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Open Forum Infectious Diseases

Association Between SARS-CoV-2 Cycle Threshold Values
and Clinical Outcomes in Patients With COVID-19:
A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Vishal P. Shah,1, Wigdan H. Farah,1 James C. Hill,1 Leslie C. Hassett,2 Matthew J. Binnicker,3 Joseph D. Yao,3 and M. Hassan Murad1
Division of Preventive, Occupational and Aerospace Medicine, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, USA, 2Mayo Clinic Libraries, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, USA, and 3Division of Clinical
Microbiology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, USA

                                                                                                                                                                                                 Downloaded from by guest on 28 November 2021
Cycle threshold (CT) values are correlated with the amount of viral nucleic acid in a sample and may be obtained from some quali-
tative real-time polymerase chain reaction tests used for diagnosis of most patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome corona-
virus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). However, CT values cannot be directly compared across assays, and they must be interpreted with caution as
they are influenced by sample type, timing of sample collection, and assay design. Presently, the correlation between CT values and
clinical outcomes is not well understood. We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of published studies through April
19, 2021, that reported an association between CT values and hospitalization, disease severity, and mortality in patients ≥18 years
old with SARS-CoV-2. A meta-analysis of 7 studies showed no significant difference in mean CT values between hospitalized and
nonhospitalized patients. Among hospitalized patients, those with CT values 30 (odds ratio [OR], 2.31; 95% CI, 1.70 to 3.13; and OR, 2.95; 95% CI, 2.19 to 3.96; respectively).
The odds of increased disease severity and mortality were less pronounced in patients with CT values of 25–30 compared with >30.
   Keywords. clinical outcomes; COVID-19; cycle threshold; meta-analysis; prognosis; SARS-CoV-2.

Infection with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2                                       diagnosed with real-time polymerase chain reaction (rtPCR)
(SARS-CoV-2) may lead to a spectrum of disease, ranging from                                         assays, which are most commonly qualitative tests (ie, providing
asymptomatic infection to severe symptomatic coronavirus dis-                                        a positive or negative result). Many rtPCR assays can provide a
ease 2019 (COVID-19). As of May 5, 2021, there have been over                                        cycle threshold (CT) value, which refers to the number of PCR
32 million confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the United States,                                         cycles required to generate target amplification (as measured by
resulting in >5 million hospitalizations [1, 2]. Among hospi-                                        fluorescence) that is distinguishable from baseline fluorescence
talized patients with COVID-19, roughly one-third of patients                                        [13]. Using a standard curve correlating CT values to different
have required intensive care unit (ICU) admission, and 1 in 9                                        known concentrations of SARS-CoV-2 virions, a quantitative
patients have died [3–6].                                                                            viral load can be determined in a given clinical specimen.
   Current known host risk factors for progression to se-                                               While CT value is inversely proportional to viral load, this
vere COVID-19 include advanced age, male sex, and cer-                                               correlation is nonlinear, and many factors influence this as-
tain comorbidities including obesity and heart failure [7–9].                                        sociation, including sample collection and rtPCR assay [14].
Laboratory values such as interleukin-6 level, C-reactive pro-                                       Additional limitations in the use of CT values in patients with
tein level, and peripheral blood lymphocyte count have also                                          SARS-CoV-2 include the impact of the timing of sample col-
been correlated with disease severity [10–12].                                                       lection, as generally earlier in the disease course individuals
   There has also been interest in assessing the impact of viral                                     will have a higher viral load. Despite these limitations, there is
load on clinical outcomes. Most patients with COVID-19 are                                           widespread interest among clinicians in how the CT value can
                                                                                                     be used to better manage patients infected with SARS-CoV-2.
  Received 30 June 2021; editorial decision 25 August 2021; accepted 30 August 2021.                    However, a gap remains in the knowledge of the clinical utility
  Correspondence: Vishal Shah, MD, MPH, Department of Preventive, Occupational, and                  of CT values to aid in prognostication of patients with COVID-19.
Aerospace Medicine, Mayo Clinic, 200 First St. SW, Rochester, MN 55905 (shah.vishal1@
                                                                                                     An early systematic review evaluated the clinical utility of CT values
Open Forum Infectious Diseases®2021                                                                  in patients with COVID-19, but this analysis only included 1 study
© The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Infectious Diseases          on disease progression and another study on patient mortality
Society of America. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs licence (
                                                                                                     [15]. Several studies have reported noncorrelative results between
licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/), which permits non-commercial reproduction and distribution of the           clinical outcomes in patients with COVID-19 and both SARS-
work, in any medium, provided the original work is not altered or transformed in any way, and that
                                                                                                     CoV-2 viral load and CT values [16–21]. These discrepancies may
the work is properly cited. For commercial re-use, please contact                                                                 be due, in part, to different technologies used, timing of testing,

                                                                                                                             A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis • ofid • 1
and differing criteria for assessing clinical outcomes at varying in-   Data Collection
stitutions across the globe. Given this uncertainty, we conducted a     Two reviewers abstracted data from each included study
systematic review and meta-analysis to assess the association be-       (V.P.S. and W.H.F.). Disagreements were resolved by discussion.
tween CT values and clinical outcomes, including the risk of hospi-     When multiple studies from the same data set were reported,
talization among patients with COVID-19 and the risk of disease         we included only the largest data set. If a study reported the use
severity and death in such patients.                                    of multiple rtPCR assays, data were abstracted and synthesized
                                                                        separately for each assay.
METHODS                                                                    For each outcome of interest, adjusted odds ratios (ORs) for low
                                                                        (CT 30)
This study was registered in PROSPERO (CRD42021235617),
                                                                        CT values were collected. If unavailable or not reported, data from
and findings were reported according to the Meta-analysis Of
                                                                        tables were abstracted and unadjusted odds ratios were calculated.
Observational Studies in Epidemiology (MOOSE) guideline
                                                                        If data were reported but were insufficient for meta-analysis (eg,
(Supplementary Data).
                                                                        graphic data), authors were contacted for more details.

                                                                                                                                               Downloaded from by guest on 28 November 2021
Outcomes of Interest
                                                                           Additionally, the mean CT value and SD for each outcome were
We sought to identify published studies evaluating the asso-            collected if available (eg, survivor vs nonsurvivor mean CT values).
ciation between CT values and 3 distinct outcomes among                 If mean CT values and SD data were not available, information was
patients with a confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection: (1) need                imputed from interquartile ranges. Sample population, sample
for hospitalization; and among hospitalized patients, (2)               source, and rtPCR platform data were also collected.
disease severity (WHO Severity scale grade 5 or higher,
                                                                        Risk of Bias Assessment
specifically invasive or noninvasive ventilation and/or ICU
                                                                        Risk of Bias assessment was performed using a modified Newcastle-
need); (3) in-hospital and 30-day mortality.
                                                                        Ottawa scale by 2 independent reviewers (V.P.S. and W.H.F.)
Data Sources and Search Strategies
                                                                        (Supplementary Data). Disagreements were resolved by discussion
A comprehensive search of several databases from January 1,             and consensus. We assessed the representativeness of the study pop-
2019, through January 28, 2021, limited to the English lan-             ulation, selection of the nonexposed cohort, comparability, and out-
guage and excluding animal studies, was conducted. Given the            come assessment. A quantitative score for risk of bias was not used,
rapid pace of publications, the search was repeated on April 19,        but we focused on the most critical element of bias in this specific
2021. The databases included Ovid MEDLINE and Epub Ahead                context, which was adjustment for confounders [22].
of Print, In-Process & Other Non-Indexed Citations and Daily,
                                                                        Data Synthesis
Ovid Embase, Ovid Cochrane Central Register of Controlled
                                                                        Studies that reported ORs or reported data from which odds
Trials, Ovid Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Web of
                                                                        ratios could be calculated were analyzed separately from studies
Science, and Scopus. The search strategy was designed and con-
                                                                        that reported CT values as continuous variables for outcomes
ducted by a medical reference librarian (L.C.H.) with input from
                                                                        of interest. If studies reported CT values both as categorical and
the study investigators. Controlled vocabulary supplemented
                                                                        continuous variables, the study was evaluated as part of the syn-
with keywords was used to search for studies describing the as-
                                                                        thesis that had the larger data set.
sociation between SARS-CoV-2 CT values and clinical outcomes.
                                                                           Because of heterogeneity across study settings and popula-
The actual strategy listing all search terms used and how they are
                                                                        tions, the DerSimonian-Laird random effect model as imple-
combined is described in the Appendix (Supplementary Data).
                                                                        mented in the OpenMeta Analyst software package was used
Eligibility Criteria and Study Selection
                                                                        [23]. Heterogeneity was assessed using the I2 statistic, with
We included cohort studies, randomized controlled trials,               low heterogeneity being 75%. Heterogeneity was explored using subgroup ana-
adults ≥18 years, (2) publication in English, (3) reported CT value     lyses by sample source, rtPCR assay, use of adjusted vs unad-
data, (4) specified sample source (eg, nasopharyngeal swab), (5)        justed ORs, and risk of bias. We were unable to statistically
specified rtPCR assay, (6) minimum 5 study subjects with speci-         evaluate the presence of publication bias due to the small
fied outcome of interest, and (7) full manuscript available.            number of studies included per analysis.
   Each study was assessed for inclusion by 2 independent re-
viewers, first by screening the publication title and abstract
and subsequently by analyzing content in the full-text articles         Study Selection and Characteristics
(V.P.S., W.H.F., or J.C.H.). Discordance of study data was re-          The search yielded 459 potentially relevant articles, of which
solved by evaluation by a third reviewer or discussion on eligi-        21 studies met inclusion criteria (Figure 1). Study character-
bility and consensus agreement.                                         istics are listed in Tables 1–3 for each outcome. A total of 18

2 • ofid • Shah et al
studies contributed data to the meta-analysis. Overall, 8 and 10                            analysis [21]. Seven studies (n = 3291 patients) were analyzed,
studies reported CT values as categorical and continuous vari-                              and 4 studies reported higher CT values in hospitalized patients,
ables, respectively, in relation to outcomes of interest and were                           1 of which did not reach statistical significance. Three studies
synthesized collectively for each outcome.                                                  reported lower mean CT values among hospitalized patients,
                                                                                            1 of which did not reach statistical significance. Meta-analysis
Risk of Bias Assessment                                                                     found no difference in the mean CT value between hospitalized
Overall, 15 studies had a high risk of bias (Supplementary Data).                           and nonhospitalized patients with SARS-CoV-2 with high het-
Three studies were deemed to have a moderate risk of bias.                                  erogeneity (0.062; 95% CI, –1.933 to 2.056; I2 = 92.71%) (Figure
Meta-analysis                                                                                  For disease severity among hospitalized patients, 4 studies
For the outcome of hospitalization, 1 study reported only cat-                              (n = 2347 patients) reported categorical CT values. Hospitalized
egorical CT values, and thus we were not able to perform an                                 patients with CT values
Table 1.     Summary of Studies Evaluating Association Between CT Values and Hospitalization

                                                                                                                                                                           Lower CT
                                                                                                                                                                           Values Associ-
                                                  City, State, Study Enroll-       Sample Sample                                                                           ated With Hos-
                        Author            Year    Country      ment Period          Size  Source            rtPCR Assay           Comparator        Reference Group        pitalization   Summary

                        Ade et al.       2021     Western        March              1077      NP            Qiagen QIAgility      Hospitalized      Nonhospitalized        No                  There was no significant difference in mean CT values between hospi-

4 • ofid • Shah et al
                          [37]                     Ger-           15–Sep-                                                           patients          patients                                   talized and nonhospitalized patients with SARS-CoV-2.
                                                   many           tember
                        Amodio           2020     Palermo,       February            381      Nasal,        Thermo Fisher         Hospitalized      Nonhospitalized        Yes                 After adjusting for age and sex, authors found a lower risk of hospitali-
                          et al. [38]               Italy          24–April 8,                  pharyn-       Scientific            patients          patients                                    zation with higher CT values (aOR, 0.95; 95% CI, 0.91 to 0.99).
                                                                   2020                         geal, or      TaqMan
                                                                                                NP            (custom)
                        Faico-Filho      2020     São Paulo,     March 17–           875      NP            Thermo Fisher         Hospitalized      Nonhospitalized        No                  Study participants who did not require hospitalization had lower mean
                          et al. [39]               Brazil        June 17,                                    Scientific            patients          patients and                               CT values than patients who required hospitalization.
                                                                  2020                                        AgPath-ID                               health care
                        Koureas          2021     Thessaly,      April 8–June        142      OP            AriaMx Real-time Hospitalized           Nonhospitalized        Yes                 During an outbreak investigation, index cases were evaluated for their
                          et al. [40]               Greece         4, 2020                                     PCR System;     patients               patients                                   CT values and followed up for need for hospitalization. Cases who
                                                                                                               Roche Cobas;                                                                      required hospitalization had lower mean CT values.
                                                                                                               Qiagen Rotor-
                                                                                                               Gene Q ana-
                        Maltezou         2021     Athens         February            518      NP or OP      Genesig COVID-        Patients with     Patients with          No                  In univariate analyses, compared with patients with CT >30 or 25–30,
                         et al. [21]                and            26–May 3,                                  19 CE-IVD             CT 30                                      patients with CT
Table 2.         Summary of Studies Evaluating the Association Between CT Values and Disease Severity Among Hospitalized Patients

                                                                                                                                                                                                              Lower CT Values
                                                                                City, State,    Study Enroll-     Sample   Sample                                                             Reference       Associated With
                                                   Author               Year    Country         ment Period        Size    Source          rtPCR Assay           Comparator                   Group           Disease Severity     Summary

                                                   de la Calle        2021      Madrid, Spain   March 1–March      455     NP              Thermo Fisher Sci-    Patients with CT 30                               ease, chronic lung disease, immunosuppression, smoking status,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      presence of dyspnea, abnormal chest x-ray findings on admission,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      severe lymphopenia (≤0.7 × 103 cells/μL), LDH ≥350 U/L, and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      C-reactive protein ≥6 mg/dL, CT value 30 among hospitalized patients.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Similarly, this association was significant for patients with CT 25–30
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      compared with >30 (aOR, 1.81; 95% CI, 1.02 to 3.22).
                                                   Faico-Filjo        2020      São Paulo,      March 17–June      376     NP              Thermo Fisher Sci-    Patients requiring the ICU   Hospitalized    Yes                  Among hospitalized patients with SARS-CoV-2, patients who required
                                                      et al. [39]                 Brazil          17, 2020                                   entific AgPath-ID                                  patients                             ICU-level care had lower mean CT values compared with other
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     hospitalized patients.
                                                   Fukushima          2021      Tokyo, Japan    March 24–May         19    NP              LDT                   Patients who required        Hospitalized    Yes                  Among hospitalized patients with a chest CT confirming COVID pneu-
                                                      et al. [45]                                 14, 2020                                                          the ICU, mechanical         patients                             monia who were initially hospitalized in a non–intensive care unit,
                                                                                                                                                                    ventilation, or died                                             patients who subsequently died or needed mechanical ventilation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     or ICU care had lower mean CT values compared with other hospi-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     talized patients.
                                                   Gaston et al.      2020      Connecticut,    March 1–May         25     NP or           LDT; Cepheid Xpert    Patients who required        Hospitalized    No                   Among a cohort of patients with solid organ transplant, mean CT
                                                     [46]                         USA             25, 2020                   OP + NP         Xpress                 noninvasive positive        patients                             scores did not significantly differ between patients who required
                                                                                                                                                                    pressure ventilation,                                            ICU-level care and other hospitalized patients.
                                                                                                                                                                    mechanical ventilation,
                                                                                                                                                                    ICU, or who died
                                                   Guo et al.         2020      Guangdong       January 13–        195     NP              LDT                   Patients requiring me-       Hospitalized    Yes                  Patient requiring ICU-level care had lower mean CT values compared
                                                     [47]                         Province,        February 28,                                                     chanical ventilation or     patients                              with other hospitalized patients.
                                                                                  China            2020                                                             ICU, or with shock
                                                   Magleby            2020      New York,       March 30–April     678     NP              Roche Cobas           Patients with CT 30                               dyspnea, infiltrates on chest x-ray, patients with CT 30 (aOR, 2.73; 95% CI, 1.68 to 4.44). This finding did not reach
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      significance for patients with CT 25–30 compared with >30 (aOR,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      1.59; 95% CI, 0.96–2.63).
                                                   Maltezou           2021      Athens and      February           518     NP or OP        Genesig COVID-19      Patients with CT 30 or
                                                     et al. [21]                   Thessa-        26–May 3,                                  CE-IVD real-time       25–30                        CT >30                               25–30, patients with CT value
Table 3.      Summary of Studies Evaluating the Association Between CT Values and Mortality Among Hospitalized Patients

                                                                                                                                                           Lower CT
                                                              Study En-                                                                                    Values Asso-
                                             City, State,     rollment      Sample Sample                                                   Reference      ciated With
                        Author          Year Country          Period         Size Source          rtPCR Assay             Comparator        Group          Mortality    Summary

                        Bryan et al. 2020 Washington, NR                       109    NP          Hologic Panther         Patients with     Patients       Yes             After adjusting for SARS-CoV-2 antibody status, age, and sex, hospitalized patients with

6 • ofid • Shah et al
                          [48]             USA                                                      Fusion; LDT             CT 22                          4.20; 95% CI, 1.62 to 10.86).
                        Choudhuri       2020 New York,        March 26–      1044     NP          Hologic Panther         Patients with Patients   Yes                     After adjusting for age, sex, BMI, hypertension, and diabetes, patients with CT 32.9                            95% CI, 2.3 to 6.2; and aOR, 2.63; 95% CI, 1.6 to 4.2; respectively).
                        de la Calle     2021 Madrid,          March            455    NP          Thermo Fisher Sci- Patients with          Patients       Yes (No for Adjusting for age, cardiovascular disease, chronic renal disease, smoking history, tach-
                          et al.              Spain            1–18,                                entific TaqMan     CT 30 (aOR, 2.04; 95% CI, 1.44–4.00). These increased odds of mortality
                                                                                                                                                             with >30)   were not found in patients with CT 25–30 compared with >30.
                        Faico-Filjo     2020 São Paulo,       March 17–        376    NP          Thermo Fisher           Nonsurvivors      Survivors      Yes             Among hospitalized patients with SARS-CoV-2, patients who did not survive had lower
                          et al.               Brazil          June 17,                             Scientific                                                               mean CT values at the time of diagnosis compared with survivors. Compared with pa-
                          [39]                                 2020                                 AgPath-ID                                                                tients with CT >24, hospitalized patients with a CT 30 or 25–30, patients with CT
more severe disease compared with patients with CT values >30                           who required ICU-level care did not change [25, 26]. Young
(OR, 2.31; 95% CI, 1.70 to 3.13; and OR, 1.45; 95% CI, 1.06 to                          et al. reported a prospective observational study of 100 pa-
1.97, respectively) (Figure 3). There was low heterogeneity for                         tients from Singapore in which 20 patients had pneumonia
these outcomes (I2 = 0%). Analysis of 4 studies (n = 675 pa-                            and hypoxia and found no difference in CT values compared
tients) found a mean CT difference of –5.22 (95% CI, –7.11 to                           with patients without pneumonia [27]. However, there was
–3.32) in patients with severe disease compared with nonsevere                          no separate analysis for the 12 patients who required ICU
disease among hospitalized patients, also with low heteroge-                            care. Yu et al. reported a study from China of 92 patients com-
neity (I2 = 42.07%) (Figure 3C).                                                        paring baseline CT values in patients with severe disease with
   For the outcome of mortality, 7 studies (n = 6053 patients)                          CT values in those with mild or moderate disease on admis-
reported categorical CT values. While Magleby et al. reported                           sion [28]. They found that patients with more severe disease
on the relationship between CT values and mortality, this data                          on admission, as well as patients who went on to have severe
set was also included in the report by Westblade et al., which                          disease during their hospitalization, had lower admission CT
was a larger data set [20, 24]. Thus, the synthesis did not include                     values compared with those with mild or moderate disease.

                                                                                                                                                                   Downloaded from by guest on 28 November 2021
data from Magleby et al. for the mortality outcome to avoid du-                         However, disease severity was not defined.
plication of results. Hospitalized patients with CT values 30 (OR, 2.95; 95% CI, 2.19 to 3.96) (Figure 4A).
There was moderate heterogeneity (I2 = 53.25%), which did                               This systematic review and meta-analysis did not find an asso-
not change significantly during a subgroup analysis by risk of                          ciation between CT values and hospitalization of persons with
bias or rtPCR assay (data not shown). In subgroup analysis by                           SARS-CoV-2. Four studies reported higher CT values in hospi-
sample source, the 6 studies that utilized only nasopharyngeal                          talized patients, while 3 studies reported lower CT values. The
swab had low heterogeneity (I2 = 28.9%) (Figure 4B).                                    single study that reported only OR for the outcome of hospi-
   Hospitalized patients with CT values of 25–30 compared                               talization also found no association between low CT value and
with >30 also had an increased mortality risk (OR, 1.59; 95%                            risk of hospitalization [21]. There was high heterogeneity in the
CI, 1.19 to 2.14) with low heterogeneity (I2 = 41.19%), though                          data, which did not significantly decrease in subgroup analysis
this finding was driven by a single large study (Figure 4C) [24].                       by sample source (data not shown). These 7 studies from 6 dif-
Three additional studies (n = 1382 patients) reported on the re-                        ferent countries utilized 6 different rtPCR assays, which may
lationship between mean CT values and mortality in hospitalized                         account for the difference in results. Additionally, the different
patients and found a lower mean CT value among nonsurvivors                             study periods and local disease dynamics may contribute to
than survivors (OR, –4.27; 95% CI, –6.38 to –2.16) with high                            the heterogeneity in the reported data. If testing was limited
heterogeneity (I2 = 83.88%).                                                            or delayed, this could also have an impact on the comparator
   Three studies did not provide sufficient data for meta-                              group and may, in part, account for some of the observed het-
analysis and are summarized narratively. Piubelli et al. re-                            erogeneity. The certainty of a lack of association is also limited
ported 373 patients from a single center in Italy and reported                          by different standards for hospitalization globally, particularly
CT values by month. CT values decreased from March 2020                                 early in the COVID-19 pandemic when many institutions were
through April 2020 with decreased ICU need, consistent with                             admitting all patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection regardless of
a waning epidemic trajectory, but the CT values for patients                            symptoms.

   Studies                                       Estimate (95% CI)

  Ade et al 2021                            0.800   (–0.237,         1.837)
  Ammodio et al 2020                       –3.000   (–4.311,        –1.689)
  Faíco–Filho et al 2020                    2.860     (1.869,        3.851)
  Koureas et al 2021                       –5.880   (–9.160,        –2.600)
  McEllistrem et al 2021                    8.020     (3.531,       12.509)
  Seeni et al 2021                         –2.790   (–5.843,         0.263)
  Yagci et al 2020                          1.390     (0.628,        2.152)

  Overall (I 2 = 92.71%, P < .001)          0.062 (–1.933,           2.056)

                                                                              –10              –5             0               5              10            15
                                                                                                          Meam difference in CT values

Figure 2.   Forest plot of mean CT value difference between hospitalized and nonhospitalized patients. Abbreviation: CT, cycle threshold.

                                                                                                                A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis • ofid • 7
3A: CT 30. C, Mean CT value difference between
patients with severe and nonsevere disease in subgroup analysis by sample source. Abbreviation: CT, cycle threshold.

   For the disease severity and mortality outcomes, CT value                         this finding, our analyses also revealed a lower mean CT value
data were evaluated both as a numerical difference between                           among those with more severe disease (Figure 3C). Contrary
outcomes and as a categorical variable depending upon how                            to the other 3 studies, Gaston et al. found no mean difference
individual studies reported data. Comparing outcomes across                          in those with more severe outcomes, though confidence inter-
studies using categorical CT values is challenging due to varia-                     vals overlapped with other studies. However, this study was in
tions in sample collection and the rtPCR platform utilized be-                       patients with a solid organ transplant, representing a unique
tween studies. Evaluating mean differences in CT values has the                      patient population. Overall, we observed low heterogeneity in
advantage of canceling out systematic differences within studies                     the data.
such as testing availability and the rtPCR platform, which al-                          Among patients hospitalized with COVID-19, lower CT values,
lows for more robust comparisons between studies.                                    particularly CT values 30. This analysis included
lower CT values had more severe disease necessitating noninva-                       the study by Shah et al., which evaluated mortality among pa-
sive ventilation, mechanical ventilation, or ICU admission. This                     tients with severe disease, defined as having pulse oximetry read-
association was most notable when comparing patients with                            ings of
4A: CT 30. D, Mean CT value difference between survivors and nonsurvivors. Abbreviations: CT, cycle threshold; NP, nasopharyngeal.

                                                                                                                      A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis • ofid • 9
subgroup analysis by sample source (Figure 4B). The associa-        that may not have been reported or published. In addition,
tion between CT values and mortality was less pronounced when       time from symptom onset to sample collection or testing
comparing hospitalized patients with CT values of 25–30 with        was not considered in this evaluation as such data were not
patients with CT values of >30, driven largely by a single study    widely reported in published studies. Most studies were con-
(Figure 4C). Our analysis also revealed higher mean CT values       ducted earlier in the pandemic, when rtPCR testing was more
among survivors compared with nonsurvivors.                         limited and individuals were immune-naive. Findings from
   Interestingly, there have been mixed reports of the associ-      this analysis may not be applicable to those with immunity
ation between viral load and outcomes in patients with other        through vaccination or prior infection. Furthermore, most
respiratory illnesses. A low CT was not associated with wors-       studies were found to have a high risk of bias, largely due to
ened outcomes in patients with influenza [30]. Duncan et al.        not adjusting for potential confounding variables that are
evaluated adults with respiratory syncytial virus and showed        known to affect outcomes assessed in this study, such as age,
that higher viral loads were not independent predictors of hos-     gender, and use of therapeutics. Additionally, study popula-
pitalization, but peak viral load was a predictor for mechanical    tion was mostly done by convenience sampling, which can

                                                                                                                                        Downloaded from by guest on 28 November 2021
ventilation [31]. Hung et al. performed a prospective study of      lead to significant selection bias. Therefore, using the GRADE
154 patients infected with the original SARS-CoV in 2003 and        approach to evaluate certainty in the meta-analytic estimates,
found that higher viral load later in the disease course was as-    we judged this certainty to be very low due to risk of bias and
sociated with increased rates of mechanical ventilation and         heterogeneity [36].
death [32]. These mixed reports have been described in patients
with SARS-CoV-2, and the heterogeneity in the data may be, in       Future Directions
part, due to different sample populations, sample sources, and      Further prospective research that takes into account con-
rtPCR assays.                                                       founding factors such as age, gender, comorbidities, and dura-
   The timing of clinical specimen collection is critical and may   tion from symptom onset to testing would further add to the
impact the CT value as well. A study by Hu et al. suggested that    knowledge base on the clinical utility of the CT value. A pro-
viral load peaks shortly after symptom onset then declines in       spective serial evaluation of CT values in patients with multiple
a steady manner [33]. Early in the disease course, patients in-     risk factors for severe disease could aid in determining whether
fected with SARS-CoV-2 generally have low CT values, with no        persistently high levels of viral RNA early in the disease course
discernable difference between those who require hospitaliza-       are related to worse outcomes and whether patients who are
tion and those who do not. However, as symptoms progress            able to mount an immunologic response and clear more virus
and those who require hospitalization present for medical care,     have improved outcomes. Additional evaluation of viral load
patients with persistently high viral loads may have a wors-        and CT value dynamics in emerging variants and in popula-
ened prognosis, which may be predicted using the CT value as a      tions with immunity would also be valuable. Development and
surrogate marker. This correlation may also be age-dependent.       availability of quantitative rtPCR assays would allow for stand-
Faes et al. evaluated a cohort of patients in Belgium and found     ardization and more direct comparison of the prognostic utility
age to be correlated with time from symptom onset to hospitali-     of viral load of SARS-CoV-2. To date, no quantitative SARS-
zation, with younger patients having the shortest duration [34].    CoV-2 assay has received Emergency Use Authorization by the
The time at which patients get tested may impact the CT value,      US Food and Drug Administration.
particularly for those with less severe disease.                       Despite limitations on the interpretation of individual CT
                                                                    values, they may aid in prognostication of patients, along with
Limitations                                                         other demographic, clinical, and laboratory findings. The CT
There are several limitations to our review. As highlighted by      value may allow clinicians to better triage certain patients ad-
Rhoads et al., the use of CT values for clinical decision-making    mitted to the hospital to provide appropriate interventions in a
is a challenging proposal for several reasons [35]. First, sample   timely manner. Another major benefit of the CT value is that it
source, collection method, volume, and storage may impact the       may be obtained without need for additional testing, assuming
CT value. Additionally, CT values can vary widely based on the      the test for SARS-CoV-2 is performed on rtPCR assays that pro-
rtPCR assay used.                                                   vide this value.
   This meta-analysis was limited to studies published in
English. However, patients from many countries are repre-
sented in this evaluation. Due to the small number of studies
per outcome, the presence of publication bias could not be          This systematic review suggests a role for CT values in the prog-
evaluated; nonetheless, reporting and publication bias remain       nostication of hospitalized individuals for the outcomes of dis-
a concern as the overall large number of publications related       ease severity and mortality, with lower CT values (ie, higher
to COVID-19 may have resulted in studies with null results          levels of viral RNA) correlating with increased disease severity

10 • ofid • Shah et al
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