Page created by Bonnie Johnston
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                                   WHAT'S INSIDE

                                   Message from the National Director ....2
                                   Calendar ...................................................2
                                   Provincial Innovation ...........................3-6
                                   eLearning Center.....................................7
                                   National Partners ....................................8
2       Wood WORKS! – Arenas

Hockey, similar to wood, has a long stand-      you need each and every guy helping each
                                                                                              Mark your
ing history with Canadians. Whether you’re
watching a game from the stands, playing
                                                other and pulling in the same direction
                                                to be successful.” At Wood WORKS!, our
a scrimmage on an icy pond, or taking in        regional teams work together to educate
                                                                                                  2 0 1 3 and
the action from a flat screen TV, hock-          and promote the use of wood through-           2014 EVENTS
ey is something that resonates with all         out construction. Our collaborative efforts
Canadians.                                      would not be successful without the ongo-
                                                ing support that we receive from the build
Wood has played a part in this hockey           and design community. Advances in wood        NOVEMBER
tradition throughout the years, from the        science and technology continually inspire
sticks, boards and benches to the arena         our team to push the boundaries of wood
itself. Getting into the winter spirit, this    innovation. When you think of wood, you’re
Wood WORKS! insert will feature wood            not only referring to 2 x 4s and floor-        Nov. 26-29
in hockey arenas throughout Canada – it         ing, you’re talking about a material that     2013 WOOD DESIGN
doesn’t get more Canadian than this, eh?!       makes up a big part of where we live, work    LUNCHEON
                                                and play.                                     CONFERENCES
Arenas have a way of drawing people in,                                                       Theme: Taller, Faster, Better
and by using wood for the structure, create     To learn more about how Wood WORKS!           Performance: Breaking Barriers to
an aesthetically warm and inviting environ-     can help you with your next wood proj-        Innovative Wood Structures
ment. Whether an observer, supporter or         ect visit Wood
athlete, people from all walks of life gather   WORKS! – part of a proud Canadian culture     Nov. 26
in arenas during Canada’s harsh winters.        since 1998.                                   Kelowna
As you will see throughout the examples in                                                    The Manteo Resort
this insert, basking in the warmth of laugh-
ter, cheers and stunning wood structures,                                                     Nov. 28
is all part of the overall arena experience.                                                  Victoria
From the smell of buttery popcorn to the                                                      Delta Ocean Pointe
gliding skates and board smashing pucks,
arenas are gathering places for communi-                                                      Nov. 29
ties large and small.                                                                         Nanaimo
                                                                                              Vancouver Island Conference
“The Great One,” Wayne Gretzky once said,                        Etienne Lalonde              Centre
“Hockey is a unique sport in the sense that                      National Project Director

                                                                                              Nov. 27
                                                                                              Prairie Wood Design Awards
                                                                                              Edmonton, AB


                                                                                              Jan. 23
                                                                                              Wood Symposium
                                                                                              Vancouver, BC
Wood WORKS! – Arenas          3

                                                                                                           BRITISH COLUMBIA

                                                             PHOTOS: STEPHANIE WHITING, PHOTOGRAPHY WEST

                                                                                                                Trout Lake Ice Rink

                                                              Located in John Hendry Park in    and efficient structure. The single central
                                                              east Vancouver, the Trout Lake    longitudinal steel truss (210 ft/64 m) is
                                                              Ice Rink was the first phase in    connected by pin joints to buttress walls
                                                              the replacement of an aging       at the north and south ends of the ice rink
                                                              community center facility. It     and creates a clerestory running the length
                                                              served as a practice facility     of the building, allowing natural light to
                                                              for competitors participating     penetrate the space. A skaters’ lounge and
                                                              in the 2010 Olympic and           lobby area feature wood panelling made
                                                              Paralympic Winter Games and       from trees blown down in Vancouver’s
                                                              was opened to public use after    Stanley Park during a severe winter storm.
                                                              the Games.                           Wood has low thermal conductivity
                                                                 The building is sited at       and good insulating properties, and light
                                                              the foot of an east-facing        wood-frame technology lends itself readily
                                                              slope, between the park edge      to the construction of buildings with
                                                              and Trout Lake. This siting,      low operating energy such as this. As a
                                                              together with the roof profile     renewable material with low toxicity and
                                                              – a shallow vault springing       low embodied energy, wood contributes
                                                              from low perimeter walls –        to improved indoor environmental quality
“This project is a legacy of the 2010 Winter      minimizes the impact of the ice rink’s        and lower life cycle energy costs.
Olympics, where wood was a natural choice         large volume and establishes a scale
for material in Olympic venues in Whistler        in keeping with the surrounding single-       Visit the Trout Lake Ice Rink case study
and Greater Vancouver. The Olympics were          family neighborhood. The roof structure       at:
really a catalyst for inspiring a renewed         consists of an arched steel truss spanning    Wood WORKS! BC provided technical support
interest and renaissance in building with         the length of the rink, north to south.       and wood expertise to building and design
wood and took the wood culture in BC to           This primary arch reduces the east-west       professionals, interacting and working with
the next level.”                                  span which in turn allows the secondary       them on the Olympic venues, including the
Mary Tracey, Executive Director,                  structure of Douglas fir glulam ribs to be     Richmond Olympic Oval, the Vancouver
Wood WORKS! BC                                    reduced, resulting in a simple, appealing     Convention Centre and the Trout Lake Arena.

                                       ARCHITECT              STRUCTURAL ENGINEER          GENERAL CONTRACTOR           GLULAM FABRICATOR
      Vancouver Board of
                                    Francl Architecture            Fast + Epp                Bird Construction          Structurlam Products
     Parks and Recreation
4       Wood WORKS! – Arenas


                              PHOTO: STEVE NAGY PHOTOGRAPHY

Markin MacPhail Centre

BY JIM TAGGART                                     is able to provide an equivalent standard
Located at WinSport’s Canada Olympic Park          of fire and life safety. Given the architect’s
in Calgary, AB, the 500,000-sq.ft. Markin          desire to create an open and inviting interior
MacPhail Centre houses four arenas, the ‘Ice       for this prestigious facility, they chose to
House’ indoor sliding centre, a Performance        work with the authority having jurisdiction to
Training Centre and the offices of Hockey           address the challenges of code compliance.
Canada and several other national winter               The alternatives proposed were based
sport organizations.                               on a number of special life safety studies
   The facility provides Hockey Canada with        including time to egress, a broad-based
a home from which it can operate effectively,      threat assessment and a fire resistance
share best practices and raise the level of        analysis of the structural system. As a result,     PHOTO: GOMBERG PROFESSIONAL PHOTOS
development of its sport. It brings together       the building is not compartmentalized or
the sport sciences and athlete support             divided by fire doors and walls, and it was        As a result, the architects were able to
services from all sports, integrating them         possible to incorporate an innovative and         realize the aesthetic benefits of wood,
into a sport institute model. As such, the         beautiful arched glulam roof structure.           as the savings relative to a conventional
centre symbolizes Canada's commitment to               As architect David Edmunds of GEC             solution were too significant for the
sport, to the nation's athletes and to the         Architecture explains, “Generally, fire           construction manager to ignore.
importance of healthy, active lifestyles for all   resistance is not the issue, as wood will            Wood finishes are used throughout
Canadians.                                         outperform steel in most situations. Rather,      the building, particularly on the event
   “WinSport       staff  constantly      hear     the concerns relate to smoke control and          level. Here, birdseye maple paneling and
compliments from athletes, spectators and          flame spread, so every piece of wood in            slatted Douglas fir ceilings are featured
other visitors of how warm the wood finishes        the roof structure is coated with clear           in the players’ suite which includes
make the arena seem,” says Dale Oviatt,            intumescent varnish.”                             changerooms, media and interview
WinSport’s director of communications.                 When the surface temperature of the           rooms, and the “shrine,” a long gallery of
“Most are used to entering cold, non-descript      glulam beams reaches a critical point, the        display cases that celebrates Canada’s
arenas made of steel, but the wood uses in         varnish foams up to prevent flames attaching       history of hockey achievement.
the Markin MacPhail Centre give the facility       themselves to the wood and traveling along           Opened in 2012, the Markin MacPhail
some personality and a touch of class.”            its surface. The exposed steel connectors are     Centre has already found a place in
   Under the prescriptive provisions of the        protected by sprinklers, and an automatic         the hearts of Canada’s top athletes. As
provincial building code, a structure of this      venting system prevents smoke build-up.           Canadian women’s hockey team player
size and type is required to be of non-                The glulam roof structure was carefully       Bobbi-Jo Slusar remarked after her
combustible construction, unless it can be         designed to be simple, cost-effective and         first skate at the new facility, “It felt like
demonstrated that an “alternative solution”        erected in the minimum amount of time.            home already to me.”

           ARCHITECT                     ENGINEER
         GEC Architecture               Halcrow Yolles
Wood WORKS! – Arenas        5



The Bill Barber Complex, named in honor     an economical and efficient structural                           Bill Barber Complex
of Hockey Hall of Famer Bill Barber, a      solution for the all-weather 24,326-sq.
Callander native who maintains close        ft. building cover for the 80’x180’open air
family ties to the community, is a multi-   rink. The project features a TSL glulam
use facility built for the benefit all       arena frame, spruce-pine tongue-and-          Community Center in Yarlasky Park, the
Callander residents. It accommodates a      groove decking, and Western red cedar         beautiful heavy timber roof structure
variety of activities throughout the year   siding. Not only did the design for the       covers a single pad rink surface and
and is a catalyst for building community    glulam framing achieve these demands          provides shelter for four seasons of sport,
engagement and fostering local economic     and include a provision for future complete   leisure and community events on the site.
development.                                close in, it also brought a warm and          “The roof has enabled the community
   Demanding budget constraints and         inviting ambiance to the facility.            to use the outdoor rink for a variety of
a short construction timeline required          Located adjacent to the Callander         purposes all year long, reports Hector
                                                                                          Lavigne, Mayor of the Municipality of
                                                                                          Callander. “In fact, the space was used
                                                                                          this past summer to host a country music
                                                                                          concert, which to our surprise, provided
                                                                                          exceptional acoustics.”
                                                                                             Wood WORKS! was involved from the
                                                                                          initial concept and helped the community
                                                                                          see the project through to completion.
                                                                                          The venue is well used by the municipality
                                                                                          and Mayor Lavigne is pleased with the
                                                                                          project. “We are particularly happy with
                                                                                          the heavy timber construction and how it
                                                                                          represents the history of Callander as a
                                                                                          lumber hub. Thanks to Wood WORKS! for
                                                                                          the encouragement to use wood in the
                                                                                          construction of what will definitely become
                                                                                          a Callander icon.”

                CLIENT                                                             ENGINEER                       TIMBER SUPPLIER
                                        Evans Bertrand Hill Wheeler
      Municipality of Callander, ON                                        Piotrowski Consultants Ltd.          Timber Systems Limited
                                         (EBHW) Architecture Inc.
6         Wood WORKS! – Arenas



Aréna et pavillon de services de l’Université du
Québec à Chicoutimi (UQAC)

Avec sa forme singulière et son mariage           promouvoir la torréfaction, un procédé
réussi du bois et de l’aluminium en façade,       de thermostranformation du bois. La
le bâtiment abritant l’aréna et le pavillon       torréfaction permet d’obtenir des teintes
de services de l’Université du Québec à           rappelant la palette de couleurs du café, en
Chicoutimi (UQAC) est résolument moderne          plus de conférer à certaines essences de
et distinctif. Son utilisation différente du      bois une résistance plus élevée à l’humidité.
matériau bois constitue d’ailleurs une
signature intéressante pour un aréna,             Un modèle
ce qui a sans doute conquis le jury des           Les architectes ont fait preuve d’une grande
Prix d’excellence cecobois 2013, qui lui a        sensibilité à l’égard de l’expérience
décerné un prix dans la catégorie Projet          des utilisateurs de l’immeuble. Ce
institutionnel de plus de 1 000 m2.               projet démontre d’ailleurs une
   Construit en 2009, l’aréna et le pavillon      connaissance aiguë du sport dans
de services de l’UQAC fait la part belle          le choix des matériaux utilisés
au bois, utilisé à la fois comme matériau         et la conception des espaces,
d’apparence et de structure. Selon les            ce qui en fait un modèle pour
architectes du projet, soit Lemay et Les          d’autres bâtiments du même type.
Architectes associés, le bois se révélait         L’impressionnante forme courbe
d’ailleurs le matériau de prédilection            du bâtiment permet en effet de
pour cet d’établissement sportif. En effet,       réduire le volume global tout en
en plus d’être renouvelable, durable et           intégrant un espace ouvert entre
écologique, le bois permettait de grandes         les estrades et la glace, tandis
portées structurales ainsi que d’excellentes      que le choix d’un pontage de bois
performances thermiques et acoustiques.           vient rehausser les performances
   À l’intérieur, le bâtiment est soutenu par     acoustiques. L’apport en lumière
une structure en bois lamellé-collé et un         naturelle confère également une
platelage de bois, jumelé à une structure         atmosphère plus humaine au lieu
légère en acier. La structure de bois est         en plus de mettre en valeur la
laissée apparente, de sorte que les qualités      structure de bois. L’intégration
esthétiques du bois contribuent à rendre          de ces éléments en fait ainsi
l’endroit plus chaleureux. À l’extérieur,         un endroit agréable, invitant et
le revêtement de bois torréfié pour les            chaleureux pour les sportifs qui le
façades s’inscrivait dans une volonté de          fréquentent.

   ARCHITECTES                           INGÉNIEURS                        CONSULTANTS            FOURNISSEUR DE STRUCTURE DE
Lemay, Les Architectes            Pasquin St-Jean, Conception             Technorm inc. et            BOIS LAMELLÉ-COLLÉ
      Associés                            Habitat 2000                       Cegertec                 Nordic Structures Bois
Wood WORKS! – Arenas          7

WOOD WORKS! ELEARNING CENTER                                                                        E-LEARNING

A hub of knowledge and learning
opportunities about wood in construction

Wood is no longer regarded as a building material simply
for residential, boutique and cosmetic construction.
With the advent of new wood products, advanced
manufacturing technologies and innovative design
techniques, wood is now used in a variety of construction
– bringing its unique properties of beauty, sustainability,
versatility, durability and affordability.

Launched in March 2012 by the Canadian Wood Council and the
national Wood WORKS! program, the Wood WORKS! eLearning Center
is an online resource that provides free professional development
courses for architects, engineers and building professionals.

A prestigious international faculty of renowned architects,                   Visit the Wood WORKS!H/HDUQLQJ&HQWHUDW
engineers, researchers and educators has been assembled to                                ZZZZRRGZRUNVHOHDUQLQJFRP
present professional development programs that provide individuals
with the most current information on wood materials, design and
applications. Check out the “Faculty Profiles” to read more about
the presenters.
With more than 30 courses on topics including Cross-Laminated               1) Cross-Laminated Timber Symposium Webcast
Timber and Dynamic Wood Design, as well as information on                      Recording
contemporary applications of wood, here’s why more than 2,000               2) Art Gallery of Ontario Transformation by Crispin Howes
people have already taken courses from the Wood WORKS! eLearning            3) LCT ONE – Case study of an Eight-Story Wood Office
Center:                                                                        Building By Nabih Tahan
                                                                            4) Building Green with Wood Toolkit by naturally:wood



All courses are free, online, self-paced, available 24/7 and qualify
for American Institute of Architects, all Canadian provincial architect
associations and the Engineering Institute of Canada Professional
Development Credits. To qualify, learners must first take a short,
automated quiz after completing a course to then receive their
downloadable Certificate of Completion.
                                                                                       Do you know of a presentation that should be
New material is continually being added to the Wood WORKS!                         featured on our Wood WORKS! eLearning Center?
eLearning Center. Approximately 12 new presentations were added in
2013. Join the mailing list to keep up-to-date on the latest offerings,                                  Contact Geran Capewell at
and check out the newest additions in the Course Catalogue.                            
8    Wood WORKS! – Arenas

                               REGIONS IN
                                National Wood Works!                    Québec
                                c/o Canadian Wood Council               1175, avenue Lavigerie Bureau 200
                                99 Bank Street, Suite 400               Québec, QC G1V 4P1
                                Ottawa, ON K1P 6B9                      Télé : 418-650-7193
                                Tel: 613-747-5544
                                British Columbia                        60 Commerce Court, P.O. Box 5001,
                                3760 Gates Road                         North Bay ON P1B 8K9
                                West Kelowna, BC V4T 1A3                Tel: 1-866-886-3574
                                Tel: 1-877-929-WOOD (9663)
                                Alberta                                 c/o Maritime Lumber Bureau
                                900-10707 100 Ave.                      P.O. Box 459
                                Edmonton. AB T5J 3M1                    Amherst, NS B4H 4A1
                                Tel: 780-392-1952                       Tel: 902-667-3889

                    Developed by the Canadian Wood Council

                                        NEW Interactive Online Tool

                                             Quickly determines suitable wall assemblies for
                                             climate zones throughout Canada.

                                             Shows: effective/centre of cavity thermal resistance
                                             and installed nominal insulation value.

                                             Includes climate specific durability assessment.

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