Sixth Sunday After the Epiphany - February 16, 2020

Page created by Rick Acosta
Sixth Sunday After the Epiphany - February 16, 2020
February 16, 2020
Sixth Sunday After the Epiphany
Sixth Sunday After the Epiphany - February 16, 2020
Preparing for worship
   In the film The Mission, the source of today’s            colleagues, an ex-soldier named Mendoza (Robert
offertory, “Gabriel’s Oboe,” music plays a profound          DiNiro), wants to fight. But Gabriel refuses,
and subversive role — and I don’t just mean the              insisting that violence would be an affront to God.
soundtrack. Within the narrative of the film,                  When the attack does come, Father Gabriel
music has the incredible power to transcend                  decides to say mass. And the angelic worship
culture, to forge bonds of family and to stand up to         reaches the ears of the mercenary forces, stopping
the oppressive powers of empire.                             them dead in their tracks until their sadistic
   At the beginning of the film, a Jesuit priest is          commander forces them to fire on the Gaurani.
killed by the Gaurani, the indigenous people the             Yet even while his home burns, Father Gabriel
Jesuits have come to evangelize. His death inspires          refuses to give up on the way of peace, leading
Father Gabriel (Jeremy Irons) to redouble his                the Gaurani women and children in song and
efforts to reach this seemingly hostile tribe. To do         in a procession with the consecrated bread of
this, he climbs to the top of a local waterfall, which       Communion held high before them. Gabriel is
also happens to be the site of his fellow priest’s           eventually gunned down by his attackers, but it is
death, and he begins to play his oboe.                       clear from the ending of the film that his legacy
   That’s right. “Gabriel’s Oboe” is the name of             will endure for a very long time.
the song Father Gabriel plays on his oboe. Alone,              This morning, we don’t find ourselves in the
in the middle of the jungle, surrounded by wary              same hostile context as Father Gabriel and the
Gaurani with arrows knocked in their bows,                   Gaurani, but that does not mean our worship has
Father Gabriel communicates something peaceful,              to be any less powerful. As we raise our voices in
beautiful and transformative not with his words              song, we are shaping new worlds, forging new
but with music. Although the Gaurani chief breaks            bonds of family and resisting the powers of evil
the oboe in half, Father Gabriel’s performance               that would rather we be silent.
marks the beginning of his relationship with the               As you hear the notes of “Gabriel’s Oboe” and
Gaurani and their shared journey into the beauty             the sturdy hymns of our faith, know that you are
and peace indicated by his song.                             being transformed. Open yourself to that reality,
   Later, the geopolitical situation of the region           and you’ll be amazed at what results.
changes, and the Gaurani find themselves fighting                                            —Aaron Coyle-Carr
for their lives against a Spanish-Portuguese
force that would enslave them. One of Gabriel’s

                            Wilshire Baptist Church
                          4316 Abrams Road | Dallas, Texas 75214
                            (214) 452-3100 |
                      Partnered with the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship

       Building a Community of Faith Shaped by the Spirit of Jesus Christ

ON THE COVER: At Jordan River, Yoram Raanan. Used by permission.

Sixth Sunday After the Epiphany - February 16, 2020
February 16, 2020
                                       8:30 and 11:00 a.m.
                                 Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany

Chiming of the Hour
                          Please turn off all cell phones and alarm watches.

Prelude                                  Jesus Shall Reign                     arr. Arnold B. Sherman
                                          Carillon Ringers
                                       Ralph Manuel, director

Call to Worship               *Let All the World in Every Corner Sing           Robert G. McCutchan
                          Mike Capps, director; Bill Jernberg, accompanist

                                     **Yonder Come Day                arr. Vicki Tucker Courtney
                                       Young Musicians
                        Candy McComb, director; Bill Jernberg, accompanist

                  Yonder come day. Day is a breakin’. Yonder come day, O my soul.
                    Yonder come day. Day is a breakin’. Sun is a risin’ in my soul.

          Trees are green and the air is sweet. The good earth is singin’ underneath my feet.
             I’ll point my feet down that freedom line. Walkin’ that road I’m feelin’ fine.

    Walk together children, don’t you get weary, walk together children, don’t you get weary.
  Walk together children, don’t you get weary, there’s a great camp-meetin’ in the promised land.

        Day is a breakin’. Sun is a risin’. There’s a great camp-meetin’ in the promised land.

Opening Sentences 		                                                     Alan Wright / Linda Imhoof

We gather today as a church for all ages and as a church for the ages — rooted in the history of
God’s creative work in the world and carried forward by God’s redemptive work in the world. We
seek today to submit ourselves to the will of the God of creation and redemption and to join as
agents of this reconciling love made known to us through Jesus Christ our Lord.

+Hymn 5                            Come, Great God of All the Ages                     abbot’s leigh

*8:30 worship service / **11:00 worship service
+All congregants who are able are invited to stand.
Hearing devices are available in the Narthex and South Atrium.
Sixth Sunday After the Epiphany - February 16, 2020
Greeting to Worshipers 		                                                   Micki Lacker / Judy Ward

                  Guests are invited to take a Response Card from the pew rack,
         complete it and place it in the offering plate when it is passed later in the service.
           You also are invited to take the red fabric rose from the card and place it on
         your lapel or blouse to help others identify that you are our honored guest today.
           Prayer concerns will be received and prayed for this week when listed on an
           intercessory prayer card from the pew rack and placed in the offering plate.

Reading – 1 Corinthians 3:1–9 		                                  Tiffany Wright / Vicki Briley-White

And so, brothers and sisters, I could not speak to you as spiritual people, but rather as people of the
flesh, as infants in Christ. I fed you with milk, not solid food, for you were not ready for solid food.
Even now you are still not ready, for you are still of the flesh. For as long as there is jealousy and
quarreling among you, are you not of the flesh, and behaving according to human inclinations? For
when one says, “I belong to Paul,” and another, “I belong to Apollos,” are you not merely human?
What then is Apollos? What is Paul? Servants through whom you came to believe, as the Lord
assigned to each. I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth. So neither the one who
plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth. The one who plants
and the one who waters have a common purpose, and each will receive wages according to the
labor of each. For we are God’s servants, working together; you are God’s field, God’s building.
                                       This is the word of the Lord.
                                           Thanks be to God.

Yo, hermanos, no pude dirigirme a ustedes como a espirituales, sino como a inmaduros, apenas
niños en Cristo. Les di leche porque no podían asimilar alimento sólido, ni pueden todavía, pues
aún son inmaduros. Mientras haya entre ustedes celos y contiendas, ¿no serán inmaduros? ¿Acaso
no se están comportando según criterios meramente humanos? Cuando uno afirma: “Yo sigo a
Pablo,” y otro: “Yo sigo a Apolos,” ¿no es porque están actuando con criterios humanos? Después de
todo, ¿qué es Apolos? ¿Y qué es Pablo? Nada más que servidores por medio de los cuales ustedes
llegaron a creer, según lo que el Señor le asignó a cada uno. Yo sembré, Apolos regó, pero Dios
ha dado el crecimiento. Así que no cuenta ni el que siembra ni el que riega, sino solo Dios, quien
es el que hace crecer. El que siembra y el que riega están al mismo nivel, aunque cada uno será
recompensado según su propio trabajo. En efecto, nosotros somos colaboradores al servicio de
Dios; y ustedes son el campo de cultivo de Dios, son el edificio de Dios.
                                      Esta es la palabra del Señor.
                                            Gracias a Dios.

Recognition of Matt Dodrill 		                                                           George Mason

Litany of Blessing		                                                     Kyle Ballard / Holden Magee

As a church, we gather today to give thanks to God for the journey with us of Matt Dodrill. We are
grateful for the family, friends, teachers, churches and mentors who shaped him on his way to us.

Sixth Sunday After the Epiphany - February 16, 2020
We give thanks for the seeds of faith planted by others.

               Through two years of ministry, we have sought together to follow Christ
            and to be Christ’s church in this place. You have walked among us as a brother,
                    rejoiced with us, wept with us and sought God’s truth with us.

                We give thanks for the seeds of hope you have nurtured among us.

        Now we prepare to let go, to send forth Matt with our blessing, praying that he may
  be salt of the earth and light for the world as he plants new seeds of God’s care in other places.

                 We give thanks for the seeds of joy to be sown in the years ahead.

         It was God who made the seed grow. The planter and the waterer are nothing
     compared with the one who gives life to the seed. For we are laborers together with God.

                                 The Lord bless you and keep you.

               The Lord make the divine face to shine upon you and be gracious to you.

         The Lord lift up the divine countenance upon you and give you peace. Amen.

Sending Forth and Presentation of Gifts 		                                         Lay Support Team

Prayers of the People 		                                                             Mark Wingfield

+Hymn 581                               I Love to Tell the Story                              hankey

Giving of Tithes and Offerings

Your gifts to the Unified Budget make it possible for 425 children, students and
adults to sing or play in Wilshire’s choirs, ensembles, handbell and instrumental
groups. Thank you for supporting the ministry of music, which serves the church
both in worship and in mission.

Offertory                                   Gabriel’s Oboe                          Ennio Morricone/
                                         (from The Mission)                    arr. Kevin McChesney
                                           Carillon Ringers

+Offertory Response 		                                                                  gloria patri

                   Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost;
                       As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be,
                                 world without end. Amen, amen.

Sixth Sunday After the Epiphany - February 16, 2020
Reading — Deuteronomy 30:15–20 		                                     Jennifer Carter / Chad Mustain

See, I have set before you today life and prosperity, death and adversity. If you obey the
commandments of the Lord your God that I am commanding you today, by loving the Lord your
God, walking in his ways, and observing his commandments, decrees, and ordinances, then you
shall live and become numerous, and the Lord your God will bless you in the land that you are
entering to possess. But if your heart turns away and you do not hear, but are led astray to bow
down to other gods and serve them, I declare to you today that you shall perish; you shall not live
long in the land that you are crossing the Jordan to enter and possess. I call heaven and earth to
witness against you today that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Choose life
so that you and your descendants may live, loving the Lord your God, obeying him, and holding
fast to him; for that means life to you and length of days, so that you may live in the land that the
Lord swore to give to your ancestors, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob.
                                      This is the Word of the Lord.
                                          Thanks be to God.

Hoy te doy a elegir entre la vida y la muerte, entre el bien y el mal. Hoy te ordeno que ames al
Señor tu Dios, que andes en sus caminos, y que cumplas sus mandamientos, preceptos y leyes. Así
vivirás y te multiplicarás, y el Señor tu Dios te bendecirá en la tierra de la que vas a tomar posesión.
Pero, si tu corazón se rebela y no obedeces, sino que te desvías para adorar y servir a otros dioses,
te advierto hoy que serás destruido sin remedio. No vivirás mucho tiempo en el territorio que vas
a poseer luego de cruzar el Jordán. Hoy pongo al cielo y a la tierra por testigos contra ti, de que te
he dado a elegir entre la vida y la muerte, entre la bendición y la maldición. Elige, pues, la vida,
para que vivan tú y tus descendientes. Ama al Señor tu Dios, obedécelo y sé fiel a él, porque de
él depende tu vida, y por él vivirás mucho tiempo en el territorio que juró dar a tus antepasados
Abraham, Isaac y Jacob.
                                       Esta es la palabra del Señor.
                                             Gracias a Dios.

Anthem                                      *If Ye Love Me                               Thomas Tallis

                              If ye love me, keep my commandments,
                 And I will pray the Father and he will give you another comforter,
                                       Even the Spirit of truth.

                                     **Angels Visit When We Sing                          Tom Trenney
                                          Sanctuary Choir

                     Angels visit when we sing and the morning stars rejoice.
                We can hear them echoing in each faithful heart and voice. Alleluia!

                       Angels visit when we sing as they did at Jesus’ birth.
              And the music that they bring links the heavens with the earth. Alleluia!

Sixth Sunday After the Epiphany - February 16, 2020
Angels visit when we sing and remind us with their praise.
              Sin and death have lost their sting! For the crucified is raised! Alleluia!

                   Angels visit when we sing and our hearts are touched by fire,
            As our hymns and anthems ring with the sound of heaven’s choir. Alleluia!

                                          – Thomas Troeger

Message                            * “A Matter of Life and Death”                           Ryan Wilson
                                         ** “Choose Life”                                     Leigh Curl

+Hymn 680                                 I Then Shall Live                                  finlandia

Sharing of Decisions


Postlude                            Voluntary on abbot’s leigh                 arr. Michael Burkhardt

The flowers on the chancel today are given in loving memory of Howard Marsellus on his
birthday by his wife, Nancy Stretch, and daughters, Megan DeLaCruz and Rachel Marsellus.

Welcome to Wilshire today. If you are a guest with us today, we welcome you warmly to our
congregation. We would like to get to know you and tell you more about our church. Please take a
Response Card from the pew rack, fill it out and place it in the offering plate when it comes by. You
also are invited to a coffee reception in James Gallery immediately after the service.

Children welcome here. Parents of children in kindergarten and older are encouraged to
bring their children with them to worship, because at Wilshire our worship experience is
intergenerational and formative of lifelong habits. Worship care with loving workers is available for
preschoolers younger than kindergarten age. To find the secure check-in station, follow the signs
behind the Sanctuary or from the north entrance.

Someone to talk with. If you are facing a life challenge and would like to have a spiritual friend
to walk alongside you for a season of healing, perhaps you would benefit from a Stephen Minister.
Learn more at or contact Tiffany Wright at (214) 452-3107.
Sixth Sunday After the Epiphany - February 16, 2020
Meet today’s worship leaders
Kyle Ballard and his wife, Jane, joined Wilshire in 2015.         and attends Cord of Three Class. She works as a nurse
They are the parents of Benjamin, Ann Marie and Eleanor.          practitioner and is a Stephen Ministry leader at Wilshire.
He attends Genesis Class and served on the lay support
team for Matt Dodrill. Professionally, Kyle is an attorney        Holden Magee is a junior at Rockwall Heath High School,
with Guida, Slavich & Flores.                                     sings in Youth Choir and Shekinah at Wilshire and served
                                                                  on the lay support team for Matt Dodrill.
Vicki Briley-White and her husband, Jim White, joined
Wilshire in 2002. They are members of BEST Class, where           Chad Mustain is a stay-at-home dad, hospital chaplain and
she serves as director. She also is co-leader of the Vision       doctoral student. He serves on the Pathways to Ministry
20/20 Belong Team. A veteran airline flight attendant,            Committee and writes for Wilshire’s Facebook blog. He is
Vicky now works with Jim in the food and fundraising              married to Heather Mustain, Wilshire’s minister of missions
sector.                                                           and advocacy. They are the parents of Jimmie and Bly. Chad
                                                                  attends Perennial Class, where he also teaches.
Jennifer Carter and her husband, Les, have been Wilshire
members since 2007 and are members of Epiphany Class.             Judy Ward and her husband, Jimmy, joined Wilshire in
She sings in Nova and Sanctuary Choir and served on the           1989. She serves on the Christian Advocacy Committee
lay support team for Matt Dodrill.                                and has been a missions volunteer, including work with the
                                                                  Prison Entrepreneurship Program. She served on the lay
Linda Imhoof and her husband, Mike, came to Wilshire              support team for Matt Dodrill.
in 1982. They attend Compass Class, sing in New Song
and served on the lay support team for Matt Dodrill. Linda        Alan Wright came to Wilshire in 2002 and is married to
serves on the Wilshire Adventurers Committee and as the           Tiffany Wright, minister for care ministries. They are the
hymn memory leader for children’s choirs.                         parents of Cayton. He teaches in Avodah Class, works as an
                                                                  oncology chaplain at Baylor University Medical Center and
Micki Lacker first came to Wilshire in 1996; after a few          also is a writer and painter.
years away with family, she recently returned to Wilshire

Staff contacts
        George A. Mason                              Jessica Capps                                Ryan Wilson
           Senior Pastor                        Minister to Senior Adults                        Pastoral Resident
          (214) 452-3132                            (214) 452-3129                                (214) 452-3158
        Mark Wingfield                             Darren DeMent                                  Matt Dodrill
          Associate Pastor                        Minister to Students                             McIver Fellow
          (214) 452-3128                           and Young Adults                               (214) 452-3156
           Doug Haney                               (214) 452-3102                                David Nabors
         Minister of Music                           Julie Girards                         Director of Business Admin.
          (214) 452-3123                          Minister to Children                           (214) 452-3157
          Jeff Brummel                             (214) 452-3104                                   Dale Pride
   Associate Minister of Music/                    Joan Hammons                                 Facilities Manager
             Organist                            Minister to Preschoolers                        (214) 452-3101
         (214) 452-3122                             (214) 452-3141                             J. Preston Bright
         Tiffany Wright                          Leanna Coyle-Carr                          Associate Pastor Emeritus
   Minister for Care Ministries                     Pastoral Resident
         (214) 452-3107                              (214) 452-3154
        Heather Mustain                                Leigh Curl
Minister of Missions & Advocacy                     Pastoral Resident
         (214) 452-3110                              (214) 452-3152
To email any staff member, use the first letter of the first name combined with the full last name
and add
Sixth Sunday After the Epiphany - February 16, 2020
The Wilshire Tapestry
Souper Bowl of Caring success                               Romantics, Prayers and Poetry

Wilshire’s annual Souper Bowl of Caring surpassed           Jerry McElveen is leading a three-week
this year’s $10,000 goal with gifts to date of              Wednesday night class called Romantics, Prayers
$11,381. These funds will help Cornerstone Baptist          and Poetry, looking at some traditional and some
Church in South Dallas open a convenience store             less-conventional “poetic” prayers. Writers such as
offering healthy food options in what has been              Thomas Gray, William Wordsworth, Percy Shelley
classified as a “food desert.”                              and Robert Burns will provide a springboard for
                                                            class discussions and self-examination. The class
Generations update                                          meets this Wednesday night from 6 to 7 p.m.

Through the Generations initiative, Wilshire is off         Playing in the Dark: Race in Popular Culture
to a good start in the new year. One indicator of
that success is growth in giving to the Pathways            Join the final week of discussion of Toni
Endowment Fund. So far through Generations,                 Morrison’s Playing in the Dark: Whiteness and
$428,109 has been added to the endowment,                   the Literary Imagination this Wednesday night
bringing the total value of the corpus in excess of         from 6 to 7 p.m. Leigh Curl leads this study on the
$5.5 million. The first-level goal for the fund is $8       presentation and portrayal of black characters in
million.                                                    film, television and books.

Farewell reception for Dodrills                             Koinonia Café: Feb. 19 — Chicken-fried steak,
                                                            tilapia Vera Cruz, mashed potatoes, peas and carrots,
Everyone is invited to a farewell                           spinach wild rice, broccoli, salad bar, dessert bar.
reception today for Matt Dodrill,                           Feb. 26 — Roast turkey with cranberries, pork
McIver Fellow, who has been                                 chops, cornbread dressing, roasted potatoes, okra
called as senior pastor of Pulaski                          with tomatoes and bacon, grilled cauliflower and
Heights Baptist Church in Little                            broccoli, salad bar, dessert bar.
Rock. He and his family will
be recognized in both morning                               Adventurers to Chicago and Mackinac
services today, and they will greet
the congregation at a reception in James Gallery            This year’s Wilshire Adventurers fall trip will be to
during the Sunday School hour.                              Chicago, Grand Rapids and Mackinac Island. The
                                                            week-long trip led by Mark Wingfield begins with
Tiffany Wright reception March 1                            three nights in downtown Chicago, a river cruise,
                                                            a lake cruise, history and arts tours and great food.
The recognition and reception for Tiffany Wright,           The group then travels to Grand Rapids to see
who is leaving her position as                              the Gerald Ford Presidential Museum and Meijer
minister for care ministries, has                           Gardens before heading to beautiful Mackinac
been moved to Sunday, March                                 (pronounced “Mackinaw”) Island for a three-
1. Join in thanking Tiffany for                             night stay at the Mission Point Resort. Enjoy the
her 20 years of service as she                              old-world charm of this island where cars are not
is recognized in both morning                               seen and history comes alive. See full trip details
services and at a reception in                              at or in a brochure
James Gallery during the Sunday                             available in the front office. Registration will be
School hour.                                                finalized on a first-come, first-served basis, with
                                                            only 50 seats available.

                                Keep up with all the Wilshire news at or by using our
                                Wilshire app or via social media. Worship is live streamed every
                                Sunday at 11:00.
Sixth Sunday After the Epiphany - February 16, 2020
The Wilshire Tapestry
                                                          p.m. in Community Hall for our first blood drive
                                                          of 2020. No reservation is necessary; just show up
                                                          and donate.

                                                          Beginnings Class for newly & nearly married

                                                          The Beginnings Class for newly and nearly
                                                          married couples will be offered on six Sunday
                                                          mornings beginning March 1. The class meets
                                                          during the Sunday School hour, from 9:40 to
                                                          10:45 a.m. It is open to all couples making life
                                                          commitments. Guest speakers and topics covered
Youth Choir auction and spaghetti luncheon                include family financial management with David
                                                          Nabors, couple conflict resolution with Phill and
The annual Youth Choir Spaghetti Lunch and                Gloria Martin, spirituality in marriage by George
Silent Auction will be Sunday, March 1, in                Mason, the Five Love Languages by Ryan Wilson,
Community Hall from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. This             and understanding issues with family of origin
event helps fund the choir’s summer mission               by Amy and Cory Anderson. The class is free
trip to Denver to sing, serve and sightsee. If you        but preregistration is preferred. Contact Darren
would like to donate items or services to the silent      DeMent at
auction, contact Carolyn Murray at cpmurray@ Suggestions include gift cards to local    WOW! Tuesday Evening Book Club
restaurants, new household items and event tickets.
Also, professional services make great donation           The Women of Wilshire Tuesday Evening Book
items. If you are a musician, tutor, photographer,        Club meets monthly at 7 p.m. in the Parlor.
baker, designer, accountant or have some other            Upcoming dates and book titles are: Feb. 18, When
professional service to provide, consider donating a      All Is Said by Anne Griffin; March 24, Just Mercy
gift certificate of your time or service.                 by Bryan Stevenson.

Why give blood?                                           George Gagliardi concert event

Have you ever considered                                  George Gagliardi will present
blood donation to be a civic                              a free concert in Community
duty? Jury duty is critical to                            Hall on Sunday, Feb. 23, at
the success of our judicial                               6:30 p.m. The event will be
system, voting is critical to                             titled “Just Me, Just Myself.”
the success of our political                              George explains it this way:
system, and an ongoing                                    “After lo these many years I’ve
blood supply is critical to the success of our            decided I wanted to do a solo
modern health care system. Wilshire provides              concert, just me, just myself.
opportunities to perform this civic duty with             In the past I’ve been fortunate
quarterly blood drives conducted by Carter                enough to have great, talented
BloodCare. Additionally, being a blood donor is an        friends help me out and I loved those concerts.
act of Christian stewardship by giving of yourself        However, this time around I wanted to go out
to improve the lives of others. One pint of donated       there on my own, reminiscent of how I used to
blood can save three lives. Donors must be at least       perform back in the dark ages when I played on
16 years of age, and there is no upper age limit. All     college campuses and on the basement banquet
donors for Carter BloodCare must bring a valid            circuit.” This concert will be a combo of old songs
photo ID. Donors must weigh at least 110 pounds.          and new ones plus maybe a surprise or two. All are
Join us on Sunday, Feb. 23, from 7:30 a.m. to 1           invited.

Internships available

Wilshire Children’s Ministry offers two paid
summer internships available for 10 weeks during
the summer of 2020, approximately May 22
through Aug. 2. Each internship will be about 20
hours per week plus a four-day overnight camp
working with children in grades one through six.
Each intern will work with the church staff and
volunteers to coordinate various programs offered
throughout the summer including Sunday School,
Vacation Bible School and preteen camp. Most
hours will be weekday mornings and Sunday
mornings. Candidates should have completed                Save the date for Wilshire’s Road
at least one year of college and have experience
working with children, as well as having a desire
                                                          to Resurrection family Lenten
to explore the opportunity to serve in a ministry         experience. It will be Sunday, April 5,
position. Inquire with Julie Girards, minister to
children, at or (214) 452-
                                                          from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. This is a come-
3104.                                                     and-go event in Community Hall.
Condolences to: David Cejka on the death of his
                                                          Bring your family for a multi-sensory
wife, Bettye, on February 9.                              experience, traveling with others the
Eboo Patel at Shurden Lectures
                                                          path of Jesus during his last week
                                                          on earth. This hour-long event is
Eboo Patel will be the featured
speaker for the Shurden
                                                          filled with Bible-time experiences
Lectures on Religious Liberty                             that will engage participants of all
and Separation of Church and
State, to be offered March
                                                          ages (especially older preschoolers
5 on the campus of SMU.                                   through middle elementary ages).
The event is hosted by the
Baptist House of Studies at
                                                          We’ll create and wave palm branches,
Perkins School of Theology                                taste the Passover meal and visit the
at SMU and co-sponsored by
the Baptist Joint Committee
                                                          Garden of Gethsemane. A family-
for Religious Liberty. Patel is the founder and           friendly lunch will be available for
president of Interfaith Youth Core and a national
leader in efforts to make interfaith cooperation
                                                          free starting at 11 a.m. The event itself
a social norm. He will speak in the Great Hall            is free. All are invited to lunch.
in Elizabeth Perkins Prothro Hall, 5901 Bishop
Blvd. The program begins at 11:30 a.m. with Patel
speaking on “Religious Freedom and a Theology             Volunteer opportunities are available
of Interfaith Cooperation.” A lunch will follow
at noon with a conversation between Patel and
                                                          for those willing to serve as greeters,
George Mason. At 2 p.m., Patel will conclude the          travel guides, costumed characters,
program with a talk on “Religious Freedom and
Interfaith Leadership.” The event is free and open
                                                          assistants or to help with decorating.
to the public but an RSVP is requested for lunch          Contact Julie Girards at jgirards@
and to receive a parking pass. Find the link at

About the Sanctuary tapestry
   The tapestry that adorns the baptistry is a            highest and reminds the one being baptized
mosaic-like fabric work of art created for that           of the descent of the dove of peace at Jesus’
space. A Jewish tapestry artist, Liora Manne,             baptism, which was accompanied by the voice
from Jerusalem, produced the work through                 from heaven saying, “This is my beloved Son, in
her New York City firm, LaMontage, under                  whom I am well pleased.”
the creative direction of a subcommittee of the             Those being baptized are called to share
church’s Building and Grounds Committee. It               in the liberating work of God through Jesus
was installed on Feb. 27, 1994.                           Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit. The same
   The piece was commissioned as part of a                promise of peace and new life that was given to
renovation and redesign of the baptistry. The             Jesus is ours as well.
tile in the baptistry suggests an ancient Roman
tomb. Baptismal candidates know they are                    The three Greek crosses. There are three
moving by faith into an experience of surrender           crosses in the tapestry that connect the
to God in solidarity with Christ. The Apostle             three circles. These crosses have equal arms,
Paul wrote in Romans 6:3-4:                                                  according to the pattern of
“Do you not know that all of us                                              Greek (rather than Latin)
who have been baptized into                                                  crosses. The connecting crosses
Christ Jesus were baptized                                                   suggest the full involvement of
into his death? Therefore we                                                 God in the redemptive death of
have been buried with him by                                                 Christ. The Son suffers death,
baptism into death, so that, just                                            the Father suffers the death of
as Christ was raised from the                                                the Son as the one who grieves,
dead by the glory of the Father,                                             and the Spirit suffers the
we too might walk in newness                                                 death of the Son and the grief
of life.”                                                                    of the Father while holding
                                                                             them together in eternal love
The symbols of the tapestry                                                  and opening the grave to
                                                                             resurrection life.
  The three circles. The Triune                                                The three circles also gesture
God — Father, Son and Holy                                                   toward the three crosses at
Spirit — is depicted by the                                                  the time of Jesus’ death, thus
three circles of burning bush,                                               inviting us to participate in his
chalice and dove, respectively.                                              suffering by our response to
The circles are not arranged hierarchically;              his sacrifice of love. The path of salvation for us
rather, they are meant to convey the dynamic              involves the same suffering love for the world
movement of love among the persons of the                 that Jesus demonstrated by giving his life as a
one God. There is a sequence, however, moving             ransom for all.
from left to right with the priority of origin and
initiative coming from God the Father to the                The bordering waves. The tapestry border
Son and the Spirit.                                       suggests flowing water, which is the historic
  The circle of the Father reminds us of the call         tradition of baptism in living water. We enter
of Moses, the call to lead in the liberation of           the fellowship of God and the church through
God’s people who were enslaved and oppressed              our baptism. While it is a border per se, it is not
in Egypt. The circle of the Son is closest to the         a wall. The threshold of baptism may be crossed
water, as the Son is the incarnate one who came           by any and all who willingly put their faith in
to live among us. The circle of the Spirit hovers         God and confess Jesus as Lord.

Sing your winter blues away
Now is a great time to visit a Sanctuary Choir            you sing, Doug Haney, minister of music, is glad to
rehearsal on Wednesday evenings as the choir              meet with you to determine this.
begins to work on music for Lent, Holy Week
and Easter. New singers and seasonal singers are          How often does the choir sing?  
welcome.                                                  As the anchor choir in Wilshire’s music ministry,
                                                          Sanctuary Choir sings for most (not all) 11:00
When does Sanctuary Choir rehearse?                       morning worship services during the year and
Wednesday evenings, 7 to 8:30 p.m. Because                some 8:30 morning worship services (about
everyone’s time is valuable, rehearsals begin and         twice a quarter). The choir meets in Choral Hall
end promptly on time.                                                         to warm up 20 minutes
                                                                              before services. Additionally,
Where are rehearsals?                                                         Sanctuary Choir presents or
The choir rehearses in Choral                                                 contributes to two or three
Hall at Wilshire. This is on the                                              major programs each year.
second floor at the south end
of the campus. Look for the                                                   What if I can’t attend every
round stained-glass window at                                                 rehearsal?
the end of the hallway. Choral                                                Occasionally singers will have
Hall entrance is at the end of                                                an unavoidable conflict. There
that hallway.                                                                 is no attendance requirement.
                                                                              However, you will have a
Is there an audition?                                                         better experience if you are
No. It helps to have a good ear and a pleasant            present three or more Wednesdays per month.
voice. Music reading skills are a plus but not
required. Our singers range from fine amateurs to         For more information, contact Doug Haney at
professionals. If you are not sure what voice part or (214) 452-3123.

 Special film screening March 8
 Wilshire member Cheryl Allison has created an award-winning film, Shatter the
 Silence, that will be screened at Wilshire on Sunday, March 8, at noon. Lunch will
 be served. No reservation is required,
 and the event is free. In the film,
 the use of archival footage including
 suffragettes, Anita Hill, Eleanor
 Roosevelt, Lady Bird Johnson and
 President John Kennedy helps
 support the modern-day voices of
 women and men weaving together a
 story of the ongoing fight for gender

The Wilshire calendar
Sunday, February 16                  Popular Culture – 6:00 p.m.   •   Computer class – 9:00 a.m.
• Border mission trip            •   Romantics, Prayers and        •   Yoga class – 12:15 p.m.
• Blessing Reception for Matt        Poetry – 6:00 p.m.            •   Senior women’s exercise
   Dodrill – 9:40 a.m.           •   The Enneagram Journey –           class – 2:00 p.m.
• Worship – 8:30 a.m.                6:00 p.m.
• Wilshire Welcome – 9:40 a.m.   •   Faith in 3-D rehearsal –      Wednesday, February 26
• Sunday School – 9:40 a.m.          6:00 p.m.                     • New Song – 9:30 a.m.
• New Christians class – 11:00   •   Yoga class – 6:15 p.m.        • Ukulele group – 11:00 a.m.
   a.m.                          •   Watershed – 6:30 p.m.         • Koinonia Café – 11:00 a.m.
• Worship – 8:30 a.m.            •   Sanctuary Choir – 7:00 p.m.   • Ash Wednesday service –
• Youth Choir lunch – noon                                            noon  
• Library Committee – noon       Thursday, February 20             • Children’s handbells – 5:00
• Sanctuary Choir officers –     • Knit Unto Others – 1:30 p.m.       p.m.
   noon                          • Senior women’s exercise         • Koinonia Café – 5:00 p.m.
• Finance Committee – noon          class – 2:00 p.m.              • Music and Missions – 6:00
• Missions Committee – noon      • Faith in 3-D rehearsal –           p.m.
• Personnel Committee – noon        7:00 p.m.                      • Ash Wednesday Vespers –
• Youth Choir – 12:25 p.m.       • Group outing to “The               6:00 p.m.
• Shekinah – 1:20 p.m.              Band’s Visit” – 6:30 p.m.      • Ash Wednesday Vespers
                                                                      (family-friendly) – 7:00
Monday, February 17              Friday, February 21                  p.m.
• Game of 42 – 10:00 a.m.        • Wow! Women’s Retreat            • Yoga class – 6:15 p.m.
• Wilshire Winds – 7:00 p.m.                                       • Watershed – 6:30 p.m.
• Faith in 3-D rehearsal –       Saturday, February 22             • Sanctuary Choir – 7:00 p.m.
   7:00 p.m.                     • Wow! Women’s Retreat
                                                                   Thursday, February 27
Tuesday, February 18             Sunday, February 23               • Faith in 3-D rehearsal –
• Computer class – 9:00 a.m.     • Wow! Women’s Retreat               8:00 a.m.
• Yoga class – 12:15 p.m.        • Blood drive                     • Knit Unto Others – 1:30 p.m.
• Senior women’s exercise        • Worship – 8:30 a.m.             • Senior women’s exercise
   class – 2:30 p.m.             • Sunday School – 9:40 a.m.          class – 2:00 p.m.
• Stephen Ministry               • Worship – 11:00 a.m.
   supervision – 6:30 p.m.       • Youth Choir lunch – noon        Friday, February 28
• WOW! Tuesday Night Book        • Youth Choir – 12:25 p.m.        • Friday Friends – 10:00 a.m.
   Club – 7:00 p.m.              • Shekinah – 1:20 p.m.            • Room in the Inn – 5:30 p.m.
• Faith in 3-D rehearsal –       • Nova – 1:30 p.m.
   7:00 p.m.                     • George Gagliardi concert –      Sunday, March 1
                                    6:30 p.m.                      • Worship – 8:30 a.m.
Wednesday, February 19                                             • Blessing Reception for
• Stephen Ministry Leaders       Monday, February 24                  Tiffany Wright – 9:40 a.m.
   meeting – 9:30 a.m.           • Faith in 3-D rehearsal –        • Wilshire Welcome – 9:40
• New Song – 9:30 a.m.              8:00 a.m.                         a.m.
• Ukulele group – 11:00 a.m.     • Game of 42 – 10:00 a.m.         • Sunday School – 9:40 a.m.
• Koinonia Café – 11:00 a.m.     • Ice Cream on the                • Worship – 11:00 a.m.
• Bible Study – noon                Playground for preschool       • Youth Choir spaghetti lunch
• Children’s handbells – 5:00       families – 2:45 p.m.              and auction – 11:00 a.m.
   p.m.                          • Wilshire Winds – 7:00 p.m.      • Nova – 1:30 p.m.
• Koinonia Café – 5:00 p.m.                                        • Carillon Ringers – 3:00
• Music and Missions – 6:00      Tuesday, February 25                 p.m.
   p.m.                          • Faith in 3-D rehearsal –
• Playing in the Dark: Race in      8:00 a.m.

Faith in 3-D is March 6 and 7
“Lighting the Way,” Wilshire’s 2020 Faith in 3-D production, will be presented
on Friday and Saturday, March 6 and 7, at 7:30 p.m. in Community Hall.

In association with Climate Change Theatre Action, the evening will be
anchored by 10 brief plays written by an array of international playwrights,
interspersed with music and exposition.

With themes from the absurd to life-and-death, the plays explore the
consequences and remedies concerning global warming. Thirty-three Wilshire
performers will combine their talents to present this theatrical event in 3-D:
drama, dessert and dialogue.

The event is free and open to the public. Preschool child care will be provided
on Friday, March 6.

The Sarum Prayer

                                                                   God be in my head,

                                                                   And in my understanding;

                                                                   God be in my eyes

                                                                   And in my looking;

                                                                   God be in my mouth

                                                                   And in my speaking;

                                                                   God be in my heart

                                                                   And in my thinking;

                                                                   God be at my end,

                                                                   And at my departing.

Lenten devotional book                                   Ash Wednesday

You are invited to join the congregation in reading a    The Lenten season begins on Feb.
new book of brief daily devotionals during the Lenten    26 with Ash Wednesday. Three
season. The book, God Be in My Head, is built around     special worship opportunities will
an ancient prayer known as The Sarum Prayer. The         be offered that day. The Wednesday
five-line prayer begins, “God be in my head and in       noon Bible study will be replaced
my understanding.” The book is written by Michigan       with an Ash Wednesday service in
pastor Ken Wilson. Its daily reflections and prompts     Community Hall. That evening, an
are simple and straightforward and appropriate           Ash Wednesday Vespers service will
for older children, youth and adults. Copies of the      be offered in McIver Chapel at 6 and
book are available in the church office for $5 apiece.   7 p.m., with the 7:00 service being
A digital version of the book also is available from     family-friendly.

You can also read