Are you losing it? - Scienc Hydratio - Hyaluronic Acid in Your Body Significantly Decreases as You Get Older - Hyalogic

Page created by John Duncan
Are you losing it? - Scienc Hydratio - Hyaluronic Acid in Your Body Significantly Decreases as You Get Older - Hyalogic
The Amount of Naturally-Occurring
            Hyaluronic Acid in Your Body
      Significantly Decreases as You Get Older

...   Are you losing it?

                          THE LEADER IN HYALURONIC ACID

                           Science of Hydration
Are you losing it? - Scienc Hydratio - Hyaluronic Acid in Your Body Significantly Decreases as You Get Older - Hyalogic
Hair & Scalp                                  Eye Health
HA Biotin Scalp Spray helps maintain a        HylaTears for Dry Eyes is a lubricating
healthy scalp and promotes the                eye drop that provides soothing comfort
appearance of thicker, fuller looking hair.   and long lasting lubrication, keeping eyes
                                              feeling refreshed throughout the day.
                                              Hylavision is an oral supplement to help
Skin & Lips                                   support overall eye health and
Pure HA Face Serum 99.7% pure                 performance.
Hyaluronic Acid to hydrate and plumpen
your skin.

Instant Facelift Serum is a unique serum
                                              Synthovial Seven
with Pepha-Tight for firming and              Hyalogic's Top-selling Synthovial Seven is
smoothing appearance.                         a liquid Hyaluronic Acid supplement that
HA Lip Balm is perfect for hydrating and      supports the natural HA in the whole body.
moisturizing dry lips                         This is our Highest Molecular Weight
                                              Hyaluronic Acid supplement available and is
                                              our top seller that hydrates all areas of the
                                              body from the inside out.
Joints & Mobility
HA Gummy is a gluten-free gummy that
helps promote strong joint and cartilage
                                              Ageless Beauty
                                              HA Collagen Peptide Powder is High
HA Lozenge is a sugar-free way to             Molecular Weight Hyaluronic Acid and Grass
support healthy joint and cartilage           Fed, Non GMO Collagen Peptides I & III.
health.                                       Collagen HA Triple Boost Serum is
Optimize HA is 120MG of high molecular        formulated to help naturally boost collagen
weight in a vegan time release capsule.       and restore youthful volume to your skin.
Are you losing it? - Scienc Hydratio - Hyaluronic Acid in Your Body Significantly Decreases as You Get Older - Hyalogic
D I D YO U K N O W ?

                                                                     As you grow older, your body supplies less
 RATE                                                                and less HA which is possibly the most
                                                                      important component in keeping you young.                                                                                             Eyes
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Vitreous Humor

                                                                       Around age 50, it's estimated that we can have as little as
                                                                        half the amout of HA in our skin that we did in our 20's.                            Scalp Tissue
                                                                        Put simply, without enough HA, we look and feel old.
                       Age 20
                                                                                                                                                            & Hair Follicles
                                                                                                                                                             Shaft & Follicle
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Connective Tissue
                                                                 Age 40

                                                                                                    Age 60
                                                                                                                                     Age 80

                                                                             H YA L O G I C                                                                       Skin                                    Joints
 D I D YO U K N O W ?                 Hyaluronic Acid
                                       is projected to be a
                                        $11-15B Market
                                                                              The first in the industry.                                                        Epidermis
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Synovial Fluid

 $20B                                                by 2026                    Hyalogic was the first to create a full line of supplements and
                                                                                skin care products using High Molecular Weight Hyaluronic Acid.
                                                                                 Our products help to hydrate joints, hair, skin, eyes, and bones
 $15B                    Collagen                                                with Hyaluronic Acid, nature's hydrator.                                             Hyaluronic Acid can retain up to 1,000 times
                          estimated to peak at
                                                                                                                                                                      its weight in water. It is found in almost every
                           $6.6B Market
Glucosamine                            by 2025                                     Hyaluronic Acid is found throughout our bodies’ connective                          part of the body. As we age our bodies start to
estimated to peak at                                                               tissues (tendons, ligaments, skin, and extra cellular matrix).                       dry, and supplementing with premium HA may
 $776M Market                                                                                                                                                           replenish the body’s need for hydration. Think of
             by 2023                                                                 Our bodies need hydration to function well. In fact, we must have                   hyaluronic acid as your internal lubricant.
                                                                                     it to survive. Without it, we can't perform at desired levels. In                   Without it you begin to experience joint, skin,
                                                                                      extreme cases, a lack of hydration can put our lives at risk. If we                 hair, eye, and overall aging concerns.
 $0B                                                                                   don't have sufficient hydration, sleep suffers, concentration
               2023      2024            2025                 2026                      wanes, joints experience discomfort, and cells don't function
                                                                                        optimally. Skin dries, hair can become brittle, and our immune
                                                                                         systems become pressured.
Are you losing it? - Scienc Hydratio - Hyaluronic Acid in Your Body Significantly Decreases as You Get Older - Hyalogic
Eye Health

Whole Body Support
When speaking of hydration, we typically think about
quenching our thirst. But full-body hydration means
                                                             Hair & Scalp
                                                                                  5     Elements
                                                                                        of Hydration
                                                                                                                 Skin & Lips

so much more—including supporting your critical
physical structures and organs that require plentiful
 hydration to function at their best. Your joints, eyes,
 skin, hair, scalp, and gums all require sufficient levels
 of moisture to do their jobs properly.

                                                                       Ageless Beauty                Joint Mobility
Are you losing it? - Scienc Hydratio - Hyaluronic Acid in Your Body Significantly Decreases as You Get Older - Hyalogic
H Y D R AT I O N T E S T                                                    What Sets Us Apart
             Pinch your cheek. If it's                                                 H I G H M O L ECU L A R W E I G H T
         wrinkling with gentle pressure                                                                                                                                             Hyalogic® products go through our
                                                                                        High Molecular Weight Hyaluronic Acid is the size of the molecule your body                extensive 5-step Hyalock™ process to
          instead of holding it's shape,                                                                                                                                               ensure a high quality product:
                                                                                        naturally makes and, according to science, it is known for its ability to hydrate,
        your skin cells are desperate for
                                                                                         lubricate, and may even play an important role in promoting a healthy
         water. Dehydrated skin will feel
                                                                                          inflammatory response. Your body will break down this high molecular                     1   Using Non-Animal Derived,
          tight, look duller in the mirror                                                 molecule, approximately one third a day, into lower molecular weight before                 Vegan-Friendly Hyaluronic Acid
             and you may notice more                                                        it is removed from the body. In fact, the latest science indicates Low                 2   Ingredient Compatibility Testing
               exaggerated wrinkles.                                                         Molecular Weight Hyaluronic Acid may actually increase inflammation.
                                                                                                                                                                                   3   Preservative Compatibility Testing

                                                                                                                                                                                   4   Product Quality Control Testing
                                                                                              D I D YO U K N O W ?                                                                 5   Finished Product Analysis
                                                                                              Low Molecular Weight Hyaluronic Acid may not
ACCORDING TO SCIENCE                                                                          typically have the surface area for binding water and
                                                                                                                                                                                   PUT A LOCK ON QUALITY
                                                                                               thus, proper lubrication is harder to achieve.
According to science, purified, High Molecular Weight,
non-animal (vegan) HA is equivalent to what is naturally
 found in the body. This type of HA is derived from an
 extracellular protein during a natural fermentation process
  and provides powerful anti-aging and lubricating properties.
                                                                                                                                                                             Make the Right Choice
                                                                                                          Gluten Free                                                        When shopping for Hyaluronic Acid, either
    “As we age, we lose our ability to make High                                                                                                    Vegan Friendly
     Molecular Weight Hyaluronic Acid. Therefore, it                                                                          Fragrance Free                                 as a dietary supplement or a topical, be sure
     is critical to supplement it with High Molecular                                                                                                                         to choose animal-free, High Molecular
      Weight HA taken on a daily basis.”
                                                                                                                                                                              Weight HA. Natural fermentation is the most
                                                                                                                                                                               common non-animal source of Hyaluronic
                                                                                                              Dye Free                                                          Acid. It's non-GMO and vegan friendly.
                Dr. Karen K. Brown has been responsible for research & process                                                    Cruelty Free           Non-GMO
                 development for the first Hyaluronic Acid products manufactured via
                 bacterial fermentation and holds the original patents. She has
                  specialized for the last 40 years in the area of Hyaluronic Acid.
Are you losing it? - Scienc Hydratio - Hyaluronic Acid in Your Body Significantly Decreases as You Get Older - Hyalogic
                                                                                                                                                               INSIDE & OUT
                                                                                                                                                                Hyalogic offers over 60 products
                                                                                                                                                                supported by samples, literature, coop
TA K E O U R                                                                                                                                                    advertising, radio, staff trainings and a

7 Day Challenge                                                                                                                                                  fully educated team of professionals.

 Apply our Pure HA Face Serum to your skin                                                                                                                         866.318.8484
 morning and night, as directed. See a                                                                                                                   

 noticeable difference, and many see it with
 just one application.

 Consult one of our HA professionals
 for tips on our 7 day challenge by
  calling 866.318.8484.

                                                   These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Are you losing it? - Scienc Hydratio - Hyaluronic Acid in Your Body Significantly Decreases as You Get Older - Hyalogic Are you losing it? - Scienc Hydratio - Hyaluronic Acid in Your Body Significantly Decreases as You Get Older - Hyalogic Are you losing it? - Scienc Hydratio - Hyaluronic Acid in Your Body Significantly Decreases as You Get Older - Hyalogic Are you losing it? - Scienc Hydratio - Hyaluronic Acid in Your Body Significantly Decreases as You Get Older - Hyalogic
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