AUGUST 18-21, 2021 PRODUCED BY THE MADISON COUNTY FAIRBOARD - Madison County Fairgrounds Rexburg ...

Page created by Bobby Collins
AUGUST 18-21, 2021 PRODUCED BY THE MADISON COUNTY FAIRBOARD - Madison County Fairgrounds Rexburg ...
AUGUST 18-21, 2021
AUGUST 18-21, 2021 PRODUCED BY THE MADISON COUNTY FAIRBOARD - Madison County Fairgrounds Rexburg ...

        If you have any questions, please ask. We are here to help you be successful. You can reach
Natalie Munns, Home Arts Superintendent at (208)716-1428 or at

                             IT’S EASY TO ENTER THE FAIR!

                                      ENTRY INFORMATION:
   Carefully read the rules of the department          PLEASE PAY ATTENTION TO THE FOLLOWING:
   and division you are entering, along with the
                                                               1. Insure that your name (exhibitor),
   General Rules included in this book. You will
                                                                  address (including zip code), and
   be held accountable to these rules. This Fair
                                                                  telephone number are legible and
   Book provides the entry date, deadlines, and
                                                               2. List the Division and Class number
   Each division of the fair has slightly different               for each item.
   rules and regulations, so be aware of which                 3. Deliver exhibits on the date
   rules apply to you and the division you will                   specified in the Division Rules.
   be participating in. Entries will not be                       Reminders will not be sent out.
   received after deadlines.
                                                       Remember to keep on top of things and don’t
   When you arrive to deliver your entry, a            procrastinate your project. Top prize winning
   separate entry form should be used for EACH         projects take time and commitment.
   exhibitor and for EACH division. If one form
                                                       Tell all of your friends that you are entering the
   is not enough, use an additional form. These
                                                       fair. Encourage them to enter as well. This will
   forms may be photocopied, and are also
                                                       make the fair a great place to hang out and be
   available at:
                                                       with family and friends, celebrating the great
      ENTRANTS NEED NOT BE RESIDENTS OF                community that we all live in.
             MADISON COUNTY.

              2021 FAIR BOARD                                COUNTY COMMISSIONERS
             Dallan Jeppesen- Chairman                                   Todd Smith
                   DeeDee Tucker                                      Brent Mendenhall
                 Codyann Jeppesen                                        Doug Smith
                    Chris Johnson
                  Mike Mortensen
                   Natalie Munns
                                                                      CITY MAYORS
          Evan Wise- Fairgrounds Manager                            Jerry Merrill- Rexburg
                                                                  Steven Adams- Sugar City

AUGUST 18-21, 2021 PRODUCED BY THE MADISON COUNTY FAIRBOARD - Madison County Fairgrounds Rexburg ...

       TABLE OF CONTENTS:                                 SUPERINTENDENTS:
                                                   Home Décor, Cake             Kid’s Corner
Page 2………………. Entry Information
                                                   Decorating, Baking,         Clarissa Draney
Page 3………………. Superintendents
                                                Canning, Scrapbooking, &       (208)313-4896
Page 4-8……………. General Rules                        Rubber Stamping,
Page 9………………. Open Class Contests                 Sewing, Needlework,
Page 10-11……….. Quilts, Afghans,                 Homespun, & Antiques      Leather, Wood Working,
                Needlework, Sewing,                   Sharon Parker            Metal, Recycle &
                Crafts, Woodworking,                 (208)243-0836                 Redesign
                Scrapbooking, Ceramics                                          Natalie Munns
                                                      Jana Brewer               (208)716-1428
Page 12…………….. Leather, Taxidermy,
                Metal, Recycle
Page 13-15………... Baked Foods, Cake                                             Horticulture &
                Decorating, Canning, Kids                                        Agriculture
                Corner                                                          Patty Poulsen
Page 16-18………… Horticulture &                           Quilts                 (208)242-8901
                Agriculture                        Mary Lou Warner
Page 19-20………… Photography & Fine Arts              (208)520-4894
                                                                              Poultry, Rabbits,
Page 21-22………… Poultry & Rabbits      
                                                                           Pigeons, Water Fowl, &
                                                                                Family Flock
                                                                              Lacey Perrenoud

                                            NEED A VENUE FOR YOUR UPCOMING
                                                 WHY NOT HAVE IT AT THE

                                               FOR MORE DETAILS CONTACT:
                                                      EVAN WISE
                                                    SHANNON LEWIS

      460 West 2nd North
      Rexburg, ID 83440

AUGUST 18-21, 2021 PRODUCED BY THE MADISON COUNTY FAIRBOARD - Madison County Fairgrounds Rexburg ...

                               MADISON COUNTY FAIR
                                     GENERAL RULES

                                ENTRY CHECK-IN TIME:
                               There are no early or late entries.
                                       NO EXCEPTIONS

                                                                OPEN CLASSES
Please bring your entries to the fairgrounds at
      the following times and locations:          Please bring your entries to the fairgrounds at
                                                        the following times and locations:

CHECK IN: Non-Perishables: August 16, 2021,
from 5 PM to 7 PM. Perishable & Non-              CHECK IN: August 17, 2021
Perishable: August 17, 2021 from 9 AM to 4            Poultry, Rabbit, Pigeons. Water Fowl, &
PM.                                                   Family Flock: 12 PM to 6:30 PM

LOCATION: Home Arts Building
                                                  LOCATION: Indoor Arena
ITEMS: Home Arts
        Horticulture                              Please note: Poultry and Rabbits in the open
         Photography                              class will follow the same rules as the 4-H/FFA
         Fine Arts                                Division. Questions should be directed to
JUDGING: August 17, 2021 at 4 PM. At this         Lacey Perrenoud (208)351-0589 or
time all doors will be closed to the Home Arts
Building and the judging will begin shortly
afterwards. For questions, contact the
division superintendents.

AUGUST 18-21, 2021 PRODUCED BY THE MADISON COUNTY FAIRBOARD - Madison County Fairgrounds Rexburg ...

                              RULES AND REGULATIONS
These rules are published as a public service by the Madison County Fair Board. All participants
 are responsible to obtain and become familiar with these rules. An entry implies that entrant
                          read, knows, and understands these rules.

   1. Entries in all departments, unless otherwise specified, are open to everyone. ENTRANTS
   2. The word “exhibit” refers to the animal or article. The word “exhibitor” refers to the
   3. The Board of Directors and management reserve the right to accept entries after closing
       dates if sufficient reasons for the delay are given. They also reserve the right to alter
       classifications and premiums for any recognized breeds of livestock or other exhibits at
       their discretion.
   4. The management reserves the right to reject any exhibit offered if it is objectionable,
       requires an excessive amount of space, or if the capacity of the department has been
   5. All exhibits must be in place as specified in the general rules of each department. No
       exhibits will be released before Monday, August 23, 2021 at 9 AM (See division rules.)
   6. Articles sent by mail, freight, or express must be prepared. No exhibit will be accepted if
       carrier charges have not been paid.
   7. Exhibitors having space assigned to them will not be permitted to change to another
       location without having obtained permission from the superintendent of the department
       under penalty of the forfeiture of premiums.
   8. The Madison County Fair will not award a premium on any articles not specifically
       mentioned in the Premium List. Such articles may be accepted by the superintendent of
       the department of the exhibition. The Judges’ books shall be evidence of payment of
       premiums- ribbons and cards are not accepted.
   9. No diseased/inferior stock or articles will be assigned space on the fairgrounds for
       exhibition purposes.
   10. Exhibitors must in all cases be the bona fide owners of the articles or animals exhibited by
       them, except where otherwise specified. A transfer of ownership for the purposes of
       exhibiting will debar any animal or article and operate against the awarding of premiums
       offered by the Madison County Fair.
   11. If found that a premium has been obtained by false evidence, misrepresentation, or a
       violation of the general rules or special rules governing the department, all premiums will
       be withheld.

AUGUST 18-21, 2021 PRODUCED BY THE MADISON COUNTY FAIRBOARD - Madison County Fairgrounds Rexburg ...

12. COMPETITION- is defined as a contest of supremacy between two or more animals,
    projects, or articles owned by separate exhibitors. Two exhibits entered by the same
    person or household does not constitute a competition. No premium will be paid if
    competition does not exist. When a community interest in the ownership of animals or
    article is apparent in the judgement of the board, competition will be considered to not
    exist although the actual ownership might be separate.
13. CONDITIONS OF COMPETITION. If two or more exhibitors are not competing in any breed,
    exhibits must be of the quality to merit the awards given. Judges will give a lesser award if
    the exhibit is not of a high enough quality to merit the first award.
14. Exhibitors may make as many entries in each class as desired, except as specified in the
    special rules of each department. However, no exhibitor will be allowed more than two
    premiums in any one class.
15. No animal or article may compete in more than one class or more than one trophy, except
    as one pair, group, or championship or except as otherwise specified in the special rules of
    each department.
16. Exhibitors making entries and not exhibiting shall forfeit all entry fees and exhibitor’s
17. No director of this fair shall act as judge in any class, nor shall any exhibitor act as a judge in
    any given class.
18. The judges will be expected, if called upon, to give reasons for the decision, embracing the
    value and desirable qualities of the animals or articles to which the awards were made.
19. Prior to the judging, each superintendent will inspect all exhibits in his department to
    determine if they are entered in the class they should compete in. If the superintendent
    and exhibitor cannot reach an agreement as to the classification, it should be reported to
    the management. Classification will then be made by a committee appointed by the
    manager, whose decision shall be final. In cases where it is obvious entries are not correctly
    entered, the change may be made by the superintendent without reference to the
20. If there is any question during the judging as to the regularity of any entry or the right of an
    exhibitor to compete in any class, the judge shall report to the same immediately to the
    superintendent of the department for adjustment.
21. Awards will be made according to the merits of the exhibit. The judge may disqualify or
    award second or third premiums at his discretion.
22. Anyone attempting to influence the judges in their decision, in any manner, will forfeit all
    awards and will be excluded from all competition and exhibition. No one will be permitted
    in the Home Arts Building during the judging except the Awards Committee, the Officers of
    the Fair, and the necessary attendants.
23. All protests must be made in writing, setting forth grounds for protests.

AUGUST 18-21, 2021 PRODUCED BY THE MADISON COUNTY FAIRBOARD - Madison County Fairgrounds Rexburg ...

24. Each exhibitor or concessionaire will be responsible for any consequential loss, or damage
    done to, occasioned by, or arising from any animal or articles exhibited by him. Those shall
    indemnify the Madison County Fair against all legal proceedings in regard thereto. The
    Madison County Fair will take reasonable precautions to insure the safety of exhibits and
    property of every description entered for competition, display, or any other purpose while
    anywhere on the grounds that shall be subject to control of the Madison County Fair. The
    owners themselves must take the risk of exhibiting them. The Madison County Fair will in
    no case be responsible for any loss, damage, or injury to any property, article, animal, or
    person while the same are on the fairgrounds or any other time or place or be liable for
    any payment for damage, loss, or injury. Presentation of articles or animals for exhibition
    and entrance upon said grounds shall be deemed acceptance of the rule.
25. The Madison County Fair will not be responsible for any loss or damage caused by or
    arising out of strikes, riots, lockouts, or acts of God.
26. Exhibitors of animals, machinery in motion, and other exhibits are liable to occasional
    accidents, injury, or damage to persons coming in contact there with. Every such exhibitor
    shall indemnify the Madison County Fair from and against all such claims and demands,
    costs, charges, and expenses which it may incur, suffer, or be put to, by reason of any
    exhibit not properly guarded therefrom. Presentation of entry blank or agreement or
    verbal or written concession shall be deemed acceptance of the rule.
27. Attendants at exhibits and concessions must be NEATLY ATTIRED and will be required to
    conduct themselves in a quiet and orderly manner. All pet animals must be on a leash.
28. Sales of exhibits may be made for delivery at the close of fair, but no exhibit may be
    removed before the closing day of the fair or as directed by department superintendents.
29. Ample light is furnished in all buildings. If additional light or power is required, all wiring
    and power must be furnished by the consumer and wired under supervision of the fair
    electrician. Any cost for additional light and power will be paid for by the exhibitor.
30. No persons or exhibitors will be permitted to distribute printed or advertising matter or
    put signs on the grounds other than at the space allocated to exhibitors for that purpose.
    The use of gongs, bells, or other noise instruments for the purpose of attracting attention
    is prohibited on the fairgrounds.
31. Exhibits winning premiums in the 4-H Club Crop Projects or Future Farmers Crop Division
    shall not be eligible for entry in the open class.
32. Trucks and trailers cannot be parked in the vicinity of the livestock buildings but must be
    parked on the space designated by the General Livestock Superintendent.
33. No superintendent or assistant of any department will be authorized to employ help
    without the written authorization of the manager.

AUGUST 18-21, 2021 PRODUCED BY THE MADISON COUNTY FAIRBOARD - Madison County Fairgrounds Rexburg ...

34. A signed order for all supplies must be obtained from the manager
35. No bills will be audited or paid during the fair except labor bills. All claims against the
    Madison County Fair must be presented within 10 days after the closing date of the fair.
36. Award Money: All premiums must be claimed within 30 days of the fair. Any premium not
    picked up at the fair closing will be available at the County Clerk’s Office for 30 days. After
    30 days, all premium and prizes are considered forfeit and will be returned to the Madison
    County Fair Operations costs.
37. Any items not picked up from the Home Arts, Photography, Fine Arts, and Horticulture
    by September 13, 2021 will become property of the Madison County Fair and will be
    disposed of.

                2021 Madison County Fairgrounds Sponsors

     Woody Smith Ford                                       Bank of Commerce
                                                            Little Green Shoots
  Snake River Overhead Door
                                                              Upper Valley Vet
       Valley Agronomics                                          Broulims
        Clair & Dee’s Tire                                   Kettle Embroidery
Mountain America Credit Union                              Dan’s Window Tinting
 Beehive Federal Credit Union                           Advanced Physical Therapy
Harrison’s Ranch & Rodeo Supply                               Seasons Medical
    Spruce it Up Landscaping                            Security National Mortgage
                                                                 Super Cuts
        Propeat Fertilizer
                                                           Madison Orthopedics
      Jerome Bowen Construction
                                                          Ballard Insurance Group
          Cedar Stone Supply
                                                          Rocky Mountain Power
              Titan Steel
                                                        Idaho Central Credit Union
              Ririe Grain
                                                            Idaho Traffic Safety
          Artesian Sprinklers
                                                            Prismatic Branding
                                                               First America Title
         Rexburg Motorsports                                 Johnson Auto Repair
              Americ Inn                                   Bryce Munns Building, Inc
          Rudd & Company                                     Independence Fence
                                                           Madison Memorial Hospital
        John Pocock Trucking

AUGUST 18-21, 2021 PRODUCED BY THE MADISON COUNTY FAIRBOARD - Madison County Fairgrounds Rexburg ...

                                   OPEN CLASS CONTESTS

ENTRIES: Non-Perishable entries may be brought to the Home Arts Building on Monday, August 16,
2021, from 5 PM to 7 PM. All other entries and perishables may be brought on Tuesday, August
17, 2021, from 9 AM to 4 PM.

There is NO CHARGE for any entries in these divisions with the exception of professional
photography. No late entries will be allowed. No one will be allowed in the Home Arts Building on
Tuesday, August 17, 2021 after 4 PM due to judging of the exhibits.

RELEASE OF ENTRIES: Articles will be released Monday, August 23, 2021, from 9 AM to 1 PM. No
entries may be picked up before this time. Any entries removed from the grounds before this time
forfeit any premium.

Please refer to the General Rules, #36 and #37 regarding pick up and disposal of premiums and
entries not picked up at the release of entries date and time listed above.

Note: All entries will be judged with like entries in an open-class style and displayed that way.

Articles entered in the fair in previous years are NOT eligible for entry again.

Every article entered must be entirely the work of the exhibitor with the exception of quilting on

ALL BLUE RIBBON entries are encouraged to exhibit articles at the Eastern Idaho State Fair.

Please make sure all exhibit tags are made out in detail with full address, phone number, and email
address. These will be available at the Home Arts Building during check in. If you are under 16 or
over 65, as of January 1st of the current year, please include your age on the tags.

Professionals are welcome to enter, if the tags are so marked. We feel there is more honor in
winning against other professionals. NOTE: Professional implies that one regularly makes a
portion of his/her personal income by sales of work and/or teaching.

The Madison County Fair does not carry insurance for theft or damage to personal property while
it is on the fairgrounds and therefore does not assume any liability for same. While the fair
personnel will exercise all reasonable precautions, any property displayed is done so at the
owner’s risk. NOTE: Personal property is generally covered by one’s homeowner’s policy. Any
additional insurance coverage must be obtained by the exhibitor.

     The Home Arts Exhibits will be open for viewing August 18-21, 2021 from 9 am to 9 pm.

AUGUST 18-21, 2021 PRODUCED BY THE MADISON COUNTY FAIRBOARD - Madison County Fairgrounds Rexburg ...

                       HOME ARTS DEPARTMENT
Awards are given to each Home Arts division. All entries are judged and awarded blue, red, or white
                       ribbons on quality. In addition, each division is given:
                                           (With the exception of Kids’ Corner)

                            1st Place: Trophy Champion Rosette and $25 award
                            2nd Place: Grand Champion Rosette and $15 award
                            3rd Place: Reserve Grand Champion and $10 award

           An overall People’s Choice Award of $25 will be given in the following divisions:
                                     Photography and Fine Arts
                           All other divisions are combined as Home Arts

           DIVISION I – QUILTS
List all people who assisted in construction of quilt,
                                                                      DIVISION III – NEEDLEWORK
         if other than exhibitor on a 3x5 card.                       Pictures must have a hanger attachment so
                                                                         they can be hung up. There will NOT be
Class 1- Hand-quilted, pieced/applique
                                                                       supplies at the fair to mat, mount, or hang.
Class 2- Tied quilts
                                                                        DO NOT use duct tape, masking tape, or
Class 3- Wall hanging/ Table Runner                                  scotch tape. Any entries with tape and string,
Class 4- My first quilt                                               duct tape, and twine will not be allowed to
Class 5- Machine Quilted                                                                   enter.
Class 6- Baby pieced/applique or embroidered
Class 7- Denim Quilts                                           Class 1- Embroidery
Class 8- Any other quilts                                                Crewel
                                                                         Machine embroidery
                                                                         Printed cross stitch
                                                                Class 2- Counted cross stitch
Class 1- Beginner
                                                                Class 3- Plastic Canvas
        Crocheted granny square
                                                                Class 4- Crocheting/Knitting
        Crocheted ripple stitch
         Other simple stitch afghans
Class 2- Intermediate
         Mile a minute
                                                                         Tablecloths, place mats
         Other afghans
                                                                         Toy or novelty
Class 3- Advanced
                                                                         Other crocheted/knit item
                                                                Class 5- Needlepoint
         Detailed Pattern
Class 4- Other not fitting category lot

        DIVISION IV - SEWING                             DIVISION VI- WOODWORKING
Class 1- Clothing                                        Class 1- Furniture
         Adult clothing                                  Class2- Woodturning
         Children’s clothing                             Class 3- Laminated
         Other clothing                                  Class 4- Toys
Class 2- Home Décor                                      Class 5- Refinished
         Drapes                                          Class 6- Carving
         Pillows                                         Class 7- Other Woodworking
         Other home décor                                DIVISION VII – SCRAPBOOKING
                                                              RUBBER STAMPING
         DIVISION V – CRAFTS                               1. Entries need to be in sheet protectors or
     Exhibitors are encouraged to enter any craft             wrapped in clear plastic one side only.
      not listed by specific lot in the most nearly        2. There is a limit of 5 entries per person.
    related “other” lot. New lots will be created if
   there are sufficient entries of any specific craft.   Class 1- Scrapbooking/ Page Layout
    Entries should reflect the expertise and skill of             Birthday
       the exhibitor. Entries should not be from                  Christmas
               simple assembly only kits.                         Halloween
                                                                  School Days
Class 1- Tole Painting                                            Special Occasions/ Other Holidays
         Tole Painting on metal                                   Summer/Winter Time Fun
         Tole Painting on wood                                    Weddings, Dating, Courtship
         Other Tole Painting                                      Other Scrapbook Pages
Class 2- Dolls                                           Class 2- Homemade scrapbook album
         Cloth Dolls                                     Class 3- Rubber Stamping
         Porcelain Dolls                                          Birthday Cards
         Wooden Dolls                                             Christmas Cards
         Other Dolls                                              Invitations
Class 3- Miscellaneous Crafts                                     Wedding Cards
         Holiday Crafts                                           Other
         Rocks Lapidary
                                                            DIVISION VIII – CERAMICS
         Rugs: Crochet/Twined
                                                         Class 1- Glazes
         Wall Décor
                                                         Class 2- Porcelain
        Other worthwhile craft, including
                                                         Class 3- Painted Ceramics
        homemade soap
                                                         Class 4- Other Ceramics


                          NATALIE MUNNS
     DIVISION IX – LEATHERWORK                                 DIVISION XIII – HOMESPUN
   Items must not have been previously worn or used.
                                                           Class 1- Spun Fun
Class 1- Carrying Case (Brief case, wallet, coin                    Afghan
         Purse, etc.)                                               Animal Yarn
Class 2- Equestrian Equipment                                       Finished Accessory Article
Class 3- Mountain Man Equipment                                     Finished Article of Clothing
Class 4- Wearing Apparel (Belts, Hats, etc.)                        Vegetable Yarn
Class 5- Other leatherwork                                          Woven
                                                                    Other Item
                                                                DIVISION XIV – ANTIQUES
                                                                  1. Antiques must be at least 50 years
      DIVISION XI - METAL WORK                                    old and will be judged according to age,
                                                                  condition, and original appearance and
          DIVISION XII – RECYCLE                                  2. Exhibits will be entered in the
              AND REDESIGN                                        appropriate division.
                                                                  3. Dishes should be washed and other
    1. This is an individual event that recognizes
                                                                  articles cleaned. Jewelry and other small
    participants who apply recycling and redesign
                                                                  items must be mounted on 3”x3”
    skills. Participants select a used fashion, home, or
    other post-consumer item to recycle into a new
                                                                  4. No damaged or chipped articles will
                                                                  be accepted. NO EXCEPTIONS.
    NEW PRODUCT, not simply embellish an old one.
                                                                  5. Collections must have six or more
    2. However, participants may use additional
                                                                  individual items of the same function, not
    measures if needed to redesign and creatively
                                                                  matching, and well displayed.
    embellish the new product.
    3. The design should exhibit effective form and
                                                                 Books                Household Items
    function. The product should exhibit high quality
                                                               Collections             Indian Artifacts
    workmanship and should be marketable. The
    design and product should reflect creativity,               Clothing                    Pottery
    imagination, and innovation.                             Farming Tools           Refinished Furniture
                                                                Furniture                    Toys
                                                               Glassware                 Other Items
                                                           Guns & Ammunition


           BAKING & CANNING                                         KID’S CORNER
           SHARON PARKER: (208)243-0836                             CLARISSA DRANEY
            JANA BREWER: (208)206-9640                               (208)313-4896
              JANA@BREWERFAM.COM                             DALLINANDCLARISSA@GMAIL.COM

    DIVISION XV – BAKED FOODS                         Class 4- Bread
    Please include your recipe and ingredients on a          1. The entire loaf must be presented for
    3x5 card with baked goods. All items need to be             judging.
                covered in plastic wrap.                                Gluten Free Bread
                                                                  100% Whole Wheat Bread (Yeast)
Class 1- Pies                                                           Part Whole Wheat
   The entire pie must be presented for judging.                       White Bread (Yeast)
   After judging, one piece may be displayed and             2.    Four pieces/slices on a plate plus on
   the remainder removed, provided it is removed                   piece/slice in a bag for judges to sample.
   by noon on Thursday.
                  Cheesecake                              Cinnamon Rolls            Other Yeast Breads
                  Cream Pies                                Dinner Rolls              Quick Breads
                   Fruit Pies
                Pecan or Nut Pie                      Class 5- Cookies & Donuts
Class 2- Candies                                              Four pieces on a plate plus one piece in a bag
   Four pieces on a plate plus one piece in a                for judges to sample.
      bag for judges to sample.                                                Bar Cookies
                      Candy                                                  Fancy Cookies
                 Dipped Chocolates                                           Donuts (Cake)
                 Homemade Suckers                                            Donuts (Yeast)
Class 3- Cakes                                                                Drop Cookies
   The entire cake must be presented for judging.                              Gluten Free
   After judging, one piece may be displayed and                                No Bake
   the remainder removed, provided it is removed                             Rolled Cookies
   by noon on Thursday.
            Angel Food/ Sponge Cake
                                                                    DIVISION XVI – CAKE
                  Chiffon Cake
               Gluten Free Cake                                        DECORATING
                Shortening Cake                              Decorated cakes are not tasted, so you
                 Wedding Cake                                may use fake layers. These are judged on
                                                             color, originality, and intricacy of design.
                   Other Cake
                                                             The entire cake must be presented for
                                                             judging and must stay for the entire fair.

                                                      Class 1- Novelty
                                                      Class 2- Wedding
                                                      Class 3- Shaped Pan


    DIVISION XVII – CANNING                       Class 4- Dried Fruits
Please include recipe and ingredients on a 3x5              Provide ½ cup of each dried fruit.
card, with canning methods and time. It will be                Apples                Pears
      judged on safety, container, pack, &                    Apricots              Prunes
                                                              Cherries              Other
Class 1- Fruit
                                                  Class 5- Dried Vegetables
           Apples            Pears                    Provide ½ cup of each dried vegetable.
         Applesauce        Peaches
                                                            Carrots                 Peas
          Apricots           Plums
                                                             Corn                  Onions
           Berries        Raspberries
                                                             Herbs                 Other
        Cherries (Pie)  Apple Pie Filling
       Cherries (Sweet) Cherry Pie Filling
         Gooseberry     Other Pie Filling         Class 6- Specialties
                                                                     Entries must be in jars.
                                                                       Fruit Leather
Class 2- Vegetables
                                                                        Meat Jerky
         Asparagus           Potatoes             Class 7- Jellies
       Beans (Other)                                       Paraffin seals are not recommended
       Beets (Sliced)                                                by the USDA.
                          Tomatoes (Juice)
       Beets (Whole)     Tomatoes (Stewed)                    Apple               Jalapeno Pepper
          Carrots        Tomatoes (Whole)                    Apricot                    Mint
           Corn               Zucchini                        Berry                     Peach
        Green Beans       Other Vegetables                 Blackberry                   Plum
           Peas                                              Cherry                   Raspberry
Class 3- Canned Specialties                               Choke Cherry               Strawberry
                                                            Currant                     Other
             Beans (Fancy Pack)
            Carrots (Fancy Pack)
                  Chili Beans
                                                  Class 8- Jams
             Choke Cherry Syrup                       No freezer jams will be accepted.
             Dilled String Beans
                                                              Apple                       Pear
              Dilled Vegetables
                                                           Apple Butter                   Plum
                Fruit Cocktail
                                                               Berry                   Raspberry
              Huckleberry Syrup
                                                              Cherry                    Rhubarb
                                                           Choke Cherry                Strawberry
              Mixed Vegetables
                                                            Huckleberry                   Other
               Spaghetti Sauce
                Tomato Salsa
                  Other Salsa
          Other Canned Specialties                                                              14

Class 9- Preserves                                   DIVISION XVIII – KIDS-CORNER
      Preserves are fruit which the tissues of the      1. This division is for anyone under the age
    fruit have absorbed heavy syrup until they are         of 16, as of January 1st of the current
       filled with syrup instead of water and are          year. All entries are judged and awarded
                  whole or large pieces.                   blue, red, or white ribbons on quality.
        Cherry              Tomato
         Peach             Watermelon                  1st Place: Rosette Ribbon and $10 award
          Pear               Other                     2nd Place: Rosette Ribbon and $7 award
      Strawberry                                       3rd Place: Rosette Ribbon and $5 award
                                                              All other entries will receive:
Class 10- Marmalades                                            $1 each with a limit of $5
   Marmalades are usually made from fruits
   which have some jelly making properties.             2. No more than 3 entries per person per
   Sliced oranges or lemons may be added.                  Class will be allowed.
                                                        3. All artwork and photographs must be
         Apricot               Peach                       mounted on a hard backing such as;
         Cherry                Other                       foam core board, mat board, or poster
         Orange                                            board. There will not be mounting
                                                           supplies at the fair to mat, mount, or
Class 11- Conserves                                        hang with other techniques.
      Conserves differ from marmalades in that       Class 1- Crafts
        several fruits may be combined and           Class 2- Needlework
              nuts may be added.                     Class 3- Quilts and Afghans
          Apple               Peach                  Class 4- Sewing
         Apricot             Rhubarb                 Class 5- Lego Creations (No kits)
         Grape                Other                  Class 6- Duct Tape Creations
                                                     Class 7- Models
Class 12- Pickles, Relishes, and Sauces              Class 8- Photo
       Beets             Mixed Vegetables            Class 9- Artwork- Drawing, Painting
     Chili Sauce          Mustard Relish             Class 10- Foods
        Corn              Pickles (Sliced)           Class 11- Cake Decorating
     Cucumber             Pickles (Whole)            Class 12- Canning
         Dill                 Tomato                 Class 13- Ceramics
        Fruit              Watermelon                Class 14- Woodworking
      Ketchup                 Zucchini
Class 13- Freeze Dried


                          PATTY POULSEN

1. Exhibits must be grown by the person whose name is listed.
2. Only one exhibit per crop variety is allowed for each exhibitor.
3. Each entry shall be accompanied by an exhibit tag with the name of the exhibitor, class number,
   and variety name.
4. Entries can be brought to the Home Arts Building on August 17, 2021, from 9 am to 4 pm.
5. No exhibit may be removed until August 23, 2021, at 9 am, before that, the premium will be
6. Premiums will be given as follows: blue ribbon for all exhibits meeting the class variety
   requirements; red ribbon for exhibits lacking 1 requirement; white ribbon for entries lacking 2 or
   more requirements. No ribbon will be awarded for exhibits that are not properly tagged.
7. Cash award of $25 will be given to the “Adult People’s Choice” exhibit.
8. Each Adult Division is awarded the following:
                           1st Place: Trophy Champion Rosette and $25 award
                           2nd Place: Grand Champion Rosette and $15 award
                           3rd Place: Reserve Grand Champion Rosette and $10 award


     DIVISION I – AGRICULTURE                          Leeks- 4 with root on
                                                       Lettuce- 2 heads or bunches, cut close to
Class 1- Field Crops                                            bottom
   Seed Varieties- any variety consisting of 1 quart   Onions- 4 with roots on
   and normal cleaning. Judging criteria:              Parsnips- 4 with top on
   uniformity, freedom of infestation, and required    Potatoes- 4 each
   amount.                                             Radish- 4 with leaves and tail on
        Alfalfa                    Grass               Rhubarb- 4 stalks with blade removed
        Barley                     Oats                Spinach- 4 petioles with blades
        Beans                      Peas                Turnips- 4 with 1” top and tails on
        Clover                     Wheat               Other vegetables not listed- contact the
         Corn                                          superintendent.
Class 2- Sheaf Varieties                                      Garden and Orchard Fruits
   Any variety and sheaf bundle 2” in diameter
   through the stocks. Judging criteria: uniformity,   Apples- 4 with stems on
   symmetry of sheaf, and quality of plants.           Apricots- 4 with stems on
                                                       Beans- 8 pods with stems on
         Alfalfa                   Grass               Berries- 8 with stems on
         Barley                    Oats                Cherries- 8 with stems on
         Clover                    Wheat               Corn- cobs: remove husks and silks
                                                             Leave tip and 1” stem
    DIVISION II – HORTICULTURE                         Cucumbers- 4 with stems on
Class 1- Garden and Orchard                            Eggplant- 2 with stems on
   1. Judging criteria: uniformity, free from          Grapes- 2 clusters
      defect, size, cleanliness (typical of produce    Melons- 1 with stem on (with the
      in a modern grocery store), and number or                 exception of cantaloupe- cut
      amount as indicated per variety.                          from end to end and cover in
   2. All items are to be on a Styrofoam plate.                 clear plastic wrap)
      Garden Root, Stem, and Leaf Crops                Peas- 8 pods with stem
                                                       Peppers- 4 with stems
     Asparagus- 4 stalks, top 6”                       Plums/Prunes- 8 with stems
     Beets- 4 with 1” top and tail                     Pumpkins- 1 with stem
     Broccoli- 1 head with 2”-4” stem                  Squash- 1 winter or summer with stem
     Brussel Sprouts- 4 each                           Tomatoes- 4 with stem
     Cabbage- 1 head, cut close to bottom
     Carrots- 4 with 1” top and tail
     Cauliflower- 1 head, cut close to bloom
     Celery- 2 stalks with root on
     Chard- 4 petioles with blades
     Jerusalem Artichokes- 4 each
     Kale- 3 leaves with stem


Class 2- Flowers
                                                          DIVISION III – YOUTH
 1. Three items only on individual species or
    one only per stem species.
 2. Judging will be on quality of flower, size      1. Youth growers 16 years of age or
    of bloom, and length of stem.                      younger as of January 1st of the current
 3. Individual arrangements for all types of           year.
    cut flowers. Tables will be furnished by        2. All youth entries must meet the same
    the Fair. Other items must be furnished            requirements as the regular entries in the
    by exhibitor.                                      Agriculture and Horticulture Divisions.
      1st Place: Trophy Champion Rosette
                  and $25 award                  Class 1- Garden and Orchard
      2 Place: Grand Champion Rosette
       nd                                        Class 2- Flowers
                  and $15 award
      3 Place: Reserve Grand Champion
       rd                                                  Prizes and Ribbons per class
           Rosette and $10 award                    1st Place: Blue Rosette and $10 award
                                                    2 Place: Red Rosette and $7 award

                    Categories                      3rd Place: White Rosette and $5
                                                        All other entries will receive:
                                                         $1 each with a limit of $5
              Bells of Ireland
        Floribunda or Cluster Rose                        DIVISION IV – FARM RAISED
                  Gladiola                                      CHICKEN EGGS
             Marigold (Petite)
             Marigold (Large)
                                                          1. ½ dozen clean eggs marked with
               Painted Daisy                                 breed of chicken.
             Petunia (Double)
              Petunia (Single)                     STOP BY THE
              Phlox Perennial                       HOME ARTS
                Shasta Daisy
                  Tea Rose                          AND ENTER
                 Terrariums                         OUR “NAME
              Zinnias (Dwarf)                        THE FAIR”
              Zinnias (Large)                      CONTEST FOR
         Potted Plants (Blooming)                      2022.
             Household Plants
            Succulents (Cactus)                     THE WINNER
                 Sunflowers                         WILL RECEIVE
     Other- Not more than 3 of 1 flower                $50!!!


                              PHOTOGRAPHY AND FINE ARTS

             Showcase your talents by putting them on display at the Madison County Fair!
           There are multiple divisions for each skill level, both in Fine Arts and Photography.

For those wishing to enter this year’s Photography and Fine Arts exhibit, please note the following rules:
1. Photos and Fine Arts will be accepted in the Home Art Building on August 16, 2021 from 5 PM to 7 PM
    and on August 17, 2021, from 9 AM to 4 PM. Entries not submitted between these hours will still be
    available for display, but will not be judged.
2. Premiums will be awarded at the time of pick up.
3. All entries can be picked up on Monday, August 23, 2021, from 9 AM to 1:00 PM. Any items that are
    removed early with forfeit any premiums and ribbons received.
4. All artwork and photographs must be ready to be hung in the exhibit. There will not be supplies at the
    fair to mat, mount, or hang. Entries in frame, (other than Professional Class) tape, strings, duct tape,
    or poster board will not be eligible. Please use one large strip of Velcro adhesive (with both sides
    attached), along the top of your piece within 1” of the edge of the piece. See Diagram below:

                                      Heavy Duty Velcro Strip
                                          Back of Image

5. No names, watermarks, or logos shall be visible on the piece or it will be disqualified.
6. All art and photography must be exhibitor’s own original work. Winners may not enter the same piece
    from the previous year.
7. Artwork from photography may not enter in all classes, or disqualification will occur.
8. All entry fees must be made at time of submission if applicable. Professionals have a $25 fee with a
    limit of 3 prints. Advanced and Amateur have no fee with a limit of 5 prints.
9. The children’s classes in both divisions has been moved to Kids Corner, Division XVI of the Home Arts
    Department. This will be more in line with peer groups and competition levels.
10. If you have any questions, feel free to contact the superintendent.


                                                                             1. CLASS AWARDS
                                                                       Place: Blue Rosette and $10 award
                                                                     2nd Place: Red Rosette and $7 award
Class 1- Professional
 1. A Professional is anyone who is currently
                                                                     3 Place: White Rosette and $5 award

    charging or has charged fees for providing
    photography services of any kind, has photos in                            DIVISION AWARDS
    a gallery for sale, and/or teaches photography         1 Place: Trophy Champion Rosette and $25 award

    for fees. If you meet any of the qualifications for    2nd Place: Grand Champion Rosette and $15 award
    a Professional and knowingly enter photos into         3rd Place: Reserve Grand Champion and $10 award
    the Advanced or Amateur classes, you will be
    disqualified and all premiums and ribbons will be              DIVISION II – FINE ARTS
    revoked. If after two years of NOT charging fees          1. The “Fine Arts Division” will include
    for providing photography services of any kind,              sculptured, pottery, carving, along with
    has NOT had any photos in a gallery for sale,                traditional paintings or drawings. Digitally
    and/or has NOT taught photography for fees, you              created images- an image created on a
    can move back to the Advanced class.                         computer and as are determined by the
 2. There will only be one winner in the Professional            officials are strongly encouraged to enter.
    class. There must be competition for the premium          2. Entrants are not limited to one class.
    to be awarded. Competition exists when a                     However, exhibitors are limited to a maximum
    minimum of 2 or more entries exists.                         of five entries.
                                                              3. Age in each class is as of January 1st of the
        Grand Champion Winner $50 award                          current year.
                                                               1st Place: Trophy Champion Rosette and
 3. All entries in this class must be framed and no                             $25 award
    larger than 16x24. Metal mounts will be accepted           2 Place: Grand Champion Rosette and

    for this class only.                                                        $15 award
 4. All professional entries will be permitted to              3 Place: Reserve Grand Champion and
    display their business cards on August 18, 2021,
                                                                                $10 award
    the day after judging.
                                                          Class 1- Junior Youth (13-16)
                                                          Class 2- Senior Youth (17-20)
Class 2- Advanced Adult
   1. An Advanced Photographer is an experienced
                                                          Class 3- Amateur Adult (21+)
      member of a camera club, photographer with          Class 4- Professional Adult
      formal photography education, or an                 Class 5- Digitally Created Images (Any entry
      experienced photographer who does not sell                  created on a computer beyond basic
      their photography.                                          Photoshop editing and color balancing as
   2. All entries in this class must be 11x14 and                 determined by the judges.)
      mounted on a hardback material such as foam         Class 6- 3-D Art, Jr. Division (13-16)
      core board.                                         Class 7- 3-D Art, Sr. Division (17+)
Class 3- Amateur                                                  Note: 3D Art is anything not considered a
   1. An Amateur Photographer is new to                           traditional painting or drawing.
      photography, has little experience in
      photography, and little knowledge or
      photography training.
   2. All entries in this class shall be no larger than
      8x10 mat boards up to 11x14

                           LACEY PERRENOUD
        PHONE: (208)351-0589 EMAIL: PERRENOUD246@GMAIL.COM
1. Check-in is on Tuesday, August 17, 2021 from 12 PM – 6:30 PM at the Fairgrounds.
2. Please dust poultry for lice and mites 1 week before showing.
3. Exhibitors must complete a cage tag for each animal and an entry form. These will be available at
    check in.
4. All animals must be health checked prior to caging.
5. Transport cages should be taken home until pick up.
6. Exhibitors are responsible for their own food for their animal. They must feed and water their animal
    twice daily until picked up.
7. Only exhibitors are allowed behind the cages (outside of judging.)
8. Exhibitors need to place signs on cages prohibiting the sale of the animals.
9. All animals must be in assigned cages with food and water prior to 6:30 PM on Tuesday, August 12,
    2021 for the judging that will take place at 7 PM.
10. All animals (including 4-H) will be judged for QUALITY in open class.
11. Only judges and award committee will be allowed behind cages during judging.
12. Awards will be on cages by 8 AM on Wednesday, August 13, 2021.
13. Pick up will be on Saturday, August 21, 2021 from 2 PM to 4 PM. Picking up animals any earlier will
    result in forfeit of premiums. Premiums will be handed out when animals are picked up and cages
14. All exhibitors bringing in Water Fowl or Family Flock, need to notify the superintendent 1 week
    before the fair so cages can be arranged.
15. COMPETITION- is defined as a contest of supremacy between two or more animals, projects, or
    articles owned by separate exhibitors. Two exhibits entered by the same person or household does
    not constitute a competition. No premium will be paid if competition does not exist.

                                   Each animal will be awarded a flat ribbon:
                                             Blue- Great Quality
                                                  Red- Good Quality
                                             White- Poor Quality

                                          Each Class will be awarded:
                                            1st Place- Blue Rosette
                                            2nd Place- Red Rosette
                                           3rd Place- White Rosette

                                           Each Division will be awarded:
                                  1 Place- Trophy Champion Rosette and $25

                                   2nd Place- Grand Champion Rosette and $15
                                   3rd Place- Reserve Grand Champion and $10
                             All other entries will receive $1 each with a limit of $5

          DIVISION I – POULTRY                              DIVISON IV- PIGEONS

Class 1- Bantam Hen
Class 2- Bantam Pullet
Class 3- Bantam Rooster
                                                         DIVISION V- WATER FOWL
Class 4- Bantam Cockerel                               Class 1- Duck
                                                       Class 2- Goose

Class 5- Hen
                                                        DIVISION VI- FAMILY FLOCK
Class 6- Pullet                                        Class 1- Turkey
Class 7- Rooster                                       Class 2- Game Birds
Class 8- Cockerel
Class 9- Pigeon

   All rabbits under 12 weeks old are not permitted.

Class 1- Junior Doe (Under 1 year)
Class 2- Senior Doe
Class 3- Junior Buck (Under 1 year)
Class 4- Senior Buck

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