Arkansas Monarch and Pollinator Conservation Plan - MAY 2018 Presented by the Arkansas Monarch

Page created by Tina Gill
Arkansas Monarch and Pollinator Conservation Plan - MAY 2018 Presented by the Arkansas Monarch
Arkansas Monarch and Pollinator
       Conservation Plan

                    M AY 2 0 1 8
        P re s e n t e d by t h e A rkan sas Mo n arch
                C o n s e r v at i o n P ar t n er sh i p
                      S t e er i n g Co m m i t t ee
Arkansas Monarch and Pollinator Conservation Plan - MAY 2018 Presented by the Arkansas Monarch
       CONTENTS                                             Following years of declines in populations of
                                                          monarch butterflies and pollinators, the U.S. Fish and
     Executive Summary			                        1
                                                          Wildlife Service has received petitions to list several
     Introduction				                            2
                                                          pollinator species as threatened or endangered under
     Arkansas Action			                          2
                                                          the Endangered Species Act. The presidents of the
     Background				                              3
                                                          United States and Mexico and the prime minister of
     Arkansas Monarch Conservation
                                                          Canada have called for cooperative action to address
     Partnership and the Plan		                  9
                                                          declining monarch populations. In June 2014, a
     Monarch and Pollinator Habitat
                                                          Presidential Memorandum was issued from the White
     Conservation, Enhancement
                                                          House directing federal actions to address the issue
     and Restoration			                          9
                                                          of pollinator conservation resulting in the creation of a
     Research and Monitoring		                  13
                                                          Pollinator Health Task Force and the National Strategy
     Outreach and Education		                   15
                                                          to Promote the Health of Honey Bees and Other
     Capacity, Governance and Funding           17
     Collaboration and Partnerships             19
                                                            Following a summit of state and federal agencies,
     Acronyms and Planning Terms                19
                                                          nongovernmental organizations, businesses,
     References and Sources		                   20
                                                          landowners and others in 2015, a concerted effort
     Arkansas Monarch and Pollinator
                                                          was made to bring greater focus to the plight of the
     Conservation Plan Steering
                                                          monarch butterfly and pollinators in Arkansas. Summit
     Committee Members			                       20
                                                          attendees agreed that a statewide strategy should
     Acknowledgements			                        22
                                                          be developed in the form of a state monarch and
                                                          pollinator conservation plan. This document is the
                                                          result of that commitment.
                                                            The plan is based on cooperation and collaboration
 LIST OF FIGURES                                          and is a living document that will be periodically
  Figure 1 (Pg. 3): U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service        updated. It supports ongoing practices that benefit
monarch migration map.                                    monarchs and pollinators and points out adjustments
  Figure 2 (Pg. 4): The decline in total area occupied    in other programs and practices that will improve
in surveys of overwintering sites in Mexico between       monarch and pollinator habitat. It lays out a strategy
the 1994-95 season and 2016-17 season. Source:            to help agencies, organizations, businesses and                                         individual Arkansans understand the need for action
  Figure 3 (Pg. 4): A group of researchers under          and the part they can play in recovering these
the Monarch Conservation Science Partnership              important populations.
developed a priority map to help indicate where
monarch conservation efforts should be targeted to
maximize success. A large portion of Arkansas falls
within the South Core priority on this map with the
rest of the state in the “South Exterior.” Source: U.S.
Fish and Wildlife Service.

                                                ARKANSAS MONARCH AND POLLINATOR CONSERVATION PLAN 1
Arkansas Monarch and Pollinator Conservation Plan - MAY 2018 Presented by the Arkansas Monarch
butterflies, pollinators and their habitats in Arkansas.   returning north to their breeding areas, a range that
   Arkansas Department of                                                                                                Over 100 agency and organization staff and private         includes Arkansas, where female monarchs will
                                                                 Over the past two decades, monarch butterfly            citizens attended the first part of the summit; over 40    lay their eggs on emerging milkweed plants. The
   Transportation’s Operation                                  (Danaus plexippus) populations have declined              invitees participated in the second.                       subsequent offspring or first brood will then colonize
   Wildflower Program                                          significantly due to a variety of factors, including         Summit participants agreed that Arkansas's strategy     the remainder of the breeding range in eastern
                                                               habitat loss and a lack of milkweed plants, the sole      for monarch butterfly conservation should focus on         North America. If this brood fails, a critical link in the
     The Arkansas Department of Transportation’s
                                                               host plant used by the monarch during its egg and         expanding and creating milkweed and nectar plant           migration chain is broken with detrimental effects
   (ARDOT) Operation Wildflower Program
                                                               larval stages. Subsequently, the presidents of the        habitat necessary to support robust breeding and           on the eastern population of monarchs. Depending
   establishes new wildflower populations along
                                                               United States and Mexico and the prime minister           successful migration throughout the state. Moreover,       on the length of the season, as dictated by weather,
   highway rights-of-way (ROW) with native
                                                               of Canada have called for cooperative action. This        participants agreed that while the monarch butterfly       monarchs might produce two to four broods in
   wildflower seeds donated by a sponsor. ARDOT
                                                               decline has also prompted several national groups         is the primary concern, the plight of all pollinator       Arkansas. In the fall, the adults produced from the last
   requires at least $200 in seed donations,
                                                               to petition the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)    species needed to be included as part of the strategy      hatch will then return to the oyamel fir forests, and in
   which is usually enough seed to plant an acre.
                                                               to protect monarch butterflies under the Endangered       and overall message.                                       the spring the cycle will start again.
   When an Operation Wildflower project has a
                                                               Species Act (ESA). In June 2014, a Presidential              Among the many ideas generated during the                 In recent decades, many factors have affected
   seed donation of over $500, ‘Wildflower Area
                                                               Memorandum was issued from the White House                summit was the need to develop a steering committee        monarch populations, including habitat loss in the
   Sponsored By’… signage is provided.
                                                               directing federal actions to address the issue of         that would guide the process of developing a               United States, Canada and Mexico; recent droughts;
     In the Fall of 2016, the Helena-West Helena
                                                               pollinator conservation, resulting in the creation of a   Statewide Monarch and Pollinator Plan.                     climate change; and a significant decline in milkweed
   Advertising and Promotion Commission donated
                                                               Pollinator Health Task Force and the National Strategy       The Arkansas Monarch Conservation Partnership           and nectar resources in breeding areas and migration
   almost 50 pounds of native wildflower and grass
                                                               to Promote the Health of Honey Bees and Other             (AMCP) is the direct result of summit deliberations and    paths that include Arkansas. The decline in various
   seed to plant 4.5 acres of Highway 49 ROW in
                                                               Pollinators.                                              the subsequently formed steering committee. The            species of native milkweed is particularly troublesome
   Helena-West Helena, Arkansas. The native
                                                                                                                         AMCP is a consortium of state and federal agencies,        as they are essential for monarch survival. Milkweed
   wildflower and grass seed mix consisted of:
                                                                                                                         municipalities, nongovernmental organizations,             species are the only plants on which monarch
                                                                ARKANSAS ACTION
   Black-eyed Susan                Showy evening                                                                         businesses, academia and private individuals working       butterflies lay eggs and the only plants monarch
   Purple Blazing Star             primrose                      Recognizing the importance of this issue and the        together to conserve and protect monarch butterflies,      caterpillars eat.
   Maximilian sunflower            Big bluestem                need to be part of the solution, representatives from     pollinators and their habitats.                              In North America, migratory monarchs have
   Lanceleaf coreopsis             Little bluestem             the National Wildlife Federation (NWF), Arkansas                                                                     suffered because of habitat loss due to land use
   Tickseed coreopsis              Indiangrass                 Wildlife Federation (AWF), U.S. Fish and Wildlife                                                                    changes (commercial, residential, or agricultural
                                                               Service and Arkansas Game and Fish Commission
     The Helena-West Helena Operation Wildflower
                                                               (AGFC) began discussing Arkansas’s role in monarch          Arkansas lies within             Figure 1
   project received two signs, at the beginning and end
                                                               conservation. Staff from these agencies along with        the migratory and spring
   of the planted area. Also, in exchange for the seed
                                                               staff from the Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission       breeding area of the
   donation, AHTD did all the site prep work—mowing,
                                                               and Arkansas Association of Conservation Districts        monarch butterfly, a
   disking and sowing of seeds. Cooperation from the
                                                               formed the core team that planned a summit for            species that has declined
   local District maintenance personnel is helpful, as
                                                               discussing the options for future collaboration.          significantly over the last 20
   they usually come out and help us prep the ground
                                                                 On Nov. 9-10, 2015, the planning team agencies and      years. Each fall, hundreds
   for sowing seeds, and it alerts the Districts where the
                                                               organizations and Pine Ridge Gardens hosted and           of thousands of monarch
   wildflower plot(s) is, so that they don’t mow the area
                                                               sponsored the Arkansas Monarch Summit. The first          butterflies pass through
   at the wrong time of year.
                                                               part of the summit educated agency and organization       Arkansas as part of their
                                                               staff and interested private citizens about monarch       spectacular journey to the
                                                               butterfly biology and life history, while the second      high-elevation oyamel fir
                                                               part focused on forming a consortium of state and         (Abies religiosa) forests
                                                               federal agencies, municipalities, non-governmental        in central Mexico where
                                                               organizations, businesses and private individuals         they overwinter. In the
    Operation wildflower sign and U.S. Highway 49 in Helena-
    West Helena Operation Wildflower site preparation.         that would work together to develop a statewide           spring, usually early
                                                               comprehensive plan to conserve and protect monarch        March, monarchs start

2 ARKANSAS MONARCH AND POLLINATOR CONSERVATION PLAN                                                                                                                     ARKANSAS MONARCH AND POLLINATOR CONSERVATION PLAN 3
Arkansas Monarch and Pollinator Conservation Plan - MAY 2018 Presented by the Arkansas Monarch
uncertainty to the future      more difficult, potentially polarizing and inherently
    Figure 2
                                                                                 survival of monarchs,          political. Therefore, it is in everyone’s best interest to
                                                                                 Arkansas’s primary strategy    work together in an effort to avert any potential federal      Arkansas Audubon
                                                                                 for effective monarch          action. These voluntary conservation efforts will              Society’s Bird Friendly
                                                                                 conservation will focus on     contribute to ongoing actions to preclude the need to
                                                                                 expanding and creating         list the species under the ESA. Currently, the USFWS is
                                                                                                                                                                               Yard (BFY) Program
                                                                                 milkweed and nectar plant      conducting a species status assessment to determine
                                                                                 habitat to support robust      monarch viability and to inform the decision as to
                                                                                 breeding and successful        whether the monarch should be listed.
                                                                                 migration throughout the          A related but uniquely important problem is the
                                                                                 state. Therefore, finding      plight of all pollinators, especially honeybees and
                                                                                 ways to diversify habitat      Arkansas’s hundreds of native bee species. Many
                                                                                 in agricultural and urban      native bees appear to be declining across their
                                                                                 landscapes and rights-of-      range with multiple species of bumble bees found              Arkansas Audubon Society’s bird friendly yard.

                                                                                 way, as well as improving      in Arkansas listed as threatened on the International
                                                                                                                                                                                Launched in 2016, Arkansas Audubon Society’s
                                                                                 habitat on existing lands in   Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List
                                                                                                                                                                             Bird Friendly Yard (BFY) program has a vision
                                                                                 conservation ownership, will   of Threatened Species. The USFWS has listed
                                                                                                                                                                             of turning Arkansas into America’s largest bird
                                                                                 be crucial.                    one pollinator species, the rusty patched bumble
                                                                                                                                                                             sanctuary by creating a statewide network of
                                                                                   The urgency for taking       bee (Bombus affinis), as endangered under the
 development or conversion) and mowing or pesticide                                                                                                                          yards and parks planted with native flowers,
                                                      action cannot be overstated. Currently, states            ESA. While the rusty patched bumble bee is not
 applications that are not timed to monarch needs.                                                                                                                           shrubs, and trees. The BFY program also supports
                                                      have considerable leeway in determining action            present in Arkansas, this represents a milestone in
 Threats in Mexico include habitat degradation by                                                                                                                            monarch and pollinator conservation, as bird-
                                                      for improving habitat, limited mostly by available        the recognition of the importance of pollinators. In
 logging, climate change and harsh winter storms.                                                                                                                            friendly yards are havens for native insects, too.
                                                      resources (i.e., funding, seeds and/or plants) and        addition, over the last decade beekeepers have lost
 This combination of threats has led to a downward                                                                                                                              Yards that meet the BFY criteria for the program
                                                      the willingness of landowners and land managers.          on average one-third of their managed honey bee
 trend in the monarch population, which is assessed                                                                                                                          can be certified at one of three levels (gold, green,
                                                      If the monarch butterfly is listed as threatened or       colonies annually.
 by measuring the total area occupied by monarch                                                                                                                             or working to become bird friendly) depending
                                                      endangered under the ESA, collaboration becomes
 colonies at their                                                                                                                                                           on bird-friendly actions completed in specific
                                                                                                                                                     Photo by Steve Duzan
 overwintering sites                                                                                                                                                         categories, such as native plants, food and water,
                                                                                                 Figure 3
 in Mexico. The trend                                                                                                                                                        etc. See the Arkansas Audubon Society website
 since 1994–95 has                                                                                                                                                           ( for criteria and downloading
 been downward; data                                                                                                                                                         the application /certification form. The completed
 for 2014–17 show                                                                                                                                                            form plus $20 may then be mailed to the address
 a modest increase.                                                                                                                                                          shown on the form. In return, BFY program
 However, this                                                                                                                                                               participants will receive a yard flag identifying
 increase should be                                                                                                                                                          their level of certification, as well as resources
 viewed in light of the                                                                                                                                                      about native and non-native invasive plants
 increased surveillance                                                                                                                                                      and yard recognition in the Arkansas Audubon
 effort during 2014­                                                                                                                                                         Society’s newsletter.
 –17 in response to                                                                                                                                                             To date, there are 34 yards certified in 15
 the downward trend                                                                                                                                                          Arkansas counties through this program, but
                                                                                                                  Bees are a critical pollinator vital to our food-
 noted.                                                                                                                                                                      this number is growing rapidly! Ultimately, bird-
                                                                                                                production systems, and insect pollination in general
   While the effects                                                                                                                                                         friendly yards create habitat for birds, healthy
                                                                                                                contributes an estimated $29.4 billion of added value
 of climate change                                                                                                                                                           environments for humans, and bridges between
                                                                                                                to the agricultural economy in the United States. In
 and related weather                                                                                                                                                         fragmented local ecosystems, supporting
                                                                                                                Arkansas, thousands of acres are planted in crops
 patterns may                                                                                                                                                                butterflies, pollinators, birds, and other wildlife.
                                                                                                                dependent upon or improved by the pollination
 represent the greatest

4 ARKANSAS MONARCH AND POLLINATOR CONSERVATION PLAN                                                                                                              ARKANSAS MONARCH AND POLLINATOR CONSERVATION PLAN 5
Arkansas Monarch and Pollinator Conservation Plan - MAY 2018 Presented by the Arkansas Monarch
services of honeybees and native bees. Honey
                                                        production alone is valued in the millions. In addition,
    TNC William Kirsch                                  bees and other pollinators sustain native plant             Fayetteville Mayors’
    Preserve Habitat                                    communities that further contribute to maintaining          Monarch Pledge and City-
    Improvement                                         diverse and healthy ecosystems and all that they            led Initiatives
                                                        provide (e.g., wildlife, recreation, carbon cycling). As
     The William Kirsch Preserve at Ranch North         is the case with monarchs, multiple factors threaten          The City of Fayetteville joined the Mayors’
   Woods was acquired by The Nature Conservancy         bees and other pollinators, including loss of habitat       Monarch Pledge, a program of the National
   in late 2014. With 247 acres along 1.2 miles of      and forage plants, pesticide exposure, pathogens and        Wildlife Federation, in January of 2016 and
   the Little Maumelle River, the property is home to   various pests.                                              committed to undertaking 13 specific city-led
   both woodland and wetland species, including            Bees have special needs, including food habitat,         initiatives. The city’s commitment coincided
   deer, waterfowl, osprey, and eagles.                 nesting habitat and overwintering habitat. Bees take        with the first meeting of what was to become
     Conservancy staff saw an opportunity to take       all of their nutrition from flowers. Nectar provides        the Fayetteville Monarch Project. Approximately
   a large, low diversity hayfield on the property      simple carbohydrates and energy, which fuel their           50 people gathered to develop a local plan
   and turn it into a haven for pollinators and         activities. Pollen supplies the true nutrients: proteins,   to address monarch education and outreach
   monarchs. A series of controlled burns were          amino acids, vitamins, sterols and enzymes. Unlike          initiatives and to increase monarch habitat.
   conducted to begin restoring the old fields. In      butterflies, bees return to a nesting site where they       Several successful projects have been
   the spring of 2017, a grant from the U.S. Fish and   provision food for their offspring. This behavior           completed to advance the goals of the Mayors’
   Wildlife Service Partners for Fish and Wildlife      limits their foraging range to a fixed radius around        Monarch Pledge and the Fayetteville Monarch
   Program provided funding to plant 10 acres of        their nest site. Depending on the bee species, this         Project.
   wildflowers. Volunteers from Quail Forever and       foraging radius may extend a few hundred yards or             Members of the Fayetteville Monarch Project
   staff mowed, disked, and planted 200 pounds of       up to several miles. Some bee species are specialist        and City of Fayetteville staff worked together
   wildflower seed consisting of various sunflowers,    pollinators and visit a highly limited, small taxonomic     to produce a monarch butterfly brochure and
   coneflowers, and milkweeds and over 200 native       group of plants. These species thrive only when there       an educational presentation for engaging the
   wildflowers from Pine Ridge Nursery including        are adequate flowers available within their limited         public on the plight of the monarch butterfly.
   varieties of milkweed, mint, and coneflowers.        foraging range.                                             The Fayetteville Monarch Project brochure
   Within days, staff noticed monarch caterpillars         Other bee species are generalist pollinators and         can be found here:
   establishing homes on the newly added                will pollinate a wide variety of plant species. Many        DocumentCenter/View/12006.
   milkweed plants. There are still approximately       bees exhibit a floral fidelity when foraging, ensuring        The City of Fayetteville has also planted           Fayetteville monarch habitat garden.
   60 acres that need to be planted. Phase two          that pollen is only transferred among compatible            several monarch butterfly habitats on public
   plantings will take place in the spring of 2018.     plants. Generalist bees visit numerous plant species        property in city parks, street medians and facility     The Fayetteville Monarch Project plans
     The Preserve is open to the public, and signage,   throughout the season, acquiring a balanced diet            landscapes. These include: Wilson Park, Gulley        to continue monarch education efforts and
   natural trails, and a canoe access have been         from multiple resources. Evidence suggests that bees        Park, the College Avenue median and at the            increase monarch habitat in 2017 with tabling
   added to the property to provide a positive          can detect nutrient deficiencies in pollen sources          city’s Sustainability Department located in the       events, group presentations and how-to
   visitor experience. Conservation, science, and       and will actively seek other flowers to balance their       new Spring Street Parking Deck at the Walton          workshops.
   school groups utilize the property as an outdoor     nutrient intake. Therefore, these bees should have          Arts Center. These monarch gardens have                 Besides Fayetteville, three other Arkansas
   classroom and numerous visitors hike, fish, bike,    access to an abundant variety of flowers within their       a mixture of milkweed plants and flowering            cities (De Queen, Little Rock and Springdale)
   and explore.                                         foraging range.                                             nectar-producing plants. Signs inform visitors        have signed the Mayors’ Monarch Pledge to
                                                           Bees nest in a variety of habitats, depending on         of the purpose and functionality of the plants        take action to help the monarch butterfly. If you
                                                        their species and life cycles. Bees may be categorized      in these monarch gardens. Additional monarch          would like more information or to sign up your
                                                        as cavity-nesting, ground-nesting or tunnel-nesting.        gardens have been developed at public schools         community, please go to
                                                        Cavity-nesting bees include honey bees and bumble           and local churches, and a demonstration               For-Wildlife/About/National-Initiatives/Mayors-
                                                        bees. They form eusocial to semi-social colonies and        garden is under construction at the Botanical         Monarch-Pledge.aspx.
                                                        occupy a cavity they find but do not excavate. Honey        Garden of the Ozarks.
    Monarch caterpillar on planted butterfly weed.
                                                        bees often nest in hollow trees or other cavities above

6 ARKANSAS MONARCH AND POLLINATOR CONSERVATION PLAN                                                                                                            ARKANSAS MONARCH AND POLLINATOR CONSERVATION PLAN 7
Arkansas Monarch and Pollinator Conservation Plan - MAY 2018 Presented by the Arkansas Monarch
to construct wax combs. Bumble bees often nest in                                                                       GOAL 1: Provide high-quality habitat comprised
                                                                                                                        ARKANSAS MONARCH CONSERVATION
                                                           empty rodent holes in the ground or sometimes at                                                                        of a diversity of nectar-producing plants, including
                                                                                                                        PARTNERSHIP AND THE PLAN
    Northwest Arkansas                                     ground level in grassy thatch.                                                                                          milkweeds suitable for monarch reproduction
    Master Naturalists Native                                Ground-nesting bees will dig their own burrows,              The Arkansas Monarch Conservation Partnership            that will be available to pollinators throughout the
                                                           and the selected home sites will vary among species.        is Arkansas’s response to the challenges ahead. As          growing season.
    Plants Project                                         Some nest in grassy areas, while others prefer bare         detailed in this plan, we have:                               Objective 1: Restore, create or enhance 3,500
                                                           soil. Some prefer sandy loam soil, while others prefer        1) Set goals for monarch and pollinator habitat efforts     acres of native habitats that support monarchs and
                                                           hard-packed soil. The key component is that the                  in the state, including strengthening existing           pollinators on private lands by 2023.
                                                           ground is undisturbed and within range of floral                 work, identifying gaps and prioritizing actions,           STRATEGY 1: Use federal and state habitat
                                                           resources.                                                    2) Created a holistic, coordinated statewide strategy         programs to the maximum extent possible to
                                                             Tunnel-nesting bees do not construct burrows but               for supporting monarchs and pollinators,                   increase milkweed and nectar plants on private
                                                           seek out appropriate holes and may modify them for            3) Developed a collaborative effort to attract                lands. These include, but are not limited to:
                                                           their use. They look for holes in dead wood created by           resources needed to the state’s monarch                    1) AGFC - Acres for Wildlife (AFW)
                                                           emerging insects or woodpeckers, or they may utilize             population while boosting populations of all               2) Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)
                                                           hollow stems or crevices in masonry or natural cracks            pollinator species, and                                       • Conservation Reserve Program (CRP)
                                                           in stones. These bees may use plant material, such as         4) Identified opportunities to integrate our efforts             • Environmental Quality Incentives Program
                                                           fibers or leaf pieces, or mud to modify the diameter of          with other regional and national initiatives.                     (EQIP)
     Master Naturalists planting native plants.
                                                           the tunnel and to separate the tunnel into individual          This plan will be monitored and reviewed                        • Agricultural Conservation Easement Program,
                                                           cells in which to provision food for their offspring.       periodically and revised as needed to keep it relevant                 Wetland Reserve Easements (WRE)
      In March of 2016, the Northwest Arkansas
                                                             The overwintering needs of bees are fairly simple.        and up-to-date with the best available science and              3) USFWS - Partners for Fish and Wildlife (PFW)
    Master Naturalists undertook what has become
                                                           Honey bees require sufficient stored food. They             information.                                                    4) Arkansas Forestry Commission - Forest
    the Native Plants Project. Under the leadership
                                                           convert the caloric energy of honey into heat to keep                                                                          Stewardship Program (FSP)
    of Rose Gergerich and Warren Fields, a group
                                                           alive until spring brings more flowers, while the hive in                                                                   5) Federal Highway Administration - Transportation
    of volunteers began the propagation of                                                                              MONARCH AND POLLINATOR HABITAT
                                                           which they live keeps them dry and insulated. Bumble                                                                           Alternatives Program (TAP)
    native seedlings. As these have matured, they                                                                       CONSERVATION, ENHANCEMENT AND
                                                           bees live in annual colonies, which die out each year                                                                       STRATEGY 2: Ensure that adequate numbers of
    have been made available for an extremely                                                                           RESTORATION
                                                           after producing new queens. Only mated queens                                                                               milkweeds and all-season nectar-producing plants
    reasonable cost to private gardeners and to
                                                           overwinter, hibernating in the ground and emerging             Provision of adequate feeding and breeding habitat           are included in the seed mixes in existing habitat
    groups who have designed native plantings.
                                                           to found a new colony each spring. Suitable sites           to provide for the needs of monarchs and pollinators            restoration programs (CRP, PFW, EQIP, AFW, WRE).
    The project works to include monarch host
                                                           for queen bumble bees to overwinter include well-           while they are in Arkansas is the primary concern and           Work with NRCS to ensure program guidelines
    and nectar plants in its offerings. Since
                                                           drained, sandy soil, often on a north-facing hillside       overarching goal of this plan. Monarch butterflies and          include planting at least one species of milkweed
    the inception of the project, nearly 3,000
                                                           that will not be exposed to premature warming by            pollinators must be able to complete their life cycles          and three late-blooming fall nectar plants.
    plants have been sold or donated to private
                                                           the sun. Most solitary bees provision nests for their       to sustain healthy populations, and can only do this            Encourage the NRCS wildlife subcommittee
    individuals, state parks and local non-profit
                                                           offspring and abandon them, dying the same year.            if there is sufficient high-quality habitat available           to work toward allocating a set amount of the
    organizations. Two more sales are planned to
                                                           These bees will overwinter in the pupal stage and           throughout the growing season. This is important not            5% wildlife funding toward conservation cover
    take advantage of the upcoming fall planting
                                                           emerge in spring. After mating, the male bees die, and      only for monarchs and other pollinators, but also for           (practice 327) and field borders (practice 386).
                                                           females establish new nest sites, which they provision      sustaining native vegetation as well as agriculture.            STRATEGY 3: Work with AFW program
                                                           with pollen and nectar collected from flowers. After           This plan establishes objectives for restoring,              administrators to add green antelope horn
                                                           depositing eggs, they will die out.                         enhancing, creating and managing habitat to achieve             milkweed (Asclepias viridis) to the seed mix.
 ground. If natural cavities are unavailable, honey                                                                    this goal. This will be done by providing milkweed              This species is adapted to most upland soil
 bees will nest in man-made structures, sometimes in                                                                   and nectar plants for monarchs and meeting the                  types throughout the state and is prevalent in
 the ground, or (more rarely) in exposed combs built                                                                   special needs of native bees and other native                   overgrazed or stressed pastures in southwest
 in the open. Honey bees live in perennial colonies                                                                    pollinators. Many of these treatments will also benefit         Arkansas. Pursue a partnership where the PFW
 and must therefore store sufficient food (as honey) to                                                                honeybees.                                                      program purchases the milkweed seed to add to
 support the entire colony through the winter, and they                                                                                                                                the AFW mix.
 require a cavity with sufficient storage space in which

8 ARKANSAS MONARCH AND POLLINATOR CONSERVATION PLAN                                                                                                                    ARKANSAS MONARCH AND POLLINATOR CONSERVATION PLAN 9
Arkansas Monarch and Pollinator Conservation Plan - MAY 2018 Presented by the Arkansas Monarch
STRATEGY 4: Work with NRCS and FSA to                    STRATEGY 1: Provide input into long-range plans
    enhance existing WRE and CRP sites by                    for agencies and make sure they understand
    establishing milkweed and identify non-tree-             opportunities to help monarchs and pollinators         Pulaski Conservation District
    planting CRP contracts, sending landowners               and any related responsibility they have. Some
                                                                                                                    Uses NRCS Funding to Install
    a letter explaining the desire to enhance their          actions to support these practices are covered later
    lands for monarchs and pollinators, which will           in this plan. Other actions include working with       School Pollinator Gardens
    also benefit other wildlife, such as deer, quail and     agencies planning habitat work. Review proposed
    turkey.                                                  projects to make sure they address monarch and           In September 2016, the Natural Resources
    STRATEGY 5: Use PFW to enhance previous                  pollinator needs.                                      Conservation Service awarded an $11,000
    projects for monarchs and pollinators by                 STRATEGY 2: Provide BMPs for management of             cooperative agreement to the Pulaski
    working with landowners to plant milkweeds or            habitats. Several practices that manage ground         Conservation District for the purpose of installing
    incorporate dormant-season disking to promote            cover could be altered to improve milkweed             two pollinator gardens at local schools. The
    goldenrod and other nectar plants.                       and nectar-plant production and better meet            primary goals of the project were to develop
    STRATEGY 6: Meet with the FSA to determine the           the special needs of pollinators. These include        urban pollinator habitat and provide pollinator
    feasibility of modifying Continuous Conservation         highway corridors, food plots, parks and               educational opportunities to students. Lawson
    Reserve Program (CCRP) practice CP42 to                  woodlands.                                             Elementary in west Pulaski County and Flightline
    include pastureland, and what would be required        Objective 3: Create or restore 7,000 acres of            Upper Academy Lighthouse Charter Middle
    to make this change. If modifying CP42 is not an       monarch and pollinator habitat on public and private     School on the Little Rock Air Force Base were
    option, then look at creating a new CCRP practice      rights-of-way by 2023.                                   the two schools selected by the district. Both
    that takes pasture and hay production land into          STRATEGY 1: Work with the state highway                schools had existing outdoor classroom programs
    consideration without requiring a cropping               department to plant native milkweeds and other         and staff dedicated to experiential learning            Pulaski Conservation District, NRCS School
                                                                                                                                                                            Pollinator Gardens.
    history.                                                 nectar-producing plants on appropriate areas           opportunities.
    STRATEGY 7: Ensure that foresters, biologists            of ROWs, such as after new construction and on           Holly Anderson, the district’s Urban
                                                                                                                                                                           classroom, an interpretive nature trail behind the
    and technical service providers working with             ROWs adjacent to other state or federal lands.         Conservationist, designed the gardens using
                                                                                                                                                                           school on property that had once housed the air
    landowners are providing information about               Identify new areas of protection on ROWs through       native perennials, shrubs and trees with
                                                                                                                                                                           force base officers’ club. These beds were made
    opportunities to enhance monarch and pollinator          various Arkansas Department of Transportation          pollen, nectar and/or host value to honey bees,
                                                                                                                                                                           with one layer of lawn timbers that will eventually
    habitat. Provide educational materials that cover        (ARDOT) programs—Operation Wildflower, Native          native bees, wasps, moths and butterflies, and
                                                                                                                                                                           deteriorate, allowing the mature plants to self-sow
    the benefits of healthy pollinator populations.          Wildflower Area Signage Program and ARDOT’s            hummingbirds over three seasons of bloom.
                                                                                                                                                                           and naturalize throughout the area.
    STRATEGY 8: Provide guidelines or                        Wildflower Routes. All of these programs require       Two of the beds installed at each school were
                                                                                                                                                                             Nine metal raised beds were installed in the
    recommendations for managing riparian forests,           specific maintenance regimes; e.g., an annual          specifically designed to provide nectar and
                                                                                                                                                                           Lawson Elementary School playground area, as
    native grasslands, glades and regenerating               fall mowing and only spot spraying of nonnative        milkweed host plants for monarch butterflies. The
                                                                                                                                                                           an addition to the existing vegetable garden. The
    forests for monarchs and other pollinators.              invasive species is allowed, for the proliferation     plants were purchased from Pine Ridge Gardens
                                                                                                                                                                           beds were installed on a Saturday with the help of
    STRATEGY 9: Provide best management                      of wildflower populations. Encourage the use           in London, Arkansas
                                                                                                                                                                           Lawson’s staff, parents and Boy Scouts from Troop
    practices (BMPs) for management of pastures,             of regionally sourced wildflower seed and an             The bed installation and plantings were
                                                                                                                                                                           99. Then, on a sunny school day, small groups
    farmland, rights-of-way, highway corridors and           increased diversity in seed mixes.                     completed in spring 2017. Ten beds were installed
                                                                                                                                                                           of students, pre-K through 5th grade, came into
    food plots. Several practices that manage ground         STRATEGY 2: Work with state, county and                in the Flightline Academy Middle School outdoor
                                                                                                                                                                           the garden area for about 30 minutes at a time
    cover could be altered to improve milkweed               municipal highway maintenance crews to modify
                                                                                                                                                                           to hear a short monarch butterfly conservation
    and nectar-plant production and better meet              mowing ROWs such that they defer mowing
                                                                                                                                                                           presentation and have the opportunity to plant in
    the special needs of pollinators. These include          areas outside safety zones until after the growing
                                                                                                                                                                           the beds.
    management in pastures, farmlands, rights-of-            season.
                                                                                                                                                                             Both gardens have progressed well since
    ways and food plots and plantings in parks,              STRATEGY 3: Engage pipeline managers, power
                                                                                                                                                                           planting and are thriving. In total, over 500 plants
    businesses, schools and homes.                           companies, drainage districts and levee boards to
                                                                                                                                                                           were included in the gardens.
   Objective 2: Restore, create, enhance and manage          assess the potential for and promote creation of
                                                                                                                    Pulaski Conservation District, NRCS School
   500,000 acres of native habitats that support             monarch and pollinator habitat on their rights-of-     Pollinator Gardens.
   monarchs and pollinators on public lands by 2023.         way on private lands.

10 ARKANSAS MONARCH AND POLLINATOR CONSERVATION PLAN                                                                                                             ARKANSAS MONARCH AND POLLINATOR CONSERVATION PLAN 11
Arkansas Monarch and Pollinator Conservation Plan - MAY 2018 Presented by the Arkansas Monarch
GOAL 2: Increase the supply of regionally
                                                                                                               RESEARCH AND MONITORING
                                                        appropriate milkweed and forb seeds and plants
   “Go Native, Grow                                     needed for monarch conservation.                        A great deal of information is available on monarch        Pollinator Garden at
   Native” Annual Event                                  Objective 1: Develop the capability of providing     biology and behavior. However, there are many                the Sylamore Ranger
                                                         at least 50% of the seed and plants needed for       unanswered questions regarding monarchs and
   in Russellville                                       monarch and pollinator creation, restoration and     milkweed in Arkansas. Additional research will provide
                                                                                                                                                                           District Office
                                                         enhancement projects by 2027.                        a greater understanding and allow us to adapt
     This event is hosted by Ozark National                                                                                                                                  Through a grant from the Joint-Chief’s
                                                           STRATEGY 1: Work with the Arkansas native          habitat management to have an increased benefit
   Forest personnel, but brings together                                                                                                                                   Landscape Restoration Partnership between
                                                           seed program to support collection of locally      on monarchs. Completing research will provide a
   many agencies, organizations and                                                                                                                                        the USDA NRCS and the USDA Forest Service,
                                                           obtained native seed from public lands (e.g.,      greater understanding and allow us to adapt habitat
   individuals to facilitate learning about                                                                                                                                the Sylamore Ranger District of the Ozark-St.
                                                           Natural Areas, Wildlife Management Areas), and     management to have an increased benefit. Monitoring
   growing native plants and their role in                                                                                                                                 Francis National Forests designated an eight-
                                                           private conservation preserves (e.g., The Nature   will be a critical component in understanding monarch
   helping monarch butterflies and other                                                                                                                                   acre area adjacent to the Ranger Station as
                                                           Conservancy).                                      distribution, migration timing and habitat use in the
   pollinators. Free native seeds are given                                                                                                                                an interpretive site in 2015. This area includes
                                                           STRATEGY 2: Foster and support private             state.
   away as long as supplies last. Other related                                                                                                                            a half-mile nature trail and a native pollinator
                                                           nurseries and private entities capable of
   programs are also discussed. Informative                                                                    GOAL 1: Increase and expand knowledge of the                garden that is open to the public. The
                                                           producing locally sourced native seeds and
   booths are staffed by groups such as                                                                        biology, distribution, population status, threats           objective of the interpretive area is to show the
   Pope County Master Gardeners, Pope                                                                          and habitat needs, requirements and creation                public an example of ecological restoration.
                                                           STRATEGY 3: Provide technical and financial
   County Conservation District, Arkansas                                                                      for monarchs and pollinators to better manage               The site has undergone invasive species
                                                           assistance to farmers to grow native plants in
   Archeological Survey, Revitalizing Ozark-                                                                   populations.                                                treatments, mechanical treatment of woody
                                                           row-crop style agriculture for seed production.
   Ouachita Seed Traditions (ROOST),                                                                             Objective 1: Determine distribution, population           species, prescribed burns, and native species
   Arkansas Native Plant Society, Arkansas              GOAL 3: Provide bee-friendly habitats focusing on        status and habitat requirements of monarchs and           planting. Several signs like the one below
   Game and Fish Commission, Arkansas                   special needs of native bees because they are the        pollinators.                                              will be placed along the trail with information
   Forestry Commission, Lake Dardanelle                 most prolific pollinators.                               Research Needs:                                           on invasive species, ecological restoration,
   State Park and the U.S.D.A. Forest Service.            Objective 1: Establish foraging and nesting            1) Develop baseline information on the biodiversity of    native wildflowers, native pollinators, and land
     Presentations are provided on subjects               habitats to sustain population of native bees and         native bees in each ecoregion of the state.            management.
   such as beekeeping, the importance                     other pollinators.                                        Priority: High
   of pollinators, monarch and pollinator                   STRATEGY 1: Develop guidelines for sustaining        2) Determine abundance and distribution of native
   photography, control of invasive species                 healthy bee populations, addressing special             bee species, including identifying the most
   and establishing native plants. The event                needs for reproduction and wintering habitat.           dominant native bees in the state. Priority: High
   continues to grow each year and is well                  STRATEGY 2: Develop diversified wildflower           3) Assess milkweed and nectar availability and
   attended.                                                habitats, providing season-long food resources          determine if resources are adequate for monarch
                                                            to native bees. These wildflower plantings may          populations. Priority: High
                                                            also provide nesting habitats to ground-nesting      4) Identify breeding concentrations (hot-spots) of
                                                            bee species.                                            monarchs in Arkansas. Priority: High
                                                            STRATEGY 3: Provide incentives to farmers            5) Delineate travel corridors used by migrating            Nature’s Path Interpretive Walk sign at Sylamore
                                                                                                                                                                            Ranger District Office Pollinator Garden.
                                                            and landowners to establish native wildflower           monarchs. Priority: High
                                                            pollinator plantings on their property.              6) Determine the utility and efficacy of current native
                                                                                                                    wildflower plantings in supporting native bee
                                                                                                                    communities. Priority: High                            9) Manipulate plant species assemblages and density
                                                                                                                 7) Determine the best nesting materials and substrates       and measure the effects on number of monarch
                                                                                                                    for tunnel-nesting bees. Priority: Medium                 larvae produced. Priority: Low
                                                                                                                 8) Determine the relationship between habitat             Objective 2: Conduct research to determine
    Pope County Master Gardeners table at ‘Go Native,                                                               structure and quality and the number of monarch        the best methods for habitat creation and
    Grow Native’ Event.                                                                                             larvae produced per acre at existing sites.            enhancement for monarchs and pollinators.
                                                                                                                    Priority: Low

12 ARKANSAS MONARCH AND POLLINATOR CONSERVATION PLAN                                                                                                          ARKANSAS MONARCH AND POLLINATOR CONSERVATION PLAN 13
Arkansas Monarch and Pollinator Conservation Plan - MAY 2018 Presented by the Arkansas Monarch
Research Needs:                                            are increasing or decreasing in abundance or             3) Maintain and support Arkansas Monarch
                                                   1) Determine the best methods for effectively              diversity, especially near areas managed for                 Conservation Partnership website.
    Ouachita National Forest                          establishing the more common milkweed                   pollinator conservation.                                 4) Create a reading list of monarch and pollinator
    Shortleaf Pine–Bluestem                           species by testing various techniques with native       Objective 4: Monitor populations of rare,                    publications.
                                                      seeds. Priority: High                                   threatened or endangered bee and butterfly               5) Create a speakers bureau for Arkansans to access.
    Ecosystem Restoration                          2) Identify how vegetation management techniques           species for changes in population abundance.             6) Create materials to educate commercial nurseries
    Project                                           and timing may impact or improve nesting,                                                                            and landscape companies about propagating,
                                                      reproduction and overwintering sites for native                                                                      growing and using native plants for monarch
                                                                                                            OUTREACH AND EDUCATION
     The shortleaf pine–bluestem ecosystem            bees. Priority: High                                                                                                 butterflies and pollinators in home gardens and
   restoration project began in 1991 on the        3) Examine the effects of herbicide use on milkweed       Outreach and education efforts are needed to                  home and commercial landscaping.
   Ouachita National Forest. The purpose              production. Priority: Medium                         ensure that Arkansas residents across all sectors            STRATEGY 4: Organize a sponsored wildlife art or
   is to restore ecosystem function to this        Objective 3: Identify biotic and abiotic factors that   are informed about the threats to monarchs and               photography contest with monarchs as the main
   community in the Ouachita Mountains of          may impact or benefit pollinator health in Arkansas     other pollinators and encouraged to contribute in a          focus in year one and pollinators as the focus in year
   Arkansas and Oklahoma. Management               (e.g., land use, habitat destruction, parasites,        variety of ways toward conservation efforts. Research        two.
   actions include prescribed burning,             pathogens, invasive species, etc.).                     conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey indicates           1) Suggest “Monarchs and Pollinators” to the
   timber harvest, both thinning and               Research Needs:                                         that planting of multiple, smaller pockets of milkweed          Arkansas Wildlife Federation as a theme for its art
   regeneration, midstory reduction and            1) Evaluate impact of land management practices         and other native plants are as important as are                 contest.
   milkweed plantings to enhance restoration          (agricultural, residential, recreational, etc.) on   efforts aimed at large-acre agricultural operations.         STRATEGY 5: Promote the National Wildlife
   of monarch populations. Management                 native bee populations and health. Priority: High    Individuals, local groups, schools and industrial,           Federation Mayors’ Monarch Pledge and
   actions were coordinated with a massive         2) Evaluate impact of non-target pesticide activity     commercial and agricultural associations educated            recognize those who have enrolled.
   research effort involving the Forest Service       and residue on native bee health and abundance.      and supported in citizen science efforts can also            STRATEGY 6: Request governor’s proclamation
   Southern Research Station and numerous             Priority: High                                       be important in gathering data on monarch and                for pollinator week.
   colleges and universities. This allows          3) Identify common diseases, pathogens and              pollinator activities in the state, including migration    Objective 2: Disseminate information and
   the Ouachita National Forest to adapt its          parasites of native bees in Arkansas and classify    pathways, foraging and breeding. An informed               engage various civic groups through at least 12
   management based on sound science.                 as native or exotic. Priority: Medium                citizenry is important to obtain and maintain public-      presentations and exhibits per year.
   Total project area is almost 320,000 acres,     4) Determine if any nonnative solitary or Bombus        opinion support for conservation measures.                   STRATEGY 1: Engage garden clubs and public
   with about 116,000 acres already in a              species are present and evaluate the ecologic                                                                     entities such as Crystal Bridges, Master Gardener
                                                                                                            GOAL 1: Increase public awareness of the value of
   restored condition and many more acres in          impact on native bee species. Priority: Low                                                                       groups, Master Naturalist groups and civic
                                                                                                            monarchs and pollinators and the threats they face.
   different stages of restoration.                                                                                                                                     organizations, among others.
                                                  GOAL 2: Expand monitoring efforts to inform                Objective 1: Disseminate monarch and pollinator
                                                                                                                                                                        STRATEGY 2: Engage agricultural and natural
                                                  conservation actions.                                      information to the public.
                                                                                                                                                                        resources organizations at meetings and
                                                   Objective 1: Increase public participation in               STRATEGY 1: Promote monarch and pollinator
                                                                                                                                                                        other events of the Arkansas Association of
                                                   citizen science efforts to monitor migrating and            curriculum as it becomes available and fits state
                                                                                                                                                                        Conservation Districts, AR Grazing Lands
                                                   breeding monarchs.                                          standards and frameworks.
                                                                                                                                                                        Coalition, The Wildlife Society, etc.
                                                     STRATEGY 1: Promote Journey North and other               STRATEGY 2: Outreach and Education
                                                                                                                                                                        STRATEGY 3: Engage corporations, land
                                                     projects in outreach materials.                           subcommittee will write one article per year for a
                                                                                                                                                                        managers of roadways and parks, and private
                                                     STRATEGY 2: Continue to promote the Arkansas              targeted publication.
                                                                                                                                                                        landowners through private land biologists, and
                                                     Monarch Mapping Project in social and print               1) Target potential authors of monarch and
                                                                                                                                                                        landscape designers and contractors.
                                                     media and through oral presentations where                    pollinator articles and help facilitate getting
                                                                                                                                                                      Objective 3: Work with local media to highlight
                                                     feasible.                                                     articles published.
                                                                                                                                                                      monarch and pollinator conservation initiatives to
                                                   Objective 2: Increase conservation agency                   STRATEGY 3: Prepare and curate promotional items
                                                                                                                                                                      get at least four monarch or pollinator segments
                                                   participation in monitoring.                                for the public.
                                                                                                                                                                      on air per year.
                                                     STRATEGY 1: Adopt national or regional                    1) Secure brochures for use in workshops or at
                                                                                                                                                                        STRATEGY 1: Develop list of media sources and
    Pine bluestem restoration on the Mena            monitoring protocols into agency efforts.                     public events.
    Ranger District.                                                                                                                                                    contacts.
                                                   Objective 3: Develop a protocol for periodic                2) Create a master PowerPoint presentation that can
                                                   monitoring to determine if native bee populations               be altered for different audiences.

14 ARKANSAS MONARCH AND POLLINATOR CONSERVATION PLAN                                                                                                     ARKANSAS MONARCH AND POLLINATOR CONSERVATION PLAN 15
Arkansas Monarch and Pollinator Conservation Plan - MAY 2018 Presented by the Arkansas Monarch
Objective 4: Work with universities and libraries to        STRATEGY 1: On every group or agency Facebook         GOAL 1: Formalize the Arkansas Monarch
                                                            host authors and other experts on pollinators and           page, publish posts regarding the Journey North       Conservation Partnership as a multi-organizational
   Fourche Pollinator                                       native plants on at least one campus per year.              phone app and encourage everyone to collect data.     public-private partnership.
   Garden on Ouachita                                        STRATEGY 1: Outreach subcommittee                          STRATEGY 2: Include information about citizen          Objective 1: Develop a formal partnership
                                                             member(s) will contact universities to develop             science in presentations.                              document that lists steps the partners will take to
   National Forest                                           contacts and facilitate scheduling presentations.          STRATEGY 3: Provide educators with                     implement the AMCP plan.
                                                                                                                        information about other citizen science projects.
                                                           GOAL 2: Encourage development of habitat                                                                           GOAL 2: Create an Arkansas Monarch Conservation
                                                           projects of all sizes.                                   GOAL 4: Engage Arkansas’s agricultural community          Partnership Coordinator Position to implement the
                                                             Objective 1: Communicate with at least 150             in discussions about ways Arkansas farmers and            AMCP plan and further develop conservation goals,
                                                             schools about schoolyard habitat projects per year.    ranchers can participate in meeting monarch habitat       strategies and action items.
                                                               STRATEGY 1: Send flyers to K-12 schools with         objectives using methods that are compatible with           Objective 1: Develop a funding plan to establish
                                                               information about schoolyard habitat projects.       agricultural production systems.                            adequate financial support including:
                                                               STRATEGY 2: Create a list of funding sources for       Objective 1: Find or create opportunities for             1) Commitments from partners; and,
                                                               schoolyard gardens.                                    discussions with agricultural leaders to explore,         2) Grants or donations from supporters of the plan.
                                                             Objective 2: Encourage at least 200 certified            develop and promote practical conservation                Objective 2: Hire a full-time Arkansas Monarch
                                                             gardener habitats in Arkansas.                           solutions designed for farmers and ranchers.              Conservation Partnership coordinator.
                                                               STRATEGY 1: Create brochure and host                     STRATEGY 1: Identify critical agricultural                STRATEGY 1: Develop a plan for hiring a
                                                               informational tables at events statewide.                stakeholder groups.                                       program coordinator who will help formalize the
    Kiosk at Ouachita National Forest Pollinator Garden.       STRATEGY 2: Contact Master Gardener, Master              STRATEGY 2: Create an agriculture-focused                 Partnership, coordinate all AMCP members, seek
                                                               Naturalists, garden clubs and similar groups with        work group.                                               new and nontraditional partners, and strategize
      The Fourche Pollinator Garden was                        brochure and speaker information                         STRATEGY 3: Work with agricultural leaders in             for sustainable funding to reach long-term goals.
   developed as part of the Monarch Joint                      STRATEGY 3: Encourage gardeners to certify their         convening an agriculture-specific monarch and             STRATEGY 2: Determine qualifications and
   Venture project to provide host plants and                  gardens with Monarch Watch, National Wildlife            pollinator summit for the purpose of information          develop job description to be approved by the
   nectar sources to various butterflies, pollinators          Federation, North American Butterfly Association,        sharing and strategy development.                         steering committee.
   and other wildlife species. This garden is                  Arkansas Audubon Society bird-friendly yards,            STRATEGY 4: Initiate collaboration in the                 STRATEGY 3: Determine salary and initial funding
   designed around an old log landing that is the              etc.                                                     development of best management practices for              sources (short-term and long-term).
   center of the garden opening. A woodland                    STRATEGY 4: Disseminate Arkansas Monarch                 monarchs and pollinators in agricultural settings.        STRATEGY 4: Determine coordinator’s workplace.
   vernal pond was created to provide breeding                 Host and Nectar Plant Lists upon request.                                                                          STRATEGY 5: Develop a 6- to 12-month work plan
   habitat for dragonflies and amphibians, and                 STRATEGY 5: Work with rural and agricultural                                                                       for the coordinator. Duties of the coordinator will
                                                                                                                    CAPACITY, GOVERNANCE AND FUNDING
   to provide educational opportunities. As the                publications to feature monarch habitat                                                                            include, but are not limited to:
   pond dries in the summer, it creates mudding                programs.                                             Comprised of an expanding and diverse array                  1) Implement the conservation plan.
   areas for the butterflies and water for other               STRATEGY 6: Share locations of demonstration        of partners, the Arkansas Monarch Conservation                 2) Manage the website.
   pollinators. A concrete accessible trail was                gardens or plantings.                               Partnership requires structure in order to achieve its         3) Write grants that help implement the plan.
   created that winds approximately 780 feet and             Objective 3: Educate and encourage 20                 goals and remain sustainable from both a financial             STRATEGY 6: Hire the coordinator.
   has various animal footprints stamped across              businesses to create pollinator-friendly habitat.     and organizational standpoint. The flexibility that
                                                                                                                                                                              GOAL 3: Develop, support and manage a network
   it for education.This garden is small but has a             STRATEGY 1: Create flyers/brochures tailored to     members enjoy in developing and implementing
                                                                                                                                                                              of volunteers willing to donate time and expertise
   variety of local plants that were planted in the            local business owners.                              their initiatives will facilitate creative thinking and
                                                                                                                                                                              to the purpose of Arkansas Monarch Conservation
   garden, and the paved trail in the surrounding              STRATEGY 2: Identify trade or business              problem-solving, while their common purpose
   woods offers other opportunities to view                    associations to contact local businesses and work   of conserving monarchs and other pollinators
                                                                                                                                                                                Objective 1: Create process, structure and tools
   additional plant species in their natural setting.          directly with them to create gardens.               in Arkansas will strengthen the Partnership and
                                                                                                                                                                                necessary to facilitate group and individual
      Several other pollinator gardens at Forest                                                                   individual responsibilities in the effort. To maximize
                                                           GOAL 3: Encourage participation in citizen science                                                                   volunteer recruitment and action.
   Service District offices focus on local native                                                                  the Partnership’s ability to conduct meaningful, far-
   nectar sources and milkweeds for monarchs.                                                                      reaching work, funding and staffing will need to be
                                                             Objective 1: Encourage more people to collect
                                                                                                                   secured and thereafter maintained.
                                                             monarch observations.

16 ARKANSAS MONARCH AND POLLINATOR CONSERVATION PLAN                                                                                                              ARKANSAS MONARCH AND POLLINATOR CONSERVATION PLAN 17
STRATEGY 1: Identify opportunities for volunteer        GOAL 1: Promote and cultivate collaboration and
                                                                                                             recruitment and engagement. Establish a                 partnership across agencies, organizations and
                                                     as students learned about various instars,
                                                                                                             communications link between the Arkansas                stakeholder groups in support of our mission to
                                                     factors that prevent monarchs from reaching
                                                                                                             Monarch Conservation Partnership and existing           increase and sustain habitat for monarch butterflies
                                                     the adult stage, and the importance of host
                                                                                                             and potential volunteers. Promote volunteerism          and pollinators.
                                                     and nectar plants. As part of learning about
                                                                                                             within existing organizations.
                                                     what butterflies need, campers wandered the
                                                                                                             1) Identify local and regional organizations that         Objective 1: Communicate monarch and
                                                     various gardens and participated in a habitat
                                                                                                                might form independent volunteer teams or              pollinator management needs and strategies to
                                                     scavenger hunt. Several hours were spent
                                                                                                                crews (e.g., business clubs, church groups,            all stakeholders and take the lead in maintaining
                                                     in the Butterfly House making observations
                                                                                                                school districts and universities or colleges).        dialogue, ensuring all sectors are included and
                                                     about the different kinds of butterflies and
                                                                                                             2) Identify groups and organizations whose                engaged.
                                                     their behaviors. The children enjoyed trying to
                                                                                                                members may be receptive to individual                   STRATEGY 1: Arrange periodic meetings,
                                                     identify different butterflies, caterpillars and
                                                                                                                volunteer action.                                        visits to demonstration sites, workshops
                                                     chrysalids during a scavenger hunt.
                                                                                                             3) Provide a volunteer portal as part of the                and industry or partner events to share
                                                       Campers made notes of flowers used by
                                                                                                                Arkansas Monarch Conservation Partnership.               information, encourage participation, plan
                                                     pollinators, learned what attracts different
                                                                                                             4) Create and/or provide information and tools              future projects, solve problems and recognize
                                                     kinds of pollinators, and were introduced
                                                                                                                necessary for self-guided action.                        accomplishments. Use partner events and
                                                     to the idea of nectar guides before they
                                                                                                             5) Coordinate with target groups to develop an              venues to promote collaboration, express needs
                                                     labeled and illustrated their own flowers.
                                                                                                                understanding of their resources and needs in            and celebrate accomplishments.
                                                     Each child described for others the color
                                                                                                                order to assist them with delivering monarch             1) Identify and target major partner events for
                                                     choices made, why those colors were chosen
                                                                                                                and pollinator conservation.                                 presence and/or delivery of the Arkansas
                                                     and how a nectar guide was included. Part
                                                                                                                                                                             Monarch Conservation Partnership message.
                                                     of this exercise involved learning to use a
                                                                                                                                                                         2) Identify existing efforts, resources and
    Fayetteville butterfly camp.                     dichotomous key. A favorite activity was            COLLABORATION AND PARTNERSHIPS
                                                                                                                                                                             potential partners in order to connect interests
                                                     making a home for solitary bees.
                                                                                                           Monarch and pollinator conservation is a greater                  with opportunities.
    Botanical Garden of                                                                                 and more complex task than any one agency or
    the Ozarks Butterfly                                                                                organization can accomplish alone. It is essential to
                                                                                                                                                                     ACRONYMS AND PLANNING TERMS:
                                                                                                        develop and maintain effective relationships and
    Camp                                                                                                promote collaboration among all groups sharing              AFW Acres for Wildlife
                                                                                                        the common interest of conserving and enhancing             ARDOT Arkansas Department of Transportation
      The Botanical Garden of the Ozarks in
                                                                                                        monarch and pollinator habitat and populations in           AGFC Arkansas Game and Fish Commission
    Fayetteville was the site of a butterfly camp
                                                                                                        Arkansas. A fundamental component of this effort            AWF Arkansas Wildlife Federation
    for children July 31-Aug. 3. Twelve children
                                                                                                        is a reliance on voluntary actions. Matching those          CRP Conservation Reserve Program
    ages 8–10 participated in the four-day camp
                                                                                                        voluntary actions to the varying levels of ability,         CCRP Continuous Conservation Reserve Program
    during which they were engaged in activities
                                                                                                        willingness and desire of all partners involved will be a   ESA Endangered Species Act
    that introduced them to the importance of
                                                                                                        necessary component for success.                            EQIP Environmental Quality Incentives Program
    butterflies and other pollinators. The campers
                                                                                                           Fulfilling our mission requires a concerted effort       NRCS Natural Resources Conservation Service
    were introduced to their own monarch
                                                                                                        to identify and implement methods and approaches            NWF National Wildlife Federation
    caterpillars early on and learned to care for
                                                                                                        that are science-based, effective and practical. It is      PFW Partners for Fish and Wildlife
    them and to measure their growth as well as
                                                                                                        our intention to act in partnership with all interested     TNC The Nature Conservancy
    how much they ate.
                                                                                                        parties as a true coalition, providing information about    USFS U.S. Forest Service
      Each child took his caterpillar home along
                                                                                                        all aspects of monarchs and pollinators in Arkansas         USFWS U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
    with a butterfly keeper cage.
                                                                                                        and creating opportunities for public engagement in         WMA Wildlife Management Area
      Life cycles of various butterflies were
                                                     Fayetteville butterfly camp.                       decisions about the future management of Arkansas’s         WRE Wetland Reserve Easement
    examined, but the focus was on the monarch
                                                                                                        pollinator resources.

18 ARKANSAS MONARCH AND POLLINATOR CONSERVATION PLAN                                                                                                   ARKANSAS MONARCH AND POLLINATOR CONSERVATION PLAN 19
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