Page created by Kevin Campos
2018/19 SEASON
Mission Statement
 To administer and encourage positive participation in
  the sport of swimming.
 For each swimmer to reach their full potential
  according to their individual capabilities.
 To encourage sportsmanship, team spirit, respect and

  As a member of Pioneer Swimming Club:
  I agree to abide by the rules, regulations and policies of
  Swimming Queensland, Swimming Australia, the relevant
  Regional Swimming Association and the relevant club,
  including Swimming Australia’s Anti-Doping, Member
  Welfare, Child Welfare and Privacy Policies.
  (these are available at:

  Pioneer Swimming Club Inc.
  P O Box 3027
  North Mackay Qld 4740
Club Information
                      2018 /2019
                 Executive Committee
President     Lee Parkes    
              0437 894 179

Vice          Mark McGrath
President     0490 429 739

Secretary     Nikki Bounden 

Treasurer     Kelsie Henderson

                        Office Bearers
Registrar     Leanne Franklin  

Fundraising   Vacant        

Carnival Race Sharon Parkes   

Club Night    Tammie Banks   
Race Recorder

Uniforms      Jean Kelleher   

Grants Officer Vacant           

Club House    Vacant

Head Coach    Shaana Witherspoon
Club Membership

 All Pioneer Swim Club swimmers will be registered
 as competitive swimmers. A competitive swimmer              Total Cost
 is a swimmer who swims within the club and also
 travels to other clubs for competitions.

 ONE CHILD COMPETITIVE                                          $200
 TWO CHILDREN COMPETITIVE                                       $400
 THREE CHILDREN COMPETITIVE                                     $560
 ADDITIONAL SWIMMERS THEREAFTER                                 $80

*Competitive swimmers, 8 years old at time of registration, are half price.
*Dolphins, 7 years and under at time of registration, are free to register,
 but a $30 Annual Club Levy will be applied.

Pioneer Annual Club Levy
The Pioneer annual club levy is included in the Club Membership Fee and
assists us to cover the cost of running club nights, including the hire of the
pool and maintaining the club facilities. This includes weekly, monthly and
end of season awards and trophies. Admission to the pool is not charged
for club nights.

Payment and Registration
Please ensure that all swimmer’s registration fees are paid via our website
portal MyLANE. For more information or assistance please contact our

Transferring to Pioneer
If transferring in from another club to Pioneer Swim Club, a transfer fee is
*July to December 2018 – Full Pioneer Club Levy
*January to March 2019 – ½ Pioneer Club Levy
For more information or assistance please contact our registrar.
Club Nights
Club nights are great fun, provide younger swimmers with race practice and
everyone can be involved! They are held on Thursday nights, culminating in
the Club Championships held at the end of the season.

Procedure for Club Nights
     Swimmers must have a parent in attendance to participate.
     Swimmers are allowed a choice of up to FIVE SWIMS PER NIGHT only.
     Races are compiled in relation to the swimmers times rather than ages.
This enables the swimmers to compete against other swimmers who swim at a
similar level, rather than against those of a similar age, and therefore
encourages improvement.
   Each swim gains points that are recorded each week and go towards
monthly and end of the season awards.
    Nominations for club nights are to be entered via the 'EVENTS
SCHEDULE' portal on our website homepage, and MUST be in by the
preceding Tuesday by 10.00pm.

    Late Nominations – if nominations have not been received by the due time,
swimmers may see the club night race recorder before 5.45pm on club night to
request to swim, if there is an available lane. Times will not be recorded,
therefore no points. Swimmers cannot be guaranteed a place in an event if they
have not nominated by Tuesday 10.00pm. To avoid disappointment, please
ensure you follow this procedure.
     Thursday club nights start promptly at 6.00pm.
     It will not be possible to change nominated events on the night.
    If a club swimmer has nominated for club night and is away attending a
regional, state or national representative swimming meet, their attendance is
marked for club championship qualification.
     If a club night is cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances eg: weather
    a) Attendance is marked for club championship qualification
    b) Nominations do not carry forward to the following week.
A system of awards is used to encourage swimmers to improve. This includes
weekly Mars Bar awards, monthly medals and aggregate trophies at the end of
the season.
The first Club Night for the 2018/2019 Season will be 4th October 2018.
Achievement Certificates
These are awarded when a 25 metre swimmer betters the graduating time
as listed below. The swimmer has then graduated to 50m races in that style.

25 Metre Graduating Times
Freestyle and Butterfly                = 30 seconds
Breaststroke and Backstroke            = 35 seconds

Parent Participation
Parental help is an essential part of a successful club as there are a variety of
tasks that need doing each week. Tasks include:
   Time Keeping (assistance available to help parents learn)
   Marshalling
   Setting up 25m lane rope
   BBQ duties / kitchen assistance
   Money Collection
   Pack up
   Food Roster
   Club Championships
   Carnivals

                          General Information

Club Uniform
Uniforms are available for sale at the clubhouse throughout the season.
Alternatively email ‘’ All competitors are
expected to wear the club shirt and club swimming cap at competitive meets.

All new members receive a Pioneer swim cap and bucket hat upon registration.
All renewing members receive a Pioneer swim cap upon registration

Information Distribution
All information will be distributed via e-mail, website
and Facebook.
Club Championships
The club conducts its own carnival for its r e g i s t e r e d swimmers at the end
of the season. “ C l u b C h a m p i o n s h i p s ” determines club age champions
                                                          st  nd   rd
for the season. Swimmers are awarded ribbons for 1 , 2 & 3 in each event.
All club members are welcome to participate in the club championships. Only
those who have qualified by attending at least 8 club nights will be eligible for
ribbons and points towards Age Champion awards.
Age champion categories; 7 & Under, 8 years, 9 years, 10 years, 11 years, 12
years, 13 years, 14 years, 15 years, 16 years & over – in both boy and girl groups.
Nominations are as per age on the day.

7 years and Under
 Championship events scoring points are 25m freestyle, 25m backstroke,
  25m breaststroke and 25m butterfly.
 All swimmers 7 years and under are placed together in one category.
 All races are 25m in length.
 Swimmers will not be allowed to enter any other race other than what has
  been described.
8 – 10 Years
 Championship events scoring points are 50m freestyle, 50m backstroke,
  50m breaststroke, 50m butterfly and 100m freestyle.
 Not necessary to have ‘upgraded’ at club nights to swim in these events.
 Swimmer can enter 25m events if not ready for 50m. 25m races will not be
  eligible for ribbons or count towards club age group champion awards.
 Swimmers will not be allowed to enter any other race other than what has
  been described.
11 Years and Over
 Championship events scoring points are 50m freestyle, 50m backstroke,
  50m breaststroke, 50m butterfly and 200m Individual Medley.
 Not necessary to have ‘upgraded’ at club nights to swim in these events.
 Swimmer can enter 25m events if not ready for 50m. 25m races will not be
  eligible for ribbons or count towards club age group champion awards.
 Swimmers will not be allowed to enter any other race other than what has
  been described.

The date scheduled for Club Championships may be changed if it coincides
with a regional, state or national swimming meet. The date for this seasons
Club Championships is (provisionally) 17th March 2019
Pioneer Swimming Club attends various swim meets in North Queensland
throughout the year. These carnivals can be a valuable experience for
swimmers to meet other children and to participate in competitions other
than club nights.
For the 2018/2019 season, swim meet formats have been standardized into the
following three categories: Transition, Preparation and Development Meets.
Information on these new format meets can be found on the Swimming North
Queensland website

All nominated Pioneer Swim Club competitors are expected to wear their Club
Shirt and Club Swimming Cap at all competitive meets.

PLEASE NOTE: Parents/families are expected to time-keep at swim meets
attended by Pioneer Swim Club. A timekeeping roster will be circulated on
the day of the events.

Nominations for Carnivals

All carnivals within the NQ region are Self-Nominating Online Entries only.

Carnival flyers will be emailed out with details for nominating as they become

Swimmers are responsible for providing their own nominations after
consultation with the PSC Head Coach.

Any queries regarding the nomination process should be emailed to:
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