April 4, 2021 - April 4, 2021 - Parishes Online

Page created by Robert Holt
April 4, 2021 - April 4, 2021 - Parishes Online
April 4, 2021

Bulletin notices: sackerman@kcnativity.org        April 4, 2021
April 4, 2021 - April 4, 2021 - Parishes Online
Pastor’s Corner…
On behalf of Fr. Al, Fr. Gerard, Deacons Ralph and Jim, all the staff of Nativity Parish and School, I
wish you a Happy and Blessed Easter!
   Jesus Christ is Risen Today – Alleluia! Our Triumphant Holy Day – Alleluia!
   Who did once upon the cross – Alleluia! Suffer to redeem our loss – Alleluia!

As we began Holy Week on Palm Sunday, I was so filled with gratitude to see so many at church,
as I had memories of a year ago when we were on lockdown and our church was empty for Holy
Week. It made me thankful for the resilience of the Church and our Nativity community. Having so
many of us back together for Easter makes it all the more special. I hope you feel that way too. We
keep looking forward in hope when immunity from the virus is reached and all of our community
is back together at the Eucharistic table!
Thanks for hanging in there. This past
year is a good reminder that the agony
of the cross leads to the glory of the

Congratulations to our new Catholics
who joined the Church, as well as those
completing their full initiation at the
Easter Vigil. Dean Johnston, Lindsay
Barrett, and Katy Woodland were
Baptized, Confirmed and received their
First Holy Communion. Two young people:
Kinzie & Shailey Johnston were baptized
and received their First Holy Communion.
Clara & Josie Benskin completed their
initiation through Confirmation and Holy
Eucharist. Adrienne Besler completed her initiation into the Church through Confirmation.

We are so proud of all of you! We pray that your relationship with Christ continues to grow and that
you will always feel at home in the Catholic Church and in our Nativity Community. We welcome
you with great joy and we pray that God will continue to bring to completion the good work he has
begun in you!

The Risen Lord continues to call people to follow him, to work in his vineyard, to build the kingdom,
to be witnesses and beautiful members that make up His Body – the Church! Ever since those
first witnesses “saw and believed,” down through the ages, people like us have been living and
sharing the good news, that Jesus is risen from the dead, celebrating that through his life, death
and resurrection we are saved and are heirs to his promise of eternal life! Through witnesses,
our new converts were drawn to Jesus and his Church. As they have received, so they have been
commissioned to share. In their daily living, they will give testimony to the reality that Christ lives
in them and makes a difference in their lives. No doubt, others will “see and believe” and be drawn
into the life of the Risen Lord!

Our call during these 50 days of Easter is to continue to allow the Risen Christ to shine through
us! Spread the Good News with Easter vision and witness that is filled with faith, hope, love, peace,
kindness, forgiveness, courage, generosity and sacrifice. It’s the Christian calling of a lifetime. As
we renew our Baptismal Promises, once again, we say: “Yes Lord, I’ll do it!” “Yes Lord, I’ll follow
you to the best of my ability!” “Yes, Lord, I’ll trust and rely on your grace to help me.”
Thanks for the many ways you witness to the Risen Christ and give so generously of yourselves for
his glory and the good of his Church!

“This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad!”

Easter Love & Peace to you dear family,

Fr. Mike

Easter Sunday                                      2
April 4, 2021 - April 4, 2021 - Parishes Online
Liturgy and Prayer
                   Mass Intentions Week of April 5
Monday, April 5
6:45 a.m.  †Michael Block                                               Guidelines
8:15 a.m.  †Marie Passantino

Tuesday, April 6
6:45 a.m.   †Marianne Baker                                             Please wear your masks.
8:15 a.m.   †Jenny Johnson                                              Please fill from the front.
                                                                        Please only sit in open
Wednesday, April 7                                                        pews or stand at a marked
6:45 a.m.  †Agnes Knipper                                                 space.
8:15 a.m.  †Dennis Murphy                                               An usher will direct you to
Thursday, April 8                                                       Maintain proper social
6:45 a.m.   †Jim Johnson                                                  distance and limit
8:15 a.m.   SpI - Madison Cowherd Martin                                  movement.
            †George Schopper
            †Daniel Caffrey
            †Jane Mueller

Friday, April 9
                                                                        Prayer Requests
6:45 a.m.     †Rosemary Werth                                           Please pray for our
8:15 a.m.     †Fred Ceule                                               parishioners: Marge
                                                                        Slobodzian, John Burge,
Saturday, April 10                                                      Martha Burge, Barbara Burge,
8:15 a.m.   †Joann Arnold                                               Michael Shirley, Bill McHale
5 p.m.      †Patricia Downey
                                                                        Please pray for our family and
Sunday, April 11 | 2nd Sunday of Easter                                 friends: Jeff Brockhaus, Olivia
7:30 a.m.   †Bill Wilson                                                Fickel, Peggy Gorman Tabor,
9 a.m.      †Esther Estrada                                             Baby Remy
11 a.m.     †Rusty Russell
5 p.m.      †Mick Effertz

Nativity offers Reconciliation each Saturday from 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.              April 4, 2021
                                                                             Church of the Nativity
Readings: April 4 - 10                                                        3800 W. 119th Street
                                                                              Leawood, KS 66209
Sunday: Acts 10:34a, 37-43/Ps 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23 [24]/Col 3:1-4 or             913.491.5017
    1 Cor 5:6b-8/Jn 20:1-9 or Mk 16:1-7 or Lk 24:13-35                        www.kcnativity.org
Monday: Acts 2:14, 22-33/Ps 16:1-2, 5, 7-8, 9-10, 11 [1]/Mt 28:8-15           info@kcnativity.org
Tuesday: Acts 2:36-41/Ps 33:4-5, 18-19, 20, 22 [5b]/Jn 20:11-18
                                                                            Daily Mass Schedule
Wednesday: Acts 3:1-10/Ps 105:1-2, 3-4, 6-7, 8-9 [3b]/Lk 24:13-35         M-F: 6:45 a.m. | M-S: 8:15 a.m.
Thursday: Acts 3:11-26/Ps 8:2, 5, 6-7, 8-9 [2ab]/Lk 24:35-48
Friday: Acts 4:1-12/Ps 118:1-2, 4, 22-24, 25-27 [22]/Jn 21:1-14               Weekend Masses
Saturday: Acts 4:13-21/Ps 118:1, 14-15, 16-18, 19-21 [21a]/Mk 16:9-15          Saturday: 5 p.m.
                                                                         Sunday: 7:30, 9, 11 a.m. & 5 p.m.
                                                                          Mass posted daily online at
                Grant Them Eternal Life, O Lord                         www.kcnativity.org/onlineevents

             Monica Sullivan, mother of Eleanor White                           Reconciliation
                                                                            Saturdays 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.
                  Jane Mueller, sister of Dave Baker
                                                                              Parish Office Hours
              Bonnie Darby, mother of Bob Darby and                         M-F: 8:30 a.m. - 4: 30 p.m.
                   grandmother of Matt Darby                                (Closed Monday, April 5)

Bulletin notices: sackerman@kcnativity.org              3                                     April 4, 2021
April 4, 2021 - April 4, 2021 - Parishes Online
Parish Life

Women’s Book Club                                                                                         
The Nativity Book Club will meet to discuss

The Splendid and the Vile by Eric Larson
on Tuesday, April 13, from 1-2 p.m., in the
Parish Hall. Wear your favorite mask. The
ladies finish the season with The Tattooist
of Auschwitz by Heather Morris on May 11.
                                                                    )> D^Z 
Questions? Contact Kathy Hintz Shriwise at
                                                                    U^OODQZ >OU                                      OQ)8
                                                                    0RQLHVUDLVHGIURPWKHVH372VSRQVRUHG        &KLSRWOH :WK6W

Knights Meeting                                                                                                   0RQGD\$SULO_30
                                                                    WKHHIIRUWVRI WKH.LQGHUJDUWHQ 1HZ
Our next meeting is Monday,
April 5 in the Parish Hall. Social                                  UHVWDXUDQW:DWFKWKH372)DFHERRN
hour at 5:45 p.m.; council meeting                                  SDJHZHHNO\VFKRROQHZVOHWWHUDQGWKH

at 6:15 p.m. Masks required and the meeting

will follow social distancing protocols.
                                                                                                                  6RXWKVLGH%DU *ULOO
                                                                    P^UZ)D>U                                      :UG6W.&02
For more information on the Nativity council,                       &RQWDFW&DURO\Q'DUE\DW
events and photos of previous events, please visit                  FDURO\QGDUE\#JPDLOFRP
our website at www.knightsofnativity.com The
Knights of Columbus is a Catholic men’s service
organization open to all men of Nativity Parish
who are dedicated to Charity, Unity, Fraternity                                                                   9LHZWKHODWHVW.1,*+7287LQIRUPDWLRQDQG
and Patriotism. Join the Knights of Nativity and                                                                  UHVWDXUDQWIOLHUVULJKWIURP\RXUSKRQHRQWKH
help us build the Nativity Parish community!                                                                      136DSS2SHQWKHDSSVHOHFW0RUHDQG

Week At A Glance
Monday    Tuesday                    Wednesday Thursday                            Friday                          Saturday                  Sunday
5                 6                  7                   8                          9                               10                         11
Mass at 6:45      Mass at 6:45       Mass at 6:45        Mass at 6:45               Mass at 6:45                    Mass at 8:15 a.m. Mass at 7:30
a.m.; 8:15 a.m.   a.m.; 8:15 a.m.    a.m.; 8:15 a.m.     a.m.; 8:15 a.m.            a.m.; 8:15 a.m.                                   a.m., 9 a.m.,
                                                                                                                    Online Mass       11 a.m., 5 p.m.
Online Mass       Online Mass        Online Mass         Online Mass                Online Mass                     posted at 9:15
posted at 8:15    posted at 8:15     posted at 8:15      posted at 8:15             posted at 8:15                  a.m. at www.      Online Mass
a.m. at www.      a.m. at www.       a.m. at www.        a.m. at www.               a.m. at www.                    kcnativity.org    posted at 7:30
kcnativity.org/   kcnativity.org/    kcnativity.org/     kcnativity.org/            kcnativity.org/                                   a.m. at www.
onlineevents      onlineevents       onlineevents        onlineevents               onlineevents                    Women’s           kcnativity.org
Knights of        Adoration, after   Men of Nativity, Ladies of                     Lay Carmelites,                 Scripture Study, *Outdoor
Columbus,         8:15 a.m. Mass -   7:15 a.m.        Charity Mass,                 9:30 a.m.                       9 a.m.            Communion
5:45 p.m.         7 p.m.                              10 a.m.                                                                         10 a.m.
                                     PTO, 8:15 a.m.                                                                 Reconciliation,
                  DNA Men’s                           DNA Women’s’                                                  3:30 - 4:30 p.m.  Divine Mercy
                  Group, 6 p.m.      St. Ann’s Group, Group, 6:15 p.m.                                                                Mass, 3 p.m.
                                     9 a.m.                                                                         Mass, 5 p.m.
                  Live and silent                     Women of
                  auction items      School Mass,     Nativity,                                                     Knight Un-
                  open for bid-      9:15 a.m.        6:30 p.m.                                                     der the Stars
                  ding.                                                                                             Virtual Auction:
                                     Gospel Gals,                                                                   Adult Fixed
                                     9:15 a.m.                                                                      Price parties
                                                                                                                    open for bids at
                                     Religious Ed,                                                                  7 p.m.; Lives-
                                     6 p.m., 6:30 p.m.                                                              tream begins at
                                                                                                                    7:30 p.m.

Easter Sunday                                                   4
April 4, 2021 - April 4, 2021 - Parishes Online
Parish Life

Divine Mercy Sunday                                                    Seeking PT
Church of the Nativity will celebrate Divine Mercy                     Pre-K Teacher
Sunday on April 11 at 3 p.m. with Exposition of the
Blessed Sacrament, Benediction and praying the                         As a Teacher at Nativity
chaplet of Divine Mercy. All are welcome!                              Day School we help young
                                                                       minds explore, discover and
                                                                       understand the world around
                                                                       them. We are seeking an
                                                                       experienced and enthusiastic
Who Joined Our Parish At The                                           Teacher to assist with our
                                                                       ongoing program of activities
Easter Vigil? What’s Next?                                             that promote the social,
                                                                       emotional, cognitive and
                                                                       physical development of
Those who have entered through the sacraments into our                 each child. We are a private
Catholic faith at the Easter Vigil are: Lindsay Barrett, Clara         preschool that provides a
Benskin, Josie Benskin, Adrienne Besler, Dean Johnston, Kinzie         premier school experience.
Johnston, Shailey Johnston and Katy Woodland.                          We are open from August-
                                                                       May. We are looking for a
We have now reached the 4th period of the RCIA process, which          candidate for the 2021-2022
is the neophyte year. All who were baptized and received into          school year, PT, M-F.
full communion are called neophytes in this period, until the
anniversary of their initiation next Easter. The final period of       Desired skills and experience:
formation is called mystagogia. It is a time for deepening the         • Must meet basic
Christian experience, especially in appreciation for the graces of     requirements of local child
a full sacramental life, for spiritual growth, and for entering more   care regulatory agency •
fully into the life and unity of the Catholic community. Unlike the    Previous teaching or assistant
other 3 periods of the RCIA process, there is no concluding rite to    teaching position in a licensed
this period because this journey will be ongoing for them as it is     early childhood program
for all Catholics. We as a parish community pledge to help them        preferred • Knowledge of the
grow and mature in the Christian life and to develop a genuine         social, emotional and creative
Catholic world view. Please pray for all those who God has called      needs of young children •
to join us as we continue together our pilgrimage to our Father        Must be able to lift up to
in Heaven.                                                             35 lbs. in connection with
                                                                       the handling of children for
                                                                       the facilitation of programs,
                                                                       child safety, and potential
                                                                       emergency situations. Pre-
Retirement Solutions For Life                                          Kindergarten Teachers: 4 year
                                                                       degree in early childhood
                                                                       or related field required.
The Knights of Columbus will offer a webinar for all parishioners      Must have background
Tuesday, April 6 at 7 p.m. via zoom. The topic is “Retirement          check, fingerprinting, health
Solutions for Life” and is presented by financial consultants. It is   assessment, and any other
FREE to all.                                                           required documents needed
                                                                       by the state of Kansas.
"Paychecks and Playchecks: Retirement Solutions for Life" is a         Must be Virtus Trained, if
guide for retirement that is built for uncertain markets like the      not Virtus trained, will be
one we are in today. The strategies in this presentation are based     asked to take class and
on a mathematically and scientifically proven approach that will       to complete all required
enable you to create a secure retirement, no matter how long           bulletins in accordance with
you live. You will learn how to retire with enough guaranteed          the Archdiocese. Nativity Day
lifetime income to cover your basic expenses, and how to               School is an equal opportunity
optimize the rest of your portfolio to make sure you receive your      employer.
                                                                       All interested candidates
Visit www.knightsofnativity.com for more information and to            please send your resumes
sign up for the webinar.                                               to our director Katie King at
Bulletin notices: sackerman@kcnativity.org          5                                      April 4, 2021
April 4, 2021 - April 4, 2021 - Parishes Online
Knights Under The Stars

        Knights Under the Star
                     Register for the Auction Today!
       Knights Under the Star is going virtual this year. While tickets are
       not required, we encourage you to register for the auction and make
       your Fiorella’s menu selection by visiting www.bidpal.net/nativity or
       scan this QR code with your SmartPhone camera.

                                     Auction Timeline
      Tuesday, April 6
      Live and silent items open for bidding

      Friday, April 9
      Fiorella's dinner delivery in the afternoon

      Saturday, April 10
       5:00 PM    Mass at Nativity

      Knights Under the Star
       7:00 PM    Adult fixed price parties open for bidding
       7:30 PM    Livestream begins with a welcome from Fr. Mike and Virtual Cocktail Hour
       8:00 PM    Live program begins
       10:00 PM Silent auction closes

                        Virtual Auction Helpful Tips
     We recommend you have two devices for the live event. One device (laptop, computer,
        SmartTV) to view the live event and another device (Smartphone, tablet) to bid.

                       No Auction Tickets Needed!
                 We want our entire Nativity parish and community to participate!
                   The link to the livestream event is: www.bidpal.net/nativity

Easter Sunday                                       6
April 4, 2021 - April 4, 2021 - Parishes Online
Knights Under The Stars

                                                 Register for the Auction!
                                              Check out the fixed price parties!
                                                  Buy your raffle tickets!!
                         Adult fixed price parties open for purchase at 7:00 PM on April 10.
                              Don't miss out on the fun! No need to bid on these items,
                              You just need to purchase your party before they sell out!
         Check out a couple of the parties up for purchase below. There will be more the night of the auction.

                               Burgers and Beers with Father Mike - Thursday, June 10
        Enjoy an evening of fellowship, great food, beer and wine! Join Father Mike Hawken and your Nativity
                                      family at the Brookisder Sportsbar & Grill.
                                          Hosted by Anna and Chuck Naylor
                                          $75 Per Person - 50 Spots Available

                                  Roll a Strike with Father Mike- Saturday, November 20
      Grab your friends, it is time for basement bowling at St. Johns Catholic Club in KCK. A bus will leave from
                          Nativity and take you to and from St. Johns for a night of bowling.
                                               Appetizers and drinks provided.
                    Hosted by: Emily & Jack Erkmann, Ali and Mark Riegel, Michelle & Matt Textor
                                             $50 Per Person- 30 Spots Available

             To register for the auction. and buy raffle tickets, visit:
             www.bidpal.net/nativity or scan the QR code with your
                               SmartPhone camera.

                                           Auction Raffles
                          THE GOLDEN TICKET: Feeling lucky? Purchase your Golden Ticket to be entered into
                          a raffle to win your choice of any Super Silent auction item. The winning ticket will be
                          drawn at the beginning of the virtual live auction on April 10th.
                          $100 per ticket

                          KEY TO MY HEART: Buy your raffle ticket today for the chance to win this beautiful
                          Van Brock 18 karat white gold stretch bracelet with diamond heart and padlock.
                          Value $2100.
                          $50 per ticket

                          COLD. HARD. CASH: The prize grows with every ticket sold!
                          Each ticket gives you a chance to win half of the money collected from the 50/50
                          raffle. Drawing will be held at the end of the live auction. Updated raffle totals will be
                          shared throughout the virtual auction.
                          $25 per ticket

Bulletin notices: sackerman@kcnativity.org                7                                                 April 4, 2021
April 4, 2021 - April 4, 2021 - Parishes Online
Knights Under The Stars

                       /¬›•™È V¬‡‹¾ ș‹ LÈv¾
                    Thank You to Our Sponsors!
     Anonymous                             Jack & Emily Erkmann        Roy & Bobbie Messick
     Michael & Pat Amos                    Robert & Elena Fallon       Jacob & Jordan Mooney
     Larry & Joanne Armel                  Ray Evans Family            Randy & Betty Monson
     Tom & Linda Arrowsmith                Joe & Kathy Falco           Reed & Martha Murphy
     Tim & Cathy Anderson                  Annette Fibuch              Chuck & Anna Naylor
     Jean Asbury                           Jack & Delores Fiorella     Nessinger and Newman Family
     Jerry & Elizabeth Baker               Tom & Susan Fletcher        Jack & Kathy Newman
     Michael & Suzanne Barnthouse          Ray & Paula Fushimi         Dan & Mary Oades
     Joseph & Dorothy Barnthouse           Michael & Kathleen Gorman   Oades Bros. Auto & Tires/ Bill & Peggy Oades
     Charles & Grace Barth                 Nancy Grasse                Patrick & Kari O'Rourke
     Michael & Patty Bartkoski             Martin & Kathleen Haake     Chris & Felisha Parker
     Karl & Gail Becker                    Ken & Marilyn Hager         Todd Peterson & Ellen McCarthy
     Dominique & Caroline Bergere          Mike & Marlene Hales        Bill & Catherine Powers
     Michael & Annie Best                  Ed & Lisa Halpin            Jerome & Eleanor Raggett
     Chris Boland                          Scott & Kelly Henderson     Raupp Family
     John & Bonnie Bonella                 Craig & Joanne Herre        Jay & Lynn Reardon
     Rick & Susan Bogdan                   Brian & Megan Hoban         Troy & Nancy Reazin
     Rich Bono                             Daniel & Denise Hodes       Rick & Martha Robinson
     A.L & Debbie Bontranger               Bob & Judy Hoehn            Gary & Joan Roethle
     Mario & Laura Brancato                Clyde & Debbie Hutchison    Matt & Erin Rosenthal
     Dennis Bresnahan & Roxolana Demczuk   Mark & Rita Hyde            Ryan & Molly Schaar
     Andrew & Jacqueline Burczyk           Jim & Marlo Johnson         Jake & Debby Schloegel
     Vince & Valerie Burke                 Charles & Lynlee Joseph     Brett & Melissa Schnake
     Bill & Marta Buser                    Timothy & Carol Kane        Sharon Schrick
     David & Mary Caffrey                  Kavar Capital Partners      Rod & Kathleen Shriwise
     Paul & Karen Camarata                 David & Therese Kearney     Craig & Linda Smith
     John & Mary Campbell                  Kern Giving Fund            Betty Snoddy
     John & Karyn Campbell                 John & Jennifer Kilroy      Rich Teahan
     Rod & Jane Carson                     Stephen & Nancy Kitts       John & Cindy Thesing
     Fran Cashion                          Pat & Judy Klein            Bob & Karen Thompson
     John & Laura Caulfield                Dave & Jan Knopke           UMB
     Shawn & Leslie Chalmers               Bob & Heidi Kopp            Ryan & Mary Le Utarnachitt
     Bryan & Margret Close                 Bill & Mary Koppers         Jodie VanMeter
     Bob & Laura Cotter                    Frank & Diane Koranda       Bob & Denise Vedder
     Country Club Bank                     Barry & Jill Koster         Brad & Mary Vignatelli
     John & Emily Creal                    Kryger Glass                James & Rose Wagner
     Michael & Nancy Czinege               Mike & Julie LeCluyse       Bill & Mary Walker
     David & Joyce Didde                   Patrick & Megan Leiker      Mark & Mary Ellen Walton
     Dunn Family Foundation                Emmet & Paula Logan         Dan & Barbara Warner
     Terry & Peggy Dunn                    Molly Markely               Greg & Kathy Watkins
     Mike & Julie Egan                     Andrew & Jackie Marquardt   Jim & Kim White
     Ed & Michelle Embree                  Hugh & Jo Ann McNamara      Bill & Christy Wiedeman
     Enterprise Bank & Trust               Wayne & Sandy McNamara      Jim & Kathy Williams
                                           John Merz                   David Zamierowski

Easter Sunday                                           8
April 4, 2021 - April 4, 2021 - Parishes Online
Nativity Parish School

     OF A
         We are a place of prayer where Christ is
         the center of all things.

         Our school teaches the mind and touches
         the heart so students will come to know,
         love and serve the Lord and one another.

         Our small class size offers a safe place
         where children are nurtured spiritually
         and academically.

         We are an Archdiocese Premiere STREAM
         school. (Science, Technology, Religion,
         Engineering, Arts and Math) Our faith,
         interwoven throughout an excellent
         academic experience, is one of the factors
         that make our students successful. It is
         our Catholic identity that puts the “R” in

         We are more than an institution. Our
         school community is our family.

         Our students move on to high school as
         confident learners with academic success.

                NOW ENROLLING K- 8
                  or 913-338-4330

Bulletin notices: sackerman@kcnativity.org   9        April 4, 2021
April 4, 2021 - April 4, 2021 - Parishes Online
Easter         Lilies In Honor Of...
Names are listed alphabetically by last name. These names were received by the March 28 deadline. Thank you to all who

B                                                               M
Hedy Barth, from Charles & Grace Barth                          Robert Martin, from Bridget Martin
Carolyn Bartkoski, from Mike Bartkoski                          Tony Matejka family, from John & Ellie Behrmann family
Col. William Bell, from Mary Bell                               Leonard & Bonnie McAnarney, from Kathy & Dan Terrill
William P. Biggins,Sr., from Terry & Bill Biggins               Arthur Miller, Marion Miller, from Joan Roethle
Helen Biller, from Ben & Vicki Biller
Michael Block, from Meyers Family                               Q
Angela Browne, from Leonard & Donna Slaughter                   Teresa Quinn, Joseph Quinn, from Bridget Martin
Joe & Mary Burke, from Vincent Burke Family
C                                                               John & Colleen Phelan, from Ben & Vicki Biller
Patrick Carroll, from Mr. & Mrs. Tim Carroll
Church of the Nativity, from Criag & Kathryn Elson              R
JoAnn & Charlie Coghlin, from the Coghlin & Porter              Martin Ricono, from Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Hager
Families                                                        Mary Rockers, from Ruth Sobek
Tim Corley, from Laura Corley                                   Gary Roethle, Ralph Roethle, Dolores Roethle, from Joan
Dick Corrigan, from Tom & Jonie Corrigan                        Roethle
                                                                Fanny Ross, Frank Ross, from Leonard & Donna Slaughter
D                                                               Bonnie Ruder, from Ruder Family
Rose DeMarea, from Leonard & Donna Slaughter                    Rund & Weaver Family, from Joann Weaver
Kay DeFeo, from Leonard & Donna Slaughter                       Edward Rusich Family, from Donna Phister
Dave Dickey, from Joan Dickey
Don Dreiling, from Dolores T. Dreiling                          S
Jean Dunn & Virginia Clune, from Terry & Peggy Dunn             Our parents, from Tony & Christi Scaduto
                                                                Richard R. “Dick” Smith, from Virginia R. Smith
E                                                               Bob Snoddy, from Betty Snoddy
Sandra Eddy, from Pam Gates                                     Connie Stoddart, from William Stoddart Family
Marlene Ennis, from William Stoddart Family
F                                                               JoAnn Teahan, from Mike & Kathy Teahan
Robert & Mary Fields, from Jane & John Bolin
Dean Fletcher, from Donna Fletcher                              V
                                                                Juan De Dios Vollejos, from Blanca Vallejoe
George Gates, from Pam Gates                                    W
Kathryn Gorman, from Joan Dickey                                Judy Westrich, from Blalock Family
Michael Grasing, from the Grasing Family                        Grace Wrape, from Charles & Grace Barth

H                                                               Donation
George Hager, Elaine Hager, Rev. Robert Hager, Mabel            Mr. & Mrs. Michael Amos
Hager, from Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Hager                            Rosemary Berberick
Mrs. Vee Hamill, from Anne Dreiling                             Dr. Dennis R Bresnahan, Jr. & Dr. Roxolana J Demczku
Hart, Cassidy & Wesselhoft Family, from Jennifer Garrett        Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Clifford
Hawken & Zalewski Families, from Fr. Mike Hawken                Mr. & Mrs. Donald Distler
Huigens Family, Living & Deceased, from Tony & Judy             Mr. Dennis Finucane
Kostusik                                                        Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hotz
                                                                Mr. & Mrs. David Hulshof
J                                                               Mr. & Mrs. Jorgen Jacobsen
Jenny Johnson, from Jeff & Susan Johnson                        Sharon Kiewet
                                                                Mr. & Mrs. Allan Kowal
K                                                               Mr. & Mrs. Robert Montgomery
Jim Kiefer, from Kiefer Family                                  Mr. & Mrs. William Powers
Kostusik Family, Living & Deceased, from Tony & Judy            Jake & Debbie Schloegel

Ray Lam, from Marian Lam

Easter Sunday                                              10
Christian Formation

Children                           Year Of St. Joseph Resources
Working                            We just celebrated the Solemnity of St. Joseph on March 19. St.
                                   Joseph is widely honored as the foster father of Jesus, husband
Towards First                      to the Virgin Mary and protector of the Catholic Church. As we
                                   continue our Lenten journey to Easter, we can all be encouraged
Eucharist                          to consider the individual virtues that strengthened St. Joseph
                                   in his roles. Through his model, we can find ways to strengthen
Our children are getting closer    our commitments in our lives. To help you find ways to pray
to joining us at the table of      with and learn from St. Joseph, please visit https://archkck.org/
the Eucharist. Soon they will      yearofstjoseph to find great resources.
be nourished by the body of
Christ and will be called to “go
forth” to love and serve God
and each other. In what way
are you called forth to love and
serve? Who are those in your
life who need your love and

New Online
Event Page On
We are moving our online
events, like Daily and Sunday
Mass, from the homepage to
an Online Events page. On the
homepage, scroll down below
the photos and click the
button for Online Events.

Or bookmark this link and go
directly to the page:

Scott Hahn At                      Our Tithes and Offerings
St. Michael’s                      For Fiscal Year Ending 6/30/21
                                   Annual Collection Income Needed
Study Scripture from the           $ 3,630,468
heart of the Church with one
of today’s most respected          Collections Week Ended March 28th
scholars, Scott Hahn. Go           Masses                   $      18,240
deeper into the riches of our      Mail receipts                    11,275
Catholic faith on April 9 at St.   Online giving                     2,481
Michaels from 7 - 8 p.m.            Total Offertory         $       31,996

Mr Hahn will speak and             Give electronically via the website at www.kcnativity.org
provide time for Q&A. He will
have books for sale. Register      It is never too late to make stewardship a way of life.
now at stpaulcenter.com/
Bulletin notices: sackerman@kcnativity.org         11                                          April 4, 2021
Parish Contact Information                                                                                            Please use your church
Parish Staff                                                                                                          directory to find personal
Pastor, Fr. Mike Hawken............................................................mhawken@kcnativity.org             phone numbers.
Senior Associate, Fr. Al Rockers............................................................fral@kcnativity.org
Associate Pastor, Fr. Gerard Alba...................................................galba@kcnativity.org              Parish Outreach
Deacon, Jim Mullin............................................................DeaconJimMullin@gmail.com               Committee
Deacon, Ralph Schramp...........................................................rjschramp@sbcglobal.net
Accountant, Rebecca Coldicutt.................................................rebecca@kcnativity.org                  Tom Arrowsmith (chair)
Accountant, Leslie Chalmers..................................................lchalmers@kcnativity.org                 Mike Bartkoski
Administrative Coordinator, Jane Burgett.......................jburgett@kcnativity.org                                Leslie Chalmers
Business Manager, Mark Hyde.........................................................mark@kcnativity.org               Jack Martinosky
Communications Director, Susan Ackerman...........sackerman@kcnativity.org                                            Joel Voran
Director of Ministries, Tom Garbach................................................tom@kcnativity.org                 Tom Garbach
IT Director, Nancy West.......................................................................nwest@kcnativity.org
Music Director, Vicky Neely..............................................................vneely@kcnativity.org        Deacon Ralph Schramp
Registrar, Karen McDonald................................................................karen@kcnativity.org
Stewardship Director, Kelly Samuelson.....................ksamuelson@kcnativity.org                                   Pastoral Council
                                                                                                                      Joan Roethle (chair)
Nativity Parish School                                                                                                Tracy Boschert
Principal, David Kearney...................................................david.kearney@kcnativity.org               Mike Gates
Office Manager, Sondra Gustafson...................sondra.gustafson@kcnativity.org
Marketing Coordinator, Kelly Samuelson.................ksamuelson@kcnativity.org                                      Dan Heiman
                                                                                                                      Catherine Powers
Christian Formation (Religious Education)                                                                             Nancy Reazin
Sacramental Preparation, Suzy Meinzenbach...................smeinzenbach@kcnativity.org                               Randall Stevenson
Youth Ministry Director, Liz Hagen...........................................lhagen@kcnativity.org                    Tami Titus
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, Sara Baker..........sara.baker@kcnativity.org
RE Coordinator, K-8, Suzy Meinzenbach.............smeinzenbach@kcnativity.org                                         Denise Vedder
Admin. Assistant, Karen O’Neil.......................................................koneil@kcnativity.org            Tom Vopat
                                                                                                                      Jennifer Zielinski
Sacramental Preparation
Baptism Class Scheduling, Karen McDonald.......................................................491.5017               Email the Council at
RCIA, Mary Lambrechts.................................... ..........................mlambrechts@kcnativity.org        pastoralcouncil@kcnativity.
Reconciliation/1st Eucharist, Suzy Meinzenbach............................................338.4367
Confirmation, Suzy Meinzenbach.............................................................................338.4367   org
Marriage Scheduling, Karen McDonald..................................................................491.5017
Baptism Scheduling, Karen McDonald...................................................................491.5017

                                                                                                                      Finance Council
  Church Office                        Nativity School Office                Christian Formation                      Steve Clifford (chair)
  3800 W. 119th St.                    3700 W. 119th St.                     3700 W. 119th St.                        David Caffrey
  Leawood, KS 66209                    Leawood, KS 66209                     Leawood, KS 66209                        Mike Czinege
  Phone: 913.491.5017                  Phone: 913.338.4330                   Phone: 913.338.4367                      Elena Fallon
  Fax: 913.491.5065                    Fax: 913.338.2050                                                              Andrew Gray
                                                                                                                      Reed Murphy
                                                                                                                      Maryanne Roepke
Liturgy Commission                                                                                                    Dan Teahan
Please use your church directory
to find personal phone numbers.                                                                                       Jim Williams
Lectors                                                    Music                                                      Ignite Nativity Council
 Teresa Mayor                                              Vicky Neely               491.5017                         Cathy Anderson
 Kathleen Saunders                                         Little Church                                              Emily Gencarelli
A&E                                                        Suzy Meinzenbach         338.4367
Dana Mullin                                                Ministry to Homebound/                                     Kerri George
Sacristans                                                 Hospitals/Funerals                                         Lee Hillestad
Scott Tampke                                                Tom Garbach             338.4367                          Mary Lambrechts
Greeters                                                   Intercessory Prayers                                       Jesdon McCowen
Denise Vedder                                              Tom Garbach              338.4367                          Kelly Mullinax
Ushers                                                     Pastoral Council Liaison
Vito Carabetta                                              Ed Embree                                                 Marie Pal
Altar Servers                                              Scheduling                                                 Liz Pruett
David Pope                                                  Kathy Elson                                               Kelly Samuelson
Ext. Min. of Holy Communion                                Blessed Margaret of                                        Kathleen Saunders
Mike Bartkoski                                             Castello Special Needs Ministry                            Sharon Schrick
                                                           Tom Racunas racunas@att.net
                                                                                                                      Christy Vopat

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