

     APRIL 17 - 19
   P R E C O U R S E A P R I L 16

                                             PRELIMINARY PROGRAM

                                    FREE!!                       Precourse included in your registration.

                                SCIENCE OF SPORT
                                                   P RECOURSE PROGRAM CHAIRS
      Wear your favorite
    sports team jersey the         Amy Bohn, OTR/L                                           Suzanne Groah, MD
     day of the Precourse.    Childrens Healthcare of Atlanta                                Director of SCI Research
                                     Atlanta, Georgia                                 MedStar National Rehabilitation Hospital
                             		                                                          Washington, District of Columbia
    SUNDAY, APRIL 16TH               All Program times are in Eastern Time (ET)

            Time                  Session Title		                                                        Presenters
       8:00 AM - 8:10 AM          Introduction/Opening Remarks                                           Suzanne Groah, MD
      8:10 AM – 8:40 AM           History of Adaptative Sports                                           Peggy Turner, CTRS
    		                            Participants will gain knowledge of the origins of wheelchair sports
    		                            as well as understand the evolution of sports based on access,
    		                            technology, and research.

    8:40 AM - 9:10 AM             Evolution of Classification Across Adaptive Sports                     Michelle Lanouette, MS, PT,
    		                            An overview of types of classification based on the sport, changes     NCS, ATP
    		                            in sport classifications due to research and the expansion of
    		                            populations participating in sport.

    9:10 AM - 9:30 AM             Autonomic Function as a Missing Piece of the                           Andrei Krassioukov, MD, PhD,
    		                            Classification of Paralympic Athletes with SCI                         FRCPC, FASIA
    9:30 AM - 9:50 AM             Nutrition: Effects of What Goes Into the                               TBA
    		                            Body on Sport Performance
    		                            Nutritional consideration for recreational to paralympic athletes
    		                            Fitness: Insight Into Becoming Fit
    		                            Cardiac and physiological effects of fitness and how to gain
    		                            maximum benefit

    9:50 AM - 10:10 AM            Maximizing Exercise Capacity to Improve Sports                         Christopher West, PhD
    		                            Performance in Athletes with SCI
     10:10 AM - 10:25 AM          Break
    10:25 AM -10:45 AM            Access to Fitness		                                                    Harsh Thakkar, CPT
    		                            Access to online adaptive fitness and emerging development
    		                            of programs

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 SUNDAY, APRIL 16TH,                C O N T I N U ED

        Time                 Session Title		                                                       Presenters
10:45 AM -11:05 AM           Technology in Sport 		                                                Hannah Houde
		                           Technology available and data that can be collected from
		                           wearable technology

11:05 AM - 11:20 AM          The Current State of Paralympic Research and                          Kerri Morgan PhD, OTR/L, ATP
		                           Identified Gaps: A Scoping Review
 11:20 AM - 11:30 AM         Transition to Lunch
 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM         Sponsored lunch

12:40 AM - 1:20 PM           Who is Appropriate for What Sport and Why?                            Rita Penniman, MS, CTRS, RRT
		                           What determines good sport match for individuals with SCI.

 1:20 PM - 2:00 PM           Equipment…. Where do I begin?                                         Sarah Leonard, PT, DPT, ATP
		                           Prescribing the proper sports chairs. Seating and positioning         Jim Black
		                           considerations will be discussed as related to injury and sport.
		                           An Overview of funding challenges and resources

  2:00 PM - 2:15 PM          Break

 2:15 PM - 2:35 PM           Psychology Impacts of Participation in Sports                         Michael Cottingham, PhD
		                           Psychological effects of participation in sport from community to
		                           paralympic level, incorporating athletes into peer mentorship
		                           programs, and benefits of peer mentorship within the sports

  2:35 PM - 2:50 PM          Incorporation of Peer Mentorship and Sports                           Zac Bradley, MS, CRC, NCC

 2:50 PM - 3:50 PM           Panel of Atletes - Real Life Experiences                              Kerri Morgan PhD, OTR/L, ATP
		                           Athletes will briefly discuss the impact of sports and                Harsh Thakkar, CPT
		                           mentorship life.		                                                    Zac Bradley, MS, CRC, NCC

 3:50 PM - 4:00 PM           Summary of Day and Explanation of Sport
		                           Interactive Session

 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM           Welcome Reception with Sports Interactive Session
		                           In this session, participants will have the opportunity to learn
		                           about the sport, the diagnosis appropriate for and the resources
		                           available for each sport. Participants will have the opportunity to
		                           have hands-on experience/competition at each session.

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                                            PRELIMINARY PROGRAM
          2023 Annual Scientific Meeting Chair                           2023 Annual Scientific Meeting Vice Chair
                    Christopher West, PhD                                           Rajiv Saigal, MD, PhD
     University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC Canada                      University of Washington, Seattle, WA

    MONDAY, APRIL 17TH                   All Program times are in Eastern Time (ET)

             TIME                 ROOM A                             ROOM B                           ROOM C
     6:30 AM - 8:00 AM          Registration

     7:00 AM - 8:00 AM          Early Career Breakfast v Breakfast with Partner & Exhibitors

     8:00 AM - 8:15 AM            Welcome/Opening Remarks
                                                  Suzanne Groah, MD, MSPH
                                                  ASIA President
                                                  Director – SCI Rehabilitation and Recovery Program
                                                  at Medstar National Rehabilitation Hospital at Georgetown, Washington DC

                                  Lifetime Achievement Award Presented by Indira Lanig, MD
                                                  Kenneth C. Parsons, MD
                                                  Paradigm Medical Director
                                                  ASIA Past President

     8:45 AM - 9:00 AM          FELLOW OF ASIA (FASIA) AWARD

    Andy Blight, PhD   David R. Gater,        Brian K. Kwon,           Janice Tilley      Eva Widerstrom-        Kathy Zebracki,
                        MD, PhD, MS           MD, PHD, FRCSC                              Noga, DDS, PhD              Ph.D

     9:00 AM - 9:45 AM            Sell Lecture: Regenerating the Injured Spinal Cord:
                                  From Molecules to Man

                                                  Elizabeth Bradbury, PhD
                                                  King’s College London U.K.

     9:45 AM - 10:45 AM         Poster Session 1 (Listings on page 17)                    l Click Here for Abstracts

     9:45 AM - 10:45 AM         Break with Partners & Exhibitors

    10:45 AM - 11:15 AM         Exhibitor/Partner Recognition of our Generous Conference Supporters

    11:15 AM - 11:25 AM         Stretch Break/Transfer to Next Session                                                       continued

4                        A T L A N T A v G E O R G I A v A S I A - S P I N A L I N J U R Y. O R G
MONDAY, APRIL 17TH               All Program times are in Eastern Time (ET)

         TIME                  ROOM A                           ROOM B                      ROOM C

11:25 AM - 12:25 PM General Session 1          General Session 2                            Course 1 TRIP
		                  Ambulation, Copulation     From Pediatrics & Pain to                    Closing the Loop:
		                  and Colonization Topics    Prodding and Population                      Next-Generation Epidural
		                  in SCI                     Level Statistics                             Stimulation and
		                  l Click Here for Abstracts l Click Here for Abstracts                   Neuroethical Lessons
				                                                                                        from the Past
				                                                                                        l Click Here for Abstract

 12:25 AM - 1:25 PM          Lunch – Presentation Sponsored by ODC:

		                           How the Open Data Commons for Spinal Cord Injury Can
		                           Assist with Data Management and Sharing Mandates
                             Karim Fouad, PhD • ODC Co-Director

   1:25 PM - 1:35 PM         Stretch Break/Transfer to Next Session                                      TRIP

1:35 PM - 2:55 PM              Course 2                         Course 3                    Course 4
		                             Where to Start?                  Operant Conditioning of     Combinatorial Therapies
		                             Perspectives and                 Muscle-Evoked Potentials    for Functional Restoration
		                             Tools for Crafting a             Enhancing Motor             Spinal Cord Injury
		                             Meaningful Community             Function Recovery After     (Presented by SCOPE)
		                             for Engagement                   Spinal Cord Injury          l Click Here for Abstract
		                             Program in SCI Research          l Click Here for Abstract
		                             l Click Here for Abstract

   2:55 PM - 3:05 PM         Stretch Break/Transfer to Next Session                                      TRIP

3:05 PM - 4:25 PM Course 5                   Course 6                                       Course 7
		                Developing a Strong        The Future of SCI                              Emerging Strategies to
		                Base for Athletes of       Education: Advances,                           Treat Spasticity and
		                Adaptive Sport: Keys       Priorities, and Challenges                     Understand Its Role in
		                to Keeping an Athlete’s    in the Next Decade                             Motor Control and
		                Shoulders in the Game      l Click Here for Abstract                      Recovery After Spinal
		                l Click Here for Abstract		                                               Cord Injury
				                                                                                        l Click Here for Abstract

   4:25 PM - 5:15 PM           Membership Meeting with Refreshments


         A P R I L 1 7 – 1 9 v P R E - C O U R S E A P R I L 1 6 v A S I A - S P I N A L I N J U R Y. O R G                  5

                                         PRELIMINARY PROGRAM
     TUESDAY, APRIL 18TH            All Program times are in Eastern Time (ET)

            TIME                ROOM A                           ROOM B                          ROOM C
      6:30 AM - 6:00 PM       Registration

      7:00 AM - 7:45 AM       Breakfast with Partner & Exhibitors

      7:45 AM - 8:30 AM         Lectureship                     Treating the Injured Spinal Cord: A Historical Review
                                                                Karim Fouad, PhD
    		                                                          Co-Director/Editor of the Open Data Commons-SCI
                                                                University of Alberta

      8:30 AM - 9:40 AM       Awards-Eligible Oral Presentations
                              • Motor Scores Prediction from Light Touch and Pin Prick Scores in the International
                                Standards for Neurological Classification of Spinal Cord Injury (ISNCSCI)
                              • Untreated Moderate-To-Severe Sleep-Related Breathing Disorders Is Correlated
                                with Increased Number of Silent Episodes of Autonomic Dysreflexia During Sleep
                                in Individuals Living with Subacute or Chronic Spinal Cord Injury: A Prospective
                                Cross-Sectional Study
                              • Loss Of Cortical Inhibition in Chronic Spinal Cord Injury: Clinical Implications for
                                Sensorimotor Impairment, Functional Capability, And Self-Care Independence
                              • Development of the Pediatric Appraisals of Disability Primary and Secondary Scale
                                (Pedsadapss): Qualitative Methods
                              • Healthcare Experiences Of LGBTQ+ Persons who Live with Spinal Cord Injury
                              • NVG-291 Phase 1 Results and Phase 1b/2a Study Design in Individuals with
                                Spinal Cord Injury
    		                        l Click Here for Abstracts

      9:40 AM - 9:50 AM       Stretch Break/Transfer to Next Session

    9:50 AM - 10:40 AM        Multidisciplinary Management of Individuals with SCI and
    		                        Neurogenic Bladder through Interactive Cases: Aligning
    		                        with the Guidelines

     10:40 AM - 11:40 AM      Posters Session 2 (Listings on page 17)                  l Click Here for Abstracts

     10:40 AM - 11:40 AM      Break with Exhibtors & Partners

    11:40 AM - 12:40 PM General Session 3                        General Session 4               Course 8 TRIP
    		                  Vessels, Vasoconstriction,               Topics in Acute Phase           Impaired Respiration and
    		                  and Ventilation                          Clinical Research and           Infection Susceptibility
    		                  l Click Here for Abstracts               Care                            After SCI
    			                                                          l Click Here for Abstracts      l Click Here for Abstract


6                      A T L A N T A v G E O R G I A v A S I A - S P I N A L I N J U R Y. O R G
 TUESDAY, APRIL 18TH               All Program times are in Eastern Time (ET)

         TIME                  ROOM A                           ROOM B                          ROOM C
 12:40 PM - 1:40 PM          Lunch with Partners & Exhibitors

  1:40 PM - 1:50 PM          Stretch Break/Transfer to Next Session

1:50 PM - 3:10 PM Course 9                                      Course 10                       Course 11 TRIP
		                Beyond ISNCSCI                                Addressing The Priorities       The Good, The Bad, and
		                Considerations for                            of Individuals with Spinal      the Unknown: Is Stretching
		                Additional Profiling in                       Cord Injury: Spinal Cord        Beneficial or Detrimental
		                SCI Clinical Trials                           Stimulation for Improving       After Spinal Cord Injury?
		                Practices                                     Sexual, Lower Urinary           l Click Here for Abstract
		                l Click Here for Abstract                     Tract, and Bowel Function
			                                                             Following Spinal Cord
			                                                             l Click Here for Abstract

  3:10 PM - 3:20 PM          Stretch Break/Transfer to Next Session

3:20 PM - 4:20 PM General Session 5           General Session 6                                 Course 12 TRIP
		                Neuromodulation:            Barriers to Transcend in                          Tools of the Trade:
		                Participant Perspectives,   the Pursuit of Health and                         Evaluating Strengths
		                Public Perceptions, and     Wellness After SCI                                and Limitations of
		                Practical Applications      l Click Here for Abstracts                        Cardiovascular
		                l Click Here for Abstracts		                                                  Assessment
				                                                                                            l Click Here for Abstract

  4:20 PM - 4:40 PM          Refreshment Break with Partners & Exhibitors

4:40 PM - 6:00 PM Course 13                                     Course 14                        Course 15 TRIP
		                The Physiology and                            The State of Clinical Trials:    Physiological Targets of
		                Function of Exercise:                         Recent Observations from         Therapeutic Acute
		                A Multidisciplinary                           a Clinical Research              Intermittent Hypoxia
		                Collaboration for                             Organization (CRO) Per-          l Click Here for Abstract
		                Addressing Excercise,                         spective and Implications
		                Activity and Wellness                         for New Researchers and
		                with Spinal Cord Injury                       Research Programs
		                l Click Here for Abstract                     l Click Here for Abstract

  6:30 PM - 8:30 PM          Presidents Reception – Hosted by Suzanne Groah, MD, MSPH

         A P R I L 1 7 – 1 9 v P R E - C O U R S E A P R I L 1 6 v A S I A - S P I N A L I N J U R Y. O R G                      7

                                         PRELIMINARY PROGRAM
     WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19TH                All Program times are in Eastern Time (ET)

            TIME                ROOM A                          ROOM B                        ROOM C
      6:30 AM - 6:00 PM       Registration

      7:00 AM - 8:00 AM       Breakfast

    8:00 AM - 9:00 AM           Awards Session
    		                          • Neilsen Foundation Allied Health Professional Research Award of ASIA
    		                          • Apple Award • Vogel Award • Mulcahey Award • TRoHNS Award
    		                          • Top 3 Oral Talk Awards • Top 3 Poster Awards • Early Career Awards

      9:00 AM - 9:10 AM       Stretch Break/Transfer to Next Session

    9:10 AM - 10:30 AM Course 16                 Course 17                                    Course 18 TRIP
    		                 Management of Male        SCI-ENce: Matching the                       Neurogenic Obesity and
    		                 Sexual Dysfunction and    Arrows of ENgineering to                     Metabolic Dysfunction
    		                 Infertility After Spinal  the Targets of SCI                           After Spinal Cord Injury:
    		                 Cord Injury (SCI)         Medicine                                     Translating Observations
    		                 l Click Here for Abstract l Click Here for Abstract                    from Bedside to Bench
    				                                                                                      l Click Here for Abstract

     10:30 AM - 10:40 AM      Stretch Break/Transfer to Next Session

    10:40 AM - 11:40 AM         General Session 7                General Session 8            Course 19 TRIP
    		                          A Tour de Force of the           The Lived Experience:        What AI and Data
    		                          System Wide Impacts              Health, Heatwaves, and       Science Can Tell Us About
    		                          of SCI                           Haute Couture                SCI
    		                          l Click Here for Abstracts       l Click Here for Abstracts   l Click Here for Abstract

    11:40 AM - 11:50 AM       Stretch Break/Transfer to Next Session

    11:50 AM - 12:50 PM Course 20                                Course 21                    Course 22 TRIP
    		                  Addressing Suicide Risk                  Leadership Skills in the     Enhancing Recovery After
    		                  Among Patients with                      Digital Age: Leveraging      Spinal Cord Injury with
    		                  Catastrophic Injury and                  Social Media for             Closed-loop Vagus Nerve
    		                  Neurological Illness                     Dissemination to People      Stimulation
    		                  l Click Here for Abstract                with Spinal Cord Injury      l Click Here for Abstract
    			                                                          and Study Recruitment
    			                                                          l Click Here for Abstract


8                      A T L A N T A v G E O R G I A v A S I A - S P I N A L I N J U R Y. O R G

Course		                                               Moderator                       Presenters

COURSE 1 TRIP                           Ryan Solinsky, MD                              David Borton, PhD
Closing the Loop: Next-Generation 		                                                   Jonathan Calvert, PhD
Epidural Stimulation and Neuroethical 		                                               Lauren Sankary, JD
Lessons from the Past

COURSE 2		                                  Jennifer French, MBA                       Kim Anderson-Erisman, PhD
Where to Start? Perspectives and Tools for		                                           Cheryl Vines
Crafting a Meaningful Community 		                                                     Melissa Miller, PhD
Engagement Program In SCI Research		                                                   John Chernesky

COURSE 3 		                               Aiko Thompson, PhD                           Sue Ann Sisto, PT, MA, PhD,
Operant Conditioning of Muscle-Evoked 		                                               FACRM
Potentials for Enhancing Motor Function 		                                             Blair H.S. Dellenbach, MSOT
Recovery After Spinal Cord Injury		                                                    Isaac P. Clements, PhD

COURSE 4 TRIP                            Monica Perez, PT, PhD                         Linda Jones, PT, PhD
Combinatorial Therapies for Functional 		                                              Gordon Mitchell, B.S, PhD
Restoration after Spinal Cord Injury 		                                                Martin Oudega, PhD
(presented by SCOPE)

COURSE 5		                               Meegan Van Straaten,                          Shanterian King, DO
Developing a Strong Base for Athletes of PhD, MSPH                                     Robert Pagan Rosado, M
Adaptive Sport: Keys to Keeping an 		                                                  Stephanie Lopez,
Athlete’s Shoulders in the Game		                                                      DPT, PT, ATC

COURSE 6		                               Ronald Reeves, MD                             Brittany Snider, DO
The Future of SCI Education: Advances, 		                                              Steffen Franz, MD
Priorities, and Challenges in the Next 		                                              Megan Torrance, MBA
Decade				                                                                             Steven Jackson, MD, MBA
 				                                                                                  Jeanne Zanca, MPT, PhD

COURSE 7 TRIP                               Kajana Satkunendrarajah,                   Frédéric BROCARD,
Emerging Strategies to Treat Spasticity and PhD                                        Ph. D, HDR
Understand Its Role In Motor Control and 		                                            Carmelo Bellardita, PhD
Recovery After Spinal Cord Injury		                                                    Monica Perez, PT, PhD

        A P R I L 1 7 – 1 9 v P R E - C O U R S E A P R I L 1 6 v A S I A - S P I N A L I N J U R Y. O R G               9

                                                PRELIMINARY PROGRAM

     TUESDAY, APRIL 18TH,                   C O N T I N U ED

      Course		                                                 Moderator                        Presenters
      COURSE 8 TRIP                        Angela Filous, PhD                                   Philippa Warren, PhD
      Impaired Respiration and Infection 		                                                     Warren Alilain, PhD
      Susceptibility after SCI		                                                                Marcel Kopp, MD
      COURSE 9		                                               Keith Tansey,                    Steve Kirshblum, MD
      Beyond ISNCSCI: Considerations for                       MD, PhD, FASNR, FASIA            James Guest,
      Additional Profiling in SCI Clinical Trials                                               MD, PhD, FACS, FASIA
      COURSE 10 		                               Claire Shackleton, PhD                         Stacy Elliott, MD, FASIA
      Addressing The Priorities of Individuals 		                                               Raza Malik, PhD
      with Spinal Cord Injury: Spinal Cord 		                                                   Tiev Miller, PhD
      Stimulation for Improving Sexual, Lower
      Urinary Tract, and Bowel Function
      Following Spinal Cord Injury
      COURSE 11 TRIP                            Edelle Field-Fote,                              Emily Fox, DPT, MHS, PhD
      The Good, The Bad, and the Unknown:       PT, PhD, FAPTA, FASIA                           David Magnuson, PhD
      Is Stretching Beneficial or Detrimental 		                                                Anastasia Zarkou, PT, PhD
      After Spinal Cord Injury?
      COURSE 12 TRIP                             Soshi Samejima                                 Andrei V. Krassioukov,
      Tools of the Trade: Evaluating Strengths 		                                               PhD, MD, FRCPC
      and Limitations of Cardiovascular 		                                                      Tamila Kalimullina, BSc
      Assessment Practices		                                                                    Shane Balthazaar,
      				                                                                                      PhD, RDCS, FASE
      COURSE 13 		                                  Allison Kessler, MD, Msc.                   Erin Prentice OT
      The Physiology and Function of Excercise: 		                                              Nina Tamaya DO
      A multidisciplinary Colaboration for 		                                                   Kristin Gustafson DO
      Addressing Excercise, Activity and Wellness 		                                            Marissa Malady OT
      with Spinal Cord injury
      COURSE 14		                            Isa McClure PT, MAPT                               Jim Hamer, BS
      The State of Clinical Trials: Recent 		                                                   Keith Tansey,
      Observations from a Clinical Research		                                                   MD, PhD, FASNR, FASIA
      Organization (CRO) Perspective and
      Implications for New Researchers and
      Research Programs
      COURSE 15 TRIP                              Gordon Mitchell, PhD                          Emily Fox, PT, PhD
      Physiological Targets of Therapeutic Acute		                                              Elisa Gonzalez-Rothi, PT, PhD
      Intermittent Hypoxia		                                                                    Christopher West, PhD
       				                                                                                     Randy Trumbower, PT, PhD

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WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19TH,                  C O N TINUED

 Course		                                              Moderator                       Presenters

 COURSE 16		                       Emad Ibrahim, MD, HCLD                              Emad Ibrahim, MD, HCLD
 Management of Male Sexual		                                                           Stacy Elliott, MD
 Dysfunction and Infertility After
 Spinal Cord Injury (SCI)
 COURSE 17		                        Dennis Bourbeau,                                   Keith Tansey,
 SCI-ENce: Matching the Arrows of 		                                                   MD, PhD, FASNR, FASIA
 Engineering to the Targets of 		                                                      Quentin Sanders, PhD
 SCI Medicine			                                                                       R James Cotton, MD, PhD
 				                                                                                  Philip Requejo, PhD
 COURSE 18 TRIP                        Gary Farkas, PhD                                Cedric Geoffroy, PhD
 Neurogenic Obesity and Metabolic 		                                                   Jae Lee, PhD
 Dysfunction after Spinal Cord Injury:
 Translating Observations from
 Bedside to Bench
 COURSE 19		                         Abel Torres Espin, PhD                            Catherine Jutzeler, PhD
 What AI and Data Science Can Tell 		                                                  Nader Fallah, PdD
 Us About SCI			                                                                       Russell Huie, PhD
 COURSE 20		                             Jacqueline Baron-Lee, Laurie Baker, PhD
 Addressing Suicide Risk Among           PhD                   Michael Yochelson, MD
 Patients with Catastrophic Injury and
 Neurological Illness
 COURSE 21		                             Jennifer Coker, PhD, MPH                      David W McMillan, PhD
 Leadership Skills in the Digital Age: 		                                              Amanda Rounds, PhD
 Leveraging Social Media for 		                                                        Cody Unser, MPH
 Dissemination to People with Spinal
 Cord Injury and Study Recruitment
 Course 22 TRIP                         Chad Swank                                     Rita Hamilton, DO
 Enhancing Recovery after Spinal Cord 		                                               Rob Rennaker, PhD
 Injury with Closed-loop Vagus Nerve 		                                                Jane Wigginton, MD

        A P R I L 1 7 – 1 9 v P R E - C O U R S E A P R I L 1 6 v A S I A - S P I N A L I N J U R Y. O R G               11

                                              PRELIMINARY PROGRAM

                         GENERAL SESSIONS
                                      TUESDAY, APRIL 18TH v 8:30 AM - 9:40 AM
     Oral Presentations		                                                                     Presenters
     Motor Scores Prediction from Light Touch and Pin Prick Scores in the International Christian Schuld, Msc
     Standards for Neurological Classification of Spinal Cord Injury (ISNCSCI)

     Untreated Moderate-To-Severe Sleep-Related Breathing Disorders is Correlated with        Julio Furlan, MD, LLB, MBA,
     Increased Number of Silent Episodes of Autonomic Dysreflexia During Sleep in             PhD, MSc, FRCPC, FAAN
     Individuals Living with Subacute or Chronic Spinal Cord Injury: A Prospective
     Cross-Sectional Study

     Loss Of Cortical Inhibition in Chronic Spinal Cord Injury: Clinical Implications for Jia Liu, PhD
     Sensorimotor Impairment, Functional Capability, And Self-Care Independence

     Development of the Pediatric Appraisals of Disability Primary and Secondary              Kyle Deane, PhD
     Scale (Pedsadapss): Qualitative Methods

     Healthcare Experiences of LGBTQ+ Persons Who Live with Spinal Cord Injury                Jenny Kiratli, PhD

     NVG-291 Phase 1 Results and Phase 1b/2a Study Design in Individuals with                 Daniel Mikol, MD, PhD
     Spinal Cord Injury

12                          A T L A N T A v G E O R G I A v A S I A - S P I N A L I N J U R Y. O R G

                     GENERAL SESSIONS
MONDAY, APRIL 17TH,                    C O N T I N U ED

 Oral Presentations		                                                                       Presenters
 11:25 AM - 12:25 PM v Moderator:
 General Session 1: Ambulation, Copulation and Colonization Topics In SCI

 Safety, Feasibility, and Usability of The ABLE Lower-Limb Robotic Exoskeleton for          Rüdiger Rupp, PhD
 Individuals with SCI – Results of a European Multicenter Study

 Using Classification Trees to Assist Clinicians in Establishing Nuanced Prognosis of       Antoine Dionne, MD, MSc
 Walking Outcomes Following Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury: A Population-Based Study

 The Convergent Validity of the Standing and Walking Assessment Tool (SWAT) Among           Cathy Craven MD, MSc,
 Individuals with Non-Traumatic Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury: The Spinal Cord Injury       FRCPC, FASIA
 Implementation and Evaluation Quality Care Consortium Experience

 Let’s Talk About Sex: Male Sexual Dysfunction and Spinal Cord Stimulation Following        Claire Shackleton, PhD
 Spinal Cord Injury

 Pregnancy Outcomes in Women with Spinal Cord Injuries: A Population-Based Study            Deborah Crane, MD, MPH

 The Microbiological Burden of Short-Term Catheter Reuse in Individuals with Spinal Tiev Miller, PhD
 Cord Injury: A Prospective Clinical Trial

 11:25 AM - 12:25 PM v Moderator:
 General Session 2: From Pediatrics & Pain to Prodding and Population Level Statistics

 The International SCI Pain Basic Data Set Version 3.0		                                    Eva Widerstrom-Noga,
 		                                                                                         DDS, PhD

 Challenges In the Classification of Central Cord Syndrome		                                Einat Engel-Haber, MD BSc

 Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Assessment in Patients with Subacute Spinal Cord         Hui-Ting Shih, PT, PhD
 Injury During Inpatient Rehabilitation

 Patterns Of Cannabis and Cannabinoid Use Among People with Chronic SCI:                    Jennifer Coker, PhD, MPH
 Results from A Cross-Sectional Study

 Pediatric Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury in the United States: A 2019 Nationwide             James Crispo, MSc, PhD
 Readmission Analysis

 The Effects of Concomitant Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) on the Epidemiology of Spinal      Julio Furlan, MD, LLB, MBA,
 Cord Injury (SCI), Access to Treatment Services, and Outcomes After Acute Traumatic SCI:   PhD, MSc, FRCPC, FAAN
 A Propensity-Score Matched Cohort Study Using Data from a Canadian National Registry

           A P R I L 1 7 – 1 9 v P R E - C O U R S E A P R I L 1 6 v A S I A - S P I N A L I N J U R Y. O R G                    13

                                                PRELIMINARY PROGRAM

                          GENERAL SESSIONS
     TUESDAY, APRIL 18TH,                   C O N T I N U ED

      Oral Presentations		                                                                          Presenters
      11:40 AM - 12:40 PM v Moderator:
      General Session 3: Vessels, Vasoconstriction, and Ventilation

      Adjuvant Ethyl Nitrite as A Novel Neuroprotective Approach to Hemodynamic                     Ryan Hoiland, PhD
      Management Following SCI

      Item Banks for Measuring the Impact of Blood Pressure Dysregulation on Health-Related         Jill Wecht, EdD
      Quality of Life in Persons with Spinal Cord Injury

      Vascular Spinal Cord Dysfunction Etiologies and Outcomes 1995-2020                            Melanie White, DO, PGY-3

      Elucidating Sympathetic Vasoconstrictor Mechanisms of Autonomic Dysreflexia in                Michelle Trbovich, MD
      Persons with Spinal Cord Injury

      Noninvasive Spinal Neuromodulation Mitigates Orthostatic Hypotension Following                Rahul Sachdeva, PhD
      Spinal Cord Injury: Translational Evidence

      Treating Sleep-Related Breathing Disorders with CPAP Therapy for 4 Months Can                 Julio Furlan, MD, LLB, MBA,
      Improve Sleep Quality and Daytime Alertness, Fatigue, and Mental Health in People             PhD, MSc, FRCPC, FAAN
      with Chronic Spinal Cord Injury: An Update on an Ongoing Study Using Mixed Methods

      11:40 AM - 12:40 PM v Moderator:
      General Session 4: Topics in Acute Phase Clinical Research and Care

      Predicting Subacute Motor Recovery in Tetraplegia by Early Assessment of Subclinical          James Wilson, DO
      Voluntary Motor Unit Action Potentials and Stimulated Manual Motor Testing

      The Importance of Tracheostomy Management in Cervical Spinal Cord Injured                     Raymond Onders, MD
      Patients and the Role of Diaphragm Pacing in a Systems Approach

      Risk and Protective Factors for Emergency Department Visits and Related Hospitalizations      Nicole DiPiro, PhD
      Among Ambulatory Adults with Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury

      NX210c Peptide Promotes Functional Recovery and Repair in a Rat Cervical                      Sighild Lemarchant
      Clip-Compression Model of Spinal Cord Injury

      An Electromyographic Method of Hoffman Reflex Assessment Adapted for Hospitalized             Christina-Maria Maalouf
      and Acute Spinal Cord Injury Patients to Study its Evolution During the Spinal Shock Period

      Challenges And Barriers to Performing Activity-Based Therapy During the First 2 Weeks Antoine Dionne, MD, MSc
      Following Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury

14                            A T L A N T A v G E O R G I A v A S I A - S P I N A L I N J U R Y. O R G

                     GENERAL SESSIONS
TUESDAY, APRIL 18TH,                  C O N T I N U ED

 Oral Presentations		                                                                     Presenters
 3:20 PM - 4:20 PM v Moderator:
 General Session 5: Neuromodulation: Participant Perspectives, Public Perceptions,
 and Practical Applications

 Proof-of-Concept: A Hands-Free Interface for Robot-Assisted Self-Feeding                 John Schultz

 Shaping Public Perception of Spinal Cord Stimulation: A Scoping Review of Publicly       Tiev Miller, PhD
 Accessible Web-Based Information

 Translation of a Wearable, Non-Invasive Stimulation Device to Treat Incontinence         Seth Meade, BSE
 in People with Neurogenic Bladder

 Spinal Cord Mapping for Pelvic Organ Function Using Non-Invasive Spinal                  Raza Malik,
 Neuromodulation		                                                                        Postdoctoral Fellow

 Non-invasive Spinal Neuromodulation for Bowel and Lower Urinary Tract Functions          Soshi Samejima, DPT, PhD

 Importance and Feasibility of Measuring Different Biomarkers to Profile Participants Keith Tansey, MD, PhD, FASIA
 and Detect Treatment Effects in SCI Neuromodulation Studies

 3:20 PM - 4:20 PM v Moderator:
 General Session 6: Barriers to Transcend in the Pursuit of Health and Wellness After SCI

 Main Barriers for Practicing Adapted Sports in Latin America from the Perspective        Isaac Hernandez Jimenez, MD
 of the Provider Caring for Individuals with a Spinal Cord Injury

 The Implementation of National Telehealth Services in Spinal Cord Injury                 Candace Tefertiller
 		                                                                                       PT, DPT, PhD, NCS

 Spinal Cord Injury Research Participant’s Views on Data Sharing                          Freda Warner, Dr

 Co-Creating Theory – And Evidence-Based Training Modules on Best Practices for           Femke Hoekstra, PhD
 Physical Activity Counseling for Adults with Spinal Cord Injury

 When Both the Destination and Journey Are Important: Ideal Care Pathways for             Matheus Wiest, PhD
 Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury in Ontario

 A Mixed Methods Approach to Evaluating the Feasibility and Acceptability of a Brief      Alicia January, PhD
 Motivational Intervention to Improve Health Behaviors

           A P R I L 1 7 – 1 9 v P R E - C O U R S E A P R I L 1 6 v A S I A - S P I N A L I N J U R Y. O R G               15

                                                PRELIMINARY PROGRAM

                          GENERAL SESSIONS
     WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19TH,                       C O N TINUED

      Oral Presentations		                                                                     Presenters
      10:40 AM - 11:40 AM v Moderator:
      General Session 7: A Tour de Force of the System Wide Impacts of SCI
      Segmental Infralesional Denervation Following Cervical Spinal Cord Injury                Michael Berger, MD, PhD,
      		                                                                                       FRCPC, CSCN (EMG)
      Sensory Cortical-Locomotor Pathway Restores Walking After Spinal Cord Injury             Kajana Satkunendrarajah, PhD
      Comparing Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback Training and Meditation Relaxation          Lisa Haubert, MPT, DPT, KEMG
      Techniques for Pain Management in Individuals with Paraplegia from
      Spinal Cord Injury: A Pilot Study
      Total Energy Intake Prediction Equations Overestimate Relative to Actual Intake          Gary Farkas, PhD
      in Spinal Cord Injury
      Cardiometabolic Risk Calculations in Spinal Cord Injury/Disorders: Results of an         Khin Chan, MBBS, MS
      Exploratory Analysis
      The Overreaction of the Immune Response After Spinal Cord Injury and Methods to          Daniel Hellenbrand, MS
      Reduce Inflammation
      10:40 AM - 11:40 AM v Moderator:
      General Session 8: The Lived Experience: Health, Heatwaves, and Haute Couture
      Climate and Healthcare Access: Understanding the (In) Equitable Influence of Extreme     Daniel Samano,
      Weather Events on Spinal Cord Injured Individuals in Miami, Florida                      MD, MPH, MSCHc
      Social Participation as a Mediator of the Relationships of Socioeconomic Factors and     Yue Cao, PhD
      Longevity After Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury
      Young Adult Programming		                                                                Tayla Mangus, MS, OTR/L
      		                                                                                       Lindsay Brinker, PT, DPT
      Fashionable: Current Practices and Barriers to Adaptive Clothing Among Individuals       Nicole Banting
      with Spinal Cord Injury
      Fashionable: Perspectives on Functional and Fashion-Friendly Adaptive Clothing           Bianca Magdangal
      Among Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury
      Complementary and Integrative Healthcare Coverage for People with Spinal Cord            Bria MacIntyre, MS
      Injury in the Spinal Cord Injury Model Systems

16                           A T L A N T A v G E O R G I A v A S I A - S P I N A L I N J U R Y. O R G

                              AWARDS-ELIGIBLE POSTERS
1   FashionABLE: Health Care Practitioners’                   7   Effects of Lumbosacral Spinal Cord Epidural
    Perspectives on Adaptive Clothing After Spinal                Stimulation on Plasma Catecholamine
    Cord Injury                                                   Concentrations During Orthostatic Stress in
    v Tamila Kalimullina, BSc                                     Individuals with Chronic Spinal Cord Injury
                                                                  v Siqi Wang, PhD
2   Work-Related Spinal Cord Injury (SCI): Does
    Race/Ethnicity Matter?                                    8   Multi-session Application of Transcranial Random
    v Huacong Wen, PhD                                            Noise Stimulation to Improve Hand Function in
                                                                  Persons with SCI
3   Effects of Midodrine Administration Over a 30-Day             v Anastasia Zarkou, PT, MS, PhD
    Period Compared to Placebo, on Blood Pressure
    and Cerebral Blood Flow Velocity and Cognitive            9   Alterations of Visual Cortex in Chronic Adult SCI:
    Performance in Persons with SCI                               The Underpinnings of the Resting State BOLD fMRI
    v Caitlyn Peters, PhD                                         v Laura Krisa, PhD

4   The Gut Microbiome After SCI: A Preliminary               10 American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA)
    Analysis of Bacterial Quorum Sensing Molecules to            Impairment Scale (AIS) Conversion Underestimates
    Identify Molecular Mechanisms of GI Dysfunction              Neurological Recovery Following Traumatic Spinal
    v Mark Nash, PhD, FACSM, FASIA                               Cord Injury
                                                                 v Winward Choy, MD
5   Feasibility Study of Smart Seat Cushion for
    Automated Interface Pressure Modulation
    v Aida Nasirian, Research Scientist II

6   Comparative Efficacy of Four Different Transcranial
    Current Stimulation Modalities and Montages for
    Enhancing Corticospinal Excitability and Improving
    Upper Extremity Functional Restoration in Persons
    with Tetraplegia
    v Jennifer Iddings, PhD

           A P R I L 1 7 – 1 9 v P R E - C O U R S E A P R I L 1 6 v A S I A - S P I N A L I N J U R Y. O R G               17

                                                 PRELIMINARY PROGRAM

     ACUTE CARE                                                     21 Vascular Spinal Cord Dysfunction Survival Analysis and
                                                                       Hazard Ratio 1995-2020
     11 Exploratory Analyses of Factors Associated with
        Discharge Home after Acute SCI Inpatient Rehabilitation
                                                                       v Melanie White, DO, PGY-3
        v Elizabeth Pasipanodya, PhD                                DATASETS
     12 A Pilot Survey Identifying Gaps in Spinal Cord Injury       22 Breastfeeding for mothers with spinal cord injury: A
        Intervention in Post-Acute Settings: A Therapist’s             narrative review on the quality and availability of current
        Perspective                                                    guidelines
        v Rebecca Hutton, OTS                                          v Tiev Miller, PhD
     13 Metabolite’s Role in Bio-Fluids as A Prognostic Indicator   23 Retrospective Analysis of the Treatment of BPPV in
        of Neurological Recovery In Acute Spinal Cord Injury           Persons with Sub-Acute Spinal Cord Injury
        (ASCI)                                                         v Ryan Koter, PT, DPT
        v Alka Singh, Dr.
                                                                    24 Differences in Personal Characteristics, Emergency
     BOWEL/BLADDER                                                     Department Utilization, and Hospitalizations Among
                                                                       Ambulatory and Non-Ambulatory Adults with Traumatic
     14 Changing Bowel Pattern in Young Man with Chronic
                                                                       Spinal Cord Injury
        Paraplegia and Neurogenic Bowel: A Case Report
        v Kaila Yeste, DO                                              v Nicole DiPiro, PhD
                                                                    25 Utilization of Machine Learning Techniques in Prediction
     15 Can Urinalysis or Urine Culture Describe a “Pre-
                                                                       of Hospital Readmission During One Year Post Spinal
        Symptomatic” State in People with Neurogenic Lower
                                                                       Cord Injury
        Urinary Tract Dysfunction Who Use Intermittent
                                                                       v Salma Aly, MD
        v Allison Maxwell, BA                                       26 The Influence of Concomitant Traumatic Brain Injury on
                                                                       The Survival, and Neurological and Functional Recovery
     16 Survey of US Intermittent Catheter Users Shows a Lack of
                                                                       After Acute Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury: A Retrospective
        Confidence in Completely Emptying Their Bladder
                                                                       Cohort Study Using Data from the NASCIS-3 Trial
        v Melanie Goodman Keiser, PhD
                                                                       v Julio Furlan, MD, LLB, MBA, Phd, Msc, FRCPC, FAAN
     17 The Temporal Burden Associated with Preparing
                                                                    27 The State of Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation in Youth in
        Catheters for Reuse Among People with Spinal Cord
                                                                       Latin America
        Injury: A Cross-Sectional Study
        v Liza Roik                                                    v Isaac Hernandez Jimenez, MD
                                                                    28 Wheelchair Rugby Participation in Spinal Cord Injury
     CARDIOVASCULAR                                                    Individuals in Argentina
     18 May I Have This Dance: A Case-Series on the Acute              v Isaac Hernandez Jimenez, MD
        Cardiometabolic Demand and Psychosocial Effects of
        Wheelchair Dancing in Recreational Para-Dancers with
        Spinal Cord Injury                                          29 Preliminary Findings for a Sequential Multiple
        v Tiev Miller, PhD                                             Assignment Randomized Trial (SMART) to Increase
                                                                       Adherence to Home Exercise in People with Spinal Cord
     19 Comorbid Cardiac Disease in New Spinal Cord Injury
        with Successful Functional Outcome: A Case Report
        v Zackery Billington, DO                                       v Jereme Wilroy, PhD
                                                                    30 3 Months of Blood Flow Restriction Training Improves
     20 Risk of Ischemic Heart Disease Readmission After
                                                                       Gait Capacity in Chronic Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury
        Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury
        v Analisa Jia, MSc                                             v Jane Alkhazov, PT, DPT

18                            A T L A N T A v G E O R G I A v A S I A - S P I N A L I N J U R Y. O R G

31 Integrating Activity-Based Therapy into Subacute Spinal     41 Measurement of Magnetization Transfer Ratio in Typically
   Cord Injury Rehabilitation                                     Developed Pediatric Spinal Cord: Clinical Feasibility,
   v Catherine Farrell, PT, NCS                                   Assessment of Normative Data, and Age Correlation
32 Spinal Cord Injury Enrollment Experiences in Studies           v Laura Krisa, PhD
   Using Overground Exoskeleton Gait Training During           42 Increasing Falls and Alcohol: Changes in the Etiology
   Inpatient Rehabilitation                                       of Traumatic Spinal Cord Injuries in the Upper Midwest
   v Faith Meza, MPH, CPH                                         United States
                                                                  v Ben Johnson, N/A
                                                               43 Ultrasound Evaluation of Diaphragm Function in Patients
33 Cortical Areas of Activation Following the ISNCSCI Test        with SCI: Lessons Learned, Future Directions
   of Injury Completeness: a Pediatric fMRI Study                 v Philippines Cabahug, MD
   v Laura Krisa, PhD
34 Perturbations of BOLD fMRI Signal of Human Occipito-        NEUROMODULATION
   Temporal Visual Cortex in Chronic Pediatric SCI             44 A Brain-Computer Interface Neuromodulation
   Population                                                     Intervention to Reduce Neuropathic Pain After Spinal
   v Laura Krisa, PhD                                             Cord Injury
35 Functional MRI Exploration of The Sacral Spinal Cord: A        v Negin Hesam-Shariati, PhD
   Bulbocavernosus Reflex Task-Based Stimulation               45 Implantable Health Monitoring for Spinal Cord Injury
   v Charles Mazeaud, MD                                          v Kevin Foglyano, PhD
STANDARDS                                                      46 Axial Damage Ratio May Relate to Standing Performance
                                                                  Following Percutaneous Epidural Stimulation in Persons
36 Feasibility of conducting the International Standards to       with Spinal Cord Injury
   document Autonomic Function following Spinal Cord              v Ahmad Alazzam, B.S.
   Injury (ISAFSCI) in Newly Injured Patients with SCI
   v Ivani Proano, MBS                                         47 Effects of Transcutaneous Spinal Stimulation Versus
                                                                  Whole Body Vibration on Quadriceps Spasticity in
37 The ISNCSCI: A Living Standard                                 Persons with Spinal Cord Injury
   v Kristin Myers, Occupational Therapist, Founder Myers         v Evan Sandler, PT, DPT
   Therapy Team
                                                               48 Quantifying Neuromodulation In Persons with SCI: A
M E A S U R M E N T & E VA L UAT I O N T O O L S                  Comparison of Modulatory Responses to Low-Frequency
                                                                  Depression Versus Paired-Pulse Stimulation
38 Ultrasound Evaluation of Infralesional Muscle Integrity
                                                                  v Charles Creech, PT, DPT
   Following Cervical Spinal Cord Injury
   v Hannah Ro, Fourth-Year Undergraduate Student              49 Optimizing Transcutaneous Spinal Stimulation Through
                                                                  Efficient Assessment of Posterior Root Muscle Reflex
39 Setting Up a Platelet-Rich Plasma Protocol for Pressure
   Injury Management in a Spinal Cord Injury/Disorder Unit
                                                                  v Oliver Daliet IV, MS
   v Kevin Suarez, MD
                                                               50 Optimizing Deep Brain Stimulation of the Midbrain
40 Wearable Sensors to Measure Shoulder Motion in the
                                                                  Locomotor Region for Gait Control After Incomplete
   Free-Living Environment in Wheelchair Users with SCI:
                                                                  Spinal Cord Injury in a Translational Large Animal Model
   Technical Challenges and Recommendations
                                                                  v Brian Noga, PhD
   v Melissa Morrow, PhD
                                                               51 Single Lead Midline Epidural Stimulation Immediately
                                                                  Restored Trunk Control and Standing in a Person with
                                                                  Complete Paraplegia
                                                                  v Ashraf Gorgey                               continued

            A P R I L 1 7 – 1 9 v P R E - C O U R S E A P R I L 1 6 v A S I A - S P I N A L I N J U R Y. O R G               19

                                                   PRELIMINARY PROGRAM

     52 Utilizing Neuromodulation in the Treatment of Spinal            62 Problem Solving and Collaborative Involvement Among
        Cord Injury: An Assessment of Clinical Trials from the             Adolescents with Spinal Cord Injury and their Caregivers
        National Clinicaltrials. Gov Database                              v Olivia Clark, MA
        v Moshe Shalom, Medical Student                                 63 Developing A Community-Based Peer- Mentoring
     PRESSURE INJURY                                                       Program for Adolescents and Young Adults After Spinal
                                                                           Cord or Brain Injury
     53 Effects of repositioning angle on interface pressure using         v Shari Mcdowell, PT, DPT
        automated bed in spinal cord injury patients
        v Onyoo Kim, MD                                                 64 Recruitment Challenges in A Tele-Psychology Intervention
                                                                           for Persons with Spinal Cord Injury
     54 Community Evaluation of a Novel Real-Time Pressure                 v Cria-May Khong, BS
        Sensing and Pressure Relief Activity Feedback System for
        Manual Wheelchair Users with Spinal Cord Injury:                QUALITY OF LIFE
        A Focus Group Analysis                                          65 Spinal Cord Injury, Paraplegia, Quadriplegia/
        v Jack Janett, B.S. Human Biology                                  Tetraplegia, Rehabilitation, Quality of Life
     55 Measuring Pressure Within Pressure Ulcers - A                      v Maddie Liss, Occupational Therapy Student
        Biomechanical Approach                                          66 A Lifestyle Intervention Trial Targeting Enhanced Health
        v Gregory Dimas, MD                                                and Function for Persons With Chronic SCI in Caregiver/
     56 Evaluating Independent In-Bed Mobility During Sleep                Care-Receiver Relationships
        After Acute Spinal Cord Injury to Assess the Risk of               v Gregory Bigford, PhD MSBA
        Pressure Injuries                                               67 Lifestyle Intervention for Caregiver/Care-Receiver Dyads
        v Jean-Marc Mac-Thiong, MD, Phd                                    in Chronic Spinal Cord Injury
     PSYCHO-SOCIAL                                                         v Gregory Bigford, PhD MSBA
     57 Implementation of a Formal Education Program for                68 SPINE: Specialized Progression of Independence and
        Caregivers and Youth with SCI/D                                    Wellness for Adolescents with a Spinal Cord Injury
        v Kristen Wagner, PT, DPT                                          v Caitlin Jones, PT, DPT, Board-Certified Clinical
                                                                           Specialist in Neurologic Physical Therapy
     58 Positive Psychosocial Changes Relating to Physical Activity
        Behavior After Participation in a Group Tele-Exercise           69 Satisfaction With Life In Patients With Spinal Cord Injury
        Program for Individuals with SCI                                   At The National Rehabilitation Institute “Luis Guillermo
        v Laura Baehr, PT, DPT, PhD(c) (defense 2/2023)                    Ibarra Ibarra” In The Period 2015-2020
                                                                           v Bryant Martinez, MD
     59 Physical and Psychosocial Features of Exercisers vs.
        Non-Exercisers with SCI Enrolled in a Group                     70 Changes In Employment, Health, Participation, And
        Tele-Exercise Program                                              Quality-Of-Life and The Relationships with Survival After
        v Laura Baehr, PT, DPT, PhD(c) (defense 2/2023)                    Spinal Cord Injury
                                                                           v Yue Cao, Phd
     60 Pain and Life Satisfaction: The Role of Emotional Support
        and Social Participation in Adults with Pediatric-Onset         VIRTUAL TECHNOLOGY
        Spinal Cord Injury                                              71 Enjoyment of Gamified Electromyographic Biofeedback
        v Alison Oh, MS                                                    Therapy for People with an Incomplete Spinal Cord: A
     61 Frequency of employment and factors related to labor               Pilot Study
        activity inclusion in patients with Spinal Cord Injury at the      v Benjamin Petrie, MD
        National Institute of Rehabilitation in Mexico                  72 Virtual Outings: Merging Technology and Community
        v Karla Zarco Ordóñez, MD                                          Training
                                                                           v Katie Murphy, CTRS                       continued

20                              A T L A N T A v G E O R G I A v A S I A - S P I N A L I N J U R Y. O R G

SENSORY/MOTOR FUNCTION                                          N O N -T R AU M AT I C I N J U R Y
73 Restoring Upright Posture Using Wheelchair Mounted           83 A Rare Case of Horner Syndrome after Post Operatory
   Buttons                                                         Anterior Cervical Laminectomy in a Non-Traumatic
   v Kevin Foglyano, BSE                                           Spinal Cord Injury
74 Correlation Between Muscle Mass and Function in                 v Robbie Veriker, MD
   Individuals with Long Standing Spinal Cord Related           84 Inclusion of Non-Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury in Spinal
   Paralysis                                                       Cord Injury Model Systems Database: One Center’s
   v Isabella Ferrara, BS                                          Experiences
75 Denervation Impacts Muscle Quality and Knee Bone                v Yuying Chen, MD, PhD
   Mineral Density Compared to Upper Motor Neuron               85 Rehabilitation Outcomes for Patients with Epidural
   Injury After Spinal Cord Injury                                 Lipomatous Myelopathy Compared to Traumatic Spinal
   v Ahmad Alazzam, B.S.                                           Cord Injury
76 Neurophysiological and Functional Changes After                 v Ben Johnson, N/A
   Motor-Evoked Potential Operant Conditioning in Upper         86 Demographics and functional outcomes in Non-
   Extremity Muscles in Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury:       Traumatic vs Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury
   A Case Series                                                   v Ana Valeria Aguirre Guemez, MD
   v Blair Dellenbach, MSOT
77 Ziconotide for Spinal Cord Injury-Related Pain and Motor
   and Sensation Recovery                                       87 Standardized 3D Printed Devices with Patient Specific
   v David Ho, DO                                                  Interfaces
                                                                   v Jared Grier, B.S. ME
78 Personalized Fitting of a K5 Wheelchair Positively Affects
   Posture and Upper Extremity Mechanics During Manual          88 Integration of Multi-Functional Nanostructured
   Wheelchair Propulsion in the Community                          Microelectrodes onto a Mechanically-Adaptive Polymer
   v Philip Requejo, PhD                                           Nanocomposite for Neural Interfacing Applications
                                                                   v Allison Hess-Dunning, PhD
79 Long Duration, Low-Concentration Topical Capsaicin
   Diminishes the Development of Central Sensitization          89 Goals Categories Identified by Patients After Peripheral
   v Lukas Linde, Phd                                              Nerve Transfer (PNT)
                                                                   v Parvin Eftekhar
S PA S T I C I T Y                                              90 Perceived Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic Among
80 Intrathecal Baclofen Drug Delivery Interference by              People with Spinal Cord Injury: A Descriptive Study
   Iphone Magnet                                                   v James Krause, Phd
   v Michelle Trbovich, MD                                      91 Functional Improvements Caused by The Utilization of
81 Development of a Standardized Weaning Protocol                  Myoelectric Powered Wearable Orthotics in Persons with
   for Intrathecal Baclofen Pump Removal Due to Pump               Chronic SCI
   Infection                                                       v Ghaith Androwis
   v Marla Petriello, DO                                        92 Patient-Centered Strategies to Engage and Retain
82 Leg Stretching Using a Robotic Leg Exoskeleton in People        Participants in Clinical Trials
   with Spasticity                                                 v Amanda Rounds, Phd
   v Naciye Bilgin Badur

            A P R I L 1 7 – 1 9 v P R E - C O U R S E A P R I L 1 6 v A S I A - S P I N A L I N J U R Y. O R G                21
American Spinal Injury Association
9702 Gayton Rd, Suite 306
Richmond, VA 23238
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