Undermining Privacy in the Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS) - Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford
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Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies ; 2018 (3):105–122 Matthew Smith*, Daniel Moser, Martin Strohmeier, Vincent Lenders, and Ivan Martinovic Undermining Privacy in the Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS) Abstract: Despite the Aircraft Communications, Ad- dressing and Reporting System (ACARS) being widely 1 Introduction deployed for over twenty years, little scrutiny has been The aviation industry’s strong focus on safety has applied to it outside of the aviation community. Whilst brought about the continued use of a multitude of originally utilized by commercial airlines to track their proven legacy communication technologies developed flights and provide automated timekeeping on crew, to- several decades ago. One significant example is the Air- day it serves as a multi-purpose air-ground data link for craft Communications, Addressing and Reporting Sys- many aviation stakeholders including private jet own- tem (ACARS), which provides data link communica- ers, state actors and military. Such a change has caused tions between aircraft and entities on the ground and is ACARS to be used far beyond its original mandate; to used for many different purposes, from the management date no work has been undertaken to assess the extent of aircraft fleet to air traffic control (ATC) [34]. of this especially with regard to privacy and the various As with many areas of transport, aviation strives stakeholder groups which use it. to become more ‘connected’, utilizing wireless data link In this paper, we present an analysis of ACARS usage by technologies to improve efficiency. Anecdotally, the way privacy sensitive actors—military, government and busi- the ACARS data link is being used has significantly ness. We conduct this using data from the VHF (both changed over time. Whilst originally used by commer- traditional ACARS, and VDL mode 2) and satellite cial airlines to track their flights and provide automated communications subnetworks. Based on more than two crew timekeeping, today it serves as a multi-purpose air- million ACARS messages collected over the course of ground data link for many stakeholders including pri- 16 months, we demonstrate that current ACARS usage vate jet owners, state actors and military. systematically breaches location privacy for all exam- Using only a basic ASCII character set and oper- ined aviation stakeholder groups, explaining the types ating in a similar way to SMS messaging, ACARS de- of messages used to cause this problem. We illustrate the fines several message formats and protocols to provide challenges with three case studies—one for each stake- a range of different services. As the system was not de- holder group—to show how much privacy sensitive in- signed with security in mind and offers no confidentiality formation can be constructed with a handful of ACARS by default, the vast majority of ACARS traffic is still messages. We contextualize our findings with opinions in the clear and can be trivially intercepted using cheap on the issue of privacy in ACARS from 40 aviation in- software-defined radios (SDRs) and software freely ob- dustry professionals. From this, we explore recommen- tained on the Internet (e.g., ACARSDec [29]). dations for how to address these issues, including use of This has not been the case until relatively recently; encryption and policy measures. receiving ACARS required specialist hardware and soft- Keywords: aviation privacy, ACARS, avionic systems ware, if it was even obtainable by those outside of DOI 10.1515/popets-2018-0023 aviation at all. The introduction of SDRs, specifically Received 2017-11-30; revised 2018-03-15; accepted 2018-03-16. cheaper and readily available units, has created an ac- tive community of developers building tools to decode aviation communication signals, amongst others. This *Corresponding Author: Matthew Smith, Martin has brought ACARS from being a difficult-to-access Strohmeier, Ivan Martinovic: Department of Computer medium to accessible by ordinary computer users. Science, University of Oxford: first.last@cs.ox.ac.uk Concerns about the clear-text nature of ACARS Daniel Moser: Department of Computer Science, ETH have been highlighted from individuals within the avia- Zurich: first.last@inf.ethz.ch tion community as far back as 1998 [57]. Recently, an ex- Vincent Lenders: armasuisse: first.last@armasuisse.ch pilot discussed his view of ACARS usage from the cock-
Undermining Privacy in the Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS) 106 pit, acknowledging the eavesdropping threat and pro- ACARS usage, categorized by the type of ACARS viding anecdotes of messages circulated widely despite message and with case studies. being intended for a narrow group of people [37]. Recent – We contextualize the findings with survey results, assessments from the Airline Pilot’s Association [5] and collecting the opinions of aviation professionals in- the US Air Force [8] assert that message injection with volved with ACARS. false information is a realistic threat. – We analyze the implications of sensitive ACARS Despite these concerns and its global deployment, data link usage, especially with respect to how it the usage of ACARS with respect to privacy has not evolved over time, and discuss possible mitigations. been studied. In this paper we present a first such measurement study into the location privacy problems The paper is structured as follows. We begin by intro- caused by ACARS usage. Our findings show that there ducing aviation and ACARS in Section 2 before devising is a significant leakage of privacy-sensitive data on the a threat model in Section 3 and explaining our data col- ACARS channel. Messages which initially appear in- lection methodology in Section 4. We briefly describe nocuous can leak significant amounts of information, the aircraft categories of interest in Section 5, before especially for stakeholders who otherwise demonstrate looking at the concept of blocking aircraft movements a desire for privacy. Usually, these actors try to hide in Section 6. We explore the privacy issues for blocked flight information—ACARS messages are regularly un- aircraft caused by ACARS in Section 7 and use case dermine this effort. We further surveyed 40 aviation in- studies to elaborate on this in Section 8. We go on to dustry professionals to assess the extent to which they look at industry opinions in Section 9, then discuss mit- believe ACARS offers reasonable privacy and safety, igations in Section 10. Finally, we look at the related finding that 77.5% of respondents do not find ACARS work in Section 11 before concluding. suitable for private data. Privacy in aviation is a concept defined from schemes which exist to protect it; a lack of by-default security means few technical measures are in use. We 2 Background use the actions of aircraft owners or operators attempt- In this section, we introduce the key concepts needed to ing to obscure themselves from public sources of flight contextualize the problem of sensitive data leakage from data as a firm indication of sought privacy. In some ACARS. We first explain the aviation scenario before countries, governmental schemes exist to ‘block’ aircraft looking at ACARS and how it is used in detail. from these feeds, whereas elsewhere an owner needs to contact flight trackers individually. Within our collec- 2.1 Aviation tion we that observed 92% of business, 64% of military and 96% of government aircraft seen have some block Airspaces are complex, safety-critical environments in place on public dissemination of aircraft information. which rely on quick, accurate communication. Each Usually, public flight data would reveal the location country or region has Air Navigation Service Providers and historical flight movements, thus tied to location (ANSPs) which administer ATC for their area. They are privacy. We consider ‘blocking’ of an aircraft on public responsible for ensuring that aircraft have separation, data feeds to be a specific effort to provide privacy to the allocating take-off and landing slots, and handling aris- owner or operator. Since these feeds use surveillance— ing emergencies. In order to do this, voice and data com- rather than data link—technologies, ACARS provides munications are used extensively both on the ground an out-of-band view. and in the air. Furthermore, aircraft operators monitor information such as location, estimated arrival times Contributions and maintenance data allowing for faster turnarounds and efficient operation. Our contributions are as follows: A number of systems are used to manage the civil – We collect and analyze the message content of airspace with future developments focusing on data link 2,760,141 messages collected over 16 months, cor- rather than voice communications. This involves in- relating it with public aircraft metadata sources. troducing systems such as Automatic Dependent Sur- – We demonstrate the privacy issues caused to busi- veillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) for tracking aircraft [13], ness, military and government aircraft as a result of making greater use of Secondary Radar to provide situ-
Undermining Privacy in the Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS) 107 Geostationary ational awareness (see [45]) as well as utilizing existing Satellite systems such as ACARS until new ones are deployed. For the purposes of this paper, we specifically con- UHF/SHF Air Station sider non-commercial, non-hobbyist aviation. Commer- cial aircraft (i.e. airlines operating large aircraft as a Air Traffic UHF/SHF Control business, and open to the public) operate in a transpar- HF VHF ent fashion with respect to data links. Whether this is a reasonable choice is considered out-of-scope for this pa- Airline Operations Centre per. Non-commercial aircraft are heterogeneous in type and user so use data link in many ways, not all of which Service Ground Stations Provider would be public. We further explain the categories used in Section 5. Fig. 1. The ACARS sub-systems. 2.2 Aircraft Communications Addressing 2.3 Usage of ACARS and Reporting System Many aircraft systems originate ACARS messages, cre- Originating from the VHF network created in 1978 [35], ating a range of information types sent over the link. ACARS provides an ASCII character-based data link Most services provided now were not part of the sys- between aircraft and ground stations defined by AR- tem’s original intention—ACARS was initially designed INC 724B-6 [3]. Originally specified for Very High Fre- to log the hours worked by crew [35]. It has evolved sig- quency (VHF), new High Frequency (HF) and Satellite nificantly, with some example uses stated below: Communications (SATCOM) links were added, allowing ATC Clearance. Aircraft use a predefined ACARS worldwide coverage. Typically, VHF is used over popu- message exchange protocol, e.g. to make requests to lated land, SATCOM extends coverage to oceanic and change or extend the assigned route; typically this is rural land areas, and HF provides coverage worldwide. used in limited coverage areas such as the ocean. When VHF is offered through a technology known as Plain used it is the default (instead of voice) and aids in re- Old ACARS (POA) and the newer VHF Data Link ducing congestion on voice channels. mode 2 (VDLm2) offering a higher data rate. SAT- Information Services. In order to handle changes en COM provides several channel groups with different bit route due to weather or local restrictions which occur rates, depending on the constellation used. Two main in-flight, ACARS can be used to retrieve up-to-date in- providers exist; Inmarsat and Iridium. Typically, higher formation via data link. bit rate channels cost more to use. A representation of Flight Plans. Airlines will often transfer flight plans the ACARS subsystems can be seen in Figure 1. An air- including routes, destination and loading information craft will select one of the three communication methods to aircraft ahead of departure. based on signal strength—typically, the priority from Positional Reports. Although ACARS is not primar- high-to-low is VHF (POA/VDLm2), SATCOM and HF. ily intended for position reporting, in particular since ACARS messages are mainly composed of 210 char- the introduction of ADS-B, some aircraft do use it. Gen- acter text field, with routing to an aircraft achieved via erally, these messages are consistent in form and contain a flight ID (i.e. flight number). Messages have a ‘label’, origin and destination information as well as position. used by a Communications Management Unit (CMU), Diagnostic Feeds. To track required maintenance on to send the content to the correct on-board system. Mes- aircraft systems, some components such as engines auto- sage content itself is structured according to the ARINC matically report their status to the manufacturer. This 620-8 standard [4]. Many message types are defined to is primarily used by commercial aircraft, so we do not cover a wide range of purposes including weather re- consider it further. ports, aircrew free-text messages or time updates. Nat- Free-text Messages. Often, the staff needs to commu- urally, messages of different purposes will be originated nicate outside of the constraints of structured ACARS by different devices on board or on the ground. messages, from requests for medical aid to sports scores. Naturally, some ACARS users are more privacy- sensitive than others. Means exist to obscure or limit public dissemination of data about flights of such users,
Undermining Privacy in the Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS) 108 of which we explore further in Section 6. Of the above come available for as little as $10, spurring the devel- message types, this paper focuses on the particularly opment of software enabling the decoding of previously privacy sensitive types: location reports, flight plans and specialist communications. A number of tools exist to information services. These are covered in detail in Sec- decode ACARS, many of which are free. We focus on tion 7. VHF (POA and VDLm2) and SATCOM as these are the most heavily utilized ACARS subnetworks. 3 Threat Model VHF The VHF downlink is comprised of POA and VDLm2 To frame our discussion, we first introduce the observed ACARS. A typical POA setup is requires an airband an- threat to users of avionic data link systems. With re- tenna fed into an RTL-SDR running ACARSDec [29]. spect to the medium, we consider a fully passive at- We collected for 141 days (May-Oct. 2016) followed tacker, who only receives messages. by a further 220 days (Mar.-Oct. 2017) on the three Due to the general lack of security in ACARS the European channels: 131.525 MHz, 131.725 MHz and barrier-to-entry for an attacker is low. We presume 131.850 MHz. We also collected VDLm2 ACARS mes- an attacker to be moderately resourced, having access sages in a separate collection period for 211 days (Mar.- to standard desktop computers, commodity software- Oct. 2017) over five European frequencies: 136.725 MHz, defined radios (SDRs) and antenna. We further presume 136.775 MHz, 136.875 MHz and 136.975 MHz. This was a moderate level of technical capability, i.e. the attacker collected from a central European country. can set up and use the equipment, with the ability to produce tools to operate the SDR. Given the range of SATCOM uses for avionic data link, different attackers are likely to The SATCOM uplink is located in the L-band around have varying intentions. Primarily, we model an attacker 1.5 GHz; reception uses a patch antenna fed into an collecting data for either criminal gain, to achieve com- RTL-SDR running JAERO [36]. We recorded all 11 up- petitive advantage, or conduct a form of surveillance. link channels of INMARSAT satellite 3F2 for 68 days Attackers seeking criminal gain might focus on fi- between November 2016 and January 2017. nancial or operational data allowing them to steal as- Uplink messages use higher power and lower wave- sets or blackmail victims. Those looking for competitive lengths than downlink due to aircraft having limited advantage might seek to track corporate aircraft to pre- receiver space; this can be intercepted with a patch an- dict business actions. Threat actors aiming to use data tenna as the beam area is large. Downlink, located in link for surveillance may want to know if an aircraft is the C-band around 3.5 GHz, has much shorter wave- in the air, others might want to acquire more detailed lengths and increased path loss. Ground stations receiv- information about its location and status. Although we ing downlink can use bigger receivers than aircraft, al- replicate a modest attacker in this paper, we expect that lowing satellites to transmit at higher wavelength thus more determined attackers could scale up such a setup having a smaller beam and requiring third parties to to collect more data with only limited extra cost. use a large satellite dish to intercept. As such, we only collect uplink for SATCOM. 4 Methodology 4.2 Collection Statistics To measure ACARS usage, we used a combination of Over the course of collection, we obtained 2,760,165 mes- first-hand data collection and third-party data sources. sages across both links, with 1,170,040 (42.4%) being This section explains our approach to this collection and from SATCOM uplink, 1,059,608 (38.4%) on VDL mode the criteria we use to categorise aircraft in our analysis. 2 and the remaining 530,517 (19.2%) being POA. We registered 9924 individual aircraft, of which 6184 were 4.1 ACARS Collection seen over POA, 4817 over VDLm2 and 4529 on the SAT- COM channels. A total of 430 aircraft were seen over For a long time after conception ACARS required spe- all three links and 2631 were transmitting on both ter- cialist hardware to decode, as described above. Recently, restrial transmission technologies. We look at further software-defined radios such as the RTL-SDR have be- aircraft statistics per category in Section 5.
Undermining Privacy in the Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS) 109 4.3 Aircraft Positional Data 40 responses. We expand on our results in Section 9, but where relevant discuss them throughout the paper. In some instances, we observe aircraft sending privacy- sensitive ACARS messages without location. The Open- Sky Network [44] provides high-quality historical ADS- 4.6 Legal and Ethical Considerations B data, covering our ACARS collection period. As a contributor to the network we can use ADS-B data col- Since we were aware that the likelihood of collecting lected from across the world to check whether an air- sensitive data was high we upheld strong ethical con- craft was transmitting ADS-B signals at the time, and duct throughout the work. At all times data access was if so, its position. In places where we cross-reference, we restricted and not disseminated in full form. Indeed, we indicate it explicitly. have made great efforts to anonymize data presented in this paper such that the privacy breach cannot be ex- ploited through our work. We ensure that no identity 4.4 Aircraft Meta Data Sources data is present with respect to comments about spe- cific aircraft, and do not provide dates beyond month To asses the extent to which data transmitted is sensi- and year for when flights occurred. We ensured that tive, we require sources—ideally publicly accessible— all relevant laws and regulations were adhered to. On to compare with our ACARS data. Many meta- top of this, our survey was conducted anonymously, in information sources on aircraft exist, based on their compliance with data protection laws and with ethical identifiers. This is usually the aircraft registration or approval R53464/RE001. a unique 24 bit address provided by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). This information typically includes the aircraft type (e.g., Airbus A320) 5 Aircraft Categories and the owner/operator (e.g., British Airways, but the owner and operator may not always be the same). We The aviation ecosystem has a diverse set of stakehold- use this to categorize the aircraft and assess its pri- ers. We are particularly interested in stakeholders with vacy requirements. Several public databases provided a desire for privacy, who we describe in this section. by third parties are used for these purposes: As mentioned above, we focus on military, business and – We check whether the aircraft are visible on the government aircraft as their ACARS usage is similar. flight tracker FlightAware [15]. Commercial aircraft have a different set of objectives – We compare against all visible aircraft on Fligh- and privacy concerns thus are beyond the scope of this tradar24 using a database created by Junzi Sun [53]. paper. For example, their movements are entirely pub- – Airframes.org offers background knowledge such as lic, far in advance. Privacy concerns are instead related pictures and historical ownership data [28]. to passenger or crew information, or potentially com- – Under a Freedom of Information Act request, the mercially sensitive data such as fuel on board or main- full BARR list of blocked aircraft was provided [56]. tenance issues. Since this paper looks at privacy tied to This will be covered in Section 6. location, we consider commercial aircraft out of scope. – For US-registered aircraft, the FAA provides a daily updated database of all non-sensitive owner records. 5.1 Business 4.5 Survey of Industry Opinions Business stakeholders typically fly jets capable of 4–20 passengers. Gulfstream’s G-range or Bombardier’s Lear- As a global industry, aviation is comprised of many jet and Challenger aircraft are popular choices. There stakeholders with their own interests. To better under- are also business airliners based on commercial air- stand how this affects ACARS usage, we conducted a frames produced by Boeing and Airbus, which in their survey to gather the opinions from aviation profession- VIP and corporate versions constitute the high-end of als. We use this information to provide context to our the market capable of carrying 100+ passengers. Busi- findings and explore the ground truth relating to privacy ness flights can either be commercial on-demand ser- in ACARS. The survey was distributed to both public vices (e.g. aircraft chartering) or, if the aircraft is owned and private pilot, air traffic controller and avionic en- by the operator and used without hire, can be counted gineer communities, collecting responses anonymously under general aviation. They are used to transport per- over the course of six weeks. During this time we had sonnel to meetings, conferences or other gatherings.
Undermining Privacy in the Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS) 110 Table 1. Breakdown by stakeholder of identifiable aircraft (AC) unsurprising considering the exclusivity of these groups. using the ACARS data link. We focus on business, military and Note the high level of ADS-B equipage across the board; government aircraft in this work. ADS-B poses its own security and privacy challenges Stakeholder type # Aircraft (% all # ADS-B equipped and so any system which adds to this compounds the aircraft) (% AC category) problem further [43, 52]. Commercial 6916 (69.7%) 6843 (98.9%) Business 2360 (23.8%) 2316 (98.1%) Military 442 (4.5%) 427 (96.6%) Government 200 (2.0%) 193 (96.5%) 6 Blocked Aircraft Unknown 6 (0.1%) 0 (0.0%) All 9924 (100%) 9779 (98.5%) Many aviation users seek to protect their privacy by ob- scuring their aircraft movements and communications. In this section, we explore the concept of the ‘blocked 5.2 Military aircraft’ approach to location privacy. We classify any aircraft operated by a national air force as military aircraft. Military stakeholders operate in a different way to commercial aircraft. A typically mili- 6.1 Background on Aircraft Blocking tary fleet will consist of some civilian aircraft adapted for military purpose or used for transport, and a set By default, aviation movements are publicly visi- of military-specific aircraft. These aircraft are able to ble. This takes many forms; Flightradar24 [18] and operate in ways civilian aircraft cannot; they can use FlightAware [16] provide such data for free with the op- military-specific communications systems and are per- tion of paying for API access, whilst the FAA Aircraft mitted to turn off some systems such as ADS-B [23]. Mil- Situation Display to Industry (ASDI) offers an industry- itary aircraft types that use ACARS range from modi- quality data feed but requires a contract stipulating how fied airliners over business jets to tankers and multi-role it is used [12]. Some ATC operators share their own data transport aircraft, but not fighter jets/combat aircraft. without an API; for example, NATS, the UK ANSP, of- fers an educational tool called Airspace Explorer [33]. Naturally, some aircraft owners want to restrict the 5.3 Government public sharing of their aircraft data. The most estab- lished blocking mechanism concerns the FAA data feed: Air transport for state officials differs between countries. until recently, the National Business Aviation Associa- In some states, the task falls to the flag-carrier airline, tion (NBAA) ran a programme called Blocked Aircraft in others to the military, and many heads of state own Registration Request (BARR) [31]. Submitting a BARR private aircraft. For example in the UK, the Royal Fam- request would allow an aircraft owner to either pre- ily and government use state-owned, military-operated vent their data reaching a subscriber (source-level block) aircraft [7]. Regardless of the operator, these are often or allow it to reach a subscriber but not shared pub- typical business aircraft, from small Gulfstream or Bom- licly (subscriber-level block). ASDI has been decommis- bardier jets to larger Airbus or Boeing jets for bigger sioned but the feed and BARR program are instead part delegations, and tend to operate in similar ways to civil- of the new Traffic Flow Management Systems (TFMS). ian aircraft. Aircraft owners can submit directly to the FAA for a block, who administrate the list for the new feed. Until 5.4 Category Statistics recently, the comprehensive list of blocked aircraft was only available to TFMS subscribers and thus private—a In Table 1 we show the number of aircraft belonging Freedom of Information request made a version of this to each stakeholder group described above, along with list from March 2017 public [56]. At the time of writing, their level of ADS-B equippage. We assess ADS-B equip- BARR is the most prominent public blocking scheme page from Opensky Network data, cross-checking ICAO with government cooperation. Outside of the US, little numbers with existence according to Opensky. evidence of blocking for business aircraft at the national Commercial aircraft make up the majority of all scale exists (though, as identified below, some organized ACARS users at 69.7%, with those qualifying as busi- state and military blocking does exist). ness jets comprising the other significant portion at For commercial data feeds (or for aircraft registered 23.8%. Military and state-based aircraft were observed outside the US) FlightAware provide a fee-paid sub- to be much smaller at 4.5% and 2.0% respectively—
Undermining Privacy in the Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS) 111 scription service through which the owner can block Table 2. Number of blocked aircraft (AC) from each category their information from public dissemination [16, 17]. observed over each link, and aggregated over all links. FR24 is a Flightradar24 block, FA is a FlightAware block. FlightAware explicitly state that they do not track mil- itary aircraft, using blocking of US presidential fleet Business movements as an example. They have also been sub- Network All AC FR24 FA BARR ject to pressure from military and law enforcement/gov- VHF 1086 601 55.3% 214 19.7% 118 10.9% ernment aircraft owners [17]. Flightradar24 has limited VDL2 1015 930 91.6% 383 37.7% 241 23.7% SATCOM 970 882 90.9% 426 43.9% 299 30.8% public information about how to block aircraft but ac- All 2360 2145 90.9% 950 40.3% 514 21.8% knowledge that some aircraft display a limited amount, Military if any, of information on their website [19]. Network All AC FR24 FA BARR The NATS Airspace Explorer provides an example VHF 14 13 92.9% 8 57.1% 0 0.0% of collaboration on flight blocking with governmental VDL2 25 19 76.0% 10 40.0% 0 0.0% agencies [33]. The tool does not show a number of sen- SATCOM 418 104 24.9% 88 21.1% 1 0.2% sitive aircraft agreed with the UK Centre for Protection All 442 420 95.0% 368 83.3% 1 0.2% of National Infrastructure (CPNI). Similar statements Government have been made with regards to the ASDI feed [25]. Network Total AC FR24 FA BARR VHF 82 41 50.0% 28 34.1% 12 14.6% In each case, we see a clear demonstration that those VDL2 72 33 45.8% 22 30.6% 8 11.1% who are blocked are seeking some level of privacy. As SATCOM 119 66 55.5% 43 36.1% 11 9.2% such, we consider that any aircraft using a block has All 200 108 54.0% 69 34.5% 20 10.0% a privacy requirement and ACARS usage which leaks private data is undermining that requirement. provided by flight trackers indeed has the potential for harm. This provides evidence for the scheme being used 6.2 Motivation for Blocking Aircraft as a privacy measure, since the United States Congress have repeatedly enacted it [20]. Outside of the legal Table 2 shows a breakdown by aircraft category and precedent, the use of fee-paid schemes to block aircraft the type of block implemented. We claim that efforts to suggests that owners are willing to pay to protect their block aircraft from appearing on public data feeds is an privacy as much as possible [16, 55]. effort to obtain some level of privacy—we use this to Considering Table 2, we see that around 22% of explain the motivations of the stakeholders. Note that business aircraft have a BARR block; the lower per- BARR blocks are significantly less frequent than Fligh- centage likely due to our European collection location, tradar24 or FlightAware blocks; this is highly likely to thus seeing few US registered aircraft. However, close to be due to the European collection location, thus observ- 91% have a Flightradar24 block and just over 40% are ing fewer US-registered aircraft. We include the figures blocked on FlightAware. The gap between these num- as a reference, due to BARR being a well established bers could be down to the way in which blocks are vis- governmental scheme. ible to the user. Flightradar24 shows no information, whereas FlightAware varies in approach; some aircraft Business show no/old information, some explicitly state they are Blocking business aircraft has been, and currently is, a blocked whereas others apparently do not exist. We only point of much contention. This is a multifaceted issue classify the latter two categories as blocked—it appears which sees shareholders and the public wanting more that many business aircraft take the first approach on transparency, whilst companies firmly believe that hav- FlightAware. ing no aviation privacy would seriously impede business. Some examples of this are provided in [30], in which Military & State blocked aircraft movements are claimed to be able to Within most of the described blocking mechanisms, mil- reveal mergers, acquisitions and personal executive ac- itary and state aircraft appear to be granted a presumed tions which would unduly affect share price. right to privacy. As highlighted in [20, 33], governments In [20], a legislative assessment of the BARR pro- interact with aviation agencies to filter out aircraft be- gram and its history is conducted. The authors favor fore the data is made available to third-parties. This the existence of such schemes, arguing that whilst the demonstrates a clear desire for operational privacy from list of those using the BARR program is too general to both military and state aircraft operators. be harmful, detailed aircraft movements and history as
Undermining Privacy in the Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS) 112 Previous research on ACARS security was led by Table 3. Transmitting (TX) of positional reports by aircraft (AC) a desire for data privacy from the US Air Force—they on VHF. Percentages are of all blocked aircraft of that category. wished to use ACARS but were concerned about the fact All Block- Position Num. Msgs % Blocked that all messages were transmitted in the clear [1, 39]. AC ed AC Reports TX AC / AC AC It is worth noting that the government’s and military’s Biz. 1084 976 4828 516 9.40 52.8% stance on privacy heavily depends on their stance on Mil. 14 14 89 5 17.80 35.7% transparency. Some countries (e.g., Switzerland) publish Gov. 82 46 83 18 4.61 39.1% military and governmental aircraft records in full [14]. In Table 2 we see that whilst BARR blocks are not common for military or government aircraft, however 95% of military and 54% of government aircraft have blocks on Flightradar24. Furthermore, 83% of military aircraft are blocked on FlightAware. Government air- craft blocking on FlightAware was lower at around 34%. From this we can deduce that blocking aircraft is popu- lar amongst military and government aircraft, implying desire for location privacy. The lack of BARR blocks is likely due to two reasons. Military (and thus gov- Business ernment, in the US) aircraft are redacted by default as Military implied in [25], and since collection occurs in one Euro- Government Encrypted pean location, many aircraft will be of European origin Receiver Location thus not eligible for a BARR block. Fig. 2. Plot of both cleartext and encrypted position reports from 7 ACARS and Blocked Aircraft business, government and military aircraft across all links. En- crypted positional reports are explained in detail in Section 7.3. As outlined above, the vast majority of ACARS mes- sages are sent in the clear, regardless of the originator, of report: Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Contract and also by aircraft using blocking schemes. During our (ADS-C) and text-based. data collection, we observed 3004 aircraft, 2721 (90.5%) ADS-C. ADS-C is a point-to-point, rather than of which were blocked. We now explore the impact of broadcast, method for surveillance. It establishes a re- ACARS usage on blocked aircraft and assess the privacy porting contract with ATC and based on this, feeds breaches caused by using unsecured communications. position over data link [24]. These messages are en- coded but may contain more information than ADS- B messages, including imminent waypoints, notification 7.1 Position Reporting of route changes and emergency events. Transmitting ADS-C messages on an unprotected link can reveal a One of the many purposes of ACARS includes position lot of routing data; for aircraft which wish to hide this, reporting. Although ADS-B is slowly becoming com- it becomes a privacy issue. pulsory worldwide, ACARS-based position reporting is Blocked aircraft usage of ADS-C was mostly con- widely used by business, commercial, military and state fined to the military on SATCOM, with 104 blocked aircraft alike. This allows airlines or third-parties to pro- aircraft (25.7% of all military blocked on SATCOM) vide services based on location data which they would sending 1062 messages. As we only observe SATCOM otherwise not necessarily have access to. Despite the uplink, we can only see the ground-to-air side of ADS- ARINC 620 standard defining some methods to do this, C, e.g. requesting reports. However, one can determine a range of ways to share position are used [4]. which aircraft use the system, thus reveal their location. Position reporting via ACARS presents a challenge An average aircraft sent 10 messages with one US Air to aircraft which are trying to avoid being detected from Force aircraft receiving 171 messages alone, indicating transmissions of other systems, such as ADS-B. Because heavy use of ADS-C on downlink. of this, it poses location privacy issues as a result of a lack of cryptographic protection. We look at two types
Undermining Privacy in the Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS) 113 Date ETA Flight Level (MMDD) (HHMM) Text-Based Position Reports. Whilst ADS-B and ADS-C provide well-defined systems for transmit- POS02,N49260E006437,410,ENTC,LEIB,0805,1101,1241,009.6 ting location, our data shows that many aircraft send Coordinates Departure Arrival Current Time positional reports outside of this. Often, they simply (HHMM) send coordinates as part of a message, along with a ICAO Airport Codes timestamp. This is heavily used on the POA link above all others, as illustrated in Table 3, also plotted in Fig- Fig. 3. Labelled plaintext message format of encrypted positional reports, from [48]. ure 2. In this, we observe a nominal range of 400 km, with three outliers at 430, 440 and 460 km. It saw just this, it reveals intention information which would oth- over 52% of blocked business, 35% military and 39% erwise be hard to gather at this scale. Again, this is a government aircraft sending such messages. Further- problem for those hiding from public flight tracking. more, these aircraft sent 9.4, 17.8 and 4.6 messages each, respectively. The situation for certain business aircraft is somewhat worse on SATCOM; although only 13.9% 7.3 Use of Proprietary Encryption of blocked aircraft send this type of message, they on Proprietary encryption is regularly used by business- average send 12.8 messages each. We look at text-based type aircraft. In [48] use of a monoalphabetic substitu- position reporting further in Section 7.3. tion cipher with hard-coded keys is presented. Our data Clearly, this is a significant problem for business air- demonstrates that these messages are sent over all three craft in particular. Any notion of obscuring oneself from observed links. Once decrypted, these messages reveal a flight tracker is undermined somewhat by sending much about the aircraft’s route. As indicated in [48], ACARS position reports. Although VHF-based ACARS many messages of this type report position. However, might have a similar range to ADS-B, it is yet another unlike Mode-S or ADS-B, they also reveal origin, desti- clear text transmission of sensitive data for blocked air- nation and estimated time of arrival. A labelled plain- craft. For position reports sent via SATCOM the poten- text message of this type is in Figure 3. Other messages tial interception range is significantly higher. such as weather reports or free-text transfer of flight plans are encrypted in this way and can reveal the des- 7.2 Use of Information Services tination airport. In some cases, the latter also reveals previous flight plan by that aircraft via SATCOM. Information services, such as the Digital-Aerodrome We observed 166 blocked aircraft (6.4% of all Terminal Information Service (D-ATIS, or simply blocked) using this cipher across all links, sending 2783 ATIS), reveal a great deal about aircraft intention. ATIS messages, as shown in Table 4. Whilst a low proportion reports are used by pilots to reduce ATC load [22] and of blocked aircraft, the few which use it do so heavily. contain information about an airport such as runway Government aircraft had the lowest average at 9.4 per condition and activity, weather, Notices to Airmen (NO- aircraft, with military at 10 and business at 18.2. TAMs) and other safety-related data. Thus, requesting On the POA link, usage was confined to business ATIS information is an intention to land at a given air- aircraft. Whilst only 42 (5.1%) blocked aircraft used en- port; revealing an aircraft’s destination and approach crypted messages an average of 21 messages per aircraft timing. Table 4 demonstrates that ATIS is used by were sent. Although the number of users is low,the ones blocked aircraft across all links. Whilst usage is con- who do use it are at significant leakage risk. On SAT- fined to a small section of the blocked aircraft for each COM the proportion of aircraft using this is a slightly category, the level is consistent across the categories and higher at 13.9%, who on average send 12.8 messages the aircraft which use it tend to send several messages. each. This link also sees the highest level of military Primarily on SATCOM, we saw 19% of all blocked and government usage; whilst only 6 aircraft each, they business aircraft and 20% of blocked military and gov- both sent 10 messages on average. ernment aircraft use ATIS. Business and military air- Of the encrypted messages, 33.5% were positional craft sent three messages each on average, whereas gov- reports of which 96.9% originated from blocked aircraft. ernment sent over five. Although a normal part of avi- These aircraft otherwise obscure their actions, and use ation operation—and an important frequency conges- a cipher to further obscure the data. The fact that these tion reducer—it allows a listener to determine where the messages are trivial to decrypt and contain aircraft in- aircraft is landing. Since this is mostly via SATCOM, tention information constitutes a clear privacy issue. the listener need not be geographically close. Because of
Undermining Privacy in the Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS) 114 Table 4. Extent of business, military and government aircraft (AC) using messages encrypted with a proprietary cipher, and ATIS re- quests/responses. Data is aggregated across all three links. All Blocked Encrypted # AC Avg. % Blocked ATIS # AC Avg. % Blocked Aircraft Aircraft Messages Sending per AC Aircraft Messages Sending per AC Aircraft Business 2360 2170 2657 153 17.4 7.1% 1210 322 3.8 14.8% Military 442 424 60 6 10.0 1.4% 314 84 3.7 19.8% Gov’t 200 127 66 7 9.4 5.5% 115 22 5.2 17.3% Many further message types exist, including 7.5 Undermining Aircraft Blocks weather reports for airports, flight plan recalling and a basic email system. Each can leak information about air- Clearly, use of ACARS by business, military and state craft activity but the level of sensitivity is low. Weather aircraft poses a significant threat to privacy. By listening reports for airports can be used to check the condi- to the ACARS mediums in a single location, messages tions on approach, however usage is inconsistent unlike worldwide can be collected and used to track movements ATIS. Meteorological reporting comprised 43.2% of the and reveal intentions. Although some aircraft might encrypted messages, with 93.5% coming from blocked not consider this a problem, a significant proportion of aircraft. The remaining 23.7% of messages were either blocked aircraft (of which 90.5% of the non-commercial unrecoverable or free text messages. aircraft observed were) use clear text messages—or an easily breakable cipher—to transfer information which they otherwise try to obscure from public knowledge. 7.4 Flight Plans It is important to compare data obtained from SATCOM transmission of flight plans is used by 69% of ACARS with similar data gathered by collecting airport blocked military aircraft; since 405 of the 418 military landing logs or listening to ATC voice channels. In order aircraft on the link are blocked, the majority of this to gather data from landing logs or flight plans, copies group of aircraft engage in this. The average observed must be acquired from ANSPs and then processed. To aircraft sent around four messages. Depending on the cover numerous countries would incur a lot of manual country of origin, the format of these messages varies. work; on top of this, some countries or airports may Typically, the message content is used to transfer not make all of their logs public. ACARS provides more flight plan data to the aircraft. Similar to clearances, structured, consistent data stream than this—having a this involves the departure and arrival airports and in formal message structure makes it easier to process at some cases routes and call signs. Call signs can indi- scale. Furthermore, the structure is the same worldwide, cate the type of flight—for example, “RCH” is a ‘reach’ meaning low-cost sensors could be geographically dis- flight, which is a troop transport. Since military aircraft tributed in order to significantly scale up collection. have a degree of operational sensitivity, the fact that For ATC communications, language processing these messages are sent in clear text at all is a prob- could be used as shown in [21], with multiple receivers lem. Additionally, a significant proportion of these air- tuned to different frequencies. This can provide gran- craft have both a Flightradar24 and FlightAware block ular information including turn headings and airspeeds in place, indicating that there is some active, rather than of aircraft. However, aircraft regularly change frequency just presumed, attempt at privacy. We look at military as they move between different areas, thus adding regu- usage of flight plans further in Sec. 8.2. lar risk of losing tracking. On top of this, voice channel Although not directly related, some military aircraft quality is variable and congested, so not all phrases can on SATCOM make use of free text messages on a simi- be recovered. Although ACARS may provide less detail, lar protocol. We observed 115 blocked military aircraft it avoids these challenges. It also offers operational infor- sending 630 messages in this way. Most of these include mation which would not appear on ATC voice channels. flight operational content relating to cargo or estimated For these reasons, we feel that ACARS usage by arrival times, with some revealing destinations or route blocked aircraft poses an additional and unique risk to adjustments. said aircraft privacy beyond the accepted (or known) risk.
Biz Undermining Privacy in the Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS) 115 08:48:56 - Recall flight plan list Departure Airport: LFPB Paris Le Bourget France 12:03:52 - Receive flight plan Fig. 5. Plotted flight tracks from flight plans received by blocked Point from ACARS Flight Plan Arrival Airport: OEJN Path King Abdulaziz military aircraft over the SATCOM data link. Location from OpenSky/ADS-B International Airport Receiver Location Saudi Arabia later, the aircraft resumes sending messages, though this Map based on long and lat. The data is filtered on Route, which ranges from 1 to 1. time no ADS-B data could be retrieved. During this pe- Fig. 4. Flight plan of a blocked business aircraft from SATCOM riod it sends 10 encrypted messages and uses ATIS to ACARS messages. Red shapes indicate position obtained from OpenSky ADS-B. Pink/black shapes constructed from flight plan. check the landing conditions at the arrival airport. Clearly, this is a significant amount of information recovered from relatively few messages, especially for a 8 Case Studies blocked aircraft. A similar process could be followed for the other flight plans and exchanges; when considering With the various ways in which ACARS usage can cause the fact that the aircraft is apparently blocked on all problems explained, we now present three case studies public flight trackers, this is a significant leak. to expand upon this. For each aircraft category we show how sending one or more of the message types above can reveal a significant information about a flight; in each 8.2 Military Aircraft Case Study case, this is far more than ADS-B alone, and would be Military aircraft are permitted to turn ADS-B off in or- collectable with manual means. der to provide privacy with respect to their location [23]. As shown in Table 4, 424 (95.9%) of these aircraft were 8.1 Business Aircraft Case Study using some kind of block on flight tracking websites. We can see there is a real desire for privacy, as many of these Many business aircraft reveal their locations or destina- aircraft were ‘unknown’ to the trackers. tions with positional reports. However, some cases re- These aircraft made much use of ACARS, with the veal even more through flight plans and ATIS reports. average aircraft sending three messages in the collection In this case study, we look at a business jet owned by a range. Some reveal much more than others, however. Saudi Arabian company and operated by a British pri- Over our collection phase we received over 1206 flight vate aviation firm. This aircraft regularly transmits on plans transmitted by 280 blocked military aircraft via SATCOM, sending 118 messages of which 50 were en- SATCOM. We were able to reconstruct the flight path crypted with a monoalphabetic cipher, 10 were ATIS for most of them, as shown in Figure 5. and 10 were flight plans. This aircraft has a BARR We present the case of a specific military aircraft to source block and is blocked on both web trackers. demonstrate the impact of ACARS further. An Amer- In Figure 4 we see the reconstruction of one day of ican military aircraft observed solely over SATCOM ACARS traffic, consisting of 20 messages. This data is transmitted 513 messages between November 2016 and cross-referenced with OpenSky, a collaborative sensor January 2017. Message content varied between free text, network collecting ADS-B and Mode S data for use by flight plans and weather reports. researchers [44]. Seemingly whilst flying to the depar- When looking specifically at the of this aircraft ture airport, it is sent the list of available flight plans, flight plans we can see a lot of aircraft; despite being then whilst on approach, is sent the flight plan for the blocked it received 16 flight plan and 32 ATIS messages. flight Paris to Jeddah. Using the flight plan we can con- On top of this, it transmitted messages providing far struct the main waypoints along the flight. It follows this more detailed routes, apparently updates on the route message with some considerably more detailed route in- taken so far. In one instance the aircraft transmitted a formation over the course of three messages. Two hours flight plan, then an update 40 minutes later. We have
Undermining Privacy in the Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS) 116 revealing the origin, destination and waypoints along the route, other messages include an loadsheet for items on-board. In terms of the latter, most is standard infor- mation, e.g. passenger count, fuel and take-off param- Departure Airport: ETAR eters. This has potential sensitivity since it indicates Rammstein Air Base how many passengers are on board and as such, the Germany type of mission underway. However, additional items are seemingly coded entries such as ’WHITE ELEFANT’, ’GREY GHOST’. No public information on these items Departure Airport: LERT exist yet they appear in a number of loadsheets sent by Cadiz/Rota Airport Spain US diplomatic fleet aircraft. Beyond this flight, the aircraft conducted other Point Path from ACARS Flight Plan flights revealing route information, ADS-C updates, fur- Receiver Location ther inventories and free-text messages. long and lat. The data is filtered on Route, which ranges from 2 to 2. Fig. 6. Plotted flight update from a US military aircraft in Jan- uary 2017. This was collected on the SATCOM link. 9 Industry Opinions plotted this update in Figure 6. Despite the aircraft be- ACARS is used by many stakeholders within aviation, ing blocked on flight tracking websites, an attacker can each interacting with it in different ways. Our survey plot the movements of this aircraft based on either of aimed to understand privacy—and relevant security— these messages, collected far away from the departure perceptions of ACARS. Whilst we have contextualized airport. Importantly, by using both the flight plan and some parts of the paper already with results from the update, they can see where the aircraft is going without survey, we now look specifically at industry professional relying on more regular updated information. views on ACARS usage for sensitive data. We surveyed 40 aviation professionals, including pilots, avionics en- 8.3 State Aircraft Case Study gineers and air traffic controllers. In order to understand the general level of awareness An example of the power of these messages is in mes- of sensitive data being sent over ACARS, part of the sages collected from an aircraft of the US diplomatic survey asked the following three questions: fleet. This particular aircraft appeared to have a source- 1. Do you have any experience of ACARS being used level block, since it is considered US military. As such, to share sensitive or private information? This no information about it can be seen in FlightRadar24 or might include personal data (e.g. names, addresses) FlightAware at the time of collection. Using both POA or commercially sensitive data. and SATCOM ACARS, we were able to not only receive 2. How suitable would you consider standard ACARS messages and track the aircraft as it flew over our col- (unencrypted) to be from a privacy point-of-view? lection location, but also were able to gather loadsheets For example, for transmitting sensitive data such as and a flight plan. Figure 7 shows that five SATCOM names or addresses. ACARS messages collected within an hour reveal the 3. How suitable would you consider standard ACARS full route, despite the collection location being in mid- (unencrypted) to be from a safety point-of-view? dle of the route. These messages were received before In other words, to what extent do you think that the aircraft entered VHF range, out of the line of sight. ACARS is secure enough for safety-related data? Using Mode S and ADS-B data from OpenSky, we see the additional level of sensitive positional data Since we know that ACARS does not offer security by leaked by ACARS. Firstly, the aircraft rarely turns default, these questions aimed to understand whether ADS-B on apart from a period of 27 minutes at cruise such a lack of security has an impact on the perception altitude over France. This appears to be some attempt and usage of ACARS. In the first question we simply try at hiding, since ADS-B is mandated for use by all civil- to understand whether those surveyed had experienced ian aircraft in US and European airspace by 2020 [13]— a form of the problem described in this paper. Figure 8 military aircraft do have the ability and permission to displays the results, and indicates that whilst most did, turn this off though [9, 23]. Alongside the flight plans the response was somewhat mixed. This could indicate
Sheet 3 Undermining Privacy in the Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS) 117 Point from ACARS Flight Plan AD 11:35:54 ADS-B Path Tr S- ac B k transmission begins Mode S surveillance Arrival Airport: EINN from OpenSky Shannon Airport 10:55:00 Enters VHF Receiver Location Republic of Ireland ACARS range 12:02:02 ADS-B transmission ends 09:35:21 Enters SSR Reception Range 12:43 Leaves SSR coverage/ Mode S transmissions end < 4:53 Departure at OERK (Riyadh). 4:53:24 First SATCOM contact at A. 4:57:22 Flight plan received. 05:43:00 Load / PAX information received. GREY GHOST NONE WHITE ELEFANT YES STATE ROOM 1 GENERAL 1 8 ... Map based on long2 and lat2. The view is filtered on long2, which keeps non-Null values only. Fig. 7. Flight track of a US Diplomatic fleet aircraft in December 2016, reconstructed from ACARS messages. Note that aircraft switches on ADS-B only for cruising, never for departure or landing. differing views on what constitutes private data, but Yes 21 equally highlights how much wider of a system view No 16 that the attacker described in this paper would have. In Prefer not the context of the work surrounding ACARS privacy, 3 to say it is clear that there is a debate amongst the aviation 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 Frequency of Response community about which data needs to be secured. Our second question relates to the results of this Fig. 8. Chart for Question 1, “Do you have any experience of paper; i.e. that aircraft operators are unknowingly leak- ACARS being used to share sensitive or private information? ” ing sensitive location data over ACARS, and the pri- vacy implications of this. Results are shown in Figure 9, of the privacy issues on ACARS. However, this does not with 31 of those responding (77.5%) feeling that ACARS match up with practice; indicated awareness has not yet is either ‘somewhat unsuitable’ or ‘very unsuitable’ for caused changes in the way the link is used. One reason such data. Indeed, this matches with our findings and could be that air traffic controllers or pilots do not have is promising with regards to addressing the problem. a choice of which system to use—ACARS is simply all The third question, relating to safety, provides a they have. Another likely cause is that there is a dis- comparison point to Q2 i.e., if users consider ACARS connect between the owners, pilots, controllers and en- unsuitable for private data whether they also consider gineers who understand the desire for privacy and those it unsafe. Intuitively, if ACARS lacks security measures who do not. Not having a consensus on security and (namely integrity and authentication protection), then privacy creates the issues described in this paper. its ability to provide safe communication would be com- promised. As shown in Figure 9, 17 respondents (42.5%) did not agree with this view, which given the focus on 10 Mitigations safety in aviation is noteworthy. It can be seen that the bias is towards ACARS being ‘unsuitable’ for privacy, Many of the leaks described in Section 7 are as a result but towards ‘suitable’ for safety. We believe that this of the message content; without it, the most a single difference is a cause for concern should ACARS be used receiver can determine is the aircraft existence. Because for safety-critical data in the future. of this, protecting message content is paramount. We Clearly, ACARS is considered to be a reasonable cover two types of approach to this: technical and policy. system in the aviation industry for some purposes; in- deed, this is expected given the level of deployment and usage. Despite experiences of private data over ACARS being mixed, it is clear that there is an understanding
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