Armed COVID-19 Protests Exploit "Open Carry Loophole" - Everytown Research

Page created by Lawrence Reynolds
Armed COVID-19 Protests Exploit "Open Carry Loophole" - Everytown Research
Armed COVID-19
                               Protests Exploit
                              “Open Carry Loophole”
Armed demonstrators
in Michigan on April 15,1
left, and April 30,2 right.

In 35 states, civilians       For three consecutive weeks, small numbers of armed protesters, openly carrying
may openly carry              semi-automatic rifles, have attended rallies in and around the Michigan State
loaded long guns              Capitol organized to protest the governor’s extension of the state stay-at-home
around state capitol          order. At similar rallies at the Kentucky, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin state
buildings.                    houses and in the streets of Raleigh, Dallas, Pittsburgh, Denver, Salt Lake City, and
                              Crown Point, gun rights extremists have used state lockdown protests, as more
                              recently protests spurred by the death of George Floyd, as opportunities to openly
                              display military-style firearms to incite fear, suppress civil discourse, and threaten
                              public safety.3

                              The violent rhetoric accompanying the open carry has been steadily increasing.
                              Protesters in Kentucky 4 and Michigan have displayed effigies of the states’
                              governors hanging in nooses, and it was reported that members of private
                              Facebook groups who were planning the Michigan protests were also making
                              threats of physical violence. 5 Armed protesters descended on the home of
                              Ohio’s state health director.6 One organizer in North Carolina, who attended
                              demonstrations while armed, filmed a video saying he was “willing to kill people.”7
                              And in Colorado, a major healthcare provider was threatened with “severe
                              consequences,”8 if it did not end its quarantine order and a man who used
                              social media to encourage people to bring assault rifles to a protest was arrested
                              for possession of several illegal pipe bombs.9

1                                                     June 2020
Armed COVID-19 Protests Exploit "Open Carry Loophole" - Everytown Research
Gun rights extremists are able to mount these intimidation campaigns because
                              in most states it is legal to open carry loaded firearms at or around state capitol
                              buildings or demonstrations. This is largely due to the absence of state laws
                              prohibiting the open carry of firearms in public, commonly known as the “open
                              carry loophole.” Few state legislatures have addressed the legality of the “open
                              carry loophole” because responsible gun owners have not traditionally openly
                              carried firearms in public.

Open Carry
of Long Guns

    State Law is Silent or
    Explicitly Authorizes
    State Law Requires
    Carry Permit (4)
    State Law Prohibits
    (5 + DC)

Open Carry of Long
Guns on Capitol
Grounds and/or

    Allowed at Both (33)
    Allowed on Capitol
    Grounds Only (2)
    Allowed at
    Demonstrations Only (9)
    Prohibited at Both
    (6 + DC)

In 41 states, civilians       Thus, while a majority of states require a permit to carry a concealed handgun in
can open carry loaded,        public, in 41 states, it is legal for civilians to openly carry loaded, semi-automatic
semi-automatic rifles         rifles in public without a permit.10 In two-thirds of the 41 states, a person openly
without a permit.             carrying a long gun may never have passed a background check since no permit
                              is required for open carry and no background check is required on unlicensed
                              sales of long guns.11 In 35 states, civilians may openly carry loaded long guns
                              around state capitol buildings.12

                              Open carry is a dangerous policy opposed by law enforcement as well as the
                              public. A visible gun has been found to make people more aggressive; therefore,
                              open carry makes it more likely that disagreements will turn into violent conflicts.13
                              For example, seventy-five percent of Texas police chiefs responding to a 2015
                              survey opposed open carry policies14 because it can make it more difficult for
                              law enforcement to respond to shooting incidents and distinguish suspects from
                              other members of the public openly carrying firearms. Polling in Texas, where
                              open carry is lawful, demonstrates that a significant portion of citizens in that
                              state similarly oppose the open carry of firearms.15 The open carry of loaded
                              firearms during any demonstration increases the likelihood that such an event
                              will escalate into a dangerous or deadly situation.

                              Nevertheless, a small number of gun rights extremists, some with ties to militia
                              and extreme anti-government groups, are promoting armed attendance at
                              demonstrations across the country.16 The National Rifle Association (NRA)
                              supports unfettered open carry17 and has failed to repudiate these protests and
                              the intimidation tactics being deployed. In fact, multiple NRA board members
                              are publicly supporting and promoting protests,18 opting to align themselves
                              with fringe groups in an attempt to help the struggling organization19 maintain
                              relevance with far-right extremists. But the dangers inherent to the open carry
                              of firearms in demonstrations are very real, and a new Department of Homeland
                              Security (DHS) memo, reportedly the fifth DHS memo in the last two months
                              warning law enforcement agencies about the recent mobilization of domestic
                              terrorists, warns that recent protests spurred by the death of George Floyd may
                              provide a new opportunity for violent, armed incitement by “militia extremists”
                              who oppose gun ownership laws and will exploit protests over police brutality
                              to incite a civil war.20 Armed extremists have already shown up at recent
                              protests in Denver and Salt Lake City.21

Regulating open               The open carry of firearms, violent rhetoric, and rising tensions are a dangerous
carry does not run            combination. State and local leaders should close the open carry loophole
afoul of the 1st or 2nd       and regulate open carry, particularly at demonstrations held on capitol
Amendments.                   grounds. The common sense actions below would protect public safety,
                              help keep demonstrations peaceful, and do not run afoul of the First or
                              Second Amendments.22

                              Legislative Options for Addressing
                              the “Open Carry Loophole” 23
                          ❶   Prohibit the open carry of firearms in public.

                          ❷   Prohibit firearms at demonstrations held on public property.

                          ❸   Ensure local officials have the authority to regulate firearms at demonstrations.

1.   Jeff Kowalsky, “People Take Park in a Pro-       8.    David Choi, “A Major Healthcare Provider            18.   On April 15, 2020, Ted Nugent wrote
     test for ‘Michiganders Against Excessive               Received a Threatening Email to End the                   on Facebook that Michigan protesters
     Quarantine,’ at the Michigan State Capitol in          Lockdown 'or Face Severe Consequences.'                   “are my real Michiganiac shitkickers!”
     Lansing, Michigan on April 15, 2020,” 2020             Police Said It Wasn't a Crime,” Business                  (
     (Getty Images),            Insider, May 6, 2020, https://www.busi-                   posts/10157391883687297?__tn__=-R); On
     detail/news-photo/people-take-part-in-a-                       April 22, 2020, Willes Lee tweeted, “Lying
     protest-for-michiganders-against-news-pho-             il-war-threat-email-2020-5.                               media and corrupt Dems want America
     to/1210050182?adppopup=true.                     9.    Clayton Sandell, “Colorado Man Planning                   closed. First they bitch that Trump isn’t a
2.   Senator Dayna Polehanki, Twitter post, April           Armed Protest against State’s Coronavirus                 king to order states to open .... then they
     30, 2020, 12:38 p.m.,             Restrictions Arrested for Pipe Bombs,” ABC                whine that he needs to order Kemp to keep
     SenPolehanki/status/1255899318210314241.               News, May 4, 2020,                GA closed. #corruptDems #talkingpoints
3.   Abigail Censky, “Heavily Armed Protesters              US/colorado-man-planning-armed-pro-                       #openAmerica #MAGA.” (
     Gather Again at Michigan Capitol to Decry              test-states-coronavirus-restrictions/sto-                 WillesLee/status/1253140476196159495);
     Stay-At-Home Order,” NPR, May 14, 2020,                ry?id=70491370; United States Attorney’s                  On May 18, Lee also shared a COVID-re-              Office, District of Colorado, “Northern                   lated conspiracy theory about Bill Gates:
     heavily-armed-protesters-gath-                         Colorado Man Arrested for Possessing Pipe                 “This guy is sooo dirty. https://www.
     er-again-at-michigans-capitol-denounc-                 Bombs,” news release, May 3, 2020, https://     
     ing-home-order; see also Daniel Villarreal,                 mands-bill-gates-arrest-crimes-against-hu-
     “Michigan Closes Down Capitol in Face of               do-man-arrested-possessing-pipe-bombs.                    manity” (
     Death Threats from Armed Protesters Against      10.   Five states (CA, FL, HI, IL, and TN) and the              status/1262547230440828928); Marion
     Gov. Whitmer,” Newsweek, May 14, 2020,                 District of Columbia prohibit the open carry              Hamer called COVID-19 statistics in Florida              of loaded long guns. Four states (IA (within              “deliberately deceptive” (“Florida NRA leader
     down-capitol-face-death-threats-armed-pro-             the limits of any city), MA, MN and NJ) require           Questions Local Coronavirus Stats, Suggests
     testers-against-gov-whitmer-1504241; Robert            permits to openly carry long guns. Pennsyl-               They're 'Deliberately Deceptive.’” Tallahas-
     J. Spitzer, “Why Are People Bringing Guns to           vania requires a carry permit in cities of “the           see Democrat, May 26, 2020, https://www.
     Anti-Quarantine Protests? To Be Intimidating,”         first class,” defined as a city with a population
     Washington Post, April 27, 2020, https://www.          of one million or more (i.e., Philadelphia), only         top-nra-official-florida-questions-local-coro-                 and is included among states that allow open              navirus-statistics/5256829002/); Anthony
     why-are-people-bringing-guns-anti-quaran-              carry of long guns without a permit.                      Colandro knowingly violated New Jersey’s
     tine-protests-be-intimidating/; Associated       11.   In addition to the five states (and DC) that              stay-at-home order to attend an anti-quar-
     Press, “National Guard Called Out in Utah              prohibit the open carry of loaded long guns,              antine protest, and said, "This plandemic
     After Violence,” Associated Press, May 30,             ten states (AR, CO, IN, MO, NC, OK, OR, TX,               is a bunch of bullshit now. Now they want
     2020,                   WA, and WV) prohibit the open carry of loaded             microchipping and cellphone apps and they
     national-guard-called-out-in-utah-after-vio-           long guns on capitol grounds.                             want to quarantine us in camps and stuff.
     lence/; Erik Maulbetsch, “Denver Police Seized   12.   These states are: AL, AK, AR, AZ, GA, ID, IN,             What's coming next?" (Sydney Hargis, “NRA
     Assault Rifles from Anti-Govt Gun Activists            KS, KY, LA, ME, MI, MS, MO, MT, ND, NE, NH,               Board Member Encouraged People to Attend
     at Friday Night Protest,” Colorado Pols, May           OH, OK, SC, SD, TX, UT, WI, WV, and WY.                   Protest against Social Distancing: ‘They Can’t
     31, 2020,          13.   Jennifer Klinesmith, Tim Kasser, and Francis T.           Arrest All of Us,’” Media Matters for America,
     diary/140698/denver-police-seized-assault-             McAndrew, “Guns, Testosterone, and Aggres-                April 30, 2020, https://www.mediamatters.
     rifles-from-anti-govt-gun-activists-at-friday-         sion: An Experimental Test of a Mediational               org/coronavirus-covid-19/nra-board-mem-
     night-protest; Lauren Strapagiel, “Armed               Hypothesis,” Psychological Science 17, no.                ber-encouraged-people-attend-pro-
     White Men Showed Up To A Black Lives Matter            7 (2006)                test-against-social-distancing); see also Matt
     Protest In Indiana,” Buzzfeed News, June 4,            guns-testo-aggress.pdf.                                   Cohen, “How the NRA Is Using Coronavirus
     2020,      14.   Tom Benning, “75 Percent of Texas Police                  Fears to Drive Up Gun Sales,” Mother Jones,
     laurenstrapagiel/crown-point-indiana-black-            Chiefs Responding to Survey Oppose Open                   May 8, 2020,
     lives-matter-guns.                                     Carry,” February 13, 2015, https://www.                   politics/2020/05/how-the-nra-is-using-coro-
4.   Sarah Ladd, “Beshear Hanged in Effigy as                    navirus-fears-to-drive-up-gun-sales/.
     Second Amendment Supporters Rally at                   percent-of-texas-police-chiefs-responding-          19.   Tim Mak, “Secret Recording Reveals NRA's Le-
     Capitol before Memorial Day,” Louisville               to-survey-oppose-open-carry/.                             gal Troubles Have Cost The Organization $100
     Courier Journal, May 24, 2020, https://          15.   Ross Ramsey, “UT/TT Poll: Voters Less Open                Million,” NPR, April 21, 2020, https://www.npr.               to Open Carry,” Dallas Tribune, Febru-                    org/2020/04/21/839999178/secret-recording-
     tics/2020/05/24/second-amendment-sup-                  ary 24, 2015, https://www.texastribune.                   reveals-nras-legal-troubles-have-cost-the-or-
     porters-protest-covid-19-restrictions-capi-            org/2015/02/24/uttt-poll-voters-less-open-                ganization-100-mill; see also
     tol/5250571002/.                                       open-carry/?.                                       20.   Betsy Woodruff Swan and Natasha Bertrand,
5.   Katie Shepherd and Moriah Balingit, “A Noose,    16.   Bryan Armen Graham, “‘Swastikas and                       “‘Domestic Terrorist Actors’ Could Exploit
     an Ax and Trump-Inspired Insults: Anti-lock-           Nooses’: Governor Slams ‘Racism’ of Michigan              Floyd Protests, DHS Memo Warns,” Politico,
     down Protesters Ratchet up Violent Rhetoric,”          Lockdown Protest,” The Guardian, May                      June 1, 2020,
     Washington Post, May 15, 2020, https://www.            3, 2020,                     news/2020/06/01/dhs-domestic-terror-                  us-news/2020/may/03/michigan-gretch-                      ists-protest-294342.
     noose-fight-coronavirus-protest/.                      en-whitmer-lockdown-protest-racism);                21.   Associated Press, “National Guard Called Out
6.   Griff Witte, “Ohio’s Amy Acton Inspires                Sara Burnett, “Michigan Militia Puts Armed                in Utah After Violence,” Associated Press, May
     Admiration, and a Backlash, with Tough Coro-           Protest in the Spotlight,” Associated Press,              30, 2020,
     navirus Response,” Washington Post, May                May 2, 2020,                 national-guard-called-out-in-utah-after-vio-
     18, 2020,              0c958053489bd24bb7fce93f.                                 lence/; Erik Maulbetsch, “Denver Police Seized
     national/a-white-coated-hero-or-a-medical-       17.   Michael Muskal, “NRA Apologizes for Calling               Assault Rifles from Anti-Govt Gun Activists at
     dictator-ohios-amy-acton-inspires-admira-              Texas Open-Carry Gun Demonstrators                        Friday Night Protest,” Colorado Pols, May 31,
     tion-and-a-backlash-with-tough-coronavirus-            ‘Weird’,” Los Angeles Times, June 4, 2014,                2020,
     response/2020/05/17/fa00cd1c-96d4-11ea-                       ry/140698/denver-police-seized-assault-rifles-
     82b4-c8db161ff6e5_story.html.                          la-na-nn-nra-apologize-texas-long-gun-open-               from-anti-govt-gun-activists-at-friday-night-
7.   Steve Wiseman, “Husband of ReOpenNC                    carry-20140604-story.html.                                protest.
     Leader Says He’s ‘Willing to Kill People’ to                                                               22.   Eric Tirschwell and Alla Lefkowitz, “Prohibiting
     Fight Government Control,” News & Ob-                                                                            Guns at Public Demonstrations: Debunking
     server (Raleigh, NC), May 24, 2020, https://                                                                     First and Second Amendment Myths After                                                                            Charlottesville,” UCLA Law Review, April 5,
     cle242971806.html.                                                                                               2018,
                                                                                                                23.   In the absence of legislative actions, states
                                                                                                                      and localities can also consider enforcing
                                                                                                                      generally applicable criminal law—all 50 states
                                                                                                                      criminalize armed intimidation—and increasing
                                                                                                                      penalties for intimidation and the illegal use of
                                                                                                                      firearms. Tirschwell and Lefkowitz, “Prohibiting

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