In the Woods April 2020 - Volume 38, Issue 4 - Farmington Woods Master Association

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In the Woods April 2020 - Volume 38, Issue 4 - Farmington Woods Master Association
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                                In the Woods
                                     April 2020 - Volume 38, Issue 4

    Mission Statement
 To preserve and enhance
  the property values of
    Farmington Woods
   Master Association
     Executive Board
  Kent Belvin, District 3
       Vice President
  Phyllis Butler, District 2
   Bill Crofton, District 5
 Kathleen Woods, District 6
   Joan Skydel, District 1
  Philip Morris, District 4
   Tony Blaine, District 7
 Madelyn Colon, District 8
  Harry Marsh, District 9
Debbie Zahorodni, District 10
      District Board
        Kent Belvin
      Vice President
       Irene Loretto
        George Hall
      Thomas Pinkin
      Anne Fitzgerald
      William Hawks
     Michael Marchese
     Ivan Mendelsohn
       Patricia Root

                                          Step into Spring
In the Woods April 2020 - Volume 38, Issue 4 - Farmington Woods Master Association
                                         In the   Woods ~ April 2020


       Feature                               Page                    April Meeting Schedules
                                                                     Following Governor Ned Lamont’s
Your Voices in the New World                   3
                                                              Executive Orders involving gathering of all types
Before the Boards                              4               during the COVID-19 pandemic, all committee
National Volunteer Week                        5                        meetings have been canceled.
New Roots in The Woods- February 2020          6
                                                             Board and Budget meetings will be announced on
Real Estate Closings January/February          6             the Member Central portion of the webpage and
Volunteer Zodiac                               6                 included in the email In the Woods 2.0
Corona Virus Scam Alerts                       6
                                                            If you are a member of Farmington Woods and are
Spring is in the Air                           7               not receiving our weekly email, please contact:
April at the Clubhouse                         8            
Golf Course is Open                            9                     or Jennifer at 860-673-6193 ext. 26
Cooperative Gardeners-April Events             9             The Master Association office is closed on Friday,
Town Hazardous Waste Collections               9                                April 10, 2020
Farmington Woods Woman’s Club                  10                       for the Good Friday holiday.
                                                               There is no delay in trash or reycling pick-up.
Step into Spring-Walking The Woods             10
Happy Birthday, Will!                          11
Only Rain Down the Drain                       12
Police Blotter                                 12
Classifieds                                    12
Response Coupons                               13
Golf Referrals                                 13

Deadlines: Copy and photos for each issue of In
the Woods are due in the MA Office by the tenth of
the preceding month. Please send by e-mail to
                                                           Tips from the World Health Organization:
                                                              •   Wash your hands frequently.

                                                              •   Avoid touching your face.

                                                              •   Sneeze and cough into a tissue or your elbow.

                                                              •   Avoid crowds and standing near others.

                                                              •   Stay home if you think you might be sick.
          Master Association                                  •   When in doubt, consult with a healthcare
   200 Byron Drive, Avon, CT 06001                                professional.
     Office Hours: Monday-Friday
         7:45 a.m. - 4:45 p.m.
Phone 860-673-6193 or Fax 860-675-6156
In the Woods April 2020 - Volume 38, Issue 4 - Farmington Woods Master Association

                                                 In the   Woods ~ April 2020

                              Your Voices                            Then the Finance Committee goes line by line over
                           in the New World                          every increase in the budgets, politely but insistently
                                                                     testing the reason for each increase. At this point they
                          Kent Belvin, President                     invariably cut back the ‘wish list’ items. Additionally
                          Master Association and                     your Board Members voice their opinions not only on
                             District Boards                         individual expenses but also on what they think that
                                                                     we as a community will be able to tolerate in the
                                                                     present financial climate. At the second pass the
I cannot begin this column without an acknowledgement                budget is invariably pared back.
of our Volunteers and their impact on Farmington Woods.
You will see from the General Manager’s commendation                 Finally, the Finance Committee and Boards take
on Page 5 that the number of owners who donate their                 another look at the ‘wish-list items’ and assess
financial, business, landscaping, engineering and                    whether some of their second-pass cuts might have
communications skills to our community is impressive and             been penny wise but pound foolish. Understanding
saves us untold dollars. To merely say “thank you” doesn’t           that costs will only rise in the future, some of the
even scratch the surface of their value. I will just say to          items are put back in, resulting in the final
everyone who has given of their time, “We couldn’t get               recommendations that go to the Boards at their March
along without you.”                                                  meetings.
At this time of year, the busiest volunteers are on the
Finance Committee and the Executive Boards.
Recognizing that the budget process which has been going                          Budget Vote Details
on since the beginning of the year is nearing the community
voting stage, we are now coordinating with Governor Ned              We are still working out the logistics of the impact of
Lamont’s Executive Orders regarding COVID-19 and                     COVID-19 on our budget approval processes. Please
restrictions on gathering and meetings. We are still working         pay close attention to the budget mailing to each unit
out the logistics of the impact of COVID-19 on our budget            owner in April, updates in the coming issues of In the
approval processes. Please pay close attention to the                Woods 2.0 and in our May newsletter issue.
budget mailing to each unit owner in early April, updates
in the coming issues of In the Woods 2.0 and in our May              Thank you all for doing your part to keep our
newsletter issue.                                                    community safe and healthy.
Just so you know what goes into the preparation of the
budget, I will highlight the main components.

The budget process is definitely one of prioritization to
determine what expenses will make the largest impact on
the community mission “To preserve and enhance the
property values of Farmington Woods.”

Our first request to the General Manager and Department
Heads is to give us figures that thoroughly examine
potential savings or additional income based on this year’s
projected results and then to add a “if we could have
everything we need” factor to each area.                                   If you would like to receive your MA and
                                                                           District statements electronically, please
The General Manager, Controller and Department Heads
                                                                           request this service by emailing
spend countless hours preparing the figures and benefit
justifications of every request. Let me tell you, the sticker
shock of the first-pass budget is considerable.
In the Woods April 2020 - Volume 38, Issue 4 - Farmington Woods Master Association
                                                 In the   Woods ~ April 2020
                Before the Boards
                Master Association and                          Frontier: Our contract with Frontier expires in 2021. We
       District Board Meetings February 24, 2020                await information from the company pending their announced
                     The Board Agendas and Committee            Paving 2019/2020: Paving will take place from the West
                     Minutes for both MA and District           Avon Road gate up Heritage Drive towards the Clubhouse
                     Board Meetings are posted on the           ending at 31 Heritage Drive. Paving has been awarded and
                     Member Central portion of                  is scheduled April 2020 weather permitting.
            monthly in ad-         Grounds Department: February marked a milestone for leaf
                     vance of Board Meetings. Residents         pick up. We have exceeded the total average removal amount
are allowed a three-minute comment at the beginning and         historically for spring and fall over the last six years by the
at the end of each Board Meeting. These are not part of         first week of February.
the official meetings and are not included in the Minutes.      As weather allows, we will continue pruning, cleaning brush
The Board does not necessarily respond at that time. The        and vines away from the water areas in the lower Heritage
community is always welcome to attend both Meetings.            area and repairing some of the curb damage along with
These are the highlights of the February meetings:              additional work orders that can be completed this time of
Financials:                                                     year. We will be applying an application of landscape bed
•       Master Association YTD 1/31/20: Administration          pre-emergent to help keep weeds under control especially in
        and Operations have a positive variance to budget       the early spring.
        of $471,227. (Monthly contribution from                 Golf:
        Administration to Reserves was delayed. It will         •         Golf closed with YTD actual loss of ($81,451) vs
        be funded in coming months.) Golf/Restaurant has                  ($191,351) this time last year reflecting a year-over-
        a positive variance of $21,821. Reserves have a                   year improvement of $109,900.
        negative variance to budget of $78,930.                 •         We have completed the 2020 season billing. Majority
•       District YTD 1/31/20: The District has an overall                 of non-renewals are due to moving and medical
        negative variance to budget of $336,059 due                       LOAs. March 2019 = 183 members. As of February
        primarily to paving expense for work budgeted                     12, 2020 we have 178.
        but not substantially completed in fiscal year 2018/
        2019.                                                   Restaurant:
                                                                •      A new marketing brochure has been created to
Operations/Administration:                                             highlight banquets, business events, weddings and
Insurance Renewal: Irongate Insurance presented                        tournaments.
insurance-carrier options for consideration. Seven carriers     •      Total All Sales budget YTD variance ($23,728).
were solicited. Our proactive risk-management efforts                  Comparing this year actual all sales with last year, ·
have proven beneficial. The Finance Committee has                      the revenue is up this year $7,003.
recommended approval to the MA Executive Board and
District Boards who both voted to approve the contract
with Greater New York Insurance Company with the
following benefits:
•        Now being eligible for coverage by a standardized
         carrier saves us $12,000 per annum.
•        The reduction of our insurance deductible from
         $75,000 to $50,000 for a stand-alone incident and
         $25,000 for a multiple-unit event or catastrophe
         greatly reduces the exposure FW has for self-                                 Legal Notice
•        Homeowners should maintain a personal home-                                       District Tax
         owners policy with a $15,000 deductible.                       The Farmington Woods District fourth quarter
•        The new insurance contract is published on the                 installment of the 2019/2020 fiscal year is due on
         MEMBER CENTRAL portion of the website.                         April 1 and becomes delinquent on May 1, 2020.
•        The only area noted as “room for improvement”                  Your statement will be mailed/emailed. Any
         in the insurer’s review of our property was the                delinquent amount will be assessed an interest
         sighting of barbecue grills too close to wooden                penalty of 1½% per month or portion of month.
         structures. (See Design Review Article, page 7.)
In the Woods April 2020 - Volume 38, Issue 4 - Farmington Woods Master Association

                                       In the   Woods ~ April 2020
                                            National Volunteer Week
             The third week of April is National Volunteer Week, and I want to thank the myriad of residents who
             give freely of their time and expertise to make The Woods such an amazing community. In addition to
             the Master Association and District Board members whose names appear on our cover, the people cited
             below are Superheroes in my book. We could not run The Woods so effectively without you. THANKS!
                                                                   Kelley Brewster-Griffiths, General Manager

       CLUBHOUSE                              FINANCE                     DISTRICT 3 REPRESENTATIVE
 Jeffrey Borges, Chairperson          James Caldwell, Chairperson             Leah Forlini, Chairperson
        Richard Collier                     Arnold Aronson
                                                                          DISTRICT 4 REPRESENTATIVES
       Carmine Fortino                        Gary Banks
                                                                              Carole Connolly, Chairperson
       Lisa S. Marshall                      Brian Becker
                                                                                      Meryl Dann
        Allen Raducha                         Joe Batson
                                                                                     Peggy Winters
         Debbie Sahm                       Robert Bellacosa
       Guy F. Tangarone                     Lauren McCoy                  DISTRICT 5 REPRESENTATIVES
  Kathryn Martinez, Ad-hoc                   Tom Morrow                       Barbara Smith, Chairperson
  Edward Silverstein, Ad-hoc                Guy Tangarone                           Barbara Nevins
                                                                                    Mary Sheridan
  COMMUNICATIONS                                GOLF
Mary Anne Maher, Chairperson             Phil Morris, Co-Chair            DISTRICT 6 REPRESENTATIVE
         Jeane Dow                      Joe DiCosimo, Co-Chair               Danute Dmowski, Chairperson
        Jean Griffith                        John Callahan
                                                                          DISTRICT 7 REPRESENTATIVE
      Francine Hunter                       Charles Claffey
                                                                              Tony Retartha, Chairperson
         John Sahm                          Len DelGallo, Jr.
                                             Steve Dishner                DISTRICT 9 REPRESENTATIVES
         CONNECT                                                             Mary Ellen Quinn, Chairperson
                                             Thomas Joyce
 Francine Hunter, Chairperson                                                      Barbara Marsh
                                              David Miller
        Loretta Antupit
                                              Peg Watson                           Christine Shaw
          Fran Burns
        Betty Horrigan                      LANDSCAPE                                DISTRICT 10
         Sandy Jaques                  Kent Jamison, Chairperson                 REPRESENTATIVES
         Irene Loretto                        Ginny Gerold                      Jane Keeney, Chairperson
        Peggy Winters                        Judith Harlow                        Marian (Suzzie) Grey
                                              Jim McGarry                             Suzanne Hall
                                          Bonnie McLachlan
 Mathew Hanley, Chairperson                                                          OPENINGS:
                                           Hugh Meinweiser
       Kristin Angelo                                                          Special Note to owners in
                                             Donna Wellins
       Susanne Bajek                                                           Districts 1,2,3,6,7 and 8:
                                             Steven Wesler
       Cheryl Chester                                                    Our Bylaws call for three District
      Robert Kendrick                    PUBLIC WORKS                    Representatives from each District
      Susan Lancaster               Michael Marchese, Chairperson        who are asked to perform such
      Kelly Zahorodni                      Michael Bartos                functions as welcoming new
                                             George Hall
     DESIGN REVIEW                                                       residents, partnering in an annual
                                            Philip Morris
Bonnie McLachlan, Chairperson                                            assessment of grounds/buildings
                                             Arthur Hand
        John Bergman                                                     physical needs and acting as an on-
                                            Bob Ohlheiser
       Brett Eisenlohr                                                   going liaison resource between FW
                                          Heinz Rosskothen
       Francine Hunter                                                   management and residents. These
         Joan Thomas                                                     duties, while not time-consuming, do
           Bill Verge                                                    ensure your District’s voice is heard
                                                                         in community decisions. Please
                                                                         contact the MA Office for more
                                                                         information and for a position
In the Woods April 2020 - Volume 38, Issue 4 - Farmington Woods Master Association

                                             In the   Woods ~ April 2020

                              New Roots in The Woods - February 2020
           Residents:                                 Address:                           Previously from:
           Alan & Caroline Beitman                    4 Easton Place                    5 Madison Lane-FW
           Alexander Brewer and Marilyn Nelson        30 Mallard Drive                  47 Mallard Drive-FW
           Henry Hargitai                             59 Crocus Lane                    144 Mallard Drive-FW
           Douglas and Cathy Hope                     4 Greenwich Lane                  Avon, CT
           Amy Lodovico                               13 Essex Court                    Avon, CT
           Richard Longbottom                         38 Applewood Lane                 4 Walnut Lane-FW
           James Miller                               3 Sprucewood Lane                 Meriden, CT
           Julie Stine                                25 Canterbury Lane                Philadelphia, PA
           Titan Holdings LLC                         17 Heritage Drive                 Stamford, CT
           Betty Wahl                                 8 Catalpa Court                   110 Mallard Drive-FW
             Owners and Residents: Golf Club Membership Special Discount
           20% discount off the two-year promo rate for all residents who are not currently golf members.
                Contact the Pro Shop 860-673-0062 to take advantage of these excellent programs.

                    Real Estate Closings                                               Match Your Zodiac Sign
                                                                                          to our Volunteer
                     January/February                                                      Opportunities
 17 Heritage Drive       Carriage House     $80,000                                           March 21-April 19
 30 Mallard Drive        Litchfield         $140,000          In the astrology horoscope of the sometimes aggressive
 24 Chestnut Drive       Cornwall           $150,000          Aries, it will be easy to figure out the best careers. Aries
 59 Crocus Lane          Westbrook          $154,900          do well in jobs with lots of change, as boredom can easily
 14 Ashford Drive        Brentwood          $156,900          set in. Aries have to be careful not to burn out with all their
 38 Applewood Lane       Westport           $160,000          enthusiasm and energy. It is best to choose work without
 14 Heritage Drive       Sherman            $168,000          set daily routines. Demands and challenges should be part
 3 Sprucewood Lane       Salisbury 2B       $188,500          of the daily agenda. Being a stockbroker, or involved in
 47 Byron Drive          Cambridge          $190,000          some form of sales and marketing which requires lots of
                                                              creativity and energy, will work well for Aries people.
 13 Essex Court          Darien             $200,000
                                                              Think Communications, the Clubhouse Committee, Golf or
 25 Canterbury Lane      Litchfield         $215,000
                                                              District Representative.
 4 Greenwich Lane        Canaan             $281,000
 4 Easton Place          Canaan             $344,000          To apply, please complete the Volunteer Form on the
                                                              Member Central portion of the website or get one from the
  There were 13 closed sales during this two-month            MA Office, and submit it along with a short bio and
          period compared to 6 in 2019.                       overview of your interest.

                                           Corona Virus Scam Alert
The state Department of Consumer Protection offers multiple tips to avoid getting scammed by those taking advantage
of coronavirus fears. For example, if you receive a text or email claiming to have news about the coronavirus, don’t
open it. For reliable updates, turn to trusted sources, such as the CDC or the Connecticut Department of Public Health.

Connecticut residents are advised to ignore online offers for vaccinations or miracle treatments, and to not donate to any
organization claiming to help those ill from coronavirus without researching the organization first. The state also told
people to beware of scam investment opportunities involving “companies” that claim to prevent, detect or cure coronavirus.
In the Woods April 2020 - Volume 38, Issue 4 - Farmington Woods Master Association

                                               In the   Woods ~ April 2020
                                                                     •       Bird feeders must be removed from March
                                        Spring is                            15 to November 30. Owners are responsible
                                        in the Air                           for any unclean conditions or damage that
                                                                             may be caused by bird feeders, or bird
                               If you are a gardener eager to                houses.
                               start planting, or even a non-        •       Outdoor benches and chairs must be located
                               gardener just anxious to get                  only on decks, patios, or porches, not in
                               outside to enjoy the better                   common areas.
                               weather on your patio or deck,        •       Solar lights may be used if compliant with
                               please take a few moments to                  Design Review Guidelines, Section IV. J.
                               review pertinent sections of the      •       Firewood must not be stored in contact with
                               Resident Handbook and the                     any wood surface, including walls and floors,
                               Design Review Guidelines that                 with a minimum of six inches between
                                                                             stacked firewood and walls.
contain rules for gardening and general use of common areas
                                                                     •       Outdoor storage chests, closets, and/or
around our units. (Copies are available at the MA office and on
                                                                             sheds are no longer permitted anywhere on
the Farmington Woods website—log in and click on Member
                                                                             the common elements or limited common
Central, Government, and then Governing Documents.)
                                                                             elements assigned to any unit.
Here is a summary of some important guidelines:                      Design Review Committee must approve:
                                                                     •      Significant changes to a deck, patio, or
Acceptable for decks, patios, front steps and porches:
                                                                            landscaped bed.
•       Annuals in pots or planters of reasonable scale.             •      Installation of a new awning.
•       Hanging flower pots or planters on deck railings using       •      Creation of a new garden bed or retaining
        brackets that hook over the top rail. Mountings are not             wall.
        to be screwed into railings or siding. Traditional flower
                                                                     Should you have any questions please contact
        boxes mounted on the units are not approved for use.
                                                                     Charlene Barnett, our Lifestyle Manager at 673-
•       Stationary awnings on aluminum frames may be in use
                                                                     6193, ext. 14, or the Grounds Department at ext. 17,
        from spring to fall. If you no longer use an awning, the
                                                                     before you begin and before you incur any
        frame must be removed.
                                                                     unwarranted expenses.
Common areas near units
                                                                     Let’s all try to be considerate of our immediate
•     Plantings in common areas must be approved by the
                                                                     neighbors, as well as the entire community, and follow
     Design Review Committee.
                                                                     these basic guidelines for enjoying the outdoors during
•    There is no vegetable gardening allowed in any limited
                                                                     the spring and summer months.
     common or common area outside of units, including
     landscaped bed, patios, decks, and porches. Contact                                -The Design Review Committee
     the Cooperative Gardening Committee for a plot where
     you can enjoy vegetable gardening.
•    Flower pots, planters, statuary, gazing balls, whirly-gigs,
     trellises, and similar decorative items, as well as items
     of a religious or political nature, may not be displayed
     in the common areas.
Miscellaneous Items
•      This is especially important to keep our insurance
       rates low: Grilling is prohibited on wooden decks and
       porches; on or under balconies, decks, and awnings;
       and in garages, and a safe distance must be kept from
       structures and other combustible surfaces. (See
       Resident Handbook Rules and Regulations, Section 3.13,
       page 37)
•      The only flags permitted for display are the American
       flag or the Connecticut State flag.
In the Woods April 2020 - Volume 38, Issue 4 - Farmington Woods Master Association

                                             In the   Woods ~ April 2020
                                           April at the Clubhouse
                      Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the Clubhouse Restaurant will be
                   open for Curbside Pick-up and Delivery Service only until further notice.
                             Please see the website for menu. Call 860-673-2419.
                         Hours of operation: Thursday - Sunday from 12 p.m. - 7 p.m.
                                    A $20 purchase is required for delivery.
              Bottles of wine and or beer may be purchased by ordering food for curbside pick-up.
                                Please be prepared to show proper identification.
                                  Half-Priced Bottles of Wine Every Thursday!
                                      Delivery of alcohol is not permitted.

                              We Can Still Deliver Your Easter Dinner

                                                 Three Courses
                                                       House Salad
                            Cider-glazed Baked Ham, vegetable medley, mashed potato $25
                      Braised Short Rib, port wine reduction, vegetable medley, mashed potato $32
                        Oven-roasted Salmon, dill cream, vegetable medley, mashed potato $29
                                                 Tiramisu or Carrot Cake
                                          (All prices subject to tax and gratuity)
                   Call Laura 860-673-2419 ext. 73 between 11a.m. and 2 p.m. to reserve your feast
                                     Shutoff for reservations is Friday, April 10

                                         And the Beat Goes On….
Before we get to a ‘virus lock-down’ stage, walk around the Woods and you’ll find that our staff are heroically
keeping their noses to the sanitized grindstones during this difficult time. The Office Adminsitrators are unfailingly
upbeat and helpful when you call them. The Building and Grounds Crews are carrying on with their work schedules.
The Clubhouse Staff is doing their best to keep isolated residents supplied with delicious food. The Golf Staff are
helping course members deal with Cabin Fever – at a club’s length, of course. Our thanks to all who are keeping the
engines running.
In the Woods April 2020 - Volume 38, Issue 4 - Farmington Woods Master Association

                                              In the   Woods ~ April 2020
          The Golf Course is Open                                    Cooperative Gardeners-April Events

                Not a member yet?
  Golf Membership Applications are available from
      the Pro Shop. Please call 860-673-0062.
   Special Resident Membership Opportunity:
                                                                                   April 18 thru April 25
         20% Off a New Golf Membership                                        11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. each day
                                                                                 Cold Weather Plant Sale
    Two year- new member introductory rates
           Single membership: $2,800                             Organically grown plants and vegetables that can go in the
   Family membership (Two persons living as a                    ground now! Frost-resistant!
   couple in the same household and up to two
         children under age 21) : $4,000                         We’re extending the plant sale for the entire week to
                                                                 accommodate social distancing. Checks preferred.
              Range Memberships:
                   Single: $350                                                       Vegetables and Herbs
                   Family: $450                                  Beets, broccoli, green cabbage, kale, arugula, Swiss chard,
                  Or $10 per day                                 cilantro, dill, parsley, rosemary, marjoram, thyme, lettuce (11
                                                                 varieties), onions, peas (snap, shell, pod), potatoes

      It’s never too late to join the fun!
                                                                 Lupine, heuchera, columbine, delphinium, sunflower, johnny
Ladies: Test the waters at a bargain price and see if this
                                                                 jump-ups, lavender, echinacea
is the game for you.
                                                                   Service Days and The Gathering of the Gardeners
                                                                           We will be rescheduling these events.
                               Women Only
                            Beginner Golf Class!
                            May 6, 13, 20, and 27                   Town Hazardous Waste Collections:
                              5:30 – 6:45 p.m.               Collections will run from 8 am-1 pm and for residents of Avon          and Farmington at the following locations:
            booking/event/eventdetail/507734                 • April 25, 2020 – at Farmington High School, 10 Monteith
  Use “FWRESIDENT” to receive Farmington Woods                   Drive, Farmington, CT
                      Resident pricing
                                                             • June 13, 2020 – at Simsbury Public Works Facility, 66 Town
                                                                Forest Road, Simsbury, CT

                                                             •     October 17, 2020 - at Simsbury Public Works Facility, 66
                                                                   Town Forest Road, Simsbury, CT

                                                             On the same dates and locations listed above, there will also be
                                                             FREE collections of:
                                                             • Electronics Recycling

                                                             •     Used Motor Oil Personal

 NON-GOLFERS: For your safety, NO non-golfers -              • Document Shredding - until the trucks are full (please limit
                                                                yourself to 2 boxes)
 including pets, runners, fishermen and bikes to name a
 few - are allowed to be on the course during the season.    More information, including lists of acceptable and unacceptable
 Please take time to review the Rules and Regulations for    items:
 the use of the Golf Course by Residents and Guests in       grounds/household-hazardous-waste or call Farmington Highway
 your Resident Handbook on page 44.                          & Grounds at 860-675-2550.

                                              In the   Woods ~ April 2020
                                   Farmington Woods Woman’s Club
                Please check the In the Woods 2.0 for updates on all events due to COVID-19
                        The “Abigail” Event
                            April 16, 2020.                                                  Voila! It’s Spring
                         Has been canceled.                                                   “A Taste of France”
                       We hope to reschedule                                                    Luncheon and
                       this very special event.                                         Installation of New Officers
                                                                                        Thursday, May 14, 11:30 a.m.

                            Farmington Woods
                                                                                     First Course:
                               Book Club                      Salade Niçoise: Tuna, green beans, hard-boiled egg, olives,
                                                                           tomato, served on a bed of greens
The Farmington Library is closed due to Covid-19. The                              Second Course:
reopen date is uncertain. At this time the scheduled book     Chicken Meunière - Seared filet of Chicken, lemon parsley
reviews are canceled.                                                 butter, wild rice pilaf and roasted carrots.
  Lunch Bunch Plus - Save the Date                                                      Dessert:
                                                              A selection of French Macarons - Light meringue cookies
                Wednesday, May 13
                                                                       filled with buttercream, ganache or jam.
  Bellamy-Ferriday House and Garden                                           Hot Tea, Lemonade, Coffee
                       Members, during the glorious                           $19.00 Plus tax and gratuity
                       flowering trees and shrubbery                         Cash Bar featuring Kir Royale
                       time we will visit the Bellamy-
                       Ferriday House and Garden, a          Please return the coupon on Page 13 to the FWWC’s mailbox
                       Connecticut Landmark in               at the MA. Reservations required by Friday, May 8.
                       Bethlehem, followed by lunch in
                       town. Details will be in the May      The Clubhouse will provide golf cart transportation to the
                       newsletter.                           Heritage Room.

                                                                                       Step into Spring
                                                                            Walkers, joggers and runners may be
                                                                            interested in knowing how much ground they
                                                                            cover in the Woods. Here’s an approximate
                                                                            distance chart of our most frequented routes:
                                                                            Red: 3.1 miles–Heritage/Byron/Mallard
                                                                            Green: 2.0 miles–Byron/Mallard
                                                                            Blue: 1.9 miles–Heritage/Byron/Mallard
                                                                            Yellow: 1.6 miles–Catalpa/Byron
                                                                            Purple: 1.5 miles–Catalpa/Byron/Mallard

                                                                            Unless there is a sidewalk, please remember
                                                                            to walk/jog/run against traffic (left side of the
                                                                            road) and to wear bright clothing that can be
                                                                            seen at all times of day, and in all types of

                                               In the   Woods ~ April 2020
                       Happy Birthday, Will!                                          This herb has the power to repel witches
                              April 26, 1564 –                                        and evil spirits. Planting it near doorways
                               April 23, 1616                                         is an excellent strategy. Harvest after
                                                                                      dark on Midsummer’s Eve, let it dry, then
                                                               hang it in the house or garage. You missed it this year, but
Shakespeare is kind of like the Internet of his day. You       there’s always next year. (I have it on good authority Paul
can find just about anything by reading or attending his       Cacace is looking into planting it near all front doors.)
plays. He referenced a lot of plants and herbs in his
writings, so I thought I’d check out how those green                                                Lavender
things were used in the Elizabethan era:
                                                                                      From the Latin “to wash.” Broadly used
                                  Thyme                                               for bathing and laundry. Drape wet clothes
                    As medicine, it was used to address                               over a lavender bush to repel moths. Many
                    chest congestion. That actually            folks are allergic to the scent, so you’ll be repelling them, too.
                    applies somewhat today because             Wear it in your hair and you’ll see ghosts. Worn in the hair, it
                    some cough/cold remedies have              will also help you tame lions and tigers. However, a lady used
thyme as an ingredient. But it was also used as a magical      Metallica played loudly on her phone to run off a mountain
ointment. It gives you the power to see fairies. Thyme         lion. I’d use both.
blossoms were used as cradles for faerie babies. (I’m
pretty sure Timothy Leary babysat.)
                                                                                                Saffron Crocus
                          Dianthus (Pinks)                                           This species of crocus was used to dye
                   These flowers were made into a                                    fabric. Aside from this somewhat
                   conserve with sugar to “comfort the                               mundane commercial use, it was the
                   heart.” Mulled in hot wine it was said      Viagra of its day. Housewives’ manuals recommended it as an
                   to prevent the plague. (Lots and lots       aphrodisiac “to cause standing of the yard.” (Don’t know what
                   of hot wine...)                             that means, but I can guess.)
                      “Rosemary,        that’s       for       All neat stuff, I hope you agree. But if you like contemplating
                      remembrance...” says Ophelia in          your garden, Elizabethan-style, grow pansies:
                      Hamlet. This herb was a symbol of
                      remembrance, friendship and              “(P)ansies. That’s for thought...”
fidelity, all of which were knocked into a cocked hat in                                               - William Shakespeare
the play. However, rosemary was prescribed for
baldness, nightmares, tooth decay and relationship
problems. (I can’t speak for the last three, but for the
first one, it don’t work.)
                   Bruise ivy leaves and steep in wine
                   to cure hangovers. Put it under your
                   pillow to dream of a future lover. I
                   did it and dreamt of carrot cake.
                    Plant holly around your unit to protect    A final poetic note: April is not the “cruelest month.” It’s the
                    yourself against witches and               best month to begin planning your experience in the Cooperative
                    lightning. Put in a work order             Gardens. Look for our schedule of gardening seminars, coming
                    (electronically) but be sure to state      soon!
                    the reason. See what happens.                                      -John Sahm, Cooperative Gardener

                                              In the   Woods ~ April 2020

                                       Only rain                                     Classifieds
                                                                  Need Help with a Ride? Bradley, NY, NJ and/or
                                       down the                   Logan airports. Also help with rides to doctor
                                        drain!                    appointments. Call 860-212-0505.
                                                                  Dog Walking and Pet Sitting: Daily and overnight
Pet owners: There are more than a dozen collection sites          appointments available. 365 days a year, 12+ years of
conveniently located around The Woods. Use them! Do not           professional experience. Trained in first aid. Excellent
dispose of dog poop bags in the storm drains. Any contaminants    references from other FW residents. Reliable and kind.
in the storm drains will eventually flow into the fresh           Please call Kim at A HAPPY TAIL. 860-810-3809.
waterways. Some of these are already popping up in the pond       Nanny: FW Owner seeks to match kind nanny expecting
at the eighteenth hole! Additionally, the plastic bags pose a     BS degree in nutrition from UCONN in May 2020 with
clogging threat to the free flow of the run-off.                  kind FW (or local) family, full time (M-F. some possible
Please do your part to keep The Woods and the environment         exceptions) for June, July, 1st half of August 2020.
clean.                                                            Experienced, dependable, engaging, loves children.
                                                                  Exact dates to be agreed upon. Call Mark 860-675-
                                                                  Wanted: Garage to rent in the Great Meadow Lane
                                                                  area. Please call 832-859-2520.
                     Police Blotter
                                                                  Car for Sale: 2011 Mercedes Benz Class. AWD with
4/1/20: At 10:15 p.m. a neighbor reported someone was on a        129k miles, silver with black interior in good condition
porch on Madison Lane yelling “Help!” Officers responded          and runs great. Price 6k. Please call or text Matt at
and learned that the person was calling his cat – named “Help.”   860-490-1145.
4/1/20: A resident of Crocus Lane reported that a man across      Cape Cod Vacation Rental: 4 bedroom, 2 Bath in
the street stands at this windows for hours each day, watching    private, quiet neighborhood, Brewster; .5 miles to
her home and making her nervous. Investigating Officers
                                                                  Seymour Pond and Bike Trail. Gourmet kitchen;
identified the man as a cut-out of Arnold Schwarzenegger.
                                                                  dishwasher & w/d; outdoor shower and beach supplies.
4/1/20: Lost and Found. A woman from Overlook Court has           Ask about linens. $2,000-$3,100 / week. Saturday -
turned in a bag of marijuana found in the Clubhouse Parking       Saturday. Call Kent J. 860-404-0813
Lot. If you have lost a bag of marijuana, please call the Avon
                                                                  Cape Cod Vacation Rental: 2 bedroom, 2 bath condo
Police Department and claim it.
                                                                  in private, quiet area in Chatham; 7/10 of a mile to
4/1/20: Responding to an intruder alert from Mallard Drive,       Ridgevale Beach, walking distance to bike trail.
police found an open front door. An officer entered and called,   Dishwasher, w/d in unit, gas grill. Comfortably sleeps
“Marco.” They found the intruder after he responded, “Polo.”      4, with young children 6. One level and one step into
                                                                  the unit. $1,400 per week. call Susan 617-921-6643.
4/1/20: Police responded to a report of two dogs running loose
and attacking a duck at the Roaring Brook River. They cited
the owner for the unleashed dogs. According to Police Records,
the duck refused medical treatment and left the area.
NOTE: These events were taken from actual Police Blotters
across the country, and modified to local reports for April         We are saddened by the loss of our
Fool’s Day. Please don’t call the office.                                neighbors and friends:
                                                                          James Marra ~ 18 Putnam Lane
                                                                   Ken Plant ~ Formerly from 17 Greenwich Lane
                                                                              Joan Tyler ~ 4 Catalpa

                                                     In the   Woods ~ April 2020
                  Golf Referrals
              (Return to MA Office)                                            Corporate Relationship Program
There is a very straightforward way in which all of us can
contribute to the profitability of our Golf Course by identifying       Name of Business___________________________
decision-makers in small or large businesses or non-profit
organizations to whom we can target our sales. Please                   __________________________________________
give some thought to putting forward referrals.                         Nature of Business___________________________

We have a Small Business Initiative (where a firm with                  __________________________________________
4 or fewer golfers pays a flat fee for 50 rounds of golf
Monday-Friday) This is an ideal participation for firms of
attorneys, accountants, real estate agents – any small                  Contact name_______________________________
business that may have an opportunity to entertain clients
or reward staff.                                                        Contact title________________________________
                                                                        Email address_______________________________

                  Small Business Initiative
                                                                        Referred by
    Name of Business___________________________
    Nature of Business___________________________                       Email address_______________________________
    Contact name_______________________________                                    Response Coupons
    Contact title________________________________
    Email address_______________________________

                                                                                               Voila! It’s Spring
                                                                                                “A Taste of France”
    Referred by                                                                                   Luncheon and
    Name_____________________________________                                             Installation of New Officers
                                                                                          Thursday, May 14, 11:30 a.m.
    Email address_______________________________

                                                                      Member Name: __________________________

                                                                      Address: _______________________________
Our Corporate Relationship Program is open to
businesses and non-profits (hospitals, schools, charities)
                                                                      Phone Number: __________________________
with more than 10 employees or members. Basically, they
advertise the Club to their membership or employee base,
                                                                      I would appreciate golf cart transportation from
and we offer the members a discount on the first year’s
                                                                      my car Yes( ) No ( )
full dues. The decision-maker is usually in Human
Resources for a corporation or on the Board of a non-
                                                                      Please return the coupon on Page 13 to the FWWC’s
profit organization.
                                                                      mailbox at the MA. Reservations required by
                                                                      Friday, May 8.
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