AUGUST 15, 2021 -

Page created by Julian Craig
AUGUST 15, 2021 -
Church of St. Peter
                   2600 N. Margaret St.
                  North St. Paul, MN 55109

AUGUST 15, 2021
AUGUST 15, 2021 -
Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
From the apostolic constitution Munificentissimus Deus by Venerable Pius XII, pope

In their homilies and sermons on this feast the holy fathers and the great doctors spoke of the assumption of
the Mother of God as something already familiar and accepted by the faithful. They gave it greater clarity
in their preaching and used more profound arguments in setting out its nature and meaning. Above all, they
brought out more clearly the fact that what is commemorated in this feast is not simply the total absence of
corruption from the dead body of the Blessed Virgin Mary but also her triumph over death and her
glorification in heaven, after the pattern set by her only Son, Jesus Christ.
Thus, Saint John Damascene, preeminent as the great preacher of this truth of tradition, speaks with powerful
eloquence when he relates the bodily assumption of the loving Mother of God to her other gifts and
privileges: “It was necessary that she who preserved her virginity inviolate in childbirth should also have her
body kept free from corruption after death. It was necessary that she who carried the Creator as a child on
her breast should dwell in the tabernacles of God. It was necessary that the bride espoused by the Father
should make her home in the bridal chambers of heaven. It was necessary that she, who had gazed on her
crucified Son and been pierced in the heart by the sword of sorrow which she had escaped in giving him
birth, should contemplate him seated with the Father. It was necessary that the Mother of God should share
the possessions of her Son, and be venerated by every creature as the Mother and handmaid of God.”
Another early author declares: “Therefore, as the most glorious Mother of Christ, our God and Savior, the
giver of life and immortality, she is enlivened by him to share an eternal incorruptibility of body with him who
raised her from the tomb and took her to himself in a way he alone can tell.”
All these reasonings and considerations of the holy Fathers rest on Scripture as their ultimate foundation.
Scripture portrays the loving Mother of God, almost before our very eyes, as most intimately united with her
divine Son and always sharing in his destiny.
Above all, it must be noted that from the second century the holy Fathers present the Virgin Mary as the new
Eve, most closely associated with the new Adam, though subject to him in the struggle against the enemy from
the nether world. This struggle, as the first promise of a redeemer implies, was to end in perfect victory over
sin and death, always linked together in the writings of the Apostle of the Gentiles. Therefore, just as the
glorious resurrection of Christ was an essential part of this victory and its final trophy, so the struggle shared
by the Blessed Virgin and her Son was to end in the glorification of her virginal body. As the same Apostle
says: When this mortal body has clothed itself in immortality, then will be fulfilled the word of Scripture: Death is
swallowed up in victory.
Hence, the august Mother of God, mysteriously united from all eternity with Jesus Christ in one and the same
decree of predestination, immaculate in her conception, a virgin inviolate in her divine motherhood, the
wholehearted companion of the divine Redeemer who won complete victory over sin and its consequences,
gained, at last the supreme crown of her privileges—to be preserved immune from the corruption of the
tomb, and, like her Son, when death had been conquered, to be carried up body and soul to the exalted
glory of heaven, there to sit in splendor at the right hand of her Son, the immortal King of the ages.
AUGUST 15, 2021 -

                             President, James Koller Family Dentistry
          We would like to congratulate Jake Koller for his leading in faith award.
          Make sure and check out the article in the catholic spirit August 10, edition.

                                        SYNOD UPDATE
                                    Parish Consultation with Small Groups, Fall 2021
                                    Be part of the Synod process that will shape our local Church. In
                                    small groups this fall, our parish will:

                                    Pray for God’s guidance on how we can more vigorously proclaim
                                    the Good News of Jesus Christ!
                                    Learn the Church’s wisdom on the Synod focus area topics.
                                    Discuss your perspective and ideas with other parishioners.
                                    Respond with your feedback on Archdiocesan priorities to
                                    proclaim the Good News in our culture today.

Plan on join one or all our small group sessions this fall Starting on Tuesday, September 21 – October
26 from 6:30-8:30. Topic’s of discussion are.

September 21/28; Parishes that are in the service of evangelization
October 5/12; Missionary disciples who know Jesus’s love and respond to his call
October 19/26; Youth and young adults in and for a Church that is always young

Have more questions please go to the Archdiocese synod page or
AUGUST 15, 2021 -
                                         OCTOBER 22,23 & 24
                                          O’REILLEY HALL

The big sale is right around the corner. The dates are Friday, October 22 (8:00 am to 5:00 pm);
Saturday, October 23 (9:00 am to 6:00 pm) and Sunday, October 24 (9:00 am to 1:00 pm). This is
an important fundraising event for St. Peter Church and School.

Please consider volunteering at the Big Sale! We are in need of many people to make this event a
success! Contact Linda Carlson (chair) at 651-738-1075 if you are able to volunteer or if you have
any questions.

Continue to watch the bulletin for more information. We look forward to seeing you
at this year’s Big Sale!
*We will not accept items at this time

                          UPCOMING EVENTS - ST. PETER SCHOOL

Save the Date!
                                                                    OPEN POSITION
Used School Uniform Sale
                                              The Preschool & Extended Day Aide is an integral part of
in the School Cafeteria                       the mission of St. Peter Catholic School.
Thursday, August 19, from 4:00-7:00pm
                                              The responsibilities of the Aide include:
Preschool Parent Information Night
Fellowship Hall                                   Collaborate with the team and help to ensure a joyful
Thursday, August 19 at 6:30 pm                    and inquiry-based classroom environment.
                                                  Guide each child’s behavior in positive ways that sup-
All-School Family Mass & Welcome                  port growth and promote self-esteem.
Back to School Picnic                             Communicate well with parents and guardians.
in the Church and O'Reilley Hall                  Help ensure a clean and safe environment for all chil-
Thursday, August 26, from 5:30-7:30pm
                                                  Engaging, patient, and joyful disposition with children
                                                  Demonstrate a love for learning and a commitment to
First Day of School for K-8
                                                  on-going professional development.
Wednesday, September 1                            Demonstrate ability to work as part of a team.
                                                  Commitment to the teachings of the Catholic faith.
                                                  Working hours will be Monday-Friday 12:30-6:00pm
                                                  (also willing to consider candidates for either 12:30-
                                                  4:00pm or 3:45-6:00pm). Pay will be $13.00-16.00
                                                  per hour.

                                              Please send a cover letter and resume to Principal Dennis
                                              Rankin (
                                              This position is posted on the Archdiocesan Careers page.
AUGUST 15, 2021 -
Welcome Back Picnic
          Come and join us in a moment of communion, joy and relaxation.
                                              The greatest expression of the relationship between
                                              me and this presence that is God-made-man in You, o
                                              Christ, is eating and drinking with You, where You
                                              identify with what you eat and drink, so that, “Even
                                              though living in the flesh I live in the faith of the Son of
                                              God” (“faith” means acknowledging a Presence). –
                                              Luigi Giussani - Vacations-The-Time-Of-Freedom

                     WHEN: August 21, 2021 5:00 - 9:00pm
               WHERE: Church of St. Peter Parking Lot / Playground Area

         Free Food/Beverages - Live Music – Great Door Prizes - Corn Hole
                         Gaga Ball - Inflatable - MORE!
              It is AN ABUNDANT TIME to regain familiarity with each other after
                           more than a year of restrictions.

                JOIN US FOR FELLOWSHIP & FUN!
               All though it is not necessary, to help us prepare enough food,
            please RSVP through the parish website or by calling the front desk.

             FALL FESTIVAL                                                         RCIA
                                                          We are seeking those interested in participating in the
         Festival Fun Kicks Off                           RCIA program. If you are Catholic have not received
       on Sunday, September 26                            the sacraments of Reconciliation, Holy Eucharist, or
                                                          Confirmation. You are interested in learning about our
The Fall Festival planning committee is busy              Catholic faith or are considering joining the Catholic
                                                          Church, please consider participating in the RCIA small
putting their plans together for the parish's             group process which addresses these needs. Your
biggest "fun-raiser" of the year. Learn more              marriage situation will be part
about our festival activities, and see how you            of the RCIA process.
can help us. Stop by the Festival
information table at the upcoming parish picnic.          Our parish RCIA instruction
                                                          sessions will begin again this
Questions?                                                Fall starting November 7th
                                                          9:00 am in the St. Paul room.
Contact Kari at                                           For more information or to or                                           schedule a meeting with Fr.
call 651-332-1070.                                        Ettore please contact Connie
                                                          in the parish office. 894-6141
AUGUST 15, 2021 -
Faith Formation 2021-2022
                           Register today!

 We are grateful and full of joy to be able to offer faith formation to all children ages 3 through
 High School. Below is a sample schedule for when our classes meet. Questions: contact Jennifer
 Greger at or 651-777-8304 or Barb Waldorf at

                   Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (preschool through grade 3)
                                   Grades 4 & 5 Faith Formation
                                Fellowship of the Keys (grades 6-8)
                                     Confirmation (grades 8-12)
                                      High School Youth Group

                                       ALTAR SEVERS
Psalm 115, 1 describes the Altar
Server’s moto at St Peter Church;
“Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to Thy name
give Glory”.
We are grateful to have current and new altar
servers eager to serve the Lord with dedication,
faithfulness, joy and reverence for the Lord of the
living. Plan to attend our first meeting on August
28, it is intended for any new or current altar
servers, including Altaris Viri.
DATES: August 28 and September 25, 2021 ONLY
TIME: 11:30 am – 1:30 pm
WHERE: main Church
GIRLS AGE: from grade 3 to grade 8
BOYS AGE: from grade 3 to grade 8
ALTARIS VIRI: (Only male) grades 9-12
Responsible: Fr. Ettore – Schedule Coordinator: Mrs. Patti Teachout
Each new altar servers must attend these two trainings before starting to serve at Mass. If you are
a new server, please contact Patti Teachout at so she will have your
contact information and contact you after the two trainings.
ALL servers are asked to be at these two sessions. More information will be given in the training
sessions. Blessings!
AUGUST 15, 2021 -
MASS INTENTIONS                                NOTE: The parish office will be closed next
                                                           Thursday afternoon beginning at 12:30pm due
          Week of August 15 - August 22, 2021              to a staff retreat
Sunday:    8:00 AM †Deacon William Erpenbach
         10:30 AM †Arlene Mogren                                          VOLUNTEERS NEEDED
           6:00 PM Parishioners                                The Gladstone Meals on Wheels Program is
Monday: 8:00 AM †Glenn O’Kane                                  looking for volunteers. Our delivery area in North
Tuesday: 8:00 AM †Nicole Anderson                              St. Paul, Maplewood, Oakdale and the near East
Wed:       8:00 AM †Dr. Edward “Ted” Pokorny                   Side. As the community is emerging from the
Thursday: 8:00 AM †Eric Nordling                               pandemic, we have resumed our daily hot
Friday:    8:00 AM †Mae Johnson                                deliveries, and now have an increased need for
Saturday: 8:00 AM †Eleanor Leavitt                             volunteer drivers. Individuals can volunteer weekly,
           4:00 PM †Peg Turcotte                               every other week or monthly. Feel free to contact
Sunday: 8:00 AM †Don Buehre                                    Tim Dooley, the Meals on
          10:30 AM †Dan Leko                                   Wheels Coordinator. Tim can
           6:00 PM Parishioners                                be reached at 651-748-7266
   We are pleased to announce that the                                          CUPPA JOE
   monthly senior luncheons are back.
                                                           Cuppa Joe is a series of 10 talks on the 10
Mark your calendars for Wednesday, September 8,            wonders of Saint Joseph, taking place at 10
2021 in Fellowship hall. We are grateful that              locations under the patronage of Saint Joseph in
Magnolia’s Restaurant will be catering our luncheons       the archdiocese.
again this year. Due to the raising costs dinner will be
$15 a person and will include dessert and entertainment
following the lunch.                                       These talks will premiere the first Tuesday of the
                                                           month, May – December, at 4 p.m. – right in time
More information will be coming                            for your afternoon coffee.
soon. Watch the bulletin for details.
If you have any questions please                                Virtual Talks Posted on Facebook, YouTube,
contact Linda Carlson at 651-738-                               Instagram and on the Year of Saint Joseph
                                                                September 7: “Adorer of Christ,” Liz Kelly
             PRO - LIFE GROUP                                   October 5: “Silent Witness,” Fr. John Floeder
                                                                November 2: “Patron of a Happy Death,”
Unborn Babies Want YOU to Stand Up for Them                      Deacon Dan Gannon
                                                                December 7: “Terror of
On Saturday, Aug. 21st, join the Knights of Columbus             Demons,” Fr. Jon Vander Ploeg
on the sidewalk in front of Little Canada Planned
Parenthood (91 Viking Drive- by Hwy 36 & Rice St). We
will meet there from 11:30 am-12:30 pm, and again on
the 3rd Saturday of EVERY month. Through prayer and/
or holding signs let's defend the unborn. (Signs
provided) For info on parking or other questions email      Your prayers are requested for the repose of the
Grand Knight John Zakroczymski at or        soul of Nora Morelli whose funeral was celebrated
call Jan Hawkes at 651-490-0247.                                            this past week.
AUGUST 15, 2021 - AUGUST 15, 2021 - AUGUST 15, 2021 -
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