Axon May 2020 Release Notes - Document Revision: A Version 2020.5

Page created by Lynn Carlson
Axon May 2020 Release Notes - Document Revision: A Version 2020.5
May 2020
Release Notes

Document Revision: A Version 2020.5
Axon May 2020 Release Notes - Document Revision: A Version 2020.5
Axon May 2020                                                                                     Release Notes

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     ,   Axon, Axon Aware, Axon Body, Axon Body 2, Axon Body 3, Axon Capture, Axon Citizen, Axon Dock, Axon
    Evidence, Axon Fleet, Axon Flex, Axon Flex 2, Axon Interview, Axon Performance, Axon View, Axon View XL, Lite, Evidence Sync, and TASER are trademarks of Axon Enterprise, Inc., some of which are registered
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Axon May 2020 Release Notes - Document Revision: A Version 2020.5
Axon May 2020                                                                                                                               Release Notes

Table of Contents

Overview ...................................................................................................................................................... 4
Axon May Release Updates .............................................................................................. 4
       Case Restriction Workflow Update .......................................................................................................... 4
       Axon Evidence Report Updates ................................................................................................................ 5
              Evidence Created Report - Sharing fields ....................................................................................... 5
              Sharing Audit Report ......................................................................................................................... 5
       Axon Evidence Usability Updates............................................................................................................. 6
       On-Demand Transcription Service Update............................................................................................. 8
       Issues Resolved with Axon Evidence in May 2020 ................................................................................. 9
Axon Body 3 OS v1.5 Released .................................................................................................................. 9
Axon Device Manager Mobile App Updates .......................................................................................... 10
Axon Capture Updates ............................................................................................................................. 10
Mobile Application Support Update ....................................................................................................... 10
Axon Release Review Webinar ................................................................................................................ 11
Coming Soon ............................................................................................................................................. 12
       Redaction Studio - Annotation Tools .....................................................................................................12
       Axon Aware Mobile App Updates ..........................................................................................................14
              Satellite View .....................................................................................................................................14
              Multi-Factor Authentication ............................................................................................................14
       Third-Party Video Support ......................................................................................................................15
       Axon Evidence Usability Updates...........................................................................................................16
       Axon Body 3 Operating System v1.6 Release .......................................................................................16

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Axon May 2020                                                                             Release Notes


       This document has Axon product release information for May 2020, along with advanced
       notice of major upcoming features, updates and applications. Check out this short video
       recap for an overview of the changes.

Axon May Release Updates

       The Axon Evidence May release is scheduled for Wednesday, May 27, 2020 to avoid potential
       conflicts with the US Memorial Day holiday. We do not expect any downtime during this
       update. Please refer to the Axon Evidence Maintenance Schedule on the Axon website for
       information on the update schedule times for your region.

       Note: The release for customers in Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom will
       occur on Tuesday, June 2, 2020. Please refer to the Axon Evidence Maintenance Schedule on
       the Axon website for information on the update schedule times for your region.

       Below are the details of what’s coming in the May Axon Evidence release.

Case Restriction Workflow Update

       Currently, when a case is restricted it only restricts access to the case, not the evidence in the
       case. Beginning with the May release, when a case is restricted both the case and the
       evidence in the case will be restricted. Any evidence added to a restricted case is
       automatically restricted. If the evidence is subsequently removed from a restricted case, it
       will remain restricted until a user manually removes the restriction from the evidence.

       Note: This update only applies to cases that are newly restricted in the redesigned Cases
       functionality; this update is not retroactively applied to existing cases.

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Axon May 2020                                                                          Release Notes

Axon Evidence Report Updates

       In May we are updating the Evidence Created and Sharing Audit reports to improve the
       clarity and usefulness of the reports.

   Evidence Created Report - Sharing fields

       The following fields are included in the report for information about evidence sharing:

           •    evidence_internal_acl_users: Provides a list of users inside the agency that the
                evidence has been shared with.

           •    evidence_internal_acl_groups: Provides a list of groups inside the agency that the
                evidence has been shared with.

           •    evidence_external_acl_users: Provides a list of users outside the agency that the
                evidence has been shared with by email or partner share.

           •    evidence_external_acl_groups: Provides a list of groups outside the agency that the
                evidence has been shared with by email or partner share.

           •    evidence_partner_agencies: (renamed from partner_agencies) Provides a list of
                partner agencies where the evidence was shared with the entire agency.

           •    case_partner_agencies: Shows a comma separated list of partner agencies that
                evidence has been shared with in a case.

       This update modifies the information shown in the following sharing columns:

           •    evidence_internal_acl_groups: removes agency name, since internal users always
                have the same agency.

           •    evidence_partner_agencies: renamed from partner_agencies to show this is only
                for partner shares of evidence, not cases.

           •    case_partner_agencies: Shows a comma separated list of partner agencies that
                evidence has been shared with in a case.

   Sharing Audit Report

       This update fixes a problem where download link shares did not show how long the link
       lasted or the expiration date. Now evidence shares via download link can be audited with
       this report.

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Axon May 2020                                                                           Release Notes

Axon Evidence Usability Updates

       In May we are adding some general usability updates and improvements in Axon Evidence,
       including the following updates:

       Maps - The Evidence related maps in Axon Evidence have been updated to use the same
       maps used on the Axon Aware tab, and provide a more consistent user experience through
       Axon Evidence. The image below shows an example of the updated map on an Evidence
       Detail page.

       Note: The maps on the Device Detail pages will be updated in a future release.

       Import Groups - This update modifies the layout of the Import Groups page. Instead of
       separate sections for each import action, users select the action from the Import Option list.

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Axon May 2020                                                                           Release Notes

       The options to create or replace groups and define group monitors and members are the
       same as the previous Import Groups page.

       After the import is complete, the status of each import is listed. The status is based on the
       selected option and the uploaded files. It includes information about errors that Axon
       Evidence while processing the .csv file.

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Axon May 2020                                                                          Release Notes

On-Demand Transcription Service Update

       Note: On-demand transcription service is only available to customers in the United States.

       The on-demand transcription service allows you to order transcriptions of any video or
       audio stored in Axon Evidence on a pay-as-you-go basis. With the May release, if your
       evidence is in Spanish, or a mix of Spanish and English, select English & Spanish when
       submitting your audio for transcription. You will receive the completed transcript in Spanish,
       as well as the English translation.

       You can select the English & Spanish transcription option when requesting a Transcript from
       the Evidence Detail Page.

       Note: Your agency must have Transcription Service enabled under Transcription Settings in
       Axon Evidence Admin.

       The Axon Evidence on-demand transcription service currently integrates with SpeakWrite for
       transcriptions. For more information about SpeakWrite, please visit:

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Axon May 2020                                                                             Release Notes

Issues Resolved with Axon Evidence in May 2020

       Axon resolved the following issues in this Axon Evidence release:

           •    Evidence Import: Evidence could be imported into Axon Evidence without an ID
                when Evidence ID field validation is enabled.

           •    Search: Searches would fail if a special character followed by a space was entered in
                free-form text field.

           •    Multicam Playback: In some situations, the synchronization of multicam videos
                would fail, and the videos start at the same time instead of starting in the expected
                sequence. Now when this situation is detected, the warning message “Video
                playback is not synchronized” is shown at the top of the video player.

           •    Evidence Details: Location information was not displayed in the EXIF Data section.

           •    PDF Viewing: Some PDF files were not correctly displayed in full screen mode.

           •    PDF Viewing: Large PDF files (larger than 1 GB) could not be viewed with the Internet
                Explorer 11 browser.

           •    Video Playback: iOS devices were unable to play video files in Axon Evidence.

Axon Body 3 OS v1.5 Released

       The Axon Body 3 camera Operating System (OS) v1.5 update was released to all agencies on
       May 13, 2020. The update had critical bug fixes and some minor features to address
       customer needs. This release included the following improvements:

           •    Wi-Fi Based Positioning Assistance - This update introduces improved location
                reporting to Axon Aware and on-device evidence. This feature is agency-configurable
                on the Axon Body 3 Camera Settings page in Axon Evidence and is disabled by
                default at launch for US-based agencies. Agencies outside of the US will need to
                enable this feature.

           •    Audit trails are offloaded with evidence when using Axon View XL Standalone with a
                USB-C cable (requires Axon View XL 1.12 or higher). For Axon Fleet customers, audit
                trails are not offloaded with evidence when the camera is paired with Axon View XL over
                Wi-Fi. USB-C cable offload is encouraged.

           •    New audit trail entry noting when evidence offload is done using Axon View XL
                Standalone with a USB-C cable (requires Axon View XL 1.12 or higher).

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Axon May 2020                                                                            Release Notes

Axon Device Manager Mobile App Updates

       An updated version of Axon Device Manager was released for iOS (v2.0.9) on May 12, 2020
       and for Android (v3.0.7) on May 11, 2020. The updated version includes the following

           •    For agencies that use Single Sign-On (SSO), added the ability to allow certain agency
                users to sign in to the app, even if their SSO doesn’t support third-party applications.
                Agencies can contact Axon Technical Support for assistance with this function.

           •    Bug fix for Axon Signal Vehicle Unit log upload (Android only).

           •    General bug fixes.

Axon Capture Updates

       An updated version of Axon Capture for iOS and Android is being released at the end of
       May. The updated version includes the following changes:

           •    Localized version for Spanish and Italian users.

           •    General improvements and bug fixes.

Mobile Application Support Update

       At the end of August 2020, Axon mobile applications will no longer provide support for older
       versions of Android operating systems. After August, Axon mobile applications will only
       support the following Android operating systems:

           •    Android devices: Android 7.0 and above. The latest version is Android 10.

       Axon mobile applications installed on the devices with the older operating systems will
       continue to function, but those applications will not receive version updates.

       Customers are encouraged to upgrade their devices to a supported operating system before
       the end of August 2020.

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Axon May 2020                                                                      Release Notes

Axon Release Review Webinar

       On April 30 we hosted a webinar covering recent updates to Axon For those
       of you that were unable to attend the webinar, we have posted a recording of the webinar
       and the Q&A session.

       As we expand the Axon Network, we will continue to host webinars that will review and
       highlight recent updates. Be sure to watch the release notes for webinar announcements.

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Axon May 2020                                                                          Release Notes

Coming Soon

       This section provides advanced notice about major upcoming features, updates, and
       applications that may require new or updated agency processes.

Redaction Studio - Annotation Tools

       We are adding annotation tools to Redaction Studio. The annotation tools will allow users to
       add outline markers and text to video redactions. Outline markers are boxes that can be
       placed over objects to highlight them in the video.

       The workflow for adding an outline marker is similar to using manual and object tracker
       masks. Users will open the file, place a mask, and then select the Outline Marker option
       (adjacent to the blur selector). The actions used to reposition and resize outline markers are
       the same as those used for masks.

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       Text is added by selecting the new Text box option, below the audio mask, clicking and
       dragging on the video to add the box, and then typing text in the box. The text size can be
       changed using the slider bar below the video.

       When the redaction is extracted, the outline markers and text boxes are included in the final

       The annotation tools are currently in early access, and expect to make the tools available to
       all Redaction Studio users with the June Axon Evidence release.

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Axon May 2020                                                                             Release Notes

Axon Aware Mobile App Updates

       We are planning to release an updated version of Axon Aware mobile app for iOS and
       Android in early-June. This update will include the following changes:

   Satellite View

       Users can now switch between map view and satellite view on the mobile app. To change the
       view, tap the Filter icon in the lower left corner and select the view (map or satellite) you
       want to see on the Aware map.

   Multi-Factor Authentication

       The Axon Aware mobile app now supports Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for agencies
       that use this option.

       When a user at an agency that uses MFA logs in, they are prompted for a MFA code or
       security questions depending on agency configurations.

       The MFA code is sent to the user by email or SMS and the user enters the code to complete
       the login. If needed, the user can request that a new MFA code be sent.

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Axon May 2020                                                                            Release Notes

       If prompted for security questions, the user must provide correct answers to login.

Third-Party Video Support

       In the coming months we will be adding support for third-party video playback in Axon
       Evidence. This feature allows users with corresponding view permissions to playback videos
       that are not supported by the Axon Evidence default video player.

       When the feature is enabled and a third-party video is uploaded to Axon Evidence, the
       system will automatically start converting the file so that can be viewed in Axon Evidence.
       Note, the video in the original format is also maintained in the system. Users can manually
       request conversion for files that were uploaded before the feature was enabled.

       The initial release of the feature will support the most common third-party file types. It will
       not support third-party evidence that contains multiple files (such as g64x, and exe file types)
       or file types that are supported by the default video player (mp4, avi, etc) but require a
       proprietary player/codec for playback. We are working to expand support to include these
       file types as well.

       This feature will be available for Enterprise licensed customers and as an agency-wide add-
       on for OSP7+ customers. For more information, contact your Axon representative.

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Axon May 2020                                                                           Release Notes

Axon Evidence Usability Updates

       In upcoming releases, we will add usability updates to improve the overall functionality of
       Axon Evidence. Some of the upcoming changes include:

           •    User Import - Improves existing web-based user import process. We are also
                evaluating user-requested features, such as the option to make edits after uploading
                a file and using the import process to update information for existing users.

           •    User Registration - Register page will improve visuals and fixes to minor bugs in an
                upcoming release.

Axon Body 3 Operating System v1.6 Release

       In June 2020, we will begin deploying an Axon Body 3 camera Operating System (OS) update
       that corrects an issue where an Axon Body 3 camera could not livestream when paired with
       Axon View XL wirelessly.

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