Art Project QING LI JEAN PAUL - Autismo Firenze

Page created by Cory Mcbride
Art Project QING LI JEAN PAUL - Autismo Firenze
QING LI              JEAN
Art Project          PAUL

              2018 Italian Tour
Art Project QING LI JEAN PAUL - Autismo Firenze
Art Project QING LI JEAN PAUL - Autismo Firenze
Inviti Ufficiali

DEI,I,A CASA PONiFIFICIA                                                                                               ٤ཻ‫ݖ‬࿉Ӗॆᆙ‫ݖ‬

                                       Città del Vaticano, 10 Novembre   2O7j                                       $VVRFLD]LRQH
                                                                                                                    Associazione*HQHUDOH 0RQWRQH
                                                                                                                                  Generale       LQ ,7$/,$
                                                                                                                                            RAMUNION  in Italia
                                                            Fax 06 698 85863

                                                                                                   !!!!!!!!              䌎!      ⬉ ! !!

       Egregio Signore,
                                                                                                         ⃷䯏⃻⌆Ёढ␃▇ৄռ㘨䇞ӮѢ  ᑈ  ᳜  ᮹೼ᛣ໻߽ԯ㔫Ӻ㧼
             In riscontro alla Sua E-rnail dell, B novenrlcre c.à., ben                                       :
       volent.ieri mi premuro accogliere 1a richiesta cl-i partecipazione                           В㸠៤ゟᑚ‫݌‬໻Ӯˈ䰜⽣ᔎ‫⫳ܜ‬㤷ӏ佪ሞӮ䭓DŽ݀㕞Ӯᛣ໻߽ᘏӮᇍℸ㸼
       alIudienza Generale del sant.o padre di nercoledÌ 14 febbraio                               !!!
                                                                                                                                       ,   2018 2   2018
       20LB (in Vaticano, ore 10.00), a favore della shanqhai young
       Phifarmonic orchestra, assicurandole che ir gruppo medesimo                                       Ꮰᳯ䌉Ӯ⾝ᡓ߯ӮᅫᮼˈЎЁढ⇥ᮣⱘӳ໻໡݈ˈЎ⼪೑㐕㤷ᯠⲯǃ
       verrà menzionato nelf 'ambito.
              I 100 biglietti d'accesso (Reg.N'856) - con fe
       indicazioni utifl - si potranno ritirare nerl,apposito ufficio                              ! !㓨㒧ট䇞DŽ
       a} Portone di Bronzo del palazzo Apost.olico (piazza s.pietro,                                    ᳔ৢˈ‫⃵ݡ‬乘⼱໻Ӯ೚⒵៤ࡳʽ                       !
       coronnato di destra) ir giorno precedente Uudienza Generale
       daf Ie ore 15.00 al]-e ore 19.00, oppure 1o stesso giorno
       dell'fncontro Papale dalle ore 7.00.
              L'occasione mi ò gradita per porgerle distinti       saluti.

                                              »x   Georg Ganswein, Prefetto
                                                                                                                                                      Ӯ䭓 ਼啭
                                                                                                                                              ᑈ  ᳜  ᮹

       Egregio Siqnore
       Sig. Jean Paul CARRADORf

       j eanpauldesignlG gmail . com
Art Project QING LI JEAN PAUL - Autismo Firenze
                       Chamber                                                                                                                             Winter
                       Music                                                                                                                               2017

                                     Angel’s Confidence Salon
                                            A Message of Hope Through Music
I n China, a collaborative program is
  helping autistic children and their
families emerge from loneliness and
isolation through music training.
In 2008, the Shanghai Cao Peng
Music Center, in cooperation with
the Shanghai Charity Foundation,
established the Angel’s Confidence
Salon to help autistic children find
ways to communicate with the out-
side world and learn to open their
hearts through the influence of music.
An estimated 1.5 million children in
China are autistic.
With the support of families and training
provided by Shanghai City Symphony
                                                             In August 2016, the children took part in the opening ceremony of the Edinburgh Arts Festival, where they
Orchestra volunteers, music events                           won the prestigious Gold Award, and participated in the Aberdeen Youth Arts Festival in Scotland.
every weekend have helped autistic
children acquire basic skills for social                     autism, helps autistic children gradu-                     nity. The Salon has participated in more
engagement while learning to play an                         ally escape from a closed-off world and                    than 100 performances, many with the
instrument, as well as singing and danc-                     learn to participate in group activities.                  Shanghai City Symphony Orchestra’s
ing. They have even formed a brass                                                                                      volunteers. The children perform at
band and xylophone group. The Salon,                         The young musicians also have the                          nursing homes, sharing the care and
a new service model for people with                          opportunity to perform in the commu-                       support they have received by giving it
                                                                                                                        to others.
                                                                                                                        The Salon hopes that by encouraging
                                                                                                                        community participation in this pro-
                                                                                                                        gram it can set an example so that all
                                                                                                                        vulnerable groups might benefit similar-
                                                                                                                        ly in the spirit of friendship and mutual
                                                                                                                        The program has been featured in
                                                                                                                        special reports by many television
                                                                                                                        media outlets, including nationally
                                                                                                                        broadcast Chinese channels such as
                                                                                                                        CCTV, SMG, Hunan TV, Jiangsu TV and
Far Left: Xia Xiaocao, Director of Shanghai University Art Center and the daughter of the revered Cao Peng (at          Dragon TV, and has received a number
Center), who founded the Shanghai City Symphony Orchestra in 2005. At age 92, he continues to conduct and               of public welfare and charity awards.
participate in activities. Foreground: One of the specialized violin teachers working with autistic students.
                                                                                                                        The Shanghai Cao Peng Music Center
The nonprofit orchestra brings together both foreign and native Chinese musicians living in Shanghai to rehearse        has also partnered with
for national and international performances. Cao Peng’s daughter, Cao Xiaoxia, manages the orchestra with her
sister, the violinist Xia Xiaocao and is deeply committed to supporting the program for autistic children, organizing   to establish the first autism care website
volunteers to give music lessons and sponsoring the formation of a school with specialized teachers.                    in China.

Stephan Brandel (Vn/Vla / International Advisory Council), Shanghai, China, plays with the Shanghai City Symphony Orchestra and contributed this story.
Art Project QING LI JEAN PAUL - Autismo Firenze
Piazza S.PIETRO 14 Febbraio 2018

                                                       Foto di gruppo

Qing Li
Don Alfred Xuereb
Luca Tzhou

                                                            Papa Francesco
                                                            incontra i ragazzi
Art Project QING LI JEAN PAUL - Autismo Firenze
FIRENZE Teatro Niccolini 15 Febbraio 2018

Conferenza stampa

                                           Maria Morganti presidente
                                           AUTISMO FIRENZE
Art Project QING LI JEAN PAUL - Autismo Firenze
Montecatini Terme : sala Consiglio Comunale 15 febbraio

                                                        Saluto del Sindaco


                                              Sindaco di Montecatini
                                              Gen Rosso
                                              Ass. Ramunion in Italia
                                              Staff organizzazione

                     Terme di Montecatini:
                     stabilimenti Tettuccio
Art Project QING LI JEAN PAUL - Autismo Firenze
16 Febbraio FIRENZE: Salone dei 500


Console Wang Fuguo
Dott. Umberto Cecchi

                                      Saluto Assessore
                                      Comune Firenze
Art Project QING LI JEAN PAUL - Autismo Firenze
16 Febbraio PRATO: Teatro Politeama

                                              Programma di sala
                                    Overture La Forza Del Destino         G.Verdi

                                    Violin Concert Butterfly love       He Zhanhao      Chen Gang

                                    Violinist: Xiaocao Sha

                               3 a
                                 Piano Concert in a Minor, Op.16 Mov.II     E.Grieg

                                   Piano Performer: Zhou Bohan

                                                                           Arrange by Li Zhongbo
                                   Brass Band O Sole Mio Jasmine

                                   Performers Shanghai City Angel Brass Band

                                   Brass quintet: Colonel Bogey March American Patrol

                                     Performers: Dai Wangchen, Huang Kaiyu, Shen Yanzhen,
                                                Xu Yizheng, Ji Tianshu

                                     Bamboo Flute Zigeunerweisen           P.Sarasate

                                   Flutist: Fan Linfeng

                               7                                              ·
                                     Scheherazade, Op.35, Mov.4           Rimsky-Korsakov

                               Performer: Shanghai City Symphony Orchestra ,
                               Conductor: Cao Peng

Sha : “Butterfly love”
Art Project QING LI JEAN PAUL - Autismo Firenze
“La Forza del Destino”

                         “Bamboo flute”


                          “Brass band”
Console Generale
                 a Firenze
                 Wang Fuguo e
                 Cao Peng

Li Beibei
Maurizio Ciampolini

               Cao Peng and Sha
Art Direction : QING LI

Production manager: JEAN PAUL

Uff. stampa: Dott. Maurizio Ciampolini

Video project: Steady Art

Segreteria: Li Beibei e Lin
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