELAY: How frame relay works-Congestion control.

UNIT IV:                                                                            (14 Hrs)
       INTERNET WORKING CONCEPTS: why internet working? Problems in internet
working-dealing with in compatability issues-virtual network-internet working devices-Repeaters-
Bridges-Routers-Gateways.TCP/IP PART 1: TCP/IP basics-Why IP address? TCP/IP PART 2:
Features of TCP-Connections: Passive open and active open-UDP-UDP packet-Difference
between UDP and TCP.

UNIT V:                                                                     (14 Hrs)
        TCP/IP PART 3: Domain name system-E-mail-File transfer protocol-TCP/IP PART 4:
Basics of WWW and browsing- Hypertext mark-up language-Web browser architecture-Remote
login (TELNET)-Static, Dynamic and active web pages. WIRELESS COMMUNICATION:
infrared communication-bluetooth.

Text Book

                                         TITLE OF        PUBLISHERS \        YEAR OF
    S.NO            AUTHOR
                                        THE BOOK           EDITION         PUBLICATION
                                            Data          Tata McGraw-
                Achyut S.Godbole,
      1                                Communication     Hill Publishing ,     2011
                   Atul kahate                                nd
                                       s and Networks       2 edition
Reference Books

                                        TITLE OF         PUBLISHERS \     YEAR OF
    S.NO            AUTHOR
                                        THE BOOK           EDITION      PUBLICATION
                                          Computer         Education
      1       Andrew S Tanenbaum                                            2011
                                          Networks        Publications,
                                                           4th Edition
                                                          Jaico Publishing
      2            C.R.Sharma                                  house,              2005
                                          Networks            st
                                                             1 edition

      PPT, Black board, Discussion, Self-questioning by students, Group discussion, Quiz

Course Designers
      1. Mrs. T. S. Anushya Devi
      2. Mrs. G. Sangeetha
     AP17C09          JAVA PROGRAMMING
                                                             III         71 4    -         4

 To impart the fundamental programming concepts of core java and gain exposure about
   inheritance, packages & collection interfaces.
 To analyse and implement exception handling & multithreading concepts in java.

Course Outcomes
On the successful completion of the course, students will be able to

   CO                                  CO Statement                                  Knowledge
 Number                                                                                Level
              Recognize design of java class & solve basic design problems using
     CO1                                                                                   K1
              object oriented concepts
     CO2      Execute inheritance codes.                                                   K2
              Write java application programs using packages & collection
     CO3                                                                                   K2
     CO4      Implement the robust & multitasking application using exception
              handling concepts.

Mapping with Programme Outcomes
        Cos                 PO1                PO2                 PO3               PO4
     CO1                      S                  S                  S                  S
     CO2                      S                 M                  M                   S
     CO3                      S                  S                 M                   S
     CO4                      S                  S                  S                  S
S- Strong; M-Medium; L-Low

UNIT I:                                                                        (14 Hrs)
       Fundamentals of Object-Oriented Programming: Object-Oriented Paradigm – Basic
Concepts of Object-Oriented Programming – Benefits of Object-Oriented Programming –
Application of Object-Oriented Programming.
       Java Evolution: History – Features. Overview of Java: simple Java program –Structure
– Java Tokens – Java Virtual Machine.

UNIT II:                                                                               (14 Hrs)
       Constants, Variables, Data Types - Operators and Expressions – Decision Making and
Branching: if, if...Else, nested if, switch, ?:operator - Decision Making and Looping: while, do, for
–Labelled loops. Classes, Objects and Methods.

UNIT III:                                                                          (14     Hrs)
       Arrays, Strings – Interfaces: Multiple Inheritance – Packages: Putting Classes together –
Multithreaded Programming.
UNIT IV:                                                                    (14 Hrs)
      Managing Errors and Exceptions – Applet Programming: Introduction-How Applet differ
from Applications –preparing to write Applets – Building Applet code.

UNIT V:                                                                            (15 Hrs)
       Graphics Programming: Managing Input/output Files in Java: Concepts of Streams-
Stream Classes – Byte Stream classes – Character stream classes – Using streams – I/O Classes –
File Class – I/O exceptions –Creation of files – Reading / Writing characters, Byte-Handling
Primitive data Types – Random Access Files.

Text Book

     S.NO          AUTHOR             TITLE OF THE         PUBLISHERS          YEAR OF
                                          BOOK              \ EDITION        PUBLICATION
       1        E. Balagurusamy       WITH JAVA – A                                2015
                                                             5th Edition

Reference Books

       S.NO            AUTHOR           TITLE OF          PUBLISHERS \   YEAR OF
                                        THE BOOK            EDITION    PUBLICATION
                                        The complete
           1          Naughton &                          TMH 5th edition          2011
                                       reference java 2
                     Hebert Schildt
           2        John R.Hubbard                        TMH, 2nd edition           -
                                          with java


   Lecture, Discussion, Quiz, Demonstrate, PPT

Course Designer

       1. Mrs. S. Mohanapriya
                     PROGRAMMING LAB                      III   - - 60  3

    To know how to solve basic design problems using object oriented concepts.
    To provide the hands on experience on Java Programming and improve the practical skill
    The learner will be able to develop the logic for the given problem, recognize and
     understand the syntax and construction JAVA code.

Course Outcomes
On the successful completion of the course, students will be able to
    CO                                                                                 Knowledge
                                         CO Statement
 Number                                                                                  Level
             Identify the logic for the given problem, recognize and understand
    CO1                                                                                   K1
             the syntax and construction JAVA code.
    CO2      Understand and design the classes using string functions & methods.          K2
             Develop java application programs using packages & collection
    CO3                                                                                   K3
    CO4      Implementing the concepts of Bio sequence to store and read the
Mapping with Programme Outcomes
         Cos                PO1              PO2              PO3              PO4
      CO1                       S               S              M                   S
      CO2                       S               S              M                   S
      CO3                       S               S              S                   S
      CO4                  S        M                          M                   M
         S- Strong; M-Medium; L-Low
              Implementing Classes & Objects.

              Implementing String Functions.

              Implementing Interface Methods.

              Implementing Thread Methods.

              Implementing Packages.

              Design Applet.

              Implementing Graphic Class Methods.
   To store a Protein sequence.

              To store a DNA sequence.

              To Load sequence from a remote server.

              Reading Protein sequence from Files.

              System, White board
Course Designers
      1. Mrs. S.Mohanapriya
      2. Ms. K.Sathiya
                       SYSTEM                               III   86 4 -  5

    To inculcate knowledge on managing different information systems.
    To select and design MIS systems appropriate to meet management requirements.

Course Outcomes

On the successful completion of the course, students will be able to

   CO                                 CO Statement                                Knowledge
 Number                                                                             Level
             Tell about the basic concepts and Roles of Management
   CO1                                                                               K1
             Information Systems
             Describe the development of Business strategies, E-Business
   CO2                                                                               K2
             Discuss about the Decision Making concepts and Knowledge
   CO3                                                                               K2
             Management in MIS
   CO4       Examine the applications in Manufacturing Sector and Service
             sector in Industry.
   CO5       Illustrate the Enterprise Management System and Information
             Systems processing.

Mapping with Programme Outcomes

       Cos               PO1               PO2               P03            P04
    CO1                    M                 S                M              S
    CO2                    S                 S                M              M
    CO3                    M                 S                S              M
    CO4                    S                M                 M              S
    CO5                    S                 S                S              S
        S- Strong; M-Medium; L-Low
UNIT I                                                                           (18 Hrs)
        Introduction to MIS: MIS concept – Definition – Role of MIS – Impact of MIS – MIS and
the User – Management as a Control system – MIS: a support to Management – Management
Effectiveness and MIS – Organization as a system – Organisational Behaviour. Process
Management: Planning – Organising – Staffing – Coordinating – Directing and – Controlling.

UNIT II                                                                           (17Hrs)
       Strategic Management of Business Performance: Essentiality of Strategic Planning – Tools
of Planning – Strategic Management of Business Performance – What is Strategy? – Class and
Types of Strategies. Electronic Business Technology: Introduction to E-Business – Models of E-
Business- Electronic Payment System – Security in E-Business – MIS and E-Business. A tool for
business management: Internet and Web Process Management – strategic Management under Web
– Web Enabled Business Management – Application system Architecture in Web – MIS in Web

UNIT III                                                                          (17 Hrs)
       Decision Making: Decision-making concepts – Decision-making process– Behavioural
Concepts in Decision-making – Organizational Decision-making – MIS and Decision-making –
Decision Methods Tools and Procedures. Information and Knowledge: Information Concepts –
Information: a quality product – Classification of Information – Methods of data and Information
Collection – Value of Information – General Model of a Human as an Information Processor.
Choice of Information Technology: Nature of IT decision – Strategic Decision – Configuration
Design – Evaluation.

UNIT IV                                                                          (17 Hrs)
       Applications in Manufacturing Sector: Personnel, Financial, Production, Raw Material and
Marketing Managements. Applications in Service Sector: Introduction to Service Sector –
Creating a Distinctive Service MIS Application in Service Industry – MIS: Service Industry.

UNIT V                                                                       (17Hrs)
        Management of Global Enterprise: Enterprise Management Systems – ERP system – ERP
Model and Modules –Benefits of ERP –ERP Product Evolution - ERP Implementation – EMS
and MIS. Technology of Information Systems: Introduction – Data Processing – Transaction
Processing – Application Processing – Information System processing – Human Factors and User
Interface - Real Time Systems and Good Design.
Text Book

 S.NO        AUTHORS                    TITLE             PUBLISHERS          YEAR OF
   1.    Waman S Jawadekar           Management           Tata    McGraw 5th Edition, 2013
                                 Information Systems      Hill Publications
                                    Text and Cases
Reference Books

                                                                                YEAR OF
 S.NO        AUTHORS                    TITLE                 PUBLISHERS
   1      James A O’Brien      Management Information       Tata McGraw Hill,     2014
          & George M                 Systems                   10 Edition
   2.     Kenneth C            Management Information        PHI 12th Edition,         2011
          Laudon& Jane          Systems managing the          ISBN-13: 978-
          p.Laudon                   digital firm              0132142854.

   3      MahadeoJaiswal&      Management Information            Oxford                2004
          Monika Mital               Systems                 University Press
                                                               4th Edition
        Chalk & Talk, PowerPoint, Discussion, Assignment.

Course Designer
      1. Ms. K.Sathiya
SEMESTER           : III & IV


CREDITS             : 2

                                                           PRACTICAL HOURS: 45


       To perform statistical operations and generate R data Analysis reports.

   1. R Program for Vector operations.
   2. Create an R- list.
   3. Implement matrices addition, subtraction and Multiplication.
   4. Create a Data frame.
   5. Create a factor object.
   6. Import data, copy data from CSV file to R.
   7. Create an R program for Mean median and mode.
   8. Draw Bar charts and Pie charts in R.
   9. Make visual representations of data for plotting functions in R.
   10. Create an R program for Regression Model.


*During Semester III Program 1 to program 6

**During Semester IV Program 7 to program 10
SEMESTER              : III & IV



CREDITS              : 2                                            PRACTICAL HOURS: 45


       To apply and develop the UML diagrams for applications

Choose any one of the projects given below and do the exercises program for the project.

[Student Marks Management System, Library Management System, Employee Management
System, Hostel Management System]

1. Write the complete problem statement

2. Write the software requirement specification document

3. Draw the entity relationship diagram

4. Draw the data flow diagrams at level 0 and level 1

5. Draw use case diagram

6. Draw activity diagram of all use cases.

7. Draw state chart diagram of all use cases

8. Draw sequence diagram of all use cases

9. Draw collaboration diagram of all use cases

10. Assign objects in sequence diagram to classes and make class diagram.


* During Semester III, Program 1-6

** During Semester IV, Program 7-10
  AP17C10            .NET PROGRAMMING
                                                            III   71 4 -  4

    The course is designed for the beginners as a guide to develop applications using VB.Net
     and ASP.Net
    This course is developed to provide the understanding of Dot Net framework, VB.Net,
     ASP.Net and XML.
    This course is designed to develop the programming skills to create Windows and Web
     based Application using VB.Net and ASP.Net respectively.

Course Outcomes
On the successful completion of the course, students will be able to
    CO                               CO Statement                             Knowledge
 Number                                                                         Level
    CO1.     Impart knowledge in fundamental concepts of .Net                       K1
    CO2.     Use .NET components in a windows and web application.                  K2
    CO3.     Implement the concepts of Operators, Conditional Logics etc.,
    CO4.     Inculcate ability in creativity & design of computer support
             systems and skills for analyze various software applications

Mapping with Programme Outcomes
       COs             PO1              PO2                  PO3              PO4
      CO1.              S               M                     M                S
      CO2.              S                 M                   M                M
      CO3.              S                 S                   M                 S
      CO4.              S             M                       S                 S
               S- Strong; M-Medium; L-Low
UNIT I:                                                                           (14 Hrs)
       Introduction to .Net: .Net Framework – Visual Basic .Net – Creating windows forms
applications – creating a web forms application – Data types and variables – Operators –
Conditional Logic.
UNIT II:                                                                          (15 Hrs)
        Procedures – Dialog Boxes – Dictionary Object – Namespaces – Visual Basic .Net IDE –
Controls – Specific controls.
UNIT III:                                                                         (14 Hrs)
       Data Access: Introduction to Data Access in .Net – Overview of ADO.Net - ADO .Net -
Visual Studio .Net Database Tools.
UNIT IV:                                                                          (14 Hrs)
       Introduction to XML in .Net - Introduction to Web Development - Introduction to ASP.Net
– Page framework.
UNIT V:                                                                           (14 Hrs)
       Web Controls – Validation Control – Events – Cascading Style sheets – ASP.Net
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