AUDIOMETRY Product catalogue 2021
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INDUSTRY-LEADING AUDIOMETERS Since 1935 we have been designing and manufacturing innovative screening and diagnostic technology for audiology professionals, occupational health and ENT experts around the world. OUR MISSION We have been designing and manufacturing audiology and specialist healthcare products for over 85 years. Our mission is to supply hearing healthcare professionals with reliable and affordable solutions to support their work and, in turn, improve the quality of life for everyone worldwide.
WHY CHOOSE AMPLIVOX? We supply healthcare instruments, accessories and software for those who need audiometry, spirometry and vision testing support on a global scale. We support a wide variety of companies in industries such as (and not limited to) the military, police forces, the NHS, private medical practices, manufacturers and the aviation industry. We are trusted by these industries to deliver the support they need to ensure they deliver the best service for everyone and we are here to provide you with reliable products to support you on a daily basis. Amplivox manufactured products include a three year warranty as standard. We will correct, without any charge for parts or labour, all defects in the goods arising from faulty manufacture or failure of original materials or components, provided the goods are returned to Amplivox (carriage and insurance paid) before the expiry of the Standard Warranty period with a full account of the defects and such notification is determined to be correct.
A screening audiometer performs a hearing test that is used to SCREENING determine if there are signs of a hearing loss, it will record a patient’s reaction to pure tones played. The results of the screening test will then allow the hearing health professional to determine if further AUDIOMETERS examination or tests are required.
SCREENING model116 INCLUDED • Standard audiometric headset • Patient response switch • Audiogram cards (50) • Power supply with country adaptors • Carry case KEY FEATURES • USB stick (manuals and software) COST-EFFECTIVE AUDIOMETRY SCREENING • Frequency range: 125 - 8000Hz • ampliSuite PC software (stand-alone) Designed with reliability in mind, functions with ease, with a clear display • Attenuation range: -10 - 100dBHL • Noah audiometry module. the Model 116 is a portable, manual delivering precise information. • Tone selection: pure, pulsed, screening audiometer designed for warble, continuous OPTIONAL quick and efficient audiometric testing. Strong and reliable even in the most • Portable and lightweight design • Amplivox Audiocups upgrade challenging environments, the Model • Optional battery power option • Pediatric headband for school The lightweight and robust design 116 offers the simplicity needed to • Integrated talk forward function screening (DD45) benefits any audiologist who travels conduct hearing tests on patients. • Threshold retention function • Battery function to conduct pure tone, warble and (during test) • Thermal printer continuous hearing tests. The soft At only 720g (1.58lbs), it is one of the • Connection to thermal printer • USB cable (PC connection) key control panel is dependable and lightest portable audiometers available. and/or PC7. • Audibase software.
SCREENING model170 INCLUDED KEY FEATURES • Standard audiometric headset • Frequency range: 125 - 8000Hz • Patient response switch • Attenuation range: -10 - 100dBHL • Audiogram cards (50) • Transducer: DD45 (alternative • Power supply with country adaptors earphone types available on request) • Carry case • Pure tone audiometry • USB stick (manuals and software) SIMPLE SCREENING FOR BUSY PROFESSIONALS • Pulse tone option • ampliSuite PC software (stand-alone) The Model 170 is a cost-effective, No matter how busy the working • Portable and lightweight design • Noah audiometry module. robust screening audiometer with day is, the Model 170 will • Integrated talk forward function both manual and automatic test continue to be a reliable screening • Threshold retention function OPTIONAL functions and benefits from all the instrument which will support (during test) • Amplivox Audiocups upgrade easy-to-use functions of our reliable healthcare professionals in • Internal memory, connection to • Thermal printer Model 170 screening audiometer their day-to-day screening, thermal printer and/or PC • Booth leads and is the ideal solution for all making it the perfect portable • Connectivity to many electronic • USB portable power bank audiometric testing programmes. screening audiometer. medical record (EMR) systems. • USB cable (PC connection).
SCREENING otosure POWERFUL. POPULAR. KEY FEATURES INCLUDED PROFESSIONAL. • Frequency range: 125 Hz - 8000Hz • Standard audiometric headset The Otosure is one of the most • Attenuation range: -10 - 100dBHL • Patient response switch popular PC-based air conduction • Plug-and-play testing functionality • Carry case occupational health audiometers • Pocket-sized audiometer • USB stick (manuals and software) available. A portable audiometer, • Pure tone audiometry • USB cable (PC connection) and powerful on performance, the • Test results analysis • Audibase software. Otosure is designed to be quick and • User defined recall facility efficient when identifying a subjects • Identification of ‘at risk’ personnel OPTIONAL hearing threshold. • In-depth management analysis • Amplivox Audiocups headset upgrade • Interface to E-OPAS, Cohort and • Booth leads. With a plug-and-play design and Cority OH databases. integration, the Otosure screening audiometer will allow you to set up and be ready to start your days’ audiometry testing in seconds, wherever you may be. This fully PC controlled screening audiometer is the perfect choice to deliver an excellent screening routine.
SCREENING PC850 PC-BASED AUDIOMETRY The PC850 audiometer combines the best of both worlds in standalone and INCLUDED PC based manual and automatic air • Standard audiometric headset conduction screening. Customising • Patient response switch the settings to your requirements, KEY FEATURES • Power supply with country adaptors hearing threshold levels can be quickly • Frequency range: 250Hz - 8000Hz • Carry case measured and categorised according • Attenuation range: -10 - 100dBHL • USB stick (manuals and software) to national or company standards. • Hybrid audiometer (PC-based and • USB cable (PC connection) stand-alone) • Audiogram cards (50) A reliable choice for occupational • Manual and automated audiometry, • Audibase PC software (stand-alone). health specialists across the world, incl. Békésy and computer test it provides medicalprofessionals • Tone selection: pure OPTIONAL full control of their hearing test • Integrated talk forward function • Amplivox Audiocups upgrade programme and integrates seamlessly • Interface to OPAS and E-OPAS, • USB portable power bank with software programmes. Cohort and Cority OH databases. • Booth leads.
COMPARISON SCREENING AUDIOMETERS SCREENING COMPARE USER FEATURES 116 170 Otosure PC850 Portable PC controlled - - Data transfer to PC - - Thermal printer output - - Manual test Automatic test - Self recording/Bekesy type test - - - Automatic audiogram categorisation - - Internal memory - Talk forward - Compatible with optional USB charger - Carry case supplied Patient response switch supplied Mains power adaptor supplied N/A COMPARE TECHNICAL FEATURES Frequency range (Hz) 125-8K 125-8K 125-8K 250-8K Attenuation range -10 to 100 max -10 to 100 max -10 to 100 max -10 to 100 max Attenuation step size (dBHL) 5 5 5 5 / 2.5 Pure tone signal Warble tone signal - - - Continous signal - - - Pulsed signal - - - Dimensions (L x W x D mm) 270 x 165 x 60 270 x 165 x 60 120 x 86 x 28 270 x 165 x 60 Weight (g) 720 710 165 710 External PSU N/A Optional battery power - - -
A diagnostic instrument is used to perform a hearing test after a failed screening DIAGNOSTIC test. It is conducted to find out the whys, hows and the extent of the hearing loss. A diagnostic audiometer is used by the audiologist to assess the hearing ability and provides a full evaluation of the patients hearing ability. It will measure how well AUDIOMETERS the patient hears pure tones and understands speech.
DIAGNOSTIC model270+ ADVANCED TWO-CHANNEL DIAGNOSTIC AUDIOMETER Our most powerful two-channel diagnostic audiometer and the perfect choice for Audiologists, ENTs and hearing aid suppliers within audiology. Designed with a full range of audiological test measurements, all included in one package. Essential tests such as air conduction and bone conduction audiometry including narrowband masking can easily be performed. Enhanced tests such as speech audiometry (wave input or live speech) and free field testing are also part of the standard Model 270+ functionality. KEY FEATURES • Frequency range (AC): 125 - 8000Hz • Attenuation range (AC): -10 - 120dBHL INCLUDED • Air and bone conduction, MCL, ULL/UCL • Standard audiometric headset OPTIONAL • Automatic AC and BC testing incl. automated masking • Bone conduction headset • Amplivox Audiocups upgrade • Tone selection: pure, pulsed, warble, continuous • Patient response switch • Masking headset • Masking: narrowband (tone) or speech-weighted • Power supply with country adaptors • Battery power function • Speech audiometry (wave file and CD input) • Audiogram cards (50) • Thermal printer • Free field assessment • Carry case • Booth leads • Special tests: ABLB, Stenger, SISI, Tone Decay, HLS, MHA • USB stick (manuals and software) • USB cable (PC connection) • Integrated talk forward function • ampliSuite PC software (stand-alone) • OtoAccess® database • ampliSuite software and Noah modules included. • Noah audiometry module. • USB portable power bank.
model240 DIAGNOSTIC DIAGNOSTIC AUDIOMETRY ANYWHERE The Model 240 is the most proven and reliable diagnostic audiometer available on the market for over ten years. Pure tone audiometric testing can be completed either manually or automatically to your testing requirements, with bone conduction and masking intelligence included as standard. An audiometer that is effortlessly lightweight, making it the ideal choice of traveling audiologists when visiting patients who require at home care or cannot visit medical establishments for their hearing screening.other connections are available. KEY FEATURES • Frequency range (AC): 125 - 8000Hz • Attenuation range (AC): -10 - 100dBHL • Air and bone conduction • Tone selection: pure, pulsed, warble • Masking: narrowband (tone) or speech- INCLUDED OPTIONAL weighted • Standard audiometric headset • Amplivox Audiocups upgrade • Portable and lightweight design • Bone conduction headset • Masking headset • Optional battery power option • Patient response switch • Battery power function • Integrated talk forward function • Power supply with country adaptors • Thermal printer • Threshold retention function (during test) • Audiogram cards (50) • Booth leads • Internal memory, connection to thermal • Carry case • USB cable (PC connection) printer and/or PC. • USB stick (manuals and software) • OtoAccess® database • ampliSuite PC software (stand-alone) • Noah audiometry module.
DIAGNOSTIC model260 KEY FEATURES • Frequency range (AC): 125 - 8000Hz • Attenuation range (AC): -10 - 120dBHL • Air and bone conduction, ULL/UCL • Speech testing (live and recorded) • Tone selection: pure, pulsed, warble, continuous • Masking: narrowband (tone) or speech-weighted • Special tests: ABLB, Stenger • Integrated talk forward/back function • Internal memory, connection to thermal printer and/or PC • ampliSuite software and Noah modules included. INCLUDED • Standard audiometric headset • Bone conduction headset • Patient response switch • Power supply with country adaptors • Audiogram cards (50) • Carry case • USB stick (manuals and software) • ampliSuite PC software (stand-alone) • Noah audiometry module. START TESTING STRAIGHT AWAY management support, and the ability OPTIONAL An adaptable diagnostic audiometer, to conduct UCL’s (ULL’s) measurements, • Amplivox Audiocups upgrade the Model 260 requires no as well as the Stenger and ABLB special • Masking headset configuration to start testing and test. Compact in size, it has become the • Battery power function treating individuals. Carefully selected choice for many audiologists and hearing • Thermal printer functionality allows the user to deliver aid dispensers. • Booth leads optimum hearing healthcare, through • USB cable (PC connection) air and bone conduction, as well as A reliable diagnostic audiometer for • OtoAccess® database speech audiometry. family doctors and paediatric physicians, • USB portable power bank hearing test capabilities include air • Patient microphone The Model 260 also features masking and conduction, bone conduction and • Loudspeakers special test options with intelligent data speech audiometry. • Monitor headset and microphone.
model270 DIAGNOSTIC KEY FEATURES • Frequency range (AC): 125 - 8000Hz • Attenuation range (AC): -10 - 120dBHL • Air and bone conduction, ULL/UCL • Tone selection: pure, pulsed, warble, continuous • Masking: narrowband (tone) or speech-weighted • Speech testing (live and recorded) • Special tests: ABLB, Stenger, SISI • Integrated talk forward function • Internal memory, connection to thermal printer and/or PC • ampliSuite software and Noah modules included. INCLUDED • Standard audiometric headset • Bone conduction headset • Patient response switch • Power supply with country adaptors • Audiogram cards (50) • Carry case • USB stick (manuals and software) • ampliSuite PC software (stand-alone) • Noah audiometry module. OPTIONAL • Amplivox Audiocups upgrade • Masking headset • Battery power function TWO-CHANNEL DIAGNOSTIC AUDIOMETER • Thermal printer The Model 270 is our highly speech testing and allows for health experts who operate within a • Booth leads popular diagnostic audiometer and freefield measurements. clinic, workplace or on-the-go. • USB cable (PC connection) competitively priced, being one of • OtoAccess® database the best value audiometers in the Conventional and intuitive, hearing Benefiting from a clear and precise • USB portable power bank market. It offers an extensive range of tests can be conducted quickly and display, a logical key layout and durable • Patient microphone audiological measurements, including efficiently. This instrument is also ideal design, users can also access functions • Loudspeakers air conduction and bone conduction, for audiology specialists and hearing quickly therefore reducing test times. • Monitor headset and microphone.
DIAGNOSTIC COMPARISON DIAGNOSTIC AUDIOMETERS COMPARE USER FEATURES 240 260 270 270+ Portable Data transfer to PC Noah compatible Thermal printer output Internal memory Air conduction functionality Bone conduction functionality Masking (AC + BC) Masking Assistant - - - Speech audiometry (live) - Speech audiometry (recorded) - Sound field output - Speech audiometry - Threshold retention function Automatic test (AC) - - Automatic Test (BC) - - - Talk forward Talk back - Compatible with optional USB charger Monitor function - Optional insert earphones Battery power function / total portability - - -
DIAGNOSTIC COMPARISON DIAGNOSTIC AUDIOMETERS COMPARE TECHNICAL FEATURES 240 260 270 270+ Frequency range (AC) 125-8KHz 125-8KHz 125-8KHz 125-8KHz Frequency range (BC) 250-8KHz 250-8KHz 250-8KHz 250-8KHz Attenuation range (AC) -10 to 120 max -10 to 120 max -10 to 120 max -10 to 120 max Attenuation range (BC) -10 to 70 max -10 to 70 max -10 to 70 max -10 to 70 max Output level range (soundfield) - Up to 90dB Up to 90dB Up to 90dB Insert masking output 90dBHL max 250-4KHz 90dBHL max 250-4KHz 90dBHL max 250-4KHz 90dBHL max 250-4KHz Attenuation step size (dBHL) 5 5 5/2.5/1 5/2/1 Pure tone signal Warble tone signal Continous signal - Pulsed signal Stenger test - Békésy test - - - ABLB test - SISI test - - Tone Decay test - - - HLS Test - - - MHA Test - - - Dimensions (L x W x H mm) 270 x 165 x 60 270 x 165 x 60 355 x 230 x 100 259 x 374 x 90 Weight (g) 735 830 1540 1400 External PSU Optional battery power - - -
ampliSUITE Intuitive audiometry software package ampliSuite is an intuitive or a combined hearing loss) ampliSuite modules as well and simple audiometry and audiogram, counselling as the Noah integration as software package tools are available to free software to empower The audiometry module has both designed for audiologists, be displayed within the hearing care personal all tone audiometry hearing aid dispensers, audiogram in order over the world to review and speech private practitioners to provide the best audiological test data and audiometry options and other hearing possible support. support their patients in the healthcare personal. best possible way. TYMPANOMETRY MODULE Consisting of an audiometry The tympanometry Amplivox also offers the The tympanometry module includes and tympanometry module includes both integration of ampliSuite both tympanometry module, you can read tympanometry and acoustic into the patient database and acoustic and review your patient’s reflex graphs, to make an system OtoAccess® (version reflex graphs KEY FEATURES results with ease, compare effortless review of the ampliSuite Pro), which is • Audiometry and tympanometry thresholds, explain measurements possible. available to purchase. modules in one suite audiograms through built- Normative boxes and Jerger • Simple and intuitive interface in counselling tools and classifications can also be • Touch compatible process test results quickly. added to the tympanometry • Large graphs for detailed review graphs. Within an additional • Pass and refer evaluation for each AUDIOMETRY MODULE acoustic reflex sub-module, test result (tymp and reflexes) The audiometry module each reflex test can be • 17 available languages has both tone audiometry reviewed and selected for • Customisable PDF printouts with and speech audiometry extensive review. your own clinic/logo options which can be • EMR connectivity including Noah, uploaded directly from the SOFTWARE INTEGRATION GDT and OtoAccess® audiometer to ampliSuite. ampliSuite flexibility • Counselling tools for tone In order to help your stretches from stand-alone audiometrical test results, patient understand their modules to the integration including adjustable PTA and hearing situation (e.g. into different databases. baseline comparison. conductive, sensorineural We offer the stand-alone CONNECTIVITY START USING ampliSUITE TODAY ampliSuite is the perfect companion for the following devices: All three versions of ampliSuite are available to download from our website Screening audiometers: Model 116, Model 170, PC850 and Otosure Diagnostic audiometers: Model 240, Model 260, Model 270 and Model 270+ DOWNLOAD NOW Tympanometers: all our tympanometers can be used with ampliSuite.
audiBASE Developed by occupational health specialists for occupational health specialists, audibase is KEY FEATURES the database to use as when working with all • Unlimited storage of patient aspects of health and safety in the workplace. demographics and test records • Audiometry and vision module We put years of development into creating a in one suite database that offers you so much more than • Preview option of all just unlimited storage of your patient records. measured audiograms audibase supports you with extended filter • Automated HSE functionality of your data for improved client audiogram categorisation data review, test list creation • Optional OHSA and statistics. audiogram categorisation • Integrated, customisable This allows ‘at risk’ individuals and user defined questionnaire reporting groups to be easily identified and • Identification of monitored. At the same time, test records are ‘at risk’ personnel automatically categorised in accordance with • Recall function HSE recommendations. • Extensive analysis features.
CONTACT US EMAIL US Click on the relevant email address to message Amplivox directly. Sales: General enquiries: UNITED KINGDOM Tel: +44 (0) 1865 880 846 Amplivox Limited, 3800 Parkside, Solihull Parkway, Birmingham Business Park, Birmingham, West Midlands, B37 7YG, United Kingdom. UNITED STATES Tel: +1 888 941 4208 Fax: 952 903 4100 Amplivox, 10393 West 70th Street Eden Prairie, MN 55344, United States. Visit website VIDEO Amplivox is trusted by many industry professionals globally, watch our video to learn more. Last updated:12/01/2021-V1 The Amplivox policy is one of continuous development and consequently the equipment may vary in detail from the description and specification in this publication. Product specification may differ by country. For everyone
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