Ashburton Dressage Championships - Ashburton A&P Showgrounds 29 & 30 January 2022 - Amazon S3
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Ashburton Dressage Championships Ashburton A&P Showgrounds 29 & 30 January 2022 All persons entering the event venue are required to use the Covid Tracing App on arrival or sign in at Event Office. Up to date Covid regulations will be advertised as they come to hand. Entries Close: 29th December 2021 at All enquiries: To the Event Manager or Entries Secretary: Responsibility: It is the rider, or person responsible, obligation to read and understand the conditions for this event as published in this schedule. Important Information 1. ESNZ Registration for Graded Classes: Entries will not be accepted without ESNZ rider and horse registrations current to 31st January 2022 2. Annual Dressage Start: Is required to enter all DNZ Super 5 Leagues, Zilco Musical Freestyle Series, National Series, National Championships, Horse of the Year and international events. All other classes may be entered using a discipline Flexi start. 3. Gold and Bronze Preliminary and Novice Classes: Preliminary Bronze – Riders must not have competed at Medium level or above on any horse in the last four years. As a combination they must not have achieved more than 8 scores of 65% or above at any level. Preliminary Gold – Any riders that do not meet the criteria for Preliminary Bronze. Novice Bronze – Riders must not have competed at Advanced Medium level or above on any horse in the last four years. As a combination they must not have achieved more than 8 scores of 65% or above at any level Novice and above. Novice Open – Any riders that do not meet the criteria for Novice Bronze. 4. Rules: Dressage Ashburton’s Premier League competitions will be run under the current (2021) ESNZ GR’s, VR’s & ESNZ Rules for Dressage.
5. Official start time: The official event start time is 12.00 pm Friday 28th January 2022. This is the start time for the period of jurisdiction for all Equestrian Sport New Zealand (ESNZ) General Regulations and ESNZ Dressage rules. Please note Dressage NZ rule 477 prohibited gear is not allowed from the time of arrival at the event. 6. Official finish time: The official finish time will be 60 minutes after the completion of the last class or 60 minutes after the completion of all presentations for the event whichever is later. 7. Protests & Complaints: Protests and complaints may be considered by the Ground Jury at an event in accordance with Art 137 of the ESNZ General Regulations. As a guideline only, protests must be lodged within 60 minutes of the completion of the competition to which the protest relates, and a complaint within 60 minutes of the completion of the event. The Ground Jury is the sole judge of time in both cases. For complete rules and official documentation required, please refer to 8. Qualifiers: Premier League Shows are qualifiers for Horse of the Year. 9. Dressage NZ Leagues/Series: Horses/Ponies must have an annual start for Dressage to gain points in any Super 5 League, Zilco Musical Freestyle Series, Prestige Futures Prize, AMS Pony and Young Rider Performance League, or Top 10 Leagues. Riders must register online at Evo Events prior to 1st November 2021 for inclusion in any Top 10 League, Prestige Dressage Futures Prize, AMS Pony and Young Rider Performance League. 10. Tests: All tests from DNZ Test book version 2019 Reprint 1 or FEI Website, 11. Super 5 Tests: Must be ridden from memory, no caller is permitted Event Conditions 1. If applicable, where the Covid-19 alert level at the time of the event requires a limit on gatherings, entries will be limited and/or reduced, on a first in and first served basis. 2. Amendments: The organising committee reserves the right to refuse entries, cancel the event, alter the programme/schedule and/or prize money within the ESNZ and DNZ Rules. 3. Presentation of Special Awards Prizes and Prize Money: See DNZ Rule article 485. a. All riders must attend advertised presentations. The organising committee reserves the right to withhold prize monies should a placegetter not attend an advertised prize giving. b. The organising committee reserves the right to substitute prize money with goods of equal value. c. Prize money will be paid by electronic transfer within 2 weeks of the completion of the event. Please ensure your bank details are correct in EvoEvents. d. Prize Givings: Saturday pm for all classes at their completion. Sunday pm at completion of Sunday classes. 4. Draw: If required, a revised draw and/or start times for the following day’s competition will be available by 6.30 pm each evening on the results board. It is the rider’s responsibility to check any new times posted. 5. Scratchings Must be notified by email to the Entries Secretary prior to the show. Over the show weekend email/text Entries Secretary (prior to 9pm).
6. Equal Placings: In the case of equality in any qualifying class, the higher collective marks will determine the higher placing. If the competitors are still equal, then the higher co-efficient marks will determine the placings. If there is still an equality of points, the competitors are given the same placing. 7. Horses are limited to competing in one grade only; except for ponies who may compete in a Super 5 class if they choose for National series points. 8. Riders are limited to competing 3 horses. 9. Riders competing more than 2 horses will be limited to 2 tests per horse per day. The OC will make every effort to ensure that riders have at least 60 minutes between rides. However, if this is not possible owing to the scheduling of classes, maximum time possible between rides will be allocated. 10. Hats: ESNZ approved riding helmets must be worn at all times when mounted. 11. Non Competing Horses: All horses and ponies on the grounds after the official start time must be entered at the event unless the organising committee grants permission otherwise. 12. Media: Dressage Ashburton, Dressage NZ and ESNZ reserve the right to use event photographs, for marketing, publicity, advertising, funding applications as they see fit. Competitors and/or participants will receive no remuneration for this. All images remain the property of Dressage Ashburton. 13. Musical Freestyles: Music must be handed in to the music float at least an hour before your class starts, CDs or USBs (MP3 format), clearly labelled with name and level. 14. Stallions must comply with ESNZ Article 133 and must be housed in a stable at all times. 15. Liability: a) Competitors and spectators attending this event do so at their own risk. b) Ashburton A&P, ESNZ, Dressage NZ or Dressage Ashburton nor any representative of these bodies, accepts any liability for any loss, damage, injury or illness to horse/pony/rider, spectators, land, vehicles or any personal property whether caused by their negligence or breach of contract in any way whatsoever. c) Ashburton A&P, Dressage NZ or Dressage Ashburton will not be liable for the security of goods/equipment or the loss of, damage to such, stored at the venue, during the event. 16. Health & Safety: a) Dressage NZ and Dressage Ashburton are committed to providing and maintaining a safe and healthy event for all participants, and to providing the information, training and supervision needed to achieve this. b) Competitors must comply with appropriate Legislation and Health & Safety at Work Act 2015. c) Each Competitor and/or exhibitor must supervise and control their animals at all times and shall be liable for any hazard created, accident, illness or damage caused by the action of themselves at the venue of the Event d) All competitors and associated staff/visitors to the venue must abide by the ESNZ/Dressage NZ Rules, the Dressage Ashburton and Ashburton A&P Health & Safety Policy’s e) Copies of the event Health & Safety policy can be found at the event office. f) Any incident or near miss must be reported to event office and an incident form completed. g) Any hazards identified must be reported to event office. h) Competitors will be responsible for their safety at all times and must observe safe practices and following event rules and officials’ instructions at all times, ensuring that others are not put a risk by their actions.
17. ESNZ Concussion Policy: a) This event will be run under the ESNZ Concussion Policy Guidelines. b) Dressage NZ policy requires all riders to report to Medical Officer or Steward following a fall. c) Medical clearance must be obtained before remounting or competing. 18. ESNZ Drug & Alcohol Policy ESNZ reserve the right to drug or alcohol test any participant at the event under the ESNZ Drug & Alcohol Policy 2020. This link will access the policy and frequently asked question. Entry Conditions 1. Entries Close 29th December 2021 2. Entry will not be accepted until payment is made. Combinations will only be entered in the competition draw once full payment of entry and other fees has been received. 3. Enter online at Payment to be made by Poli-Pay at time of entry. 4. Late Entries & Changes - Please contact Entries Secretary for enquiries. Email May be accepted if entries allow or placed on waiting list until draw is posted. 5. No class changes or scratchings will be accepted via Facebook or text. Must be done by a change request on EvoEvents. 6. Late penalty fee of $7.50 per class will apply and proof of payment before entry accepted. 7. Horses and Ponies are restricted to 3 classes per day. Riders are limited to 3 horses. 8. Payments must be made by close of entry for entry to be accepted. 9. Draw will be available at Entry & Event Fees Horse Accommodation Fees Stables/Covered yards $20 per night Uncovered Yards $12 per night Ground Fee (per horse) $15 per day Camping Fees $15 per night Withdrawals and Refunds Applications for refund must be submitted in writing within 7 days stating rider name, ESNZ registrations and horse’s name/s to Entries Secretary at Conditions of withdrawal from the event before close of entries. • Competitors that withdraw prior to close of entries are still liable for all online entry fees. • All other fees paid will be refunded or a credit in EvoEvents. Conditions of withdrawal from the event after close of entries. • Stabling and camping fees will be 100% refunded in all cases. • Online entry fee and late entry fees will not be refunded. • Competitors unable to provide a vet or doctors certificate will receive no ground fee or entry fees refund. • If a doctor or vet certificate is provided ground fee and entry fees will be refunded less 20% per horse • If vet certificate provided, only the horse to which the certificate applies will receive a refund.
• If doctors certificate provided fees for all horses for that rider will be refunded • Special applications for refunds can be presented to the OC for consideration If event cancelled due to Covid-19 • Full refund of all charges excluding Online Fees Championship Eligibility Points Levels Preliminary – Grand Prix 1. Combinations are eligible for one level of Championship only. 2. Championship points are allocated 20 for 1st, to 1 for 20th. 3. Champions and Reserves: The horse with the highest aggregate allocated points from specified classes will be the Championship winner. In the event of a tie, the combination with the highest place in the final qualifier is the winner. If there is still a tie, the combination with the highest aggregate collective marks in the final qualifier will be the winner. If there is a further tie, the combination with the highest average % in two qualifiers will be the winner. Special Awards 1. Hanoverian Society Award: Two awards presented Level Preliminary-Medium and Advanced Medium and above. The award will be presented to the highest-level Hanoverian champion, if no champion then the reserve. If there is neither the Sash will lapse for that grade this year. Horses must be registered with NZ Hanoverian Society. Please state at time of entry to be eligible. Event Reception Opening Hours The Event Reception is situated underneath the grandstand please address all queries to this area. Friday 28th January 4:00pm – 5:00pm th Saturday 29 January 7.30am – 5.30pm Sunday 30th January 7.30am – 5:00pm
Important Contact Details For Emergencies Dial 111 24 Hour Medical – Healthline 0800 611 116. Local Vet – Mountainview Equine 03 3071111 or Canterbury Vets 03 307 0686 Event Manager - Seija Parkkali-Glew 021 143 0938 Entries Secretary – Amanda Waddell 027 306 0609 Stable Manager – Andrea McArthur 027 306 5367 Competition Arena Use & Familiarisation 1. There will be no arena familiarisation as riders can warm up prior to their test in the oval. 2. All Competition Arenas are closed at all times. 3. Lunging is not permitted in the oval – see programme for details Sponsors & Volunteers We ask that all competitors spend some time to thank our sponsors and volunteers that support Dressage in NZ, either in writing (Sponsors contact details will be listed on the event programme) or in person during the show. Volunteer thanks can be directed to the event office or event manager. Without the generous support we receive from these individuals and businesses, the cost to competitors would be considerably increased. Horse Identification, Venue, Stabling, Accommodation Conditions 1. Approved Dressage NZ Horse/Pony identification numbers must be worn at all times when competing. 2. When not competing, it is compulsory that horses/ponies are identified with ID tags that include name of person responsible and mobile phone number. 3. All yards and stables are to be left properly mucked out. If not a fee of $50 will be charged. 4. Temporary yarding must comply with ESNZ rules. 5. Stallions must comply with ESNZ Article 133 and must be housed in a stable at all times. 6. Moving horses to unallocated yards or stables is prohibited without permission of the Stable Manager. 7. Please use the skips provided for horse waste not rubbish. 8. Entry by Brucefield Ave only. Please keep the gate shut. 9. No smoking in any buildings or stable areas. 10. Damage to Ashburton A&P facilities to be reported to the Office. Dogs 1. Dogs must be kept in the truck park at all times 2. No dogs are allowed in any stable or yarding areas, warm up, competition areas or buildings 3. Dogs must be on a lead at all times
4. The owner of the dog will be responsible for the cost of any damage/harm caused by the dog at the competition. Camping 1. Parking and camping areas may be defined. Some areas will be restricted to on site camping/parking only. 2. Please be tidy and remove all rubbish – no rubbish in poo bins. Vehicles & Access 1. Speed limit for all vehicles 15 kph. 2. Motorbikes must not be used after 8.30 pm and must be used in accordance with normal road rules. 3. Persons under 16yrs may not use motorbikes. 4. Approved safety helmets must be worn when riding motorbikes at all times. 5. Joy riding on any part of the grounds at any time will not be tolerated. 6. Bicycle helmets must be worn in accordance with NZ road rules. Professional Services 1. Equine Therapists and Treatment a. Any equine therapists or practitioners who are not veterinarian and intend to provide therapeutic treatment to equines in any capacity at this event in a private or commercial basis must notify the Organising Committee of any treatment prior to the event. b. All practitioners must also comply with the Conditions applicable to this event set out in the Schedule of classes. c. Riders who own their equipment (eg Equissage, Cyclossage or similar) are only permitted to treat their own horses with these systems at the event. d. Any practitioner receiving financial or other gain from providing therapies at the event will be required to pay a trade exhibitor fee at the discretion of the Organising Committee. 2. Other Professionals including freelance grooms a. Any other professional intending on providing services at this event must obtain prior agreement from the Organising Committee – this excludes professionals Dressage Coaches assisting in the warmup of competitors and grooms that are in part or full time employment of a competitor. Links to ESNZ/DNZ Rules ESNZ Rules & Regulations ESNZ Concussion Policy Dressage NZ Rules Young Horse Rules RULES_Final_2021_22-.pdf Links to DNZ National League & Series Conditions Zilco Musical Freestyle, Super 5 League all Dressage Top 10 Leagues Elite Equine Young Horse Championships & National Amateur Championships at the Bates National Championship Prestige Dressage Futures Prize & AMS Saddlery Pony &Young Rider and Performance League
Gold Sponsors Silver Sponsors • Lake Heron Station • Celtic Beauty • Diane Rawlinson Celebrant • Rokeby Farming • Peel View Ltd
Schedule of Classes * All Super 5 classes must be ridden from memory. No Callers allowed * Class No Test Class & Sponsor Entry Fee Prizes RURALCO PRELIMINARY PONY 101 PRE 1.A RuralCo $15 $30 $25 $20 $15 102 PRE 1.B RuralCo $15 $30 $25 $20 $15 103 PRE 1.C RuralCo $15 $30 $25 $20 $15 104 PRE 1.D RuralCo $15 $30 $25 $20 $15 PRELIMINARY PONY CHAMPIONSHIP - Points from all classes to count Champion & Reserve Sashes PRELIMINARY BRONZE 105 PRE 1.A Diane Rawlinson Celebrant $15 $30 $25 $20 $15 106 PRE 1.B Vetpro Equine Supplements Super 5 $15 $30 $25 $20 $15 107 PRE 1.C Celtic Beauty $15 $30 $25 $20 $15 108 PRE 1.D Lake Heron Station $15 $30 $25 $20 $15 PRELIMINARY BRONZE CHAMPIONSHIP - Points from all classes to count Champion & Reserve Sashes ROBBIE'S UNDERCAR SPECIALISTS - PRELIMINARY GOLD 109 PRE 1.A Robbie's Undercar Specialists $15 $30 $25 $20 $15 106 PRE 1.B Vetpro Equine Supplements Super 5 $15 $30 $25 $20 $15 110 PRE 1.C Robbie's Undercar Specialists $15 $30 $25 $20 $15 111 PRE 1.D Robbie's Undercar Specialists $15 $30 $25 $20 $15 PRELIMINARY GOLD CHAMPIONSHIP - Points from all classes to count Champion & Reserve Sashes NOVICE PONY 201 NOV 2.A $15 $30 $25 $20 $15 202 NOV 2.B $15 $30 $25 $20 $15 203 NOV 2.C $15 $30 $25 $20 $15 204 NOV 2.A $15 $30 $25 $20 $15 NOVICE PONY CHAMPIONSHIP - Points from all classes to count Champion & Reserve Sashes NOVICE BRONZE 205 NOV 2.A Rokeby Farming $15 $30 $25 $20 $15 206 NOV 2.B Matthews Hanoverians Super 5 $15 $30 $25 $20 $15 207 NOV MFS Zilco Musical Freestyle $15 $30 $25 $20 $15 208 NOV 2.C $15 $30 $25 $20 $15 Peel View Ltd NOVICE BRONZE CHAMPIONSHIP - Points from all classes to count Champion & Reserve Sashes COVER QUEEN - NOVICE GOLD 209 NOV 2.A Cover Queen $15 $30 $25 $20 $15 206 NOV 2.B Matthews Hanoverians Super 5 $15 $30 $25 $20 $15 207 NOV MFS Zilco Musical Freestyle $15 $30 $25 $20 $15 210 NOV 2.C Cover Queen $15 $30 $25 $20 $15 NOVICE GOLD CHAMPIONSHIP - Points from all classes to count Champion & Reserve Sashes ARGYLE WELSH FINNIGAN LAWYERS - ELEMENTARY 301 ELE 3.A Argyle Welsh Finnigan Lawyers $15 $30 $25 $20 $15 302 ELE 3.B Animal Therapeutics Super 5 $15 $30 $25 $20 $15 303 ELE MFS Zilco Musical Freestyle $15 $30 $25 $20 $15 304 ELE 3.C Argyle Welsh Finnigan Lawyers $15 $30 $25 $20 $15 ELEMENTARY CHAMPIONSHIP - Points from all classes to count Champion & Reserve Sashes
Class No Test Class & Sponsor Entry Fee Prizes FMG - MEDIUM 401 MED 4.A FMG $20 $35 $30 $25 $20 402 MED 4.B Dunstan Horse Feeds Super 5 $20 $35 $30 $25 $20 403 MED MFS Zilco Musical Freestyle $20 $35 $30 $25 $20 404 MED 4.C FMG $20 $35 $30 $25 $20 MEDIUM CHAMPIONSHIP - Points from all classes to count Champion & Reserve Sashes QUIGLEY CONTRACTING - ADVANCED MEDIUM 501 A/MED 5.A Quigley Contracting $20 $35 $30 $25 $20 502 A/MED MFS Zilco Musical Freestyle $20 $35 $30 $25 $20 503 A/MED 5.B Back on Track Super 5 $20 $35 $30 $25 $20 504 A/MED 5.C Quigley Contracting $20 $35 $30 $25 $20 ADVANCED MEDIUM CHAMPIONSHIP - Points from all classes to count Champion & Reserve Sashes STL LINEHAUL - ADVANCED 601 ADV 6.A STL Linehaul $20 $35 $30 $25 $20 602 ADV MFS Zilco Musical Freestyle $20 $35 $30 $25 $20 Hobson Horsecoaches & Motor 603 ADV 6.B $20 $35 $30 $25 $20 Homes (2018) Ltd Super 5 ADVANCED CHAMPIONSHIP - Points from all classes to count Champion & Reserve Sashes SMALL TOUR LEVEL 7 701 FEI PSG $25 $40 $35 $30 $25 702 FEI Int I MFS Zilco Musical Freestyle $25 $40 $35 $30 $25 703 FEI Int I Custom Logistic Services Super 5 $25 $40 $35 $30 $25 SMALL TOUR CHAMPIONSHIP - Points from classes 702 & 703 Champion & Reserve Sashes MEDIUM TOUR LEVEL 8 801 FEI Int A/B MFS Zilco Musical Freestyle $25 $40 $35 $30 $25 802 FEI Int B AR Dressage Fetterman Super 5 $25 $40 $35 $30 $25 MEDIUM TOUR CHAMPIONSHIP - Points from all classes to count Champion & Reserve Sashes GRAND PRIX LEVEL 9 901 FEI GP MFS Zilco Musical Freestyle $25 $40 $35 $30 $25 902 FEI GP Superior Rubber Services Super 5 $25 $40 $35 $30 $25 GRAND PRIX CHAMPIONSHIP - Points from all classes to count Champion & Reserve Sashes
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