BA/ FASHION DESIGN - Weißensee Kunsthochschule ...

Page created by Marion Maxwell
Study Program Fashion Design                        Foundation Course (first year of studies)

Prof. Patrick Rietz                                 Students in all departments take the foundati-
Prof. Heike Selmer                                  on courses in the foundation of art and design.
Prof. Prof. Clara Leskovar                          General aesthetic, visual and practical foun-
Prof. Doreen Schulz                                 dational knowledge and practice are thought,
and additional contract teachers                    including foundations in the fields of digital
                                                    media and anatomy/morphology. Students are
Fashion designers are principally trained in the    introduced to sensual-direct as well as analyti-
following areas:                                    cal-systematic ways of working. The broad cur-
The course Fashion Design is divided into two       riculum enables them to discover, develop, and
sections: a Bachelor qualification, and a Ma-       deepen their individual abilities and talents.
sters which builds upon it. The four-year Ba-       Teaching takes place in interdisciplinary small
chelor course aims to provide students with         working groups. Interdisciplinary interactions,
the skills to develop their own creative stance     teamwork, and communicative activity going
and design identity in the area of fashion de-      beyond the limits of oné own discipline and
sign. The first year is spent studying the basics   genre. With the special structure and its range
of art and design in an interdisciplinary course    of what is on offer, the foundational program
together with students from other courses at        is a specialty of weißensee academy of art. The
the weissensee academy of art berlin.               program emphasizes in particular the follo-
                                                    wing: teaching the foundation art and design,
The following three years of study aim to fo-       expanding individual creative abilities, open up
ster a critical understanding of fashion and its    new work modes, acquisition of expertise and
historical, sociological and economic foundati-     skills in various crafts and more.
ons. Students are taught a wide range of acade-
mic and design knowledge, methods and skills        Commencement of study
to enable them to approach complex, interdis-
ciplinary design assignments methodically and       Admission of beginners is for the winter seme-
to complete them successfully. The course con-      ster only, i. e. from October of the current year.
tent covers the design of fashion and clothing
ranges for serial production, as well as one-off    Duration of study
designs. The course is marked by the intensive
interplay of practical design work and theore-      The regular duration of study is of 8 semesters,
tical debate.                                       240 ECTS-credits (Bachelor) and 2 semesters,
                                                    60 ECTS-credits (Master of Arts).
Fashion is examined in all its complexity and
correlations between fashion trends and so-         Syllabus
ciety are highlighted. The course of study co-
vers also the design of fashion and clothing        The course is divided into a four-year Bachelor
assortments for industrial or one-off produc-       course and a one-year Masters. The bachelor’s
tion. Students learn to work independently in       program starts with a one-year interdiscipli-
the various branches of fashion design both         nary foundation course, attended by students
conceptionally and creatively. They also learn      across all departments. After the foundation
to defend their own design standpoints. They        year the Bachelors course aim to produce com-
learn to handle the technical requirements and      petent and independent designer personalities.
acquire the necessary skills to react to fashion    Teaching in the shape of exercises, seminars
trends and needs as well as to socio-cultural       and lectures is largely done in common courses
conditions. They also learn to be aware of the      for all specialisms.
problems and experimental possibilities when
influencing these developments.
Studio Workshops                                      derstanding of the global fashion market. Prio-
                                                      rity is given to project-based learning. Masters
The instructional program of weißensee acade-         students may work on projects from neighbou-
my of art berlin is outstanding supported by its      ring disciplines, or on interdisciplinary projects,
studios workshops. The artisans convey skills         as well as classic fashion concepts.
and basic knowledge about the most disparate
materials. All students can use the workshops,        There is only one admission term (winter) that
whatever course they are enrolled. Besides ac-        means next application is valid for winter term,
quiring traditional manual skills, they can learn     start in October. The applications are open
the newest computer-aided techniques. For             from March, 01 and close on April, 30. Please
example weißensee has a Ceramic- and Model            use exclusively the online application platform,
Making Workshop, also a Wood-, Welding- and           the link can be found on our website.
Bookbinding Workshop, a Printing Studio, a
Silkscreen- and Gravure Workshop, Weaving/            Admission prerequisites
Dying/ Knitting rooms, Photography- and a
Computer Studio, an Interactive Technology            • A special artistic talent is required
Lab and more.                                         • Minimum age 18 years
                                                      • General matriculation standard /
Stay abroad                                             general certificate of secondary education
                                                      • Preliminary practical or vocational training
The weißensee academy of art berlin cultivates
direct contacts with a great number of colle-         Artistic admission test / aptitude test
ges in other countries and promotes student
exchange. Interested students in the main             The artistic talent will be ascertained by a
course may contact the international office of        test procedure in the middle of February.
weißensee for information about exchange              The application period for all undergradua-
emplacements available within the SOKRATES/           te courses of study is from 1 November to 10
ERASMUS Programme or other possibilities for          December of each year. The Registration is
a stay abroad, and hand in their corresponding        made through the website:
                                                      For summer term a registration is not possible.
Conclusion of study                                   In January applicants will receive an invitation
                                                      and practical hints for the aptitude test.
The study is concluded with a Bachelor exami-
nation. Admission to the Bachelor procedure is        This admission test or exam will consist of:
only for students who have completed at least
two semesters of main study at the weißensee          • The test starts with the submission of your
academy of art berlin and have concluded this         portfolio and if required your special homework.
study successfully. After having passed the ex-       Minimum of 15 to maximally 20 personally
amination, the graduate will receive the acade-       produced artistic works (mainly drawings and
mic degree of „Bachelor of Arts in Fashion-Design“.   other specimens). Admission to the test will be
                                                      decided upon after examination of these works
Master Program                                        (preselection).
                                                      • A 2 to 3-day exam for proving the required
The one-year Masters course continues to deve-        aptitude.
lop students’ own design identity and creative        • An interview concerning, as a rule, the eva-
vision at the most advance level. Building upon       luation of the artistic achievements shown as
a foundation of a sound knowledge of fashion          well as the technical skills and motivation of
design, students receive a comprehensive un-          the participants.
Handicapped or chronically ill applicants may         position to mediate training placements. The
apply for compensation of their drawback in the       preliminary training is necessary for acquiring
test. The test participants will be informed in       knowledge and experience concerning basic
writing about the results. A successfully passed      working techniques, materials and working
test is valid for two years.                          processes. Especially suitable to this effect are
                                                      handicraft or service workshops for clothing,
Portfolio                                             small ready-made clothing or knitware facto-
                                                      ries or theatre workshops (minimum duration
An admission to the aptitude test will be deci-       – 6 to 8 weeks).
ded after the review of the portfolio. All appli-
cants will be invited and required to submit the      Application/admission
portfolio personally. The content of the portfo-
lio naturally varies depending on the desired de-     An application can be filed only after having
partment, but here are some general tips.             passed the artistic admission test, whereupon
                                                      the suitable applicants will receive the corre-
There are not too many specifications from the        sponding application form from the weißensee
faculties regarding the portfolio, other than         academy of art berlin. This form has to be sent
the fact that it should be include ca. 15 to 20       within the established period, together with
preferably original works (drawings, paintings,       the appertaining documents, to the matricu-
photographs, collages, videos, three-dimensio-        lation office of the weißensee academy of art
nal works or works on canvas must be docu-            berlin. The application deadline is preclusive.
mented as photographs). All media are permit-         Allotment of the study places by central assign-
ted. The portfolio should be easy to manage and       ment (ZVS), numerus clausus, waiting seme-
not exceed DIN A0.                                    sters or drawing of lots is not done.
The concept of the portfolio is entirely up to        After conclusion of the admission procedure in
the applicant and should be demonstrate not           Mai of the same year, the applicants receive a
only basic artistic skills and creativity but also    written admission award and the registration
works that are relevant to the desired program.       forms.
It should be very selective about the works. As
the portfolio is the first part of the entrance       Information on admission and matriculation
exam, applicants should think carefully about         for international applicants
their artistic identity, talents, and goals. They
try to avoid works that appear as if they were        In application proceedings, there are no diffe-
instructed to create it – it is very important that   rences between Germans, EU-Citizens or other
the creative, artistic personality can be seen        international applicants, provided internatio-
in the portfolio. It is also important that the       nal applicants can submit a proof of German
portfolio illustrates that applicants have conti-     language proficiency with the application form:
nuously and intensively worked on their crea-         minimum of the qualification B1/B2 for Design
tive development. The professors place great          departments.
value on high quality drawings. For inspiration,
applicants can view a range of different student      The language of instruction is German in all
projects on the website or alternativly visit the     our courses. As the aptitude test will be also
open days in July.                                    carried out in German it is absolutely necessary
                                                      to be provided with a sufficient knowledge of
Preliminary practical training                        German language. Needless to say that most
                                                      professors speak English very well, so in case
A preliminary practical training is considered        of need, applicants may be able to explain the
as basic requirement for matriculation. The           ideas, aims and motivation also in English. After
weißensee academy of art berlin is not in a           a positive decision, it must be presented a lan-
guage certificate for the admission: for examp-       Registration/fees
le TestDaF 4, telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule, DSH
2 or the language proof of the UDK or Goethe          For registration it is necessary to present the
Institution (qualification level C1) for all Design   health insurance vouchers and to pay the
departments. In exceptional cases, a proof of         contributions of approx. 300 € (registration
the exam registration or a certificate of the C1 -    fee, social contribution, Students’ Association
course is also sufficient for the time being. The     (ASTA) and ticket for local transport). Tuition
relevant language certificate must be submit-         fees are not charged.
ted before the studies begin.
Recognition of certificates
                                                      The weißensee academy of art berlin does not
First if applicants pass the aptitude test suc-       have any student hostels or flats. The address
cessfully, they have to apply for admission with      of the central accommodation agency is: stu-
the necessary certificates and documents, and         dierendenWERK BERLIN. Web:
these must be submitted in form of an officially      Moreover there exists in Berlin an ample offer
authenticated translation in German or Eng-           of private flat-sharing and subtenancy oppor-
lish. Foreign higher education entrance quali-        tunities which can be found in newspaper ads,
fications (allgemeine Hochschulreife) must be         on notice boards, by personal contacts or in in-
recognised as equivalent to the German ge-            ternet, for example:,,
neral or subject-specific higher education ent-
rance qualification. An exemption from this is
possible if you have a „special artistic aptitude“    Information material
and its is declared in the notification for the re-
sult of the aptitude test. Applicants from the        Further information about the weißensee aca-
People‘s Republic of China, Vietnam and Mon-          demy of art berlin can be found in the Internet
golia must include the original certificate con-      (
firming that the papers have been pre-checked
by the Academic Evaluation Centre (APS).              Information days

Change of college                                     Once a year – in July – the weißensee academy
                                                      of art berlin hosts its traditional „RUNDGANG-
Changing to the weißensee academy of art              Open Days“ providing prospective students
berlin is possible only after completion of the       and applicants best opportunities for informa-
fundamental study or of the 2nd semester in           tion and offer you an ideal introduction to this
the same course of study. It is recommendable         school. And all interesed people are also invited
first to get into touch with the professors of the    to an informative event in November, here will-
desired specialism and to arrange a personal in-      take place a presentation of all departments.
terview. Acceptance and acknowledgement of
accomplished studies are assessed and appro-          Student advisory service
ved by the examination and admission com-
mittees. The application periods for College          Susan Lipp
Transfer Admission are from 01 December to 02         general course guidance
January 02 for the summer term and May 01–            Student Service, room A 1.09
31 for winter term. Please see information and
guidlines for online application on the websi-        mail:
te: under >Studies>Applying          open hours: tuesday 11-13, thursday 14-17
For Studies>Transfer Students                         telephone advisory service: +49 30 47705 342
                                                      tuesday 14-16, wednesday 10-12
weißensee kunsthochschule berlin

Allgemeine Studienberatung
Bühringstr. 20 - 13086 Berlin
Raum A1.09
Tel (030) 4 77 05 - 342
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