ASLEF Wales:Views from the valleys - More than

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ASLEF Wales:Views from the valleys - More than

                                                                                      AUGUST 2012

                                   Wales: Views
                                      from the

                                                                    More than
4    Olympics: Union
     rejects cut corners       11       Investment: Boost for
                                        Welsh rail infrastructure   just a union
ASLEF Wales:Views from the valleys - More than
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ASLEF Wales:Views from the valleys - More than

                                                                                                                                                                 AUGUST 2012
                                                                        PUBLISHED BY THE ASSOCIATED SOCIETY OF LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEERS AND FIREMEN

We should pay for
services - not
Bankers’ greed                                                           6                                                              4

           EWS that Barclays, and other banks, have
           been caught red-handed, attempting to
                                                                       News                                                  4
           fix the financial markets for their own
enrichment, should come as no surprise to the                           Overcrowding report is ‘ominous for
rest of us who are still paying for the banking                          Olympics’                                                  4
industry’s previous catastrophic greed. For, plainly                    Free app shows real time train location                    5
and simply, greed is what got us where we are
today.                                                                  TUC LGBT Conference July 2012                              6
    As Bob Diamond, CEO, walks away from                                                                                                 19
Barclays with a £2m pay off, (he very generously
declined a £20m bonus) the rest of us are left to
cope with a National Health Service that is going
into administration, public sector cuts that will
inevitably hit the poorest hardest and a
                                                                       Features                                              8
generation of young people without hope of
finding work.                                                           ASLEF: A long and proud tradition                          8
    Their prospects could not be more different to                      Transport debate                                          10
Bob Diamond’s, who described attempts by his
staff to rig interest rates as ‘wholly inappropriate’.                  Boost for Welsh railways as £9.4b
No. Wearing a tie to a football match is                                 investment is announced                                   11
‘inappropriate’. What Barclay’s did is a crime. And                     Union assembles in Cardiff: Views from                          5
criminals should face the full force of the law. Even                    the valleys                                               12
rich criminals.
    More than one thousand people were jailed for                       Wales: 10th anniversary of the Friction
their part in last summer’s riots - one man was                          Dynamics Ltd dispute                                      14
sentenced to 6 months in jail for stealing water                        Key Worker: Record-breaking Geraint has
valued at £3.50 - yet not a single banker has faced                      a passion for learning                                    16
criminal charges of any kind for creating the mess
we all continue to pay through the nose for. It’s
hypocrisy of the very worst kind.
    Aslef members should remember that the
government has the rail industry in its sights as
well. We must resist any attempts by the
government to make rail pay for the crimes of
                                                                        Regulars                                        15
greedy bankers. I would urge members to join
                                                                         Obituaries                                           15-16
the Action for Rail campaign. Get involved at and find out how you can help                          Branch News / Keeping Track                          18-19
protect your own local services.
                                                                         Letters                                              20-21
Mick Whelan, General Secretary                                           Prize Crossword/Legal services for members 23


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                                                                                                                                        just a union
ASLEF Wales:Views from the valleys - More than
4                    News                                                                                           The ASLEF JOURNAL

Overcrowding report is ‘ominous for Olympics’
          SLEF has warned that overcrowding         ‘The havoc at the end of the Queen’s Jubilee
 A        on trains within and into London
          threatens the ability of the
                                                    celebrations was a warning,’ Mick says. ‘We
                                                    have to be prepared for some very difficult
infrastructure to cope with the Olympic             weeks. My two-point plan for commuters is
Games.                                              ‘Keep calm – and don’t blame the staff.’The DfT
    ‘I want passengers in London to enjoy           figures reveal
relaxed and seamless journeys during the             Normal passenger capacity on peak-time
Olympics,’ says union general secretary Mick               trains is exceeded by 3.2%
Whelan. ‘But you would need a joint degree in        During the morning peak, trains operate at
optimism and Ignorance to feel confident that              4% over capacity
will happen.’                                        Evening peak trains are 2.3% over capacity
    Department for Transport (DfT) statistics            ‘I don’t think the public realises the
show that even without the influx of several        incredible part the railways play in the capital’s
million sports enthusiasts, trains in the capital   life,’ Mick says. ‘Every weekday well over half a    Overcrowding on trains will place pressure
and the south-east are seriously overcrowded.       million people arrive into London by train.’         on rail infrastructure during the Olympics

Union rejects cut
corners for Olympics
Management have told union         suggest that we should adopt      abandon the use of detonator
representatives that they          lower standards even for a        protection to protect the           More than 150 Stratford drivers turned out to
want ‘temporary working            limited period. We work to        failed train, or to have the        watch Dick Hardy and former ASLEF General
arrangements’ for the              high safety standards. Full       driver’s duties carried out by      Secretary Lew Adams unveil a
duration of the London             stop.                             another unnamed ‘competent          commemorative plaque on the original site
Olympics. ASLEF, along with            ‘We will advise our           person’.                            of the east London depot. Among those
the other rail unions, rejected    members to continue to work           The idea seems to have          attending were Michael Ashworth, who
this, insisting that there must    to the rules, regulations and     originated because of fears         joined Stratford in 1968, and his father
be no ‘cut corners’ to safety      standards we and                  that the additional journeys        Newman Ashworth who worked there before
procedures at any time if a        management have agreed            will increase the possibility of    him, as did his grandfather Frederick Dixon!
train breaks down.                 regardless of the Olympic         train failure. The unions have      The plaque commemorates the fastest ever
    ‘We have agreed                Games or anything else. To do     written to Network Rail and         building of a steam engine. Hardy, a former
procedures that are safe,’ says    otherwise would be                the Office of Rail Regulation       locomotive commander praised the ‘men and
ASLEF general secretary Mick       irresponsible.’                   to protest this attempt to          women who contributed to Stratford’s proud
Whelan. ‘It is ludicrous to            The proposal is to            lower safety standards.             history’.

GS meeting with Transport Minister
                                                                                                     NIGEL GIBSON ELECTED DISTRICT
General Secretary Mick Whelan and National Organiser Simon Weller                                    ORGANISER
met Secretary of State for Transport Justine Greening at the Department                               Nigel Gibson has been elected District
for Transport last month and discussed a range of rail industry issues.                               Organiser for ASLEF’s District Five, gaining
    Mick welcomed the Secretary of State’s positive comments about the                                more than 50% of the vote in the first
union’s recently published diversity report and urged her to press train                              ballot.
operating companies to broaden the communities from which they                        Nigel said he is ‘proud and honoured’ to take up the
recruit.                                                                           post. ‘But it is also a time of sadness as the election was the
    Mick also expressed his concerns about planned alliances between               result of the passing of a true friend, Andy Morrison. I hope
operators and Network Rail in certain regions and the conflicts which              I will be able to live up to Andy’s high standards of integrity
may arise from them although he did concede there could be ‘potential              and dedication.’
strategic benefits.                                                                   Nigel also thanked the other three candidates for the
    Simon also criticised aspects of proposed alliances and highlighted            part they played in a well-conducted and dignified
the flaws in the Government’s approach to fares. The Minister listened to          campaign.
the points made but her responses did little to reassure ASLEF’s
ASLEF Wales:Views from the valleys - More than
AUGUST 2012                                                                                              News                                    5
                                                                                   ‘LIVES PUT AT RISK’ AS BRICK HITS SPEEDING
                                                                                  Police patrols have been stepped-up at Shipley station after
                                                                                  a brick was thrown at the window of a moving train in a
                                                                                  ‘potentially life-threatening’ incident. Officers described the
                                                                                  incident as a ‘foolish and dangerous act’ .The brick caused
                                                                                  £150 worth of damage as it struck the outer skin of the Leeds
                                                                                  to Skipton service. ‘Fortunately no one was injured but a
                                                                                  passenger or member of rail staff could easily have been hit’
                                                                                  said the police, adding’ throwing a brick at a fast-moving
                                                                                  train is an incredibly irresponsible thing to do’.
A GBRS train derailed last month due to a landslide. No one was
injured in the incident                                                            NETWORK RAIL FINED FOR LEVEL CROSSING
                                                                                  Network Rail has been fined £356,250 after a woman was
Mick meets                                                                        killed at a level crossing while out walking her dogs. Julia
                                                                                  Canning was struck by the First great Western Service 17.11
Ed Miliband                                                                       travelling from Newbury to Bedwyn in May 2009.
                                                                                  Investigators from the Office of Rail Regulation found
General Secretary                                                                 Network Rail had failed to act on substantial evidence that
Mick Whelan and                                                                   pedestrians using the crossing had insufficient sight of
National Organiser                                                                approaching trains at the Fairfield footpath crossing near
Simon Weller met                                                                  Little Bedwyn, Wiltshire. Network Rail must also pay costs of
Labour leader Ed                                                                  £19,485. ORR’s investigation found ‘extensive evidence
Miliband last month                                                               showing that Network Rail knew the crossing was unsafe for
for an informal                                                                   pedestrians’. In a seperate incident a man died after a train
meeting in                                                                        struck his car on a level crossing between Littleport and
Westminster. Mick                                                                 Downham Market in Norfolk. Residents living near the
urged the Leader of                                                               crossing described the tragedy as ‘an accident waiting to
the Opposition to                                                                 happen’.
pursue an economic         the need for a            work closely with
policy which               progressive rail policy   ASLEF in developing
embraced                   to reconnect with the     new policies and that
investment in              commuter vote             the Party would be
infrastructure such as     Labour has lost in        examining all options   Andy Viner Memorial 5-a-side Tournament
housing and                East Anglia and the       for the future
                           South. Miliband said                              14 five-a-side footie
transport while                                      structure of the
                           Labour was keen to                                teams from across
Simon emphasised                                     railway.
                                                                             Underground, plus a
                                                                             team representing
                                                                             ASLEF’s EC came
Free app shows real                                                          together last month
                                                                             to play a tournament
time train location                                                          in memory of ASLEF’s
                                                                             Andy Viner who was
A FREE iPhone app that shows the real time                                   tragically killed in a
location of your train has been developed by                                 road accident last
Ryan Forsyth, an ASLEF member who works for                                  year.
London underground.                                                             Andy Viner
   This app is FREE to all drivers. To access it,                            Memorial Cup final.
search the AppStore for ‘iTrackernet’ or ‘RyanTCB’                                                    EC Team: (L-R )Back row. Non-playing coaching
                                                                             District Line 1 v        staff - Nigel Gibson, Alan Donnelly, Brian
                                                                             Harrow Boys. (DL1        Corbett, Mick Whelan, Marz Colombini. Front
                                                                             won on penalties).       Row. Ringers-Alan and Wayne Donnelly, Ash
                                                                             Andy Viner Memorial      Corbett, Dan Gibson, Oliver Phelan-Whelan
PASSENGER GROUP WELCOMES INVESTMENT IN RAILWAYS                              Plate. Bakerloo v        Spike Colombini, David Phelan-Whelan
Passenger Focus, has welcomed the government’s announcement of               Golders Green.
new investment in rail. However, Chief Executive Anthony Smith               (Bakerloo won on         presented by Andy        enjoyed themselves
added that ‘value for money remains a concern. Passengers will want          penalties). Ladies’      Viner’s daughter Alex,   in a fitting tribute to a
to see government avoid above-inflation fare increases. These                Penalty shoot-out.       and Sean Gillard (GG     great man. Proceeds
investments must be delivered in a cost-effective way. Also the work         Winner- Emily from       IR rep).                 from the day were
to deliver new trains, track and equipment must be done in a way             Kings Cross.                 Despite a few        given to Andy’s
that minimises the effect on today’s passengers.’                               Prizes were           injuries everyone        chosen charities.
ASLEF Wales:Views from the valleys - More than
6                    News                                                                                          The ASLEF JOURNAL

           S A ‘lucky’ first time
 A        delegate to the TUC
          LGBT Conference,
London 5-6 July, I was a little
daunted by the prospect.
    The paperwork for the
conference arrived a few weeks
earlier. On inspection it seemed to
be a reasonable task at hand, 21
agenda items in 2 days.
    I met up with the LGBT
Representative Committee Chair
and Secretary along with a fellow
delegate from Liverpool and the
ASLEF member who sat on the
TUC LGBT Committee during
2011-12. After meeting on
Wednesday evening and
receiving some reassurance and
advice on what to expect the
following day it was good to
know that it was like our AAD but
not so formal. ASLEF had one
motion on the agenda, regarding
violence against the transgender      (L-R) Alan Martin, Sean Lambert (Salisbury) Che Cosgrove (Edgehill), Darran Brown (Preston)
community in Latin America.
    After a leisurely breakfast we
met Lee James, ASLEF’s Equality
Advisor to go over the agenda
one last time.
                                      TUC LGBT Conference July 2012
    The morning started with an
address from outgoing TUC             led government’s sustained attack    & St Lucia addressing the subject       action and so many issues
General Secretary, Brendan            on public services, workers rights   “Decriminalise homosexuality”.          debated - from austerity measures
Barber, about how the conference      and trade union rights. The          Interesting and informative. I for      to LGBT rights, homophobia and
has evolved in the many years he      government’s attack on the           one had forgotten that much of          hate crime. One conference
has been General Secretary and        Equality Act and EHRC and finally    the legislation still in existence in   delegate whose father was an
how he hoped the work of the          the drastic curtailment of events    some of these countries dates           ASLEF member for 48 years
conference would continue. The        planned as London prepared to        from the days of Empire!                recalled the harassment his father
predominant theme for this            host World Pride 2012. By the end       After lunch, Michael Cashman,        was subjected to just for having a
conference was Against Austerity,     of the day we had dealt with 9       MEP spoke about the work being          gay son. He added that his father
For Solidarity. We had 3              items including the 3 Emergency      done in the European Parliament.        would have been very proud to
Emergency Motions to consider in      Motions. Drinks and nibbles were        Time for the ASLEF Motion and        witness the support ASLEF now
addition to the 21 agenda items,      enjoyed at Congress House before     an excellent speech by the LGBT         gives to its LGBT members.
these covered All Out for equality    a relaxing evening.                  Representative Committee
on 20th October calling on the            Day 2 began with an informal     Secretary. After a short debate the     Alan Martin, Island Line,
TUC and affiliates to redouble the    plenary discussion session with      motion was carried.                     Portsmouth & Isle of Wight
campaign in deploring the Tory-       speakers from South Africa, India       It was great to see diversity in     Branch

                                                                                                       RAILWAY MAN HONOURED
                                JUSTICE FOR THE SHREWSBURY PICKETS                                    Lifelong and dedicated railway man Stuart
                                Forty years after a group of trade unionists were tried in            Mason will be remembered with a train
                                Shrewsbury, many receiving lengthy prison sentences, in               named in his honour. Merseyrail operations
                                an overtly anti-trade unions prosecution brought by a                 inspector Stuart was just 57 when he lost a
                                Tory government, the Justice for the Shrewsbury Pickets               short battle with cancer. Stuart joins
                                campaign has launched an e-petition demanding                         illustrious names such as former Liverpool FC
                                justice.                                                              manager Bob Paisley and Everton legend
                                   For more information on this remarkable chapter in                 Dixie Dean in having a train named after
    Ricky Tomlinson             trade union history visit www.shrewsburypickets                       him. Stuart joined the railways as a booking
    continues the fight to and to sign the petition go to                        boy when he left school, before becoming a
    clear the names of all                         signalman. He then joined the footplate,
    convicted pickets           Shrewsbury_Pickets_40_years_on/?efsicbb                               accepting a Secondman’s position in Dover
                                                                                                      before being promoted to driver and then
                                                                                                      Driver Instructor.
ASLEF Wales:Views from the valleys - More than
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ASLEF Wales:Views from the valleys - More than
8 Opinion
long and
          SLEF has a long and proud tradition
 A        of working in support of sister unions
          across the globe. In Colombia for
example, where trade union representatives
risk being executed by government and
industry funded militia, in front of
colleagues, and in some cases their children,
simply for having the bravery and guts to
stand up for their industries, their right to fair
pay and safe conditions, and their way of life.
    While these tragic events do not influence
directly the settlement of pay deals, they do        Every year, ASLEF branches join their sister unions at the Tolpuddle Martyrs' Festival. The
influence our ability to function as a free and      annual festival held in Dorset is a celebration of trade unionism at home and abroad
democratic trade union within a globalised
marketplace. Many household brands operate,              The Tories, under the auspices of the Trade     much vaunted backyard of ours.
sometimes in partnership under different             Union Reform Committee, are bankrolling                 Let us apply the same principle to the
names, and via subsidiaries, in countries all        propaganda campaigns via the printed press          dispute between ASLEF and East Midlands
over the world where the very worst abuses of        to discredit and campaign against unions.           Trains. I fully support my EMT colleagues, and
trade unionists are routine.                         Their aim; To remove all entitlement to paid        their elected representatives in efforts to
    The workers at subsidiaries of Coca Cola in      time-off for your union reps, and to dilute the     prevent Stagecoach from plundering the
Mexico, India and elsewhere have suffered            power of every union to stand up for                company pension pot for the benefit of the
numerous attacks and incidents, and they are         members.                                            share price. I feel the same solidarity for the
not alone in suffering from virulently anti-             The public sector, welfare state, education     Coca Cola workers in Mexico and India, trade
union stances. The Virgin group in the US has        and social care are being recklessly hacked         unionists in Colombia, and the US flight crews
aggressively circumvented collective                 away by zealous government ministers                being bullied into surrendering human rights
bargaining by derecognising trade unions             basking in the afterglow of praise from the         for profit.
representing flight crew. Richard Branson            Murdoch press and its right wing bedfellows.            Most of us work for multi-national bus
actively lobbied employees to vote against           Communities are being destroyed, and the            companies who would de-recognise unions,
union recognition, instead promoting a               aspirations of generations callously shredded.      slash wages and scrap working safeguards in a
system where employees essentially represent             If ever there was a time for free, viable,      heartbeat were it not for our strength in
themselves in negotiations over pay and              robust and democratic trade unions to stand         industrial power, conviction, and organisation.
conditions.                                          up for the workers, the economy, and to lead        In the modern age, our backyard stretches as
    Poor industrial practices are like hurricanes;   the Labour party by example in spelling out         far as our employers’ interests, spanning
they occur far more regularly than the press         the true alternatives to blind austerity, it is     cultures, oceans and time zones. We cannot
would have us believe. They strike unprepared        now.                                                afford to look inwards and ignore the struggles
communities, and they travel the globe,                  We are at our most free, most viable, most      and issues of other workers, whether working
bouncing from coast to coast. The stark              robust and most democratic when we are              in other industries, or hailing from foreign
difference is that, unlike hurricanes, these         strong partners in a global movement.               shores. We all want a strong, vibrant and
practices and aggressive managerial strategies           On PNB I hear talk of “Who cares about          effective union movement. Our nation needs
do not peter out by natural process. They have       Palestine?” and “ASLEF should concentrate on        it.
to be confronted, their objectives exposed,          its own backyard” Yes, it is vital ASLEF                Our movement is fuelled by solidarity.
their practitioners challenged and defeated by       safeguards its primary industrial role in           Solidarity does not respect borders or
good, solid debate, negotiation, and where           defending our grade, but the struggles of the       sovereignty. It is the most powerful weapon
necessary, industrial action.                        Palestinian people, those within Israel             we have, one we should treasure. The day
    United we stand, Divided we fall. This adage     campaigning for lasting peace, the Colombian,       global unity requires a passport is the day that
remains as true now as it ever was. Under the        Mexican and Indian trade unionists fearing          we have all failed in our duty - a failure we will
coalition, we should brace ourselves for the         execution are our struggles. They impinge           surely pay dearly for.
most sustained and ideological attack on trade       explicitly on our ability to stand up for workers   Karl Davis,
unions since Thatcher.                               in a globalised commercial world, within that       Peterborough branch
ASLEF Wales:Views from the valleys - More than

IT’S NOT AS IF THIS COUNTRY     was exactly        A stealthy series of changes that add   come from the same people who fought
short of issues. We face urgent problems        up to a wholesale assault.                 the minimum wage and paid holidays.
like a stricken economy, record youth              Already an extra year to wait for            By slicing away a bit at a time, they
unemployment and the gap between the            protection against unfair sackings, with   hope no-one will notice. But we have,
super-rich and everyone else. Yet the           reduced maternity rights and more          and you should too.
government is devoting precious time and        dangerous workplaces in the pipeline.           Visit the website to find out more, and
                     energy to attack, of all       These sly attacks have nothing to do   tell ministers they’ve
                     things, rights at work.    with getting the economy moving. They      been rumbled.
                                      VISIT WWW.STOPEMPLOYMENTWRONGS.ORG.UK TO FIND OUT MORE
ASLEF Wales:Views from the valleys - More than
10 Transport                                                      DEBATE                                           The ASLEF JOURNAL

Research reveals affordable and accessible
transport services play a crucial social role
          ransport and Poverty was the topic        example was given of students who were not
  T       for a recent debate which explored
          the role of transport systems in
                                                    granted their allowances because transport
                                                    connections didn’t get them to college on
addressing social exclusion and helping those       time. Where public services are being
on low incomes. This event, organised by            reorganised, it was suggested that accessibility
Campaign for Better Transport, drew attention       planning should be carried out to assess how
to the impact of rising fares and cuts in           those without cars can access services,
services on people who rely on public               amenities and jobs.
transport to access jobs, services and                  Another example was given of benefits
amenities.                                          agencies that regularly request to see
    The speakers at this event were Richard         unemployed individuals without taking travel-
Hebditch - Campaign for Better Transport, Sue       times and costs into consideration. In this
Edwards - Citizens Advice and Joan Walley MP,       case, financial support for concessionary fares
Chair of The House of Commons                       schemes would also need protecting.
Environmental Audit Committee. The main                 Rural areas are particularly affected by cuts
findings of three newly published pieces of         to services because bus services are already
research by Campaign for Better Transport           infrequent. Many train services link                Spending cuts impact on transport services
were presented, followed by a discussion            metropolitan areas but don’t stop at the small      and drive fares up
around the social role of transport systems and     towns they pass. One of the main issues raised
the importance of affordable and accessible         here was that transport companies do not            if there are no night services. Ideally this
transport services.                                 consult local communities about their needs         should be addressed by investing more in local
    Clearly government, local authorities and       when they make decisions about services, and        bus services, integrating rail and bus services,
public transport operators are facing difficult     should undertake more research into what            enhancing facilities for disabled travellers and
decisions because of cuts to their budgets.         people actually need.                               developing local cycle networks.
However, the research findings presented and            Transport links also play a crucial role in         Thoughts or recommendations on this
subsequent discussion both confirmed that           enabling people to overcome social isolation.       subject can be submitted to the
spending cuts which impact on transport             Walking and cycling long distances is not an        Environmental Audit Committee inquiry on
services and drive fares up are predominantly       option for many people, particularly the            transport and the accessibility of public
affecting low income families.                      elderly, and cars are expensive to run. Cuts to     services.
    The paucity of services often poses a barrier   weekend and evening services could mean              For more information visit
to people accessing work and education, and         that the safety of young and vulnerable people 
has knock-on financial implications: One            is jeopardised and socialising becomes difficult     Katy Proctor

The event organised by Campaign for Better Transport, drew attention to the social impact of rising fares and cuts in services
RAILS                          IN WALES

Boost for Welsh
railways as £9.4b
investment is
           he Long-awaited              west as Swansea, while the whole
  T        electrification of the
           great Western railway
                                        of the Valley Lines network will be
                                        electrified along with the Vale of
from Cardiff to Swansea and the         Glamorgan Line. In an additional
Valleys lines network has been          boost for Welsh railways the outer       between Paddington and Cardiff.            schemes such as Thameslink and
announced by the government as          core of the Valleys network will         The plan, which covers the period          Crossrail. Rail campaigners have
part of a £9.4b rail investment         also be electrified to reach both        2014-2019 also includes the                welcomed the new investment
package.                                Maesteg and Ebbw Vale.                   completion of electrification of           but have warned train operators
   As expected the Great Western            Work is already underway to          the Midland Main Line and                  against imposing huge fare
Main Line will be electrified as far    electrify the great Western line         funding to complete existing               increases to pay for it.

Van driver jailed after Wales
crossing crash
Following a collision between a train and a van on a level crossing near
Carno on the Shrewsbury to Machynlleth line in Powys on 16 February,
a van driver has been jailed for five months while the train driver’s
actions have been praised by the judge at Mold Crown Court.
    The van driver, Daniel Bellis who is 35 and from Oswestry, admitted
endangering the safety of people on the railway. He failed to call ahead
to check if the line was clear.
    Mick Whelan says that it is heartening that the legal system appears
to be clamping down on irresponsible actions by car drivers at crossings
and hopes this case will be a warning to others, but he added, ‘While it is
encouraging to hear Driver Gareth Owen praised for his professionalism
in bringing the train to a stop without a derailment, the incident should
never have happened.
    ‘Our members should never have to be faced with this sort of
incident. The irresponsibility of people taking risks at crossings, despite      HAY TRAILER DRIVER APPEARS IN COURT
all the evidence and warnings, is utterly unbelievable. As the judge says,       A lorry driver has appeared before magistrates in Swansea in
Driver Owen was ‘stoic’ but he should never have been put in the                 connection with a West Wales rail crash last December in which
position where he needed to be.                                                  passengers were injured.
    ‘Mr Bellis was familiar with the crossing, had used other similar ones           Oswald Huw Davies, 49, of Castell Pigyn, Llanboidy, was accused
and knew the regulations. He simply decided to ignore them. The worse            of endangering the lives of people using the railway after his
thing is that this happens somewhere on the network every day.                   Scania lorry towing two hay trailers came into contact with a train
    ‘Hopefully prison sentences will knock a bit of sense into car and van       at the Henllan Amgoed Crossing, Whitland, on December 19 last
drivers.’                                                                        year.

Cows on the line derails Gloucester to Fishguard train
A train carrying 30 passengers derailed in           car train derailed after it hit the cows. Police, fire   on."You could feel the train sliding on the track. "I
Pembrokeshire after hitting cows on the line,        crews and a vet attended the scene.                      believe there were cows on the rail line and,
says Arriva Trains Wales. Nobody was injured on         One passenger, Tony Evans, told BBC Wales:            unfortunately, the cows received fatal injuries
the train, which was travelling from Gloucester      "We were coming through Wolfscastle on our               but nobody at all was hurt on the train. The
to Fishguard Harbour. The train derailed at Welsh    way back to Fishguard Harbour and, three or four         driver did exceptionally well in what could have
Hook near Wolfscastle said Mid and West Wales        minutes after passing through Wolfscastle, I             been a very nasty accident. On the left hand side
Fire Service.                                        heard the horn on the train going about three or         of the train there must have been about a 60 or
    It is understood only the first car of the two   four times, then the brakes were being jammed            70ft drop and we were very fortunate."
RAILS                        IN WALES                                                           The ASLEF JOURNAL

The union’s district seven council met at the National Assembly for Wales building in
Cardiff last month to take a broad look at rail in the principality. We examined
possibilities for the future with the assistance of politicians, social campaigners and rail
specialists. This is what they had to say ...
ELECTRIFICATION IS THE KEY, SAYS MINISTER                                           as ‘currently over half our stations are not accessible to disabled people.
                      Carl Sargeant AM is Minister for Transport in the             As a former Equalities Minister, I know that is not acceptable.’ He is
                      Welsh government, which makes him the only                    equally determined to take full advantage of the new franchise that is
                      Labour politician in such a post in the UK. He has a          ear-marked for 2018. ‘My vision is a rail network owned by the people
                      sense of mission about transport, insisting that it has       and run for the people’s benefit.
                      a role in protecting the most vulnerable people in                ‘That means taking a different approach to the UK government. We
                      our society. ‘I’m proud that there is a great story to        don’t believe in the quick fix. That is why we want to hear from the
                      tell in Wales,’ he says. ‘Punctuality is increasing, the      people inside the industry – like you – people who know how a railway
                      valleys network is growing and we have the most               works. Simply listening to investors will not bring Wales the service we
Sargeant calls                                                                      need and deserve.’
                      frequently used rail network outside London.
for major                                                                               He said while he could give no guarantees that brand-new rolling
                         ‘But that’s not enough. Despite Westminster
investment                                                                          stock would be purchased, it would be improved and made ‘fit for
                      cutting our budget, we want to make a difference
and radically improve public transport. So how can we make a                        purpose’. ‘There is a business as well as social case for this and as a
difference?’                                                                        devolved government we own more of the stock than anyone. It is vital
   Electrification is one of Carl’s hobby-horses. ‘Electrification of the           that profits made from running rail are reinvested into the industry. That
main line and the valleys is happening – but I want it to stretch                   is our aim for the coming franchise.’
throughout the principality – and that includes the coastal line. Without
this, Wales is at a disadvantage,’ he says.
   He insists that station improvements are a necessity and not a luxury,
                                                                                                 ASLEF Council
                                                                                        He was also positive about the role of rail freight. ‘We want to see
                                                                                    more in the principality and we will use all the funding we have at our
                                                                                    disposal to build freight hubs across Wales,’ he declared.

SOUTH WALES METRO IS                   we are essentially
ROUTE TO BETTER                        a conurbation
BUSINESS                               with hills. We
Transport Consultant Mark Berry        need a metro
                                       system to
believes there is a ‘water-tight                                                   METRO
business case’ for a linked Metro      create an
                                                                                   A Transport Led
system across South Wales,             operating urban
insisting that ‘Transport is a key     conurbation.                                Programme
component of any economy.              Current trends
    ‘It doesn’t guarantee success –    suggest there
                                       could be         Berry says Metro
but business cannot do without it,’
he says. And he asks why, if           another 60,000 would be fruitful
billions can be found for projects     jobs here by 2030. We can’t have
like HS2 and Crossrail, capital        all those people coming to work
cannot be found for the Great          in cars.’
Western route. ‘The last major             He said we needed to think
project in Wales was the Severn        about what we can do, rather
Tunnel – and that was in 1886!’        than what exists. ‘People now
    He says if Wales is to attract     don’t cross valleys. A metro
                                                                                 Metro system ‘will revitalise South Wales’. M&G Barry Consulting Ltd
                                       system can change perceptions so
international businesses, like
Admiral Insurance, it will need        that everyone can get everywhere                                  y
                                                                                 pool together: a parochial approach     disconcerting view about
rapid and reliable links to            in the region.’                           is outdated. We need to think more      privatisation. ‘Look how much we –
Heathrow and other international
gateways. But he went on to say,
                                           Mark argues that a regional
                                       approach is vital and it can only                  M&G Barry Consulting Ltd
                                                                                 like Greater Manchester, for example.
                                                                                 Without that concept, there would
                                                                                                                         the public – put into rail and how
                                                                                                                         much private investors do. It is still
‘There are 1.4 million people          be achieved with integrated               be no trams in their city.’             massively publicly owned. If it wasn’t
living within 20 miles of Cardiff –    public transport links. ‘We need to           Mark also takes a rather            - it couldn’t operate.’

                              24th      e 2012
AUGUST 2012                                                                          RAILS                        IN WALES

                                                       VIEW FROM LABOUR

DIFF:                                                  David Hagendyk, who has
                                                       been General Secretary of the
                                                       Welsh Labour Party since the
                                                       end of 2010, says rail policy
                                                       debates should be informed
                                                       not by consultants or aspiring
                                                       politicians but by the people
                                                       who work in the industry.
                                                       ‘They are the people who
                                                       really know how to deliver
                                                       efficiencies – and what cuts
                                                       not to make.’
TAKE A LEAD FROM                                           He says after ‘encouraging’
BEVAN                                                  results in the Wales
Victoria Winkler, Director of                          referendum election – that
the Bevan Foundation                                   gave the green light for more
explained that her                                     devolution – and the Assembly
organisation is                                        elections – which left Labour      The futuristic entrance to the Welsh Assembly building in Cardiff
concerned with social                                  only one seat short of an
justice – ‘which rail has                              overall majority – he should be    politics, Labour is working to
a major part in                                        looking forward to the 2015        produce a network of non-
delivering’.                Victoria says the Bevan    General Election. ‘The reason      paying ‘registered supporters’
     Although the           Foundation wants our       I’m not is because the             as well as official members that
Foundation takes its involvement                       government is changing             it can keep in touch with – and
name from Aneurin, a                                   constituencies boundaries          hoping to take the party to
prime motivator of the National Health Service,        partly to ensure it will be        workers to have a ‘direct
council housing and the rest of the welfare state,     virtually impossible for Labour    conversation’ about what
it is a charity independent of any political party.    to win an overall majority in      voters really want. ‘We want
     ‘Our mission is a Wales where fairness is the     Westminster,’ he says.             your ideas, not your cash!’        Welsh Labour concerns over
key-word,’ she says, ‘where all are equal, poverty         To increase participation in   David says.                        boundary changes
is a thing of the past and young people have an
equal chance to shape their future.’
     The Foundation tries to find solutions to
                                                       PENARTH AND COOPERATION
problems and promote them with government,
                                                       Vaughan Gething, AM for Cardiff South and Penarth, is a former lawyer
health boards and anyone else – but it also has a
                                                       with Thompsons, the union’s solicitors, so it is unsurprising that he saw a
wider agenda. ‘We want to inform and educate
                                                       major challenge in the Tory proposals which, while pretending to be
the public about what holds us back and show
                                                       ‘industrial relations reform’ are in fact ‘ways of making it easier and
that the world doesn’t have to be as it is. In a
                                                       cheaper to sack someone.’
society as rich as ours, there is no need for
                                                           He was concerned to stress his commitment to education and his
deprivation or disadvantaged people. There is an
                                                       determination to make every state school a good school. ‘We will not
                                                       have academy schools here,’ he declared. ‘It is wrong that children of the
     Victoria was angry about the government
                                                       rich have advantages from the age of three.’
constantly blaming working people for claiming
                                                           Karen Wilkie, acting General Secretary of the Cooperative Party, says
benefits. ‘There is nothing wrong with the                                                                                         Penarth AM says there
                                                       ‘mutual and cooperative solutions’ are more important than ever with
people,’ she declared. ‘It is the lack of jobs, and                                                                                will be no academy
                                                       the banking crisis. ‘It is encouraging that people aren’t saying Jimmy Carr
low pay and conditions. Most benefit claimants                                                                                     schools in Wales
                                                       is innocent because he didn’t strictly break the law. They are saying
go to work but need supplements to live. In fact,
                                                       rather, ‘He may be legally innocent – but he is morally guilty.’
two-thirds of the welfare bill goes on pensions.
                                                           The Co-op Party favours a mutual model for Network Rail and Karen condemned a system
It’s difficult to get that over.
                                                       whereby UK citizens did not get the benefit of our railways – but the German economy did! ‘It is
     ‘Similarly, when housing benefits go up, that
                                                       folly to farm out dividends to private shareholders and foreign governments,’ she insisted.
is not a benefits problem. It is a housing
problem. Welfare is claimed because the
minimum wage is too low to live on. A low
minimum wage is a sticky floor – it’s very difficult
to get off it!’
     The Foundation is working hard on ‘Cuts
Watch Cymru’ to show the effect on equality of
lower government spending and continues to
organise events to share ideas, from meeting
ASLEF representatives to pop concerts. ‘We don’t
care how we get our message across,’ she says.
     The Foundation encourages all members to
visit their website, add to their blog or comment
on its activities at
     Victoria says it would especially welcome         Karen Wilkie says banking
comments from our members about transport              crisis strengthens
as a social issue.                                     cooperative movement                District 7 Council members who attended the Cardiff meeting
RAILS                          IN WALES                                                       The ASLEF JOURNAL

                                                                                                        THE PICKET LINE ...
The industrial dispute at
Friction Dynamics Ltd and
the tribunal victory
This October marks the tenth anniversary of the                                                         Friction Dynamics strikers spent over two
strikers’ Employment Tribunal victory writes Bryan                                                      and a half years on a picket line

Davies ...                                                                                              THE MARCH FOR JUSTICE ...

THE HISTORY OF THE DISPUTE                           individual dismissal notices effective from 28th
The Friction Dynamics Ltd trade dispute was          June 2001.
one of the longest running industrial conflicts
in British history. The dispute became official      HOW THE LAW FAILED TO PROTECT
in December 2000 and the strikers spent over         STRIKERS
two and a half years on a picket line. It is vital   In October 2002 Davis v Friction Dynamics Ltd
the trade union movement learns from the             was heard at the Employment Tribunal in
dispute in order to pursue changes in the UK’s       Liverpool. This was the first case to test the
oppressive employment laws.                          idea of ‘protected industrial action’. Hendy and
    In the late 1990’s American businessman          Ford QCs represented the claimants and the         A march and rally of more than 1500 people
Craig Smith took control of the factory and          legal arguments turned on two key questions;       took place in Caernarfon
ignored bargaining machinery by imposing a           First, when were the strikers dismissed? And
productivity package on the workforce. This          second, did the dismissal breach the limited       TRIBUNAL VICTORY CELEBRATIONS
included a fifteen percent pay cut. Following        protection offered under UK laws? Under the
this he unleashed union busting tactics; He          Employment Relations Act 1999 strikers were
made union officials redundant, removed              protected from dismissal for the first eight
union facilities, ended the deductions of union      weeks of a dispute. Barristers argued that the
subscriptions through the paybills and failed        Company’s letter of the 1st May amounted to a
to pay wages owed to workers.                        dismissal during the protected period. The
    Members of the T&GWU vented their                Tribunal agreed and found that the applicant
feelings by voting for strike action- by a           and 85 other strikers were ‘automatically
massive majority of over 91 per cent- and 98         unfairly dismissed’.
per cent voted for an overtime ban. The                  Having won the case, the only satisfactory
employer locked employees out by imposing            remedy would have been re-instatement or re-
holidays and employed casual temporary               engagement. However, the Tribunal decision
workers to break the strike. However, on 1st         on a ‘remedy’ was delayed as Mr Smith              The Tribunal found that strikers were
May 2001 after the first day of strike action the    launched an appeal to the Employment               ‘automatically unfairly dismissed’
workers were accused of repudiating their            Appeals Tribunal. Due to insolvency the appeal
contracts.                                           did not take place. The remedy hearing was         employer could sit-out a dispute by attending
    The strikers received tremendous support         convened on 23rd April 2004, but due to the        meetings, only to dismiss strikers after twelve
and donations from the local community and           company going into administration the              weeks. Secondly, in the last week the union
international trade union movement. Senior           Director avoided paying any money to those         will be under pressure to compromise. In
labour politicians visited the picket line           he sacked. Therefore, the government took on       order to prevent dismissals the protection
including the First Minister of the Welsh            the liability and only paid a basic award of       period could last for the duration of the official
Government and the Secretary of State for            around 5k per person. Such low payments are        dispute. If strikers are sacked, a Tribunal
Wales. Market traders from London                    unlikely to act as a deterrent to other law-       remedy of automatic re-instatement, re-
distributed food and on the 7th July a march         breaking employers.                                engagement on the same pay and conditions
and rally of more than 1500 people took place                                                           or unlimited financial compensation needs to
in Caernarfon. Incredibly, the picket line was       REQUIRED CHANGES TO                                be enforced.
manned from 30th April 2001 until 19th               EMPLOYMENT LAW                                         The permanent collective dismissal of an
December 2003, probably the longest picket           Bill Morris the T&GWU General Secretary said:      entire workforce in the heat of a temporary
in British industrial history.                       “These dismissals demonstrate the                  dispute does not make economic sense for the
    The T&GWU called in ACAS to help find a          inadequacies of the current law to protect         employer, worker or state. The most important
solution. However, the first meeting was             workers”. Nevertheless, the UK government          reform to the law would be to ‘suspend the
cancelled by the company which constituted a         made only minor changes to the Employment          contract of employment’ during strike action.
‘failure to take reasonable procedural steps to      Relations Act 2004 which lengthened the            Already established in other EU countries, this
resolve the dispute’. Without a compromise           standard protected period from eight to            law would be a positive step towards the UK
from the employer the T&GWU notified ACAS            twelve weeks and provided a further extension      fulfilling its international obligations on
that the members had voted unanimously not           for ‘locked out’ days.                             human rights. Let’s hope the next Labour
to return to work. Consequently, FDL issued              This inadequate change meant that an           government will make the necessary changes.
AUGUST 2012                                                                          Obituaries 15
SCOTT LORIMER A                         the railway, making friends easily,   but what many of us will
                                        not just with his colleagues but      remember was his famous
LIFE CUT SHORT                          with platform staff, cleaners and     intolerance for alcohol while at
It is with great sadness that I have    everyone he came into contact         work gatherings.
to report the untimely death of         with.                                     Despite spending just five
Scott Lorimer. Scott passed away            Always cheerful and               years on the railway Scott’s cheery
suddenly at the age of 37 whilst        enthusiastic, Scott loved his time    smile and double thumbs up are
on holiday with his girlfriend in       as a driver, glad to be doing the     going to be sadly missed by so
Egypt on the 12th May.                  job he enjoyed so much. He had        many, not only by his friends at
     Scott joined Ilford depot in       time for everyone, always ready to    Ilford, but also at Gidea Park,
January 2007 having previously          bend your ear or listen to your       Southend and Liverpool Street
worked in the print industry.           problems, although it wasn’t          and I for one- and I know many
     He started at Ilford as a depot    always easy to get a word in          more- lament the premature
driver where many of us enjoyed         edgeways with Scott.                  passing of a truly great friend.
fun days and nights shunting with           Scott was a regular attendee at       Scott’s funeral service took
Scott. After serving his time           Ilford Branch meetings and was        place at the City of London
shunting he later became a              always on the picket line during      Crematorium on 31st May. There
mainline driver in November             the 2009 NXEA dispute.                was a huge turnout. I know his            Our condolences and thoughts
2008.                                       Outside of work Scott enjoyed     family and friends were amazed to     go out to his girlfriend Mary, his
     Scott was one of the friendliest   keeping fit at the gym, took many     see such a large number of his        parents Cathy and Andy and his
people you could meet, his              trips to Scotland to pursue his       colleagues both active and retired,   sister Lisa.
mischievous and fun personality         passion for mountain biking and       attend to pay their final respects        Keep smiling Scott
shining throughout his time on          was an avid watcher of Formula 1,     to such a lovely man.                 Carl Dowdell, Ilford

STEVE BRADDICK AGED JUST 52                                                                              MALCOLM DEANE SAD
It is with a sad heart that         Birmingham New Street in                                             LOSS OF TALENTED DRIVER
Birmingham New Street               1988 after securing a job as
branch announce the death           Driver.                                                              Malcolm Deane, a driver with 46 years’
after a short illness of Brother        Steve was also a very                                            service, tragically died in service last
Steve Braddick, aka Grim            respected and active member                                          September aged 62 after a long battle
aged just 52.                       of the union. He was for a                                           against cancer. He started in 1965 at the
     Steve had a strong passion     time the District Council                                            same depot he finished at – Birkenhead. It
for golf and was very involved      chairman for District 6 while                                        was then a steam motive power depot that
in the New Street golf society.     representing Birmingham           Crematorium including              worked iron-ore trains from Birkenhead to
He also enjoyed fishing, and        New St branch. He had also        general secretary Mick             the steelworks on Deeside and oil trains
taking his beloved dog ‘Alfie’      held the position of Branch       Whelan, EC member Dave             from Stanlow.
for walks in the woodlands.         Assistant Sec. At a local level   Calfe and the full company            In the early 1970s he spent several years
His demeanour was always            he was a co-opted member of       council. This large turnout just   at Kings Cross, and much later spent a
dry which earned him the            the LLC for a while before        went to show the measure of        number of years at our sister depot at
nickname ‘Grim’!                    being voted into the full time    our Brother Grim. He will be       Kirkdale.
     Steve started his railway      position of the LLC shortly       sorely missed by everybody            Malcolm was a self-taught engineer who
career as a Railman at              before his untimely death.        who had the pleasure of            built working steel locos and model ships.
Taunton station in the 1970s.           More than 200 members         knowing him during his             He was also a superb photographer with an
He then got a job as a guard        from many depots attended         extensive railway career.          eye for colour and composition.
at Exeter before moving to          his funeral at Streetly           R.I.P. Brother Grim.                  A quiet and friendly man, Malcolm
                                                                                                         always had kind words and useful advice to
                                                                                                         offer, so that many guards said it was a
ERNEST BRODDLE ASLEF MEMBER FOR MANY YEARS                                                               pleasure to work with him.
                                                                                                            His funeral was attended by almost
My father was a member of ASLEF for many years and served on the ASLEF committee for the sick
                                                                                                         everyone who could make it – including the
and bereaved for the area of Grimsby / Immingham. His certificate of retirement from ASLEF is
                                                                                                         Chairman of Merseyrail, managers and
hanging in his bedroom and he was very proud of the way he and his friends were able to help
                                                                                                         traction inspectors. But most importantly
people in need. He himself had cancer but fought on for many years. He had laryxnsepomy in
                                                                                                         for Malcolm would have been the presence
1974 and has helped many people with the same problem overcome the problems of being able
                                                                                                         of so many of his workmates - ASLEF and
to speak again. Sadly he passed away on 1st July at the young age of 91! His wife Edith (my
                                                                                                         RMT members from all over the Merseyside
mother), also 91, survives him.
                                                                                                         area, including our District Organiser Colin
His son, David Broddle
                                                                                                            Malcolm was one of the last four ‘steam
WILLIAM MCLAGAN BEM DRIVER AT POLMADIE                                                                   heads’ at Birkenhead, along with myself,
It is my sad duty to report the recent loss of retired member William McLagan, who was awarded           Bob Jones and James (‘Jock’) Orr.
a British Empire Medal. William was a driver at Polmadie, and was well known in the railway                 Malcolm’s presence in the messroom and
family, well into his retirement. Willie wrote on technical matters in the ASLEF journal and             on the front of the train will be sorely
authored books about the railways and steam engines.William was well known and respected in              missed. Our thoughts go out to his wife
his local community. He was appreciated for giving his time to others, and particularly for playing      Christine and his family.
in concerts in sheltered housing. We convey our deepest sympathies to Willie’s family.                   Dennis Cook, Retired member,
Alan Moir, Secretary, Polmadie branch                                                                    Birkenhead
16 Obituaries                                                                                                     The ASLEF JOURNAL

It is my sad duty to report the recent passing
of R. J. (‘Jack’) Moores at the age of 85. Jack was
born in April 1927.
     He started as a ‘bar lad’ at 9A Longsight on                                                                  AST October Geraint Llewelyn
12 January 1942 before his fifteenth birthday.
Rail was still in the LMS era of Claughton,                                                                L       smashed the record, set in 1998, for
                                                                                                                   the fastest ever train journey from
Streamlined Coronations and the Turbomotive                                                              Cardiff to London, clocking in at 1hour, 37
– all of which he fired. Ambitious young R. J.                                                           minutes. It is unsurprising that Geraint, or Ted
was soon looking for promotion and obtained           Jack at one of his final reunions                  as he likes to be called, doesn’t like to hang
transfers first to 8C Garston, then to 8B Dallam                                                         round, given how much he has already
(Warrington).                                            He attended all the reunions, his final one     managed to squeeze into his 33 years.
     However It was in 1955 that Jack ‘came           the October 2011 Worth Valley Railway outing.         After joining the railways as a rail design
home’ to his favourite shed, 9B Stockport             Many of his former colleagues attended his         engineer, a job that took him as far as Kuala
(Edgeley). As a Driver and later Deputy               funeral to bid farewell to a true friend.          Lumpur where he designed and laid down
Foreman, Jack knew the ‘ins’ and ‘outs’ of Booth         Although he drove the ‘Flying Scotsman’         track, Geraint joined EWS, passing as a driver in
Street Motive Power Depot like no-one else.           and ‘Oliver Cromwell’ out of Stockport and         March 2001. Two days later he joined ASLEF,
Ask him about crewing the Edgeley-Broad               back on ‘Farewell to Steam’ specials in the        and describes himself as being a proud union
Street and Jack would tell you the return             spring of 1968, he was still a regular on Friday   man ever since. He is both assistant branch
working was as ‘hooker-on’ to a Euston-               nights last summer to see the Scarborough-         secretary and a recently appointed Unionlearn
Blackpool.                                            Crewe return specials set down where he            rep.
     In 1991 I asked Edgeley men to welcome           would have a word with the current footplate          Given that his father was a driver and ASLEF
ex-9B (5596) Bahamas back to Stockport by             men.                                               member for 47 years, his brother in law also
turning out on Platform 3. Jack was the last to          Farewell, R. J. You were like 71000 – a real    drives out of Swansea and his nephew is about
arrive – but by no means the least: he was in         one-off, Jack!                                     to begin shunting for ARRIVA in Wales,
full steam outfit, complete with clogs!               Mel Thorley. Longsight branch                      Geraint’s choice of career seems almost
                                                                                                         inevitable, yet originally he wanted to be a vet.
                                                                                                         A father of four boys it’s a safe bet that Geraint
YORK BRANCH MOURNS THREE COLLEAGUES                                                                      won’t be the last Llewelyn to drive trains in this
                                                                                                         part of Wales.
Past and present members of         people, Bill will always be a      three colleagues, aged just          Yet just nine weeks ago Geraint found
York Branch will be glad to         legend in our Branch.              70, when he passed away on        himself in a situation that is every train driver’s
see the back of June 2012,                                             June 16th. Pat started his        worst nightmare. While travelling around an ‘S’
during which we lost three                                             railway career at York as an
valued colleagues.
                                    DOUGLAS SMITH                      Engine Cleaner in 1961. He
                                                                                                         bend at 90 mph Geraint saw two young boys,
                                    Douglas Smith also passed

                                                                       progressed through the ranks
                                    away on June 11th, aged 83
BILL WOODALL                        years of age. Dougie came to
                                                                       to eventually become a
Bill passed away on June 11th       York from Aberdeen in the
                                                                       Driver. He spent his entire             I CAN THINK OF NO
                                                                       railway career at York Depot,
aged 83. Bill devoted much of       late 1960s, and quickly settled    until taking early retirement      OTHER JOB THAT IS AS
his working life to York            into our depot. A great
Branch, serving as both LDC         socialiser Dougie was soon
                                                                       in 1997. Like both Bill and        SATISFYING AS DRIVING

                                                                       Dougie, Pat always attended
member and Branch                   one of the lads. Dougie            our Annual Reunion, and he         A TRAIN
Secretary for many years.           battled against cancer, but he
When Bill retired I took over                                          used to really enjoy sharing
                                    bravely managed to attend          his memories with us.
as Branch Secretary and I will      our Annual Reunion in May,
always be grateful for the                                             While we all mourn the            aged seven and six years old playing on the
                                    although by then he was            passing of our three valued       track. He did what every driver is trained to do
advice that Bill gave me. Bill      desperately ill. A lovely guy
also served on the ASLEF                                               friends, our thoughts are with    when faced with an emergency. Braked hard,
                                    who will be missed by all who      their families that they have     and sounded his horn. While the older boy fled
Appeals Committee for a             knew him.
while, as well as being our                                            left behind.                      the younger of the two froze in fear, before
representative at District                                             A.B.Penn, Retired                 disappearing from Geraint’s line of sight.
Council No 4. A lovely man          PAT WEST                           Former Branch                         Geraint spent two terrible hours convinced
who thrived on helping              Pat was the youngest of our        Secretary York                    he had hit and killed the youngster. ‘Travelling
                                                                                                         at that speed I wouldn’t have felt anything’ he
                                                                                                         said. You can only imagine his relief when the
                                                                                                         transport police informed him that they had
                                                                                                         found both boys and escorted them safely
JACK EVANS LOVED THE AGE OF STEAM ENGINES                                                                home. Despite this Geraint spent a sleepless
Retired train driver Jack Evans who worked at Reading depot all of his life passed away on June          night thinking about his own children.’ Even
12 from the effects of cancer at the age of 86. Jack joined the railway in 1941 as a fireman and         though I’m a driver my boys don’t really know
remained in this position for 16 years. Jack was promoted to a driver and worked steam trains for        anything about rail safety’.
8 years and then diesels for the next 23 years until retiring on his 64th birthday. Jack always loved        The next day he approached his driver
to drive King class steam engines and right up to when he passed away he would tell you a story          manager, who was himself an ASLEF member
about how these were the best steam engines ever made, especially the Evening Star and Castle            for 28 years, and told him that ‘something had
class. Jack leaves two daughters and four grandchildren and our thoughts go out to them.                 to be done’. Geraint put together a package,
W Morley, Bournemouth depot                                                                              containing information about rail safety and a
You can also read