At Mohegan Sun Casino & Resort - New York State ...

At Mohegan Sun Casino & Resort - New York State ...
At Mohegan Sun Casino & Resort
At Mohegan Sun Casino & Resort - New York State ...
The NYSCA Fall
Convention brings
together leaders in
practice, research,
academia and
industry to present
a variety of
education courses
over three days. It   Attendee Profile
will also feature     The NYSCA Spring Convention hosts on average 200+ actively practicing
many exhibiting       Chiropractors, chiropractic assistants, and office managers from across the
companies in its      state. This is the largest annual gathering of Chiropractors in New York.
Exhibition.           Who should exhibit?
                      Companies and firms that offer innovative products and services related to the
                      Chiropractic industry.
                      What is included in my sponsorship package?
                      ● Exhibit Space & One banquet luncheon ticket
                      ● Company listing & website link included with online floor plan listing
                      ● Event Program listing
                        ● Exhibitors may submit their business logo, sized up to ¾”x2” (horizontal)
                        ● Corporate Sponsors may submit an ad size up to 2”x3½” (horizontal)
                      ● Exhibit Amenities: One skirted table, 2-folding chairs, & ID sign.
                        ● Due to physical distancing measures in place, we request that exhibitors
                           limit representatives to two persons per booth.
Learn More              ● Complimentary WIFI (wireless) internet access is available in the
About NYSCA                Convention Center with the use of a 1011B or G WIFI card in your
For more                   laptop. Please note this service is not secure.
information about       ● Electrical access is available as a separate order through the hotel.
the NYSCA, please          Details will be provided in the Exhibitor Kit
visit us online at    ● Exhibitor Kit: Available via e-mail to all paid exhibitors by 01/15/22 (or when
                        registration is processed, whichever is later) and will include any necessary
                        order forms from the venue.
                                                                     Click here: Mohegan Sun
                                                                       Safety Operational Plan
At Mohegan Sun Casino & Resort - New York State ...
How to Reserve
                                                                                                                Exhibit Space
                                                                                                                Online submission
                                                                                                                of the Application
                                                                                                                and Contract for
                                                                                                                Exhibit Space
                                                                                                                along with payment
                                                                                                                is preferred.

                                                                                                                Alternatively you
                                                                                                                may submit a paper
                                                                                                                application via U.S.
                                                                                                                Mail with a check
Exhibits must be staffed at all times during the hours of exhibition. As a courtesy to the registrants          payable to the
  and your fellow exhibitors, NYSCA requests strict adherence to the opening and closing hours.                 NYSCA.
Exhibitor Installation
Friday, April 8 ........................................................................... 11:00am – 1:30 pm
Exhibition Hours
Friday, April 8 ........................................................................... 1:30 pm – 7:00 pm
        Refreshment break ........................................................................ 4:00 pm*
        President’s Welcome Reception......................................... 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Saturday, April 9 .......................................................................7:30 am – 6:30 pm
       Refreshment break—Classroom 1.................................................... 9:00 am*
       Refreshment break—Classroom 2.................................................. 10:00 am*
       Refreshment break—Classroom 1.................................................. 11:00 am*                Payment
       Banquet Luncheon (exhibits closed) .................... 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm                               Schedule
       Exhibitor Appreciation Reception ...................................... 1:30 pm – 2:00 pm                To be considered
       Refreshment break—Classroom 1.................................................... 3:00 pm*               for exhibit space, all
       Refreshment break—Classroom 2.................................................... 4:00 pm*               applications for
       Refreshment break—Classroom 1.................................................... 5:00 pm*               commercial exhibit
Exhibitor Dismantle                                                                                             space must be
Saturday, April 9 ....................................................................... 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm     accompanied by
         Dismantling must be completed by 8:00 pm.                                                              payment in full. We
* Note: Timing of refreshment breaks is approximate. The NYSCA reserves the right to make changes, for          are unable to
compelling reasons, to the hours and dates set forth above. Such changes will be made known in advance.         reserve exhibit
                                                                                                                space without a
Exhibitor Checklist                                                                                             completed
                                                                                                                application with
   Review exhibitor regulations form, sign & return exhibitor contract Mar 11
   Select exhibit space based on floor plan ....................................... Mar 11                     The NYSCA accepts
   Corporate Logo sent to NYSCA: .................. Mar 11                                check, MasterCard,
                                                                                                                Visa, Discover or
   Send conference bag insert to NYSCA ......................................... Mar 11                        American Express.
                                                                                                                Selected exhibitors
   Hotel Reservation cutoff date ...................................................... Mar 25                 will be notified of
   Exhibit materials sent to Demers Expo ............... to arrive Mar 20 - Mar 25                             their table location.
    Contact Demers Expo for specific instructions (860) 882-0003
   Onsite Exhibitor check-in and exhibit space installation ................... Apr 8
At Mohegan Sun Casino & Resort - New York State ...
On/Before     After
                                                                                          03/11/22    03/11/22

                          Exhibitor               Skirted Exhibition Table,                  $900      $1000
                                                  Company logo in program,
                                                  1 (one) Saturday luncheon ticket

                          Exhibitor +             Skirted Exhibition Table,                $1300       $1500
                            Refreshment           Company logo in program,
                            sponsor               Signage at refreshment station,
                                                  1 (one) Saturday luncheon ticket

                          Exhibitor +        Skirted Exhibition Table,                     $2500       $3000
                            Partial luncheon Company logo in program,
                            sponsor          Signage at luncheon entrance,
                                                  1 (one) Saturday luncheon ticket

Exhibitors & Sponsors
are responsible for
submitting their logo
or advertisement in
accordance with
submission guidelines
no later than Friday,           Sponsorship Upgrades                             (Exhibit table not included)
March 11, 2022. Ads             Sponsor Speaker ... min $1500.00 (partial) max $10,000 (exclusive)
must be print quality             Includes company signage (provided by Sponsor) displayed and
and submitted in .jpg              notation with company logo in program. For details, please
or .png format to                  contact the convention coordinator at (518) 312-4236           Sponsor Saturday Lunch (Exclusive $6000.00) ................ $1500.00
Corporate Logo Ad                  Includes company signage (provided by the Sponsor) displayed
is .75” high X 2” wide.            and notation with company logo in program.
Business Card Ad is             Sponsor Friday Cocktail Party ...................................... $3000.00
2” high X 3.5” wide                Cost may be divided among multiple exhibitors/sponsors. Please
                                   contact the Convention Coordinator for details.
                                Sponsor Refreshment Break (Exclusive $1000.00) ............ $500.00
                                   Includes company signage (provided by the Sponsor) displayed
                                   and notation with company logo in program.
                                Sponsor Registration Bags .............................................. $500.00
                                Sponsor Promotional Item in Registration Bags ........... $250.00
                                   (provided by the Sponsor and approved by the NYSCA)
                                Insert in Convention Registration Packets .................... $250.00
                                   (provided by the Sponsor and approved by the NYSCA)
At Mohegan Sun Casino & Resort - New York State ...
Convention participants
play to win $100 cash
This game is free for all                                      Meetings and trade
participants and exhibitors.                                   shows offer opportune
There is no registration                                       times to update your
requirement for exhibitors                                     social media networks
for this game. The only                                        with information as it is
requirement for players is                                     happening and share
that they pre-register for the                                 news and products with
convention and be present                                      your audience.
for the drawing. That’s all
there is to it!

Please notify our exhibitor liaison if your exhibit will         While the possibilities are
be hosting a drawing or raffle. At your request,                 endless, below are a few
your winner may be announced following the                       actionable ways you can
                                                                 take advantage of social
Saturday afternoon break                                         media during a meeting
                                                                 or trade show:

**EXHIBITOR REGISTRATION REQUIRED**                         • Announce that you will be
                                     Convention               exhibiting at the meeting
                                                              or trade show
                                     participants play to
                                     win a $100 Amex        • Send teasers about what
                                     Gift Card.               to expect from your
                                                              company at the event
                                       This fun game is       (i.e. promotions, new
                                       also free for all      products, etc.)
                                       attendees and
                                                            • Tweet reasons to visit
Exhibitors. Exhibitors who wish to participate in the         your booth
scavenger hunt should submit questions to be
incorporated into the scavenger hunt. These questions       • Post photos from your
are basically information the exhibitor wants each            booth
attendee to know about their product or service. For        • Use the meeting hash tag
example a fitness company might submit the question:          in your tweets (NYSCA
“How long does a workout have to be in order to be            2022 Spring Convention:
effective?” Think about the key points you wish to            #NYSCA22)
communicate to booth visitors.
                                                            • Upload videos from your
Drawings will take place in the General Session on            booth to You Tube
Saturday following the afternoon break.
At Mohegan Sun Casino & Resort - New York State ...
The NYSCA is a
statewide professional
association, comprised
entirely of Doctors of
Chiropractic. These
have joined together
in the promotion,
advancement, and
defense of
The NYSCA is
governed by a
democratically elected
Board of Directors and
House of Delegates.
                          NYSCA brings together        Education                              Community
All governing officials
are licensed              Chiropractic profession-                                            NYSCA provides New York
                                                       NYSCA presents ongoing                 Chiropractors the opportunity
Chiropractors who         als in an effort to:
                                                       Continuing Education seminars          to share their struggles and
volunteer their time
                          Enhance the public          throughout the state enabling          successes while working for
and efforts and pay
                          health by assuring           members to easily and                  the collective betterment of
full membership dues.                                                                         the Chiropractic profession
Many of these officials   universal access to safe     economically fulfill their licensing
also serve on             and effective health         requirements. Seminars cover           Communication
committees, often         care.                        such topics as: • Proper practice      NYSCA keeps you up to date
more than one, which                                   procedures • Technique and             on issues affecting chiroprac-
                          Lead chiropractic
are tasked with                                        diagnosis • Evidence Based Best        tic in New York through our
specific projects as      toward full integration in                                          quarterly e-newsletter On the
                          the evolving health care     Practices and Integration •
needs arise.                                                                                  Agenda, regular fax updates,
                          delivery system as the       Insurance Coding • Patient Law         and through our website:
Further, New York                                      and HIPAA compliance
                          treatment of choice for                                   
State is divided into
seventeen regional        the conservative             Legal Advocacy                         NYSCA maintains a dramatic
districts, each having    management of                                                       online presence. Our newly
                          neuromusculoskeletal         NYSCA monitors all legislation in
its own elected                                                                               redesigned website is
                          dysfunction.                 NYS that affects the Chiropractic
officials and hosting                                                                         updated on a regular basis,
monthly meetings and                                   profession. In conjunction with        providing breaking news on
                          Advance research,           our full time lobbyist in Albany,      Chiropractic.
events. Each active
district has              elevate the educational      NYSCA works to protect and    serves as an
representation in the     standards of the             expand practice rights and the         important resource for
House of Delegates to     profession, and embrace      services provided under NYS            prospective patients, allowing
ensure that the voice     the highest professional     workers compensation and auto-         them to find accurate
of each of our            ethics and standards.                                               information on Chiropractic.
                                                       no fault.                              It also helps them locate a
members is heard.
                          Assist the Doctor of                                               doctor by searching our
                                                       Representation                         member database based on
                          Chiropractic - the
                          patient's advocate - in      NYSCA represents chiropractic          hometown, zip-code, or
                                                                                              even the doctor's name.
                          delivering accountable,      interests to the NYS Education
                          coordinated, patient         Department, Chiropractic
                          oriented care to people      Licensing Board, the State
                          of all ages.                 Departments of Insurance and
                                                       Health, and the Worker's
                                                       Compensation Board.
At Mohegan Sun Casino & Resort - New York State ...
Diamond Platinum                            Gold
                                    Annual monetary pledge by
                                    corporate sponsor                         $5,000              $2,500              $1,200
NYSCA Corporate Sponsors are
                                    Linked banner ad on
trusted business partners whose                                      ✓                  n/a                 n/a
valuable    contributions    help
NYSCA achieve its goals in          Advance convention
                                    exhibitor registration                         ✓                   ✓                   ✓
advocating for our members and
their patients. NYSCA Sponsors      Discounts on exhibitor packages         Complementary 25% discount 10% discount
                                    at NYSCA conventions
have a proven track record in       (includes premium exhibitor location)    refreshment  on all exhibitor on all exhibitor
assisting New York chiropractors                                               sponsor      packages         packages
                                                                              $2250 value          $875 value          $350 value
with reaching their individual
practice goals and in staying on    Complementary ad space in
                                    NYSCA’s quarterly newsletter,                  ✓                   ✓                   ✓
the cutting edge of the health      On The Agenda                              Full page            Half page         Quarter page
                                                                              $1300 value          $800 value          $500 value
and wellness revolution in their
communities.     When     NYSCA     Updated membership list for
                                    postal mailing, preprinted on                  ✓                   ✓                   ✓
members are planning to make a      Avery labels                            Up to 4 times per   Up to 2 times per    Up to 1 time per
                                                                            year upon request   year upon request   year upon request
purchasing      decision,     we                                              $800+ value         $400+ value         $200+ value
encourage them to first consider
                                    Listing in the sponsorship directory
products and services offered by                                                   ✓                   ✓                   ✓
NYSCA Sponsors.

                                      Learn more or become a NYSCA Corporate Sponsor:
                                        Visit us online at
At Mohegan Sun Casino & Resort - New York State ...
Exhibit Policies and Procedures

                            Exhibitor Objectives. The Exhibition is meant to              representative must be at the display during all official
                            supplement the professional meetings being held by            hours of the exhibition.
                            providing attendees with the various types of products,       Meeting, Event, and Activity Conduct Policy. The
                            services and information available to them. Exhibitors        NYSCA strives to create a safe, productive and
                            are expected to display their products and/or discuss
NYSCA Contact:              their services with awareness of the professional and
                                                                                          welcoming environment free from discrimination,
Elizabeth Kantrowitz,                                                                     harassment, and retaliation for all who participate in
                            practical needs of the attendees. The NYSCA reserves          NYSCA-sponsored meetings, events and activities
Controller, NYSCA           the right to refuse space to any applicant which, in the      ("events"). For purposes of this policy, harassment
                            opinion of the NYSCA, is unlikely to contribute to the
PO Box 557                  overall objectives of the conference.
                                                                                          includes, but is not limited to, sexual harassment,
Chester NY 10918                                                                          offensive or physically threatening bodily contact, and
                            Contract for Space. The enclosed application for              intimidation or discrimination based on race, religion,        exhibit space, the notices of space assignment by             age, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation,
Phone: (518) 312-4236       NYSCA, and the full payment of rental charges, together       disability, or appearance. Sexual harassment includes
Fax: (518) 312-4249         constitute a contract for a right to use the space.           any unwelcome sexual advances or attention, whether
                            Applications should be filed promptly and must be             physical, virtual, or verbal. Harassment, discrimination
                            accompanied by payment in full.                               or intimidation of any kind will not be tolerated.
Hotel Room                  Exhibit Space Specifications. The specifications of           This policy applies to all who participate in NYSCA-
Reservations:               each exhibit space allow for one table-top exhibit.           sponsored events including, but not limited to,
Mohegan Sun                 Exhibit equipment provided will include a 6' table and        attendees, NYSCA staff, sponsors, vendors, guests,
                            two chairs. For questions about exhibit space, contact        contractors, students, and exhibitors. Participation
Casino & Resort             NYSCA's conference staff for assistance.                      constitutes agreement to comply with this policy as a
1 Mohegan Sun Blvd          Exhibit spaces are assigned on a first come, first served     condition of attendance.
Uncasville, CT 06382        basis. NYSCA must receive payment in full to hold             Suspected violations of this policy should be reported to
                            exhibit space. Please indicate if you have no preference      any member of NYSCA Board of Directors while on site
Group Reservations          and NYSCA conference staff can make the assignment.           at the event or as soon as possible. Violations involving
                            We will do all we can to honor your preferences,              NYSCA staff members or contractors should be reported
Phone: 866-708-1340         however, NYSCA cannot guarantee placement. The                to the NYSCA Executive Director at or in
Online: through Passkey     NYSCA Convention Committee reserves the right to              person if after the event.
Group Code: NYSCA22         make the final determination of all exhibit space             All reports will be treated seriously and investigated
                            assignments.                                                  promptly. At NYSCA’s sole discretion, policy violations
The group rate is:          Location of Exhibits. The NYSCA reserves the right to         may result in removal from or denial of access to NYSCA
                            alter the location of exhibits or booths shown on the         -sponsored meetings, events and activities without
 Earth Tower                official floor plans as it deems advisable, and in the best   refund of any applicable registration fee or other costs
  - Th 4/7/22 $154          interest of the Exhibition; however, no change of             to the participant.
  - Fri 4/8/22 $240         location will be made without full discussion with the        Care of Venue. Exhibitors and/or their agents shall not
                            Exhibitor affected by such change.
  - Sat 4/9/22 $295                                                                       injure or deface the walls, floors/carpets of the building,
                            Installation & Dismantle. Exhibits may be installed in        the booths and/or the equipment or furnishings in the
 Sky Tower                  the area designated between 11:00am-2:00pm on                 exhibit space. The Exhibitor will be held liable for any
  - Th 4/7/22 $174          Friday. Exhibitors are asked not to dismantle or disturb      such damage caused by him or his agent.
  - Fri 4/8/22 $260         their exhibit until after the official closing of the NYSCA   Use of Exhibit Space. No Exhibitor shall assign, sublet
  - Sat 4/9/22 $315         Convention. All exhibits and accompanying supplies            or share the whole or any part of their space allotment
                            must be dismantled and removed from the exhibit area
Single/ Double              by 8:30pm on Saturday.
                                                                                          without consent of the NYSCA and approval of the terms
                                                                                          thereof. No Exhibitor is permitted to show goods other
+ tax & gratuity            Exhibit Arrangements. All exhibits must be arranged           than those manufactured or handled by him or her in
                            so as not to obstruct the general view or hide the            the regular course of business. No firm or organization
The group rate is           exhibits of others. The standard space equipment              who is not assigned space in the exhibit hall will be
                            provided to the Exhibitor by the NYSCA is one 6’ table, 2     permitted to solicit business in any manner within the
available until 03/24/22.   chairs.                                                       exhibit area.
Thereafter, reservations    Food and Beverage. The Venue must cater any food              Direct Selling. In the event that an Exhibitor engages
are accepted on a space     or beverage served in the exhibit area. Please consult        in on-site transactions, the Exhibitor will be responsible
and rate availability.      your Catering/Convention Services Manager for                 for complying with all federal, state and local laws
Please note: Available      assistance.                                                   regarding sales taxes and laws that may pertain to such
inventory may sell out      Unclaimed Space. Any space unclaimed by 12:30pm
prior to cut off date.      on Friday may be reassigned without refund of rental          Entertainment. The Exhibitor agrees not to sponsor or
                            paid; the NYSCA will not be liable for any incurred           host group functions unrelated to the NYSCA
                            expenses.                                                     Convention such as hospitality suites, tours, film
Hotel Recreation &          Cancellations: Cancellations must be made in writing          showings, speeches or other activities during the
                                                                                          meeting and exhibition hours that would in any way
Amenities:                  and received no later than 4 weeks prior to the start of
                                                                                          interfere with attendance at the conference or induce
                            the event; such cancellations shall be subject to a 50%
Fitness Center, Indoor      cancellation fee. No refunds will be provided for             visitors away from the conference. The Exhibitor must
                            cancellations received within one week of the event.          receive approval from the NYSCA for any intended
pool, Salon, Spa, Golf &    NYSCA reserves the right to reassign space not paid in        group functions.
Skiing nearby, & more!      full by 4 weeks prior to the start of the event.              General Restrictions. (A) Exhibitors can distribute
                            Exhibitor Representative Responsibilities. Each               only those food and beverage samples which are
                            Exhibitor must name at least one person to be the             manufactured or handled by them in the regular course
                            official on-site representative and responsible party. The    of business. (B) The NYSCA reserves the right to restrict
                            official representative will receive all relevant materials   exhibits that, because of noise, methods of operation or
                            related to the meeting. That representative shall be          for any reason, becomes objectionable, and also to
                            authorized to enter into such contracts as may be             prohibit or evict without refund any exhibit or person
                            necessary for fulfillment of obligations to the NYSCA and     that in the opinion of the NYSCA may detract from the
                            to other contractors and subcontractors. At least one                                               (Continued on page 9)
At Mohegan Sun Casino & Resort - New York State ...
Exhibit Policies and Procedures                                                                             (cont.)

                               (Continued from page 8)                                        Exhibitor and the NYSCA. All matters and questions not
                               general character of the Exhibition or who interferes in       covered by these regulations are subject to the
                               any way with another exhibiting organization or their          decisions of the NYSCA.
                               exhibit staff. (C) No display material exposing an             Contractor         Services.     Complete      information,
                               unfinished surface to neighboring booths or an aisle will
Airports/Transportation:       be permitted.
                                                                                              instructions and schedules or prices regarding shipping,
Airport:                                                                                      drayage, labor, electrical, furniture, etc. are included in
                               Signs / Banners. Any signs and banners hung in the             the Exhibitor Kit. Exhibitors that intend to use non-
Bradley International          Venue must be professionally made. Hands made signs            NYSCA designated contractor for installation and
TF Green International         are not permitted. No signs or banners may be hung             dismantling or other services must comply with the
                               from or on the walls, air walls or doors.                      NYSCA exhibition rules and regulations, and provide a
*Shuttles are available        Fair Employment. The Exhibitor agrees that during              Certificate of Insurance for liability and workers
                                                                                              compensation, and report to the Exhibitor registration
between BDL and PVD to         the life of this contract he will not discriminate against
                                                                                              table for a pass before entering the exhibit area.
Mohegan Sun. Advance           any NYSCA employee, Venue or other Exhibitor for
                               employment because of race, color, creed, national             Package Handling. Materials can be shipped in
reservations can be made       origin or ancestry. It is the policy of the NYSCA that all     advance to Demers Warehouse; Mohegan Sun will NOT
by calling 888.320.4577x2      parties doing business with the NYSCA adhere to the            accept shipments. Exhibitor is responsible for making
                               principals of, and take reasonable affirmative action to       prepaid inbound and outbound shipping arrangements;
Public Bus:                    ensure positive progress in Equal Opportunity                  collect shipments or shipments billed to Demers will not
                               Employment.                                                    be accepted. Please see the Material Handling Order
Line Runs, Charter Runs                                                                       Form in the exhibitor kit for details on how to make
and Asian Line Runs            Liability and Insurance. The exhibit area may not be
                               located in a securable area of the Venue. The Venue            shipping arrangements through Demers.
For more information,          Management will take reasonable precautions to                 Electrical and Equipment Orders. Please note that
call 888.770.0140.             safeguard the exhibit area, however, the NYSCA and the         electricity is not included and must be ordered from the
                               Venue will not be liable for loss of or damage to              Hotel. The order form for PSAV will be included in the
Taxi:                          property of the Exhibitor or his representatives or            Exhibitor Kit, which will be forwarded to you upon
                               employees from theft, fire, accident or any other cause        acceptance of your application. The Order Form will
Seat Bus 860.886.2631          beyond its control. Neither the NYSCA nor the Venue            detail a listing of telecommunications, electrical,
Yellow Cab 860.443.4321        assume any responsible for unclaimed Exhibitor                 audiovisual services, and prices.
Norwich Taxi 860.848.2227      materials remaining in the exhibit area after the event        All equipment and services must be ordered by the due
                               closes, including but not limited to equipment, signage,       date noted on the order form. The completed
                               displays, promotional materials, etc .
Train:                                                                                        prepayment form must accompany all order forms.
Amtrak 800.USA.RAIL            Indemnification. The Exhibitor assumes responsibility          Orders without pre-payment will not be processed.
                               and agrees to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend the         Please consult your Catering/Convention Services
Metro-North 877.690.5114       NYSCA and the Venue and their respective employees             Manager if you have a request for equipment or services
                               and agents against any claims or expenses arising out          not detailed on the order form.
Mohegan Sun offers             of the use of the exhibition premises.                          IMPORTANT CONDITIONS AND REGULATIONS
complimentary self parking,    The Exhibitor understands that neither the NYSCA nor           1. Wall, column and permanent building utility outlets
as well as 24-hr valet         the Venue maintain insurance covering the Exhibitor’s               are not a part of booth space and are not to be
                               property. The Exhibitor further understands that it is the          used by Exhibitors unless specified otherwise.
parking. Click here for info   sole responsibility of the Exhibitor to obtain such            2. All equipment regardless of source of power must
                               insurance. Exhibitors are advised to insure themselves              comply with all federal and local safety codes.
For more transportation        at their expense against property loss or damage and           3. Claims will not be considered unless filed by
options, click here.           against liability for personal injury. The NYSCA’s liability        Exhibitor prior to the close of the exhibition.
                               for injury to persons or loss or damage to property shall      4. Under no circumstances shall anyone other than a
                               be limited to the Associations staff and agents only. The           Venue engineer make electrical connections to
Restaurants:                   Exhibitor shall indemnify the NYSCA against, and hold it            house outlets.
Fine Dining:                   harmless from negligence of the Exhibitor in connection        5. All equipment must be properly tagged and wired
                               with Exhibitor’s use of display space.                              with complete information as to the type of
Ballo Italian Restaurant;                                                                          current, voltage, phase, cycle, horsepower, etc.
Bobby Flay’s Bar               Fire Regulation. All materials used in the exhibit
                               booths must be made of flame-proof materials and               6. All material and equipment furnished by the Venue
Americain; Michael             conform to all fire department regulations. If the                  for this service order shall remain the Venue’s
Jordan’s Steakhouse;           Exhibitor neglects or violates these regulations, or                property and shall be removed only by the Venue
                                                                                                   at the close of the show.
Todd English’s Tuscany         otherwise incurs fire hazards, the NYSCA may cancel,
                                                                                              7. All Exhibitors’ cords must be of the 3-wire
*Reservations recommended      without refund, all or such part of the exhibit that may
                               be irregular.                                                       grounded type. All exposed non-current carrying
                                                                                                   metal parts of boxed equipment, which are liable to
                               Failure to Open Exhibition. In case the premises of                 be energized, shall be grounded.
Casual dining, buffet,         the Venue shall be destroyed or damaged, or if the             8. Advance orders must be received a minimum of
nightclubs, and more also      NYSCA Exhibition fails to take place as scheduled or is             five (5) days prior to scheduled Exhibitor’s arrival
available. Learn more!         interrupted and/or discontinued, or access to the                   for move in.
                               premise is prevented or interfered with by reason of any       9. The Venue is not responsible for equipment
                               strike, lockout, injunction, act of war, act of God, act of         malfunction / damage.
                               terrorism, emergency declared by any government                10. When contacting the Venue, please record the
                               agency, or for any other reason, this contract may be               name and extension of the individuals you talked
                               terminated by the NYSCA. In the event of such                       with.
                               termination, the Exhibitor waives any and all damages          11. At no time will any Exhibitor, groups or person
                               and claims for damages and agrees that the sole liability           hang items / objects from any walls or ceiling. All
                               of the NYSCA shall be to return to each Exhibitor his               banners, flags, etc. must be authorized and
                               space payments, less his pro rata share of all costs and            installed by the Venue Engineering Department.
                               expenses incurred and committed by the NYSCA.                       Installation or hanging of all materials will be at a
                               Regulations and Contract. These regulations have                    one-hour minimum charge. Changes or additional
                               been formulated in the best interest of all concerned               moves will be billed separately.
                               and become a part of the contract between the
At Mohegan Sun Casino & Resort - New York State ...
NYSCA 2022 Spring Convention | Exhibit Hall
                                            45            44         43     42

               46                           38            39         40     41

Classroom     Speaker
    A1        Sponsor
                                       Speaker Sponsor
                                         Lewin&Baglio     37         36     35

                                            31            32                33            34
                                            30            29                28            27

Classroom      47                           23            24         25     26
    A2      Corp Sponsor
                                       Speaker Sponsor
                                         Footlevelers     22         21     20

                                            16            17                18            19

                                            15            14                13            12

Classroom      48                             8           9          10     11
            Premier Corp                Diamond Corp

    A3        Sponsor
                                           Labcorp        7          6        5
            Chiropractor                                                  Stat Biomed

                                              1           2          3        4
                                           NYCPAC                         NCHS (NYCC)
                           EXIT ONLY
                                                                                    to Registration
                   April 8-10, 2022 at Mohegan Sun Casino & Resort
                                                      April 8-10, 2022
                                                 Mohegan Sun Casino & Resort
                                            1 Mohegan Sun Blvd, Uncasville CT 06382
                                            (877) 664-3426 |

                                     Application and Contract for Exhibit Space
All exhibitor applications and payments must be received by March 11, 2022. Please print clearly.
Company Name:

Primary Contact:                                                 E-mail:

Mailing Address:

City:                                                            State:                             Zip:

Phone:                                                           Fax:

Exhibit space assignments are on a first come, first serve basis at the discretion of the Convention Committee.
Exhibit space consists of one skirted table and two chairs. PSAV/Electricity is NOT included and must be ordered through
the hotel. Exposition services must be requested through Demers Events and Expo Services.

Lunch Tickets:                     Not attending                Exhibit Preference:                Total Cost:
Chicken Breast:                   _____________
                                                                 Please make 2 booth selections     Exhibit Pkg   $_____________
Salmon Fillet:                    _____________
                                                                 in the order of your preference.
Vegetarian:                       _____________                                                     Upgrades      $_____________
Additional Lunch Tickets (one included in exhibit cost)
                                                                 1st Pref:      _____________       Add’l Lunches $_____________
Adult:                            _____________ @ $40.00
Children under 10:                _____________ @ $25.00
                                                                 2nd Pref:      _____________       Total         $_____________

Please print clearly the names of up to two (2) participants requiring badges and contact info for exhibitor bulletins:

Name 1:                                                          E-mail:

Name 2:                                                          E-mail:

                                                    Payment Information
If paying by credit card, please submit payment for your exhibit space using our online application for
Exhibit Space. Submission of an additional paper application is not required when completing your
application online. OR, you may submit your application via U.S. Mail with a check payable to New York
State Chiropractic Association. Payment in full must accompany contract submission.
As your company’s authorized representative and agent, as the signee on behalf of your company, by signing below you acknowledge
necessary when submitting your application and payment online. Alternatively, you may send a check along with that you have read,
understand, and agree to abide by all of the rules, regulations, and provisions governing this exposition.

Authorized Signature:                                                                               Date:

Print Name:                                                      Print Title:

                                ALL APPLICATIONS MUST BE RECEIVED BY FRIDAY, FEB 11, 2022
                                           Return the application via mail or fax to:
                                         NYSCA PO Box 557, Chester NY 10918
                                      Phone (518) 312-4236 | Fax (518) 312-4249
Dates and location for the NYSCA
                                     2022 Fall Convention coming soon!

                                     Additional sponsorship opportunities may be available
                                     at the district level. Please contact the individual
                                     districts for more information.

Please contact the
                                     For more information about the NYSCA, please visit us
Exhibit Manager
                                     online at
Elizabeth Kantrowitz


NYSCA 2022 Spring Convention Exhibitor Prospectus

               New York State
               Chiropractic Association

        PO Box 557, Chester NY 10918
        518-312-4236 ph 518-312-4249 Fax
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