Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS) Service Evolution Strategy: R&D priorities - Version 4 November 2018 Document prepared by ...

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Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS) Service Evolution Strategy: R&D priorities - Version 4 November 2018 Document prepared by ...
Copernicus Marine
  Environment Monitoring
  Service (CMEMS) Service
     Evolution Strategy:
       R&D priorities
                 Version 4
               November 2018

Document prepared by the CMEMS Scientific and
   Technical Advisory Committee (STAC) and
    reviewed/endorsed by Mercator Ocean
Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS) Service Evolution Strategy: R&D priorities - Version 4 November 2018 Document prepared by ...
Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS) Service Evolution Strategy: R&D priorities - Version 4 November 2018 Document prepared by ...
CMEMS SERVICE EVOLUTION STRATEGY: R&D PRIORITIES               June 2017                                                                                0   0

                                                       Table of content
         1      Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 1
         2      Scientific and technical backbone of CMEMS ................................................................... 3
         3      Key drivers of the Service Evolution and related R&D priorities ....................................... 4
         4      R&D areas and required developments ............................................................................ 7
             4.1 Circulation models for the global ocean, regional and shelf seas ................................... 7
             4.2 Sub-mesoscale - mesoscale interactions and processes ................................................. 8
             4.3 Coupled ocean-marine weather information, surface currents and waves .................. 10
             4.4 New generation of sea-ice modelling ............................................................................ 11
             4.5 modelling and data assimilation for marine ecosystems and biogeochemistry ........... 12
             4.6 Seamless interactions between CMEMS and coastal systems ...................................... 13
             4.7 Coupled ocean-atmosphere models with assimilative capability ................................. 15
             4.8 Ocean climate products, indicators and scenarios ........................................................ 16
             4.9 Observation technologies and methodologies.............................................................. 17
             4.10 Observing systems: impact studies and optimal design.............................................. 19
             4.11 Advanced assimilation for large-dimensional systems................................................ 20
             4.12 High-level data products and big data processing ...................................................... 21
         5      The service evolution roadmap for 2021 and beyond .................................................... 23
             5.1 The targeted CMEMS service in and after 2021 ............................................................ 23
             5.2 Tier-3 R&D marine projects of interest to CMEMS ....................................................... 25
             5.3 Tier-2 R&D marine projects selected by CMEMS .......................................................... 27
             5.4 Service evolution roadmap and milestones until 2021 ................................................. 29
         6      Appendices ...................................................................................................................... 30
             6.1 Service Evolution Strategic documents ......................................................................... 30
             6.2 CMEMS Service Evolution call 21-SE-CALL1 projects .................................................... 30
             6.3 CMEMS Service Evolution call 66-SE-CALL2 projects .................................................... 38
             6.4 CMEMS Service Evolution: R&D calls for Global MFC ................................................... 40
             6.5 Report from the Copernicus Coastal Workshop ............................................................ 40
                6.5.1 Context and workshop objectives .......................................................................... 41
                6.5.2 Main outcomes and recommendations ................................................................. 41
CMEMS SERVICE EVOLUTION STRATEGY: R&D PRIORITIES    June 2017                                                      1   1

         The Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS) provides regular and
         systematic reference information on the physical state, variability and dynamics of the ocean
         and marine ecosystems for the global ocean and the European regional seas. This capacity
         encompasses the description of the current ocean situation, the variability at different
         spatial and temporal scales, the prediction of the ocean state a few days to weeks ahead
         (forecast), and the provision of consistent retrospective data records for recent decades
         (reprocessed observations and re-analyses). CMEMS provides a sustainable response to
         European user needs in four areas of benefits: (i) maritime safety, (ii) marine resources, (iii)
         coastal and marine environment, (iv) weather, seasonal forecast and climate. A major
         objective of the CMEMS is to deliver and maintain a competitive and state-of-the-art
         European service responding to public and private intermediate user needs, and thus
         involving explicitly and transparently users in the service delivery definition.
         A Delegation Agreement1 has been signed between the European Commission and Mercator
         Ocean for the CMEMS implementation during the 2015-2021 period. It mandates the
         development and maintenance of a Service Evolution Strategy2 (see also section 6.1) in order
         to respond to new needs and take advantage of improved methodologies. This strategy is
         the mechanism by which lessons and knowledge derived during the past, as well as new
         research results, are used to guide change and/or a potential service upgrade in the
         subsequent phases.
         The Service Evolution Strategy is maintained on the basis of direct feedbacks from users,
         scientific and technical gaps analysis of emerging and existing user requirements, and the
         potential to improve the Core Service elements. At the same time, the Service Evolution
         Strategy identifies research needs that can guide external (e.g. H2020) and internal (CMEMS)
         R&D priorities. Consistent updates of the Service Evolution Strategy and its R&D priorities
         are made on an annual basis.
         This document is the third update of the R&D roadmap which identifies the essential Science
         and Technological developments needed for the evolution of CMEMS during the 2015-2021
         period. Different categories of activities are conducted, with different time horizons, players
         and objectives:

CMEMS SERVICE EVOLUTION STRATEGY: R&D PRIORITIES   June 2017                                              2   2

            •     long-term objectives (Tier-3, beyond 2 years up to ~10 years), corresponding to the
                  long-term evolution of the CMEMS framework;
            •     mid-term objectives (Tier-2, 1 – 2-year cycle) addressed by dedicated R&D project
                  teams, for implementing and assessing major scientific upgrades of the service during
                  Phase-I (2015-2018) and mostly Phase-II (2018-2021) (see technical annex of the
                  Delegation Agreement);
            •     short-term objectives (Tier-1, several months to 1 year cycle) with activities for
                  addressing issues requiring fast responses for rapid implementation within the
                  existing phases of CMEMS.
         Long-term R&D activities, although implemented in a different framework, are as crucial as
         short and mid-term activities for the sustainable evolution of the Service. The short and mid-
         term activities are addressed both through internal CMEMS activities and open R&D calls,
         while long-term activities are promoted in the framework of external projects (e.g. Horizon
         2020 or other European and national R&D programmes).
CMEMS SERVICE EVOLUTION STRATEGY: R&D PRIORITIES   June 2017                                              3   3

                                 SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL
                                   BACKBONE OF CMEMS
         The backbone of the CMEMS relies on an architecture of production centres both for
         observations (Thematic Assembly Centres – TACs) and modelling/assimilation (Monitoring
         and Forecasting Centres – MFCs) and a Central Information System (CIS). The CMEMS
         architecture for the phase 2 (2018-2021) consists of:

             •    Eight Thematic Assembly Centres (TACs), including six “space” TACs organized by
                  ocean variables (sea surface topography, ocean colour, sea surface temperature, sea
                  ice, waves, and winds), one TAC for in situ observations, and one TAC for multi-
                  observations (combining both in situ and satellite observation). TACs gather
                  observational data and generate elaborated products, e.g. multi-sensor data
                  products, derived from these observations. TACs are fed by operators of space and in
                  situ observation platforms and infrastructures; the detailed operational requirements
                  for space and in situ observation data were initially specified in the Marine Core
                  Service Strategic Implementation Plan (Ryder, 2007 “GMES Fast Track Marine Core
                  Service, Strategic Implementation Plan, Final version 24/04/2017”).
             •    Seven Monitoring and Forecasting Centres (MFCs), distributed according to the
                  marine area covered (Figure 1, including Global Ocean, Arctic Ocean, Baltic Sea,
                  North Atlantic West Shelf, North Atlantic Iberia-Biscay-Ireland area, Mediterranean
                  Sea and Black Sea). MFCs generate model-based products on the ocean physical and
                  biogeochemical states, including forecasts, analyses and reanalyses.
             •    A Central Information System (CIS), encompassing the management and
                  organization of the CMEMS information and products, as well as a unique User

                                                               Figure 1. Regions covered by CMEMS.
CMEMS SERVICE EVOLUTION STRATEGY: R&D PRIORITIES   June 2017                                                  4   4

                             KEY DRIVERS OF THE SERVICE
                            EVOLUTION AND RELATED R&D
         The guidelines to identify the R&D activities to be organized within Copernicus or in
         coordination with the service are motivated by several key drivers:

             •    Requirements from core users in the four main areas of benefit as recalled in the
                  Introduction, accounting for both existing needs and needs likely to emerge in the
             •    Requirements from the CMEMS production centres based, in particular, on their 3-6
                  years R&D plans, considering the limitations in the daily service due to knowledge or
                  technological gaps identified to elaborate the products;
             •    Requirements motivated by the development of Copernicus downstream services;
             •    Requirements from European and international programmes dealing with Earth
                  observations, operational oceanography and Copernicus; notably GODAE OceanView,
                  the Copernicus Integrated Ground Segment (IGS) and GEOSS (Global Earth
                  Observation System of Systems);
             •    Outcomes of EU projects implemented under the Space theme (R&D to enhance
                  future GMES applications in the Marine and Atmosphere areas), such as MyWave,
                  OSS2015, E-AIMS, OPEC and SANGOMA or under FP7 and H2020 projects (e.g.
                  JERICO, PERSEUS, AtlantOS).
         Additional drivers that reflect a more strategic view for the service evolution are also taken
         into account, such as:

             •    EU directives implemented to regulate activities in the Marine sector (e.g., Marine
                  Strategy Framework Directive, Maritime Spatial Planning);
             •    New scientific and technological opportunities in the next 5-10 years, regarding both
                  satellite (e.g. the Sentinels suites) and in situ observations (e.g. plans for the global
                  BGC-Argo extension), modelling and assimilation capabilities, new communication
                  and data processing technologies, etc.
             •    The need to maintain competitiveness w.r.t. international players in operational
                  oceanography, as keeping a high-level know-how and innovation capacity will be
                  strategic to attract new users;
             •    Forthcoming activities involving Copernicus developments in the framework of other
                  European (e.g. EMODnet, EuroGOOS, EOOS) and global initiatives or programmes
CMEMS SERVICE EVOLUTION STRATEGY: R&D PRIORITIES   June 2017                                                  5   5

                     (e.g. the Global Ocean Observing System in the context of GEOSS, GEO Blue Planet,
                     GODAE OceanView);
                 •   The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) defined as part of the UNEP 2030 Agenda
                     (especially SDG 14 - Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine
                     resources for sustainable development);
                 •   Outcomes of the 21st Conference of the Parties (COP21) to the UNFCCC (United
                     Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) including the need for a global
                     stocktake to support emission agreements.
         The constant dialogue with user communities as outlined above helped in identifying
         overarching themes for the Service Evolution, focusing on:
            i.          A better description of ocean biogeochemical and ecosystem parameters in
                        particular to support reporting on marine environmental status in the regional
                        European seas, as required by the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD);
           ii.          The production of consistent ocean and wave information/products resulting
                        from the coupling between the ocean state, the atmosphere, surface wave
                        dynamics and other air-sea interface processes;
          iii.          A better interface between the CMEMS and coastal monitoring services
                        operated by Member States or private groups: this will require an improved
                        processing of satellite and in situ observations in the coastal zone as well as the
                        provision of suitable connectivity and boundary conditions between the Marine
                        Service and the national coastal systems;
          iv.           A better monitoring and description of the ocean state and its variability,
                        requiring the preparation and release of annual Ocean State Reports describing
                        the state of the global ocean and the European regional seas, in particular for
                        supporting the Member States in their assessment obligation;
           v.           A better assessment of the quality of CMEMS products, which requires
                        continuous upgrade of observation infrastructures and improved data
                        information and access services.
         Moreover, it is identified that one overarching driver for service evolution remains a
         continuous enhancement of modelling, data assimilation and forcing techniques at both
         the air-sea interface and lateral boundaries (coasts, open boundaries), in order to exploit
         the considerable investment in recent and upcoming observation technologies (e.g. SAR,
         SARin, SWOT, CFOSAT) and observation infrastructures.
         These priorities provide guidelines to the short, medium and longer term developments
         outlined in section 4 below. The proposed R&D roadmap was established following an
         analysis of R&D priorities by the CMEMS Scientific and Technical advisory committee (STAC)
         set up to assist Mercator-Ocean for the CMEMS implementation.
         This version (V4) released in November 2018 provides an update of R&D priorities and
         develops the Service Evolution roadmap and plans for the coming years. It takes into
         account, in particular, revised 3-year and 6-year evolution plans from the CMEMS TACs and
CMEMS SERVICE EVOLUTION STRATEGY: R&D PRIORITIES   June 2017                                             6   6

         MFCs, past and on-going H2020 Copernicus projects (service evolution, downstream)
         referred to in section 5, outcomes of the first call for tenders for CMEMS Service Evolution
         (section 6), and a presentation of projects selected in the second call for tenders for CMEMS
         Service Evolution (section 6).
CMEMS SERVICE EVOLUTION STRATEGY: R&D PRIORITIES   June 2017                                               7   7

                                 R&D AREAS AND REQUIRED
         In this section, the 12 R&D areas required to support the service evolution guided by user
         needs are described. The required developments are categorized in terms of time horizons
         (short- to mid-term, and long-term) and expected objectives. The developments with short-
         to mid-term objectives refer to R&D activities that are expected to deliver significant results
         in less than 2 years, while longer-term activities are thought to need more than 2 years to
         bear results that will impact the service. The sections addressing R&D priorities of the 4
         over-arching themes that emerged from the strategic analysis made by the STAC are
         organized as follows: ocean circulation modelling, mesoscale and other interactions, ocean-
         wave and ocean-ice coupling (sections 4.1 to 4.4), biogeochemistry and ecosystems in the
         marine environment (section 4.5), interactions with the coastal ocean (section 4.6) and
         ocean-atmosphere coupling, reanalysis and indicators, and climate change (sections 4.7 and
         4.8). Finally, sections 4.9 to 4.12 correspond to cross-cutting activities and methodologies
         that will benefit the 4 overarching themes.

         Expected evolutions
         To support Copernicus marine users and decision-makers there will be an increasing demand
         for model information on fine spatial scales, higher frequencies and with a more complete
         representation of dynamical processes of the turbulent ocean. This is relevant to all areas
         from the open ocean where the dynamics are significantly impacted by mesoscale eddies, to
         transition areas connecting coastal and shelf seas and to critical regions (e.g. straits,
         boundary layers) requiring high topographic resolution. Numerical models will be needed
         with increased resolutions to represent the dynamics captured by existing and future Earth
         Observation platforms (e.g. high-resolution wide-swath altimetry, geostationary sensors,
         direct estimations of surface currents, high resolution sea surface temperature (SST), etc.)
         and consistent with improved estimates of fluxes of freshwater and suspended matter at the
         Required developments with short- to mid-term objectives

             •    Development of advanced physical parameterizations, numerical schemes and
                  alternative grids to improve the performance of ocean models resolving the
                  mesoscale and smaller scales;
CMEMS SERVICE EVOLUTION STRATEGY: R&D PRIORITIES   June 2017                                                  8   8

             •    Adaptation of multi-scale and seamless downscaling/nesting capabilities to achieve
                  kilometric to sub-kilometric resolution over specific areas;
             •    Better resolution of surface currents (0-20 m depth) and higher-frequency processes
                  (e.g. tides) including their effects (e.g. rectification) and associated uncertainties on
                  the circulation and on the transport of tracers;
             •    Adaptation of forcing methods with consistent physical parameterizations that
                  benefit the fine scales (fronts, filaments) of surface ocean patterns;
             •    Improved capability in 3D storm surge forecasting for global and regional models, in
                  particular new strategies to incorporate atmospheric surface pressure data, tidal
                  forcing and coupled ocean-wave-atmosphere effects;
             •    New strategies and algorithms to solve the model equations efficiently on next
                  generation computing systems: this should result in code performance improvements
                  on most intensive HPC applications, which is crucial to sustain operational
             •    Development of empirical or other atmospheric modelling techniques to improve the
                  spatial and temporal resolution of atmospheric forcing.
         Required developments with longer-term objectives

             •    Modelling issues related to multi-scale and multi-physics and in particular model
                  nesting and unstructured grids;
             •    Development of non-hydrostatic ocean models to represent the full evolution of fine-
                  scale oceanic structures in the three spatial dimensions;
             •    Understanding of fine scale processes to guide the development of global ocean
                  analyses and forecasts at increased resolution and complexity (e.g. including
                  representations of tidal physics, mixing and wave-current interactions).

         Expected evolutions
         Our knowledge on the relationships between the physical, chemical and biological processes
         in the upper ocean is continuously improving. This is essential for understanding and
         predicting how the ocean and the marine ecosystems respond to ocean dynamics and
         changes in atmospheric forcing. Advection, mixing and enhanced vertical velocities
         associated with mesoscale and sub-mesoscale oceanic features such as fronts, meanders,
         eddies and filaments are of fundamental importance for the exchanges of heat, fresh water
         and for biogeochemical tracers between the surface and the ocean interior, but also for
         exchanges between the open oceans and shelf seas, and between the pelagic ocean and the
         The challenges associated with mesoscale (20-300 km, Rossby numbers < 1, and time scales
         from weeks to a few months) and sub-mesoscale variability (between 1-20 km, Rossby and
         Richardson numbers O(1), and time scales from minutes to a few days) require high-
CMEMS SERVICE EVOLUTION STRATEGY: R&D PRIORITIES   June 2017                                               9   9

         resolution observations (both in situ and satellite) and multi-sensor approaches. Accordingly,
         multi-platform synoptic experiments have to be designed in areas characterized by intense
         density gradients and strong mesoscale activity to monitor and establish the vertical
         exchanges associated with mesoscale and sub-mesoscale structures and their contribution
         to upper-ocean interior exchanges. In situ systems, including ships, profilers and drifters
         should be coordinated with satellite data to provide a full description of the physical and
         biogeochemical variability and will be combined with resolution numerical simulations.
         Focus should be made on a range of scales (15-100 km) traditionally not resolved by
         conventional altimeters but in which the wide swath altimeter SWOT will make an
         unprecedented contribution. At the same time, the realistic representation of the
         generation and evolution of such processes in numerical ocean models remains very
         challenging due to the chaotic nature of the oceanic flow, making direct model-data
         comparisons at the smallest scales problematic.
         Required developments with short- to mid-term objectives

             •    Predictability studies to assess the feasibility of developing open ocean and
                  coastal/regional seas’ forecasts with lead-time of a few days to weeks, together with
                  assessment of likely prediction skill;
             •    Methods to assess the relative impact of sub-mesoscales and internal waves on sea
                  surface height and in situ observations;
             •    Methods to account for turbulence-submesoscale interactions into numerical
                  models, topographic interactions at small scales, mixing induced by internal waves
                  and other interacting processes between internal waves and submesoscale eddies;
             •    Development of new metrics adapted to the increased resolution in both
                  observations/products and models.
         Required developments with longer-term objectives

             •    Synthesis from multidisciplinary field experiments and numerical studies to assess (i)
                  systematic error in ocean models induced by sub-mesoscale dynamics, (ii) impact of
                  vertical exchanges associated with mesoscale and sub-mesoscale structures, and (iii)
                  operational products in specific areas;
             •    Process studies focused on physical-biological interactions at sub-mesoscale,
                  implications for biogeochemistry, productivity, export, ecosystem structure and
             •    Improved understanding of vertical exchanges associated with oceanic mesoscale
                  and sub-mesoscale features (e.g. fronts, meanders, eddies and filaments) through
                  the combined use of in situ, satellite data and numerical models;
             •    Assess the impact of solving the ocean dynamics at kilometric scales on the role of
                  ocean on climate (e.g. vertical exchange of heat and carbon, representation of
CMEMS SERVICE EVOLUTION STRATEGY: R&D PRIORITIES   June 2017                                             10   10

         AND WAVES
         Expected evolutions
         The most important ocean weather parameters delivered by CMEMS are ocean currents,
         temperature (in particular in the near-surface layer of the ocean), sea ice, sea level, waves
         and surface winds. For several marine and coastal applications, information on surface
         parameters, including total and non-tidal currents and waves, is highly important. One
         example is the off-shore industry, where information on wave height and period are
         fundamental in the decision making (e.g. when ocean platforms need to be evacuated during
         violent storms). Everyday activities along the coasts heavily depend on wave information.
         Information on surface waves is also an essential input to the risk analysis in storm flood
         Waves are a bridge between the ocean and the atmosphere. Therefore, surface fluxes and
         winds used to drive the wave and ocean circulation should be consistent. The quality of
         wave forecasts and analyses is strongly linked with the quality of the wind forcing. Waves
         are also an important mixing agent with an active role in erosion and resuspension
         In 2012, the EU funded project MyWave was established to lay the foundation for a future
         Service that also includes ocean waves. Additional efforts funded under the 1st CMEMS SE
         call are underway to support the production of more consistent ocean-marine weather
         information, including information on surface waves. However, the two-way coupling
         between ocean and wave processes has to be further developed and improved.
         Required developments with short- to mid-term objectives

             •    Improved methods for analysing and predicting upper ocean currents;
             •    Improved processing methods to retrieve wave and surface currents (total and non-
                  tidal) information from the relevant satellite data, such as wave height based on
                  altimeters (e.g. Sentinel 3) and wave information from SAR (e.g. Sentinel 1) and
             •    Improved processing methods to retrieve wave information (including integrated
                  parameters such as significant wave height) from in situ platforms (buoys, moorings,
                  HF radars, etc);
             •    Developments to implement fully coupled ocean-wave models in which both
                  components will exchange information at high frequency, and development of
                  coupling parameterizations (bulk parameterizations for instance), both in the open
                  ocean and near the shoreline;
             •    Investigations of wave model error dependencies on swell parameters (usually
                  source of the largest errors) and improved parameterizations;
             •    Improved wave modelling near the ice edge and in ice-infested waters.
CMEMS SERVICE EVOLUTION STRATEGY: R&D PRIORITIES   June 2017                                               11   11

         Required developments with longer-term objectives

             •    Improved modelling of extreme and rogue waves ;
             •    Implementation of advanced techniques to assimilate data into fully coupled ocean-
                  wave-atmosphere model systems;
             •    Improved characterisation of the uncertainties in coupled ocean-wave analyses and

         Expected evolutions
         There is evidence of a number of shortcomings in modelling the coupled ocean-sea-ice-
         atmosphere system at high latitudes that continue to limit the quality of operational
         products delivered to users (both real-time as well as reanalyses). The 10 km to 100 km wide
         Marginal Ice Zone where ocean waves and sea ice processes are coupled is expected to
         widen in a warmer Arctic, but is still not well represented, neither in data nor in operational
         models. Additionally, products for fisheries (having a very strong economic value) depend on
         several qualities of both physical models (mixing, horizontal and vertical advection of larvae)
         and primary and secondary production models.
         Some shortcomings are inherent to the traditional viscous-plastic sea-ice rheology (and
         elastic-viscous-plastic as well) used in the current sea-ice models, deformations of sea ice
         being not correctly represented and in turn the velocity of sea ice drift being also incorrect.
         The ability to assimilate sea ice drift is also impaired by such model biases. In addition, the
         inclusion of more non-linear, chaotic processes are expected to become increasingly
         challenging for assimilation methods, in a context where more observations will be delivered
         from space, especially through the Sentinel suite.
         Required developments with short- to mid-term objectives

             •    New methods designed to assimilate satellite sea ice observations, such as the type
                  and thickness of sea ice and more detailed information available from SAR imagery,
                  together with impact assessments;
             •    Sea-ice models based on a more realistic rheology (for instance rheological models
                  based on solid mechanics rather than fluid mechanics and their inclusion into
                  operational models);
             •    Improved coupling between ocean waves and sea-ice processes;
             •    Improved physical modelling of mixing below sea ice;
             •    Improved sea ice thermodynamics that will include effects of surface melt ponds;
             •    Coupling with snow models to account for ageing of snow and blowing snow;
             •    Development of a new generation of sub-kilometer scale dynamic sea ice models
                  able to resolve ice floes.
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         Required developments with longer-term objectives

             •    Representation of biological cycles in sea ice, including optical properties of sea ice
                  and vertical migration of nutrients in sea ice;
             •    Specific development for modelling of the Marginal Ice Zone, taking into account the
                  heterogeneity in sea ice coverage and coupling effects with ocean and atmosphere
                  and waves at fine scales;
             •    Developments on sea-ice models and data assimilation targeted to initialize coupled
                  ocean-atmosphere and sea-ice forecasts for a wide range of time scales.

         Expected evolutions
         Users of the future CMEMS will benefit from the gradual improvement of models and tools
         to monitor the biogeochemical state of the ocean and marine ecosystems in ocean basins
         and marginal seas, using model-data integration and assimilation methodologies. This will
         require very significant strengthening of the observation system of the “green” ocean
         component at a range of scales, including in regional and coastal seas. In addition to the
         Sentinel suite, the potential of future satellite sensors (e.g. imagers from geostationary
         satellites) should induce a breakthrough in the monitoring of coastal areas and the land-
         ocean interface. Moreover, monitoring the concentration and distribution of pollutants will
         be essential for predicting ecosystem responses to pollution. Other challenges on the marine
         component of the carbon/greenhouse gases cycles will also require significant R&D effort as
         significant gaps in monitoring tools also exist in this area.
         During the past years, a suite of EU funded projects has developed the processing of remote-
         sensing data for open ocean and coastal waters (see section 5) as well as prototype
         ecological marine forecast systems for ocean basins and European seas (Atlantic, Baltic,
         Mediterranean and Black Seas) which include hydrodynamics, lower and higher trophic
         levels. More recent projects funded under the 1st CMEMS Service Evolution R&D call will
         deliver further advances for multi-platform biological data assimilation, data assimilation of
         phytoplankton functional types and delivery of ecosystem enriched products. There is an
         expectation that the integrated Atlantic Ocean observing system will increase the number
         and quality of in situ observations on chemistry, biology and ecology over the next decade. A
         co-evolution of the data use in assessment and predictive models holds great potential for
         new products and users.
         It is required that results from these projects as well as similar advances in the field be
         transferred to CMEMS in order to consolidate the core ecosystem component of the service.
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         Required developments with short- to mid-term objectives

             •    Improved modelling and assimilation capabilities for the representation of ocean
                  biogeochemistry and the marine food web from primary production to higher trophic
                  levels (plankton to fish), including estimations of uncertainty;
             •    Relationships between optical properties and biomass for direct assimilation of
                  optical properties into biogeochemical models;
             •    Improving CMEMS monitoring (i.e. products derived from satellite and in situ
                  observations) and modelling products to better support aquaculture management
             •    Improved pH and carbon monitoring and forecasting: carbonate system
                  observations, modelling and assessment at regional and global scales;
             •    Methods to generate operational products in addition to standard (T, S, Chl, –
                  oxygen, pH, nutrients, light, plankton biomass) in support of predictive habitat
                  forecasts, for ecological status and fisheries modelling and risk assessment (e.g.
                  invasive species, harmful algal blooms, marine protected area planning);
             •    Multi-objective assimilation capabilities, e.g. combining state and parameter
                  estimation, combining ocean colour and sub-surface data from BGC-Argo, gliders and
                  other relevant ecological observations especially in regional seas;
             •    Demonstration of consistent interfacing (nesting, downscaling) between open ocean
                  biogeochemical models and regional/coastal ecosystem models and downstream
             •    Standardized validation methods for ecosystem model products/variables
                  (particularly related to non-assimilated observations/variables).
         Required developments with longer-term objectives

             •    Improved description of benthic-pelagic coupling on short-term (seasonal) and long-
                  term (decadal) scales; identification of the impact of initial conditions;
             •    Improved methodologies for supplying operational information on sources of
                  nutrients and pollution/chemicals to the oceans;
             •    Develop a system for routine model estimates of the dose and direct and indirect
                  effects of pollution on communities of algae, zooplankton and fish larvae.

         The coastal monitoring services operated by Member States or private groups will form an
         important and strategic group of users of the CMEMS. These activities will enhance the
         socio-economic value of CMEMS by contributing to the MSFD, spatial planning and other
         downstream applications (offshore operations, coastal engineering, habitat monitoring,
         aquaculture, harmful algal bloom monitoring, adaptation and mitigation to climate change).
         Downscaling also includes the integration of coastal stations, and the role of CMEMS
         regional products is also to fill gaps between coastal observatories.
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         However, the “one-way” vision of a core service delivering information to downstream users
         without feedback to upstream providers has a number of limitations since the coastal strip
         should also be considered as an “active” boundary layer that influences the open ocean
         region connected to coastal areas. Scientifically, interactions between land, littoral, shelf,
         regional and abyssal seas are still a major unknown, poorly characterized and modelled. It is
         therefore needed to develop the CMEMS in such a way as to enable more efficient
         interfacing with a large variety of coastal systems describing the physical and
         biogeochemical coastal ocean states and ecosystems. Future operational circulation models
         implemented in the open ocean in CMEMS should enable more flexible coupling with a
         variety of model codes and regional configurations specifically customized for coastal
         dynamics and benefiting from user experience and practices, including those interfaced with
         near-shore, estuary models and hydrological models, unstructured grid models in areas that
         require very high resolution with good representation of topographic features.
         These issues have been explored in a number of recent EU-funded and national projects,
         relying on the coordinating role of EuroGOOS with the objective to consolidate, integrate
         and further develop existing European coastal and regional operational observing and
         forecasting systems into an integrated pan-European system targeted at detecting
         environmental and climate changes, predicting their evolution, producing timely and quality
         assured forecasts, and providing marine information services (including data, information
         products, knowledge and scientific advices). In the ongoing H2020 CEASELESS project for
         instance, it will be demonstrated how the new Sentinel measurements will support the
         development of a coastal dimension in Copernicus by providing an unprecedented level of
         resolution, accuracy and continuity with respect to present products.
         Furthermore, it also becomes timely to explore the possible connections between the
         CMEMS and the Copernicus Land monitoring service as coastal users will rely on information
         from both services. Therefore, an expert workshop was recently organized by EEA and
         Mercator Ocean with the objective to better address user needs in the coastal zone (see
         section 6.5). The required developments listed below are partly inspired from the main
         conclusions of this expert workshop.
         Required developments with short- to mid-term objectives

             •    Improved and standardised inputs of freshwater flows and associated river inputs of
                  particulate and dissolved matter and homogenised river forcing approaches in global,
                  regional and coastal models;
             •    Improve the interfaces/interactions between coastal monitoring and modelling
                  systems and CMEMS;
             •    Comprehensive impact studies of CMEMS boundary conditions on coastal systems
                  (physics, biology) and their applications (e.g. MSFD);
             •    Data assimilation and ensemble forecasting improvements to better serve the coastal
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             •    Development of flexible interfaces between regional and coastal models, including
                  near-shore and estuarine models and with the capability to connect structured and
                  unstructured grids.
         Required developments with longer-term objectives

             •    Adoption of robust standards to ensure compatibility between CMEMS and
                  downstream systems;
             •    Connection and coupling with land hydrology models.

         Expected evolutions
         While coupled ocean-atmosphere models have been developed for a while in the context of
         climate research and weather forecasting, the MFC systems in CMEMS are currently based
         on a “forcing mode” approach (except for the GLO-CPL forecasting system) in which the
         ocean is driven by surface momentum, heat and freshwater fluxes computed using specified
         atmospheric information at fairly coarse space-time resolution. This could be an issue due to
         the different scales of variability in the atmosphere and ocean systems. In particular, the lack
         of feedback at fine scales between ocean and atmospheric models leads to inconsistencies
         and has implications for the practical forecasting capability of regional and coastal
         environments. Furthermore, the existence of observations at the ocean-atmosphere
         interface is an opportunity to introduce assimilation constraints into coupled models,
         especially for regional/coastal applications of interest to Copernicus users.
         Required developments with short- to mid-term objectives

             •    Advanced assimilation methods targeted to provide improved estimations of upper
                  ocean properties consistent with sea-surface observations and air-sea fluxes;
             •    Representation of diurnal variability and cool skin layer in forced ocean and coupled
                  ocean-atmosphere models;
             •    Consistent numerical schemes to improve the representation of ocean-wave-
                  atmosphere interactions for regional oceanic applications;
             •    Use of ocean wave spectra to determine contributions to boundary layer momentum
         Required developments with longer-term objectives

             •    Novel ocean forcing approaches that may include simplified atmospheric boundary
                  layer dynamics and ocean feedbacks at high spatial resolution;
             •    Analyses of impacts and feedbacks resulting from coupling between ocean,
                  atmosphere and waves on the surface ocean dynamics and biology, including in the
                  case of extreme events;
             •    Facilitate collaboration with the atmospheric community for exploitation of the
                  surface observations common to the coupled ocean-sea-ice-atmosphere interface,
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                  such as surface winds, surface currents, SST, waves, radiative, freshwater and heat
                  flux components, sea-ice concentration, sea-ice thickness and sea-ice temperature;
             •    Multivariate data assimilation into fully coupled ocean-wave-atmosphere dynamical

         Several CMEMS systems produce analyses and reanalyses or multi-year reprocessed
         observations that describe ocean variability and changes. Ocean Monitoring Indicators (OMI)
         can be derived from these products for tracking ocean mechanisms and/or climate modes
         and trends, much as we use global greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations to follow
         anthropogenic effects, and globally averaged SST to monitor warming. CMEMS is developing
         OMIs for monitoring the ocean state at global and European scales (see the CMEMS Multi-
         Year Product Strategy Plan, section 6.1).
         Many users are also interested in future trends and evolution of the marine environment
         under different climate scenarios. Earth system and climate model predictions (seasonal to
         decadal) and longer-term projections based on GHG scenarios, together with comprehensive
         ocean reanalyses, can be used to infer possible changes in the ocean state at regional and
         coastal levels, including biogeochemical and other aspects of the marine environment (e.g.,
         related to harmful algal blooms and other marine extreme events). In the field of ecology,
         our scientific understanding of ecosystems has matured to a point that we may be able to
         produce potential scenarios based on our knowledge of potential future change in the
         physical system (e.g. water quality, coral bleaching).
         Such outcomes require the production of improved ocean reanalyses and multi-year
         reprocessed observations suitable for climate change detection, with reduced systematic
         errors and improved dynamical and physical consistency and realism. Reanalyses product
         quality delivered by the CMEMS will have to be monitored on a continuous basis, using
         proven, verifiable and robust methodologies that can be agreed upon with external partners
         (see section 6.1). This activity can rely on standard metrics (e.g. as defined in the
         international GODAE Ocean View framework) or on new approaches.
         These activities will contribute to the Ocean State Reports delivered by CMEMS, and will also
         benefit from the development of the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) line.

         Required developments with short- to mid-term objectives

             •    Development of methods for inferring the future state (from seasons to decades) of
                  the marine environment (physics and biogeochemistry) at regional and coastal scales,
                  as well as changes in ecosystems, based on climate model predictions and
                  projections (and associated tests for quality and reliability);
             •    Development of Ocean Monitoring Indicators based on CMEMS and other products;
                  specific needs include indicators (i) for the physical ocean state, variability and
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                  change monitoring (ii) for the health of the ocean (e.g. acidification, deoxygenation,
                  eutrophication), (iii) for fishery and aquaculture management and (iv) for other
                  applications such as maritime transport, marine renewable energy, coastal zone
             •    Framework for coordination / intercomparisons with international community efforts
                  (EuroGOOS, GODAE OceanView, CLIVAR, CMIP activities …);
             •    Methods to ensure quality, homogeneity and robust uncertainty measures in long-
                  term time-series reconstructed from data or model reanalyses.
         Required developments with longer-term objectives

             •    Development of methods for inferring the future state (from seasons to decades) of
                  the marine environment (physics and biogeochemistry) at regional and coastal scales,
                  as well as changes in ecosystems, based on climate model predictions and
                  projections (and associated tests for quality and reliability) [continued].

         Expected evolution
         The observing system, which today provides regular and systematic data on the physical
         state and dynamics of the ocean and marine ecosystems, is expected to evolve in several
         directions during the next years:

             •    The global in situ component, through coordinated programmes such as Argo and its
                  extensions (deep ocean, polar seas and BGC), Atlantos in the Atlantic and TPOS2020
                  in the Pacific Ocean , is expected to more systematically collect data on new chemical
                  and biogeochemical state variables (oxygen, bio-optical properties, nutrients, pH) in
                  addition to conventional temperature and salinity profiles, and to increase the
                  sampling of the deep (below 2000 m) and ice-covered seas;
             •    The European regional and coastal seas will be monitored through more
                  coordinated, multi-sensors and multi-parameter networks including HF radars,
                  cabled structures, fixed platforms, ferry boxes, surface drifters, gliders, and other
                  new technologies, e.g. undertaken under EuroGOOS, EMODnet, the EOOS (European
                  Ocean Observing System) initiative and other projects (e.g. JERICO-Next, AtlantOS);
             •    The space component will rely on a mixture of operational (e.g. the Sentinel suite)
                  and exploratory missions, providing sea-level (both along-track and wide-swath),
                  geoid information, SST, ocean colour, surface salinity, surface wind and currents,
                  wave properties and sea-ice parameters;
             •    New capabilities are expanded to sample a variety of scales through multi-platform
                  observing systems that include more and more autonomous platforms with multi-
                  disciplinary sensors;
             •    Observations delivered through Copernicus or in cooperation with other initiatives
                  will increase, especially those dedicated to validation measurements following
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                  agreed protocols (e.g. ESA protocols, quality assurance framework for Earth
                  observation guidance);
             •    Ocean observing systems will be multi-purpose and have multiple uses, observing the
                  ocean at multiple scales and from the coastal to the open ocean, delivering quality
                  controlled data to science and society.
         New multi-platform and multi-disciplinary approaches combining both in situ (e.g. gliders,
         Argo, ships, drifters, fixed platforms) and satellite observations at high resolution will be
         needed to resolve a wide range of temporal and spatial scales, to monitor key regions or
         processes for the ocean state and its variability and to fill gaps in our knowledge connecting
         physical processes to ecosystem response (e.g. BGC Argo, TPOS2020, Atlantos, GOOS). In
         addition, there is a huge potential to more efficiently access/use data from different
         industrial platforms, including off shore power stations.
         The core data set assimilated in CMEMS real-time models or multi-year reanalysis systems
         include SST, sea-level anomalies and T/S profiles (almost systematically), sea-ice
         concentration (whenever possible), and chlorophyll concentration (occasionally). In addition
         to consolidating the assimilation of such data, a broader list of parameters should be
         integrated into monitoring and forecasting systems within the next 3-10 years.
         Required developments with short- to mid-term objectives

             •    Improved processing of Sentinel 1, 2, 3 data for coastal ocean products and
             •    Adaptation of existing quality-control methods to new observing system
                  components, both in situ (for instance new biogeochemical parameters) and satellite,
                  with a focus on Sentinel observations and future exploratory missions (e.g. CFOSAT,
                  SWOT); advancement and adoption of international calibration and quality-control
             •    Developments of advanced protocols for real-time quality checking and automated
                  flagging procedures that are more consistent with nowcast/forecast information
                  delivered by MFCs;
             •    More consistent processing and assembly of data from different, heterogeneous
                  observation platforms and sensors for estimating derived quantities (e.g. sea-ice
                  products, surface currents, mixed-layer depth, primary production, nutrients from
                  temperature, salinity and O2 vertical profiles etc.);
             •    Incremental development of assembly centres to include more observations relevant
                  to coastal waters but also of interest to the monitoring of regional seas.
         Required developments with longer-term objectives

             •    Exploitation of new technologies and platforms to more systematically observe pH
                  and pCO2 in ocean basins ;
             •    Adaptation of assembly centres procedures to take advantage of new sensors,
                  communication technologies and unification of procedures, protocols, access and
                  download systems across assembly centres.
CMEMS SERVICE EVOLUTION STRATEGY: R&D PRIORITIES   June 2017                                              19   19

         Expected evolutions
         Regarding future observing systems (from space or in situ), the best possible basis is
         required in the design and exploitation of observation networks and satellite constellations.
         This goal can be ideally achieved through impact and design studies (Observing System
         Experiments – OSEs; Observing System Simulation Experiments - OSSEs) and dedicated
         process experiments and pilots. OSEs and OSSEs represent a useful investment when
         expanding an existing observing system, defining a new one, or preparing the assimilation of
         new data types, or data with improved resolution/accuracy. They are also required for
         design studies to re-assess the sampling of the present in situ networks, define the required
         extensions, and prepare the assimilation of new in situ data types considering the synergies
         with satellite observations. Such approaches enable a consistent approach to the
         assessment of the impact of observation data, assimilation techniques and analysis/forecast
         systems, the definition and operation of space missions (upstream and downstream) and in
         situ networks.
         The existing TAC and MFC capabilities provide an excellent opportunity to develop a new
         functionality within the CMEMS, and conduct impact studies and observing system design
         based on rigorous and objective methodologies. This functionality will consolidate the link
         between CMEMS and the data providers by formalizing recommendations on future
         observing systems. In return, improving the design of future observing systems will be of
         great benefit to CMEMS itself given the likely impact on the products quality.
         Required developments with short- to mid-term objectives

             •    Adaptation of tools and diagnostic methods such as Degrees of Freedom Signal (DFS)
                  and Forecast System Observation Impact (FSOI) to measure the impact of
                  observations into ocean monitoring and forecasting systems;
             •    Adaptation of assimilation interfaces (e.g., observation operators) to new satellite
                  sensors: wide-swath altimetry, ocean colour, SST from Sentinels, surface currents …;
             •    Development of more robust methodologies (i.e. to ensure results as independent as
                  possible from model and error assumptions) and automatic tools to conduct impact
                  studies (including the OSE class);
             •    Impact studies of new observation data types or products for ocean analyses,
                  forecasts and reanalyses (e.g. SSS from space, Sea Ice thickness from Cryosat and
                  SMOS, surface current data sets, BGC-Argo, HF Radars, etc.);
             •    Network studies that will provide guidance to deployments: this includes identifying
                  critical ocean observation points and regions where the benefit to forecast skill and
                  ocean analyses and reanalyses can be maximized.
         Required developments with longer-term objectives

             •    Design studies to re-assess the sampling of the present-day in situ T/S network (Argo
                  including BGC-Argo, ships, buoys, moorings);
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             •    Guidance to the in situ observation communities on how to optimize observing
                  strategies and the synergies with Sentinel and future wide-swath altimetry missions
                  (SWOT), complementing the ongoing AtlantOS effort.

         Expected evolutions
         The operational suites implemented in the CMEMS MFCs essentially rely on traditional
         assimilation methods inherited from the Kalman filter or the 3DVAR approach including
         simplifications and adaptations to make them tractable with large-dimensional systems.
         Today, only the Arctic MFC has explicitly implemented the EnKF to propagate the spread of
         an ensemble of likely states between successive updating steps, though several other MFCs
         intend to implement ensemble approaches in the future (Global, Mediterranean, Baltic
         MFCs, Figure 1).
         The current trend in oceanic and atmospheric data assimilation is a move toward
         probabilistic methods inherited from the Bayesian estimation framework, as reflected in a
         variety of activities conducted in recent projects (e.g. FP7 SANGOMA), or reported in
         workshops (e.g., GODAE Ocean View task teams) and conferences (WMO symposium on
         Data Assimilation).
         At CMEMS level, it becomes urgent to take advantage of these developments in order to
         (i) further develop the assimilation methods to enable implementation into systems
         involving different components (coupling with atmosphere, biology, biogeochemistry,
         cryosphere, etc.), (ii) improve the coupling between assimilative systems with different
         target resolutions and different assimilation parameterizations, (iii) implement an effective
         production of probabilistic information as needed by users to support decision-making, and
         (iv) improve the physical consistency of ocean state estimations, ensuring that the small-
         scale dynamics simulated by ocean models is in balance with the larger scales captured by
         the observing systems.
         In the NEMO framework (most MFCs systems are based on NEMO), a new assimilation
         component has been implemented in the reference version that includes several modules
         (observation operators, linear-tangent and adjoint of the circulation model, incremental
         updating schemes) to facilitate coupling with various assimilation systems. It is also planned
         to include an ensemble simulation mode in future versions of NEMO. Other efforts on
         modular software development have also been initiated in European institutions, such as the
         Object-Oriented Prediction System (OOPs) project at ECMWF. A convergence between these
         parallel efforts is expected in order to ensure an effective implementation of these
         developments into the large-scale systems based on NEMO.
         Required developments with short- to mid-term objectives

             •    Metrics for ocean analysis/reanalysis and forecasting produced using ensemble
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             •    Development and application of advanced assimilation methods, including to identify
                  and understand model bias and forcing errors, with a focus on ocean reanalyses;
             •    Adaptations of ensemble-based assimilation/forecasting systems, and development
                  of new techniques to increase the range and amount of observations assimilated into
                  MFCs (e.g. ocean currents, ice thickness, ocean colour), making best use of
                  Copernicus Sentinel missions;
             •    Common developments on assimilation modules to connect models and assimilation
                  kernels shared between different MFCs;
             •    Extension of conventional assimilation schemes to include image data information
                  (SST, Ocean Colour) in addition to pixel data;
             •    Efficient methods to account for complex observation and modelling error structures
                  (incl. non-Gaussian errors) in assimilation algorithms;
             •    Adaptation of analysis schemes to process different spatial and temporal scales
                  during the analysis stage;
             •    Adaptation of analysis schemes to preserve the consistency of non-observed
                  quantities such as vorticity, diffusion, vertical velocity, passive tracers etc.;
             •    Verification methods and intercomparison protocols (rank histograms, Continuous
                  Rank Probability Score, …) suitable to assess the reliability of ensembles in
                  probabilistic assimilation systems;
             •    Inverse methods that will incorporate simplified balance relationships (e.g.
                  geostrophic and vorticity balance, omega equation) to ensure physically consistent

         Required developments with longer-term objectives

             •    Development of data assimilation tools for coupled models (ocean-atmosphere
                  including waves, physics-biogeochemistry, ocean-shelf models), including consistent
                  coupled initialization approaches and flux correction schemes at interfaces;
             •    Developments of software infrastructure that can accommodate different
                  assimilation methods and facilitate the sharing of algorithms and optimization of
                  computer codes (models, assimilation schemes) on HPC.

         Expected evolutions
         CMEMS needs to enrich its offer with improved accessibility and quality controlled data, in
         agreement with scientific community standards. Users are also requesting advanced data
         products that should rely on more complex processing of measurements of essential ocean
         variables at higher resolution, including the provision of composite products and their
         uncertainty estimates. Those data products will feed monitoring and forecasting systems or
         validate model outputs. The ESA Climate Change Initiative and the Copernicus Climate
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