Australia in the "Living With Covid" Era - T. Rowe Price

Page created by Kristen Price

Australia in the “Living With
Covid” Era
Benefiting from global reflation.                                                                                             June 2021

 ■ As a market heavily skewed towards value sectors, Australia underperformed
   in 2020.
                                                                                                  Randal Jenneke
 ■ Vaccine rollout and policy stimulus underpin global reflation in 2021, which                   Head of Australian Equity
   favours Australia with its high beta to resources and the global business cycle.               at T. Rowe Price.
 ■ Growth and inflation may peak in 2021. Our Australian equity portfolios are
   positioning for the return to favour of quality growth in 2022.

Style factors continue to play an                  impulse (the change in the cyclically-
important role                                     adjusted primary budget balance as
Strong GDP growth this year is already             a % of GDP) is much less in 2021
priced into Australian share prices. For           than it was in 2020. In 2022 it is set to
2022, our expectation is that local and            turn negative (the ‘fiscal cliff’ effect),
global growth will likely begin to fade as         subtracting from GDP growth in that
fiscal stimulus begins to unwind, after            year. Under these conditions – a return
                                                   to slower growth and sustained low
being heavily front-loaded into the first
                                                   interest rates – we believe growth           For 2022, our
half of this year. As a result, consensus
earnings growth estimates will likely              stocks should return to favour. In           expectation is that
be trimmed and earnings momentum                   portfolio positioning, our focus is on
(upgrades less downgrades) may turn               ‘Quality Growth’, increasing active           local and global
                                                   bets in the areas of higher quality
negative. Under this scenario, value
                                                   businesses and cyclical growth. The          growth will likely
is unlikely to continue to outperform
growth. We expect the value rotation               quality category has underperformed          begin to fade…
trade to first fade and later reverse.             over the past year (See Figure 1) and
Unlike some market strategists, we                 has created opportunities within out
see limited scope for interest rates to            of favour businesses such as select
move much higher given the historically            health care names.
high post-COVID levels of domestic                The Australian equity market only has a
household debt.                                   small technology sector (3.7%¹ market
In our view, it is not too soon to think          weight), but it is growing rapidly with
of taking profit on some of the value             companies such as Afterpay (the ‘buy
positions that have done well, and to             now, pay later’ service popular with
begin positioning Australian equity               Millennials), Megaport (network-as-a-
portfolios for the return to favor of             service and data center company), and
quality growth in 2022. We note that              Xero (cloud-based accounting software
stimulus as measured by the fiscal                platform for smaller companies) as

¹ S&P/ASX 200 index technology weight, as at 31 May 2021.

FOR INVESTMENT PROFESSIONALS ONLY. NOT FOR FURTHER DISTRIBUTION.                                                                     1
Quality Out of Favour in 2020
                         (Fig. 1) S&P/ASX 200: Quality Long-Short 12-month Rolling Return Spreads

                         Quality under / outperformance




                                                      -10                                                                           underperforming


                                                                        Quality   10th     25th   50th     75th     90th

                                Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.
                                As of 28 February 2021.
                                Source: S&P/ASX 200, data analysis by T. Rowe Price. Data represents the long-short returns within
                                the S&P/ASX 200 where the data shows the spread between median high quality and median low
                                quality stocks. The S&P/ASX 200 universe is divided into 3 groups: High Quality, Medium Quality,
                                and Low Quality. Our Quality factor is broad-based and comprehensive: it captures profitability, cash-
                                flow generation, payout policy, leverage, earnings quality, earnings stability and return stability. See
                                Additional Disclosures.

We are very focused
                          examples. We are of the view that while                                   A strong economic recovery, led by
on determining which      these companies may not drive the                                         housing
                          broader Australian index direction, they
businesses …. will see    have not been spared from the recent
                                                                                                    Australia’s economy has recovered
                                                                                                    strongly from the 2020 pandemic led
strong and improving      sell off in high growth, high valuation                                   by enormous government support,
                          companies. Cheaper-than-recent-                                           robust consumer activity and a strong
fundamentals.             history valuation alone is not a thesis                                   housing market. Retail sales growth is
                         - we are very focused on determining                                       near multi-decade highs and business
                          which businesses in this space will                                       confidence set a new record high in
                          continue to see strong and improving                                      April according to the latest National
                          fundamentals.                                                             Australia Bank (NAB) survey (see
                                                                                                    Figure 2). Australian companies

                         Sharp Rebound in Business and Consumer Confidence
                         (Fig. 2) NAB Business Confidence & OECD Consumer Confidence
                                                          40                                                                          103
                                                                                                                                            Consumer Opinion Confidence

                           Business Confidence


                                                    -20                                                                               99
                                                    -80                                                                               95
                                                      Jan-00        Jan-04        Jan-08          Jan-12          Jan-16   Jan-20
                                                               National Australia Bank Business Indicators Business Confidence SA
                                                               Australia Consumer Opinion Confidence Composite OECD Normalised SA
                                As of 30 April, 2021.
                                Source: National Australia Bank, OECD, Bloomberg.

GDP per Capita Set to Regain Pre-Covid Trend in 2022
                       (Fig. 3) NAB Business Confidence & OECD Consumer
                        AUD '000                  Australia    - Real GDP per Capita
                        21.0                                   Chain volume                               (May SoMP)

                        20.0                                                             Budget
                                                                                         2021 - 22
                                              Trend: 2012     - 2019


                               12    13     14     15         16       17    18     19      20       21    22    23

                        As at 25 May 2021.
                        Source: Bloomberg, RBA, Macrobond, Macquarie.

                       reported sharply higher sales, profits,              has been working well in Australia’s
                       and employment. Capacity utilization                 recovery. Residential property
                       rose to a high level, an encouraging                 demand has responded strongly to
                       sign that the economy is taking the                  lower mortgage rates, and private
                       end of the government’s JobKeeper                    new dwelling construction grew by an
                       support program in its stride.                       impressive 4.1% QoQ in Q1. Although
                       Meanwhile, the share of JobSeeker                    there is a risk of the sector overheating,
                       recipients with zero hours worked has                at this stage neither the Reserve Bank
                       fallen below 80%, the lowest since                   of Australia (RBA) nor Australian
                       2017. As a result of the economy                     Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA)
                       reopening faster and rebounding                      seem likely to step in to cool the sector,
                       more strongly, the government’s fiscal               since fostering the economic recovery
                       situation has improved relative to the               takes precedence. Housing is central
                       forecast baseline, with stronger tax                 in this respect, since rising residential
                       revenues, fewer JobKeeper recipients,                property turnover historically has had
                       and the bonanza from record iron ore                 a positive multiplier impact on the
                       prices.                                              Australian economy.

                       Accommodative fiscal and monetary                    Australia’s export performance has
                       policy have provided powerful tailwinds              also been strong thanks mainly to the
                       for Australia’s domestic growth-driven               surge in the price of iron ore, reflecting
                       revival. Australia had no significant                China’s record high steel production.
                       macro imbalances entering the                        The RBA’s index of commodity prices
                       pandemic recession, and the short                    is currently around 30% above the
                       duration of the recession means                      2019/20 average, an unexpected
                       that “economic scarring” has been                    terms of trade gain that delivered a
…the housing channel   minimal. As a result, economic data is               significant boost to Australia’s real
                       surprising on the upside. Consumer                   national disposable income. Gross
has been working       data continues to be robust with both                mining profits are close to 8% of
well in Australia’s    soft and hard data printing strong,
                       supported by a strong balance sheet
                                                                            nominal GDP, double the last trough
                                                                            in 2016. Our outlook for iron ore has
recovery.              where net wealth is a record 8 times                 turned negative given the extreme rally
                       household disposable income. In the                  in the commodity has been fueled
                       labor market, unemployment has fallen                by temporary distortions in supply/
                       back to its 10-year average, falling to              demand. While we have taken action
                       5.5% in March from a recession peak                  within the portfolio, fully exiting pure
                       of 7.5% last July.                                   play iron ore exposures for the first
                                                                            time in the history of the strategy, for
                       Because the pandemic induced                         the Australian economy the elevated
                       recession was not accompanied by a                   price is a strong tailwind with budget
                       financial crisis, the housing channel

expectations modelling $US55 a tonne                    The RBA may revisit its policy settings
                       (approx. 70% lower than current levels).                next year, depending on how strong
                                                                               the economy is in 2022, what is
                       Monetary and fiscal policy to stay                      happening to inflation and whether a
                       easy                                                    tighter labor market is giving rise to
                       Australian policymakers are                             wage inflation. In the meantime, the
                       expected to keep economic policies                      extreme dovishness adopted by the
                       accommodative, especially with the                      RBA, coupled with accommodative
                       COVID-19 vaccine rollout missing the                    fiscal policy, is expected to continue
                       mark so far. This points to economic                    to provide important support to
                       policies remaining supportive over                      the economy. On the fiscal side, a
The RBA may revisit    the course of 2021 and into 2022.                       federal election is expected to take
its policy settings    The RBA last November announced                         place in Australia within the next 12
                                                                               months. The stronger recovery from
                       changes to its monetary policy
next year, depending   framework. It has committed to not                      the pandemic means that government
                       raising policy rates until higher inflation             revenues are some AUD50 billion more
on how strong the      is visible in the data, as opposed to                   than originally projected. Thus, we can
economy is in 2022….   being forecast to occur in the future.                  probably expect to see some additional
                                                                               moderate fiscal support from the
                       Thus, monetary policy is likely to                      government ahead of a federal election.
                       remain far more accommodative
                       than we have seen in past economic                      With regard to the currency, the
                       cycles. In its May Statement, the RBA                   Australian dollar (AUD) is benefitting
                       specifically addressed the implications                 from a weaker U.S. dollar and the
                       of global supply chain disruptions                      rebound in global risk appetite. It is not
                       for local business. It noted that so                    yet at a level that threatens Australian
                       far, disruption issues have generally                   competitiveness, and there may be
                       been “mild and/or temporary,” with                      more upside potential from high
                       only 10% of businesses experiencing                     commodity prices.
                       more serious supply chain issues. This
                       is consistent with Governor Lowe’s                       International reopening delayed
                       message that inflation is expected to                    Still the biggest risk by far to Australia’s
                       remain subdued over the medium-term                      promising outlook in our view would
                       and any inflation spike in 2021 is likely                be another coronavirus outbreak. The
                       to prove transitory. While we view                       recent experience of Taiwan - virtually
                       the threat to equities from domestic                     COVID-free for 15 months but suddenly
                       inflation in Australia as limited, there is              confronting a major domestic outbreak
                       still the potential for spillover effects to            – is a warning to other countries like
                       the economy and equities from higher                     Australia that have kept the virus at bay.
                       global bond yields.                                      Current developments in Victoria are a

                       Australian Dollar Subdued Despite High Price of Iron Ore
                       (Fig. 4) AUD/USD exchange rate & spot price of iron ore
                       US$/t                            Australian Dollar & Iron Ore Price                             US$
                        260                                                                                             1.3
                        220                                                                                            1.2
                        200                                                                                            1.1
                        160                                                          US$ per A$                        1.0
                        140                                                             (RHS)                          0.9
                        100                                                                                            0.8
                         60                                                                                            0.7
                         40                              Spot iron ore price
                                                              (CIF, LHS)                                               0.6
                          0                                                                                            0.5
                               05   06   07   08   09   10   11   12   13      14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21

                        Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.
                        As at 25 May 2021.
                        Source: Bloomberg, Macrobond, Macquarie.

reminder much closer to home, likely                 quality segments of the market such
                                                     giving the wake up call we needed that               as health care. This involves identifying
                                                     this isn’t over yet. The slow vaccine roll           attractive relative valuations when
                                                     out and signs of increasing vaccine                  we consider longer term normalised
                                                     hesitancy means that Australia remains               earnings. To fund these changes
                                                     vulnerable. With CSL manufacturing                   we have taken profit selectively in
                                                     the AstraZeneca vaccine locally,                     positions where prices have run very
                                                     producing 1 million doses per week,                  strongly and where either valuations
                                                     the hope is that the vaccine rollout can             or earnings deceleration pose risks,
                                                     make up for some of the earlier delays.              examples being within Banks or Iron
Our Australian equity                                With COVID-19 vaccination rates still
                                                                                                          Ore exposures.

strategy is well                                     far below other major economies,                      Despite our positive view on economic
                                                     Australia has needed to push                          growth, we expect interest rates to
positioned in cyclical                               back expectations of opening its                      continue to remain low in support of
growth, and high-                                    international borders, currently mid-
                                                     2022 but a highly uncertain target. The
                                                                                                           the recovery. The continued actions
                                                                                                           taken by the RBA to aggressively
quality stocks…                                      travel bubble announced recently with                 buy longer dated government bonds
                                                     New Zealand involves two countries in                 and keep longer term interest rates
                                                     a similar position and is not a surprise.             down is a strong indication of their
                                                                                                           ultra-accommodative stance. Whilst
                                                     One consequence of delayed                            the market environment may remain
                                                     international reopening is that we                    choppy in the near term, we believe
                                                     expect the government to make                         quality growth stocks should do well
                                                     every effort to foster strong domestic                later this year in anticipation of a slower
                                                     consumption. Consumer strength is a                   growth environment in 2022.
                                                     key theme in our portfolio.
                                                     Market views and equity strategy
                                                                                                          Australia’s domestic recovery appears
                                                     Our Australian equity strategy is well               to be on a strong footing, given
                                                     positioned in cyclical growth, and                   ongoing policy stimulus, multi-year
                                                     high-quality stocks that we believe                  highs in consumer and business
                                                     have durable fundamentals and                        confidence, and signs of pent up
                                                     will benefit as economic conditions                  consumer demand. While we see
                                                     continue to improve. We have tilted                  the RBA remaining dovish, long-term
                                                     portfolio positioning towards more                   interest rates may rise to reflect the
                                                     domestic exposures to reflect the                    strong economic momentum. This
                                                     stronger economic performance                        is a scenario we believe should be
                                                     of the Australian economy. We                        positive for the stock market, as a steep
                                                     have also been capitalising on the                   recovery in earnings should outweigh
                                                     underperformance within the high-                    any feasible rise in long-term rates.

                                                              W H AT W E ’ R E WATC H I N G N E X T
                                                              We are looking for signs of a broadening recovery in the
                                                              Australian economy and an increase in discretionary spending
                                                              as a result of improved business and consumer confidence and
                                                              strong balance sheets. While breakaway inflation is grabbing
                                                              headlines, we are paying more attention to the impacts of
                                                              sooner-than-expected peaking of inflation and growth; this isn’t
                                                              consensus and will result in a large rotation out of today’s “value
                                                              is back” trade. As uncertainty dissipates, fundamentals will come
                                                              into sharper focus, and should this cycle be shorter than some
                                                              expect, we expect a return to favour for quality growth.

The specific securities identified and described are for informational purposes only and do not represent recommendations.

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                                                               excellence that investors can rely on—now and over the long term.

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