Page created by Marshall Casey
Spring/Summer 2020 5780 ‫קיץ‬-‫אביב‬

In this issue:
Best Beaches:
JCC Members Share Their Favorites
Smart Eating:
Meet the JCC’s Nutrition Coaches
If Kafka Were Israeli & Wrote
About Talking Goldfish:
Israeli author Etgar Keret
is coming to the JCC
What’s New at
Summer Camp 2020

                      14855 Oka Road, Los Gatos, CA 95032
Events Calendar                                                                  Here are some of the events coming up at the JCC
                                                                                     this spring and summer. For more, see

    Fun & Sports with Friends                      Art Reception                                    Distinguished Speaker: Etgar Keret
    Sunday, March 15, 11:00am-1:00pm                Sunday, April 26, 12:30-2:00pm                  Sunday, May 17, 7:30pm
    A sports day on the JCC field, for children    The public is invited to a complimentary         Israeli author Etgar Keret is known for his
    with special needs and their families.         reception to view the APJCC Preschool’s art      absurd, sad, funny, very short stories, as well
    Free, but advance registration is required.    exhibition of the children’s work in the JCC’s   as graphic novels and screenwriting. The
    More info:                 2nd floor art gallery hallway. The exhibition    New York Times calls him a genius, Salman
                                                   is on display from 4/24-5/20.                    Rushdie calls him “brilliant,” and Jonathan
    Art Reception                                  More info:                        Safran Foer calls him “funny, dark, and
    Sunday, March 15, 4:00-6:00pm                                                                   poignant.” We’re excited that he’s speaking
    The public is invited to a complimentary        Mah Jongg Meetup                                at the JCC! More info:
    reception to view Santa Clara Valley           Thursday, April 30, 1:00-4:00pm
    Watercolor Society’s exhibition at the JCC.     April 30 is National Mah Jongg Day. Meet        Oy Vey 5K
    The exhibition is on display from 2/20-4/20.    other Mah Jongg players at the JCC for an       Sunday, June 7, 8:30am
    More info:                       afternoon of Mah Jongg. Play with the 2020      Oy vey, it’s the JCC’s first 5K! The entire
                                                    card. Bring your group to play or meet new      community is invited to this 5K race.
    The Duomo and the Great Synagogue               players and create a new Mahj group. We’ll      Register at
    Saturday, March 21, 6:30-10:00pm                even have a “meet up” board where you can
    An evening of Jewish and Florentine leave your number if you’re looking for a                   Silicon Valley Community Trip to Israel
    architecture, culture, music, and food. game. Admission $5, and FREE for JCC                    June 22-July 2
    Informal talks by noted scholars about the members. More info:                 Organized by the Oshman Family JCC in
    history and architecture of two of Florence,                                                    Palo Alto, in partnership with the Addison-
    Italy’s grandest and most iconic structures Los Gatos Saratoga Big Band                         Penzak JCC. More info:
    — the Santa Maria del Fiore Cathedral (the Wednesday, May 6, 8:00-9:00pm              
    Duomo) and the Great Synagogue. The San This free rehearsal/concert with the Los
    Jose Chamber Players will present Jewish and Gatos Saratoga Big Band in the APJCC               Float Night Pool Party
    Italian music. Italian appetizers and ice cream Auditorium will get you in the mood to dance!   Wednesday, July 8, 4:00-7:00pm
    will be served. More info: Drop in to enjoy the classics performed by an     The public is invited to a pool party and
                                                    accomplished, adult 17 piece big band. Open     barbecue at the JCC. This event is free and
    Distinguished Speaker: 		                       to all ages. Everyone is welcome. Suggested     you don’t need to be a JCC member to attend.
    Esther Wojcicki                                 donation $5 to the JCC.                         More info:
    Monday, March 30, 7:30-9:00pm
                                                    More info:                    Member Appreciation BBQ
    Known as “the Godmother of Silicon Valley,”
    Wojcicki is a legendary teacher and the Art Gallery Walk & Talk                                 Wednesday, August 5, 4:00-7:00pm
    mother of two Silicon Valley CEOs and a Thursday, May 14, 6:00pm                                JCC members are invited to a complimentary
    college professor. She shares her answer to The public is invited to a complimentary            pool party and barbecue. This one is for
    the million-dollar question: How can we walk-and-talk through the “Jerusalem: Art               members only. Free!
    raise successful children? At the end of the and Mystery” exhibition, presenting photos         More info:
    evening she’ll be autographing copies of her of Jerusalem. The exhibition is on display         Family Sunday Swim Days
    book, How to Raise Successful People: Simple from 5/12-7/15. More info:          Sundays, 12:00-3:00pm from April-October
    Lessons for Radical Results.                                                                    The JCC offers Family Sunday Swim day
    More info:                        Playback Theater: Humans of
                                                    Jerusalem                                       every Sunday from April through October
    Cultivating Equanimity: A                       Thursday, May 14, 7:30pm                        with three lanes dedicated to families and
    Mindfulness & Yoga Retreat                      With Jerusalem Day as the backdrop, the San     fun! Bring some food and stay for the
    Friday, April 17 at 4:30pm-                     Francisco Playback improv theater troupe        afternoon. Open to all, bring your neighbors
    Sunday, April 19 at 1:30pm                      will bring stories of Jerusalem to life on      and friends! Free for Full Center Members
    Enjoy a Shabbat weekend in the Santa Cruz stage, right before your eyes, using music,           and Summer Members. Non-members $30
    Mountains. Enjoy meditation and yoga movement, ritual and spoken improvisation.                 per family of 5. More info:
    infused with Jewish wisdom teachings, More info:
    nature, and periods of silence.
    More info:

Spring/Summer 2020 5780 ‫קיץ‬-‫אביב‬                            Contents
                                   Events Calendar. .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 1
                                   Message from the Board Chair
                                   and Chief Executive Officer;
                                   JCC Hours and Holiday Schedules.  .  .  .  .  .  . 3
                                   Best Beaches: JCC Members
                                   Share Their Favorites.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 5
                                   If Kafka Were Israeli &
                                   Wrote About Talking Goldfish:
                                   Israeli author Etgar Keret
                                   is coming to the JCC .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 6
                                   Smart Eating:
                                   Meet the JCC’s Nutrition Coaches.  .  .  .  .  .  . 7

                                   What’s New at Summer Camp 2020.  .  .  .  . 9

                                   Early Childhood Programs. .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 11
                                   Youth Programs. .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 12
                                   Young Adults. .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 15
                                   Adult Classes.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 15
                                   Jewish Life and Learning.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 17
                                   Russian-Speaking and
                                   Hebrew-Speaking Jewish Programs.  .  .  .  . 19

                                   Arts and Culture.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 20
                                   Fitness, Sports, and Aquatics.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 21

                                   Connect with the APJCC:

                                              apjcc                     jcclosgatos                         company/apjcc

                                   Sign up for our newsletter!

                                                          From the APJCC Chair of the Board
                                                          & Chief Executive Officer
                                                          Dear Friends:
                                                          One of the JCC’s core values is hachnasat orchim, welcoming guests. We
                                                          live this value every day by opening our campus to the entire community.
                                                          We’re always looking for new ways to extend the JCC’s hospitality to
                                                          everyone, and one of the ways we’re going to do this in 2020 is by hosting
                                                          our first-ever 5K footrace, the Oy Vey 5K on Sunday, June 7. This
    Jon Sweedler                Lael Gray                 race is for all ages and fitness levels, so please come and bring friends!
    Chair, Board of Directors   Chief Executive Officer   Registration is already open at It’s going to be a great
                                                          morning with a run along the beautiful Los Gatos Trail and a FunZone
                                                          for all ages on the JCC’s athletic field. The swimming pool will offer
                                                          complimentary admission for the day and we’ll have at least one food
                                                          truck on site, plus bagels and bananas at the finish line.

    "One of 				                                          Speaking of the swimming pool, once the weather warms up we’re
                                                          bringing back Family Fun Days. Every Sunday at the pool from April
      the JCC’s                                           through October we’ll take out some of the lane lines to create a large
                                                          open space for Family Swim from 12:00-3:00pm. If you’re a lap swimmer,

          core values                                     never fear – at least one lane will always be reserved for lap swimming.
                                                          The annual Float Night pool party and barbecue will be Wednesday,
       is welcoming                                       July 8 from 4:00-7:00pm. It’s free and open to the public. And the annual
                                                          JCC Member Barbecue will be Wednesday, August 5 from 4:00-7:00pm.

     		         guests"                                   Inner tubes and floaties are allowed in the pool at both of these events.
                                                          Please help us welcome two very special guests to the JCC this spring: the
                                                          next two visitors in our Distinguished Speakers series. Esther Wojcicki,
                                                          professional educator and mother of two Silicon Valley CEOs and
                                                          a college professor, will share her secrets to raising successful kids on
                                                          March 30 at 7:30pm. Her three daughters are the CEO of YouTube, the
                                                          CEO of 23andMe, and a UC San Francisco professor. Israeli author Etgar
                                                          Keret will speak on May 17 at 7:30pm. Keret, whose books are available
                                                          in English, is known for the dark humor in his short stories, graphic
     JCC Hours                                            novels, and screenplays. The New York Times has called him a genius, and
     Regular Hours                                        The Guardian calls his work “dazzling.” His stories are absurd, funny, and
     Mon-Fri 5:00am-10:00pm
                                                          sad at the same time – get some of his books and come hear him in May.
     Sat-Sun 7:00am-7:00pm
     Holiday Hours                                        There’s a lot more happening between now and August, and you can learn
     April 8: 5:00am-5:00pm Eve of Passover               about most of it in the pages of this Program Guide. For additional programs
     April 9: CLOSED 1st Day of Passover                  and the latest event information, please check the website at
     May 25: 6:00am-5:00pm Memorial Day
     July 4: 7:00am-5:00pm Independence Day               L’Shalom (in peace),

                                                             Jon Sweedler             Lael Gray
     JCC Contact Information
     14855 Oka Road, Los Gatos CA 95032
     408.357.7429 I I
     The Addison-Penzak Jewish Community Center of Silicon Valley is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, Tax ID 94-2222989.


                       RUN & WALK
                       JOIN US FOR THE JCC’S
                       AND FITNESS LEVELS.
    STARTS 4/14.

                       MORE INFO & REGISTRATION:

                       THANK YOU TO OUR
                       PRESENTING SPONSOR
Davenport Crack, Davenport Beach

       THE BEST
    Here in the South Bay we’re lucky to be within driving distance of many beautiful beaches.
    We asked JCC members to tell us their favorites.
    Dominick S.: “New Brighton State Beach. Jeanette Lerner: “Davenport Beach, Judy Levin: “Beer Can Beach, for which
    It has convenient parking and a really Seabright in Santa Cruz, and Capitola I don’t have a formal name but it’s located
    long beach.” Located in Capitola, New Beach. Davenport because of its natural below the Seascape Lodge in Rio Del Mar.
    Brighton is known for its sandy beach, beauty, and dogs are allowed. [One caveat:] It has steep steps down but allows dogs...!
    forested bluffs, and sweeping views of It’s a hike to get down to the beach and That is my major reason! P.S. Google
    Monterey Bay. It’s good for swimming in there are no bathroom facilities. Seabright Maps responds to searches for Beer Can
    the summer, and there’s also a campground is easy to get to, large beach to walk on, Beach.” The city of Aptos officially calls
    and hiking trails. Rangers host campfire there are bathroom facilities, and dogs are this Dolphin/Sumner Beach. Access is
    programs on summer weekend evenings. allowed. Capitola has everything -- I love located in a residential neighborhood.
    Elizabeth Lichy: “My favorite beach for the vibe but no dogs are allowed which is a This beach is perfect if you’re looking
    beach activities is Carmel and my favorite big disadvantage for me.” Davenport Beach for a less congested spot. Sunbathing and
    for hiking is Point Lobos State Natural is known for its cliffs, rock formations, surfing are popular.
    Reserve.” Carmel Beach is one of the tidepools. Seabright is a popular sandy Lyuba Wolf: “Bean Hollow Beach Trail
    most iconic spots on California’s Central beach next to Santa Cruz Main Beach. And near Pescadero!” This is a 1.6 mile lightly
    Coast. It’s known for its beautiful scenery, Capitola Beach has a pier and backdrop trafficked trail that features beautiful wild
    white sand, clear water, and tidepools, as of colorful, picturesque homes.             flowers and is good for all skill levels. The
    well as for its proximity to the town of Jeremy Chen: "Our favorite beach is nearby Bean Hollow State Beach consists
    Carmel-by-the-Sea. Popular for surfing Natural Bridges State Beach at Santa Cruz, of two sheltered coves, not recommended
    and dog-walking.                             because the tide pool there is amazing, for swimming because of the currents,
                                                 and the natural bridge is very cool." The but popular for sunbathing and for dog
                                                 beach is named for a natural arch in the owners, since dogs are allowed.
                                                 huge rock located just offshore. There's Perry K.: “Seacliff State Beach in Aptos.
                                                 also a monarch butterfly migration You can walk along the wall, you can take
                                                 preserve here.                            hikes. It’s close [to home] and it’s clean.”
                                                                                             This beach is popular for swimming
                                                                                             and is well known for the old concrete
                                                                                             freighter ship lying in the water at the
                                                                                             end of the pier. There’s a long stretch
                                                                                             of sand, covered picnic facilities, and a
                                                                                             visitor center.
Israeli author Etgar Keret
is coming to the JCC
How to describe short-story writer Etgar Keret?
The New York Times recently compared him to
Kafka, “if Kafka were Israeli and wrote about
talking goldfish.” Keret’s brand of dark humor is
deeply Israeli and at the same time universal and
relatable. Other writers tend to adopt his quirky
sensibilities when they try to describe his work.
Novelist Gary Shteyngart called Keret’s book The
Nimrod Flipout “the best work of literature to come
out of Israel in the last five thousand years—better
than Leviticus and nearly as funny,” and the Paris
Review reported that Keret’s books “are the most
shoplifted in Israel.”
Keret finds the humor in surreal and heartbreaking
situations – children who age at 10 times the
normal speed, parents who turn into rabbits,
people who don’t know whether they’re real, a
lonely immigrant who doesn’t want to give up
his magic talking goldfish, a girl parented by a
major household appliance, a portal to Hell that
appears outside a grocery story in Uzbekistan.
Some of his stories are as short as 500 words, and
the typical length is five or six pages. He won
Israel’s prestigious Sapir Prize in 2019 for his
most recent story collection, Fly Already. During
his talk at the JCC he’ll be discussing that book as
well as the television mini-series “The Real Estate
Agent,” that he created with his wife, Shira Geffen.
Etgar Keret will speak at the JCC on Sunday,
May 17 at 7:30pm. Tickets are available online
at You’ll also find a link to
his talking goldfish story on that page.

                                        Meet the JCC’s Nutrition Coaches

    Many of us feel like we’re pretty well informed about        Just as a personal trainer keeps you on-track and
    nutrition. We know about the four food groups or the         accountable in your exercise regimen, a nutrition
    USDA’s Food Pyramid, and we know about calories in,          coach works with you every week to keep you on track
    calories out, and maybe even counting macros. We’re          and focused on achieving your ultimate nutrition and
    familiar with the different types of diets that are out      healthy lifestyle goals.
    there. So it’s not surprising that the first question some
                                                                 There’s no typical client for nutrition coaching. In
    people ask the JCC’s certified nutrition coaches is, “Why
                                                                 a single day, Katy and Christine might work with a
    do I need a nutrition coach?”
                                                                 young athlete looking to improve their performance,
    The JCC’s Precision Nutrition certified coaches, Christine   a woman in her 40’s who wants to lose twenty pounds,
    Collins and Katy LaPlante, would like you to know that       and a man in his 70's trying to improve his health.
    they are not here to lecture you about counting calories.
                                                                 “Success in this program isn’t just a number on a scale,”
    “We know that you know how to eat. We know that you           Christine said. “We’re not going to put you into some
     know about nutrition,” Christine said. “This isn’t about     dreadful, diet-type scenario. The faster you lose weight,
     that. Nutrition coaching at the JCC is about individual      the faster you gain it back, so we’re going to show you
     attention to create a long-term, sustainable healthy         an alternative way.” Katy added, “We work with our
     lifestyle. It’s about making small changes over time.        clients to make permanent changes in their habits to
     We’re focusing on behavior modification and habit            eliminate the yo-yo dieting cycle and optimize their
     changes, not on prescribing specific meals.”                 overall health.”

    The JCC’s skilled nutrition coaches will work with you to fine tune your diet, modify unhealthy habits, give
    homework assignments and give email guidance in between sessions. To schedule a complimentary 30-minute
    consultation or for more information, go to or email
The JCC offers a variety of volunteer opportunities, such as
helping with special events, being a buddy in our recreation   Rent the APJCC Auditorium
program for kids with special needs, and more. If you're       for your bar/bat mitzvah, wedding, or other celebration!
interested, please email                  Call 408.357.7402 for information.

                                                                                           14855 Oka Road, Los Gatos

                                                                                  HELP A
                                                                                  Donate to the JCC's
                                                                                  Camp Shalom
                                                                                  Scholarship Fund today!
                                                                                  Visit or
                                                                                  call Allison Titley at 408.357.7401.

    CAMP 2020
    An Interview with Alix Davidson, Camp Director
    The JCC’s Camp Shalom is a unique Jewish day camp experience open to ALL kids from ages 18 months-16 years old.
    Each weekly session is an adventure filled with swimming and sports, creativity and crafts, nature and gardening,
    dance and music, and ending with a Shabbat celebration. Camp is a big part of life at the JCC, especially during
    the summer when you’ll see and hear kids throughout the building and the grounds. We sat down with Alix Davidson,
    Camp Shalom’s director, to find out what’s new for summer 2020.
    Q: You’re planning a lot of new things for this summer. What do      Q: How about the middle school program?
    parents and kids need to know?                                       A: Rising 6th-8th graders will have some say in their group’s
    A: When we started planning for this summer, we spent a              schedule each week. They’ll also spend more time away from
    lot of time thinking about what makes Camp Shalom special.           campus, with two field trip days every week.
    We thought about the ideals of summer camp and how we
                                                                         Q: Any other changes?
    could achieve them. We strongly believe that Camp Shalom
                                                                         A: Preschool camp is building on its robust program from
    is here to help make sure kids know what it means to be part
                                                                         past summers; both summer sessions for preschoolers are
    of a community. To that end, we made some changes to the
                                                                         now 5 weeks long. For rising 9th and 10th graders, the Yoetz
    structure of camp, but our heart is unchanged! In past summers
                                                                         counselor-in-training program is now application-based; kids
    we offered some specialty tracks run by outside vendors, and
                                                                         fill out an application and submit two recommendations. We’re
    the choice for kids was either a traditional camp program
                                                                         also introducing Camp Chaverim, an inclusion program for
    with a mix of activities each day, or a specialty camp run by
                                                                         campers with special needs. One change parents should be
    an outside vendor. We asked ourselves how we could give all
                                                                         aware of for this summer is that we’ll be a little firmer about
    kids access to the specialty experience without taking them
                                                                         our registration policy. The registration deadline is May 22.
    away from regular camp. So, this summer, we’ll combine
                                                                         If you sign up after the deadline, we’ll accommodate your
    the best of traditional camp with the best of specialty camp.
                                                                         child if we can, but places are subject to availability and aren’t
    Campers can focus on the activities they love while still
                                                                         guaranteed. All registrations must be received no later than
    making connections not only with their cabin group but
                                                                         2 weeks before the start date of the session you’re signing
    with the entire Camp Shalom community. We’re also really
                                                                         up for. This is to ensure we have appropriate staffing ratios.
    emphasizing the idea of being a values-driven camp with a
    Jewish Value of the Week. Whether you’re in preschool or             Q: What are you looking forward to most about this summer?
    high school, we’ll all explore the weekly value and use it as a      A: My favorite part of camp is that moment each week when
    foundation for conversations and activities.                         you realize that a group of strangers has become friends. The
                                                                         excitement in a kindergartener’s face when they see their
    Q: Tell us more about the camp tracks for grades K-5.
                                                                         favorite counselors, and the pride I feel when our middle
    A: Each week will offer the choice of different “tracks” for every
                                                                         school campers go from being young kids to being role models.
    K-5 age group. Tracks allow campers to pick what interests them
                                                                         Each camp day is filled with magic moments and getting to
    and explore new topics. Each track focuses on a specialized
                                                                         witness those is the best!
    subject area, such as sports, swimming, science, art, cooking,
    Hebrew, outdoor skills, circus, musical theater, and so forth.       You can contact Alix in the camp office:
    Even if a camper chooses the same track for multiple weeks, or 408.357.7416
    there will be new themed activities each week so it won’t be
    repetitive. Counselors are specialized too -- your camper could
    be in sports camp with a college athlete or in performing arts
    camp with a professional actor.


            campsh up at

                    M P S H   A LOM
       H O M E @ CA
SUMMER              NE
                  SUMMWEFRO2R 020
                                    • Camp Track
                                                  s for K-5!
                                    • Hebrew Im
                                                 mersion for
                                   • Outdoor Lea               grades K-1!
                                                  dership Skil
                                   • More Field                 ls for grades
                                                Trips for gra                 2-5!
                                  • Inclusion P                des 6-8!
                                                rogram for ag
                                  • Two 5-Wee                   es 5-16!
                                               k Sessions fo
                                 • Midot (Val                 r preschoolers!
                                              ues) for ever
                                 • And More!                 yo n e!

Early Childhood                                                                       CM Full Center Member SM Social Member NM Non-Member
                                                                                      Register online at

Water Tot Classes			                                   with Lego. A great problem-solving class.           Drama With Young Performers (ages
(ages 6 months-3 years, with an adult)                 Instructor: Samare Moazeni.                         3-4)
Introduce your child to the water with fun games       Tue 3/24-5/19*, 12:30-1:15pm                        Choose your favorite character and play on
and songs in this parent-and-me class. Maximum         $170                                                the stage. Children will make up stories and
of 6 students per class.Classes run from April         *No class 4/14                                      choose their favorite characters and costumes.
through October. Each class is 30 minutes.             Abracadabra! (ages 4-5)                             We’ll also design and build a stage as a group
Choose Saturdays at 11:30am or Saturdays at            Witches and Wizards, Fairies and Critters!          and play roles in it for each story. Instructor:
3:30pm. Price per day is $20 CM, $30 SM/NM.            We’ll explore all things MAGIC, through             Samare Moazeni.
Monthly price varies based on how many days            stories and art. And, maybe do a little magic       Thu 3/26-5/21*, 12:30-1:15pm
are in the session. All classes are billed at the      ourselves. Each week, we’ll read a story and        $150
beginning of the each session.                                                                             *No class 4/9, 4/16
                                                       then work on a project inspired by our book.
Making Music (ages 2.5-5)                              Instructor: Quelise Schroeder.                      Mini Sports (ages 3-5)
Join a whole lot of fun with music and movement.       Tue 3/24-5/19*, 2:15-3:00pm                         A fun introduction to organized athletic
Children will experience an interactive and            $170                                                play. Choose Thu or Fri class. Instructor:
enriching musical world through songs,
                                                       *No class 4/14                                      Liverpool Football Club, Bay Area.
instruments and interpretive dance with                Let Your Seuss Loose (ages 3-5)                     Ages 3-4
imaginative play. Minimum enrollment: 5.               Enjoy a whimsical journey through the               Thu 3/26-5/21*, 12:30-1:15pm
                                                       legendary stories of Dr. Seuss. During each         Fri 3/27-5/22*, 12:30-1:15pm
Maximum enrollment: 8. Instructor: Karen                                                                   $150
Enfield.                                               class children will experience a story being        Ages 4-5
Mon 3/23-5/18*                                         read, then complete a project related to the        Thu 3/26-5/21*, 1:30-2:15pm
Ages 2.5-3, 12:30-1:15pm                               theme of the book. Instructor: Rebecca              Fri 3/27-5/22*, 1:30-2:15pm
Ages 3-5, 1:30-2:15pm                                  Silberstein.                                        $150
$170                                                   Wed 3/25-5/27*                                      *No class 4/9, 4/10, 4/16, 4/17
*No class 4/13                                         Ages 3-4, 12:30-1:15pm
                                                       Ages 4-5, 1:30-2:15pm                               Yoga Kids (ages 2.5-5)
STEAMing at Preschool (ages 3-5)                                                                           Enjoy the benefits of yoga combined
Play-based projects that explore basic STEAM           $150
                                                       *No class 4/8, 4/15, 4/22                           with storytelling, music and creative
(Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and                                                                 arts. Minimum enrollment: 5. Maximum
Math) concepts. Instructor: Samare Moazeni             Aquatic Adventures! (ages 4-5)
                                                                                                           enrollment: 8. Instructor: Linda Adleson.
Mon 3/23-5/18*                                         Together we’ll dive deep into the depths of
                                                                                                           Fri 3/27-5/22*
Ages 3-4, 12:30-1:15pm                                 the ocean, wander through meandering rivers,
                                                                                                           Ages 2.5-3, 12:30-1:00pm, $130
Ages 4-5, 2:00-2:45pm                                  and cruise across crystal clear lakes. We’ll read
                                                                                                           Ages 3-5, 1:30-2:15pm, $150
$170                                                   stories from my underwater library, and then        *No class 4/10, 4/17
*No class 4/13
                                                       work on our very own, multilayered canvases,
How Does Your Garden Grow (ages 3-5)                   inspired by the creatures we meet, and their        APJCC Dance Academy (ages 2-9 years)
Spring is here and we’re ready to make things          hidden world. Instructor: Quelise Schroeder.        Learn ballet, combo, breakdancing, hip hop,
grow. Our class will include activities such as        Wed 3/25-5/20*, 2:15-3:00pm                         jazz, tap, and more. For schedule and more
planting, art, cooking and stories. Come help          $150                                                information, see page 12.
                                                       *No class 4/8, 4/15
our garden grow. Instructor: Rebecca Silberstein.                                                          Tennis Lessons (ages 4 & up)
Tue 3/24-5/26*                                         IvriTime (ages 3-5)                                 For details, see page 13.
Ages 3-4, 12:30-1:15pm                                 Ivrit is the word for “Hebrew” in the Hebrew
Ages 4-5, 1:30-2:15pm                                  language. Children are invited on a journey to
$150                                                   learn Hebrew through play, songs, and crafts.
*No class 4/7, 4/14, 4/21
                                                       Instructor: Ronit Rose.
Lego City (ages 3-4)                                   Thu 3/26-5/21*
Each week in Lego City, children will face the         Ages 3-4, 12:30-1:15pm
challenge of running a city. They’ll make a map of     Ages 4-5, 1:30-2:15pm
a city, figure out the necessities, work together to   $150
                                                       *No class 4/9, 4/16
solve the problems and finally build the solutions

   J-Fam: A Playgroup for
   Jewish Babies & their Grownups
   J-Fam is the perfect combination of singing,
   stories, learning, sharing and finding support.
   Our arms are open to moms, dads, grandparents
   and other caregivers. Offered by Jewish
   Federation of Silicon Valley at the JCC every
   Wednesday, 10:00-11:00am.
   To join, email

Questions? Contact unless
another email is specified in the class description

Youth                               CM Full Center Member SM Social Member NM Non-Member
                                    Register online at

Youth enrichment programs are made possible, in part, by a generous gift from Ron Cohn in memory of Edythe Cohn.
AFTER-SCHOOL ENRICHMENT                                 Bizzy Bodies (grades K-3)                              Basketball Skills Clinic
                                                        Build confidence, strength and flexibility that will   Youth Basketball Skills Clinic is coming this
Let’s Make Music (grades K-2)                           empower you. Participate in fun activities, sports, spring. Dates and times TBD. Separate 8-week
Join us in making music with glockenspiels, bells, games and obstacle courses that will energize you           clinics will be available for grades 1-4 and
drums, ukuleles and recorder type instruments! and sharpen your motor skills. Learn about your grades 5-8. Visit for the
Learn some folk songs, improvise and experience         body, the names of your muscles and bones and why      most up-to-date information.
group music making. Sing, dance and play with           it's important to be active and eat healthy on a daily
others to create musical arrangements. Based on         basis. This class is extremely motivating, exciting    Soccer
Orff, Gordon, Dalcroze and Montessori methods, and fun! Come join the Bizzy Bodies team! With The JCC offers soccer for children from ages
this class gives the child active ways to listen and    instructor Marcella Yvarra.                            1-17 through the Liverpool Football Club
create music. Non-refundable $20 materials fee Fri 3/27-5/15*, 3:15-4:15pm                                     (LFC) program. More info:
payable to instructor at first class.                   CM/SM $135 NM $155
                                                          *No class 4/10, 4/17
Mon 3/30-5/11,* 3 :45-4:30pm
CM/SM $135 NM $155                                        Chess (grades K-8)
*No class 4/13
                                                          Players of all skill levels are welcome. Beginners will

                                                                                                                       FOR CHILDREN
Ukulele (grades 3-8)                                      learn the fundamentals of chess, while experienced
Let’s play ukulele and learn your favorite song!          students will be taught according to their needs.
This class will focus on learning basic skills
and techniques for the instrument. No musical
                                                          Instructors from Mind Games Academy.
                                                          Fri 3/27-5/15,* 3:15-4:15pm                                  WITH
knowledge is required. Please bring your own              CM/SM $150 NM $180
                                                          *No class 4/10, 4/17                                         SPECIAL NEEDS
ukulele. Non-refundable $20 materials fee payable
to instructor at first class.
Mon 3/30-5/11,* 4:45-5:30pm                               DANCE, SPORTS & FITNESS                                      Fun & Sports with Friends
CM/SM $135 NM $155                                        APJCC Dance Academy (ages 2-9 years)                         Sunday, March 15, 11:00am-1:00pm
*No class 4/13                                            We offer ballet, combo, breakdancing, hip hop,               An outdoor fun day for children ages 4-18
                                                          jazz, tap, and more. Classes are taught by highly            with special needs, and their families.
High Touch-High Tech -- Science is Fun!                                                                                Enjoy baseball, basketball, soccer, tennis
(grades TK-5)                                             qualified dance instructors in a fun and positive
                                                          environment. Classes are ongoing from August                 and more on the JCC’s athletic field. Free,
Roll up your sleeves and become a real scientist. Each
                                                          through May, so you can start anytime. More                  but RSVP required. Learn more and sign
week we’ll discover a new and engaging scientific
concept by doing hands-on experiments that bring the      info: See or contact                         up at If you’d like to
concept to life. Most weeks the experiment will result                                             help as a volunteer at this event,
in something cool to bring home. We’re introducing        Mondays                                                      contact
new experiments in this Spring session.                   Creative Movement        2-3 yrs 12:15-1:00pm
Tue 3/31-5/12,* 3:45-4:45pm                               Tap/Ballet               3-5 yrs 1:30-2:15pm                 Fun and Fitness
CM/SM $210 NM $260                                        Musical Theater          5+ yrs 3:30-4:15pm                  with Friends
*No class 4/14                                            Ballet II                8+ yrs 4:15-5:15pm                  Sunday, April 19 and May 17, 1:00-4:00pm
                                                          Tuesdays                                                     Fun and Fitness with Friends is a social
YogaKids (grades K-3)                                                                                                  and recreational program for children and
Learn yoga poses and techniques through                   Pre-Ballet               2-3 yrs     12:15-1:00pm
                                                          Pre-Ballet               3.5-5 yrs   1:30-2:15pm             teens with special needs. The program
storytelling, props, and imagination, with                                                                             provides a supportive, structured, and
instructor Linda Adleson.                                 Ballet I                 4-6 yrs     2:15-3:00pm
                                                          Ballet/Lyrical I/II      6-9 yrs     3:30-4:15pm             nurturing environment to develop new
Tue 3/31-5/12,* 3:45-4:45pm                                                                                            skills and make friends. Children will
CM/SM $150 NM $180                                        Wednesdays
*No class 4/14                                            Hip Hop                  3-5 yrs     1:30-2:15pm             be partnered with a volunteer buddy to
                                                          Breakdance               5-7 yrs     3:30-4:15pm             participate in sports, outdoor play, arts
Intro to Fencing (ages 7-14)                              Breakdance               8+ yrs      4:15-5:00pm             and crafts, and more! Volunteers are
An introduction to the Olympic sport of fencing.          Thursdays                                                    needed! More info:
No experience necessary. Learn the foundations of         Creative Movement 2-3 yrs            12:15-1:00pm
fencing through games and exercise with Fencing           Acro Dance        3-5 yrs            1:30-2:15pm             Summer Camp
Center accredited coaches. All fencing equipment          Hip Hop           4-5 yrs            2:15-3:00pm             Inclusion Program
is provided.                                              Jazz              6-9 yrs            3:30-4:15pm             Camp Chaverim is the JCC’s inclusive
Wed 4/1-5/20,* 3:45-4:45pm                                Fridays                                                      summer day camp program for children
CM/SM $240 NM $270                                        Tap/Ballet               2-3 yrs 12:15-1:00pm                ages 5-16 with special needs. More info:
*No class 4/8, 4/15
                                                          Tap/Ballet               3.5-5 yrs 1:30-2:15pm      or email
Food Explorers (ages 7-12)                                Musical Theater          4-6 yrs 2:15-3:00pm       
Learn to cook and bake global cuisines from scratch,
using fresh, locally grown ingredients and learn to be    Youth AAU Basketball (4th-12th grades)
confident and safe in the kitchen. Class covers knife     Youth competitive basketball teams at the JCC
skills, measuring, mixing, mashing, blending, essential   are run by Top Flight Elite Basketball. For info
kitchen tools, and more.                                  see                               Questions? Please contact unless
Wed 4/1-5/20*, 3:45-5:00pm                                                                                          another email address is specified
CM/SM $290 NM $320                                                                                                  in the class description.
*No class 4/8, 4/15

Youth                              CM Full Center Member SM Social Member NM Non-Member
                                   Register online at

Tennis Classes (ages 4-18 years)                       Summer Youth Tennis Clinics                         Swim Lessons: Group, Private,
Silicon Valley Tennis Academy is now offering          The JCC and Silicon Valley Tennis are               and Semi-Private (ages 3 & up)
tennis classes and private lessons at the JCC.         scheduling weekly Youth Tennis Clinics in the       The JCC has afternoon lessons to fit your busy
Monthly fee for one class per week is $100 CM,         summer. Schedule TBD. Information will be           school schedule. Students are divided by level.
$140 SM/NM. Monthly fee for two classes per            available on, or by contacting     There is a maximum of 3 students per class in
week is $180 CM, $260 SM/NM. For details or                                     Level 1 (Water Safety) and a maximum of 4
to register, email                                                                       students per class in Levels 2 and up.
Classes include:                                       Youth Fitness Program (ages 10-15 years)            April-May: Classes meet once a week and the
                                                       Kids can use the JCC’s Fitness Center with          session is 2 months long. Dates are 5/1-5/29 (no
Red and Orange Ball (ages 4-8)                         parental supervision after successfully
Mon/Wed 3:30-4:30pm. For beginning players                                                                 class 4/8, 5/25). Choose 1 or more days: Mon,
                                                       completing this program, which consists of          Wed, Fri or Saturday. Choose your time: Classes
with little to no experience. Students play with       5 sessions with a JCC personal trainer. By
low compression tennis balls, 50-75% slower                                                                are offered every 30 minutes from 3:00-6:30pm
                                                       appointment only. $235 private, $200 per            MWF, and 12:00-3:00pm Sat.
than the normal ball. We focus on making               child in groups of 2 or more. More info:
consistent contact with the ball, and learning                                                             June, July, August: Each session is one week
                                                                         long and consists of 4 lessons in a row, Monday
to hit it over the net while still placing it on the
other side of the court.                               Join the Blue Dolphins Swim Team                    through Thursday, or once a week for Saturday
Green Ball (ages 7-11)                                 The APJCC Swim Team, the Blue Dolphins, is          lessons. Registration for summer lessons
Tue 3:30-4:30pm, Thurs 4:30-5:30pm. Students           a recreational year-round team for ages 5-18.       starts in April. Choose your time: Classes are
are capable of making consistent contact with          Swimmers are divided into three levels based        offered every 30 minutes from 3:00-6:30pm
some shot placement ability. Green balls are           on ability. We offer 4 practices a week, with the   on weekdays, and 12:00-3:00pm on Saturdays.
25% slower than a normal tennis ball. We focus         option to come 1-4 times per week. Practice           Week 1: 6/8-6/11           Week 6: 7/13- 7/16
on development of shot placement and control.          days are Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.      Week 2: 6/15-6/18          Week 7: 7/20-7/23
Some rallying introduced.                              To try out, attend a pre-comp practice and we         Week 3: 6/22-6/25          Week 8: 7/27-7/30
                                                       will place you in the appropriate team. For           Week 4: 6/29-7/2           Week 9: 8/3-8/6 (no class 8/5)
Yellow Ball (ages 10-18)
                                                       practice times, pricing, and more information,        Week 5: 7/6-7/9 (no class 6/8)
Thurs 5:30-6:30pm. For youth with consistent
experience playing tennis. Players use the             see                             Pricing
normal ball at this level, and are comfortable                                                             All classes are billed at the beginning of each session.
                                                                                                           Monthly price varies based on how many days are
rallying with an opponent. More advanced                                                                   in the session.
techniques are introduced to develop a student's                                                           Group Lessons: $20 CM, $30 SM/NM per day
overall tennis game. Mental aspects of the game
are also highlighted at this level.
                                                         Register for                                      Private Lessons: $35 CM, $45 SM/NM per day
                                                         swim lessons at:                                  Semi Private Lessons: $25 CM, $35 SM/NM per day
                                                                                                           Makeup Policy
                                                                            One makeup class is allowed per session. Makeups
                                                                                                           must be used in the same session and are based on
                                                                                                           class availability.

Youth                            CM Full Center Member SM Social Member NM Non-Member
                                 Register online at

 PARTIES                                                                    LOOKING FOR CHILDCARE?
 AT THE JCC                                                                 The JCC offers two options!
                                                                            Childcare Department Located near the JCC’s Fitness Center on the first
 Have your birthday at the JCC!                                             floor, the Childcare Department provides drop-in child care seven days a week
                                                                            while parents are using the fitness center or participating in JCC activities or
 Make a splash with a party in our heated                                   programs. It is available for children ages 6 weeks to 12 years old. Fees apply.
 outdoor pool, or host your celebration in                                  For prices and times, see For reservations call 408.357.7422.
 our super-fun Club J youth lounge.
                                                                            APJCC Preschool A fully licensed preschool program for children ages 18
 We take care of the details so you can                                     months to 5 years. This is not a drop-in program. For more information,
 relax and enjoy the day.                                                   see


 SPRING                                                                                        FAMILY SUNDAY
 BREAK CAMP                                                                                    SWIM DAYS
 April 6, 7, 8*, 10 & 13-17
 For Kids in Grades K-5                                                                        Sundays,12:00-3:00pm
 Join the JCC this spring break for youth sports, spring arts and                              from April through October
 crafts, jumpy houses, spring story time, baking treats, and fun                               The JCC offers Family Sunday Swim day every Sunday
 onsite entertainment. Each day has a fun and wacky theme. We’ll                               from April through October with three lanes dedicated
 do art, cooking, science and more. Choose the days that fit your                              to families and fun! Bring some food and stay for the
 schedule. Regular hours are 9:00am-4:00pm with extended care                                  afternoon. Open to all, bring your neighbors and friends!
 available. Questions: Contact or 408.357.7416.                                 Free for Full Center Members and Summer Members.
 *Camp is open until 12:30pm on April 8, and closed April 9 for Passover.                      Non-members $30 per family of 5.


Young Adults
                                                                                                                CM Full Center Member SM Social Member NM Non-Member
                                                                          (20s & 30s)                           Register online at

For information on Young Adult programs, event
locations, or any other questions, contact Maya
Jacobson at or 408.357.7423.
Monthly Shabbat Hike
One Saturday a month, location varies
Join us one Saturday a month for a Mindful
Shabbat Experience. There will be a hike with
meditation and Shabbat blessings at the midpoint.
We encourage people to leave their phones behind
or on airplane mode so we can all truly be present
during this Shabbat experience.

See our “Young Adults at the APJCC” Facebook
group for other upcoming events!

Adults                                             CM Full Center Member SM Social Member NM Non-Member
                                                   Register online at

All APJCC programming for older adults is made possible, in part, by a generous grant from the Myra Reinhard Family Foundation. Continued Learning programs for older adults
are made possible, in part, by the Corporate Alliance sponsorship of Los Gatos Memorial Park & Darling-Fischer. All Cultural Arts programs at the APJCC are made possible, in
part, by generous contributions from Doris & Rick z”l Davis and an anonymous donor.

Lip Reading                                                            AARP Smart Driver Course                                             Intermediate Mah Jongg
Learn to use visual, contextual and environmental                      The AARP Smart Driver course is the nation’s                         This class will focus on the 2020 Mah Jongg
cues, preserving hearing and optimizing hearing aid                    first and largest refresher course for drivers age                   Card. Learn best strategies and how to play for
performance. Class is divided into three groups by                     50 and older. Learn defensive driving techniques,                    winning results.
skill level. This class is offered in partnership with                 new traffic laws, and how to deal with aggressive                    Tue 4/14-5/5, 10:00am-12:00pm
Foothill College. More info:                       drivers. This course is classroom-based (there is                    CM/SM $36 NM $40
Mon, 4/6-6/22*                                                         no behind-the-wheel component).                                      San Jose Opera Guild Lectures
Beginning class 10:30am-12:00pm                                        Tue 4/21 & 4/28, 9:00am-1:30pm, CM/SM $20 NM $25
Advanced class 1:00-3:00pm                                             Tue 6/16, 9:00am-1:30pm, CM/SM $20 NM $25                            You’re invited to join San Jose Opera Guild for
Intermediate class 3:00-4:30pm                                         Tue 9/15, 9:00am-1:30pm, CM/SM $20 NM $25                            the following lecture in the APJCC Auditorium
CM/SM/NM free                                                          Make checks payable to AARP. Please note, the June and               from 10:00am-12:00pm. Admission $10. Free
*No class 5/25                                                         September classes are one-day refresher courses. You must            for Opera Guild and JCC members.
                                                                       have taken the 2-day, 8-hour course within the last 3 years to
 There is no charge for Lip Reading classes, but you must register
 for the class through Foothill College. For a registration package,   qualify for the refresher course. The April class is a 2-day class   More info:
 contact Julie Brown at or 650.949.7103.           for those who have not received a certificate before.                Wed 5/20, 10:00am-12:00pm: Ernani (Verdi).
                                                                                                                                            Speaker: Kip Cranna.
Watercolor                                                             Drop-in Game Rooms                                                   The San Jose Opera Guild Lecture Series and Preview
Learn to paint in watercolor from instructor                           Card tables are available in the JCC’s main lobby                    Performances are made possible, in part, by a gift from Judy
                                                                                                                                            & Warren Kaplan.
John Giannotti, president of the Los Gatos Art                         for your convenience, on a first-come-first-
Association and accomplished painter. Class size                       served basis. Activity rooms are also available for                  Music: A Reflection of History (ages 55+)
is limited to 10 serious students. More info:                          gameplay on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons                         Join instructor Jan Masters in a sight and sound                                                       from 12:30-3:00pm where you can play Mah Jongg,                      exploration of famous musical compositions
Mon 4/13-5/18*, 5:00-7:00pm                                            Canasta, Bridge, Chess, and more. Activity Room                      and the historical events that inspired their
CM/SM/NM $22/class or $108/series                                      play is free for JCC members; a $5 donation is                       composers, including Beethoven, Hayden,
*4/20 class starts at 5:30pm                                           requested from non-members. If you are interested                    Copland, and others. No prior musical history
                                                                       in playing in a regular Tuesday group, contact                       knowledge required. This class is provided in
Current Events                                               
Lively discussion of news of the week. Senior                                                                                               partnership with the Continuing Education
Moderator rotates weekly.                                              Beginning Mah Jongg                                                  Older Adults Program of West Valley College.
Every Tuesday, 10:15am-11:30am                                         Learn to play the game according to the rules                        Every Wednesday, ongoing*, 11:00am-12:30pm
                                                                                                                                            CM/SM/NM free
CM/SM/NM free                                                          of the National Mah Jongg League. We’ll teach                        *Spring classes are ongoing through 5/13. No class 4/1.
                                                                       you to identify the tiles, distinguish between suits,
                                                                       build and break a wall, complete the Charleston,
                                                                       and play a game.
Questions? Contact Cherie Ravel, Adults Director,                      Tue 5/19-6/23,10:00am-12:00pm
at 408.357.7462 or unless another                     CM/SM $54 NM $60
contact is specified in the class description.

Adults                                            CM Full Center Member SM Social Member NM Non-Member
                                                  Register online at

Art History: Masterpieces of the Ages (ages 55+)                              Creative Writing                                                      Silicon Valley Holocaust Survivors
Ever wonder what makes a painting or an artist                                Explore memoir, short story, or poetry writing in                     Association
into an icon of its time and culture? What is the                             a relaxed and friendly environment. All levels of                     The SVHSA meets monthly for a bagel brunch.
meaning behind the colorful surface of the painting                           experience are welcome, with no requirement to                        You don’t have to be a Holocaust survivor to
or the purpose of the sculpture? Instructor Jan                               write! Tell your stories, receive feedback (optional),                join this group. Everyone who is interested,
Masters will show some award-winning DVDs and                                 and join us for optional writing exercises and                        is welcome. A $5 donation is suggested and
share personal insights to enhance your experience                            discussion. This class is offered in partnership                      bringing food to share is always appreciated.
and appreciation of art. No previous art history                              with Foothill College.                                                Selected Sundays from 10:30am-1:00pm.
knowledge required. This class is provided in                                 Instructor is writer/artist Patty Myall.                              Upcoming dates are 3/8, 4/19, 5/17, 6/14, 7/12.
partnership with the Continuing Education Older                               Thu 4/23-6/25*, 2:00-3:30pm
Adults Program of West Valley College.                                        Thu 7/9-8/27, 2:00-3:30pm                                             Local Day Trips and Casino
Every Wednesday, ongoing*, 1:00pm-2:30pm                                       CM/SM/NM free**                                                      Excursions for seniors
CM/SM/NM free                                                                 *No class 5/28                                                        Adults are invited to join us for occasional day
*Spring classes are ongoing through 5/13. No class 4/1.                       **There is no charge for Creative Writing classes, but, you must      trips, casino excursions, and more. Check our
                                                                               register for the class. Please register with the instructor.
                                                                                                                                                    website for new adventures.
Wonders of the World (ages 55+)                                               Grandpals Shabbat (ages 55+)                                          More info:
Take a trip through time and place every week                                 Join us for storytelling, art, songs, and Shabbat
with instructor Jan Masters. Marvel at the natural                            with APJCC Preschoolers on selected Fridays
wonders of our amazing planet as well as incredible                           from 9:00am-10:30am during the school year.
marvels created by modern humans and our ancient
ancestors. A blend of archeology, anthropology,
                                                                              Upcoming dates are 3/13, 3/27, 4/3, 5/8 and                              Mah Jongg Meetup
                                                                              5/22. Free, but must sign up in advance
and nature travel around the globe and in various                             with                                                    Thursday, April 30, 1:00-4:00pm
eras. This class is provided in partnership with the
Continuing Education Older Adults Program of West                             Friday Shabbat Lunch (ages 55+)                                          April 30 is National Mah Jongg Day. Meet
Valley College.                                                               Our monthly lunches are a great way to close                             other Mah Jongg players at the JCC for an
Every Wednesday, ongoing*, 2:30-3:45pm                                        out your week. Following a healthy lunch you’ll                          afternoon of Mah Jongg. Play with the 2020
CM/SM/NM free                                                                 hear from specialists in their field on topics that                      card. Bring your group to play or meet new
*Spring classes are ongoing through 5/13. No class 4/1.                       will affect your life, or be entertained by local                        players and create a new Mahj group. We’ll
                                                                              performers. See the website for topics.                        even have a “meet up” board where you can
                                                                              RSVP to                                                leave your number if you’re looking for a
                                                                              Fri 4/24, 5/22, 7/24, 8/21, 12:00pm-2:00pm                               game. Admission $5, and FREE for JCC
                                                                              CM/SM $6 per lunch* NM $8.50 per lunch*                                  members. More info:
                                                                              *If you arrive for lunch without a reservation,
                                                                               the lunch cost is $10. There is no lunch in June.

        APJCC Corporate Alliance
       Thank you to our Corporate Alliance partners for their support of our community and our JCC.
       We hope you will consider patronizing their services. To learn more about how to become a Corporate Alliance partner, and receive
       promotional and branding benefits (while also supporting your community), please contact the Development Department at 408.357.7424.

              Premier                                 Executive                                                                       Director

              Bill Lister                            Vlad & Lilia Gorshteyn

                                                                                                    Neal H. Fearn

       Leader                                                                              Marina Salzman                             Pace Physical Therapy

                                                                                                                                                                          GYM DOCTORS™
                                                                                                                                                                          W W
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                                                                                                                                                                              W .. G
                                                                                                                                                                                   G YY M
                                                                                                                                                                                        M D
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                                                                                                                                                                                              C .. C
                                                                                                                                                                                                   C O
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                                                                                              Robert Chaykin

                                                              Thomas Cambrian Cleaners

Jewish Life & Learning                                                                                           CM Full Center Member SM Social Member NM Non-Member
                                                                                                                  Register online at

                                                                    Monthly Moms’ Circle - Connect Your                     Song and Spirit Nights:
    The Addison-Penzak JCC is proud to be a part                    Life to the Jewish Calendar                             Erev Nigun v’Neshamah
    of the Koret Initiative on Jewish Peoplehood. The               Join Rabbi Laurie Matzkin, our Mindful Jewish           These new gatherings are a time to celebrate
    JCC is also generously supported by the Taube                   Journeys Educator, for an exploration of the            and meditate through sharing music together.
    Foundation for Jewish Life & Culture, and by                    themes of the Jewish months and how their               Join our circle of song, using Hebrew words and
    the Jewish Federation of Silicon Valley and other               unique energies can help focus our personal             melodies that inspire us spiritually, with a pause
    generous supporters.                                            growth throughout the year. This framework for          between for breathing and quieting the mind.
                                                                    reflection and mindfulness is organized around          Some songs might be familiar and others fresh
    The Dianne Portnoy Endowment for Jewish                         the Jewish calendar but applies to women of all         and new. No experience necessary, just an open
    Life and Learning helps support Jewish Life and                 faiths. All moms are welcome. First session is free,    heart and willingness to open your voice. For
    Learning programs at the APJCC. Please consider                 then $10/session. This program is a partnership         more information or to register, contact Rabbi
    giving a generous gift today at               between the APJCC and the Jewish Federation of          Laurie Matzkin,
                                                                    Silicon Valley. More info:        Upcoming date: Thu 3/26 & Wed 5/20, 7:45pm at a
                                                                    Mon 3/9, 4/6, 5/11, 8:45-10:15am                        private location
                                                                    CM/NM/SM $10/session, first time free                   CM/SM/NM Free
                                                   Support Group for Parenting on the                                       Ongoing, Free Drop-in Classes
                                                   Special Needs Journey                                                    Classic Jewish Texts. Rabbi Joey Felsen of the
                                                   Parenting    can be joyful, stressful, uplifting and                     Jewish Study Network guides you through the
                                                   frustrating - all in one day (hour?!). The journey
                                      OF SILICON VALLEY
                                                                                                                            early rabbinic masterpiece Pirkei Avot, along with
                                                   to, through, and beyond a special needs diagnosis                        Maimonides’ commentary on the text. No Hebrew
                                                   can make the parenting experience all the more                           necessary. Every Tuesday, 9:30-11:00am.
Cultivating Equanimity: A Jewish                   intense. Join an intimate circle of parents on the
Meditation and Yoga Retreat                                                                                                 Russian Language Torah Study. Meet to discuss
                                                   first Monday evening of the month for sharing,                           the weekly Torah portion with Rabbi Ilana Baird.
Friday, April 17, 4:30 pm-Sunday, April 19, 1:30pm
                                                   listening, and supporting each other with practical                      All discussion is in Russian. Every Tuesday,
At Land of Medicine Buddha in Soquel, California
                                                   advice. For parents of preschool and early-                              10:00-11:30am.
Enjoy a Shabbat weekend in the Santa Cruz elementary aged children with any diagnosis.
Mountains and develop tools for cultivating Facilitated by Rabbi Laurie Matzkin, JCC Mindful                                Duties of the Heart. Drop in to study Duties of the
equanimity through meditation and yoga infused Jewish Journeys Educator. Jewish wisdom will                                 Heart, a guide to developing one’s inner spiritual life,
with Jewish wisdom teachings, nature, periods of be used as a framework for discussion prompts;                             written by eleventh century rabbi and philosopher,
silence, and practice in a supportive community. however no Jewish background or affiliation is                             Bachya ibn Pakuda. No experience or specialized
This retreat is co-offered by Shalem—the Jewish necessary. Co-sponsored by the JCC and Parents                              knowledge necessary. With Rabbi Hugh Seid-
Wellness Initiative of the Peninsula JCC, Embodied                                                                          Valencia. Every Wednesday, 9:00-10:30am.
Jewish Learning, the Addison-Penzak JCC, and Mon   Helping Parents.
                                                        4/6, 5/4, 6/1, 7:45-9:00pm                                          Wellbeing Walks. Are you interested in
the Oshman Family JCC. With Rabbi Lavey Derby, CM/SM/NM Free                                                                developing tools for mind/body/spirit self-care?
Julie Emden, Rabbi Hugh Seid-Valencia, Rabbi                                                                                Join Rabbi Hugh, the JCC’s Director of Community
Laurie Matzkin, Tracey Green, Scott Green, and                                                                              Engagement, for monthly wellbeing walks. We
more. Register at                                                                                            will meet in the main lobby, investigate how the
Melton Scholars: Social Justice: 		                                                                                         JCC’s value of the month might inspire wise action
The Heart of Judaism in 			                                                                                                 through brief text study and intention setting,
Theory and Practice                                                                                                         walk together to the Los Gatos Creek, practice
This course draws from text and history to explore                                                                          a brief meditative exercise in a beautiful setting,
how social justice work goes beyond addressing                                                                              and return to the JCC for a closing reflection. First
short-term needs, and looks at structural causes                                                                            Wednesday of every month, 11:00am. Please dress
of injustice today. Taught by Rabbi Hugh Seid-                                                                              comfortably and wear your preferred walking
Valencia, the APJCC’s Director of Community                                                                                 shoes.This program is free. No need to register,
Engagement, and Diane Fisher, Director of the                                                                               just drop in.
Jewish Community Relations Council of the
Jewish Federation. Register at
Mon 2/24-6/1, 7:00-8:30 pm*                                                                                                SILICON
(class has already started, but you can still sign up)
CM/SM/NM $250**

*no class 3/9, 3/30, 4/20, 4/27, 5/25 **Plus cost of class reader

                                                                                                                           TO ISRAEL
                                                                                                                           June 22-July 2, 2020
                                                                                                                           Organized by the Oshman Family JCC in Palo
                                                                                                                           Alto, in partnership with the Addison-Penzak
                                                                                                                           JCC. Deadline to sign up is early April. More
 Questions? Contact the JCC’s Jewish Life
 Department at or 408.357.7423,
 unless otherwise specified in the class description.

The JCC is looking for host families for our next pair of shinshiniot,
Israeli volunteers in their late teens who are spending a year doing
community work at the JCC and other South Bay organizations. If
you’re only available to host for a shorter time period, or just want to
invite the shinshiniot for Shabbat dinner, that’s possible too.
For details, contact Maya Jacobson at

                         Thank you to this advertiser for supporting the publication of the JCC’s Spring/Summer Program Guide 2020.

Jewish Life & Learning                                                                                                                    CM Full Center Member SM Social Member NM Non-Member
                                                                                                                                          Register online at


 JEWISH PROGRAMS                                                                                                            HEBREW-SPEAKING
 AT THE JCC                                                                                                                 Celebrate Israeli culture and explore what it means to be an Israeli
     Join Rabbi Ilana for a variety of programs for Russian-speaking Jews, including
     programs for children, family holiday programs, lectures, guest speakers, Shabbat
                                                                                                                            Jew living outside of Israel. Programs include holiday celebrations,
     celebrations, cultural club: book and film presentations, Jewish performances and                                      children's programs, sing-alongs, theater performances, and more.
     concerts, and much more!                                                                                               Upcoming programs in Hebrew include a Mimouna party on April 19,
                                                                                                                            our annual Eurovision screening on May 16, and more.
     Информация по электронной почте                                                                                        More info:
     Или по телефону 408.357.7528                                                                                           The JCC is also home to the Los Gatos branch of Beged Kefet,
     Присоединяйтесь к нашей группе на Facebook                                                                             the Hebrew language after-school program for students in
     Follow us on Facebook!                                                                                                 kindergarten through high school. We offer multiple-level high school                                                                                          classes. Students who take these classes are eligible for credit towards
                                                                                                                            the high school foreign language requirement and prepare for the SAT
 Russian-Speaking Jewish programs at the APJCC are supported by The Jewish Education Project, with generous funding
 from the Genesis Philanthropy Group; Jewish Peoplehood Initiative support by Koret Foundation, Taube Foundation for
                                                                                                                            II in Hebrew. Our Beged Kefet High School open house is March 18,
 Jewish Life & Culture, and the Jewish Federation of Silicon Valley; Gibor (Hero) support by Eugene Fooksman; Halutz        7:30-9:00pm. More info: Yael Karmi at
 (Pioneer) by an Anonymous Donor, Vlad & Lilia & Gorshteyn/All Seasons Roofing & Waterproofing, Valeria Simets &
 Leonid Rabinovich, and Lisa & Nate Stein; Gomel Chesed (Benefactor) by Irene Karbelashvili/All Access Law Group, and
 Anna Slutsky/Alain Pinel Realtors; Manheig (Leader) by Marina Salzman/Encore Travel; and Tomech (Sustainer) by Rabbi       To sign up for the Israeli Programs monthly e-newsletter, contact Shavit Levinson
 Ilana and David Baird, Liya & Robert Butin, Felix & Irene Sukhovitsky, and Veksler Academy of Music & Dance.               at More info about upcoming programs:

                                                                                                                                           THE DUOMO
                                                                                                                                           AND THE
                                                                                                                                           Saturday, March 21, 6:30pm
                                                                                                                                           An evening of Jewish & Florentine
                                                                                                                                           architecture, culture, music, & food
                                                                                                                                           More information:

Arts & Culture                                                                CM Full Center Member SM Social Member NM Non-Member
                                                                              Register online at

                                                       Events                                                   Playback Theater:
                                                       The Duomo and				                                        Humans of Jerusalem
                                                       the Great Synagogue                                      Thursday, May 14, 7:30pm
                                                       Saturday, March 21, 6:30-9:30pm                          With Jerusalem Day as the backdrop, we invite
                                                       An evening of Jewish and Florentine                      you to share -- or learn -- about this one-of-a-
                                                       architecture, culture, music, and food. Informal         kind city through a unique experience. The San
                                                       talks about the history and architecture of              Francisco Playback improv theater troupe will
                                                       two of Florence, Italy’s grandest and most               create a space where people can share stories
                                                       iconic structures — the Santa Maria del                  about daily life in Jerusalem, an intense place of
                                                       Fiore Cathedral (the Duomo) and the Great                faith, love, fear and hope. The actors will bring
                                                       Synagogue — by Ross King, author of the                  stories of Jerusalem to life on stage, right before
                                                       national bestseller Brunelleschi’s Dome, and noted       your eyes, using music, movement, ritual and
                                                       scholar Professor Francesco Spagnolo, Curator            spoken improvisation. Come to share your own
                                                       of The Magnes Collection of Jewish Art and               story or just listen to those of others. Sharing
                                                       Life at UC Berkeley. Q&A session moderated               your story is optional and all stories are welcome.
                                                       by Gail Price, former Executive Director of The          SF Playback Theater builds communities based
                                                       American Institute of Architects Santa Clara             on empathy. In a fast-paced, disconnected world,
                                                       Valley Chapter. The San Jose Chamber players             we honor the power and wisdom of listening
                                                       with Cantor Sharon Bernstein presenting both             to real life stories. Recommended for age 13+
                                                       Jewish and Italian songs. Italian appetizers and         The event is in partnership with WZO-DDA.
Distinguished Speaker Series                                                                                    CM/NM/SM $20 advance registration, $25
                                                       ice cream.
Esther Wojcicki                                        Tickets:                              general admission. Tickets:
Monday, March 30, 7:30-9:00pm                          • General admission $40
Known as “the Godmother of Silicon Valley,”                                                                     Exhibitions
                                                       • Students $15
Wojcicki is a legendary teacher and the                                                                         The APJCC's Teitelbaum Family Center for the Arts
                                                       • VIP tickets $100
mother of two Silicon Valley CEOs and a                                                                         presents rotating exhibitions that explore Jewish
                                                       General admission tickets will also be                   culture, values and our community at large by
college professor. She shares her answer to            available for $45 at the door.
the million-dollar question: How can we                                                                         showcasing a wide variety of mediums. Exhibits
raise successful children? Her talk will be            Open Rehearsal: 			                                      are displayed on the second floor of the APJCC, and
moderated by local parenting mentor Ifat               Los Gatos Saratoga Big Band                              are free of charge and open to the public.
Matzner Herooti, PhD. At the end of the                Wednesday May 6, 8:00-9:00pm
                                                                                                                Santa Clara Valley Watercolor
evening Wojcicki will autograph copies of              Back by popular demand, this free rehearsal/             Society: 20/20 Visions of Art
her book, How to Raise Successful People: Simple       concert with the Los Gatos Saratoga Big Band             February 20-April 20
Lessons for Radical Results.                           will get you in the mood to dance! Drop in to            The show features artworks created by SCVWS
CM/NM/SM $25 (includes a copy of the book), or         enjoy the classics performed by an accomplished,         members from beginners to professionalsIn the
$30 at the door.                                       adult 17 piece big band. LGS Big Band has                JCC’s 2nd floor art gallery hall. Free. Please join
Tickets:                                 played at Santana Row Main Stage, San Jose               us on Sunday, March 15 from 4:00-6:00pm for
                                                       Jazz Festival, Saddle Rack and more. All ages            a complimentary reception.
Etgar Keret                                            are welcome. Recommended $5 donation at the
Sunday May 17, 7:30-9:00pm                             door to support Arts and Culture programs at             APJCC Preschool Art Show
“There’s only one thing Keret is incapable of doing    the JCC. Light refreshments will be served.              April 24-May 10
with a story: writing one that’s boring”.                                                                       This show features unique creations from each
– Guardian                                             San Jose Opera Guild                                     classroom at the APJCC's very own preschool!
Internationally acclaimed Israeli writer and           You’re invited to join San Jose Opera Guild for          View collaborative work from children ages 18
filmmaker Etgar Keret discusses Fly Already,           the following lecture in the APJCC Auditorium            months through 5 years old as they develop and
his Sapir Prize-winning collection of quirky           from 10:00am-12:00pm. Admission $10. Free                deepen their understanding of colors, textures,
short stories, and the French television mini-         for Opera Guild and JCC members.                         media, and creativity. In the JCC's 2nd floor art
series “The Real Estate Agent,” created with           More info:                               gallery hall. Free. Please join us Sunday, April 26
his wife, Shira Geffen. Keret is known for his         Wed 5/20, 10:00am-12:00pm: Ernani (Verdi).               from 12:30-2pm for a complimentary reception.
absurd, sad, funny, very short stories, as well as     Speaker: Kip Cranna.
                                                                                                                Jerusalem: Art and Mystery
for his graphic novels and screenwriting. His          The San Jose Opera Guild Lecture Series and              May 12-July 15
previous books include Suddenly, a Knock at the        Preview Performances are made possible, in part,
                                                                                                                An exceptional, award-winning exhibition
Door; The Bus Driver Who Wanted to Be God; The         by a gift from Judy & Warren Kaplan.
                                                                                                                about Jerusalem. The photos present the
Nimrod Flipout; and many more.                                                                                  importance of Israel’s capital for the people of
CM/NM/SM $20.                                                                                                   the three monotheistic religions, in an artistic
Tickets and a list of other community events                                                                    and unique way. The exhibit depicts the daily
related to Keret:                                                                               life and pluralism of Jerusalem.
                                                       Questions? Contact                        Join us on May 14 at 6:00pm for a free walk and
                                                       or 408.357.7492.                                         talk through the exhibit.

Art exhibitions are made possible, in part, by a gift from Cookie Addison and Family. All Cultural Arts programs are made possible, in part, by generous contributions
from Doris & Rick z”l Davis and an anonymous donor.
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