Aurora Investment Trust plc - Intermediaries Offer - Cornhill Capital

Page created by Norma Dixon
Aurora Investment Trust plc
Intermediaries Offer

This financial promotion has been approved by Phoenix Asset Management
Partners Limited ("PAMP") for the purposes of section 21 of the Financial
Services and Markets Act 2000 ("FSMA 2000"). PAMP is authorised and
regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
    This document has been prepared for general information purposes only
and must not be relied upon in connection with any investment decision.
Potential investors should seek independent financial advice from a financial
advisor who is authorised under FSMA 2000 before making any investment
decision. The "Important Information" section at the end of this document
should be read in conjunction with this document.
Value Investing
in Quality Stocks
Aurora Investment Trust plc is a closed-end fund that invests in
UK equities and trades daily on the London Stock Exchange. Since
January 2016 the portfolio has been managed by the specialist
investment boutique, Phoenix Asset Management Partners. Phoenix
have a unique, very focused approach to stock picking that has
beaten the FTSE All Share Index by 377.7% over the last 20 years.*

Overview                  The opportunity to invest in the Phoenix style has previously
                          only been available to professional investors in the offshore
                          Phoenix UK Fund. Now that Phoenix are investment managers
                          to Aurora, retail investors have easy access to the same
                          investment strategy.**
                              Phoenix was founded by Gary Channon in 1998. He was
                          inspired to create a fund management business using the
                          “value investing” principles of great US investors such as
                          Warren Buffett and Phillip Fisher. Over the last 19 years the
                          Phoenix style has evolved, now applying value principles to
                          buying a small number of high quality businesses, temporarily
                          cheap due to short term bad news.
                              All investment ideas are generated in-house. The research
                          is unique, aiming to understand what differentiates a great
                          business from an average one. This includes: mystery shopping;
                          competitor analysis; attending trade conventions; meeting
                          current and ex-employees; price tracking; product analysis.
                              Aurora has a fee structure which aligns Phoenix’s interests
                          with those of investors. There is no management fee. Instead,
                          each year, Phoenix earns one third of the outperformance above
                          the FTSE All Share. Investors are protected from subsequent
                          underperformance by a “clawback” mechanism.

                          *Data provided as at 31 May 2018. Performance figure relates to the Phoenix UK Fund
                          (an unregulated collective investment scheme unavailable to retail investors) which is managed with
                          the same investment strategy as the Aurora Investment Trust plc.
                          **Whilst the investment strategy is the same in all material respects, the portfolio holdings will not
                          necessarily be the same and investors in Aurora will have no exposure to the investment performance
                          of the Phoenix UK Fund. Please refer to the important information at the end of this document.

Phoenix Investment
Track Record
Phoenix also applies the ‘value-investing’ approach followed by the Aurora
Investment Trust plc to the Phoenix UK Fund. Given the relatively short period
of time Phoenix have managed Aurora Investment Trust plc, for illustrative
purposes, the below chart shows the value of £1,000 invested at the launch of
the Phoenix UK Fund in 1998 to 31 May 2018, which is worth £6,720 today.

Annualised 10% return                                  Value of £1,000 invested at launch of the Phoenix
(net) since inception in                               UK Fund to 31 May 2018
1998 vs. annualised
5.5% FTSE return

These returns relate to the offshore
open-ended Phoenix UK Fund only                        5,500

and do not relate to the returns of
Aurora Investment Trust plc. Past                      4,500

performance is not a guide to future
performance.                                           3,500

* Data from 30th April 1998, All-Share Index Returns
with dividends reinvested


                                                               1998     2001    2004             ipsum
                                                                                               2007                 2010         2013      2016

                                                                                   PUK (Net)             FTSE-All Share Index*

In relation to the Phoenix UK Fund,                    Winners and losers by value since 1998
Phoenix have made a total of 109
investments since launch in 1998.
This chart shows how many of those
ideas made a positive return
(“winners”) versus how many made
a negative return (“losers”).                                         20%



Aurora’s Top Holdings

                                                                                             Share Price: £4.07
      Top Stocks as at                    Aurora                                             Phoenix Estimate of Value: £7.80
      31 May 2018                        Weighting

       Tesco                                11.2%                  Investment Case                    Research
       Lloyds                               9.6 %                  –– One of the best run retail      –– Regular store visits in
                                                                       businesses we have come            the UK & Europe
       GlaxoSmithKline                      9.1%                                                      –– Observing: customer
                                                                   –– 50%+ UK market share,               service & shop keeping
       Sports Direct                        8.8%                       low cost producer                  standards
                                                                   –– Highly aligned &                –– Regular price checking
       Randall & Quilter                    7.9%                       experienced owner/                 a basket of 14 goods vs.
                                                                       operator                           main competitors
       Vesuvius                             6.1%                                                      –– Detailed investigation
                                                                                                          of freehold purchases
       Bellway                              6.0%

       Morrisons                            5.0%

       Hornby                               4.0%
                                                                                             Share Price: £2.46
       Redrow                               3.8%                                             Phoenix Estimate of Value: £4.00
       Dignity                              3.7%

       easyJet                              3.6%                  Investment Case                     Research
       JD Wetherspoon                       3.3%                  –– Lost focus on customers          –– We have visited hundreds
                                                                      & wasted money on                   of supermarkets asking,
How we do it   We find great companies. We consider that the value of a company is the
               amount of cash it will generate over its lifetime. We are drawn to companies
               where this is easiest to estimate.
                   Often these will be companies with a strong business franchise and some
               control over their profitability. We call this pricing power and it can come from:
               strong brands; a leading market position; a unique product; lowest cost of
               production; patents, etc.
                   We have a wide investment universe which means we are not
               unnecessarily constrained by sector or size criteria. Our main concern is
               whether we can understand and value the business and buy it cheap enough to
               make great investment returns.
                   We look for businesses that earn a return on capital of at least 15%.
               Most of the money generated by a business is re-invested. If we want our
               investments to do well over the long term then that money needs to be
               reinvested at high rates. A consistent high rate of return is a sign of a great
                   We look for strong management teams. When buying shares in a company
               we are relying on the management team to do sensible things and explain
               them in a straightforward way. Integrity is an important quality for management
               to have; we want them to act in the interests of shareholders, not themselves
               or their colleagues.
                   Having found great companies and good managements, we wait for the
               opportunity to invest at attractive prices. This can take years and may never
               happen. Great companies rarely trade very cheaply and if they do, it is usually
               because there is some recent bad news about the company, its sector or the
               economy. We specialise in determining whether the factors causing the share
               price to fall are temporary or not. Occasionally, the stock market overreacts to
               short term negative developments and we get a great opportunity to invest
               with a long-term horizon.

                                                 We buy to hold.
                                                 Although we are buying shares, we consider
                                                 ourselves as buying a whole business. Ideally,
                                                 we look for a company whose prospects are
                                                 so good we could hold them forever.

                                                 We stick to what we know.
                                                 We have developed a deep expertise in
                                                 some areas and don’t operate beyond that.

                                                 We are focused.
                                                 We typically hold 15 to 20 stocks in the
                                                 portfolio because we believe in backing
                                                 our best ideas. This gives us sufficient
                                                 diversification and allows us to concentrate
                                                 our efforts on what we own.

                                                 The ride can be bumpy.
                                                 Buying a focused portfolio of stocks that are
                                                 out of favour can result in a lot of volatility.
                                                 Unlike most of the financial services industry,
                                                 we don’t consider volatility to be risk. Volatile
                                                 markets provide investment opportunity.

What makes us   The depth of our research. It gives us the confidence to have an unusually
                concentrated portfolio. Our research involves everything from hanging around
different?      with Games Workshop fanatics to tracking the release of Nike’s latest football
                boot in Sports Direct stores throughout the country.
                     More recently, we have catalogued thousands of easyJet and Ryanair
                flights, by departure airport, arrival airport, departure times and costs, to get a
                true understanding of the budget airline “battleground”.

Fees            We have a fee structure which aligns Phoenix’s interests with those of
                    We charge no management fees. The only fees relate to performance, and
                we only earn that fee when we exceed the return of the FTSE All Share. The
                performance fee is one-third of that out-performance. Investors are protected
                from subsequent underperformance by a “clawback” mechanism. Phoenix only
                does well when investors do well. This is how it should be.
                    We believe our fees are fair, transparent, and attractive for investors.
                Put simply, if we don’t perform well, then we don’t get paid.

Team            Aurora is governed by a Board of non-executive Directors with substantial
                investment management experience.
                    The core investment team at Phoenix have been together for over 16 years.
                The broader team have over 80 years combined investment experience.

                Gary Channon                                Tristan Chapple
                Gary Channon is the Chief                   Tristan is a Director at Phoenix,
                Investment Officer and has been             joining the firm in 2001 as a
                since founding Phoenix in 1998. Prior       Business Manager. In 2004 he
                to that he was Co-Head of Equity and        became a research analyst and
                Equity Derivatives Trading at Nomura        in 2010 he became a partner of
                International. Before joining Nomura he     Phoenix. He is also a Director
                worked at Nikko and Goldman Sachs.          of the Aurora Investment Trust.

             IN THE PROSPECTUS.

             Copies of the prospectus are available from the Aurora website:

             This document is issued by Phoenix Asset Management Partners Limited in the United Kingdom only. Phoenix
             Asset Management Partners Limited is authorised and regulated in the UK by the Financial Conduct Authority.

             This document is not for distribution in or into any member state of the European Economic Area (other than the
             United Kingdom), the United States, Canada, Australia, the Republic of South Africa, Japan, or to any resident
             thereof, or in or into any other jurisdiction where local laws or regulations may result in a risk of civil, regulatory or
             criminal exposure or prosecution if this document is sent or made available to a person in that jurisdiction.

             The distribution of this document may be restricted by law and persons into whose possession it comes are
             required to inform themselves of and comply with any such restrictions. This document does not constitute or
             form part of, and should not be construed as constituting or forming part of, any offer to sell or issue, any invitation
             to make any investment in, or any solicitation of any offer to purchase or subscribe for, any securities or other
             investments, nor shall any part of this document constitute a recommendation regarding any securities or other
             investments. Application for shares may only be made in due course on the basis of a prospectus relating to the
             Company which may in some respects differ from the information herein. This document sets out certain features
             of the Company and does not purport to provide a complete description of the Company or its shares. It is for
             information only and may not be relied upon for any purpose, and no representation or warranty is given as to its
             accuracy or completeness. Views and opinions, whilst given in good faith, are subject to change without notice.

             Information relating to the Phoenix UK Fund (the “Representative Fund”) is provided for information purposes only
             and does not constitute a recommendation, a solicitation, an offer, an advice, or an invitation to purchase or sell
             and should in no case be interpreted as such.

             This document has been prepared for general information purposes only and is intended to provide a summary of
             the subject matter covered. It does not purport to be comprehensive or to give advice. The views expressed are
             the views of the writer at the time of issue and may change over time.

             The information contained within this document has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable and
             accurate at the time of issue. Phoenix Asset Management Partners Limited does not accept any liability for any
             loss arising whether directly or indirectly from any use of this document.

             Reference to specific securities (if any) is included for the purpose of illustration only and should not be construed
             as a recommendation to buy or sell. Reference to the names of any company is merely to explain the investment
             strategy or to provide information on the holdings in any fund and should not be construed as investment advice
             or a recommendation to invest in any of those companies.

             Past performance of the Representative Fund is not a reliable indicator of future results of the Representative
             Fund or the Company. The value of investments and any income from them may go down as well as up. Investors
             may get back less than the original amount invested. There is no guarantee that the Company will achieve its
             investment objective and investment results may vary substantially over time. Shares in an investment trust are
             traded on a stock market and the share price will fluctuate in accordance with supply and demand and may not
             reflect the underlying net asset value of the shares. Other risk factors such as political and economic conditions
             should also be considered. Where a fund holds a limited number of investments and one or more of those
             investments declines or is otherwise adversely affected, it may have a more pronounced effect on the fund’s
             value than if a larger number of investments were held.

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