CURRICULUM GUIDE YEAR 11 - Whangārei Boys ...

Page created by Kelly Goodwin
GUIDE        YEAR 11

                       w w
This publication contains all of the courses               Subject selection for current students can be made
                                                           via the KAMAR portal by Wednesday 11 August
for Year 11 at Whangārei Boys’ High School.
                                                           2021. Parents will be sent details of how to do this.
The curriculum guides for other year levels are            Otherwise, subject selection will be completed
available online at or by request.      through an appointment with the Deans.
Students should select courses in consultation with        For students new to the school in 2022, the Deans are
parents/caregivers and following academic guidance         available by appointment for subject discussion and
with Whānau Teachers and/or Deans. Our students            selection.
should take a long term view to their academic
                                                           As the Curriculum continues to evolve and respond
planning and ensure they understand how subject
                                                           to new challenges and needs, we invite feedback and
areas develop and where they lead.
The curriculum guides contain descriptions of the
                                                           Please feel free to contact the Curriculum Committee,
subject and, in the case of the senior year levels,
                                                           via the Deputy Principal, Mr Keir Morrison. The
concise statements about assessments for the
                                                           National Curriculum offers the flexibility for schools to
subject. It is important to note that, in the senior
                                                           tailor programmes to the strengths and needs of their
school, the listed subjects run conditional on the
number of students taking that class. During the
academic guidance process, students may select a
subject which, due to very low numbers, may not
                                                           We trust that, along with our academic
be included in the 2022 timetable. In those cases,         guidance, our Curriculum Guide 2022 will
students will be asked to re-select. Acceptance in         inform and assist you with the important
a subject may, in some cases, be dependent on a
student’s level of positive engagement with learning.
                                                           planning and decision-making for future
At Years 11 through to 13 Achievement Standard and
Unit Standard credits will contribute towards NCEA         Yours sincerely,
Levels 1, 2 or 3. Compulsory subjects in the senior
school are Year 11 English and Year 11 Mathematics.
                                                           Karen Gilbert-Smith
The Curriculum broadens at senior level to include a
number of courses which offer students opportunities       – PRINCIPAL
to follow specific vocational interests. The Gateway
and Academy programmes are also available to
senior students. They allow students to gain practical
experience and assessment in the workplace. They
also assist students to decide on their preferred type
of employment and, in some cases, for employers to
look at them as prospective employees. Many of these
students go on to be apprentices.
The selection of subjects is an important process, one
that requires the input of parents, caregivers and staff
alike. We encourage you and your son to take the
time to examine carefully the information contained
in this curriculum guide.
Subject Selection Evening for students and parents/
caregivers to discuss subject selection for 2022 will be
held at 5.30 – 7.30pm on Wednesday 4 August 2021, in
the School Hall.

Students at this year level will study six subjects. English and Mathematics are
compulsory and students choose four other option subjects. A Science is strongly
recommended as one of these four subjects, in order to keep future study options open.
Subjects offer either Level 1 Achievement Standard credits and/or Unit Standard credits; which count
towards the National Certificate of Education Achievement (NCEA) at Level 1. Credits from Achievement
Standards will come from internal and external assessments of conventional school subjects. Credits
from Unit Standards will come from internal assessment of standards developed by industry and specific
subject teachers.
A supported study class will operate at Year 11 for a small number of selected students who have
identified learning needs or need assistance to manage the demands of NCEA assessments. These
students will have one fewer option class than other Year 11s. Supported Study Time will be co-ordinated
and supervised by a teacher. Entry to this class is dependent on Dean and HoD Inclusive Learning
To achieve NCEA Level 1, students must attain a minimum of 80 credits. Of these, 10 credits must be
in Level 1 Numeracy and 10 credits in Literacy.
Through their studies, students may also attain:
•   NCEA Level 1 Certificate Endorsed with either Excellence or Merit. To do this, a student must
    achieve 50 credits at Excellence (for Excellence) or 50 credits at either Merit or Excellence (for Merit).
•   Individual subject Endorsement. This requires a student to achieve 14 or more credits at Merit or
    Excellence level in a single subject. At least 3 credits must come from externally assessed standards
    and 3 from internally assessed standards; the exception to this is Physical Education.
Students who are clear in their career choices should select subjects that are prerequisites for their
pathway to tertiary study and employment. During subject selection, guidance is available from your
Whānau Teachers, Deans, Subject Teachers, and Careers. If no clear choice has been made, boys are
advised to seek a broad education. Boys are also encouraged to select subjects they excel at or enjoy.


Curriculum Guide 2022

    Example: A student studies the following course in
    Year 11 for the NCEA Level 1 qualification
                                                             NEW ZEALAND
                                                             QUALIFICATIONS AUTHORITY
                               Credits        Credits
                              Available      Achieved        (NZQA)
        Art                         24           12          NZQA administers the National Qualifications
                                                             Framework (NQF), which is a system designed
        English                     24           19
                                                             to recognise the attainment of knowledge,
        Geography                   24           17          understanding and skills by all people in New
        Mathematics                 24           18          Zealand. Framework qualifications are quality assured
                                                             and nationally recognised.
                                    20           16
        Education                                            Learners who register on the Framework are able to
                                                             accumulate credits over time and at their own pace
        Science                     26           19
                                                             as they work towards a qualification.
        Total                       142         98

    To gain the qualification the 80 credits must include:
                                                             NATIONAL CERTIFICATE OF
    •      10 credits in Literacy                            EDUCATIONAL ACHIEVEMENT
    •      10 credits in Numeracy                            (NCEA)
                                                             NCEA is the main secondary school qualification in
                                                             New Zealand for Year 11 students.
    Grades that may be awarded for each Achievement
    Standard are:                                            To gain an NCEA Level 1 qualification, a student must
                                                             perform against pre-determined standards. These
    •      Achieved with Excellence
                                                             standards may be called Achievement Standards or
    •      Achieved with Merit                               Unit Standards. Each standard is allocated a certain
                                                             number of credits. When a student has accumulated
    •      Achieved
                                                             a minimum of 80 credits, and has met the Level
    •      Not Achieved
                                                             1 literacy and numeracy requirements (10 literacy
    If a student meets the standard they receive the         credits and 10 numeracy credits), they may be
    credits regardless of the grade awarded.                 awarded the NCEA Level 1 qualification.

    For most Unit Standards a student will receive the
    following awards:
    •      Achieved
    •      Not Achieved

    For all assessment matters refer to the Senior
    Assessment Booklet updated and produced each
    year for distribution to senior students

                                                                                                 Curriculum Guide 2022
FACULTY                    YEAR 9                           YEAR 10                      YEAR 11 - LEVEL 1               YEAR 12 - LEVEL 2                     YEAR 13 - LEVEL 3
                         YEAR 9                                   * Art                             * Art                             Art                                Art Design                           Art Design +
                         Students study 9
                         compulsory subjects                                                                                          Digital Art                        Art Painting                         Art Painting +
                         and 6 option subjects.                   * Drama                           * Drama                           Drama                              Drama                                Drama+
                         The selection must          The Arts
                                                                  * Music                           * Music                           Music                              Music                                Music +
                         include at least one
                         of Art, Drama, and/or                                                      * Junior Performing Arts
                         Music.                                                                     * Photography and Design                                             Photography                          Photography +

                                                                   Health                           Health                          Health                             Health                               Health +
                         YEAR 10

Curriculum Guide 2022
                         Students study 6            Health &      Physical Education               Physical Education              Physical Education                 Physical Education                   Physical Education +
                         compulsory subjects         Physical                                                                         Physical Well-being                Physical Well-being                  Physical Well-being
                         and 6 option subjects.
                                                     Education    * Outdoor Education               * Outdoor Education               Outdoor Education                  Outdoor Education                    Outdoor Education
                         The selection must
                         include at least                         * Sports Specific Training        * Sports Specific Training        Personal & Social Development      Personal & Social Development        Personal & Social Development
                         one of Art, Drama,
                         Music, Junior                             English                          English                         English                            English                              English +
                         Performing Arts and/                                                                                         English Language & Communication   English Language & Communication     English Language & Communication
                         or Photography and
                                                                                                                                      English Literacy
                         Design. The selection
                         must also include one                    * Japanese                        * Japanese                        Japanese                           Japanese                             Japanese +
                         of Design & Visual                       * Spanish
                         Communication,             Languages
                                                                  * Languages via FarNet            * Languages via FarNet            Languages via FarNet               Languages via FarNet                 Languages via FarNet
                         Digital Technology,
                         Electronics, Food                         Te Reo Māori
                         Technology, Materials                    * Junior Maori Arts               * Junior Maori Arts               Senior Māori Arts                  Senior Māori Arts                    Senior Māori Arts
                         Technology Metal,
                         Materials Technology                     * Te Reo Rangatira                * Te Reo Rangatira                Te Reo Rangatira                   Te Reo Rangatira                     Te Reo Rangatira +
                         Wood, and/or Product                     ESOL                              ESOL                              ESOL                               ESOL                                 ESOL
                                                                   Mathematics                      Mathematics                     Mathematics with Externals         Mathematics with Externals           Mathematics with Calculus +

                         YEAR 11                    Mathematics                                                                       Mathematics with Internals         Mathematics with Internals           Mathematics with Internals+
                         Mathematics                                                                                                  Mathematics Numeracy                                                    Mathematics with Statistics +
                         and English are
                         compulsory. Students                     * Agriculture/Horticulture        * Agriculture /Horticulture       Agriculture/Horticulture           Agriculture/Horticulture Biology     Agriculture/Horticulture (FarNet) +
                         study six subjects all                    Science                          Science                         Science                            Science                              Science +
                         year.                                                                                                        External Science
                                                     Sciences                                                                         Primary Industries                 Primary Industries                   Biology +
                         YEAR 12                                                                                                                                         Chemistry                            Chemistry +
                         Students select
                         six subjects and a                                                                                                                              Physics                              Physics +
                         spare subject. It is                                                                                                                            Forestry                             Forestry
                         important to identify
                         subjects that lead to                                                      * Crunching Numbers               Accounting                         Accounting                           Accounting +
                         the trades and those
                                                                  * Start Your Own Business         * Enterprise                      Business Studies                   Business Studies                     Business Studies +
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ACADEMIC COURSES 2022

                         that prepare students
                         for University                           * The World of Money              * Economics                       Economics                          Economics                            Economics +
                         Entrance. It is possible                                                   * Wealth by Stealth               Getting Work Ready                 Personal Financial Management        Personal Financial Management
                         to repeat Level 1.
                                                       Social                                                                                                            Sales & Customer Service             Sales & Customer Service
                                                     Sciences                                                                                                            Tourism & Travel                     Tourism & Travel
                         YEAR 13
                         Students select five                     * Ancient Mythology               * Classical Studies               Classical Studies                  Classical Studies                    Classical Studies +
                         subjects and a spare.                                                                                        Geography                          Geography                            Geography +
                         They may also select                                                       * History                         History                            History                              History +
                         from Years 11 and 12
                         subjects.                                 Social Studies                   Social Studies                                                     Psychology                           Psychology +

                                                                   Materials Technology                                              Design & Visual Communication      Design & Visual Communication        Design & Visual Communication +
                         SUPPORTED                                * Digital Technology              * Digital Technology              Digital Technology                 Digital Technology                   Digital Technology +
                         LEARNING                                                                   * Electronics                     Electronic Products                Electronic Products                  Electronic Products
                         Extra learning
                         support in a safe                                                          * Product Design                  Product Design                     Product Design                       Product Design
                         environment for those      Technology
                                                                                                    * Materials Technology Metal      Advanced Engineering               Pre-trade Engineering & Automotive   Pre-trade Engineering & Automotive
                         who do not cope
                         with the structure of                                                      * Material Technology Wood        Advanced Woodwork                  Pre-trade Woodwork                   Pre-trade Woodwork
                         secondary school.                        * Design & Visual Communication   * Design & Visual Communication   Engineering Trade Academy          Engineering Trade Academy
                                                                  * Food Technology                 * Food Technology                 Food Technology

                         These subjects are compulsory      * Option subjects + Approved subjects for University Entrance

                        FarNet is on line learning via ZOOM. It is similar to Correspondence but with more tutor and class interaction. Students also receive individual assistance from a trained teacher.
           Creative, Cultural
           & Recreational Industries
            Actor                     Copywriter             Photographer
            Advertising Executive     Fashion Designer       Publisher
            Animator                  Graphic Designer       Stage/Set Designer
            Artist                    Musician               Web Designer

           Health, Community
           & Social Industries
            Ambulance Officer        Doctor           Pharmacist
            Chiropractor             Educator         Physiotherapist
            Counsellor               Nurse            Surgeon
            Dentist                  Osteopath        Social Worker

            Aviation        Customs Officer          Police Officer
            Bar Manager     Firefighter              Retail Salesperson
            Baker           Hairdresser              Hotel/Restaurant Manager
            Chef            Hospitality Worker       Travel Agent

            Animal Attendant        Forestry                  Marine Biologist
            Beekeeping              Fishery Officer           Microbiologist
            Dairy Farmer            Horticultural Worker      Winemaker
            Ecologist               Landscape Gardener        Veterinarian

           & Infrastructure Industries
            Architect           Electrician           Plumber
            Builder             Glazier               Roading
            Carpenter           Mining                Roofing
            Driller             Planner               Surveyor

           Manufacturing, Engineering,
           Logistics & Technology Industries
            Automotive          Engineer                   Programmer
            Boat Builder        Fabrication                Technician
            CAD Operator        Machine Operator           Telecommunications
            Designer            Photographer               Website Developer
            Truck Driver        Fork-lift Operator

                                                                        Curriculum Guide 2022
Note: English and Mathematics are compulsory until NCEA Level 1.
 It is important to include English, Mathematics and Science for most career options.

 Drama                     Media Studies              DVC                        Maths
 Dance                     Art Design                 Science                    Biology
 Māori Performing          Art                        Digital Technology         Outdoor Education
                           Photography                Physical Education         Sales & Customer
 Music                                                                           Service

 Science                   Physics                    Social Studies             Statistics
 Health                    Biology                    History
 Chemistry                 Language                   Psychology
 Maths                     Geography                  Economics

 Business Studies          Accounting                 Languages                  Hospitality
 Economics                 Geography                  Digital Technology         Psychology
 Sales & Customer          Tourism                    Science                    Food Technology

 Agriculture/              Chemistry                  Primary Industries
                           Accounting                 Biology
                           Forestry                   Business Studies

 Woodwork                  Automotive                 Geography                  Language
                                                                                 Rich Subject
 DVC                       Science                    Sales & Customer
                                                      Service                    Calculus
 Metalwork                 Physics
                                                      Digital Technology
 Maths                     Chemistry

 Maths                     Physics                    Language                   Woodwork
                                                      Rich Subject
 Sciences                  Chemistry                                             Calculus
 Metalwork                 Digital Technology                                    Electronics

Curriculum Guide 2022

    FARNET                                                   TRADE ACADEMIES
    FarNet is available to domestic and international        Whangārei Boys’ High School has opportunities in the
    students. Students study via a mix of the internet       Trades Academies available in Engineering, Cookery,
    and Google Hangout lessons with a distance tutor.        Automotive, Civil Construction, Design, and Primary
    FarNet is available where students have a clash of       Industries.
    two timetabled subjects and both compliment their
                                                             The fulltime L1 or L2 Engineering Trade Academy
    learning pathway. FarNet may also be available where
                                                             (ENAC) is delivered onsite at Whangārei Boys’ High
    Whangārei Boys’ High School is not offering a subject
                                                             School. Boys are enrolled in English and Mathematics
    that interests the student e.g. a Language.
                                                             with the remainder of the time designing and
    Once a week the boys converse online with their          building Engineering and Automotive projects.
    tutor and students in other schools. Other learning
                                                             The other academies are one or two days delivered
    activities are accessed online during the rest of the
                                                             at NorthTec, The Design School or Wilson Trade
    timetabled classes.
                                                             Academy (new for 2021).
                                                             To be considered for a place in a Trades Academy
                                                             boys need to have a conversation with one of their
                                                             Deans or a Trades Academy Coordinator and select
    TE KURA                                                  Pre-trade Engineering & Automotive, and Business
    (THE CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL)                              Studies or Personal Financial Management and
                                                             Mathematics, English and Science.
    This is offered to students online who have New
    Zealand Citizenship and are wanting a subject where      Students accepted into the Primary Industries
    Whangārei Boys’ High School does not have a class.       Trade Academy study aspects of the industry as a
    Boys work in a supervised classroom and have access      whole in class but also have many opportunities for
    to one-on-one teacher assistance.                        active learning in areas such as Pest Control, Fencing,
                                                             Chainsaw Use & Safety, Work Safe & First Aid, Riparian
    Te Kura and FarNet students need to meet pre-
                                                             Planting, and Pollution Control. To be considered
    requisites and must be self-directed.
                                                             for a place in the Primary Industries Academy boys
    Contact persons: Mrs Miller & Deans                      must select the Primary Industry subject and show a
                                                             genuine interest in this industry.
                                                             Contact persons: Mrs P. O’Leary, Miss D. Thompson,
                                                             & Deans
    This is structured workplace learning, mostly for
    students in Years 12 and 13. They experience an unpaid
    placement in a work place which interests them for
    one day each week for six to ten weeks. The work
    placement may occur during the school holidays.
    Boys should express their interest in a Gateway
    placement when they select their subjects.
    Examples are:
    •   Trades Engineering
    •   Retail
    •   Electrical
    •   Plumbing
    •   Sport & Recreation
    •   Building
    •   Computing
    •   Automotive
    Contact persons: Mrs Draper & Deans

                                                                                                 Curriculum Guide 2022
                   ARTS FACULTY                                         This course furthers students’ understanding of theatre and the
                                                                        skills associated with performing. Students will develop self-
PLEASE NOTE THAT YOU CANNOT DO YEAR 11 ART (11ART)                      management in their learning and preparing for roles. They will
AND YEAR 11 DIGITAL ART (11DGA) AS THEY HAVE THE SAME                   have the opportunity to create their own drama and to perform
ACHIEVEMENT STANDARDS                                                   key roles within a full-length play.
                                                                        Entry requirement: Willingness to perform in front of peers.
                          ART (11ART)                                   Successful participation in Year 10 Drama is preferred.
A practical and research based course, developing ideas and
                                                                        Achievement Standards offered:
technical application of varying media to support the production
of work for NCEA Level 1.                                               Level 1:     Title of Standard:                         I or E *   Cr *
Entry requirement: Year 10 Art or HoD discretion                                     Apply drama techniques in a dramatic
                                                                        90006                                                      I        4
Achievement Standards offered:                                                       context
                                                                        90997        Devise and perform a drama                    I        5
Level 1:   Title of Standard:                         I or E *   Cr *
                                                                                     Use features of a drama/theatre form in
           Use drawing methods and skills for                           90999                                                      I        4
90914      recording information using wet and           I        4
           dry media                                                                 Perform an acting role in a scripted
                                                                        90009                                                      I        5
           Use drawing conventions to develop
90915                                                    I        6
           work in more than one field of practice                                   Demonstrate understanding of the
                                                                        90011        use of drama aspects within live              E        4
           Produce a body of work informed by
90916      established practice, which develops          E        12
           ideas, using a range of media                                             Demonstrate understanding of a
                                                                        90998                                                      E        4
                                                                                     drama/theatre form
Cost:$30.00 take-home component for students who took Art in
Year 10. $40.00 for students new to the subject to purchase an          The external examinations are optional and offer the opportunity
art portfolio and the take-home component. There may also be            for students to gain endorsement in Drama. Internal standards
costs associated with Art field trips.                                  90999 is offered as an extra opportunity and to prepare students
Contact person: Mrs V. Luders                                           for the external examination 90998.
                                                                        Cost: There will be a further charge necessary to help pay for
                                                                        viewing a live performance.
 PHOTOGRAPHY AND ART DESIGN (11PAD)                                     Contact person: Ms F. Churcher
A practical course involving visual research and digital applications
through a combination of photography and design.
Entry requirement: Year 10 Art or HoD discretion                                                   MUSIC (11MUS)
Achievement Standards offered:                                          A course consisting of solo and group performances, composition
                                                                        and aural skills combined with general musical knowledge and
Level 1:   Title of Standard:                         I or E *   Cr *   score reading.
           Use drawing conventions to develop                           Entry requirement:
90915                                                    I        6
           work in more than one field of practice                      To be able to read music notation is desirable Students should
           Produce a body of work informed by                           have completed at least two years of instrumental tuition and
90916      established practice which develops           E        12    continue to take lessons throughout the duration of the course
           ideas using a range of media                                 Or at the HoD’s discretion where adequate music skills are
Cost: $30.00 to cover the take-home component of the course
and an additional printing cost of $20 to be paid separately to the     It is desirable that students choosing 11MUS participate in at least
office where it will be credited to the student’s printing account.     one performance group.
Contact person: Mrs V. Luders                                           Achievement Standards selected from:
                                                                        Level 1:     Title of Standard:                         I or E *   Cr *
                                                                                     Perform two pieces of music as a
                                                                        91090                                                       I       6
                                                                                     featured soloist
                                                                                     Demonstrate ensemble skills through
                                                                        91091        performing a piece of music as a               I       4
                                                                                     member of a group
                                                                        91092        Compose two original pieces of music           I       6
                                                                                     Demonstrate aural and theoretical skills
                                                                        91093                                                      E        4
                                                                                     through transcription
                                                                                     Demonstrate knowledge of conventions
                                                                        91094                                                      E        4
                                                                                     used in music scores
                                                                                     Demonstrate knowledge of two music
                                                                        91095                                                       I       6
                                                                                     works from contrasting contexts
                                                                        Unit Standards:
                                                                                     Demonstrate knowledge of new māori
                                                                        31191                                                       I       4
                                                                        Contact person: Ms V. Hill

                                                                                   * E= External   I=Internal    Cr= Credits
Curriculum Guide 2022                                                              UE Lit:         R = Reading   W = Writing    RW = Both
                      HEALTH & PHYSICAL                                                           (OED Multi)
                     EDUCATION FACULTY                                           This course is aimed at students looking for outdoor adventure
                                                                                 experiences with extra support. It has a focus on student
                                                                                 development and building confidence. It is designed for students
                              HEALTH (11HLT)                                     wanting to pursue outdoor education and who may find that the
     This course develops the concept of hauora/well-being and how               other OED options move too quickly in terms of covering content.
     it affects our everyday lives. The course will provide life skills
                                                                                 Entry requirement: Open to all senior year levels - HoD discretion
     and equip students to move into people-related careers. The
     topics covered are personal and interpersonal skills, goal-setting,         Unit Standards offered:
     sexuality, nutrition, effects of drug and alcohol use and dealing           Standard Title of Standard:                     I or E * Level   Cr *
     with change, loss and grief. A variety of outside presenters from
     community health organisations help enhance the delivery of the                          Experience and complete
                                                                                 20152                                              I      1       1
                                                                                              Abseiling sessions
     Achievement Standards offered:                                                           Demonstrate kayaking skills on
                                                                                 20818                                              I      1       2
                                                                                              sheltered or slow moving water
     Level 1:    Title of Standard:                           I or E *    Cr *
                                                                                 20210        Experience rock climbing              I      1       1
                 Take action to enhance an aspect of
     90971                                                        I        3
                 personal well-being                                             448          Experience a caving trip              I      1       1
                 Demonstrate understanding of                                                 Complete beginner orienteering
     90975       strategies for making health enhancing           E        4     20141                                              I      1       1
                 decisions in drug related situations
                                                                                              Demonstrate quality movement
                 Demonstrate understanding of ways                               90964        in the performance of a physical      I      1       3
     91097       in which well-being can change and               I        4                  activity
                 strategies to support well-being
                                                                                              Demonstrate personal and
                 Demonstrate understanding of                                                 social development through
     90973       interpersonal skills used to enhance             I        5     467                                                I      2       3
                                                                                              participation in adventure-
                 relationships                                                                based learning
     Some Unit Standards may be available                                                     Navigate in good visibility on
                                                                                 431                                                I      2       3
     Contact person: Mrs D. Cooper                                                            land
                                                                                 426          Experience camping                   I       2       3
          PERSONAL & SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT                                          444
                                                                                              Demonstrate basic rock
                                                                                                                                   I       2       1
                                                                                              climbing movement
     This course is an alternative course to Health. It supports students        Cost: $250
     in their ability to develop personal well-being skills significant for      Contact person: Mr S. Huurnink
     becoming an up and coming fine man within our community.
     Interpersonal skills that support an individual’s ability to work
     cooperatively with others are improved and challenged in each
     unit offered. A variety of health promotion agencies such as ACC
     Mates and Dates; Police programme Love Me Not; Upstander
     workshops; Drug Awareness campaigns will support the units we
     Unit Standards offered:
     Standard        Title of Standard:                        I or E * Cr *
                     Maintain hauora - personal health and
     29300                                                            I     1
                     well-being (supported learning)
                     Participate and communicate in a
     3503            team or group to complete a routine              I     2
                     Basic employment rights and
     1978                                                             I     3
     64              Perform calculations for the workplace           I     2
     Achievement Standards offered:
                     Take action to enhance an aspect of
     90971                                                            I     3
                     personal well-being
                     Demonstrate knowledge of an
     90956                                                            I     5
                     individual’s nutritional needs
     Contact persons: Mrs D. Cooper

     * E= External    I=Internal      Cr= Credits
     UE Lit:          R = Reading     W = Writing     RW = Both                                                                Curriculum Guide 2022
OUTDOOR EDUCATION (11OED)                                                PHYSICAL EDUCATION (11PED)
This course is designed to introduce students to a range of             The course consists of both practical and theoretical elements,
outdoor activities and develop their confidence in the outdoor          offering an understanding of Physical Education at this level.
environment. Introduction to Outdoor Education activities,              An ideal course for those students wishing to pursue Physical
including but not limited to: abseiling, rock climbing, kayaking,       Education in the senior school.
caving, surfing, outdoor navigation/orienteering, snorkelling
                                                                        Entry requirement: Successful completion of Year 10 & HoD
and Adventure Based Learning (ABL).
Entry requirement: HoD discretion - a high standard of
                                                                        Achievement Standards offered:
responsible behaviour is required and a genuine interest in
outdoor education activities,                                           Level 1:     Title of Standard:                          I or E *   Cr *
Unit Standards offered:                                                              Participate actively in a variety of
Level 1:     Title of Standard:                       I or E *   Cr *   90962        physical activities and explain factors        I        5
                                                                                     that influence own participation
             Experience and complete abseiling
20152                                                    I        1                  Demonstrate understanding of the
                                                                        90963        function of the body as it relates to the      I        5
             Demonstrate kayaking skills on                                          performance of physical activity
20818                                                    I        2
             sheltered or slow-moving water
                                                                                     Demonstrate quality movement in the
20210        Experience rock climbing                    I        1     90964                                                       I        3
                                                                                     performance of a physical activity
448          Experience a caving trip                    I        1                  Demonstrate interpersonal skills in
             Complete beginner orienteering                             90966        a group and explain how these skills           I        4
20141                                                    I        1                  impact on others
             Demonstrate quality movement in the                                     Demonstrate strategies to improve the
90964        performance of a physical activity –        I        3     90967        performance of a physical activity and         I        3
             surfing                                                                 describe the outcomes
Level 2:                                                                Contact persons: Mr H. Darkins
             Demonstrate personal and social
467          development through participation in        I        3
             adventure based learning
                                                                                   PHYSICAL WELL-BEING (11PWB)
                                                                        Develop the knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes
28391        Snorkel dive in open water                  I        2
                                                                        needed to maintain and enhance personal health and physical
             Roll a kayak (offered to students                          well-being.
476                                                      I        2
             excelling in standard 20818)
                                                                        Entry requirement: Successful completion of Year 10 programme
Cost: $250                                                              (verified by Year 10 PE Teacher).
To ensure the safe delivery of the trips the school invests in          Achievement Standards offered:
high quality gear and qualified, experienced staff. There is an
                                                                        Level 1:     Title of Standard:                          I or E *   Cr *
associated cost to each student for the activities based course of
$250 for the year-long programme. This cost will cover transport,                    Participate actively in a variety of
safety equipment, and qualified, experienced staff who will ensure      90962        physical activities and explain factors        I        5
the safe delivery of all trips.                                                      that influence own participation

For students or families where there may be an issue of financial                    Demonstrate quality movement in the
                                                                        90964                                                       I        3
hardship, there are options to pay this amount over time or have                     performance of a physical activity
a subsidy through the hardship fund. Please contact Yvonne Nees                      Take purposeful action to assist others
                                                                        90969                                                       I        2
( if you would like to organise a payment                      to participate in physical activity
plan, or Mike Elliot (m.elliot@wbhs. for access to the                    Demonstrate interpersonal skills in
hardship fund.                                                          90966        a group and explain how these skills           I        4
Full payment, or a payment plan to pay the full amount by the                        impact on others
end of Term 1, will need to be processed by the end of Week 3,                       Demonstrate self management
Term 1.                                                                 90970        strategies and describe the effects on         I        3
                                                                                     participation in physical activity
An alternate free course is offered:                                    Contact person: Mr P. Tyslic
Unit Standards offered:

Level 1:     Title of Standard:
             Quality skilled movement in an applied
                                                      I or E *   Cr *
                                                                          INCLUSIVE LEARNING FACULTY
1.3                                                      I        3
             setting - Athletics
20141        Orienteering                                I        1                      SUPPORTED STUDY (11SS)
467          Adventure based learning (Level 2)          I        3     A supported study class will operate at Year 11 for a small number
                                                                        of selected students who have identified learning needs, or need
             Demonstrate self management                                assistance to manage the demands of NCEA assessment. Many of
1.9          strategies and describe the effects on      I        3
                                                                        these students will have been in the Supported Learning classes
             participation in physical activity
                                                                        in Years 9 and 10. Students will have one fewer option classes than
3490         Complete an incident report                 I        2     other Year 11 students. Supported Study will be co-ordinated and
             Demonstrate knowledge of workplace                         supervised by a teacher.
497                                                      I        3
             health and safety requirements                             Students will use supported study time to: organise their notes
             Demonstrate understanding of carbon                        and assessment dates and times; gain support with studying for
90953                                                    I        4     their timetabled classes; improve their literacy and numeracy.
This programme has been designed to avoid cost to students, and         Entry requirement: Dean and HoF discretion
has a large theoretical component. Unfortunately, there are no          Contact persons: Ms H. Ferguson & Mrs K. Sylva
trips due to cost constraints.

Cost: Free
Contact person: Mr S. Huurnink

                                                                                   * E= External   I=Internal     Cr= Credits
Curriculum Guide 2022                                                              UE Lit:         R = Reading    W = Writing    RW = Both
                     LANGUAGES FACULTY                                             The Year 11 Japanese course continues to build the language
                                                                                   skills developed in the junior cycle and is assessed on the NZQA
      ENGLISH LANGUAGE & COMMUNICATION                                             standards listed below.
                    (11ELC)                                                        Entry requirement: Students must have reached a satisfactory
     This course is designed to support those who have not met Level               level in Year 10 Japanese, with a minimum mark of 50% in the
     5 of the curriculum in Year 10 English. Students will be offered a            final examination.
     range of internal and external Achievement Standards. Classes                 Achievement Standards offered:
     will be tailored to meet their needs.
                                                                                   Level 1:     Title of Standard:                         I or E *   Cr *
     Entry requirement: Students will be selected at HoD discretion
                                                                                                Demonstrate understanding of a
     Achievement Standards offered:                                                90893        variety of spoken Japanese texts on           E        5
     Level 1:    Title of Standard:                            I or E *     Cr *                areas of most immediate relevance

     90052       Produce creative writing                           I        3                  Give a spoken presentation in
                                                                                   90894        Japanese that communicates a                   I       4
                 Show understanding of visual text                                              personal response
     90856       through close viewing, using support-              I        3
                 ing evidence                                                                   Interact using spoken Japanese to
                                                                                                communicate personal information,
     90857       Construct and deliver an oral text                 I        3     90895                                                       I       5
                                                                                                ideas and opinions in different
     90053       Produce formal writing                             I        3                  situations

     90852       Explain significant connections                    I        4                  Demonstrate understanding of a
                                                                                   90896        variety of Japanese texts on areas of         E        5
     90855       Create a visual text                               I        3                  most immediate relevance
     Contact person: Mr M. Nogher                                                               Write a variety of text types in
                                                                                   90897        Japanese on areas of most immediate            I       5
                      ENGLISH LITERACY (11ENL)
                                                                                   Contact person: Mrs D. Williamson
     This is designed as a preparatory course for students not yet ready
     to study at NCEA Level 1. The focus of this course is the Literacy
     Unit Standards plus the opportunity to gain four Achievement                              LANGUAGES via FarNet (11LANf)
                                                                                   These courses cater for students who wish to study languages
     Entry requirement: Students will be selected at HoD discretion                that are not currently available in WBHS, or who wish to gain
                                                                                   qualifications in their first or second language. Depending on
     Unit Standards offered:
                                                                                   their ability, students may complete Level 1 internal and external
     Level 1:    Title of Standard:                            I or E *     Cr *   assessments. FarNet offers a range of courses. For example,
                                                                                   French, German, Korean, Mandarin, Samoan, Spanish and Tongan.
                 Write to communicate ideas for a pur-
     26622                                                          I        4     Whether a subject is available may depend on the availability of a
                 pose and audience
     26624       Read texts with understanding                      I        3
                                                                                   Please contact me if you require information about other
                 Actively participate in spoken interac-                           languages you might wish to study.
     26625                                                          I        3
                                                                                   Boys study in a supervised class with access to the required
     Achievement Standards offered:                                                learning resources.
     90855       Information Literacy Skills                        I        4     The course duration is mostly for a full year.
     90857       Construct and deliver an oral text                 I        3     Cost: $30 to be paid at the start of term 1 for access to Education
     90053       Produce formal writing                             I        3     Perfect as an online language resource used by FarNet tutors.
     90052       Produce creative writing                           I        3     Contact person: Mrs D. Miller
     Contact person: Mr M. Nogher
                                                                                               SENIOR MĀORI ARTS (11SMA)
                                 ESOL (11ESL)                                      This course offers a combination of Māori Performing Arts standards,
                                                                                   Māori Tourism, and Tikanga Māori standards. It is a composite
     English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) assessments
                                                                                   Year 11 - 13 class and offers both numeracy and literacy standards.
     are conducted in English, which must not be the student’s first
                                                                                   Prior knowledge of Māori Performing Arts and Te Reo Māori is not
                                                                                   essential, but is, to an extent, an advantage.
     English Language (EL) Unit Standards offered:
                                                                                   Unit Standards offered:
     Level 1:        Title of Standard:                         I or E *    Cr *
                                                                                   Level 1:    Title of Standard:                          I or E *   Cr *
                     Read and understand simple texts on
     27983                                                              I    8     27547       Identify ngā momo rākau whawhai                I        4
                     familiar topics (EL)
                                                                                               Demonstrate knowledge of tākaro
                     Participate in simple spoken exchang-                         27544                                                      I        6
     27991                                                              I    10                Māori
                     es on personal and familiar topics (EL)
                                                                                               Demonstrate knowledge and skills of
                     Write simple texts on familiar topics                         22752                                                      I        3
     27999                                                              I    8                 performance components
                                                                                               Demonstrate knowledge of the origins
                     Demonstrate understanding of simple
                                                                                   22754       of Māori performing arts disciplines           I        4
     28022           spoken information on familiar topics              I    5
                                                                                               and events
                                                                                               Demonstrate knowledge of a Māori
     Contact person: Mr R. Atkinson                                                22755                                                      I        3
                                                                                               performing arts costume ensemble
                                                                                               Demonstrate knowledge of people
                                                                                   22753                                                      I        3
                                                                                               associated with Māori performing arts
                                                                                   20948       Demonstrate knowledge of tūwaewae              I        8
                                                                                   Cost: $10
                                                                                   Contact person: Mr W. Cooper

     * E= External     I=Internal         Cr= Credits
     UE Lit:           R = Reading        W = Writing   RW = Both                                                                   Curriculum Guide 2022
TE REO RANGATIRA (11TRR)                                     MATHEMATICS WITH INTERNALS (11MAI)
This course involves an in depth study of Te Reo Māori with             Year 11 Mathematics with Internals explores some of the
emphasis on oral and written skills. The oral skill based               most important and useful areas of mathematics: Number,
component focuses on preparing speeches and oral activities.            Measurement, Trigonometry, and Linear Algebra. Understanding
The listening component includes listening for meaning, and             data is becoming more important in the modern workforce, and
understanding. The reading comprehension and essay writing will         Year 11 Mathematics with Internals also covers the investigation
cover the writing styles: giving instructions, dialogue, report and     and analysis of data through Statistics - in particular, Multivariate
descriptive writing.                                                    and Bivariate data. Students who successfully complete 11MAI
Entry requirement: Completion of Year 10 and/or HoD approval            have the option to continue with 12MAI in Year 12.

Achievement Standards offered:                                          Entry requirement: Entry into this course will be based on year 10
                                                                        Mathematics results
Level 1:   Title of Standard:                         I or E *   Cr *
                                                                        Achievement Standards offered: (this may change slightly)
           Whakarongo – Listening
91085                                                    I        6     Level 1:       Title of Standard:                        I or E *   Cr *
91086      Kōrero - Oral speaking                        I        6                    Apply numeric reasoning in solving
                                                                        91026                                                       I        4
91088      Tuhituhi - Written                            I        6
                                                                                       Apply linear algebra in solving
91089      Tuhinga auaha - Creative writing              I        4     91029                                                       I        3
Contact person: Mr W. Cooper                                                           Investigate a given multivariate data
                                                                        90135                                                       I        4
                                                                                       set using the statistical enquiry cycle
                                                                                       Apply measurement in solving
           MATHEMATICS FACULTY                                          91030
                                                                                                                                    I        3

                                                                                       Apply right angled triangles in solving
                                                                        91032                                                       I        3
                                                                                       measurement problems
                                                                                       Investigate bivariate numerical data
Year 11 Mathematics with Externals explores the more abstract           91036                                                       I        3
                                                                                       using the statistical enquiry cycle
areas of mathematics; in particular, the majority of the course
is focused on Algebra, Patterns and Graphs, and Chance and              26623          Use number to solve problems                 I        4
Data. These areas are supported with some internal assessments                         Interpret statistical information for a
(Trigonometry, Linear Algebra, and Multivariate Data). Students         26626                                                       I        3
who successfully pass the external examinations at the end of the
                                                                        26627          Use measurement to solve problems            I        3
year have the option to deepen their algebraic knowledge with
12MAE in Year 12.                                                       Equipment recommended: Calculator
Entry requirement: Entry into this course will be based on Year         Contact person: Mr A. Kitson
10 Mathematics results. Entry may be at the Mathematics HoF’s
                                                                                MATHEMATICS NUMERACY (11MAN)
Achievement Standards offered: (this may change slightly)
                                                                        11MAN is designed for students who are aiming to gain numeracy
Level 1:    Title of Standard:                        I or E *   Cr *   for NCEA Level 1. The content is taught using practical contexts
            Apply algebraic procedures in solving                       and a portfolio of work is developed to show evidence of
91027                                                    E        4     achievement. This course does not allow entry into a Mathematics
                                                                        course at Level 2 or Level 3.
            Investigate relationships between
91028                                                    E        4     Entry requirement: Entry into this course will be based on year 10
            tables, equations and graphs
                                                                        Mathematics results
            Demonstrate an understanding of
91037                                                    E        4     Unit Standards offered: (this may change slightly)
            chance and data
            Apply right angled triangles in solving                     Level 1:       Title of Standard:                        I or E *   Cr *
91032                                                     I       3
            measurement problems                                        26623          Use number to solve problems                 I        4
            Investigate a given multivariate data                                      Interpret statistical information for a
91035                                                     I       4     26626                                                       I        3
            set                                                                        purpose
            Apply linear algebra in solving
91029                                                     I       3     26627          Use measurement to solve problems            I        3
                                                                                       Apply numeric reasoning in solving
Equipment recommended: A calculator, preferably a Casio 9750            91026                                                       I        4
or 9860 Graphic calculator.
                                                                                       Apply measurement in solving
Contact person: Mr A. Kitson                                            91030                                                       I        3
                                                                                       Applying right-angle triangles in
                                                                        91032                                                       I        3
                                                                                       solving problems
                                                                        Equipment recommended: Calculator
                                                                        Contact person: Mr A. Kitson

                                                                                   * E= External   I=Internal      Cr= Credits
Curriculum Guide 2022                                                              UE Lit:         R = Reading     W = Writing   RW = Both
                       SCIENCE FACULTY                                          This course is the pathway for students who wish to study Biology,
                                                                                Chemistry or Physics at Year 12 and Year 13.
         AGRICULTURE/HORTICULTURE SCIENCE                                       The units of work cover:
                      (11AHS)                                                    • Practical Investigations
     Students will gain a deeper understanding of the technical                  • Genetics
     aspects of Horticulture to prepare them for employment                      • Motion, Forces, Energy
     prospects in the Agricultural or Horticultural industry. Topics cover       • Acids and Bases
     Practical Gardening, Propagation, Soils, Plant/Animal Husbandry,
                                                                                 • Reactions and properties of groups of chemicals
     the Primary Industries and Landscaping.
                                                                                Entry requirement: Achieved at Curriculum level 5 or 6 from the
     Entry requirement: Year 10 Horticulture or Achieved at Curriculum
                                                                                four end of unit assessments in Year 10 Science.
     Level 5 from the four end of unit assessments in Year 10 Science or
     at discretion of TiC.                                                      Achievement Standards selected from:

     Achievement Standards selected from:                                       Level 1:    Title of Standard:                         I or E *   Cr *

     Level 1:    Title of Standard:                           I or E * Cr *                 Carry out a practical investigation,
                                                                                90935       with direction, that leads to a linear        I        4
                 Demonstrate practical skills used in                                       mathematical relationship
     90157                                                       I        4
                 agriculture or horticultural production
                                                                                            Carry out a practical chemistry
                 Demonstrate knowledge of the                                   90930                                                     I        4
                                                                                            investigation, with direction
                 geographic distribution of agricultural
     90920                                                       I        3                 Carry out a practical investigation in a
                 and horticultural primary production in                        90925                                                     I        4
                 New Zealand                                                                biology context

                 Design a landscape plan that reflects                                      Demonstrate understanding of
     90922                                                       I        3     90940                                                     E        4
                 user requirements                                                          aspects of mechanics

                 Demonstrate knowledge of the                                               Demonstrate understanding of
                                                                                90944                                                     E        4
     90160       impact on the environment of primary            I        3                 aspects of acids and bases
                 production management practices                                            Demonstrate understanding of
                 Demonstrate knowledge of pasture/                              90948       biological ideas relating to genetic          E        4
     90155                                                       I        4                 variation
                 crop management practices
                 Demonstrate knowledge of horticultural                         Cost: Australian Science Competition ICAS approx. $15 (optional).
     90924       plant management practices and                  E        5
                                                                                Contact person: Mr T. W. Smith
                 related plant physiology
     Contact person: Mr D. Jennings
                                                                                                      SCIENCE (11SCI)
                                                                                This course will continue to develop the knowledge and skills
                     PRIMARY INDUSTRIES (11PIN)                                 learned in Year 10 Science. It will be an internally assessed course
     This class serves as an introduction to New Zealand’s primary              with units of work chosen from the Year 11 Science Matrix and
     sector. Students will be invited to apply for membership in the            will cover all of the learning areas of the curriculum including the
     Primary Industries Academy.                                                living world, material world, physical world and planet Earth &
     Students credited with the New Zealand Certificate in Primary              beyond.
     Industries will be able to demonstrate fundamental knowledge               Entry requirement: Achieved at higher end of Curriculum Level
     and skills relevant to the Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry and         4 or lower end of Curriculum Level 5 from the four end of unit
     Aquaculture industries.                                                    assessments in Year 10 Science.
     Entry requirement: Successful completion of Year 10 Agriculture/           Achievement Standards selected from:
     Horticulture or TiC approval.
                                                                                Level 1:    Title of Standard:                         I or E *   Cr *
     Qualifications: NCEA Level 1 and New Zealand Certificate in
                                                                                            Carry out a practical investigation,
     Primary Industries
                                                                                90935       with direction, that leads to a linear        I        4
     Unit Standards selected from:                                                          mathematical relationship
     Level 1:    Title of Standard:                           I or E *   Cr *               Carry out a practical chemistry
                                                                                90930                                                     I        4
                                                                                            investigation, with direction
                 Demonstrate knowledge of the New
     26969                                                       I        3                 Carry out a practical investigation in a
                 Zealand primary sectors                                        90925                                                     I        4
                                                                                            biology context
                 Describe opportunities, advantages and
     19137                                                       I        2                 Investigate life processes and the
                 disadvantages of rural development
                                                                                90949       environmental factors that affect             I        4
                 Demonstrate the social requirements
     19136                                                       I        2                 them
                 for daily living in the rural industry
                                                                                            Demonstrate understanding of the
                 Garden planning. Prepare and sow                               90936                                                     I        2
     1                                                           I        5                 physics of an application
                 outdoor seed beds manually
                                                                                Contact person: Mrs L. Bourke-Heerikhuisen
                 Grow and maintain plants in containers
     23783                                                       I        5
                 from seed
     23780       Undertake general garden maintenance            I        5
                 Identify containers, materials, plants and
     23782                                                       I        2
                 tools used for propagation
     Level 2:
                 Describe hydration, nutrition and sleep
     19145                                                       I        4
                 in relation to well-being of workers
                 Monitor and interpret weather
     19138                                                       I        4
                 Perform calculations for primary
     19143                                                       I        3
                 production situations
     Contact person: Mr D. Jennings

     * E= External    I=Internal      Cr= Credits
     UE Lit:          R = Reading     W = Writing   RW = Both                                                                 Curriculum Guide 2022
        SOCIAL SCIENCE FACULTY                                         Classical Studies is the study of the Greek and Roman civilisations
                                                                       and their art, history, culture, society, and literature. Together,
                 ACCOUNTING (11ACC)                                    they have had an immense influence on the development of the
The emphasis at this level is on Personal Accounting and               modern world.
Accounting for Sole Trader Businesses. Aspects covered include         Year 11 Classical Studies begins by introducing students to how
the conceptual basis of accounting, processing, systems,               the Roman people lived through an investigation of Roman
accounting reports and decision making. A total of 19 NCEA Level       relationships.
1 credits will be offered in this course.                              Next, students study the Colosseum, a centre of Roman
Entry requirement: At HoD discretion, with passes in English and       entertainment for centuries. This topic ends with a comparison of
Mathematics                                                            gladiator entertainment used at the Colosseum with modern-day
Achievement Standards offered:                                         MMA.
                                                                       Then, we study the famous Roman emperor Nero and his
Level 1:   Title of Standard:                        I or E *   Cr *
                                                                       troubled relationships with his wives and mother.
           Demonstrate understanding of                                Lastly, we read the famous Greek tragedy Oedipus Rex and
90976                                                   E        3
           accounting concepts for small entities
                                                                       understand Greek attitudes towards fate and the gods.
           Process financial transactions for a                        Achievement Standards offered:
90977                                                   I        5
           small entity
                                                                       Level 1:    Title of Standard:                         I or E *   Cr *
           Prepare financial information for a
90079      community organisation’s annual              I        4                 Demonstrate understanding of ideas
                                                                       91021                                                     E         4
           general meeting                                                         and values of the classical world
           Interpret accounting information for                                    Demonstrate understanding of an
90980                                                   E        4
           sole proprietors                                            91023       important historical figure in the clas-      E         4
           Make a financial decision for an                                        sical world
90981                                                   I        3
           individual or group                                                     Demonstrate understanding of social
                                                                       91024                                                     I         6
                                                                                   relationships in the classical world
Contact person: Mrs Horsley
                                                                                   Demonstrate understanding of links
                                                                       91025       between aspects of the classical world        I         6
             BUSINESS STUDIES (11BUS)                                              and another culture
This course provides a foundation in Business Studies where            Contact person: Mr R. Burrows
students are introduced to the internal processes involved in
running a small business. Students also learn marketing theory
and apply the marketing mix to an existing product. They will                                ECONOMICS (11ECO)
then have an opportunity to put all the theory into practice by        In this course students will discover how three groups in the
working together in a team environment to produce and market           economy (households, firms and government) interact in the
their own product at our annual FBlock Café.                           market place, and how this interaction results in decisions about
Entry requirement: Open entry at HoD discretion                        what will be produced and the process of production. We also
Achievement Standards offered:                                         discover how the market functions as a mechanism for allocating
                                                                       scarce resources and determining prices. Where possible local
Level 1:   Title of Standard:                        I or E *   Cr *   firms and local economic issues will be used as case studies to
           Demonstrate an understanding of                             explain economic theory.
90837                                                   E        4
           internal features of a small business                       Entry requirement: At HoD discretion, with passes in English and
           Apply business knowledge to an                              Mathematics
90839      operational problem(s) in a given small      E        4     Achievement Standards offered:
           business context
                                                                       Level 1:     Title of Standard:                         I or E * Cr *
           Apply the marketing mix to a new or
90840                                                   I        3                  Demonstrate understanding of
           existing product
                                                                       90983        consumer choices using scarcity and/or           E     4
           Investigate aspects of human resource                                    demand
90841                                                   I        3
           processes in a business
                                                                                    Demonstrate understanding of
           Carry out and review a product-based                        90984        decisions a producer makes about                 I     5
90842      business activity within a classroom         I        6                  production
           context with direction
                                                                                    Demonstrate understanding of
Contact person: Mr T. Yung                                             90985                                                         E     3
                                                                                    producer choices using supply
                                                                                    Demonstrate understanding of how
                                                                                    consumer, producer and/or government
                                                                       90986                                                         E     5
                                                                                    choices affect society using market
                                                                                    Demonstrate understanding of a
                                                                       90987        government choice where affected                 I     4
                                                                                    groups have different viewpoints
                                                                       Contact person: Ms K. Price

                                                                                  * E= External   I=Internal    Cr= Credits
Curriculum Guide 2022                                                             UE Lit:         R = Reading   W = Writing    RW = Both
GEOGRAPHY (11GEO)                                                           HISTORY (11HIS)
     Geography is the study of the earth. It seeks to interpret the           Year 11 History offers a broad introduction to the 20th century and
     world, and how it changes over time. Year 11 Geography explores          the role New Zealand has had to play in it.
     current issues facing both the physical and cultural worlds we           Students will explore the origins of the First World War and
     live in and the connections between the two. Students learn to           discover how Māori and British New Zealanders responded to the
     think spatially and use maps, visual images to obtain, present and       outbreak of war.
     analyse information.
                                                                              Next, students will learn about the rise of Nazi Germany, the Great
     Topics covered include: Sustainability, Contemporary issues,             Depression and the Second World War.
     Global patterns, and Extreme natural events.
                                                                              Lastly, they will cover the Civil Rights Movement in the United
     Entry requirement: HoD discretion                                        States from slavery to modern-day Black Lives Matters movement.
     Achievement Standards selected from:                                     This topic concludes with a research inquiry into social change in
                                                                              New Zealand.
     Level 1:    Title of Standard:                         I or E *   Cr *
                                                                              Students will learn valuable skills in research, essay writing and
                 Demonstrate geographic
                                                                              source analysis.
                 understanding of environments that
     91007                                                      E       4     Topics subject to change.
                 have been shaped by extreme natural
                 event(s)                                                     Achievement Standards offered:
                 Demonstrate geographic                                       Level 1:   Title of Standard:                          I or E *   Cr *
     91009       understanding of the sustainable use of        I       3
                 an environment                                                          Carry out an investigation of an
                                                                              91001      historical event or place of significance      I        4
                 Apply concepts and basic geographic                                     to New Zealanders
     91010       skills to demonstrate understanding of         E       4
                 a given environment                                                     Demonstrate understanding of an
                                                                              91002      historical event or place of significance      I        4
                 Conduct geographic research, with                                       to New Zealanders
     91011                                                      I       4
                                                                                         Demonstrate understanding of
                 Describe aspects of a contemporary                                      different perspectives of people in an
     91012                                                      I       3     91004                                                     I        4
                 New Zealand geographic issue                                            historical event of significance to New
                 Describe aspects of a geographic topic                                  Zealanders
     91013                                                      I       3
                 at a global scale                                                       Investigate sources of an historical
     Cost: There may be a cost for fieldwork, maps and materials.             91003      event or place of significance to New          E        4
     Field trip in Northland examining the impacts and responses to                      Zealanders
     flooding.                                                                           Describe the causes and consequences
                                                                              91005                                                     E        4
     Contact person: Mrs R. Gordon                                                       of an historical event
                                                                              Contact person: Mr R. Burrows
                GETTING WORK READY (11GWR)
     This course is designed to be a ‘pre-work experience’ which
     allows students to investigate the various work options that             SUPPORTED LEARNING FACULTY
     exist whilst also learning workplace expectations of behaviour,
     health and safety etc. Students will have the opportunity to
     visit workplaces (e.g. Kiwi Fruit Farm, Bunnings, Carter Holt                          SUPPORTED STUDY (11SS)
     Harvey, Warehouse) to observe entry level options in a variety of        A supported study class will operate at Year 11 for a small number
     industries and to gather information to complete in-class unit           of selected students who have identified learning needs, or need
     standard assessments.                                                    assistance to manage the demands of NCEA assessment. Many
     Unit Standards offered:                                                  of these students will have been in the Supported Learning
                                                                              classes in Years 9 and 10. Students will have one fewer option
     Level 1:    Title of Standard:                         I or E *   Cr *
                                                                              class than other Year 11 students. Supported Study will be co-
                 Describe basic employment rights                             ordinated and supervised by a teacher.
     1978        and responsibilities, and sources of           I       3
                                                                              Students will use supported study time to: organise their notes
                 information and/or assistance
                                                                              and assessment dates and times; gain support with studying for
                 Describe how employee behaviours                             their timetabled classes; improve their literacy and numeracy.
                 and/or attitudes contribute to
     30909                                                      I       2     Entry requirement: Dean and HoD discretion
                 positive workplace relationships and
                 performance                                                  Contact persons: Ms H. Ferguson & Ms K. Sylva
     4249        Describe obligations as an employee            I       3
     56          Respond orally to customer enquiries           I       2
                 Perform calculations for a specified
     64                                                         I       2
     Level 2:
     10781       Produce a plan for future directions           I       3
     Cost: Students will be asked to make a financial contribution
     towards field visits
     Contact person: Mrs L. Cook

     * E= External   I=Internal       Cr= Credits
     UE Lit:         R = Reading      W = Writing   RW = Both                                                               Curriculum Guide 2022
           TECHNOLOGY FACULTY                                                              (11DVC)
                                                                         DVC is structured around design and its visual representation.
        ADVANCED ENGINEERING (11AEG)                                     A design brief approach is used for most problems throughout
Advanced Engineering is an internally assessed course focusing           the course to ensure students fully explore the design process,
on qualifications for students to enter tertiary study in a host of      develop broad graphics communication skills and start to
fields that include, in particular, trade apprenticeships. The course    appreciate good design. Skills in conceptual sketching, design
will suit students who have a desire to produce quality projects in      development and refinement, production drawing and
mainly ferrous materials, and encourage students to develop trade        presentation will be developed through the course. The use of
based skills. Students planning university study in engineering will     CAD programmes is an integral part of this subject and is used to
be advantaged by having done some of the practical components            enhance student design outcomes.
of this course.                                                          Entry requirement: Year 10 DVC
Entry requirement: Preference given to students completing               Achievement Standards offered:
Year 10 Metal Technology and DVC or at HoD discretion
Unit Standards offered:                                                  Level 1:     Title of Standard:                         I or E * Cr *
                                                                         91063        Produce freehand sketches                     E        3
Level 1:   Title of Standard:                         I or E *    Cr *
                                                                                      Produce instrumental multi-view
4433       Simple measuring tools                         I        2     91064                                                      E        3
22923      Develop basic engineering skills               I        12
                                                                                      Produce instrumental, paraline (3D)
22924      Develop a simple product                       I       10     91065                                                      E        3
22926      Demonstrate knowledge of safety                I        2     91066        Use rendering techniques                       I       3
Equipment required: 2B8 hardcover workbook, 30 page clear file           91067        Use the work of an influential designer        I       3
and safety glasses                                                       91068        Develop a design idea                          I       6
Cost: Take home component $50 (approx.)
                                                                         Equipment required: 2H & F pencils
Contact person: Mr P. Yeoman
                                                                         Contact person: Mr P. Yeoman

        ADVANCED WOODWORK (11AWW)                                                    DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY (11DGT)
Advanced Woodwork is an internally assessed course embracing
                                                                         This course focuses on the development of computer science
a series of Industry Unit Standards, as well as related assignments
                                                                         skills for further academic studies in Information Technology.
and practical skills. The project themes require students to make
careful plans and decisions in order to produce high quality             Activities will include:
products. The course is designed to carry over into Year 12 as a pre-     • Research, plan and design a multi-page website for a sport or
apprenticeship programme. It is for students intending to pursue            hobby
a career in wood-based industries including building carpentry,           • Create a formal business report with dynamically linked data
joinery and cabinetmaking. There are Level 2 credits available on           and graphs from a spreadsheet
this course.                                                              • Plan and develop a computer program in Python
Entry requirement: Year 10 Materials Technology/Wood or HoD               • A hands-on activity on how to service a personal computer
discretion                                                                  system
Unit Standards offered:                                                   • Basic concepts of information management
Level 1:   Title of Standard:                          I or E *   Cr *   Entry requirement: Year 10 Digital Technology course or
           Apply elementary workshop
24356                                                     I        8     Achievement Standards offered:
           procedures and processes
25920      Demonstrating knowledge of joinery             I        3     Level 1:     Title of Standard:                         I or E *   Cr *
24352      Safe working practices                         I        2     91880        Develop a digital media outcome               I        4
Level 2:   Title of Standard:                          I or E *   Cr *   91883        Develop a computer program                    I        4
           Construct timber garden furniture and                                      Use basic iterative process to develop a
12932                                                     I        8     91884                                                      I        6
           items of basic construction equipment                                      digital outcome
           Identify, select, maintain and use hand                                    Demonstrate understanding of human
12927                                                     I        6     91887                                                      E        3
           tools                                                                      computer interaction

Cost: Take home component $80 (approx.)                                  Level 2:
Contact person: Mr P. Yeoman                                                          Use the main features of a spreadsheet
                                                                         29770                                                      I        3
                                                                                      application for a purpose
                                                                         Contact person: Mr J. Clark

                                                                                    * E= External   I=Internal    Cr= Credits
Curriculum Guide 2022                                                               UE Lit:         R = Reading   W = Writing    RW = Both
ELECTRONIC PRODUCTS (11ELE)                                             FOOD TECHNOLOGY (11FOOD)
     This subject builds on the essential learning outcomes of Year          The year 11 food course will consist of a mixture of practical and
     10 Electronic Products. It is assessed internally using NCEA            academic work aimed at students who either want to continue on
     Level 1 Achievement Standards in Technology. The course                 in a culinary career or further tertiary study.
     will suit students who have an avid interest in electronics.            Entry requirement: At HoD discretion
     Electronic Products covers the theory of electronics and the
                                                                             Unit Standards offered: TBC
     practical application of the theory. Students will present their
     work in portfolios that detail the research, the design and the         Level 1:   Title of Standard:                        I or E * Cr *
     manufacture of the electronic product. Externally assessed
     standards have been included so that course endorsement is                         Food safety (TBC after contact with
                                                                             167                                                     I      4
     achievable at Merit or Excellence. This course also has 12 Literacy                Service IQ)
     credits associated with it.                                             15901      Fruit and Vegetable preparation              I      3
     Entry requirement: Year 10 Electronics or HoD discretion                19770      Cheese and Egg preparation                   I      2
     Achievement Standards offered:                                          15900      Meat Preparation                             I      4

     Level 1:    Title of Standard:                        I or E *   CV *   21058      Hospitality Pathways                         I      2

                 Undertake brief development to                              21059      Knife Care                                   I      2
     91044                                                      I      4
                 address a need or opportunity                                          Cake, sponges and scones (If time
                                                                             15921 v5                                                I      3
                 Use design ideas to produce a                                          allows)
     91046       conceptual design for an outcome to            I      6     Achievement Standards offered: TBC
                 address a brief
                                                                             90958      Cultural practices                           I      5
                 Rendering techniques to
     91066                                                      I      3     Total of 25 credits on offer
                 communicate the form of design ideas
                 Undertake development to make a                             Equipment required: Covered shoes
     91047                                                      I      6
                 prototype to address a brief                                Cost: Take home component TBC
                 Demonstrate understanding of how                            Contact person: HoD or TIC
     90148       technological modelling supports               E      4
                                                                                           PRODUCT DESIGN (11PRD)
     Equipment required: 2 Ltr container, A4 folder, file dividers, lined
     pad, and a USB flash drive                                              This subject builds on the learning outcomes of Year 10 Product
                                                                             Design. 11 Product Design is aimed towards students who have
     Cost: Take home component $50 (approx.)                                 a good understanding of design concepts. It will be ideal for
     Contact person: Mr J. Anderson                                          students who are interested in design but favour more practical
                                                                             outcomes than 11DVC whilst choosing a more academic option
                                                                             than 11AEG or 11AWW. The course will focus on design and build
      ENGINEERING TRADE ACADEMY (11ENAC)                                     assignments with assessment based on Achievement Standards.
     This course is aimed at boys who have clearly decided on a career       Students will take home a unique high quality product which they
     in Engineering or Automotive and are looking to transition              have designed and made. Skills in conceptual sketching, design,
     from school into the workplace by the end of Year 12. Instead of        development and refinement, presentation and production will
     selecting six subjects this is an integrated course which consists      be built on from Year 10. The use of CAD programmes and CNC
     of one option line of literacy, one option line of numeracy and the     machines are an integral part of this course and are used to
     remainder of the time completing engineering and automotive             enhance student outcomes.
     projects and the associated assessments. The intention of this          Entry requirement: Year 10 DVC or Product Design, HoD
     course is to gain Level 2 NCEA over 2 years. Boys who show good         discretion
     workshop practice will also be given the opportunity to gain
                                                                             Achievement Standards offered:
     workplace safety qualifications and attend a work placement.
     Students will work in groups for several projects.                      Level 1:   Title of Standard:                        I or E * Cr *
     Entry requirement: Selection into the course will require an
                                                                                        Use rendering techniques to
     interview with HoF and Deans. Students will need a history of           91066                                                   I      3
                                                                                        communicate the form of design ideas
     consistently following accepted safety practice in the workshop
     and the ability to work cooperatively and productively with others.                Produce Instrumental multi-view of the
                                                                             91064                                                  E       3
     This course will run from 10:00am until 4:10pm instead of normal                   graphic drawings
     school hours.                                                                      Produce Instrumental paraline
                                                                             91065                                                  E       3
     Unit Standards offered:                                                            drawings to communicate design ideas
     A programme of assessments will be developed to suit the                           Demonstrate understanding of how
     interests and abilities of the group and the practical projects         91048      technological modelling supports            E       4
     they will undertake. These assessments consist of Unit Standards                   decision making
     developed by Engineering and Automotive Industry Training                          Implement basic procedures using
     Organisations.                                                          91057      resistant materials to make a specified      I      6
     Contact person: Mr P. Yeoman                                                       product
                                                                                        Use design ideas to produce a
                                                                             91046      conceptual design for an outcome to          I      6
                                                                                        address a brief
                                                                             Equipment required: A3 visual diary, sketching equipment,
                                                                             standard and coloured pencils, USB flash drive
                                                                             Cost: $50 to cover take home materials
                                                                             Contact person: Mr P. Yeoman

     * E= External   I=Internal       Cr= Credits
     UE Lit:         R = Reading      W = Writing   RW = Both                                                             Curriculum Guide 2022
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