Are Online Retailers Prepared for a Christmas surge? - Edge ...

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Are Online Retailers Prepared for a Christmas surge? - Edge ...
Are Online Retailers
Prepared for a
Christmas surge?

It’s been encouraging to hear that many UK          A retailer cannot afford to have a slow
online retailers have just completed their          or unresponsive website – especially as
most successful quarter – and that can be           customers are demanding immediate response
put down to the coronavirus pandemic and            times and the majority are happy to move on
the reticence of many people to venture out.        to a competitors’ website if kept waiting.”
Econsultancy reported that 77% of British
consumers now do at least part of their online
shopping online. This figure is up from 61% in
2019.                                               Edge Testing Solutions
Against this backdrop, and in the run up to         Established in 2007, the company has grown
the traditionally busiest period for retailers,     fast to become the UK’s largest independent
Edge Testing Solutions (Edge) set out to            software testing company. Working across
test the websites of 258 leading UK online          a number of industry sectors, the company
retailers. A renowned testing specialist, Edge      has a strong pedigree within the retail
used industry-standard tools to see how             sector, where clients have benefited from
retailers’ websites are holding up to increased     performance, functional, usability, automated
traffic by determining factors which lead to        and managed testing services to ensure
better customer experience and conversions,         correct functioning of backend IT systems/
including: load time, navigation tools, image       infrastructure and e-commerce websites.
quality and broken links.                           From a testing and retail perspective, Edge is
                                                    in an excellent place to undertake this study.
Sharon Hamilton, MD of Edge Testing
commented on the research:
“The findings of the study make for
fascinating reading. In these challenging times
e-commerce is a vital business model not just       1
for success but also currently, for survival. Key       marketing-ecommerce-advertising/
surprises were around performance.                  2
                                                        2019 TOP500 UK Internet Retailing ranking
Are Online Retailers Prepared for a Christmas surge? - Edge ...
Focus                                                Key findings
During the research, Edge focused on the             Daily repeated tests were conducted on the
following benchmarks:                                websites from 11-18 August 2020. Below we
                                                     present the findings for the key criteria we
Speed                                                discussed above.
  How quickly does the website respond
  when you click on it? Which are within             Speed
  acceptable and measurable baselines and            Do the websites meet the ‘need for speed’? In
  which performed poorly? Poor performance           our tests 16% (42) of landing pages took on
  equates to lost customers and lost                 average ten seconds to fully load with three
  revenue. With Black Friday and Christmas           sites taking longer than 20 seconds. Longer
  approaching all retail websites have a             opening times should be of concern as they
  strong need for speed.                             are likely to cause visitors to move on to
                                                     another site.
Ease of navigation
  Which retailers had put in the effort to           The results when using some common speed
  produce a seamless and stress free shopping        tests were as follows:
  experience and which had turned their              - Yahoo! Speed Test: 89% of sites scored
  websites into an obstacle course.                    lower than a ‘C’ grade
                                                     - Google Speed Test: 85% scored ‘C’ or lower,
Image quality                                          with 51 of the tested sites scoring a poor ‘F’
  Poor imaging impacts the brand in                  - YSlow Speed Test: 66%
  question’s credibility, the length of time a       - PageSpeed Test: 62%
  customer stays on the website, conversion
  rates for sales, and the level of repeat visits.   The average first page load speed was seven
  Websites that use large, poorly optimised          seconds.
  images also typically take longer to load.
Functional vs Non-Functional links                   Encouragingly, using the System Usability
  A surprising number of websites do not             Scale, we found the majority (98%) of the
  perform ongoing housekeeping with ‘dead            sites’ navigation features to be satisfactory,
  links’ to obsolete pages, other brand              achieving from A to C grades. Only four
  websites and external websites. This can           retailers did badly, all scoring 67.5, a
  lead to customer frustration as they are           concerning the usability scale score gradings
  guided down time-wasting blind alleys.             gives them a D grade (poor).
  So we measured the quantity of working
  and non-working links for each website
Are Online Retailers Prepared for a Christmas surge? - Edge ...
Image quality                                   Analysis of the Findings
Only 9% of tested websites displayed images     Considering how important a retailer’s website
to an ‘A’ grade standard, according to the      is to its business success, there were some
Website Speed Test tool. Others featured        surprising scores for some of the UK’s most
images that were of lower quality.              popular and widely used brands. When one
In particular:                                  considers that a typical customer wants
- 185 sites had average image weights under     a seamless, straightforward yet enjoyable
  0.5 MB                                        shopping experience, some retailers appear
- Five websites including two of the major      to be almost going out of their way to
  supermarkets had image weight scores of       compromise the customers’ buying experience.
  four MB and above.
                                                Loading speed
Functioning links                               Was a key area requiring improvement with
On average, across all websites tested, 3% of   16% of the UK’s leading online retailers taking
links were not functioning. However on 7% of    an average 10 seconds to fully load. Even
sites, more than 10% of links were found to     with multiple visits the average loading time
be non-functioning.                             was seven seconds. What happens when peak
                                                retail traffic kicks in for the Black Friday and
Security                                        Christmas online shopping periods? At what
Of the 258 websites tested only five totally    point will a potential customer’s patience break
blocked all the measurement tools employed      and a competitor’s website opened instead?
by Edge with an additional two blocking all
but one of our toolsets.                        Navigation
                                                Does not appear to be a problem with most
                                                websites allowing the customers to move freely
                                                through the various browse and sales paths.
                                                The statement is true as 98% of the websites
                                                tested, received a grading of A-C. From our
                                                testing, we found that fashion/footwear
                                                retailers had the highest website usability
                                                scores, with 75% making the top 20 scores.

                                                Image quality
                                                Provided interesting feedback. Low image
                                                weight is good because large images slow
                                                down web pages creating less than optimal
                                                user experience. Those with low image weight
                                                have optimised their images either a plugin
                                                or script, which in turn speeds up the load
                                                time of the page. The top 20 retailers with
                                                the lowest image scoring all use high quality
                                                and multiple images to sell their goods and
                                                services. However, so did the bottom 20
                                                which included two supermarkets, two high
                                                street chemists, a book retailer and several
                                                popular high street clothing stores.

                                                Weighty images hit load times hard and when
                                                you multiply this by many thousands of users
                                                that’s a lot of people sat in limbo waiting to shop.
Are Online Retailers Prepared for a Christmas surge? - Edge ...
Additional Comments
Ensuring a website remains relevant and              From a security aspect we were able to deploy
operating efficiently is achieved through good       all our tools against most websites – the
website management and housekeeping. This            tools deployed were not intrusive or malicious
means ensuring all links function correctly          however our activities did reflect the excellent
and that obsolete links are removed promptly.        cyber resistance of a small number of
Only six websites scored a perfect 100%              retailers’ websites tested. The remaining 95%
including Ikea and Pets at Home with another         of websites allowed our tools to analyse their
155 scoring 99%. At the other end of the             websites and this may be a potential cause for
scale one of the three worst offenders was           concern.
a major supermarket with a score of 65.3%.
One of the primary global online retailers
operating in the UK also only managed to
score 86.1%.

Sharon Hamilton, MD of Edge Testing concludes: “During a time where consumers are shifting
to online shopping more than ever before, Edge’s research reveals that retailers still have room
for improvement, with slow speed, poor image quality and broken links threatening user
experience. Many of the poorer performers were well known brands who cannot afford to
let a poor performing website impact forthcoming sales.”
Are Online Retailers Prepared for a Christmas surge? - Edge ...
Edge’s Recommendations
Considering the findings, Edge recommends
that retailers undertake a:

Load and performance review of their            Separate review and potentially performance
e-commerce capability                           test of order fulfilment
Which would include analysing:                  Many retailers may have highly effective
- Current website performance capability        and well maintained websites however the
  (to provide a benchmark)                      weak link may be the internal or external
                                                order fulfilment mechanism. Edge works
- Measuring scalability – most retailers        with several order fulfilment companies
  should have the necessary mechanisms in       who now find themselves with a drastically
  place to auto-scale their websites however    increased level of demand through the impact
  auto-scale effectiveness also depends         of COVID-19 on e-commerce. One company
  on the overall architecture of the web        stated that ‘COVID-19 has upped the ante
  supporting systems                            so every week is now like Christmas of old
                                                so what will Christmas 2020 be like?’ With
- Web site load balancers plus all other        companies such as Yodel announcing 3,000
  business logic sitting behind the servers     new jobs ready to cater for the Christmas
                                                2020 buying surge the supporting order
- Ascertaining ability to manage forecasted     fulfilment systems must also be able to
  traffic spikes (incorporating forecasted      manage previously unseen levels of orders.
  traffic for seasonal retail campaigns plus
  taking into consideration the increased       Housekeeping initiative to minimise the
  traffic COVID-19 has driven to e-commerce)    number of broken links
                                                This would be a straightforward exercise
- Identifying supporting server capability/     to undertake and there are various tools on
  capacity                                      the market which can speed up the review
                                                process. A well maintained website performs
- Speed and agility – the ability to change     faster and provides a smoother shopping
  the web site contents with the latest value   experience for the customer.
  propositions and services without impacting
  performance                                   Review of the websites PenTest capability to
                                                withstand malware and cyber attacks
- Identifying what is slowing down the          Pen testing should be considered an ongoing
  website’s performance (e.g. weighty images,   activity rather than a set of snapshot tests.
  ineffective caching approach, poor coding     As websites are amended, expanded and
  techniques, lack of compression techniques)   include additional linkages, new cyber risks
                                                and weaknesses can be introduced. Therefore
- Apply the necessary changes and               ongoing Pen Testing as a business as usual
  refinements to optimise their websites        process should be undertaken.
  performance capability.
Are Online Retailers Prepared for a Christmas surge? - Edge ...
                                                                                   1             GABOR
                                                                                   2             CLAS OHLSON
                                                                                   3             MICROSOFT
                                                                                   4             APPLE
                                                                                   5             ZALANDO
                                                                                   6             LONG TALL SALLY
                                                                                   7             THOMAS SABO
                                                                                   8             LOUIS VUITTON
                                                                                   9             IKEA
                                                                                   10            VICTORIAN PLUMBING
                                                                                   11            JACK AND JONES
                                                                                   12            THORNTONS
JEWELLRY & WATCHES (5%)         CONFECTIONARY (5%)          TECHNOLOGY (15%)       13            LLOYDS PHARMACY
                                                                                   14            NOVATECH
COSMETICS (5%)                  FOOTWARE (10%)              FASHION (40%)          15            BURBERRY
                                                                                   16            BEAUTY BAY
PHARMACY (5%)                   HOME IMPROVEMENT (15%)                             17            VICTORIA’S SECRET
                                                                                   18            THE NORTH FACE
                                                                                   19            WHISTLES
                                                                                   20            GANT

       Top 20 retail sites results
       Edge analysed all the scores from the various tests deployed. The following table highlights the top
       20 retailers who Edge considers are the frontrunners in terms of having fast, intuitive and well-
       functioning websites. Leading the field is footwear retailer Gabor, scoring a total of 563.2 points
       out of a possible 600, where 100 points were awarded for fully loaded time, system usability scale,
       average image weight, functioning links, Yslow score and PageSpeed score.

       Out of the top 20, fashion retailers dominated, with 40% gaining a top slot, including Long Tall
       Sally, Louis Vuitton, Jack & Jones, Burberry, Victoria’s Secrets, The North Face, Whistles and Gant.
       Technology and home improvement followed with 15% each, including retailers Microsoft, Apple,
       Novatech and Clas Ohlson, Ikea and Victorian Plumbing.
Are Online Retailers Prepared for a Christmas surge? - Edge ...
Loading speed test
A faster site means a better visitor experience,   Analyse website end- to-end functions using
higher ranking in search results and lower         performance testing
bounce rate, people expect fast loading times        To identify and breakdown the steps in
today:                                               the functional journey and highlighting
- 47% of customers expect a chosen site              potential blockages.
  to load in less than two seconds.
- 40% will abandon it entirely if it takes         During our testing of the in scope websites
  longer than two seconds.                         we found that the top 20 sites ranged from
                                                   0.8 to 2.8 seconds to load the landing page.
To enhance e-commerce website performance          While the slowest 20 sites loaded in 13.2 to
the retailer in question should consider:          42.1 seconds. The average time to load among
                                                   sites tested was seven seconds.
Optimising images
 As eCommerce sites are generally filled            RANK    COMPANY               TIME (SEC.)
 with high quality images and videos, it is         1       CLAS OHLSON           0.8
 crucial to optimise images to accelerate the       2       MASSIMO DUTTI         0.9
 retailers storefront. This can be achieved by      3       APPLE                 1.1
 compressing images before uploading – this         4       GABOR                 1.5
 should be an automatic activity during daily       5       BONPRIX               1.6
 builds.                                            6       FREEMANS.COM          1.6
                                                    7       DUNE LONDON           1.7
Minimise CSS, JavaScript and HTML                   8       EBUYER.COM            1.7
 This should also be standard practice              9       KALEIDOSCOPE          1.9
 as it reduces wasted space for content             10      MICROSOFT             2.1
 transmission.                                      11      LONG TALL SALLY       2.1
                                                    12      WILKO                 2.2
Housekeep redirects                                 13      HOME BARGAINS         2.3
 Websites should be regularly scanned for           14      BEAUTY BAY            2.4
 old redirects that lead to pages deleted a         15      THOMAS SABO           2.4
 long time ago. This is a good practice after       16      JACK WILLS            2.6
 switching or updating the site and can be          17      GRATTAN               2.6
 automated as an activity.                          18      USC                   2.7
                                                    19      SMYTHS TOYS           2.7
Introduce a Content Delivery Network (CDN)          20      LAKELAND              2.8
  This is a concept most relevant to UK
  retailers deploying a global reach. A CDN
  provides a globally-distributed network of
  proxy servers which cache content, such as
  web videos, images or other bulky media
  and there are umpteen options to choose
  from. Basically the web browser will get
  the image from a nearby-cache (UK) rather
  than fetching it from afar (for example
  a US server). CDNs accelerate content
  delivery, reduce individual server load,
  enable audience segmentation (i.e. allow
  the retailers website to behave differently
  by country or region) and reduce network
Google speed test
                                                 Google’s speed test revealed that 85% of
                                                 retailers’ sites scored ‘C’ or lower with 51 of
                                                 the tested websites receiving an ‘F’. As many
                                                 sites returned low scores, the suggestions
                                                 above for website performance improvement
                                                 should be considered. When profiling a web
Yahoo speed test                                 page with PageSpeed, it evaluates the page’s
89% of sites were lower than a ‘C’ grade from    conformance. Google provides an overall
the Yahoo! speed test. YSlow analyses web        score out of 100 for the website tested, based
pages and their speed based on Yahoo’s rules     on several performance optimisation best
for high performance web sites. Marked out       practices.
of 100, YSlow extracts data from the page
and generates a score for each rule, which       PageSpeed Insights scores are calculated via
produces the overall grade. The results were     Lighthouse, Google’s open-source, automated
that 65 websites received a Fair (C) grade and   tool for improving the overall quality of web
94 a Poor (D) grade.                             pages.
  RANK     RETAILER               SCORE            RANK    RETAILER               PERCENTAGE
  1        GABOR		95                               1       FURNITURE VILLAGE      98
  2        HARRODS		95                             2       CHARLES TYRWHITT       96
  3        CLAS OHLSON		94                         3       CLAS OHLSEN            96
  4        VICTORIA’S SECRET		92                   4       GAP                    95.8
  5        ZALANDO		92                             5       MARISOTA               94
  6        HARVEY NICHOLS		89                      6       WHISTLES               92
  7        MICROSOFT		88.8                         7       LLOYDS PHARMACY        91.6
  8        SCREWFIX		88                            8       JOULES                 91
  9        RUSSELL AND BROMLEY		87.4               9       VICTORIA’S SECRET      90
  10       LOUIS VUITTON		85.8                     10      LOOKFANTASTIC          89.9
  11       L’OCCITANE		85                          11      NOTONTHEHIGHSTREET     89
  12       VICTORIAN PLUMBING		85                  12      HUGHES ELECTRICAL      87.2
  13       THOMAS SABO		85                         13      SELFRIDGES             87
  14       HOLLAND AND BARRATT		85                 14      ITS                    86.4
  15       EBUYER.COM		82.6                        15      DUNELM                 86
  16       WAITROSE		82.4                          16      DUNE LONDON            86
  17       LLOYDS PHARMACY		82.2                   17      ICELAND                85.8
  18       WHISTLES		82.2                          18      SCREWFIX               85.6
  19       APPLE		82                               19      THOMAS SABO            84.6
  20       REEBOK		82                              20      THE FRAGRANCE SHOP     84.4
Navigation test                                 RANK   RETAILER            PERCENTAGE
Better navigation means more sales and a        1      ADIDAS              92.5
better bounce rate. If a potential customer     2      NIKE                92.5
cannot find what they want, they will leave,    3      ZARA                90
as opposed to a well organised site, where      4      EBAY                90
they can locate products they might want        5      FARFETCH            90
easily and can then progress to make a          6      APPLE               87.5
purchase.                                       7      PARTYCITY           87.5
The System Usability is a simple, ten-item      8      RADLEY              87.5
scale giving a global view of subjective        9      SELFRIDGES          87.5
assessments of usability. For our testing we    10     ACCESSORIZE         87.5
created 10 questions and a grading system.      11     BURBERRY            89
From this our results concluded that over two   12     LOUIS VUTTON        87.2
thirds (68%) received a ‘B’ grade equating to   13     MILLETS             87
good navigation. The average score was just     14     BOOTS               86.4
under 80%, but top scorers reached past 90%     15     OFFICE              86
and the lowest scorers was 67.5%.               16     SCHUH               86
                                                17     HUGO BOSS           85.8
                                                18     MAINLINE MENSWEAR   85.6
                                                19     MICROSOFT           84.6
                                                20     REISS               84.4
Image quality test
Edge Testing’s researchers used a Website
Speed Test to provide a ranking for a variety
of image aspects and categories. Using a
grade range of A-F, it rates the image format,
fit, compression rate, colour space and colour
When it comes to image weight, bigger is
not always better, as uploading multiple
large images can affect site performance
because when a browser first loads a page,
it downloads all of the page’s content.
Therefore, pages with large image weight will
load slowly, it is recommended that pages are
kept under 5 MB.
Companies need high quality images on their
sites to get more views and a higher search      Broken links test
result ranking. Users will also stay on site     Broken links send visitors to a webpage that
for longer and bounce less frequently. Most      no longer exists. If a customer encounters
companies scored a ‘B’ on the Website Speed      one, they are more likely to move on to
Test Tool’s image analyser, so their sites had   another better functioning site. If customers
fairly well optimised images.                    leave a site quickly after visiting it, the site’s
The websites we tested had an average image      search result rankings will also be damaged.
weight of 0.417MB, but some were as high         The Dead Link Checker tool showed us that
as 4.2MB, about 10 times larger than the         most companies have few broken links on
average. Low image weight means faster           their sites – the average being that 97.1% of
loading times, but could also mean poor          links are functional. The top 20 companies
quality images.                                  with most functioning links are:
  RANK     RETAILER               WEIGHT (KB)      RANK     RETAILER                  PERCENTAGE
  1        FURNITURE VILLAGE      4                1        PETS AT HOME           100
  2        THOMANN                5                2        TOOLSTATION            100
  3        PAVERS                 7                3        HAWKSHEAD COUNTRY WEAR 100
  4        TOPPS TILES            7.4              4        IKEA                   100
  5        MOULTON BROWN          8                5        MAJESTIC WINE          100
  6        GEAR4MUSIC             8                6        T J HUGHES             100
  7        BRAVISSIMO             9.5              7        EBUYER.COM             99.98
  8        SALLY                  10.5             8        FREEMANS               99.95
  9        LEGO                   11               9        BRAVISSIMO             99.95
  10       SPORTSBIKESHOP         11               10       SKECHERS               99.95
  11       THOMAS SABO            12               11       SPORTSBIKESHOP         99.95
  12       FIGLEAVES.COM          12               12       HOUSE OF FRASER        99.90
  13       RICHER SOUNDS          13               13       WATERSTONES            99.90
  14       PETSAT HOME            14               14       APPLE                  99.90
  15       SKATEHUT.CO.UK         15               15       GRATTAN                99.90
  16       FASHION WORLD          16               16       LITTLEWOODS            99.90
  17       MATALAN                17               17       MICROSOFT              99.90
  18       NOTONTHEHIGHSTREET     18               18       OCADO                  99.90
  19       WAYFAIR                19               19       OVERCLOCKERS UK        99.90
  20       EBAY                   20               20       PARTYCITY              99.90
Each test was conducted five times on each
site from 11 - 18 August 2020 and an average
for each test was taken to ensure more fair
and reliable results.

Speed                                             Image quality
To test load times GTmetrix was used to           We analysed images on the tested sites using
combine the 27-page speed recommendations         the Website Speed Test tool; the data this tool
and 19 Yslow recommendations of Google and        provides is determined by how the images on a
Yahoo, respectively. The load time of the main    website are displayed, considering format, fit,
– landing – site page was also tested. We         compression, colour space and depth. These
came up with these results:                       factors are combined to give a grade, from A-F.
  A       9                       5                 A       21                     8.5
  B       30                      22                B       177                    72.2
  C       44                      65                C       46                     18.8
  D       79                      94                D       1                      0.5
  E       34                      54                E       0                      0
  F       51                      11                F       0                      0

Navigation                                        Broken links
To find the ease of navigation on each site       Finally, we checked for any broken and
we used the System Usability Scale. This is a     dysfunctional links within each site utilising
simple, ten-item attitude Likert scale which      the Dead Link Checker tool to scan the sites
we used to quantify the website interface and     and confirm that any links found do exist
functionality.                                    and have a destination. 92% of websites we
                                                  tested showed fewer than 10 in 100 broken
  GRADE   NUMBER OF WEBSITES      PERCENTAGE      links, with the majority – 72% of all assessed
  A       78                      30              sites having less than 1 in 100 links broken.
  B       175                     68
  C       4                       2
  D       0                       0
  F       0                       0
Why work with us?
About Edge Testing                                - Eurofins Digital Testing was the first test lab to
Edge Testing is part of Eurofins Digital            be approved by USB-IF and is the only laboratory
Testing a global leader in independent Quality      authorized to carry out such testing in the EMEA
Assurance, (QA), testing and cyber security         region
for software systems, content and devices
with operations in Belgium, Hong Kong,            - Custom testing: in addition to full testing we also
the Netherlands, Sweden, the UK and the             offer pre-certification or selective testing
USA. We help businesses in media, fintech,
energy, governmental and other industries         - Debugging: we can help you identify and correct
assure quality in their digital transformations     problems
towards Industry 4.0.
                                                  - Our large pool of devices available for
We are a trusted provider in a broad spectrum       interoperability testing
of quality solutions covering: managed
test services & augmented test resourcing,        - Flexible scheduling and testing: you may attend
industry recognized advisory & training,            the test
including Eurofins Academy, lab-based testing       or ship the product to us for testing
services & infrastructure, test automation
& conformance testing services & tools,           - Extensive range of additional testing and
comprehensive cyber security services &             consulting services

Eurofins Digital Testing is part of Eurofins
Scientific, a Life Science testing group which
has more than 800 laboratories in over
50 countries and over 48,000 employees
worldwide. Founded in 1987, Eurofins is the
global leader in bio-analysis, with a level
of expertise that makes it the first call for
businesses around the world.
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